window.defaultStatus = ""; //get reference object for popup function getRefToDivMod( divID, oDoc ) { if( !oDoc ) { oDoc = document; } if( document.layers ) { if( oDoc.layers[divID] ) { return oDoc.layers[divID]; } else { for( var x = 0, y; !y && x < oDoc.layers.length; x++ ) { y = getRefToDivMod(divID,oDoc.layers[x].document); } return y; } } if( document.getElementById ) { return oDoc.getElementById(divID); } if( document.all ) { return oDoc.all[divID]; } return document[divID]; } //resize method for popup window (resize to fit contents) function resizeWinTo() { if( !document.images.length ) { document.images[0] = document.layers[0].images[0]; } if( !document.images[0].height || window.doneAlready ) { return false; } //in case images are disabled var oH = getRefToDivMod( 'myID' ); if( !oH ) { return false; } var oW = oH.clip ? oH.clip.width : oH.offsetWidth; var oH = oH.clip ? oH.clip.height : oH.offsetHeight; if( !oH ) { return false; } if( !oH || window.doneAlready ) { return false; } //in case images are disabled window.doneAlready = true; //for Safari and Opera /*//no idea why this is in here if(document.getElementsByTagName) { for( var l = document.getElementsByTagName(\'a\'), x = 0; l[x]; x++ ) { if(l[x].className==\'makeright\'&&!l[x].style.position){ l[x].style.position=\'relative\'; l[x].style.left=(document.images[0].width-(l[x].offsetWidth+l[x].offsetLeft))+\'px\'; }}} */ var x = window; x.resizeTo( oW + 200, oH + 200 ); var myW = 0, myH = 0, d = x.document.documentElement, b = x.document.body; if( x.innerWidth ) { myW = x.innerWidth; myH = x.innerHeight; } else if( d && d.clientWidth ) { myW = d.clientWidth; myH = d.clientHeight; } else if( b && b.clientWidth ) { myW = b.clientWidth; myH = b.clientHeight; } if( window.opera && !document.childNodes ) { myW += 16; } x.resizeTo( oW = oW + ( ( oW + 200 ) - myW ), oH = oH + ( (oH + 200 ) - myH ) ); //three lines to center the popup on the screen //'var scW = screen.availWidth ? screen.availWidth : screen.width; //'var scH = screen.availHeight ? screen.availHeight : screen.height; //'if( !window.opera ) { x.moveTo(Math.round((scW-oW)/2),Math.round((scH-oH)/2)); } return false; } //open popup with image and text function openPerfectPopup(oSrc, oWidth, oTitle, oText){ //the first two should be small for Opera's sake PositionX = 20; PositionY = 20; defaultWidth = 600; defaultHeight = 400; var AutoClose = ''; var oW1 = oWidth+30; var oContent var buttonclose = ""; oContent = "
oContent += " | |
"+oText+" | |
"+buttonclose+" |