db_Connect($mySQLserver, $mySQLuser, $mySQLpassword, $mySQLdefaultdb); } elseif(defined('E107_INSTALL')) { define('E107_DEBUG_LEVEL', 0); define('e_QUERY', ''); require_once("e107_config.php"); define('MPREFIX', $mySQLprefix); $sql = new db; $sql->db_Connect($mySQLserver, $mySQLuser, $mySQLpassword, $mySQLdefaultdb); } else { if (!defined('e107_INIT')) { exit; } } $db_time = 0.0; // Global total time spent in all db object queries $db_mySQLQueryCount = 0; // Global total number of db object queries (all db's) $db_ConnectionID = NULL; // Stores ID for the first DB connection used - which should be the main E107 DB - then used as default /** * MySQL Abstraction class * * @package e107 * @category e107_handlers * @version $Revision: 1.55 $ * @author $Author: e107coders $ * */ class e_db_mysql { var $mySQLserver; var $mySQLuser; var $mySQLpassword; var $mySQLdefaultdb; var $mySQLPrefix; var $mySQLaccess; var $mySQLresult; var $mySQLrows; var $mySQLerror; // Error reporting mode - TRUE shows messages var $mySQLlastErrNum; // Number of last error var $mySQLlastErrText; // Text of last error (empty string if no error) var $mySQLcurTable; var $mySQLlanguage; var $mySQLinfo; var $tabset; var $mySQLtablelist = array(); // list of all Db tables. var $mySQLtableListLanguage = array(); // Db table list for the currently selected language /** * MySQL Charset * * @var string */ public $mySQLcharset; var $total_results; // Total number of results /** * Constructor - gets language options from the cookie or session * @access public */ public function __construct() { global $pref, $db_defaultPrefix; e107::getSingleton('e107_traffic')->BumpWho('Create db object', 1); $this->mySQLPrefix = MPREFIX; // Set the default prefix - may be overridden $langid = (isset($pref['cookie_name'])) ? 'e107language_'.$pref['cookie_name'] : 'e107language_temp'; if (isset($pref['user_tracking']) && ($pref['user_tracking'] == 'session')) { if (!isset($_SESSION[$langid])) { return; } $this->mySQLlanguage = $_SESSION[$langid]; } else { if (!isset($_COOKIE[$langid])) { return; } $this->mySQLlanguage = $_COOKIE[$langid]; } } /** * Connects to mySQL server and selects database - generally not required if your table is in the main DB.
* Example using e107 database with variables defined in e107_config.php:
* $sql = new db; * $sql->db_Connect($mySQLserver, $mySQLuser, $mySQLpassword, $mySQLdefaultdb); *
* OR to connect an other database:
* $sql = new db; * $sql->db_Connect('url_server_database', 'user_database', 'password_database', 'name_of_database'); * * @param string $mySQLserver IP Or hostname of the MySQL server * @param string $mySQLuser MySQL username * @param string $mySQLpassword MySQL Password * @param string $mySQLdefaultdb The database schema to connect to * @param string $newLink force a new link connection if TRUE. Default FALSE * @param string $mySQLPrefix Tables prefix. Default to $mySQLPrefix from e107_config.php * @return null|string error code */ public function db_Connect($mySQLserver, $mySQLuser, $mySQLpassword, $mySQLdefaultdb, $newLink = FALSE, $mySQLPrefix = MPREFIX) { global $db_ConnectionID, $db_defaultPrefix; e107::getSingleton('e107_traffic')->BumpWho('db Connect', 1); $this->mySQLserver = $mySQLserver; $this->mySQLuser = $mySQLuser; $this->mySQLpassword = $mySQLpassword; $this->mySQLdefaultdb = $mySQLdefaultdb; $this->mySQLPrefix = $mySQLPrefix; $temp = $this->mySQLerror; $this->mySQLerror = FALSE; if(defined("USE_PERSISTANT_DB") && USE_PERSISTANT_DB == TRUE) { // No persistent link parameter permitted if ( ! $this->mySQLaccess = @mysql_pconnect($this->mySQLserver, $this->mySQLuser, $this->mySQLpassword)) { return 'e1'; } } else { if ( ! $this->mySQLaccess = @mysql_connect($this->mySQLserver, $this->mySQLuser, $this->mySQLpassword, $newLink)) { return 'e1'; } } // Set utf8 connection? //@TODO: simplify when yet undiscovered side-effects will be fixed $this->db_Set_Charset(); if (!@mysql_select_db($this->mySQLdefaultdb, $this->mySQLaccess)) { return 'e2'; } $this->dbError('dbConnect/SelectDB'); // Save the connection resource if ($db_ConnectionID == NULL) $db_ConnectionID = $this->mySQLaccess; return TRUE; } /** * @return void * @param unknown $sMarker * @desc Enter description here... * @access private */ function db_Mark_Time($sMarker) { if (E107_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0) { global $db_debug; $db_debug->Mark_Time($sMarker); } } /** * @return void * @desc Enter description here... * @access private */ function db_Show_Performance() { return $db_debug->Show_Performance(); } /** * @return void * @desc add query to dblog table * @access private */ function db_Write_log($log_type = '', $log_remark = '', $log_query = '') { global $tp, $e107; list($time_usec, $time_sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); $uid = (USER) ? USERID : '0'; $userstring = ( USER === true ? USERNAME : "LAN_ANONYMOUS"); $ip = $e107->getip(); $qry = $tp->toDB($log_query); $this->db_Insert('dblog', "0, {$time_sec}, {$time_usec}, '{$log_type}', 'DBDEBUG', {$uid}, '{$userstring}', '{$ip}', '', '{$log_remark}', '{$qry}'"); } /** * @desc Enter description here... * This is the 'core' routine which handles much of the interface between other functions and the DB * * @param unknown $query * @param unknown $rli * @return unknown */ public function db_Query($query, $rli = NULL, $qry_from = '', $debug = FALSE, $log_type = '', $log_remark = '') { global $db_time,$db_mySQLQueryCount,$queryinfo; $db_mySQLQueryCount++; if ($debug == 'now') { echo "** $query
\n"; } if ($debug !== FALSE || strstr(e_QUERY, 'showsql')) { $queryinfo[] = "{$qry_from}: $query"; } if ($log_type != '') { $this->db_Write_log($log_type, $log_remark, $query); } if(!$this->mySQLaccess) { global $db_ConnectionID; $this->mySQLaccess = $db_ConnectionID; } $b = microtime(); $sQryRes = is_null($rli) ? @mysql_query($query,$this->mySQLaccess) : @mysql_query($query, $rli); $e = microtime(); e107::getSingleton('e107_traffic')->Bump('db_Query', $b, $e); $mytime = e107::getSingleton('e107_traffic')->TimeDelta($b,$e); $db_time += $mytime; $this->mySQLresult = $sQryRes; if ((strpos($query,'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS') !== FALSE) && (strpos($query,'SELECT') !== FALSE)) { // Need to get the total record count as well. Return code is a resource identifier // Have to do this before any debug action, otherwise this bit gets messed up $fr = mysql_query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()", $this->mySQLaccess); $rc = mysql_fetch_array($fr); $this->total_results = $rc['FOUND_ROWS()']; } if (E107_DEBUG_LEVEL) { global $db_debug; $aTrace = debug_backtrace(); $pTable = $this->mySQLcurTable; if (!strlen($pTable)) { $pTable = '(complex query)'; } else { $this->mySQLcurTable = ''; // clear before next query } if(is_object($db_debug)) { $buglink = is_null($rli) ? $this->mySQLaccess : $rli; $nFields = $db_debug->Mark_Query($query, $buglink, $sQryRes, $aTrace, $mytime, $pTable); } else { echo "what happened to db_debug??!!
"; } } return $sQryRes; } /** * Perform a mysql_query() using the arguments suplied by calling db::db_Query()
* If you need more requests think to call the class.
* Example using a unique connection to database:
* $sql->db_Select("comments", "*", "comment_item_id = '$id' AND comment_type = '1' ORDER BY comment_datestamp");
* OR as second connection:
* $sql2 = new db; * $sql2->db_Select("chatbox", "*", "ORDER BY cb_datestamp DESC LIMIT $from, ".$view, 'no_where'); * * @return integer Number of rows or false on error */ public function db_Select($table, $fields = '*', $arg = '', $mode = 'default', $debug = FALSE, $log_type = '', $log_remark = '') { global $db_mySQLQueryCount; $table = $this->db_IsLang($table); $this->mySQLcurTable = $table; if ($arg != '' && $mode == 'default') { if ($this->mySQLresult = $this->db_Query('SELECT '.$fields.' FROM '.$this->mySQLPrefix.$table.' WHERE '.$arg, NULL, 'db_Select', $debug, $log_type, $log_remark)) { $this->dbError('dbQuery'); return $this->db_Rows(); } else { $this->dbError("db_Select (SELECT $fields FROM ".$this->mySQLPrefix."{$table} WHERE {$arg})"); return FALSE; } } elseif ($arg != '' && $mode != 'default') { if ($this->mySQLresult = $this->db_Query('SELECT '.$fields.' FROM '.$this->mySQLPrefix.$table.' '.$arg, NULL, 'db_Select', $debug, $log_type, $log_remark)) { $this->dbError('dbQuery'); return $this->db_Rows(); } else { $this->dbError("db_Select (SELECT {$fields} FROM ".$this->mySQLPrefix."{$table} {$arg})"); return FALSE; } } else { if ($this->mySQLresult = $this->db_Query('SELECT '.$fields.' FROM '.$this->mySQLPrefix.$table, NULL, 'db_Select', $debug, $log_type, $log_remark)) { $this->dbError('dbQuery'); return $this->db_Rows(); } else { $this->dbError("db_Select (SELECT {$fields} FROM ".$this->mySQLPrefix."{$table})"); return FALSE; } } } /** * @return int Last insert ID or false on error * @param string $table * @param string/array $arg * @param string $debug * @desc Insert a row into the table
* Example:
* $sql->db_Insert("links", "0, 'News', 'news.php', '', '', 1, 0, 0, 0"); * * @access public */ function db_Insert($table, $arg, $debug = FALSE, $log_type = '', $log_remark = '') { $table = $this->db_IsLang($table); $this->mySQLcurTable = $table; if(is_array($arg)) { if(isset($arg['_REPLACE'])) { $REPLACE = TRUE; unset($arg['_REPLACE']); } else { $REPLACE = FALSE; } if(!isset($arg['_FIELD_TYPES']) && !isset($arg['data'])) { //Convert data if not using 'new' format $_tmp = array(); $_tmp['data'] = $arg; $arg = $_tmp; unset($_tmp); } if(!isset($arg['data'])) { return false; } $fieldTypes = $this->_getTypes($arg); $keyList= '`'.implode('`,`', array_keys($arg['data'])).'`'; $tmp = array(); foreach($arg['data'] as $fk => $fv) { $tmp[] = $this->_getFieldValue($fk, $fv, $fieldTypes); } $valList= implode(', ', $tmp); unset($tmp); if($REPLACE === FALSE) { $query = "INSERT INTO `".$this->mySQLPrefix."{$table}` ({$keyList}) VALUES ({$valList})"; } else { $query = "REPLACE INTO `".$this->mySQLPrefix."{$table}` ({$keyList}) VALUES ({$valList})"; } } else { $query = 'INSERT INTO '.$this->mySQLPrefix."{$table} VALUES ({$arg})"; } if(!$this->mySQLaccess) { global $db_ConnectionID; $this->mySQLaccess = $db_ConnectionID; } if ($result = $this->mySQLresult = $this->db_Query($query, NULL, 'db_Insert', $debug, $log_type, $log_remark )) { $tmp = mysql_insert_id($this->mySQLaccess); $this->dbError('db_Insert'); return ($tmp) ? $tmp : TRUE; // return true even if table doesn't have auto-increment. } else { $this->dbError("db_Insert ({$query})"); return FALSE; } } /** * @return int Last insert ID or false on error * @param string $table * @param array $arg * @param string $debug * @desc Insert/REplace a row into the table
* Example:
* $sql->db_Replace("links", $array); * * @access public */ function db_Replace($table, $arg, $debug = FALSE, $log_type = '', $log_remark = '') { $arg['_REPLACE'] = TRUE; return $this->db_Insert($table, $arg, $debug, $log_type, $log_remark); } /** * @return int number of affected rows, or false on error * @param string $table * @param string $arg * @param bool $debug * @desc Update fields in ONE table of the database corresponding to your $arg variable
* Think to call it if you need to do an update while retrieving data.
* Example using a unique connection to database:
* $sql->db_Update("user", "user_viewed='$u_new' WHERE user_id='".USERID."' "); *
* OR as second connection
* $sql2 = new db; * $sql2->db_Update("user", "user_viewed = '$u_new' WHERE user_id = '".USERID."' ");
* * @access public */ function db_Update($table, $arg, $debug = FALSE, $log_type = '', $log_remark = '') { $table = $this->db_IsLang($table); $this->mySQLcurTable = $table; if(!$this->mySQLaccess) { global $db_ConnectionID; $this->mySQLaccess = $db_ConnectionID; } if (is_array($arg)) // Remove the need for a separate db_UpdateArray() function. { $new_data = ''; if(!isset($arg['_FIELD_TYPES']) && !isset($arg['data'])) { //Convert data if not using 'new' format (is this needed?) $_tmp = array(); if(isset($arg['WHERE'])) { $_tmp['WHERE'] = $arg['WHERE']; unset($arg['WHERE']); } $_tmp['data'] = $arg; $arg = $_tmp; unset($_tmp); } if(!isset($arg['data'])) { return false; } $fieldTypes = $this->_getTypes($arg); foreach ($arg['data'] as $fn => $fv) { $new_data .= ($new_data ? ', ' : ''); $new_data .= "`{$fn}`=".$this->_getFieldValue($fn, $fv, $fieldTypes); } $arg = $new_data .(isset($arg['WHERE']) ? ' WHERE '. $arg['WHERE'] : ''); } $query = 'UPDATE '.$this->mySQLPrefix.$table.' SET '.$arg; if ($result = $this->mySQLresult = $this->db_Query($query, NULL, 'db_Update', $debug, $log_type, $log_remark)) { $result = mysql_affected_rows($this->mySQLaccess); $this->dbError('db_Update'); if ($result == -1) { return false; } // Error return from mysql_affected_rows return $result; } else { $this->dbError("db_Update ({$query})"); return FALSE; } } function _getTypes(&$arg) { if(isset($arg['_FIELD_TYPES'])) { if(!isset($arg['_FIELD_TYPES']['_DEFAULT'])) { $arg['_FIELD_TYPES']['_DEFAULT'] = 'todb'; } $fieldTypes = $arg['_FIELD_TYPES']; unset($arg['_FIELD_TYPES']); } else { $fieldTypes = array(); $fieldTypes['_DEFAULT'] = 'string'; } return $fieldTypes; } /** * @return mixed * @param string|array $fieldValue * @desc Return new field value in proper format
* * @access private */ function _getFieldValue($fieldKey, $fieldValue, &$fieldTypes) { if($fieldValue === '_NULL_') { return 'NULL';} $type = (isset($fieldTypes[$fieldKey]) ? $fieldTypes[$fieldKey] : $fieldTypes['_DEFAULT']); switch ($type) { case 'int': case 'integer': return (int)$fieldValue; break; case 'cmd': return $fieldValue; break; case 'str': case 'string': return "'{$fieldValue}'"; break; case 'null': return ($fieldValue ? "'{$fieldValue}'" : 'NULL'); break; case 'escape': return "'".mysql_real_escape_string($fieldValue)."'"; break; case 'todb': default: if($fieldValue == '') { return "''"; } $e107 = e107::getInstance(); return "'".$e107->tp->toDB($fieldValue)."'"; break; } } /* Similar to db_Update(), but splits the variables and the 'WHERE' clause. $vars may be an array (fieldname=>newvalue) of fields to be updated, or a simple list. $arg is usually a 'WHERE' clause The way the code is written at the moment, a call to db_Update() with just the first two parameters specified can be converted simply by changing the function name - it will still work. Deprecated routine - use db_Update() with array parameters */ function db_UpdateArray($table, $vars, $arg='', $debug = FALSE, $log_type = '', $log_remark = '') { $table = $this->db_IsLang($table); $this->mySQLcurTable = $table; if(!$this->mySQLaccess) { global $db_ConnectionID; $this->mySQLaccess = $db_ConnectionID; } $new_data = ''; if (is_array($vars)) { $spacer = ''; foreach ($vars as $fn => $fv) { $new_data .= $spacer."`{$fn}`='{$fv}'"; $spacer = ', '; } $vars = ''; } if ($result = $this->mySQLresult = $this->db_Query('UPDATE '.$this->mySQLPrefix.$table.' SET '.$new_data.$vars.' '.$arg, NULL, 'db_UpdateArray', $debug, $log_type, $log_remark)) { $result = mysql_affected_rows($this->mySQLaccess); if ($result == -1) return FALSE; // Error return from mysql_affected_rows return $result; } else { $this->dbError("db_Update ($query)"); return FALSE; } } /** * @return array MySQL row * @param string $mode * @desc Fetch an array containing row data (see PHP's mysql_fetch_array() docs)
* Example :
* while($row = $sql->db_Fetch()){ * $text .= $row['username']; * } * * @access public */ function db_Fetch($type = MYSQL_ASSOC) { if (!(is_int($type))) { $type=MYSQL_ASSOC; } $b = microtime(); if($this->mySQLresult) { $row = @mysql_fetch_array($this->mySQLresult,$type); e107::getSingleton('e107_traffic')->Bump('db_Fetch', $b); } if ($row) { $this->dbError('db_Fetch'); return $row; } else { $this->dbError('db_Fetch'); return FALSE; } } /** * @return int number of affected rows or false on error * @param string $table * @param string $fields * @param string $arg * @desc Count the number of rows in a select
* Example:
* $topics = $sql->db_Count("forum_t", "(*)", " WHERE thread_forum_id='".$forum_id."' AND thread_parent='0' "); * * @access public */ function db_Count($table, $fields = '(*)', $arg = '', $debug = FALSE, $log_type = '', $log_remark = '') { $table = $this->db_IsLang($table); if ($fields == 'generic') { $query=$table; if ($this->mySQLresult = $this->db_Query($query, NULL, 'db_Count', $debug, $log_type, $log_remark)) { $rows = $this->mySQLrows = @mysql_fetch_array($this->mySQLresult); $this->dbError('db_Count'); return $rows['COUNT(*)']; } else { $this->dbError("db_Count ({$query})"); return FALSE; } } $this->mySQLcurTable = $table; $query='SELECT COUNT'.$fields.' FROM '.$this->mySQLPrefix.$table.' '.$arg; if ($this->mySQLresult = $this->db_Query($query, NULL, 'db_Count', $debug, $log_type, $log_remark)) { $rows = $this->mySQLrows = @mysql_fetch_array($this->mySQLresult); $this->dbError('db_Count'); return $rows[0]; } else { $this->dbError("db_Count({$query})"); return FALSE; } } /** * @return void * @desc Closes the mySQL server connection.
* Only required if you open a second connection.
* Native e107 connection is closed in the footer.php file
* Example :
* $sql->db_Close(); * * @access public */ function db_Close() { if(!$this->mySQLaccess) { global $db_ConnectionID; $this->mySQLaccess = $db_ConnectionID; } e107::getSingleton('e107_traffic')->BumpWho('db Close', 1); $this->mySQLaccess = NULL; // correct way to do it when using shared links. $this->dbError('dbClose'); } /** * @return int number of affected rows, or false on error * @param string $table * @param string $arg * @desc Delete rows from a table
* Example: * $sql->db_Delete("tmp", "tmp_ip='$ip'");
* @access public */ function db_Delete($table, $arg = '', $debug = FALSE, $log_type = '', $log_remark = '') { $table = $this->db_IsLang($table); $this->mySQLcurTable = $table; if(!$this->mySQLaccess) { global $db_ConnectionID; $this->mySQLaccess = $db_ConnectionID; } if (!$arg) { if ($result = $this->mySQLresult = $this->db_Query('DELETE FROM '.$this->mySQLPrefix.$table, NULL, 'db_Delete', $debug, $log_type, $log_remark)) { $this->dbError('db_Delete'); return $result; } else { $this->dbError("db_Delete({$arg})"); return FALSE; } } else { if ($result = $this->mySQLresult = $this->db_Query('DELETE FROM '.$this->mySQLPrefix.$table.' WHERE '.$arg, NULL, 'db_Delete', $debug, $log_type, $log_remark)) { $tmp = mysql_affected_rows($this->mySQLaccess); $this->dbError('db_Delete'); return $tmp; } else { $this->dbError('db_Delete ('.$arg.')'); return FALSE; } } } /** * @return unknown * @desc Enter description here... * @access private */ function db_Rows() { $rows = $this->mySQLrows = @mysql_num_rows($this->mySQLresult); $this->dbError('db_Rows'); return $rows; } /** * @return void * @param unknown $mode * @desc Enter description here... * @access private */ function db_SetErrorReporting($mode) { $this->mySQLerror = $mode; } /** * @return unknown * @param unknown $arg * @desc Enter description here... * @access private */ function db_Select_gen($query, $debug = FALSE, $log_type = '', $log_remark = '') { $this->tabset = FALSE; $query .= " "; // temp fix for failing regex below, when there is no space after the table name; if(strpos($query,'`#') !== FALSE) { $query = preg_replace_callback("/\s`#([\w]*?)`\W/", array($this, 'ml_check'), $query); } elseif(strpos($query,'#') !== FALSE) { $query = preg_replace_callback("/\s#([\w]*?)\W/", array($this, 'ml_check'), $query); } if (($this->mySQLresult = $this->db_Query($query, NULL, 'db_Select_gen', $debug, $log_type, $log_remark)) === TRUE) { // Successful query which doesn't return a row count $this->dbError('db_Select_gen'); return TRUE; } elseif ($this->mySQLresult === FALSE) { // Failed query $this->dbError('db_Select_gen('.$query.')'); return FALSE; } else { // Successful query which does return a row count - get the count and return it $this->dbError('db_Select_gen'); return $this->db_Rows(); } } function ml_check($matches) { $table = $this->db_IsLang($matches[1]); if($this->tabset == false) { $this->mySQLcurTable = $table; $this->tabset = true; } return ' `'.$this->mySQLPrefix.$table.'`'.substr($matches[0],-1); } /** * @return unknown * @param unknown $offset * @desc Enter description here... * @access private */ function db_Fieldname($offset) { $result = @mysql_field_name($this->mySQLresult, $offset); return $result; } /** * @return unknown * @desc Enter description here... * @access private */ function db_Field_info() { $result = @mysql_fetch_field($this->mySQLresult); return $result; } /** * @return unknown * @desc Enter description here... * @access private */ function db_Num_fields() { $result = @mysql_num_fields($this->mySQLresult); return $result; } /** * Check for the existence of a matching language table when multi-language tables are active. * @param string $table Name of table, without the prefix. * @access private * @return name of the language table (eg. lan_french_news) */ function db_IsLang($table,$multiple=FALSE) { global $pref; if ((!$this->mySQLlanguage || !$pref['multilanguage']) && $multiple==FALSE) { return $table; } if(!$this->mySQLaccess) { global $db_ConnectionID; $this->mySQLaccess = $db_ConnectionID; } if($multiple == FALSE) { $mltable = "lan_".strtolower($this->mySQLlanguage.'_'.$table); return ($this->db_Table_exists($table,$this->mySQLlanguage)) ? $mltable : $table; } else // return an array of all matching language tables. eg [french]->e107_lan_news { if(!is_array($table)) { $table = array($table); } foreach($this->mySQLtablelist as $tab) { if(stristr($tab, $this->mySQLPrefix."lan_") !== FALSE) { $tmp = explode("_",str_replace($this->mySQLPrefix."lan_","",$tab)); $lng = $tmp[0]; foreach($table as $t) { if(eregi($t."$",$tab)) { $lanlist[$lng][$this->mySQLPrefix.$t] = $tab; } } } } return (varset($lanlist)) ? $lanlist : FALSE; } // ------------------------- } /** * @return array * @param string fields to retrieve * @desc returns fields as structured array * @access public */ function db_getList($fields = 'ALL', $amount = FALSE, $maximum = FALSE, $ordermode=FALSE) { $list = array(); $counter = 1; while ($row = $this->db_Fetch()) { foreach($row as $key => $value) { if (is_string($key)) { if (strtoupper($fields) == 'ALL' || in_array ($key, $fields)) { if(!$ordermode) { $list[$counter][$key] = $value; } else { $list[$row[$ordermode]][$key] = $value; } } } } if ($amount && $amount == $counter || ($maximum && $counter > $maximum)) { break; } $counter++; } return $list; } /** * @return integer * @desc returns total number of queries made so far * @access public */ function db_QueryCount() { global $db_mySQLQueryCount; return $db_mySQLQueryCount; } /* Multi-language Query Function. */ function db_Query_all($query,$debug="") { $error = ""; $query = str_replace("#",$this->mySQLPrefix,$query); if(!$this->db_Query($query)) { // run query on the default language first. $error .= $query. " failed"; } $tmp = explode(" ",$query); foreach($tmp as $val) { if(strpos($val,$this->mySQLPrefix) !== FALSE) { $table[] = str_replace($this->mySQLPrefix,"",$val); $search[] = $val; } } // Loop thru relevant language tables and replace each tablename within the query. if($tablist = $this->db_IsLang($table,TRUE)) { foreach($tablist as $key=>$tab) { $querylan = $query; foreach($search as $find) { $lang = $key; $replace = ($tab[$find] !="") ? $tab[$find] : $find; $querylan = str_replace($find,$replace,$querylan); } if(!$this->db_Query($querylan)) { // run query on other language tables. $error .= $querylan." failed for language"; } if($debug){ echo "
** lang= ".$querylan; } } } return ($error)? FALSE : TRUE; } // Determines if a plugin field (and key) exist. OR if fieldid is numeric - return the field name in that position. // If $retinfo is true, returns complete array of field data; FALSE if not found function db_Field($table,$fieldid="",$key="", $retinfo = FALSE) { if(!$this->mySQLdefaultdb) { global $mySQLdefaultdb; $this->mySQLdefaultdb = $mySQLdefaultdb; } $convert = array("PRIMARY"=>"PRI","INDEX"=>"MUL","UNIQUE"=>"UNI"); $key = (isset($convert[$key])) ? $convert[$key] : "OFF"; if(!$this->mySQLaccess) { global $db_ConnectionID; $this->mySQLaccess = $db_ConnectionID; } $result = mysql_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM ".$this->mySQLPrefix.$table,$this->mySQLaccess); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $c=0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { if(is_numeric($fieldid)) { if($c == $fieldid) { if ($retinfo) return $row; return $row['Field']; // field number matches. } } else { // Check for match of key name - and allow that key might not be used if(($fieldid == $row['Field']) && (($key == "OFF") || ($key == $row['Key']))) { if ($retinfo) return $row; return TRUE; } } $c++; } } return FALSE; } /** * A pointer to mysql_real_escape_string() - see http://www.php.net/mysql_real_escape_string * * @param string $data * @return string */ function escape($data, $strip = true) { if ($strip) { $data = strip_if_magic($data); } if(!$this->mySQLaccess) { global $db_ConnectionID; $this->mySQLaccess = $db_ConnectionID; } return mysql_real_escape_string($data,$this->mySQLaccess); } /** * Verify whether a table exists, without causing an error * * @param string $table Table name without the prefix * @param string $lanMode [optional] When set to TRUE, searches for multilanguage tables * @return boolean TRUE if exists * * NOTES: Slower (28ms) than "SELECT 1 FROM" (4-5ms), but doesn't produce MySQL errors. * Multiple checks on a single page will only use 1 query. ie. faster on multiple calls. */ public function db_Table_exists($table,$language='') { global $pref; $table = strtolower($table); // precaution for multilanguage if($language && ($language != $pref['sitelanguage'])) { if(!isset($this->mySQLtableListLanguage[$language])) { $this->mySQLtableListLanguage = $this->db_mySQLtableList($language); } return in_array('lan_'.strtolower($language)."_".$table,$this->mySQLtableListLanguage[$language]); } else { if(!$this->mySQLtableList) { $this->mySQLtableList = $this->db_mySQLtableList(); } return in_array($table,$this->mySQLtableList); } } /** * Populate $this->mySQLtableList; * @return array */ private function db_mySQLtableList($language='') { if($language) { if(!isset($this->mySQLtableListLanguage[$language])) { $table = array(); if($res = $this->db_Query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$this->mySQLPrefix."lan_".strtolower($language)."%' ")) { while($rows = $this->db_Fetch(MYSQL_NUM)) { $table[] = str_replace($this->mySQLPrefix,"",$rows[0]); } } $ret = array($language=>$table); return $ret; } else { return $this->mySQLtableListLanguage[$language]; } } if(!$this->mySQLtableList) { $table = array(); if($res = $this->db_Query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$this->mySQLPrefix."%' ")) { while($rows = $this->db_Fetch(MYSQL_NUM)) { $table[] = str_replace($this->mySQLPrefix,"",$rows[0]); } } return $table; } else { return $this->mySQLtableList; } } public function db_ResetTableList() { $this->mySQLtableList = array(); $this->mySQLtableListLanguage = array(); } /** * Return a filtered list of DB tables. * @param object $mode [optional] all|lan|nolan * @return array */ public function db_TableList($mode='all') { if(!$this->mySQLtableList) { $this->mySQLtableList = $this->db_mySQLtableList(); } if($mode == 'all') { return $this->mySQLtableList; } if($mode == 'lan' || $mode=='nolan') { $nolan = array(); $lan = array(); foreach($this->mySQLtableList as $tab) { if(substr($tab,0,4)!='lan_') { $nolan[] = $tab; } else { $lan[] = $tab; } } return ($mode == 'lan') ? $lan : $nolan; } } function db_CopyTable($oldtable, $newtable, $drop = FALSE, $data = FALSE) { $old = $this->mySQLPrefix.strtolower($oldtable); $new = $this->mySQLPrefix.strtolower($newtable); if ($drop) { $this->db_Select_gen("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$new}"); } //Get $old table structure $this->db_Select_gen('SET SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE = 1'); $qry = "SHOW CREATE TABLE {$old}"; if ($this->db_Select_gen($qry)) { $row = $this->db_Fetch(MYSQL_NUM); $qry = $row[1]; // $qry = str_replace($old, $new, $qry); $qry = preg_replace("#CREATE\sTABLE\s`{0,1}".$old."`{0,1}\s#", "CREATE TABLE `{$new}` ", $qry, 1); // More selective search } else { return FALSE; } if(!$this->db_Table_exists($newtable)) { $result = $this->db_Query($qry); } if ($data) //We need to copy the data too { $qry = "INSERT INTO {$new} SELECT * FROM {$old}"; $result = $this->db_Select_gen($qry); } return $result; } /** * @return text string relating to error (empty string if no error) * @param unknown $from * @desc Calling method from within this class * @access private */ function dbError($from) { $this->mySQLlastErrNum = mysql_errno(); $this->mySQLlastErrText = ''; if ($this->mySQLlastErrNum == 0) { return ''; } $this->mySQLlastErrText = mysql_error(); // Get the error text. if ($this->mySQLerror == TRUE) { message_handler('ADMIN_MESSAGE', 'mySQL Error! Function: '.$from.'. ['.$this->mySQLlastErrNum.' - '.$this->mySQLlastErrText.']', __LINE__, __FILE__); } return $this->mySQLlastErrText; } // Return error number for last operation function getLastErrorNumber() { return $this->mySQLlastErrNum; // Number of last error } // Return error text for last operation function getLastErrorText() { return $this->mySQLlastErrText; // Text of last error (empty string if no error) } /** * Check if MySQL version is utf8 compatible and may be used as it accordingly to the user choice * * @TODO Simplify when the conversion script will be available * * @access public * @param string MySQL charset may be forced in special occasion. * UTF-8 encoding and decoding is left to the progammer * @param bool TRUE enter debug mode. default FALSE * @return string hardcoded error message */ function db_Set_Charset($charset = '', $debug = FALSE) { // Get the default user choice global $mySQLcharset; if (varset($mySQLcharset) != 'utf8') { // Only utf8 is accepted $mySQLcharset = ''; } $charset = ($charset ? $charset : $mySQLcharset); $message = (( ! $charset && $debug) ? 'Empty charset!' : ''); if($charset) { if ( ! $debug) { @mysql_query("SET NAMES `$charset`"); } else { // Check if MySQL version is utf8 compatible preg_match('/^(.*?)($|-)/', mysql_get_server_info(), $mysql_version); if (version_compare($mysql_version[1], '4.1.2', '<')) { // reset utf8 //@TODO reset globally? $mySQLcharset = ''; $charset = ''; $message = 'MySQL version is not utf8 compatible!'; } else { // Use db_Query() debug handler $this->db_Query("SET NAMES `$charset`", NULL, '', $debug); } } } // Save mySQLcharset for further uses within this connection $this->mySQLcharset = $charset; return $message; } } /** * BC */ class db extends e_db_mysql { } ?>