parent = $parent; } function getListData() { $list_caption = $this->parent->settings['caption']; $list_display = ($this->parent->settings['open'] ? "" : "none"); $bullet = $this->parent->getBullet($this->parent->settings['icon']); if($this->parent->mode == 'new_page' || $this->parent->mode == 'new_menu' ) { $lvisit = $this->parent->getlvisit(); $qry = " SELECT tp.thread_name AS parent_name, tp.thread_id as parent_id, f.forum_id, f.forum_name, f.forum_class, u.user_name, lp.user_name AS lp_name, t.thread_thread, t.thread_id, t.thread_views as tviews, t.thread_name, tp.thread_parent, t.thread_datestamp, t.thread_user, tp.thread_views, tp.thread_lastpost, tp.thread_lastuser, tp.thread_total_replies FROM #forum_t AS t LEFT JOIN #forum_t AS tp ON t.thread_parent = tp.thread_id LEFT JOIN #forum AS f ON f.forum_id = t.thread_forum_id LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON t.thread_user = u.user_id LEFT JOIN #user AS lp ON tp.thread_lastuser = lp.user_id WHERE f.forum_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND t.thread_datestamp > $lvisit ORDER BY t.thread_datestamp DESC LIMIT 0,".intval($this->parent->settings['amount']); } else { $qry = " SELECT t.thread_id, t.thread_name AS parent_name, t.thread_datestamp, t.thread_user, t.thread_views, t.thread_lastpost, t.thread_lastuser, t.thread_total_replies, f.forum_id, f.forum_name, f.forum_class, u.user_name, lp.user_name AS lp_name FROM #forum_t AS t LEFT JOIN #forum AS f ON f.forum_id = t.thread_forum_id LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON t.thread_user = u.user_id LEFT JOIN #user AS lp ON t.thread_lastuser = lp.user_id WHERE t.thread_parent=0 AND f.forum_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' ORDER BY t.thread_lastpost DESC LIMIT 0,".intval($this->parent->settings['amount']); } if(!$results = $this->parent->e107->sql->db_Select_gen($qry)) { $list_data = LIST_FORUM_2; } else { $forumArray = $this->parent->e107->sql->db_getList(); $path = e_PLUGIN."forum/"; foreach($forumArray as $forumInfo) { extract($forumInfo); $record = array(); //last user $r_id = substr($thread_lastuser, 0, strpos($thread_lastuser, ".")); $r_name = substr($thread_lastuser, (strpos($thread_lastuser, ".")+1)); if (strstr($thread_lastuser, chr(1))) { $tmp = explode(chr(1), $thread_lastuser); $r_name = $tmp[0]; } $thread_lastuser = $r_id; //user $u_id = substr($thread_user, 0, strpos($thread_user, ".")); $u_name = substr($thread_user, (strpos($thread_user, ".")+1)); $thread_user = $u_id; if (isset($thread_anon)) { $tmp = explode(chr(1), $thread_anon); $thread_user = $tmp[0]; $thread_user_ip = $tmp[1]; } $gen = new convert; $r_datestamp = $gen->convert_date($thread_lastpost, "short"); if($thread_total_replies) { $LASTPOST = ""; if($lp_name) { $LASTPOST = "$lp_name"; } else { if($thread_lastuser{0} == "0") { $LASTPOST = substr($thread_lastuser, 2); } else { //$LASTPOST = NFPM_L16; } } $LASTPOST .= " ".LIST_FORUM_6." $r_datestamp"; } else { $LASTPOST = " - "; $LASTPOSTDATE = ''; } if($parent_name == '') { $parent_name = $thread_name; } $rowheading = $this->parent->parse_heading($parent_name); $lnk = ($parent_id ? $thread_id.".post" : $thread_id); $record['heading'] = "".$rowheading.""; $record['author'] = ($this->parent->settings['author'] ? ($thread_anon ? $thread_user : "$user_name") : ""); $record['category'] = ($this->parent->settings['category'] ? "$forum_name" : ""); $record['date'] = ($this->parent->settings['date'] ? $this->parent->getListDate($thread_datestamp) : ""); $record['icon'] = $bullet; $VIEWS = $thread_views; $REPLIES = $thread_total_replies; if($thread_total_replies) { $record['info'] = "[ ".LIST_FORUM_3." ".$VIEWS.", ".LIST_FORUM_4." ".$REPLIES.", ".LIST_FORUM_5." ".$LASTPOST." ]"; } else { $record['info'] = "[ ".LIST_FORUM_3." ".intval($tviews)." ]"; } $list_data[] = $record; } } //return array with 'records', (global)'caption', 'display' return array( 'records'=>$list_data, 'caption'=>$list_caption, 'display'=>$list_display ); } } ?>