validFeedList = FALSE; $this->newsList = array(); $this->feedList = array(); $this->feedIcon = array(); $this->lastProcessed = 0; $this->truncateCount = 150; // Set a pref for these two later $this->truncateMore = '...'; $this->useCache = true; // e107::getCache()->UserCacheActive; // Have our own local copy - should be faster to access } // Ensures the feed list is loaded - uses cache if available function readFeedList($force=FALSE) { $sql = e107::getDb(); if ($this->validFeedList && !$force) { return; // Already got list } if($this->useCache) // Cache enabled - try to read from that first { if (!$force && $temp = e107::getCache()->retrieve(NEWSFEED_LIST_CACHE_TAG)) { $this->feedList = e107::unserialize($temp); return; } } $fieldList = '*'; if ($this->useCache) { // Get all fields except the actual news $fieldList = 'newsfeed_id, newsfeed_name, newsfeed_url, newsfeed_timestamp, newsfeed_description, newsfeed_image, newsfeed_active, newsfeed_updateint'; } if ($sql->select("newsfeed", $fieldList, '`newsfeed_active` > 0')) // Read in all the newsfeed info on the first go { while ($row = $sql->fetch()) { $nfID = $row['newsfeed_id']; if (!empty($row['newsfeed_data'])) { $this->newsList[$nfID]['newsfeed_data'] = $row['newsfeed_data']; // Pull out the actual news - might as well since we're here unset($row['newsfeed_data']); // Don't keep this in memory twice! } $this->newsList[$nfID]['newsfeed_timestamp'] = $row['newsfeed_timestamp']; $this->feedList[$nfID] = $row; // Put the rest into the feed data } $this->validFeedList = TRUE; } if ($this->useCache) // Cache enabled - we need to save some updated info { $temp = e107::serialize($this->feedList, FALSE); e107::getCache()->set(NEWSFEED_LIST_CACHE_TAG,$temp); } } // Returns the info for a single feed - from cache or memory as appropriate. If time expired, updates the feed. function getFeed($feedID, $force = FALSE) { $tp = e107::getParser(); $sql = e107::getDb(); $this->readFeedList(); // Make sure we've got the feed data. if (!isset($this->feedList[$feedID])) { if (NEWSFEED_DEBUG) echo "Invalid feed number: {$feedID}
"; return FALSE; } $maxAge = ($this->feedList[$feedID]['newsfeed_updateint']/60); if($maxAge < 1){ $maxAge = 1; } // e107::getDebug()->log("NewsFeed #".$feedID." MaxAge: ".$maxAge); $cachedData = e107::getCache()->retrieve(NEWSFEED_NEWS_CACHE_TAG.$feedID,$maxAge, true); if(empty($this->newsList[$feedID]['newsfeed_timestamp']) || empty($cachedData) || strpos($this->newsList[$feedID]['newsfeed_data'],'MagpieRSS')) //BC Fix to update newsfeed_data from v1 to v2 spec. { $force = true; // e107::getDebug()->log("NewsFeed Force"); } if($cachedData !== false && $force === false) { e107::getDebug()->log("NewsFeed Cache Used"); $this->newsList[$feedID]['newsfeed_data'] = $cachedData; } if ($force === true) // Need to re-read from source - either no cached data yet, or cache expired { e107::getDebug()->log("NewsFeed Update: Item #".$feedID." ".NEWSFEED_NEWS_CACHE_TAG); if (NEWSFEED_DEBUG) { e107::getLog()->e_log_event(10,debug_backtrace(),"DEBUG","Newsfeed update","Refresh item: ".$feedID,FALSE,LOG_TO_ROLLING); } require_once(e_HANDLER.'xml_class.php'); $xml = new xmlClass; require_once(e_HANDLER.'magpie_rss.php'); $dbData = array(); // In case we need to update DB if($rawData = $xml->getRemoteFile($this->feedList[$feedID]['newsfeed_url'])) // Need to update feed { $rss = new MagpieRSS( $rawData ); list($newsfeed_image, $newsfeed_showmenu, $newsfeed_showmain) = explode("::", $this->feedList[$feedID]['newsfeed_image']); $temp['channel'] = $rss->channel; if (($newsfeed_showmenu == 0) || ($newsfeed_showmain == 0)) { $temp['items'] = $rss->items; // Unlimited items } else { $temp['items'] = array_slice($rss->items, 0, max($newsfeed_showmenu, $newsfeed_showmain)); // Limited items } $newsfeed_des = FALSE; if($this->feedList[$feedID]['newsfeed_description'] == 'default') { $temp['newsfeed_description'] = 'default'; // This prevents db writes if no better data found if($rss->channel['description']) { $newsfeed_des = $tp -> toDB($rss->channel['description']); $temp['newsfeed_description'] = $newsfeed_des; } elseif($rss->channel['tagline']) { $newsfeed_des = $tp -> toDB($rss -> channel['tagline']); $temp['newsfeed_description'] = $newsfeed_des; } if ($temp['newsfeed_description'] != $this->feedList[$feedID]['newsfeed_description']) { // Need to write updated feed name to DB $this->feedList[$feedID]['newsfeed_description'] = $temp['newsfeed_description']; $dbData['newsfeed_description'] = $temp['newsfeed_description']; if ($this->useCache) { e107::getCache()->clear(NEWSFEED_LIST_CACHE_TAG); // Clear the newsfeed cache so its re-read next time } } } if ($newsfeed_image == 'default') { $temp['newsfeed_image_link'] = "".$rss->image["; } else { $temp['newsfeed_image_link'] = !empty($newsfeed_image) ? "" : ''; } $serializedArray = e107::serialize($temp, false); $now = time(); $this->newsList[$feedID]['newsfeed_data'] = $serializedArray; $this->newsList[$feedID]['newsfeed_timestamp'] = $now; if ($this->useCache) { // e107::getDebug()->log("Saving Cache"); e107::getCache()->set(NEWSFEED_NEWS_CACHE_TAG.$feedID, $serializedArray, true); } $dbData['newsfeed_data'] = $serializedArray; $dbData['newsfeed_timestamp'] = $now; if (count($dbData)) // Only write the feed data to DB if not using cache. Write description if changed { $dbData['WHERE'] = "newsfeed_id=".$feedID; if(FALSE === $sql->update('newsfeed', $dbData)) { // e107::getDebug()->log("NewsFeed DB Update Failed"); if (NEWSFEED_DEBUG) echo NFLAN_48."

".var_dump($dbData); } } unset($rss); } else { if (NEWSFEED_DEBUG) echo $xml -> error; return FALSE; } } return e107::unserialize($this->newsList[$feedID]['newsfeed_data']); } // Return text for the required news feeds (loads info as necessary) // Uses different templates for main and menu areas function newsfeedInfo($which, $where = 'main') { $tp = e107::getParser(); global $NEWSFEED_MAIN_START, $NEWSFEED_MAIN, $NEWSFEED_MAIN_END; global $NEWSFEED_MENU_START, $NEWSFEED_MENU, $NEWSFEED_MENU_END; if($which == 'all') { $filter = 0; } else { $filter = intval($which); } $text = ""; $this->readFeedList(); // Make sure we've got all the news feeds loaded /* get template */ if(file_exists(THEME."templates/newsfeed/newsfeed_menu_template.php")) //v2.x { include(THEME."templates/newsfeed/newsfeed_menu_template.php"); } elseif(file_exists(THEME."newsfeed_menu_template.php")) //v1.x { include(THEME."newsfeed_menu_template.php"); } else { include(e_PLUGIN."newsfeed/templates/newsfeed_menu_template.php"); } $vars = array(); foreach($this->feedList as $nfID => $feed) { $feed['newsfeed_sef'] = eHelper::title2sef($feed['newsfeed_name'], 'dashl'); if (($filter == 0) || ($filter == $feed['newsfeed_id'])) { if (($rss = $this->getFeed($nfID))) // Call ensures that feed is updated if necessary { list($newsfeed_image, $newsfeed_showmenu, $newsfeed_showmain) = explode("::", $feed['newsfeed_image']); $numtoshow = intval($where == 'main' ? $newsfeed_showmain : $newsfeed_showmenu); $numtoshow = ($numtoshow > 0 ? $numtoshow : 999); // $url = e_PLUGIN_ABS."newsfeed/newsfeed.php?show.".$feed['newsfeed_id']; $url = e107::url('newsfeed','source',$feed); $vars['FEEDNAME'] = "".$tp->toHtml($feed['newsfeed_name'],false,'TITLE').""; $vars['FEEDDESCRIPTION'] = $feed['newsfeed_description']; $vars['FEEDIMAGE'] = $rss['newsfeed_image_link']; $vars['FEEDLANGUAGE'] = $rss['channel']['language']; if($rss['channel']['lastbuilddate']) { $pubbed = $rss['channel']['lastbuilddate']; } else if($rss['channel']['dc']['date']) { $pubbed = $rss['channel']['dc']['date']; } else { $pubbed = NFLAN_34; } if(empty($rss['channel']['link']) || ($rss['channel']['link'] === '/')) { $rss['channel']['link'] = $feed['newsfeed_url']; } $vars['FEEDLASTBUILDDATE'] = NFLAN_33.$pubbed; $vars['FEEDCOPYRIGHT'] = $tp -> toHTML(vartrue($rss['channel']['copyright']), FALSE); $vars['FEEDTITLE'] = "".vartrue($rss['channel']['title']).""; $vars['FEEDLINK'] = $rss['channel']['link'] ; if($feed['newsfeed_active'] == 2 or $feed['newsfeed_active'] == 3) { $vars['LINKTOMAIN'] = "".NFLAN_39.""; } else { $vars['LINKTOMAIN'] = ""; } $data = ""; $numtoshow = min($numtoshow, count($rss['items'])); $i = 0; while($i < $numtoshow) { $item = $rss['items'][$i]; $vars['FEEDITEMLINK'] = "".$tp -> toHTML($item['title'], FALSE)."\n"; $vars['FEEDITEMLINK'] = str_replace('&', '&', $vars['FEEDITEMLINK']); $feeditemtext = preg_replace("#\[[a-z0-9=]+\]|\[\/[a-z]+\]|\{[A-Z_]+\}#si", "", strip_tags($item['description'])); $vars['FEEDITEMCREATOR'] = $tp -> toHTML(vartrue($item['author']), FALSE); if ($where == 'main') { if(!empty($NEWSFEED_COLLAPSE)) { $vars['FEEDITEMLINK'] = "".$tp -> toHTML($item['title'], FALSE)."
"; $vars['FEEDITEMTEXT'] = preg_replace("/[.*]/", "", $tp -> toHTML($item['description'], FALSE))."


"; } else { $vars['FEEDITEMLINK'] = "".$tp -> toHTML($item['title'], FALSE)."\n"; $vars['FEEDITEMLINK'] = str_replace('&', '&', $vars['FEEDITEMLINK']); $feeditemtext = preg_replace("#\[[a-z0-9=]+\]|\[\/[a-z]+\]|\{[A-Z_]+\}#si", "", $item['description']); $vars['FEEDITEMTEXT'] = $tp -> toHTML($feeditemtext, FALSE)."\n"; } $data .= $tp->simpleParse( $NEWSFEED_MAIN, $vars); } else { if ($this->truncateCount) { $vars['FEEDITEMTEXT'] = $tp->text_truncate($feeditemtext, $this->truncateCount, $this->truncateMore); } else { $vars['FEEDITEMTEXT'] = ''; // Might just want title } $data .= $tp->simpleParse($NEWSFEED_MENU, $vars); } $i++; } } } if ($where == 'main') { $vars['BACKLINK'] = "".NFLAN_31.""; $text = $tp->simpleParse($NEWSFEED_MAIN_START, $vars).$data.$tp->simpleParse( $NEWSFEED_MAIN_END, $vars); } else { $text .= $tp->simpleParse($NEWSFEED_MENU_START, $vars) . $data . $tp->simpleParse($NEWSFEED_MENU_END, $vars); } //TODO Move the $vars into their own shortcode class and change simpleParse to parseTemplate(); } if($which == 'all') { $ret['title'] = (!empty($NEWSFEED_MENU_CAPTION)) ? $NEWSFEED_MENU_CAPTION : ''; } else { $ret['title'] = $feed['newsfeed_name']." ".varset($NEWSFEED_MAIN_CAPTION); } $ret['text'] = $text; return $ret; } } ?>