_fieldTypes); $this->_tab = array($this->_tab_default => 'Additional'); } public function getFieldTypes() { return $this->_fieldTypes; } public function getTabId() { return $this->_tab_default; } public function getTabLabel() { return $this->_tab[$this->_tab_default]; } /** * Load the configuration for all custom fields * @param string $data - json custom-field configuration data. * @return $this */ public function loadConfig($data) { if(empty($data)) { return $this; } if(is_array($data)) { $this->_config = $data; return $this; } $tp = e107::getParser(); if($arr = $tp->isJSON($data)) { if(!empty($arr['__tabs__'])) { $this->_tab = $arr['__tabs__']; unset($arr['__tabs__']); } $this->_config = $arr; } // e107::getDebug()->log($this->_config); return $this; } /** * Load a set of custom-field data for the current configuration. * @param string $data json custom-field form data. * @return $this */ public function loadData($data) { $this->_data = e107::unserialize($data); // e107::getDebug()->log($this->_data); return $this; } public function getConfig() { return $this->_config; } public function getData() { return $this->_data; } public function setTab($key, $label) { $this->_tab = array((string) $key => (string) $label); return $this; } public function getFieldValue($key, $parm=array()) { $tp = e107::getParser(); $value = $this->_data[$key]; $raw = (!empty($parm['mode']) && $parm['mode'] === 'raw') ? true : false; $type = (!empty($parm['type'])) ? $parm['type'] : null; $fieldType = $this->_config[$key]['type']; if($value === null) { return null; } switch($fieldType) { case 'dropdown': case 'checkboxes': case 'radio': $ret = ($raw) ? $value : e107::getForm()->renderValue($key,$value,$this->_config[$key]); break; case 'video': if(empty($value)) { $ret = null; } else { $ret = ($raw) ? 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v='.str_replace('.youtube', '', $value) : $tp->toVideo($value); } break; case 'image': $ret = ($raw) ? $tp->thumbUrl($value,$parm) : $tp->toImage($value,$parm); break; case 'icon': $ret = ($raw) ? str_replace('.glyph', '', $value) : $tp->toIcon($value); break; case 'country': $ret = ($raw) ? $value : e107::getForm()->getCountry($value); break; case 'tags': $ret = ($raw) ? $value : $tp->toLabel($value,$type); break; case 'lanlist': case 'language': $ret = ($raw) ? $value : e107::getLanguage()->convert($value); break; case 'datestamp': $ret = ($raw) ? $value : $tp->toDate($value); break; case 'file': if(empty($value)) { $ret = null; } else { $ret = ($raw) ? $tp->toFile($value, array('raw'=>1)) : $tp->toFile($value); } break; case 'url': case 'email': $ret = ($raw) ? $value : $tp->toHTML($value); break; case 'user': $ret = ($raw) ? $value : e107::getSystemUser($value,true)->getName(); break; case 'userclass': $ret = ($raw) ? $value : e107::getUserClass()->getName($value); break; case 'progressbar': if($raw) { $ret = (strpos($value, '/') === false) ? $value.'%' : $value; } else { $ret = e107::getForm()->progressBar($key,$value,$this->_config[$key]); } break; case 'textarea': case 'bbarea': $ret = $tp->toHTML($value, true, 'BODY'); break; case 'boolean': if($raw) { return $value; } else { $ret = empty($value) ? $tp->toGlyph('fa-times') : $tp->toGlyph('fa-check'); } break; case 'checkbox': if($raw) { $ret = $value; } elseif(is_numeric($value)) { $ret = empty($value) ? $tp->toGlyph('fa-times') : $tp->toGlyph('fa-check'); } else { $ret = $value; } break; default: $ret = $tp->toHTML($value); } return $ret; } public function renderTest() { $text = ''; foreach($this->_data as $ok=>$v) { $text .= ''; } $text .= '
{CPAGEFIELD: name=x}
{CPAGEFIELD: name=x&mode=raw}
' .$ok. '' .$this->getFieldTitle($ok). '' .$this->getFieldValue($ok). '' .$this->getFieldValue($ok, array('mode' =>'raw')). '
'; return $text; } public function getFieldTitle($key) { if(!empty($this->_config[$key]['title'])) { return $this->_config[$key]['title']; } return null; } public function renderConfigForm($name) { $frm = e107::getForm(); $curVal = $this->_config; $value = array(); if(!empty($curVal)) { $i = 0; foreach($curVal as $k=>$v) { $v['key'] = $k; $value[$i] = $v; $i++; } } $text = "
".$frm->text('__e_customfields_tabs__', $this->_tab[$this->_tab_default], 30, array('placeholder' => 'Tab label', 'size' =>'medium', 'required' =>1))."
'; for($i = 0; $i <= $this->_field_limit; $i++) { $writeParms = array( // 'class' => 'form-control', 'useValues' => 1, 'default' => 'blank', 'data-src' => e_REQUEST_URI, ); $parmsWriteParms = array( 'size' => 'block-level', 'placeholder' => isset($value[$i]['type']) ? $this->getCustomFieldPlaceholder($value[$i]['type']) : '', ); $fieldName = $frm->text($name . '[' . $i . '][key]', varset($value[$i]['key']), 30, array('pattern' => '^[a-z0-9-]*')); $fieldTitle = $frm->text($name . '[' . $i . '][title]', varset($value[$i]['title']), 80); $fieldType = $frm->select($name . '[' . $i . '][type]', $this->getFieldTypes(), varset($value[$i]['type']), $writeParms); $fieldParms = $frm->text($name . '[' . $i . '][writeParms]', varset($value[$i]['writeParms']), 255, $parmsWriteParms); $fieldHelp = $frm->text($name . '[' . $i . '][help]', varset($value[$i]['help']), 255, array('size' => 'block-level')); $text .= ''; } $text .= '
' . $fieldName . '' . $fieldTitle . '' . $fieldType . '' . $fieldParms . '' . $fieldHelp . '
'; return $text; } /** * @param $type * @return null|string */ private function getCustomFieldPlaceholder($type) { switch($type) { case 'radio': case 'dropdown': case 'checkboxes': return 'eg. { "optArray": { "blue": "Blue", "green": "Green", "red": "Red" }, "default": "blank" }'; break; case 'datestamp': return 'eg. (Optional) { "format": "yyyy-mm-dd" }'; break; default: } return null; } /** * * @param $fieldName * @param e_admin_ui $ui * @return $this */ public function setAdminUIConfig($fieldName, e_admin_ui &$ui) { $fields = array(); $tabKey = key($this->_tab); $ui->addTab($tabKey, $this->_tab[$tabKey]); foreach($this->_config as $key=>$fld) { $fld['tab'] = $tabKey; $fld['data'] = false; if($fld['type'] === 'icon') { $fld['writeParms'] .= '&glyphs=1'; } if($fld['type'] === 'checkboxes') { if($tmp = e107::getParser()->isJSON($fld['writeParms'])) { $fld['writeParms'] = $tmp; } $fld['writeParms']['useKeyValues'] = 1; } $fields[$fieldName.'__'.$key] = $fld; } $ui->setFieldAttr($fields); return $this; } /** * @param $fieldname * @param e_admin_ui $ui * @return $this */ public function setAdminUIData($fieldname, e_admin_ui &$ui) { $ui->getModel()->set($fieldname, null); $tp = e107::getParser(); foreach($this->_data as $key=>$value) { $ui->getModel()->set($fieldname.'__'.$key, $tp->toDB($value)); // e107::getDebug()->log($fieldname.'__'.$key.": ".$value); } return $this; } /** * Process Posted form data and compiled Configuration Form data if found. * @param string $fieldname * @param array $postData all posted data. * @return array */ public function processConfigPost($fieldname, $postData) { if(empty($postData[$fieldname])) { return $postData; } $new = array(); if(!empty($postData['__e_customfields_tabs__'])) { $new['__tabs__'] = array($this->_tab_default => $postData['__e_customfields_tabs__']); unset($postData['__e_customfields_tabs__']); } foreach($postData[$fieldname] as $fields) { if(empty($fields['key']) || empty($fields['type'])) { continue; } $key = $fields['key']; unset($fields['key']); $new[$key] = $fields; } $postData[$fieldname] = empty($new) ? null : $new; return $postData; } /** * Process all posted data and compile into a single field array. * @param $fieldname * @param $new_data * @return null * @internal param array $newdata - all posted data. */ public function processDataPost($fieldname, $new_data) { if(empty($new_data)) { return null; } unset($new_data[$fieldname]); // Reset. $len = strlen($fieldname); foreach($new_data as $k=>$v) { if(substr($k,0,$len) === $fieldname) { list($tmp,$newkey) = explode('__',$k); $new_data[$fieldname][$newkey] = $v; unset($new_data[$k]); } } // if(empty($new_data[$fieldname])) // { // $new_data[$fieldname] = array(); // } return $new_data; } }