frm = new e_form(); //enable inner tabindex counter $this->fl = e107::getFile(); if (isset($_POST['upload'])) { $this -> themeUpload(); } $this->themeArray = (defined('E107_INSTALL')) ? $this -> getThemes('xml') : $this -> getThemes(); // print_a($this -> themeArray); foreach($_POST as $key => $post) { if(strstr($key,"preview")) { // $this -> id = str_replace("preview_", "", $key); $this -> id = key($post); $this -> themePreview(); } if(strstr($key,"selectmain")) { // $this -> id = str_replace("selectmain_", "", $key); $this -> id = key($post); $this -> setTheme(); } if(strstr($key,"selectadmin")) { $this -> id = key($post); $this -> setAdminTheme(); $this -> refreshPage('admin'); } } if(isset($_POST['submit_adminstyle'])) { $this -> id = $_POST['curTheme']; if($this -> setAdminStyle()) { eMessage::getInstance()->add(TPVLAN_43, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); } e107::getConfig()->save(true); } if(isset($_POST['submit_style'])) { $this -> id = $_POST['curTheme']; $this -> SetCustomPages($_POST['custompages']); $this -> setStyle(); e107::getConfig()->save(true); } if(isset($_POST['installplugin'])) { $key = key($_POST['installplugin']); include_lan(e_LANGUAGEDIR.e_LANGUAGE."/admin/lan_plugin.php"); require_once(e_HANDLER."plugin_class.php"); $eplug = new e107plugin; $message = $eplug->install_plugin($key); $emessage->add($message, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); } if(isset($_POST['setMenuPreset'])) { $key = key($_POST['setMenuPreset']); include_lan(e_LANGUAGEDIR.e_LANGUAGE."/admin/lan_menus.php"); require_once(e_HANDLER."menumanager_class.php"); $men = new e_menuManager(); $men->curLayout = $key; $men->dbLayout = ($men->curLayout !=$pref['sitetheme_deflayout']) ? $men->curLayout : ""; //menu_layout is left blank when it's default. if($areas = $men->menuSetPreset()) { foreach($areas as $val) { $ar[$val['menu_location']][] = $val['menu_name']; } foreach($ar as $k=>$v) { $message .= MENLAN_14." ".$k." : ".implode(", ",$v)."
"; } $emessage->add(MENLAN_43." : ".$key."
".$message, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); } } } function getThemes($mode=FALSE) { $themeArray = array(); $tloop = 1; $handle = opendir(e_THEME); while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if(($mode == 'xml') && !is_readable(e_THEME.$file."/theme.xml")) { continue; } if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != "CVS" && $file != "templates" && is_dir(e_THEME.$file) && is_readable(e_THEME.$file."/theme.php") ) { if($mode == "id") { $themeArray[$tloop] = $file; } else { $themeArray[$file] = $this->getThemeInfo($file); $themeArray[$file]['id'] = $tloop; } $tloop++; } } closedir($handle); /* echo "
   	 echo "
";*/ return $themeArray; } function getThemeInfo($file) { $STYLESHEET = FALSE; $reject = array('$.','$..','/','CVS','thumbs.db','*._$', 'index', 'null*','e_*'); $handle2 = $this->fl->get_files(e_THEME.$file."/", ".php|.css|.xml|preview.jpg|preview.png",$reject,1); foreach($handle2 as $fln) { $file2 = str_replace(e_THEME.$file."/","",$fln['path']).$fln['fname']; $themeArray[$file]['files'][] = $file2; if(strstr($file2, "preview.")) { $themeArray[$file]['preview'] = e_THEME.$file."/".$file2; } // ---------------- get information string for css file if(strstr($file2, "css") && !strstr($file2, "menu.css") && strpos($file2, "e_") !== 0) { if($fp=fopen(e_THEME.$file."/".$file2, "r")) { $cssContents = fread ($fp, filesize(e_THEME.$file."/".$file2)); fclose($fp); $nonadmin = preg_match('/\* Non-Admin(.*?)\*\//', $cssContents) ? true : false; preg_match('/\* info:(.*?)\*\//', $cssContents, $match); $match[1]=varset($match[1],''); $themeArray[$file]['css'][] = array("name" => $file2, "info" => $match[1], "nonadmin" => $nonadmin); if($STYLESHEET) { $themeArray[$file]['multipleStylesheets'] = TRUE; } else { $STYLESHEET = TRUE; } } } } // end while.. // echo "
"; // closedir($handle2); // Load Theme information and merge with existing array. theme.xml (0.8 themes) is given priority over theme.php (0.7). if(in_array("theme.xml",$themeArray[$file]['files']) ) { $themeArray[$file] = array_merge($themeArray[$file], $this->parse_theme_xml($file)); } elseif(in_array("theme.php",$themeArray[$file]['files'])) { $themeArray[$file] = array_merge($themeArray[$file], $this->parse_theme_php($file)); } return $themeArray[$file]; } /** * Validate and return the name of the category * @param object $categoryfromXML * @return */ function getThemeCategory($categoryfromXML='') { if(!$categoryfromXML) { return 'generic'; } $tmp = explode(",",$categoryfromXML); $category = array(); foreach($tmp as $cat) { $cat = trim($cat); if(in_array($cat,$this->allowedCategories)) { $category[] = $cat; } else { $category[] = 'generic'; } } return implode(', ',$category); } function themeUpload() { if (!$_POST['ac'] == md5(ADMINPWCHANGE)) { exit; } global $ns, $emessage; extract($_FILES); if(!is_writable(e_THEME)) { // $ns->tablerender(TPVLAN_16, TPVLAN_20); $emessage->add(TPVLAN_20, E_MESSAGE_INFO); return FALSE; } else { require_once(e_HANDLER."upload_handler.php"); $fileName = $file_userfile['name'][0]; $fileSize = $file_userfile['size'][0]; $fileType = $file_userfile['type'][0]; if(strstr($file_userfile['type'][0], "gzip")) { $fileType = "tar"; } else if (strstr($file_userfile['type'][0], "zip")) { $fileType = "zip"; } else { $emessage->add(TPVLAN_17, E_MESSAGE_ERROR); // $ns->tablerender(TPVLAN_16, TPVLAN_17); // require_once("footer.php"); return FALSE; } if ($fileSize) { $uploaded = file_upload(e_THEME); $archiveName = $uploaded[0]['name']; if($fileType == "zip") { require_once(e_HANDLER."pclzip.lib.php"); $archive = new PclZip(e_THEME.$archiveName); $unarc = ($fileList = $archive -> extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, e_THEME, PCLZIP_OPT_SET_CHMOD, 0666)); } else { require_once(e_HANDLER."pcltar.lib.php"); $unarc = ($fileList = PclTarExtract($archiveName, e_THEME)); } if(!$unarc) { if($fileType == "zip") { $error = TPVLAN_46." '".$archive -> errorName(TRUE)."'"; } else { $error = TPVLAN_47.PclErrorString().", ".TPVLAN_48.intval(PclErrorCode()); } $emessage->add(TPVLAN_18." ".$archiveName." ".$error, E_MESSAGE_ERROR); // $ns->tablerender(TPVLAN_16, TPVLAN_18." ".$archiveName." ".$error); return FALSE; } $folderName = substr($fileList[0]['stored_filename'], 0, (strpos($fileList[0]['stored_filename'], "/"))); $emessage->add(TPVLAN_19, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); if(varset($_POST['setUploadTheme'])) { $themeArray = $this->getThemes(); $this->id = $themeArray[$folderName]['id']; $this->setTheme(); } // $ns->tablerender(TPVLAN_16, "
"); @unlink(e_THEME.$archiveName); } } } function showThemes($mode='main') { global $ns, $pref, $emessage; echo "
\n"; if($mode == "main" || !$mode) // Show Main Configuration { foreach($this -> themeArray as $key => $theme) { if($key == $pref['sitetheme']) { $text = $this -> renderTheme(1, $theme); } } $ns->tablerender(TPVLAN_26." :: ".TPVLAN_33, $emessage->render(). $text); } if($mode == "admin") // Show Admin Configuration { foreach($this -> themeArray as $key => $theme) { if($key == $pref['admintheme']) { $text = $this -> renderTheme(2, $theme); } } $ns->tablerender(TPVLAN_26." :: ".TPVLAN_34, $emessage->render(). $text); } if($mode == "upload") // Show Upload Form { $this -> renderUploadForm(); } if($mode == "choose") // Show All Themes { $text = ""; foreach($this -> themeArray as $key => $theme) { $text .= $this -> renderTheme(FALSE, $theme); } $text .= "
"; $ns->tablerender(TPVLAN_26." :: ".TPVLAN_39, $emessage->render().$text); } echo "
\n"; } function renderUploadForm() { global $sql,$ns, $emessage; if(!is_writable(e_THEME)) { $ns->tablerender(TPVLAN_16, TPVLAN_15); $text = ""; } else { require_once(e_HANDLER.'upload_handler.php'); $max_file_size = get_user_max_upload(); $text = "
"; $text .= $this->frm->admin_button('upload', TPVLAN_14, 'submit'); $text .= "
\n"; } $ns->tablerender(TPVLAN_26." :: ".TPVLAN_38,$emessage->render(). $text); } function renderThemeInfo($theme) { // TO-DO : This SHOULD be loaded by ajax before release. global $pref; $author = ($theme['email'] ? "".$theme['author']."" : $theme['author']); $website = ($theme['website'] ? "".$theme['website']."" : ""); $preview = "".($theme['preview'] ? "" : "").""; $text = "
"; $text .= $author ? "" : ""; $text .= $website ? "" : ""; $text .= $theme['date'] ? "" : ""; $text .= ""; if($theme['layouts']) // New in 0.8 WORK IN PROGRESS ---- { $itext .= ""; } $text .= ""; $text .= $itext."
".TPVLAN_49.": XHTML "; $text .= ($theme['xhtmlcompliant']) ? ADMIN_TRUE_ICON : ADMIN_FALSE_ICON; $text .= "    CSS "; $text .= ($theme['csscompliant']) ? ADMIN_TRUE_ICON : ADMIN_FALSE_ICON; $text .= "
".TPVLAN_50.": "; $itext .= ($mode == 1) ? "" : ""; $itext .= " \n"; foreach($theme['layouts'] as $key=>$val) { $itext .= " "; if($mode == 1) { if(!$pref['sitetheme_deflayout']) { $pref['sitetheme_deflayout'] = ($val['@attributes']['default']=='true') ? $key : ""; // echo "------------- NODEFAULT"; } $itext .= " "; } $itext .= ""; } $itext .= "
DefaultTitle Requirements Menu Preset
"; $itext .= ($val['@attributes']['previewFull']) ? "" : ""; $itext .= $val['@attributes']['title']; $itext .= ($val['@attributes']['previewFull']) ? "" : ""; $itext .= ($pref['sitetheme_deflayout'] == $key) ? " (default)" : ""; $itext .= " ".$val['@attributes']['plugins']."  "; $itext .= ($val['menuPresets']) ? ADMIN_TRUE_ICON: " "; $itext .= "
".TPVLAN_22.": "; foreach($theme['css'] as $val) { $text .= $val['name']."
"; } $text .= "
"; $text .= "
"; return $text; } function loadThemeConfig() { $confile = e_THEME.$this->id."/".$this->id."_config.php"; if(($this->themeConfigObj === null) && is_readable($confile)) { include($confile); $className = 'theme_'.$this->id; if(class_exists($className)) { $this->themeConfigObj = new $className(); } else { $this->themeConfigObj = FALSE; } } } function renderThemeConfig() // process custom theme configuration - TODO. { global $frm; $this -> loadThemeConfig(); if($this->themeConfigObj) { $var = call_user_func(array(&$this->themeConfigObj, 'config')); foreach($var as $val) { $text .= "".$val['caption'].":".$val['html'].""; } return $text; } } function renderThemeHelp() { if($this->themeConfigObj) { return call_user_func(array(&$this->themeConfigObj, 'help')); } } function setThemeConfig() { $this -> loadThemeConfig(); if($this->themeConfigObj) { return call_user_func(array(&$this->themeConfigObj, 'process')); } } function renderTheme($mode=FALSE, $theme) { /* mode = 0 :: normal mode = 1 :: selected site theme mode = 2 :: selected admin theme */ global $ns, $pref, $frm; $author = ($theme['email'] ? "".$theme['author']."" : $theme['author']); $website = ($theme['website'] ? "".$theme['website']."" : ""); $preview = "".($theme['preview'] ? "" : "").""; $previewbutton = (!$mode ? " " : ""); $main_icon = ($pref['sitetheme'] != $theme['path']) ? "\n" : ADMIN_TRUE_ICON; $info_icon = "\n"; $preview_icon = "\n"; $admin_icon = ($pref['admintheme'] != $theme['path']) ? "\n" : ADMIN_TRUE_ICON; $newpreview = "".($theme['preview'] ? "" : "").""; if(!$mode) // Choose a Theme to Install. { // styles NEED to be put into style.css $borderStyle = (($pref['sitetheme'] == $theme['path']) || ($pref['admintheme'] == $theme['path'])) ? "border:1px solid black" : "border:1px dotted silver;background-color:#DDDDDD"; $text = "
".$theme['name']." ".$theme['version']."
"; return $text; } $this->id = $theme['path']; $this->loadThemeConfig(); // load customn theme configuration fieldss. $text = "


"; if($this->themeConfigObj && call_user_func(array(&$this->themeConfigObj, 'help'))) { $text .= " "; } $text .= "
"; $text .= ""; $text .= ""; $text .= ""; $text .= ""; $text .= ""; $text .= ""; if($mode == 1) // site theme.. { $text .= " "; $text .= " "; } if($mode==1) // New in 0.8 ---- site theme. { $itext = ""; } // $itext .= !$mode ? "" : ""; $text .= $itext; if(array_key_exists("multipleStylesheets", $theme) && $mode) { $text .= " "; } if($mode == 2) { $astext = ""; $file = e107::getFile(); $adminstyles = $file -> get_files(e_ADMIN."includes"); $astext = "\n"; $text .= " \n"; } if($mode == 1) { $text .= $this->renderThemeConfig(); } $text .= "
".TPVLAN_11." ".$theme['version']." ".$newpreview."
".TPVLAN_49.": "; $text .= ($theme['xhtmlcompliant']) ? "W3C XHTML ".$theme['xhtmlcompliant'] : "Not Specified"; $text .= ($theme['csscompliant']) ? " & CSS ".$theme['csscompliant'] : ""; $text .= "
".TPVLAN_53." "; if(varset($theme['plugins'])) { foreach($theme['plugins'] as $key=>$val) { $text .= $this->renderPlugins($theme['plugins']); $text .= " "; } } $text .= " 
".TPVLAN_30." ".TPVLAN_28."   ".TPVLAN_29."
".TPVLAN_50.": "; $itext .= ($mode == 1) ? "" : ""; $itext .= " \n"; foreach($theme['layouts'] as $key=>$val) { $itext .= " "; if($mode == 1) { if(!$pref['sitetheme_deflayout']) { $pref['sitetheme_deflayout'] = ($val['@attributes']['default']=='true') ? $key : ""; } $itext .= ""; } $itext .= ""; $itext .= ""; } $itext .= "
".TPVLAN_55."".TPVLAN_52." ".TPVLAN_56." ".TPVLAN_54."
\n"; $itext .= " "; $itext .= ($val['@attributes']['previewFull']) ? "" : ""; $itext .= $val['@attributes']['title']; $itext .= ($val['@attributes']['previewFull']) ? "" : ""; $custompage_count = (isset($pref['sitetheme_custompages'][$key])) ? " [".count($pref['sitetheme_custompages'][$key])."]" : ""; $custompage_diz = ""; $count = 1; if(isset($pref['sitetheme_custompages'][$key]) && count($pref['sitetheme_custompages'][$key]) > 0) { foreach($pref['sitetheme_custompages'][$key] as $cp) { $custompage_diz .= "".trim($cp)." "; if($count > 4) { $custompage_diz .= "..."; break; } $count++; } } else { $custompage_diz = "None "; } $itext .= " "; $itext .= ($pref['sitetheme_deflayout'] != $key) ? $custompage_diz."
\n" : TPVLAN_55; // Default $itext .= "
"; $itext .= (varset($val['menuPresets'])) ? $this->frm->admin_button("setMenuPreset[".$key."]", "Use Preset") : ""; $itext .= "
".TPVLAN_22.": \n"; foreach($theme['css'] as $css) { $text2 = ""; if($mode == 1 && substr($css['name'],0,6)=="admin_") { continue; } if($mode == 2) { if (!$css['nonadmin']) { $text2 = " \n"; } } if($mode == 1) { $text2 = " \n"; } $text .= ($text2) ? "".$text2."" : ""; } $text .= "
".TPVLAN_55." ".TPVLAN_52." ".TPVLAN_7."
".$css['name']." ".($css['info'] ? $css['info'] : ($css['name'] == "style.css" ? TPVLAN_23 : TPVLAN_24))." ".$css['name']." ".($css['info'] ? $css['info'] : ($css['name'] == "style.css" ? TPVLAN_23 : TPVLAN_24))."
".TPVLAN_41.": ".$astext."
"; if($mode == 2) // admin { $mainid = "selectmain[".$theme['id']."]"; $text .= $this->frm->admin_button('submit_adminstyle', TPVLAN_35, 'update'); $text .= $this->frm->admin_button($mainid, TPVLAN_10, 'submit'); } else // main { $adminid = "selectadmin[".$theme['id']."]"; $text .= $this->frm->admin_button('submit_style', TPVLAN_35, 'update'); $text .= $this->frm->admin_button($adminid, TPVLAN_32, 'submit'); } $text .= ""; $text .= "
\n"; return $text; } function renderPlugins($pluginOpts) { global $frm,$sql; $tmp = (varset($pluginOpts['plugin'][1])) ? $pluginOpts['plugin'] : $pluginOpts; // if there is 1 entry, then it's not the same array. $text = ""; foreach($tmp as $p) { $plug = trim($p['@attributes']['name']); if(plugInstalled($plug)) { $text .= $plug." ".ADMIN_TRUE_ICON; } else { // echo $plug; if($sql -> db_Select("plugin", "plugin_id", " plugin_path = '".$plug."' LIMIT 1 ")) { $row = $sql -> db_Fetch(MYSQL_ASSOC); $name = "installplugin[".$row['plugin_id']."]"; $text .= $this->frm->admin_button($name, ADLAN_121." ".$plug."",'delete'); } else { $text .= (varset($p['@attributes']['url']) && ($p['@attributes']['url']!='core')) ? "".$plug." " : "".$plug.""; $text .= ADMIN_FALSE_ICON; } } $text .= "   "; } return $text; } function refreshPage($page=e_QUERY) { header("Location: ".e_SELF."?".$page); exit; } function themePreview() { echo "\n"; exit; } function showPreview() { include_lan(e_LANGUAGEDIR.e_LANGUAGE."/admin/lan_theme.php"); $text = "

"; global $ns; $ns->tablerender(TPVLAN_2, $text); } /** * Set Theme as Main Theme. * @param object $name [optional] name (folder) of the theme to set. * @return */ function setTheme($name='') { $core = e107::getConfig('core'); $sql = e107::getDb(); $emessage = eMessage::getInstance(); $themeArray = $this -> getThemes("id"); $name = ($name) ? $name : $themeArray[$this -> id]; $layout = $pref['sitetheme_layouts'] = is_array($this->themeArray[$name]['layouts']) ? $this->themeArray[$name]['layouts'] : array(); $deflayout = $this->findDefault($name); $customPages = $this->themeArray[$name]['custompages']; $version = $this->themeArray[$name]['version']; $core->set('sitetheme',$name); $core->set('themecss','style.css'); $core->set('sitetheme_layouts',$layout); $core->set('sitetheme_deflayout',$deflayout); $core->set('sitetheme_custompages',$customPages); $core->set('sitetheme_version',$version); $core->set('sitetheme_releaseUrl',$this->themeArray[$name]['releaseUrl']); $sql -> db_Delete("menus", "menu_layout !='' "); ecache::clear_sys(); if($core->save()) { //TODO LANs $emessage->add(TPVLAN_3." '".$name." v".$version."'", E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); $emessage->add("Default Layout: ".$deflayout,E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); $emessage->add("Custom Pages: ".$customPages,E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); $this->theme_adminlog('01',$name.', style.css'); return TRUE; } else { $emessage->add(TPVLAN_3." '".$name."'", E_MESSAGE_ERROR); return FALSE; } } function findDefault($theme) { if(varset($_POST['layout_default'])) { return $_POST['layout_default']; } $l = $this->themeArray[$theme]; if(!$l) { $l = $this->getThemeInfo($theme); } if($l['layouts']) { foreach($l['layouts'] as $key=>$val) { if(isset($val['@attributes']['default']) && ($val['@attributes']['default'] == "true")) { return $key; } } } else { return ""; } } function setAdminTheme() { global $pref, $e107cache, $ns, $emessage; $themeArray = $this -> getThemes("id"); $pref['admintheme'] = $themeArray[$this -> id]; $pref['admincss'] = file_exists(e_THEME.$pref['admintheme'].'/admin_style.css') ? 'admin_style.css' : 'style.css'; $e107cache->clear_sys(); if(save_prefs()) { $emessage->add(TPVLAN_40." '".$themeArray[$this -> id]."'", E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); // Default Message $this->theme_adminlog('02',$pref['admintheme'].', '.$pref['admincss']); } // $ns->tablerender("Admin Message", "
".TPVLAN_40." '".$themeArray[$this -> id]."'.

"); // $this->showThemes('admin'); } function setStyle() { global $pref, $e107cache, $ns, $sql, $emessage; //TODO adminlog e107::getConfig()->setPosted('themecss', $_POST['themecss']) ->setPosted('image_preload', $_POST['image_preload']) ->setPosted('sitetheme_deflayout', $_POST['layout_default']); $msg = $this->setThemeConfig(); if($msg) { $emessage->add(TPVLAN_37, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); if(is_array($msg)) $emessage->add($msg[0], $msg[1]); } } function setAdminStyle() { global $pref, $e107cache, $ns, $emessage; /*$pref['admincss'] = $_POST['admincss']; $pref['adminstyle'] = $_POST['adminstyle']; $e107cache->clear_sys(); if(save_prefs()) { $emessage->add(TPVLAN_43, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); $this->theme_adminlog('04',$pref['adminstyle'].', '.$pref['admincss']); } else { $emessage->add(TPVLAN_43, E_MESSAGE_ERROR); }*/ //TODO adminlog e107::getConfig()->setPosted('admincss', $_POST['admincss']) ->setPosted('adminstyle', $_POST['adminstyle']); return (e107::getConfig()->dataHasChangedFor('admincss') || e107::getConfig()->dataHasChangedFor('adminstyle')); } function SetCustomPages($array) { if(!is_array($array)){ return; } //global $pref; $key = key($array); //['sitetheme_custompages'] $array[$key] = trim(str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $array[$key])); $newprefs[$key] = array_filter(explode("\n", $array[$key])); $newprefs[$key] = array_unique($newprefs[$key]); if(e107::getPref('sitetheme_deflayout') == 'legacyCustom') { $newprefs['legacyCustom'] = array(); } //setPosted couldn't be used here - sitetheme_custompages structure is not defined e107::getConfig()->set('sitetheme_custompages', e107::getParser()->toDB($newprefs)); } // Log event to admin log function theme_adminlog($msg_num='00', $woffle='') { if($this->noLog) { return; } global $pref, $admin_log; // if (!varset($pref['admin_log_log']['admin_banlist'],0)) return; $admin_log->log_event('THEME_'.$msg_num,$woffle,E_LOG_INFORMATIVE,''); } function parse_theme_php($path) { $CUSTOMPAGES = ""; $fp=fopen(e_THEME.$path."/theme.php", "r"); $themeContents = fread ($fp, filesize(e_THEME.$path."/theme.php")); fclose($fp); preg_match('/themename(\s*?=\s*?)("|\')(.*?)("|\');/si', $themeContents, $match); $themeArray['name'] = varset($match[3],''); preg_match('/themeversion(\s*?=\s*?)("|\')(.*?)("|\');/si', $themeContents, $match); $themeArray['version'] = varset($match[3],''); preg_match('/themeauthor(\s*?=\s*?)("|\')(.*?)("|\');/si', $themeContents, $match); $themeArray['author'] = varset($match[3],''); preg_match('/themeemail(\s*?=\s*?)("|\')(.*?)("|\');/si', $themeContents, $match); $themeArray['email'] = varset($match[3],''); preg_match('/themewebsite(\s*?=\s*?)("|\')(.*?)("|\');/si', $themeContents, $match); $themeArray['website'] = varset($match[3],''); preg_match('/themedate(\s*?=\s*?)("|\')(.*?)("|\');/si', $themeContents, $match); $themeArray['date'] = varset($match[3],''); preg_match('/themeinfo(\s*?=\s*?)("|\')(.*?)("|\');/si', $themeContents, $match); $themeArray['info'] = varset($match[3],''); preg_match('/xhtmlcompliant(\s*?=\s*?)(\S*?);/si', $themeContents, $match); $xhtml = strtolower($match[2]); $themeArray['xhtmlcompliant'] = ($xhtml == "true" ? "1.1" : false); preg_match('/csscompliant(\s*?=\s*?)(\S*?);/si', $themeContents, $match); $css = strtolower($match[2]); $themeArray['csscompliant'] = ($css == "true" ? "2.1" : false); /* preg_match('/CUSTOMPAGES(\s*?=\s*?)("|\')(.*?)("|\');/si', $themeContents, $match); $themeArray['custompages'] = array_filter(explode(" ",$match[3]));*/ $themeContentsArray = explode("\n",$themeContents); if (!$themeArray['name']) { unset($themeArray); } $lays['legacyDefault']['@attributes'] = array('title'=>'Default','preview'=>'','previewFull'=>'','plugins'=>'', 'default'=>'true'); if(!file_exists(e_THEME.$path."theme.xml")) // load custompages from theme.php only when theme.xml doesn't exist. { foreach($themeContentsArray as $line) { if(strstr($line,"CUSTOMPAGES")) { eval(str_replace("$","\$",$line)); } } if(is_array($CUSTOMPAGES)) { foreach($CUSTOMPAGES as $key=>$val) { $themeArray['custompages'][$key] = explode(" ",$val); } } elseif($CUSTOMPAGES) { $themeArray['custompages']['legacyCustom'] = explode(" ",$CUSTOMPAGES); $lays['legacyCustom']['@attributes'] = array('title'=>'Custom','preview'=>'','previewFull'=>'','plugins'=>''); } } $themeArray['path'] = $path; $themeArray['layouts'] = $lays; return $themeArray; } function parse_theme_xml($path) { global $tp; // loadLanFiles($path, 'admin'); // Look for LAN files on default paths require_once(e_HANDLER.'xml_class.php'); $xml = new xmlClass; $xml->setOptArrayTags('layout'); // layout should always be an array. $xml->setOptStringTags('menuPresets,customPages'); $vars = $xml->loadXMLfile(e_THEME.$path.'/theme.xml', true, true); $vars['name'] = varset($vars['@attributes']['name']); $vars['version'] = varset($vars['@attributes']['version']); $vars['date'] = varset($vars['@attributes']['date']); $vars['compatibility'] = varset($vars['@attributes']['compatibility']); $vars['releaseUrl'] = varset($vars['@attributes']['releaseUrl']); $vars['email'] = varset($vars['author']['@attributes']['email']); $vars['website'] = varset($vars['author']['@attributes']['url']); $vars['author'] = varset($vars['author']['@attributes']['name']); $vars['info'] = varset($vars['description']); $vars['category'] = $this->getThemeCategory(varset($vars['category'])); $vars['xhtmlcompliant'] = varset($vars['compliance']['@attributes']['xhtml']); $vars['csscompliant'] = varset($vars['compliance']['@attributes']['css']); $vars['path'] = $path; $vars['@attributes']['default'] = (varset($vars['@attributes']['default']) && strtolower($vars['@attributes']['default']) == 'true') ? 1 : 0; unset($vars['authorEmail'],$vars['authorUrl'],$vars['xhtmlCompliant'],$vars['cssCompliant'],$vars['description']); // Compile layout information into a more usable format. $custom = array(); foreach($vars['layouts'] as $layout) { foreach($layout as $key=>$val) { $name = $val['@attributes']['name']; unset($val['@attributes']['name']); $lays[$name] = $val; if(isset($val['customPages'])) { $custom[$name] = array_filter(explode(" ",$val['customPages'])); } } } $vars['layouts'] = $lays; $vars['path'] = $path; $vars['custompages'] = $custom; return $vars; } } interface e_theme_config { /** * Triggered on theme settings submit * Catch and save theme configuration */ public function process(); /** * Theme configuration user interface * Print out config fields */ public function config(); /** * Theme help tab * Print out theme help content */ public function help(); }