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+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| e107 website system
| ©Steve Dunstan 2001-2002
| http://e107.org
| jalist@e107.org
| Released under the terms and conditions of the
| GNU General Public License (http://gnu.org).
| $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.8/e107_plugins/forum/forum_update.php,v $
| $Revision: $
| $Date: 2006-12-02 04:35:14 $
| $Author: mcfly_e107 $
if (!defined('e107_INIT')) { exit; }
global $ns;
$forum = new e107forum;
$timestart = microtime();
$ttab = MPREFIX.'forum_t';
if($sql->db_Select("plugin", "plugin_version", "plugin_name = 'Forum'"))
$row = $sql->db_Fetch();
$forum_version = $row['plugin_version'];
$forum_subs = FALSE;
$fields = mysql_list_fields($mySQLdefaultdb, MPREFIX."forum");
$columns = mysql_num_fields($fields);
for ($i = 0; $i < $columns; $i++)
if("forum_sub" == mysql_field_name($fields, $i))
$forum_subs = TRUE;
$text = "";
$text .= forum_stage1();
$text .= forum_stage2();
$text .= forum_stage3();
$text .= forum_stage4();
$text .= forum_stage5();
$text .= forum_stage6();
if($forum_version < 1.2)
$text .= mods_to_userclass();
$text .= set_forum_version();
$timeend = microtime();
$diff = number_format(((substr($timeend, 0, 9)) + (substr($timeend, -10)) - (substr($timestart, 0, 9)) - (substr($timestart, -10))), 4);
$text .= "<br />script generation took $diff s";
if ($pref['developer']) {
$ns->tablerender('forum upgrade',$text);
function forum_stage1()
global $sql;
$ttab = MPREFIX.'forum_t';
$sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE #forum_t ADD thread_edit_datestamp int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0'");
$sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE #forum_t ADD thread_lastuser varchar(30) NOT NULL default ''");
$sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE #forum_t ADD thread_total_replies int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0'");
$sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE #forum ADD forum_postclass TINYINT( 3 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL ;");
$sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE #forum ADD `forum_sub` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL AFTER `forum_parent` ;");
return "Updated table structure <br />";
function forum_stage2()
global $sql;
$ttab = MPREFIX.'forum_t';
// $numrows = $sql->db_Update('forum_t', "thread_anon = SUBSTRING(thread_user,3) WHERE thread_user LIKE '0.%'");
$numrows = $sql->db_Update('forum_t', "thread_user = CAT('0.', thread_anon) WHERE thread_user = '0'");
return $ret."Updated anonymous post info ... $numrows rows updated<br />";
function forum_stage3()
global $sql;
$sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE #forum_t CHANGE thread_user thread_user varchar(250) NOT NULL default ''");
$sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE #forum_t DROP thread_anon");
return "Updated thread_user & forum_anon field<br />";
function forum_stage4()
global $sql, $forum;
$sql->db_Select_gen("SELECT thread_parent AS id, COUNT(*) AS amount FROM #forum_t WHERE thread_parent !=0 GROUP BY thread_parent");
$threadArray = $sql->db_getList('ALL', FALSE, 0);
foreach($threadArray as $threads)
$sql->db_Update("forum_t", "thread_total_replies=$amount WHERE thread_id=$id");
$ret = "Updated thread reply info...".count($threadArray). " threads updated.<br />";
$forum = new e107forum;
return $ret."Updated forum thread count info. <br />";
function forum_stage5()
global $sql, $forum;
$sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE #forum CHANGE forum_lastpost forum_lastpost_user varchar(200) NOT NULL default ''");
$sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE #forum ADD forum_lastpost_info varchar(40) NOT NULL default '' AFTER forum_lastpost_user");
$forum->update_lastpost('forum', 'all', TRUE);
return "Updated lastpost info <br />";
function forum_stage6()
global $sql;
if(!$sql->db_Count('plugin','(*)',"WHERE plugin_name = 'Forum'"))
return "Forum entry added to plugin table, set as installed.<br />";
$sql->db_Update('plugin',"plugin_installflag = 1 WHERE plugin_name='Forum'");
$sql->db_Update('links',"link_url='{$PLUGINS_DIRECTORY}forum/forum.php' WHERE link_name='Forum'");
function mods_to_userclass()
global $sql;
$_uc = new e_userclass;
if($sql->db_Select("forum", "forum_id, forum_moderators","forum_parent != 0"))
$fList = $sql->db_getList();
foreach($fList as $row)
$newclass = $_uc->class_create($row['forum_moderators'], "FORUM_MODS_");
$sql->db_Update("forum", "forum_moderators = '{$newclass}' WHERE forum_id = '{$row['forum_id']}'");
return "Forum moderators converted to userclasses <br />";
function set_forum_version()
global $sql;
$new_version = "1.2";
$sql->db_Update('plugin',"plugin_version = '{$new_version}' WHERE plugin_name='Forum'");
return "Forum Version updated to version: $new_version <br />";