load_files(); return $js; } $e_sub_cat = 'news'; $e_wysiwyg = "data,news_extended"; // -------- Presets. ------------ // always load before auth.php require_once(e_HANDLER."preset_class.php"); $pst = new e_preset; $pst->form = "dataform"; // form id of the form that will have it's values saved. $pst->page = "newspost.php?create"; // display preset options on which page(s). $pst->id = "admin_newspost"; // ------------------------------ $newspost = new newspost; require_once("auth.php"); $pst->save_preset('news_datestamp'); // save and render result using unique name. Don't save item datestamp require_once(e_HANDLER."userclass_class.php"); require_once(e_HANDLER."news_class.php"); require_once(e_HANDLER."ren_help.php"); require_once(e_HANDLER."form_handler.php"); require_once(e_HANDLER."file_class.php"); $fl = new e_file; $rs = new form; $ix = new news; if (e_QUERY) { $tmp = explode(".", e_QUERY); $action = $tmp[0]; $sub_action = varset($tmp[1],''); $id = intval(varset($tmp[2],0)); $sort_order = varset($tmp[2],'desc'); $from = intval(varset($tmp[3],0)); unset($tmp); } $from = ($from ? $from : 0); $amount = 10; // ##### Main loop ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(isset($_POST['news_userclass'])) { unset($temp); foreach ($_POST['news_userclass'] as $k => $v) { $temp[] = intval($k); } $_POST['news_class'] = implode(",", $temp); unset($temp); unset($_POST['news_userclass']); } if(isset($_POST['delete'])) { $tmp = array_keys($_POST['delete']); list($delete, $del_id) = explode("_", $tmp[0]); $del_id = intval($del_id); } if ($delete == "main" && $del_id) { if ($sql->db_Count('news','(*)',"WHERE news_id = '{$del_id}'")) { $e_event->trigger("newsdel", $del_id); if($sql->db_Delete("news", "news_id='{$del_id}' ")) { $admin_log->log_event('NEWS_01',$del_id,E_LOG_INFORMATIVE,''); $newspost->show_message(NWSLAN_31." #".$del_id." ".NWSLAN_32); $e107cache->clear("news.php"); $e107cache->clear("othernews"); $e107cache->clear("othernews2"); $data = array('method'=>'delete', 'table'=>'news', 'id'=>$del_id, 'plugin'=>'news', 'function'=>'delete'); $message = $e_event->triggerHook($data); admin_purge_related("news", $del_id); } } unset($delete, $del); } if ($delete == "category" && $del_id) { if ($sql->db_Delete("news_category", "category_id='{$del_id}' ")) { $admin_log->log_event('NEWS_02',$del_id,E_LOG_INFORMATIVE,''); $newspost->show_message(NWSLAN_33." #".$del_id." ".NWSLAN_32); unset($delete, $del_id); } } if($delete == "sn" && $del_id) { if ($sql->db_Delete("submitnews", "submitnews_id='{$del_id}' ")) { $admin_log->log_event('NEWS_03',$del_id,E_LOG_INFORMATIVE,''); $newspost->show_message(NWSLAN_34." #".$del_id." ".NWSLAN_32); $e107cache->clear("news.php"); $e107cache->clear("othernews"); $e107cache->clear("othernews2"); unset($delete, $del_id); } } if (isset($_POST['submitupload'])) { $pref['upload_storagetype'] = "1"; require_once(e_HANDLER."upload_handler.php"); $uploaded = file_upload(e_IMAGE."newspost_images/"); foreach($_POST['uploadtype'] as $key=>$uploadtype) { if($uploadtype == "thumb") { rename(e_IMAGE."newspost_images/".$uploaded[$key]['name'],e_IMAGE."newspost_images/thumb_".$uploaded[$key]['name']); } if($uploadtype == "file") { rename(e_IMAGE."newspost_images/".$uploaded[$key]['name'],e_FILE."downloads/".$uploaded[$key]['name']); } if ($uploadtype == "resize" && $_POST['resize_value']) { require_once(e_HANDLER."resize_handler.php"); resize_image(e_IMAGE."newspost_images/".$uploaded[$key]['name'], e_IMAGE."newspost_images/".$uploaded[$key]['name'], $_POST['resize_value'], "copy"); } } } // required. if (isset($_POST['preview'])) { $_POST['news_title'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['news_title']); $_POST['news_summary'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['news_summary']); $newspost->preview_item($id); } if (isset($_POST['submit_news'])) { $newspost->submit_item($sub_action, $id); $e107cache->clear("news.php"); $e107cache->clear("othernews"); $e107cache->clear("othernews2"); $action = "main"; unset($sub_action, $id); } if (isset($_POST['create_category'])) { if ($_POST['category_name']) { if (empty($_POST['category_button'])) { $handle = opendir(e_IMAGE."icons"); while ($file = readdir($handle)) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != "/" && $file != "null.txt" && $file != "CVS") { $iconlist[] = $file; } } closedir($handle); $_POST['category_button'] = $iconlist[0]; } else { $_POST['category_button'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['category_button']); } $_POST['category_name'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['category_name']); $sql->db_Insert('news_category', "'0', '".$_POST['category_name']."', '".$_POST['category_button']."'"); $admin_log->log_event('NEWS_04',$_POST['category_name'].', '.$_POST['category_button'],E_LOG_INFORMATIVE,''); $newspost->show_message(NWSLAN_35); } } if (isset($_POST['update_category'])) { if ($_POST['category_name']) { $category_button = $tp->toDB(($_POST['category_button'] ? $_POST['category_button'] : "")); $_POST['category_name'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['category_name']); $sql->db_Update("news_category", "category_name='".$_POST['category_name']."', category_icon='".$category_button."' WHERE category_id='".intval($_POST['category_id'])."'"); $admin_log->log_event('NEWS_05',intval($_POST['category_id']).':'.$_POST['category_name'].', '.$category_button,E_LOG_INFORMATIVE,''); $newspost->show_message(NWSLAN_36); } $e107cache->clear("news.php"); $e107cache->clear("othernews"); $e107cache->clear("othernews2"); } if (isset($_POST['save_prefs'])) { unset($temp); $temp['newsposts'] = intval($_POST['newsposts']); $temp['newsposts_archive'] = intval($_POST['newsposts_archive']); $temp['newsposts_archive_title'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['newsposts_archive_title']); $temp['news_cats'] = intval($_POST['news_cats']); $temp['nbr_cols'] = intval($_POST['nbr_cols']); $temp['subnews_attach'] = intval($_POST['subnews_attach']); $temp['subnews_resize'] = intval($_POST['subnews_resize']); $temp['subnews_class'] = intval($_POST['subnews_class']); $temp['subnews_htmlarea'] = intval($_POST['subnews_htmlarea']); $temp['news_subheader'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['news_subheader']); $temp['news_newdateheader'] = intval($_POST['news_newdateheader']); $temp['news_unstemplate'] = intval($_POST['news_unstemplate']); $temp['news_editauthor'] = intval($_POST['news_editauthor']); if ($admin_log->logArrayDiffs($temp, $pref, 'NEWS_06')) { save_prefs(); // Only save if changes $e107cache->clear("news.php"); $e107cache->clear("othernews"); $e107cache->clear("othernews2"); $newspost->show_message(NWSLAN_119); } else { $newspost->show_message(LAN_NEWS_47); } } if (!e_QUERY || $action == "main") { $newspost->show_existing_items($action, $sub_action, $sort_order, $from, $amount); } if ($action == "create") { $preset = $pst->read_preset("admin_newspost"); //only works here because $_POST is used. if ($sub_action == "edit" && !$_POST['preview'] && !$_POST['submit_news']) { if ($sql->db_Select("news", "*", "news_id='{$id}' ")) { $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); extract($row); $_POST['news_title'] = $news_title; $_POST['data'] = $news_body; $_POST['news_author'] = $row['news_author']; $_POST['news_extended'] = $news_extended; $_POST['news_allow_comments'] = $news_allow_comments; $_POST['news_class'] = $news_class; $_POST['news_summary'] = $news_summary; $_POST['news_sticky'] = $news_sticky; $_POST['news_datestamp'] = ($_POST['news_datestamp']) ? $_POST['news_datestamp'] : $news_datestamp; $_POST['cat_id'] = $news_category; $_POST['news_start'] = $news_start; $_POST['news_end'] = $news_end; $_POST['comment_total'] = $sql->db_Count("comments", "(*)", " WHERE comment_item_id='$news_id' AND comment_type='0' "); $_POST['news_rendertype'] = $news_render_type; $_POST['news_thumbnail'] = $news_thumbnail; } } $newspost->create_item($sub_action, $id); } if ($action == "cat") { $newspost->show_categories($sub_action, $id); } if ($action == "sn") { $newspost->submitted_news($sub_action, $id); } if ($action == "pref") { $newspost->show_news_prefs($sub_action, $id); } echo " \n"; require_once("footer.php"); exit; class newspost { function show_existing_items($action, $sub_action, $sort_order, $from, $amount) { // ##### Display scrolling list of existing news items global $sql, $ns, $tp, $imode; $text = "
"; if (!$sort_order) $sort_order = 'desc'; if ($sort_order != 'asc') $sort_order = 'desc'; $sort_link = $sort_order == 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc'; // Effectively toggle setting for headings if (isset($_POST['searchquery'])) { $query = "news_title REGEXP('".$_POST['searchquery']."') OR news_body REGEXP('".$_POST['searchquery']."') OR news_extended REGEXP('".$_POST['searchquery']."') ORDER BY news_datestamp DESC"; } else { $query = "ORDER BY ".($sub_action ? $sub_action : "news_datestamp")." ".strtoupper($sort_order)." LIMIT {$from}, {$amount}"; } if ($sql->db_Select("news", "*", $query, ($_POST['searchquery'] ? 0 : "nowhere"))) { $newsarray = $sql -> db_getList(); $text .= "
"; $ren_type = array("default","title","other-news","other-news 2"); foreach($newsarray as $row) { extract($row); // Note: To fix the alignment bug. Put both buttons inside the Form. // But make EDIT a 'button' and DELETE 'submit' $text .= ""; } $text .= "
".LAN_NEWS_45." ".NWSLAN_40." ".LAN_NEWS_49." ".LAN_OPTIONS."
{$news_id} ".($news_title ? $tp->toHTML($news_title,"","no_hook,emotes_off,no_make_clickable") : "[".NWSLAN_42."]")." "; $text .= $ren_type[$news_render_type]; if($news_sticky) { $sicon = (file_exists(THEME."images/sticky.png") ? THEME."images/sticky.png" : e_IMAGE."packs/".$imode."/generic/sticky.png"); $text .= " "; } $text .= " ".ADMIN_EDIT_ICON."
"; } else { $text .= "
"; } $newsposts = $sql->db_Count("news"); if (!$_POST['searchquery']) { $parms = $newsposts.",".$amount.",".$from.",".e_SELF."?".(e_QUERY ? "$action.$sub_action.$sort_order." : "main.news_datestamp.desc.")."[FROM]"; $text .= "
".$tp->parseTemplate("{NEXTPREV={$parms}}"); } $text .= "


"; $ns->tablerender(NWSLAN_4, $text); } function show_options($action) { global $sql; if ($action == "") { $action = "main"; } $var['main']['text'] = NWSLAN_44; $var['main']['link'] = e_SELF; $var['create']['text'] = NWSLAN_45; $var['create']['link'] = e_SELF."?create"; $var['cat']['text'] = NWSLAN_46; $var['cat']['link'] = e_SELF."?cat"; $var['cat']['perm'] = "7"; $var['pref']['text'] = NWSLAN_90; $var['pref']['link'] = e_SELF."?pref"; $var['pref']['perm'] = "N"; if ($sql->db_Select("submitnews", "*", "submitnews_auth ='0' ")) { $var['sn']['text'] = NWSLAN_47; $var['sn']['link'] = e_SELF."?sn"; $var['sn']['perm'] = "N"; } show_admin_menu(NWSLAN_48, $action, $var); } function create_item($sub_action, $id) { global $cal; // ##### Display creation form global $sql, $rs, $ns, $pref, $tp, $pst, $e107, $e_event; if ($sub_action == "sn" && !$_POST['preview']) { if ($sql->db_Select("submitnews", "*", "submitnews_id=$id", TRUE)) { list($id, $submitnews_name, $submitnews_email, $_POST['news_title'], $submitnews_category, $_POST['data'], $submitnews_datestamp, $submitnews_ip, $submitnews_auth, $submitnews_file) = $sql->db_Fetch(); if (e_WYSIWYG) { if (substr($_POST['data'],-7,7) == '[/html]') $_POST['data'] = substr($_POST['data'],0,-7); if (substr($_POST['data'],0,6) == '[html]') $_POST['data'] = substr($_POST['data'],6); $_POST['data'] .= "
".NWSLAN_49." ".$submitnews_name.""; $_POST['data'] .= ($submitnews_file)? "

": ""; } else { $_POST['data'] .= "\n[[b]".NWSLAN_49." ".$submitnews_name."[/b]]"; $_POST['data'] .= ($submitnews_file)?"\n\n[img]{e_IMAGE}newspost_images/".$submitnews_file."[/img]": ""; } $_POST['cat_id'] = $submitnews_category; } } if ($sub_action == "upload" && !$_POST['preview']) { if ($sql->db_Select("upload", "*", "upload_id=$id")) { $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); extract($row); $post_author_id = substr($upload_poster, 0, strpos($upload_poster, ".")); $post_author_name = substr($upload_poster, (strpos($upload_poster, ".")+1)); $upload_file = "pub_" . (preg_match("#Binary\s(.*?)\/#", $upload_file, $match) ? $match[1] : $upload_file); $_POST['news_title'] = LAN_UPLOAD.": ".$upload_name; $_POST['data'] = $upload_description."\n[b]".NWSLAN_49." ".$post_author_name."[/b]\n\n[file=request.php?".$upload_file."]".$upload_name."[/file]\n"; } } $text = "
"; // -------- News Author --------------------- $text .=" "; $text .= ""; $text .=""; // --------------------- News Userclass --------------------------- $text .=" \n\n"; if($pref['trackbackEnabled']){ $text .= "\n"; } //triggerHook $data = array('method'=>'form', 'table'=>'news', 'id'=>$id, 'plugin'=>'news', 'function'=>'create_item'); $hooks = $e_event->triggerHook($data); if(!empty($hooks)) { $text .= ""; foreach($hooks as $hook) { if(!empty($hook)) { $text .= " "; } } } $text .= "
".NWSLAN_6.": "; if (!$sql->db_Select("news_category")) { $text .= NWSLAN_10; } else { $text .= "\t"; } $text .= "
".LAN_NEWS_50.": "; if(!getperms('0') && !check_class($pref['news_editauthor'])) { $auth = ($_POST['news_author']) ? $_POST['news_author'] : USERID; $sql -> db_Select("user", "user_name", "user_id = '".$auth."' LIMIT 1"); $row = $sql -> db_Fetch(MYSQL_ASSOC); $text .= ""; $text .= "".$row['user_name'].""; } else // allow master admin to { $text .= " "; } $text .= "
"; $insertjs = (!e_WYSIWYG) ? "rows='15' onselect='storeCaret(this);' onclick='storeCaret(this);' onkeyup='storeCaret(this);'": "rows='25' "; $_POST['data'] = $tp->toForm($_POST['data']); $text .= " "; $text .= display_help("helpb", 'news'); //Extended news form textarea if(e_WYSIWYG){ $ff_expand = "tinyMCE.execCommand('mceResetDesignMode')"; } // Fixes Firefox issue with hidden wysiwyg textarea. $text .= "
".NWSLAN_14.": ".NWSLAN_83."
". display_help("helpc", 'extended')."
".NWSLAN_66.": ".NWSLAN_69."
"; if (!FILE_UPLOADS) { $text .= "".LAN_UPLOAD_SERVEROFF.""; } else { if (!is_writable(e_FILE."downloads")) { $text .= LAN_UPLOAD_777."".str_replace("../","",e_FILE."downloads/")."

"; } if (!is_writable(e_IMAGE."newspost_images")) { $text .= LAN_UPLOAD_777."".str_replace("../","",e_IMAGE."newspost_images/")."

"; } $up_name = array(LAN_NEWS_24,NWSLAN_67,LAN_NEWS_22,NWSLAN_68); $up_value = array("resize","image","thumb","file"); $text .= "
".LAN_NEWS_25."  px
"; } $text .= "
".NWSLAN_67.": ".LAN_NEWS_23."

"; $parms = "name=news_thumbnail"; $parms .= "&path=".e_IMAGE."newspost_images/"; $parms .= "&default=".$_POST['news_thumbnail']; $parms .= "&width=100px"; $parms .= "&height=100px"; $parms .= "&multiple=TRUE"; $parms .= "&label=-- ".LAN_NEWS_48." --"; $parms .= "&click_target=data"; $parms .= "&click_prefix=[img][[e_IMAGE]]newspost_images/"; $parms .= "&click_postfix=[/img]"; $text .= $tp->parseTemplate("{IMAGESELECTOR={$parms}}"); $text .= "
".NWSLAN_15.": ".NWSLAN_18."
". ($_POST['news_allow_comments'] ? "".LAN_ENABLED."  ".LAN_DISABLED : "".LAN_ENABLED."  ".LAN_DISABLED)."
".NWSLAN_73.": ".NWSLAN_74."
"; $ren_type = array(NWSLAN_75,NWSLAN_76,NWSLAN_77,NWSLAN_77." 2"); foreach($ren_type as $key=>$value) { $checked = ($_POST['news_rendertype'] == $key) ? "checked='checked'" : ""; $text .= ""; $text .= $value."
"; } $text .="
".NWSLAN_19.": ".NWSLAN_72."

"; $_startdate = ($_POST['news_start'] > 0) ? date("d/m/Y", $_POST['news_start']) : ""; $cal_options['showsTime'] = false; $cal_options['showOthers'] = false; $cal_options['weekNumbers'] = false; $cal_options['ifFormat'] = "%d/%m/%Y"; $cal_attrib['class'] = "tbox"; $cal_attrib['size'] = "10"; $cal_attrib['name'] = "news_start"; $cal_attrib['value'] = $_startdate; $text .= $cal->make_input_field($cal_options, $cal_attrib); $text .= " - "; $_enddate = ($_POST['news_end'] > 0) ? date("d/m/Y", $_POST['news_end']) : ""; unset($cal_options); unset($cal_attrib); $cal_options['showsTime'] = false; $cal_options['showOthers'] = false; $cal_options['weekNumbers'] = false; $cal_options['ifFormat'] = "%d/%m/%Y"; $cal_attrib['class'] = "tbox"; $cal_attrib['size'] = "10"; $cal_attrib['name'] = "news_end"; $cal_attrib['value'] = $_enddate; $text .= $cal->make_input_field($cal_options, $cal_attrib); $text .= "
".LAN_NEWS_32.": ".LAN_NEWS_33."
"; $update_checked = ($_POST['update_datestamp']) ? "checked='checked'" : ""; $_update_datestamp = ($_POST['news_datestamp'] > 0 && !strpos($_POST['news_datestamp'],"/")) ? date("d/m/Y H:i:s", $_POST['news_datestamp']) : trim($_POST['news_datestamp']); unset($cal_options); unset($cal_attrib); $cal_options['showsTime'] = true; $cal_options['showOthers'] = true; $cal_options['weekNumbers'] = false; $cal_options['ifFormat'] = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"; $cal_options['timeFormat'] = "24"; $cal_attrib['class'] = "tbox"; $cal_attrib['name'] = "news_datestamp"; $cal_attrib['value'] = $_update_datestamp; $text .= $cal->make_input_field($cal_options, $cal_attrib); $text .= "
".NWSLAN_22.": ".NWSLAN_84."
".r_userclass_check("news_userclass", $_POST['news_class'], "nobody,public,guest,member,admin,classes,language")."
".LAN_NEWS_28.": ".LAN_NEWS_29."
"; if($_POST['news_sticky']) { $sel = " checked='checked' "; } else { $sel = ""; } $text .= " ".LAN_NEWS_30."\n
".LAN_NEWS_34.": ".LAN_NEWS_35."
"; /* pingback */ // ".LAN_NEWS_36."
$text .= LAN_NEWS_37."

".$hook['caption']." ".$hook['text']."
". (isset($_POST['preview']) ? " " : " "). ($id && $sub_action != "sn" && $sub_action != "upload" ? " " : " ")." \n
"; $ns->tablerender(NWSLAN_29, $text); } function preview_item($id) { // ##### Display news preview --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- global $tp, $sql, $ix, $IMAGES_DIRECTORY; $_POST['news_id'] = $id; if($_POST['news_start']) { $tmp = explode("/", $_POST['news_start']); $_POST['news_start'] = mktime(0, 0, 0, $tmp[1], $tmp[0], $tmp[2]); } else { $_POST['news_start'] = 0; } if($_POST['news_end']) { $tmp = explode("/", $_POST['news_end']); $_POST['news_end'] = mktime(0, 0, 0, $tmp[1], $tmp[0], $tmp[2]); } else { $_POST['news_end'] = 0; } if(preg_match("#(.*?)/(.*?)/(.*?) (.*?):(.*?):(.*?)$#", $_POST['news_datestamp'], $matches)) { $_POST['news_datestamp'] = mktime($matches[4], $matches[5], $matches[6], $matches[2], $matches[1], $matches[3]); } else { $_POST['news_datestamp'] = time(); } if($_POST['update_datestamp']) { $_POST['news_datestamp'] = time(); } $sql->db_Select("news_category", "*", "category_id='".$_POST['cat_id']."' "); list($_POST['category_id'], $_POST['category_name'], $_POST['category_icon']) = $sql->db_Fetch(); // $_POST['user_id'] = USERID; // $_POST['user_name'] = USERNAME."blabla"; list($_POST['user_id'],$_POST['user_name']) = explode(chr(1),$_POST['news_author']); $_POST['news_author'] = $_POST['user_id']; $_POST['comment_total'] = $comment_total; $_PR = $_POST; $_PR['news_body'] = $tp->post_toHTML($_PR['data'],FALSE); $_PR['news_title'] = $tp->post_toHTML($_PR['news_title'],FALSE,"emotes_off, no_make_clickable"); $_PR['news_summary'] = $tp->post_toHTML($_PR['news_summary']); $_PR['news_extended'] = $tp->post_toHTML($_PR['news_extended']); $_PR['news_file'] = $_POST['news_file']; $_PR['news_image'] = $_POST['news_image']; $ix -> render_newsitem($_PR); echo $tp -> parseTemplate('{NEWSINFO}', FALSE, $news_shortcodes); } function submit_item($sub_action, $id) { // ##### Format and submit item to DB global $tp, $ix, $sql, $admin_log; if($_POST['news_start']) { $tmp = explode("/", $_POST['news_start']); $_POST['news_start'] = mktime(0, 0, 0, $tmp[1], $tmp[0], $tmp[2]); } else { $_POST['news_start'] = 0; } if($_POST['news_end']) { $tmp = explode("/", $_POST['news_end']); $_POST['news_end'] = mktime(0, 0, 0, $tmp[1], $tmp[0], $tmp[2]); } else { $_POST['news_end'] = 0; } if(preg_match("#(.*?)/(.*?)/(.*?) (.*?):(.*?):(.*?)$#", $_POST['news_datestamp'], $matches)) { $_POST['news_datestamp'] = mktime($matches[4], $matches[5], $matches[6], $matches[2], $matches[1], $matches[3]); } else { $_POST['news_datestamp'] = time(); } if($_POST['update_datestamp']) { $_POST['news_datestamp'] = time(); } if ($id && $sub_action != "sn" && $sub_action != "upload") { $_POST['news_id'] = $id; } else { $sql->db_Update("submitnews", "submitnews_auth='1' WHERE submitnews_id ='".$id."' "); $admin_log->log_event('NEWS_07',$id,E_LOG_INFORMATIVE,''); } if (!$_POST['cat_id']) { $_POST['cat_id'] = 1; } list($_POST['news_author'],$empty) = explode(chr(1),$_POST['news_author']); $this->show_message($ix->submit_item($_POST)); unset($_POST['news_title'], $_POST['cat_id'], $_POST['data'], $_POST['news_extended'], $_POST['news_allow_comments'], $_POST['startday'], $_POST['startmonth'], $_POST['startyear'], $_POST['endday'], $_POST['endmonth'], $_POST['endyear'], $_POST['news_id'], $_POST['news_class']); } function show_message($message) { // ##### Display comfort --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- global $ns; $ns->tablerender("", "
"); } function show_categories($sub_action, $id) { global $sql, $rs, $ns, $tp; $handle = opendir(e_IMAGE."icons"); while ($file = readdir($handle)) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != "/" && $file != "null.txt" && $file != "CVS") { $iconlist[] = $file; } } closedir($handle); if ($sub_action == "edit") { if ($sql->db_Select("news_category", "*", "category_id='$id' ")) { $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); extract($row); } } $text = "
".$rs->form_open("post", e_SELF."?cat", "dataform")." "; } else { $text .= ""; } $text .= "
".NWSLAN_52." ".$rs->form_text("category_name", 30, $category_name, 200)."
".NWSLAN_53." ".$rs->form_text("category_button", 60, $category_icon, 100)."
"; if ($id) { $text .= " ".$rs->form_button("submit", "category_clear", NWSLAN_79). $rs->form_hidden("category_id", $id)."
"; $ns->tablerender(NWSLAN_56, $text); unset($category_name, $category_icon); $text = "
"; if ($category_total = $sql->db_Select("news_category")) { $text .= "
"; while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { extract($row); if ($category_icon) { $icon = (strstr($category_icon, "images/") ? THEME."$category_icon" : e_IMAGE."icons/$category_icon"); } $text .= "\n"; } $text .= "
".LAN_NEWS_45."   ".NWSLAN_6." ".LAN_OPTIONS."
{$category_id} $category_name ".ADMIN_EDIT_ICON." toJS(NWSLAN_37." [ID: $category_id ]")."') \"/>
"; } else { $text .= "
"; } $text .= "
"; $ns->tablerender(NWSLAN_51, $text); } function show_news_prefs() { global $sql, $rs, $ns, $pref; $text = "
".$rs->form_open("post", e_SELF."?pref", "dataform")." "; // ##### ADDED FOR NEWS ARCHIVE -------------------------------------------------------------------- // the possible archive values are from "0" to "< $pref['newsposts']" // this should really be made as an onchange event on the selectbox for $pref['newsposts'] ... $text .= " "; // ##### END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- require_once(e_HANDLER."userclass_class.php"); $text .= " "; $text .= " "; $text .= " "; $text .= "
".LAN_NEWS_51." ".r_userclass("news_editauthor", $pref['news_editauthor'],"off","nobody,mainadmin,admin,classes"). "
".NWSLAN_106." ".r_userclass("subnews_class", $pref['subnews_class'],"off","nobody,public,guest,member,admin,classes"). "
".NWSLAN_101." ".NWSLAN_102."

" . display_help('helpb', 2) . "
"; $text .= "
"; $ns->tablerender(NWSLAN_90, $text); } function submitted_news($sub_action, $id) { global $rs, $ns, $tp; $sql2 = new db; $text = "
"; if ($category_total = $sql2->db_Select("submitnews", "*", "submitnews_id !='' ORDER BY submitnews_id DESC")) { $text .= ""; while ($row = $sql2->db_Fetch()) { extract($row); if (substr($submitnews_item,-7,7) == '[/html]') $submitnews_item = substr($submitnews_item,0,-7); if (substr($submitnews_item,0,6) == '[html]') $submitnews_item = substr($submitnews_item,6); $text .= "\n"; } $text .= "
$submitnews_id "; $text .= ($submitnews_auth == 0)? "".$tp->toHTML($submitnews_title,FALSE,"emotes_off, no_make_clickable")."": $tp->toHTML($submitnews_title,FALSE,"emotes_off, no_make_clickable"); $text .= " [ ".NWSLAN_104." ".$submitnews_name." ".NWSLAN_108." ".date("D dS M y, g:ia", $submitnews_datestamp)."]
"; $buttext = ($submitnews_auth == 0)? NWSLAN_58 : NWSLAN_103; $text .= $rs->form_open("post", e_SELF."?sn", "myform__{$submitnews_id}", "", "", " onsubmit=\"return jsconfirm('".$tp->toJS(NWSLAN_38." [ID: $submitnews_id ]")."')\" ") ."
".$rs->form_button("button", "category_edit_{$submitnews_id}", $buttext, "onclick=\"document.location='".e_SELF."?create.sn.$submitnews_id'\"")." ".$rs->form_button("submit", "delete[sn_{$submitnews_id}]", LAN_DELETE)."
"; } else { $text .= "
"; } $text .= "
"; $ns->tablerender(NWSLAN_47, $text); } } function newspost_adminmenu() { global $newspost; global $action; $newspost->show_options($action); } ?>