'page_title' => '',
'page_sef' => '',
'page_metakeys' => '',
'page_metadscr' => '',
'page_text' => '',
'page_author' => USERID,
'page_datestamp' => '',
'page_rating_flag' => '0',
'page_comment_flag' => '0',
'page_password' => '',
'page_class' => '0',
'page_ip_restrict' => '',
'menu_name' => '',
'page_template' => 'default'
// Fields which must be set up by the caller.
var $mandatory = array(
'page_title', 'page_datestamp', 'page_author', 'page_text'
// Constructor
function __construct()
$this->pageDB = e107::getDb('page'); // Have our own database object to write to the table
// Empty the DB - not necessary
function emptyTargetDB($inc_admin = FALSE)
// Set a new default for a particular field
function overrideDefault($key, $value)
// echo "Override: {$key} => {$value}
if (!isset($this->defaults[$key])) return FALSE;
$this->defaults[$key] = $value;
// Returns an array with all relevant fields set to the current default
function getDefaults()
return $this->defaults;
* Insert data into e107 DB
* @param row - array of table data
* @return integer, boolean - error code on failure, TRUE on success
function saveData($row)
if(!$result = $this->pageDB->insert('page',$row))
return 4;
//if ($result === FALSE) return 6;
return TRUE;
function getErrorText($errnum) // these errors are presumptuous and misleading. especially '4' .
return $this->pageDB->getLastErrorText();
class pagechapter_import
var $pageDB = null;
var $blockMainAdmin = true;
var $error;
var $defaults = array(
'chapter_id' => '',
'chapter_parent' => 1,
'chapter_name' => '',
'chapter_sef' => '',
'chapter_meta_description' => '',
'chapter_meta_keywords' => '',
'chapter_manager' => e_UC_ADMIN,
'chapter_icon' => '',
'chapter_order' => 0,
'chapter_template' => 'default',
'chapter_visibility' => 0,
'chapter_fields' => null
// Fields which must be set up by the caller.
var $mandatory = array(
// Constructor
function __construct()
$this->pageDB = e107::getDb('pagechapter'); // Have our own database object to write to the table
// Empty the DB
function emptyTargetDB($inc_admin = FALSE)
$insert = array(
'chapter_id' => '1',
'chapter_parent' => '0',
'chapter_name' => 'General',
'chapter_sef' => 'general',
'chapter_meta_description' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et tempor odio. Quisque volutpat lorem nec lectus congue suscipit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam odio nisi, egestas vitae amet.',
'chapter_meta_keywords' => '',
'chapter_manager' => '0',
'chapter_icon' => '',
'chapter_order' => '0',
'chapter_template' => 'default',
'chapter_visibility' => '0',
'chapter_fields' => null
$this->pageDB->insert('page_chapters',$insert); // insert a default book.
// Set a new default for a particular field
function overrideDefault($key, $value)
// echo "Override: {$key} => {$value}
if (!isset($this->defaults[$key])) return FALSE;
$this->defaults[$key] = $value;
// Returns an array with all relevant fields set to the current default
function getDefaults()
return $this->defaults;
* Insert data into e107 DB
* @param row - array of table data
* @return integer, boolean - error code on failure, TRUE on success
function saveData($row)
return 3;
if(!$result = $this->pageDB->insert('page_chapters',$row))
return 4;
//if ($result === FALSE) return 6;
return true;
function getErrorText($errnum) // these errors are presumptuous and misleading. especially '4' .
$errorTexts = array(
0 => 'No error',
1 => 'Can\'t change main admin data',
2 => 'invalid field passed',
3 => 'Mandatory field not set',
4 => 'Entry already exists',
5 => 'Invalid characters in user or login name',
6 => 'Error saving extended user fields'
if (isset($errorTexts[$errnum])) return $errorTexts[$errnum];
return $this->pageDB->getLastErrorText();