isInstalled('forum')) { header('Location: '.SITEURL.'index.php'); exit; } // include_lan(e_PLUGIN.'forum/languages/'.e_LANGUAGE.'/lan_forum_post.php'); if (isset($_POST['fjsubmit'])) { header('Location:'.e107::getUrl()->create('forum/forum/view', array('id'=>(int) $_POST['forumjump']), '', 'full=1&encode=0')); exit; } require_once(e_PLUGIN.'forum/forum_class.php'); $forum = new e107forum(); if (!e_QUERY || !isset($_GET['id'])) { header('Location:'.e107::getUrl()->create('forum/forum/main', array(), 'full=1&encode=0')); exit; } $action = trim($_GET['f']); $id = (int)$_GET['id']; switch($action) { case 'rp': $threadInfo = $forum->threadGet($id, false); $forumId = $threadInfo['thread_forum_id']; $forumInfo = $forum->forumGet($forumId); break; case 'nt': $forumInfo = $forum->forumGet($id); $forumId = $id; break; case 'quote': case 'edit': $postInfo = $forum->postGet($id, 'post'); $threadInfo = $postInfo; $forumId = $postInfo['post_forum']; $forumInfo = $forum->forumGet($forumId); break; default: header("Location:".e107::getUrl()->create('forum/forum/main', array(), 'full=1&encode=0')); exit; } // check if user can post to this forum ... if (!$forum->checkPerm($forumId, 'post')) { require_once(HEADERF); $mes->addError(LAN_FORUM_3001); $ns->tablerender(LAN_FORUM_1001, $mes->render()); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } define('MODERATOR', USER && $forum->isModerator(USERID)); require_once(e_HANDLER.'ren_help.php'); // FIXME deprecated //e107::getScBatch('view', 'forum'); //XXX FIXME Conflicting shortcode names. Find a solution without renaming them. $sc = e107::getScBatch('post', 'forum')->setScVar('forum', $forum)->setScVar('threadInfo', vartrue($threadInfo)); $gen = new convert; $fp = new floodprotect; $e107 = e107::getInstance(); //if thread is not active and not new thread, show warning if ($action != 'nt' && !$threadInfo['thread_active'] && !MODERATOR) { require_once(HEADERF); $mes->addError(LAN_FORUM_3002); $ns->tablerender(LAN_FORUM_1001, $mes->render()); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } $forumInfo['forum_name'] = $tp->toHTML($forumInfo['forum_name'], true); define('e_PAGETITLE', ($action == 'rp' ? LAN_FORUM_3003.": ".$threadInfo['thread_name'] : LAN_FORUM_1018).' / '.$forumInfo['forum_name'].' / '.LAN_FORUM_1001); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if($forum->prefs->get('attach')) { global $allowed_filetypes, $max_upload_size; include_once(e_HANDLER.'upload_handler.php'); $a_filetypes = get_filetypes(); $max_upload_size = calc_max_upload_size(-1); // Find overriding maximum upload size $max_upload_size = set_max_size($a_filetypes, $max_upload_size); $max_upload_size = $e107->parseMemorySize($max_upload_size, 0); $a_filetypes = array_keys($a_filetypes); $allowed_filetypes = implode(', ', $a_filetypes); } if (isset($_POST['submitpoll'])) { require_once(e_PLUGIN.'poll/poll_class.php'); $poll = new poll; require_once(HEADERF); if (!$FORUMPOST) { if (file_exists(THEME.'forum_posted_template.php')) { require_once(THEME.'forum_posted_template.php'); } else { require_once(e_PLUGIN.'forum/templates/forum_posted_template.php'); } } echo $FORUMPOLLPOSTED; require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } if (isset($_POST['fpreview'])) { process_upload(); require_once(HEADERF); if (USER) { $poster = USERNAME; } else { $poster = ($_POST['anonname']) ? $_POST['anonname'] : LAN_FORUM_3004; } $postdate = $gen->convert_date(time(), "forum"); $tsubject = $tp->post_toHTML($_POST['subject'], true); $tpost = $tp->post_toHTML($_POST['post'], true); if ($_POST['poll_title'] != '' && check_class($forum->prefs->get('poll'))) { require_once(e_PLUGIN."poll/poll_class.php"); $poll = new poll; $poll->render_poll($_POST, 'forum', 'notvoted'); } if (!$FORUM_PREVIEW) { if (file_exists(THEME."forum_preview_template.php")) { require_once(THEME."forum_preview_template.php"); } else { require_once(e_PLUGIN."forum/templates/forum_preview_template.php"); } } $text = $FORUM_PREVIEW; if ($poll_text) { $ns->tablerender($_POST['poll_title'], $poll_text); } $ns->tablerender(LAN_FORUM_3005, $text); $anonname = $tp->post_toHTML($_POST['anonname'], FALSE); $post = $tp->post_toForm($_POST['post']); $subject = $tp->post_toHTML($_POST['subject'], false); if ($action == 'edit') { if ($_POST['subject']) { $action = 'edit'; } else { $action = 'reply'; } $eaction = true; } else if($action == 'quote') { $action = 'reply'; $eaction = false; } } if (isset($_POST['newthread']) || isset($_POST['reply'])) { $postInfo = array(); $threadInfo = array(); $postOptions = array(); $threadOptions = array(); if ((isset($_POST['newthread']) && trim($_POST['subject']) == '') || trim($_POST['post']) == '') { message_handler('ALERT', 5); } else { if ($fp->flood('forum_thread', 'thread_datestamp') == false && !ADMIN) { echo "\n"; exit; } $hasPoll = ($action == 'nt' && varset($_POST['poll_title']) && $_POST['poll_option'][0] != '' && $_POST['poll_option'][1] != ''); $postInfo['post_ip'] = e107::getIPHandler()->getIP(FALSE); if (USER) { $postInfo['post_user'] = USERID; $threadInfo['thread_lastuser'] = USERID; $threadInfo['thread_user'] = USERID; $threadInfo['thread_lastuser_anon'] = ''; } else { $postInfo['post_user_anon'] = $_POST['anonname']; $threadInfo['thread_lastuser_anon'] = $_POST['anonname']; $threadInfo['thread_user_anon'] = $_POST['anonname']; } $time = time(); $postInfo['post_entry'] = $_POST['post']; $postInfo['post_forum'] = $forumId; $postInfo['post_datestamp'] = $time; $threadInfo['thread_lastpost'] = $time; if(isset($_POST['no_emote'])) { $postInfo['post_options'] = serialize(array('no_emote' => 1)); } //If we've successfully uploaded something, we'll have to edit the post_entry and post_attachments if($uploadResult = process_upload($newPostId)) { foreach($uploadResult as $ur) { //$postInfo['post_entry'] .= $ur['txt']; // $_tmp = $ur['type'].'*'.$ur['file']; // if($ur['thumb']) { $_tmp .= '*'.$ur['thumb']; } // if($ur['fname']) { $_tmp .= '*'.$ur['fname']; } $type = $ur['type']; $newValues[$type][] = $ur['file']; // $attachments[] = $_tmp; } // $postInfo['_FIELD_TYPES']['post_attachments'] = 'array'; $postInfo['post_attachments'] = e107::serialize($newValues); //FIXME XXX - broken encoding when saved to DB. } // var_dump($uploadResult); switch($action) { // Reply only. Add the post, update thread record with latest post info. // Update forum with latest post info case 'rp': $postInfo['post_thread'] = $id; $newPostId = $forum->postAdd($postInfo); break; // New thread started. Add the thread info (with lastest post info), add the post. // Update forum with latest post info case 'nt': $threadInfo['thread_sticky'] = (MODERATOR ? (int)$_POST['threadtype'] : 0); $threadInfo['thread_name'] = $_POST['subject']; $threadInfo['thread_forum_id'] = $forumId; $threadInfo['thread_active'] = 1; $threadInfo['thread_datestamp'] = $time; if($hasPoll) { $threadOptions['poll'] = '1'; } if(is_array($threadOptions) && count($threadOptions)) { $threadInfo['thread_options'] = serialize($threadOptions); } else { $threadInfo['thread_options'] = ''; } if($postResult = $forum->threadAdd($threadInfo, $postInfo)) { $newPostId = $postResult['postid']; $newThreadId = $postResult['threadid']; if($_POST['email_notify']) { $forum->track('add', USERID, $newThreadId); } } break; } // print_a($threadInfo); // print_a($postInfo); // exit; if($postResult === -1) //Duplicate post { require_once(HEADERF); $ns->tablerender('', LAN_FORUM_3007); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } $threadId = ($action == 'nt' ? $newThreadId : $id); //If a poll was submitted, let's add it to the poll db if ($action == 'nt' && varset($_POST['poll_title']) && $_POST['poll_option'][0] != '' && $_POST['poll_option'][1] != '') { require_once(e_PLUGIN.'poll/poll_class.php'); $_POST['iid'] = $threadId; $poll = new poll; $poll->submit_poll(2); } $e107cache->clear('newforumposts'); $postInfo = $forum->postGet($newPostId, 'post'); $forumInfo = $forum->forumGet($postInfo['post_forum']); $threadLink = e107::getUrl()->create('forum/thread/last', $postInfo); $forumLink = e107::getUrl()->create('forum/forum/view', $forumInfo); if ($forum->prefs->get('redirect')) { header('location:'.e107::getUrl()->create('forum/thread/last', $postInfo, array('encode' => false, 'full' => true))); exit; } else { require_once(HEADERF); if (!$FORUMPOST) { if (file_exists(THEME."forum_posted_template.php")) { require_once(THEME."forum_posted_template.php"); } else { require_once(e_PLUGIN."forum/templates/forum_posted_template.php"); } } echo (isset($_POST['newthread']) ? $FORUMTHREADPOSTED : $FORUMREPLYPOSTED); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } } } if (isset($_POST['update_thread'])) { // var_dump($_POST); // var_dump($threadInfo); // var_dump($postInfo); // exit; if (!$_POST['subject'] || !$_POST['post']) { $error = "
"; // TODO $mes } else { if (!isAuthor()) { require_once(HEADERF); $mes->addError(LAN_FORUM_3009); $ns->tablerender(LAN_FORUM_3008, $mes->render()); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } if($uploadResult = process_upload($postInfo['post_id'])) { $attachments = explode(',', $postInfo['post_attachments']); foreach($uploadResult as $ur) { $_tmp = $ur['type'].'*'.$ur['file']; if($ur['thumb']) { $_tmp .= '*'.$ur['thumb']; } if($ur['fname']) { $_tmp .= '*'.$ur['fname']; } $attachments[] = $_tmp; } $postVals['post_attachments'] = implode(',', $attachments); } $postVals['post_edit_datestamp'] = time(); $postVals['post_edit_user'] = USERID; $postVals['post_entry'] = $_POST['post']; $threadVals['thread_name'] = $_POST['subject']; $forum->threadUpdate($postInfo['post_thread'], $threadVals); $forum->postUpdate($postInfo['post_id'], $postVals); $e107cache->clear('newforumposts'); $url = e107::getUrl()->create('forum/thread/post', array('name'=>$threadVals['thread_name'], 'id' => $postInfo['post_id'], 'thread' => $postInfo['post_thread']), array('encode'=>false)); header('location:'.$url); exit; } } if (isset($_POST['update_reply'])) { if (!$_POST['post']) { $error = "
'; // TODO $mes } else { if (!isAuthor()) { require_once(HEADERF); $mes->addError(LAN_FORUM_3009); $ns->tablerender(LAN_FORUM_3008, $mes->render()); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } $postVals['post_edit_datestamp'] = time(); $postVals['post_edit_user'] = USERID; $postVals['post_entry'] = $_POST['post']; $forum->postUpdate($postInfo['post_id'], $postVals); $e107cache->clear('newforumposts'); $url = e107::getUrl()->create('forum/thread/post', "id={$postInfo['post_id']}", 'encode=0&full=1'); // XXX what data is available, find thread name header('location:'.$url); exit; } } require_once(HEADERF); if (vartrue($error)) { $ns->tablerender(EMESSLAN_TITLE_ERROR, $error); // LAN? } if ($action == 'edit' || $action == 'quote') { if ($action == 'edit') { if (!isAuthor()) { $mes->addError(LAN_FORUM_3009); $ns->tablerender(LAN_FORUM_3008, $mes->render()); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } } if (!isset($_POST['fpreview'])) { $post = $tp->toForm($postInfo['post_entry']); if($postInfo['post_datestamp'] == $postInfo['thread_datestamp']) { $subject = $tp->toForm($postInfo['thread_name']); } } if ($action == 'quote') { //remote [hide] bbcode, or else it doesn't hide stuff too well :) $post = preg_replace('#\[hide].*?\[/hide]#s', '', $post); $quoteName = ($postInfo['user_name'] ? $postInfo['user_name'] : $postInfo['post_user_anon']); $post = "[quote={$quoteName}]\n".$post."\n[/quote]\n"; // $eaction = true; $action = 'reply'; } else { $eaction = true; if($postInfo['post_datestamp'] != $postInfo['thread_datestamp']) { $action = 'reply'; } else { $action = 'nt'; $sact = 'canc'; // added to override the bugtracker query below } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Load forumpost template if (!vartrue($FORUMPOST)) { if (is_readable(THEME.'forum_post_template.php')) { include_once(THEME.'forum_post_template.php'); } else { include_once(e_PLUGIN.'forum/templates/forum_post_template.php'); } } if(isset($FORUMPOST_TEMPLATE) && (deftrue('BOOTSTRAP',false))) { $FORUMPOST = $FORUMPOST_TEMPLATE['form']; $FORUMPOST_REPLY = $FORUMPOST_TEMPLATE['form']; } if($action == 'rp') { $FORUMPOST = $FORUMPOST_REPLY; } e107::lan('forum','English_front'); $text = $tp->parseTemplate($FORUMPOST, true, $sc); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($forum->prefs->get('enclose')) { $ns->tablerender($forum->prefs->get('title'), $text); } else { echo $text; } function isAuthor() { global $postInfo; return ((USERID === (int)$postInfo['post_user']) || MODERATOR); } function forumjump() { global $forum; $jumpList = $forum->forumGetAllowed('view'); $text = "


"; return $text; } function process_upload() { global $forumInfo, $thread_info, $admin_log, $forum; $postId = (int)$postId; $ret = array(); if (isset($_FILES['file_userfile']['error'])) { require_once(e_HANDLER.'upload_handler.php'); $attachmentDir = $forum->getAttachmentPath(USERID); if(!is_dir($attachmentDir)) { mkdir($attachmentDir, 0755); } // $thumbDir = e_PLUGIN.'forum/attachments/thumb/'; if ($uploaded = process_uploaded_files($attachmentDir, 'attachment', '')) { foreach($uploaded as $upload) { if ($upload['error'] == 0) { $_txt = ''; $_att = ''; $_file = ''; $_thumb = ''; $_fname = ''; $fpath = ''; if(strstr($upload['type'], 'image')) { $_type = 'img'; //XXX v2.x Image-resizing is now dynamic. /*if($forum->prefs->get('maxwidth', 0) > 0) { require_once(e_HANDLER.'resize_handler.php'); $orig_file = $upload['name']; $new_file = 'th_'.$orig_file; $resizeDir = ($forum->prefs->get('linkimg') ? 'thumb/' : ''); if(resize_image($attachmentDir.$orig_file, $attachmentDir.$resizeDir.$new_file, $forum->prefs->get('maxwidth'))) { if($forum->prefs->get('linkimg')) { $parms = image_getsize($attachmentDir.$new_file); $_txt = '[br][link='.$fpath.$orig_file."][img{$parms}]".$fpath.$new_file.'[/img][/link][br]'; $_file = $orig_file; $_thumb = $new_file; //show resized, link to fullsize } else { @unlink($attachmentDir.$orig_file); //show resized $parms = image_getsize($attachmentDir.$new_file); $_txt = "[br][img{$parms}]".$fpath.$new_file.'[/img][br]'; $_file = $new_file; } } else { //resize failed, show original $parms = image_getsize($attachmentDir.$upload['name']); $_txt = "[br][img{$parms}]".$fpath.$upload['name'].'[/img]'; $_file = $upload['name']; } } else */ { //resizing disabled, show original // $parms = image_getsize($attachmentDir.$upload['name']); //resizing disabled, show original $_txt = "[br][img]".$fpath.$upload['name']."[/img]\n"; $_file = $upload['name']; } } else { //upload was not an image, link to file $_type = 'file'; $_fname = (isset($upload['rawname']) ? $upload['rawname'] : $upload['name']); $_txt = '[br][file='.$fpath.$upload['name'].']'.$_fname.'[/file]'; $_file = $upload['name']; $_thumb = $_fname; } if($_txt && $_file) { $ret[] = array('type' => $_type, 'txt' => $_txt, 'file' => $_file, 'thumb' => $_thumb, 'fname' => $_fname); } } else { // Error in uploaded file echo 'Error in uploaded file: '.(isset($upload['rawname']) ? $upload['rawname'] : $upload['name']).'
'; } } return $ret; } } //exit; } function image_getsize($fname) { if($imginfo = getimagesize($fname)) { return ":width={$imginfo[0]}&height={$imginfo[1]}"; } else { return ''; } } require_once(FOOTERF); ?>