// $fieldname = $tableType.'_'.$v['optname'];
$fieldname = $tableType.'_xf_'.$f; // Name of the input box
$value = varset($v['default'],'');
if (is_array($value))
$value = varset($value[$tableType],'');
if (isset($v[$tableType.'_field'])) $value = $v[$tableType.'_field'];
if (isset($parm[$fieldname])) $value = $parm[$fieldname];
// echo "Field: {$fieldname} => {$value} ";
if ($asCheckboxes)
$ret .= $frm -> form_checkbox($fieldname, 1, $value);
$ret .= $frm -> form_text($fieldname, 35, $value, 120);
if (isset($v['method']) && $v['method'])
$fieldMethod = $tableType.'_pm_'.$f; // Processing method ID code
$method = varset($parm[$fieldMethod],'');
$ret .= ' '.alt_auth_processing($fieldMethod,$v['method'], $method);
$ret .= "
return $ret;
* Returns a list of all the user-related fields allowed as an array, whhere the key is the field name
* @param string $tableType is the prefix used, without the following underscore
* @return array
function alt_auth_get_allowed_fields($tableType)
global $alt_auth_user_fields;
$ret = array();
foreach ($alt_auth_user_fields as $f => $v)
if (varsettrue($v['showAll']) || varsettrue($v[$tableType]))
// $fieldname = $tableType.'_'.$v['optname'];
$fieldname = $tableType.'_xf_'.$f; // Name of the input box
$ret[$fieldname] = '1';
return $ret;
* Routine adds the extended user fields which may be involved into the table of field definitions, so that they're displayed
function add_extended_fields()
global $alt_auth_user_fields, $euf, $pref;
if (!isset($pref['auth_extended'])) return;
if (!$pref['auth_extended']) return;
static $fieldsAdded = FALSE;
if ($fieldsAdded) return;
$xFields = $euf->user_extended_get_fieldList('','user_extended_struct_name');
// print_a($xFields);
$fields = explode(',',$pref['auth_extended']);
foreach ($fields as $f)
if (isset($xFields[$f]))
$alt_auth_user_fields['x_'.$f] = array('prompt' => varset($xFields[$f]['user_extended_struct_text'],'').' ('.$f.')',
'default' => varset($xFields[$f]['default'],''),
'optional' => TRUE,
'showAll' => TRUE, // Show for all methods - in principle, its likely to be wanted for all
'method' => '*' // Specify all convert methods - have little idea what may be around
$fieldsAdded = TRUE;
* List of the standard fields which may be displayed for any method.
$common_fields = array(
'server' => array('fieldname' => 'server', 'size' => 35, 'max_size' => 120, 'prompt' => LAN_ALT_32, 'help' => ''),
'uname' => array('fieldname' => 'username', 'size' => 35, 'max_size' => 120, 'prompt' => LAN_ALT_33, 'help' => ''),
'pwd' => array('fieldname' => 'password', 'size' => 35, 'max_size' => 120, 'prompt' => LAN_ALT_34, 'help' => ''),
'db' => array('fieldname' => 'database', 'size' => 35, 'max_size' => 120, 'prompt' => LAN_ALT_35, 'help' => ''),
'table' => array('fieldname' => 'table', 'size' => 35, 'max_size' => 120, 'prompt' => LAN_ALT_36, 'help' => ''),
'prefix' => array('fieldname' => 'prefix', 'size' => 35, 'max_size' => 35, 'prompt' => LAN_ALT_39, 'help' => ''),
'ufield' => array('fieldname' => 'user_field','size' => 35, 'max_size' => 120, 'prompt' => LAN_ALT_37, 'help' => ''),
'pwfield'=> array('fieldname' => 'password_field','size' => 35, 'max_size' => 120, 'prompt' => LAN_ALT_38, 'help' => ''),
'salt' => array('fieldname' => 'password_salt','size' => 35, 'max_size' => 120, 'prompt' => LAN_ALT_24, 'help' => LAN_ALT_25),
'classfilt' => array('fieldname' => 'filter_class', 'size' => 10, 'max_size' => 8, 'prompt' => LAN_ALT_76, 'help' => LAN_ALT_77)
* Return the HTML for all server-related fields required for configuration of a particular method.
* Each is a row of a table having two columns (no
etc added, so can be embedded in a larger table
* @param string $prefix is the prefix used, without the following underscore
* @param $frm is the form object to use
* @param array $parm is an array of the current values of each item
* @param string $fields is a list of the fields to display, separated by '|'. The names are the key values from $common_fields table
function alt_auth_get_db_fields($prefix, $frm, $parm, $fields = 'server|uname|pwd|db|table|ufield|pwfield')
global $common_fields;
$opts = explode('|',$fields);
$ret = '';
foreach ($common_fields as $fn => $cf)
if (in_array($fn,$opts))
$ret .= "
return $ret;
* Write all the options for a particular authentication type to the DB
* @var string $prefix - the prefix string representing the authentication type (currently importdb|e107db|otherdb|ldap|radius). Must NOT have a trailing underscore
function alt_auth_post_options($prefix)
global $common_fields, $sql, $admin_log;
$lprefix = $prefix.'_';
$user_fields = alt_auth_get_allowed_fields($prefix); // Need this list in case checkboxes for parameters
foreach ($user_fields as $k => $v)
if (!isset($_POST[$k]))
$_POST[$k] = '0';
// Now we can post everything
foreach($_POST as $k => $v)
if (strpos($k,$lprefix) === 0)
$v = base64_encode(base64_encode($v));
if($sql -> db_Select('alt_auth', '*', "auth_type='{$prefix}' AND auth_parmname='{$k}' "))
$sql -> db_Update('alt_auth', "auth_parmval='{$v}' WHERE auth_type='{$prefix}' AND auth_parmname='{$k}' ");
$sql -> db_Insert('alt_auth', "'{$prefix}','{$k}','{$v}' ");
* Get the HTML for a password type selector.
* @param string $name - name to be used for selector
* @param $frm - form object to use
* @param string $currentSelection - current value (if any)
* @param boolean $getExtended - return all supported password types if TRUE, 'core' password types if FALSE
function altAuthGetPasswordSelector($name, $frm, $currentSelection = '', $getExtended = FALSE)
$password_methods = ExtendedPasswordHandler::GetPasswordTypes($getExtended);
$text .= $frm->form_select_open($name);
foreach($password_methods as $k => $v)
$sel = ($currentSelection == $k) ? " Selected='selected'" : '';
$text .= $frm -> form_option($v, $sel, $k);
$text .= $frm->form_select_close();
return $text;
* Get configuration parameters for an authentication method
* @param string $prefix - the method
* @return array
function altAuthGetParams($prefix)
$sql = e107::getDB();
$sql->db_Select('alt_auth', '*', "auth_type = '".$prefix."' ");
$parm = array();
while($row = $sql->db_Fetch())
$parm[$row['auth_parmname']] = base64_decode(base64_decode($row['auth_parmval']));
return $parm;
* Return the HTML needed to display the test form.
* @param string $prefix - the type of connection being tested
* @param $frm - the form object to use
* if $_POST['testauth'] is set, attempts to validate the connection, and displays any returned values
function alt_auth_test_form($prefix, $frm)
$text = $frm -> form_open('post', e_SELF, 'testform');
$text .= "
if (isset($_POST['testauth']))
// Try and connect to DB/server, and maybe validate user name
$_login = new auth_login;
$log_result = AUTH_UNKNOWN;
$pass_vars = array();
$val_name = trim(varset($_POST['nametovalidate'],''));
if(isset($_login->Available) && ($_login->Available === FALSE))
{ // Relevant auth method not available (e.g. PHP extension not loaded)
$log_result = AUTH_NOT_AVAILABLE;
$log_result = $_login->login($val_name, $_POST['passtovalidate'], $pass_vars, ($val_name == ''));
$text .= "