share = true; } if(!empty($pref['display_datestamp'])) { $this->datestamp = true; } if(!empty($pref['submit_question_char_limit'])) { $this->questionCharLimit = intval($pref['submit_question_char_limit']); } } // Simply FAQ count when needed. function sc_faq_counter($parm='') { return $this->counter; } function sc_faq_hide($parm=null) { if(empty($parm)) { $parm = 'collapse'; } return ($this->item != $this->var['faq_id']) ? $parm : ''; } function sc_faq_question($parm='') { $tp = e107::getParser(); $parm = eHelper::scDualParams($parm); $param = $parm[1]; $params = $parm[2]; $new = e107::pref('faqs','new',3); $newDate = strtotime($new." days ago"); $faqNew = ($this->var['faq_datestamp'] > $newDate) ? " faq-new" : ""; if($param == 'expand' && !empty($this->var['faq_answer'])) { $id = "faq_".$this->var['faq_id']; $url = e107::url('faqs','item', $this->var, 'full'); $question = $tp->toHTML($this->var['faq_question'],true,'TITLE'); $hide = ($this->item != $this->var['faq_id']) ? 'e-hideme' : ''; $text = " ".$question."
"; $text .= $tp->toHTML($this->var['faq_answer'],true,'BODY'); $text .= "
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".LAN_FAQS_001.": ".$this->sc_faq_tags()."
"; } if($this->datestamp == true) { $text .= "
"; } if($this->share == true) { $text .= "
".$tp->parseTemplate("{SOCIALSHARE: size=sm&type=basic&url=".$url."&title=".$question."&tags=".$this->var['faq_tags']."}",true)."
"; } $text .= "
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"; if(check_class($faqpref['submit_question'])) { $text .= $frm->open('faq-ask-question','post'); //TODO LAN ie. [x] character limit. $text .= "
".$frm->textarea('ask_a_question','',3, 80 ,array('maxlength' =>$this->questionCharLimit, 'size' =>'xxlarge', 'placeholder' =>LAN_FAQS_012, 'wrap' =>'soft'))."
".$this->questionCharLimit." ".LAN_FAQS_013."
"; $text .= $frm->close(); } elseif($faqpref['submit_question'] == e_UC_MEMBER) { $srp = array( '[' => "", ']' => "" ); $text .= str_replace(array_keys($srp), array_values($srp), LAN_FAQS_014); } else { $text .= LAN_FAQS_015; } $text .= "
"; return $text; } } function sc_faq_submit_question_list() { $faqpref = e107::pref('faqs'); if (check_class($faqpref['submit_question'])) { $tp = e107::getParser(); $list = e107::getDb()->retrieve('faqs','faq_question,faq_datestamp',"faq_answer='' AND faq_author_ip = '".USERIP."' ORDER BY faq_datestamp DESC ", true); $text = ""; if(!empty($list)) { $text = "
"; $text .= "


"; $text .= ""; $text .= "
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