mirror of
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* e107 website system
* Copyright (C) 2008-2013 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* Default Header
if (!defined('e107_INIT')) { exit; }
//overload is now possible, prevent warnings
define('ADMIN_AREA', false);
e107::getDebug()->logTime('(Header Top)');
e_theme::initThemeLayout(); // set THEME_LAYOUT
e107::getDebug()->logTime('Init Menus');
$e107 = e107::getInstance();
$sql = e107::getDb();
if($themeSC = e107::getScBatch('theme')) // init theme_shortcodes after THEME_LAYOUT is available.
e107::getRender()->init(); // init 'theme' class.
//e107::js('core', 'bootstrap/js/bootstrap-tooltip.js','jquery');
// e107::css('core', 'bootstrap/css/tooltip.css','jquery');
e107::js('footer', '{e_WEB}js/bootstrap-notify/js/bootstrap-notify.js', 'jquery', 2);
e107::css('core', 'bootstrap-notify/css/bootstrap-notify.css', 'jquery');
// ------------------
e107::js('footer', '{e_WEB}js/rate/js/jquery.raty.js', 'jquery', 2);
e107::css('core', 'core/all.jquery.css', 'jquery');
e107::js('footer', '{e_WEB}js/core/front.jquery.js', 'jquery', 5); // Load all default functions.
e107::js('footer', '{e_WEB}js/core/all.jquery.js', 'jquery', 5); // Load all default functions.
$js_body_onload = array(); // Legacy array of code to load with page.
// *** Code sequence for headers ***
// IMPORTANT: These items are in a carefully constructed order. DO NOT REARRANGE
// without checking with experienced devs! Various subtle things WILL break.
// We realize this is a bit (!) of a mess and hope to make further cleanups in a future release.
// A: Define themable header parsing
// B: Send HTTP headers that come before any html
// C: Send start of HTML
// D: Send CSS
// E: Send JS
// F: Send Meta Tags and Icon links
// G: Send final theme headers (theme_head() function)
// H: Generate JS for image preloading (setup for onload)
// I: Calculate onload() JS functions to be called
// J: Send end of html <head> and start of <body>
// K: (The rest is ignored for popups, which have no menus)
// L: Removed
// M: Send top of body for custom pages and for news
// N: Send other top-of-body HTML
// Load order notes for devs
// * Browsers wait until ALL HTML has loaded before executing ANY JS
// * The last CSS tag downloaded supercedes earlier CSS tags
// * Browsers don't care when Meta tags are loaded. We load last due to
// a quirk of e107's log subsystem.
// * Multiple external <link> file references slow down page load. Each one requires
// browser-server interaction even when cached.
// A: Define themeable header parsing
// B: Send HTTP headers (these come before ANY html)
// send the charset to the browser - overrides spurious server settings with the lan pack settings.
// Would like to set the MIME type appropriately - but it broke other things
//if (stristr($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT"], "application/xhtml+xml"))
// header("Content-type: application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8", TRUE);
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
// NEW - HTML5 default
// TODO - more precise controlo over page header depending on the HTML5 mode
echo "<!doctype html>\n";
$htmlTag = "<html".(defined("TEXTDIRECTION") ? " dir='".TEXTDIRECTION."'" : "").(defined("CORE_LC") ? " lang=\"".CORE_LC."\"" : "").">";
echo (defined('HTMLTAG') ? str_replace('THEME_LAYOUT', THEME_LAYOUT, HTMLTAG) : $htmlTag)."\n";
echo "<head>
<meta charset='utf-8' />\n";
echo (defined("STANDARDS_MODE") ? "" : "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' "."?".">\n")."<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd\">\n";
echo "<html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'".(defined("TEXTDIRECTION") ? " dir='".TEXTDIRECTION."'" : "").(defined("XMLNS") ? " ".XMLNS." " : "").(defined("CORE_LC") ? " xml:lang=\"".CORE_LC."\"" : "").">\n";
echo "<head>
<meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8' />
<meta http-equiv='content-style-type' content='text/css' />
echo (defined("CORE_LC")) ? "<meta http-equiv='content-language' content='".CORE_LC."' />\n" : "";
function render_title()
if(!defined('e_PAGETITLE') && ($_PAGE_TITLE = e107::getSingleton('eResponse')->getMetaTitle())) // use e107::title() to set.
define('e_PAGETITLE', $_PAGE_TITLE);
e107::meta('og:title', $_PAGE_TITLE); // will only populate if not already defined.
e107::meta('twitter:title', $_PAGE_TITLE);
$arr = [];
$arr[] = e_PAGETITLE;
$arr[] = PAGE_NAME;
else // Frontpage
e107::meta('og:type', 'website');
e107::meta('og:title', SITENAME);
e107::meta('twitter:title', SITENAME);
$arr[] = SITENAME;
if($custom = e107::callMethod('theme', 'title', $arr))
return $custom;
return implode(' | ', $arr);
// C: Send start of HTML
if(!empty($pref['meta_copyright'][e_LANGUAGE])) e107::meta('dcterms.rights',$pref['meta_copyright'][e_LANGUAGE]);
if(!empty($pref['meta_author'][e_LANGUAGE])) e107::meta('author',$pref['meta_author'][e_LANGUAGE]);
$siteButton = (strpos($pref['sitebutton'],'{e_MEDIA') !== false) ? e107::getParser()->thumbUrl($pref['sitebutton'],'w=800',false, true) : e107::getParser()->replaceConstants($pref['sitebutton'],'full');
elseif(!empty($pref['sitelogo'])) // fallback to sitelogo
$siteLogo = (strpos($pref['sitelogo'],'{e_MEDIA') !== false) ? e107::getParser()->thumbUrl($pref['sitelogo'],'w=800',false, true) : e107::getParser()->replaceConstants($pref['sitelogo'],'full');
if(defined("VIEWPORT")) e107::meta('viewport',VIEWPORT); //BC ONLY
// Load Plugin Header Files, allow them to load CSS/JSS/Meta via JS Manager early enouhg
// NOTE: e_header.php should not output content, it should only register stuff!
// e_meta.php is more appropriate for outputting header content.
$e_headers = e107::pref('core','e_header_list');
if ($e_headers && is_array($e_headers))
foreach($e_headers as $val)
// no checks fore existing file - performance
echo e107::getSingleton('eResponse')->renderMeta()."\n"; // render all the e107::meta() entries.
// D: Register CSS
$e_js = e107::getJs();
$e_pref = e107::getConfig();
// Other Meta tags.
// Register Core CSS first
// NOTE: PREVIEWTHEME check commented - It shouldn't break anything as it's overridden by theme CSS now
if (/*!defined("PREVIEWTHEME") && */! (isset($no_core_css) && $no_core_css !==true) && defset('CORE_CSS') !== false)
//echo "<link rel='stylesheet' href='".e_FILE_ABS."e107.css' type='text/css' />\n";
if(THEME_LEGACY === true || !deftrue('BOOTSTRAP'))
// re-initalize in case globals are destroyed from $e_headers includes
$e_js = e107::getJs();
$e_pref = e107::getConfig();
$pref = e107::getPref();
// --- Load plugin Meta files - now possible to add to all zones! --------
$e_meta_content = '';
if (is_array($pref['e_meta_list']))
// $pref = e107::getPref();
foreach($pref['e_meta_list'] as $val)
$fname = e_PLUGIN.$val."/e_meta.php"; // Do not place inside a function - BC $pref required. .
$ret = (deftrue('e_DEBUG') || isset($_E107['debug'])) ? include_once($fname) : @include_once($fname);
// content will be added later
// NOTE: not wise to do e_meta output, use JS Manager!
$e_meta_content = ob_get_contents();
// -------- Generate Apple Touch Icon ---------
$appleIcon = e107::getParser()->thumbUrl($pref['sitebutton'],'w=144&h=144&crop=1',null, true);
echo "<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='".$appleIcon."' />\n";
// Register Plugin specific CSS
// DEPRECATED, use $e_js->pluginCSS('myplug', 'style/myplug.css'[, $media = 'all|screen|...']);
if (isset($eplug_css) && $eplug_css)
$eplug_css = array($eplug_css);
foreach($eplug_css as $kcss)
// echo ($kcss[0] == "<") ? $kcss : "<link rel='stylesheet' href='{$kcss}' type='text/css' />\n";
// Register Theme CSS
// Writing link tags is DEPRECATED, use $e_js->themeCSS('style/mytheme.css'[, $media = 'all|screen|...']); - current theme is auto-detected
// XXX - can be PREVIEWTHEME done in a better way than this?
//echo "<link rel='stylesheet' href='".PREVIEWTHEME."style.css' type='text/css' />\n";
$css_default = "all"; // TODO - default should be defined by the theme
// theme-css.php auto-detection TODO - convert it to constant or anything different from GLOBAL
if (isset($theme_css_php) && $theme_css_php)
//echo "<link rel='stylesheet' href='".THEME_ABS."theme-css.php' type='text/css' />\n";
$e_js->themeCSS('theme-css.php', $css_default);
// Theme default
$e_js->themeCSS(THEME_STYLE, $css_default);
// Support for style.css - override theme default CSS
// Support for print and handheld media - override theme default CSS
$e_js->themeCSS('style_mobile.css', 'handheld');
$e_js->themeCSS('style_print.css', 'print');
// possibility to overwrite some CSS definition according to TEXTDIRECTION
// especially usefull for rtl.css
// see _blank theme for examples
if(defined('TEXTDIRECTION') && file_exists(THEME.'/'.strtolower(TEXTDIRECTION).'.css'))
//echo '
//<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.THEME_ABS.strtolower(TEXTDIRECTION).'.css" type="text/css" media="all" />';
// Render CSS - all in once
// Read here why - http://code.google.com/speed/page-speed/docs/rtt.html#PutStylesBeforeScripts
// Other CSS - from unknown location, different from core/theme/plugin location or backward compatibility; NOTE - could be removed in the future!!!
//TODO Additional options for 'bootstrap' and 'style' (ie. THEME_STYLE loaded above). Requires changes to js_manager.php
$CSSORDER = deftrue('CSSORDER') ? explode(",",CSSORDER) : array('library', 'other','core','plugin','theme','inline');
/** Experimental - Subject to removal at any time. Use at own risk */
if(method_exists('theme', 'css'))
$e_js->set('_theme_css_processor', true);
foreach($CSSORDER as $val)
$cssId = $val."_css";
$e_js->renderJs($cssId, false, 'css');
// E: Send JS all in once
// Read here why - http://code.google.com/speed/page-speed/docs/rtt.html#PutStylesBeforeScripts
function renderAllJavascript()
// [JSManager] Load JS Includes - Zone 1 - Before Library
e107::getJs()->renderJs('header', 1);
e107::getJs()->renderJs('header_inline', 1);
// Send Javascript Libraries ALWAYS (for now) - loads e_jslib.php
$jslib = e107::getObject('e_jslib', null, e_HANDLER . 'jslib_handler.php');
$jslib->renderHeader('front', false);
// [JSManager] Load JS Includes - Zone 2 - After Library
e107::getJs()->renderJs('header', 2);
e107::getJs()->renderJs('header_inline', 2);
// [JSManager] Load JS Includes - Zone 3 - After e_plug/theme.js, before headerjs()
e107::getJs()->renderJs('header', 3);
e107::getJs()->renderJs('header_inline', 3);
// [JSManager] Load JS Includes - Zone 4 - After headerjs
e107::getJs()->renderJs('header', 4);
e107::getJs()->renderJs('header_inline', 4);
// [JSManager] Load JS Includes - Zone 5 - End of header JS, just before e_meta content and e107:loaded trigger
e107::getJs()->renderJs('header', 5);
// Send Plugin JS Files
//DEPRECATED, $eplug_js will be removed soon - use e107::getJs()->headerPlugin('myplug', 'myplug/js/my.js');
if (isset($eplug_js) && $eplug_js)
echo "\n<!-- eplug_js -->\n";
$eplug_js_unique = array_unique($eplug_js);
foreach($eplug_js_unique as $kjs)
echo ($kjs[0] == "<") ? $kjs : "<script type='text/javascript' src='{$kjs}'></script>\n";
echo "<script type='text/javascript' src='{$eplug_js}'></script>\n";
// Send Theme JS Files
//DEPRECATE this as well?
if (isset($theme_js_php) && $theme_js_php)
echo "<script type='text/javascript' src='".THEME_ABS."theme-js.php'></script>\n";
if (file_exists(THEME.'theme.js')) { echo "<script type='text/javascript' src='".THEME_ABS."theme.js'></script>\n"; }
if (is_readable(e_FILE.'user.js') && filesize(e_FILE.'user.js')) { echo "<script type='text/javascript' src='".e_FILE_ABS."user.js'></script>\n"; }
if (file_exists(THEME.'theme.vbs')) { echo "<script type='text/vbscript' src='".THEME_ABS."theme.vbs'></script>\n"; }
if (is_readable(e_FILE.'user.vbs') && filesize(e_FILE.'user.vbs')) { echo "<script type='text/vbscript' src='".e_FILE_ABS."user.vbs'></script>\n"; }
// Old Deprecated CHAP Support.
if (!USER && ($pref['user_tracking'] == "session") && varset($pref['password_CHAP'],0))
if ($pref['password_CHAP'] == 2)
// *** Add in the code to swap the display tags
// $js_body_onload[] = "expandit('loginmenuchap','nologinmenuchap');";
$js_body_onload[] = "expandit('loginmenuchap');";
$js_body_onload[] = "expandit('nologinmenuchap');";
echo "<script type='text/javascript' src='".e_JS."chap_script.js'></script>\n";
$js_body_onload[] = "getChallenge();";
// F: Send Legacy Meta Tags, Icon links
// --- Send plugin Meta --------
echo $e_meta_content; // e_meta already loaded
// G: Send Legacy Theme Headers
echo theme_head();
/* @deprecated */
$diz_merge = (defined("META_MERGE") && META_MERGE != FALSE && $pref['meta_description'][e_LANGUAGE]) ? $pref['meta_description'][e_LANGUAGE]." " : "";
$key_merge = (defined("META_MERGE") && META_MERGE != FALSE && $pref['meta_keywords'][e_LANGUAGE]) ? $pref['meta_keywords'][e_LANGUAGE]."," : "";
* @param $type
* @return string
function render_meta($type)
$tp = e107::getParser();
$pref = e107::getPref();
$key = 'meta_'.$type;
$language = e_LANGUAGE;
// e107::getMessage()->addError("Couldn't find: pref - ".$key);
return '';
if($type == "tag")
$ret = "\n<!-- Start custom head tag -->\n";
$ret .= varset($pref['meta_tag'][e_LANGUAGE])."\n";
// $ret .= str_replace("<", "<", $pref['meta_tag'][e_LANGUAGE]."\n";
$ret .= "<!-- End custom head tag -->\n\n";
$ret = '<meta name="'.$type.'" content="'.$pref['meta_'.$type][e_LANGUAGE].'" />'."\n";
return $ret;
// legay meta-tag checks.
$isKeywords = e107::getUrl()->response()->getMetaKeywords();
$isDescription = e107::getUrl()->response()->getMetaDescription();
$isKeywords = e107::getSingleton('eResponse')->getMetaKeywords();
$isDescription = e107::getSingleton('eResponse')->getMetaDescription();
echo (defined("META_KEYWORDS")) ? "\n<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"".$key_merge.META_KEYWORDS."\" />\n" : render_meta('keywords');
echo (defined("META_DESCRIPTION")) ? "\n<meta name=\"description\" content=\"".$diz_merge.META_DESCRIPTION."\" />\n" : render_meta('description');
//echo render_meta('copyright');
//echo render_meta('author');
echo render_meta('tag');
// ---------- Favicon ---------
if (file_exists(THEME."favicon.ico"))
echo "<link rel='icon' href='".THEME_ABS."favicon.ico' type='image/x-icon' />\n<link rel='shortcut icon' href='".THEME_ABS."favicon.ico' type='image/xicon' />\n";
elseif (file_exists(e_BASE."favicon.ico"))
echo "<link rel='icon' href='".SITEURL."favicon.ico' type='image/x-icon' />\n<link rel='shortcut icon' href='".SITEURL."favicon.ico' type='image/xicon' />\n";
// Theme JS
/** const THEME_ONLOAD @deprecated */
if (defined('THEME_ONLOAD'))
trigger_error('<b>THEME_ONLOAD is deprecated.</b> Use e107::js() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); // NO LAN
$js_body_onload[] = THEME_ONLOAD;
$body_onload = '';
if (count($js_body_onload))
$body_onload = " onload=\"" . implode(" ", $js_body_onload) . "\"";
// J: Send end of <head> and start of <body>
* Fire Event e107:loaded
* core JS available only in Prototype front-end environment
// e_css.php is removed
document.observe('dom:loaded', function () {
e107Event.trigger('loaded', null, document);
if(empty($pref['jscsscachestatus'])) // render in header when cache disabled, otherwise render in footer. (see footer_default.php)
e107::getJs()->renderJs('header_inline', 5);
echo "</head>\n";
// ---------- New in 2.0 -------------------------------------------------------
$def = THEME_LAYOUT; // The active layout based on custompage matches.
$noBody = false;
// v2.2.2
if($tmp = e_theme::loadLayout(THEME_LAYOUT))
$LAYOUT = $tmp;
$HEADER = array();
$FOOTER = array();
$noBody = true;
if(!class_exists('theme') && ADMIN) // 2.3.0+ required class.
// debug - no translation needed.
echo "<div class='alert alert-danger'>Required class <b>theme</b> is missing. See <b>".e_THEME."bootstrap3/theme.php</b> for an example.</div>";
else // Legacy Theme.
foreach($legacyGlobals as $lg)
$$lg = $GLOBALS[$lg];
if(isset($LAYOUT) && is_array($LAYOUT)) // $LAYOUT is a combined $HEADER,$FOOTER.
foreach($LAYOUT as $key=>$template)
if($key == '_header_' || $key == '_footer_' || $key == '_modal_')
if(strpos($template,'{---}') !==false)
list($hd,$ft) = explode("{---}",$template);
$HEADER[$key] = isset($LAYOUT['_header_']) ? $LAYOUT['_header_'] . $hd : $hd;
$FOOTER[$key] = isset($LAYOUT['_footer_']) ? $ft . $LAYOUT['_footer_'] : $ft ;
e107::getMessage()->addDebug('Missing "{---}" in $LAYOUT["'.$key.'"] ');
// echo "DEF = ".$def."<br />";
if($def == 'legacyCustom' || $def=='legacyDefault' ) // 0.6 themes.
// echo "MODE 0.6";
if($def == 'legacyCustom')
elseif($def && $def != "legacyCustom" && (isset($CUSTOMHEADER[$def]) || isset($CUSTOMFOOTER[$def]))) // 0.7/1.x themes
// echo " MODE 0.7";
elseif(!empty($def) && is_array($HEADER)) // 2.0 themes - we use only $HEADER and $FOOTER arrays.
// echo " MODE 0.8";
if(isset($HEADER[$def]) && isset($FOOTER[$def]))
$HEADER = $HEADER[$def];
$FOOTER = $FOOTER[$def];
else // Debug info only. No need for LAN.
echo e107::getMessage()->addError("There is no layout in theme.php with the key: <b>".$def."</b> or your layout is missing {---}. ")->render();
$HEADER = deftrue('e_IFRAME_HEADER');
$FOOTER = deftrue('e_IFRAME_FOOTER');
$body_onload .= " class='e-iframe'";
$HEADER = str_replace("{e_PAGETITLE}",deftrue('e_PAGETITLE'),$HEADER);
//$body_onload .= " id='layout-".e107::getForm()->name2id(THEME_LAYOUT)."' ";
if($noBody === true) // New in v2.2.2 - remove need for BODYTAG.
echo "\n<!-- Start theme.html -->\n";
elseif(!defined('BODYTAG')) // @deprecated.
$body_onload .= " id='layout-".e107::getForm()->name2id(THEME_LAYOUT)."' ";
echo "<body".$body_onload.">\n";
echo $pref['meta_bodystart'][e_LANGUAGE]."\n";
trigger_error('<b>BODYTAG is deprecated.</b> Use a theme.html file instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); // NO LAN
$BODYTAG = str_replace('THEME_LAYOUT', THEME_LAYOUT, BODYTAG); // BC Fix, but will fail with PHP8.
if ($body_onload)
// Kludge to get the CHAP code included
echo substr(trim($BODYTAG), 0, -1).' '.$body_onload.">\n";
echo $BODYTAG."\n";
echo $pref['meta_bodystart'][e_LANGUAGE]."\n";
// Bootstrap Modal Window
// if(empty($LAYOUT['_modal_'])) // leave it set for now.
$LAYOUT['_modal_'] = '<div id="uiModal" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="modal-dialog modal-lg modal-xl modal-dialog-centered modal-dialog-scrollable">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
<h4 class="modal-caption modal-title col-sm-11"> </h4>
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" data-bs-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button>
<div class="modal-body">
<div class="modal-footer">
<a href="#" data-dismiss="modal" data-bs-dismiss="modal" class="btn btn-primary">Close</a>
if($noBody === false)
echo $LAYOUT['_modal_'];
// Header included notification, from this point header includes are not possible
define('HEADER_INIT', TRUE);
e107::getDebug()->logTime("Main Page Body");
// K: (The rest is ignored for popups, which have no menus)
// require $e107_popup =1; to use it as header for popup without menus
$e107_popup = 0;
if ($e107_popup != 1) {
// L: Removed
// M: Send top of body for custom pages and for news
e107::getDebug()->logTime('Render Layout');
// BC Fix
if (defset('e_PAGE') == 'news.php' && isset($NEWSHEADER))
if(deftrue('DEMO_CONTENT')) // embedded content relative to THEME directory - update paths.
$HEADER = preg_replace('#(src|href)=("|\')([^:\'"]*)("|\')#','$1=$2'.THEME.'$3$4', $HEADER);
$FOOTER = preg_replace('#(src|href)=("|\')([^:\'"]*)("|\')#','$1=$2'.THEME.'$3$4', $FOOTER);
$psc = array(
// '{THEME}' => THEME_ABS, // moved to e107_core/shortcodes/single/
'{BODY_ONLOAD}' => $body_onload,
'{LAYOUT_ID}' => 'layout-'.e107::getForm()->name2id(THEME_LAYOUT),
'THEME_LAYOUT' => THEME_LAYOUT, // BC Fall-back: Catch and replace the missing constant- ony works with PHP < 8
'{---MODAL---}' => (isset($LAYOUT['_modal_']) ? $LAYOUT['_modal_'] : '') ,
'{---HEADER---}' => e107::getParser()->parseTemplate('{HEADER}'),
'{---FOOTER---}' => e107::getParser()->parseTemplate('{FOOTER}'),
'bodyStart' => varset($pref['meta_bodystart'][e_LANGUAGE])
e107::renderLayout($HEADER, $psc);
// echo $HEADER;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// N: Send other top-of-body HTML
e107::getDebug()->logTime('Render Other');
if(ADMIN && !vartrue($_SERVER['E_DEV']) && file_exists(e_BASE.'install.php'))
echo "<div class='installer alert alert-danger alert-block text-center'><b>*** ".CORE_LAN4." ***</b><br />".CORE_LAN5."</div>";
if(ADMIN && $pref['developer'] && (strpos(e_SELF,'localhost') === false) && (strpos(e_SELF,'') === false))
$devMessage = e107::getParser()->toHTML(LAN_DEVELOPERMODE_CHECK, true);
e107::getMessage()->setTitle("Developer Mode", E_MESSAGE_ERROR)->addError($devMessage);
// echo "<div class='installer alert alert-danger alert-block alert-dismissible text-center'>".e107::getParser()->toHTML(LAN_DEVELOPERMODE_CHECK, true)."<button type='button' class='close btn-close' data-bs-dismiss='alert' data-dismiss='alert' aria-label='".LAN_CLOSE."'></button></div>";
//XXX TODO LAN in English.php
echo "<noscript><div class='alert alert-block alert-error alert-danger'><strong>This web site requires that javascript be enabled. <a rel='external' href='https://activatejavascript.org'>Click here for instructions.</a>.</strong></div></noscript>";
echo "<div id='uiAlert' class='notifications'></div>"; // Popup Alert Message holder. @see http://nijikokun.github.io/bootstrap-notify/
* Display Welcome Message when old method activated.
* fix - only when e_FRONTPAGE set to true
* @see core_index_index_controller/actionIndex
if(deftrue('e_FRONTPAGE') && ($noBody !== true) && strpos($HEADER, "{WMESSAGE") === false && strpos($FOOTER, "{WMESSAGE") === false) // Auto-detection to override old pref.
echo e107::getParser()->parseTemplate("{WMESSAGE}");
if(!deftrue('e_IFRAME') && (strpos($HEADER, "{ALERTS}") === false && strpos($FOOTER, "{ALERTS}") === false)) // Old theme, missing {ALERTS}
if($noBody === true)
e107::getMessage()->addDebug("The {ALERTS} shortcode was not found in theme.html or ".THEME_LAYOUT."_layout.html");
e107::getMessage()->addDebug("The {ALERTS} shortcode was not found in the \$HEADER or \$FOOTER template. It has been automatically added here. ");
echo e107::getParser()->parseTemplate("{ALERTS}");
unset($def, $noBody, $psc);
//Trim whitepsaces after end of the script