mirror of
synced 2025-02-06 06:59:07 +01:00
* `strftime()` has been replaced with a polyfill based on `DateTime`. * Explicit type casts/assertions added where required by PHP 8.1 * `filter_var(…, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING)` replaced with `strip_tags()` or HTML entity encoding of quotation marks, depending on a guess of what the intended "sanitization" was * `http_build_query()` usage type mismatches fixed * Removed usages of the `FILE_TEXT` constant * To avoid breaking PHP 5.6 compatibility (function return types), `e_session_db` no longer implements `SessionHandlerInterface`. Instead, the alternative non-OOP invocation of `session_set_save_handler()` is used instead to apply the session handler. * The shim for `strptime()` still calls the native function if available but now suppresses the deprecation warning. * `e_db_pdo` explicitly asks for `PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES` to maintain consistent behavior with past versions of PHP. * `e_db_mysql` explicitly sets `mysqli_report(MYSQLI_REPORT_OFF)` to maintain consistent behavior with past versions of PHP. * Removed pointless random number generator seed from `banner` plugin * Workaround for `COUNT(*)` SQL query in `validatorClass::dbValidateArray()` without a proper API for avoiding SQL injection
367 lines
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367 lines
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* e107 website system
* Copyright (C) 2008-2013 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
if (!defined('e107_INIT')) { exit; }
class page_shortcodes extends e_shortcode
protected $request;
function __construct()
$this->request = e107::getRegistry('core/page/request');
$action = varset($this->request['action']);
if(($action == 'listPages' || $action == 'listChapters') && vartrue($this->request['id']))
$this->var = e107::getDb()->retrieve('page_chapters','chapter_id, chapter_name, chapter_meta_description, chapter_sef','chapter_id = '.intval($this->request['id']).' LIMIT 1');
if($action == 'showPage' && vartrue($this->request['id'])) // get chapter and description from current.
$query = "SELECT p.page_id,c.chapter_name,c.chapter_meta_description FROM #page AS p LEFT JOIN #page_chapters AS c ON p.page_chapter = c.chapter_id WHERE p.page_id = ".intval($this->request['id'])." LIMIT 1 ";
$rows = e107::getDb()->retrieve($query,true);
$this->var = $rows[0];
* Page Navigation
* @example {PAGE_NAVIGATION: template=navdoc&auto=1} in your Theme template.
* @example {PAGE_NAVIGATION: chapter=4}
* @example {PAGE_NAVIGATION: book=3&pages=true}
function sc_page_navigation($parm=null) // TODO when No $parm provided, auto-detect based on URL which book/chapters to display.
// $parm = eHelper::scParams($parm);
$tmpl = e107::getCoreTemplate('chapter', vartrue($parm['template'],'nav'), true, true); // always merge
$template = $tmpl['showPage'];
$request = $this->request;
if($request && is_array($request))
switch ($request['action'])
case 'listBooks':
$parm['cbook'] = 'all';
$template = $tmpl['listBooks'];
if(e107::getPref('listBooks',false) == false) // List Books has been disabled.
return false;
case 'listChapters':
$parm['cbook'] = $request['id'];
$template = $tmpl['listChapters'];
case 'listPages':
$parm['cchapter'] = $request['id'];
$template = $tmpl['listPages'];
case 'showPage':
$parm['cpage'] = $request['id'];
$parm = http_build_query($parm);
$parm = '';
/** @var page_sitelink $links */
$links = e107::getAddon('page', 'e_sitelink');
$data = $links->pageNav($parm);
if(isset($data['title']) && !vartrue($template['noAutoTitle']))
// use chapter title
$template['caption'] = $data['title'];
$data = $data['body'];
if(empty($data)){ return null; }
return e107::getNav()->render($data, $template) ;
function sc_page_chapter_name($parm='')
return e107::getParser()->toHTML($this->var['chapter_name']);
function sc_page_chapter_description($parm='')
return e107::getParser()->toHTML($this->var['chapter_meta_description'],true);
* New in v2.x. eg. {CMENU=feature-1} Renders a menu called 'feature-1' as found in the e107_page table See admin Pages/Menus .
function sc_cmenu($parm=null)
return null;
return e107::getMenu()->renderMenu($parm, false, false, true);
* Render All visible Menus from a specific chapter.
* @param null $parm
* @example {CHAPTER_MENUS: name=chapter-sef-url}
* @example {CHAPTER_MENUS: name=chapter-sef-url&template=xxxxx}
* @return string
function sc_chapter_menus($parm=null)
return "<div class='alert alert-danger'>Missing 'name'. eg: {CHAPTER_MENUS: name=chapter-sef-url}</div>";
return null;
$tp = e107::getParser();
$text = '';
$start = '';
$classCount = 0;
$sef = $tp->filter($parm['name'],'str');
$registry = 'e_shortcode/sc_chapter_menus/'.$sef;
if(!$pageArray = e107::getRegistry($registry))
$query = "SELECT * FROM #page AS p LEFT JOIN #page_chapters as ch ON p.page_chapter=ch.chapter_id WHERE ch.chapter_visibility IN (" . USERCLASS_LIST . ") AND p.menu_class IN (" . USERCLASS_LIST . ") AND ch.chapter_sef = '" . $sef . "' ORDER BY p.page_order ASC ";
e107::getDebug()->log("Loading Page Chapters (".$sef.")");
if(!$pageArray = e107::getDb()->retrieve($query, true))
e107::getDebug()->log('{CHAPTER_MENUS: name='.$parm['name'].'} failed.<br />Query: '.$query);
return null;
e107::setRegistry($registry, $pageArray);
$template = e107::getCoreTemplate('menu',null,true,true);
$sc = e107::getScBatch('page', null, 'cpage');
$editable = array(
'table' => 'page',
'pid' => 'page_id',
'perms' => '5',
'shortcodes' => array(
'cpagetitle' => array('field'=>'page_subtitle','type'=>'text', 'container'=>'span'),
'cpagebody' => array('field'=>'page_text','type'=>'html', 'container'=>'div'),
'cmenubody' => array('field'=>'menu_text','type'=>'html', 'container'=>'div'),
$tpl = varset($pageArray[0]['menu_template'],'default'); // use start template from first row.
e107::getDebug()->log('{CHAPTER_MENUS CUSTOM TEMPLATE}');
$tpl = $parm['template'];
$start .= "<!-- CHAPTER_MENUS Start Template: ". $tpl." -->";
e107::getDebug()->log('{CHAPTER_MENUS: '.http_build_query($parm).'} has an empty template.');
if(!empty($parm['class']) && is_array($parm['class']))
$classArray = $parm['class'];
$classCount = count($parm['class']);
$active = varset($parm['active'],1);
$start .= $tp->parseTemplate($template[$tpl]['start'],true,$sc);
$i = 0;
foreach($pageArray as $row)
if(!empty($parm['limit']) && $c > $parm['limit'])
$row['cmenu_tab_active'] = ($c === (int) $active) ? true : false;
$tpl = varset($row['menu_template'],'default');
$itemTemplate = $template[$tpl]['body'];
$itemTemplate = str_replace('{CLASS}',$classArray[$i],$itemTemplate);
if($classCount === $i)
$i = 0;
$text .= $tp->parseTemplate($itemTemplate,true,$sc);
$end = $tp->parseTemplate($template[$tpl]['end'],true,$sc);
$end .= "<!-- ".http_build_query($parm)." -->";
$end .= "<!-- CHAPTER_MENUS end template: ". $parm['template']." -->";
return $start . $text . $end;
* Render All visible Chapters from a specific Book.
* Uses "listChapter" template key. ie. $CHAPTER_TEMPLATE[---TEMPLATE --]['listChapters']
* @param null $parm
* @example {BOOK_CHAPTERS: name=book-sef-url}
* @example {BOOK_CHAPTERS: name=book-sef-url&template=xxxxx&limit=3}
* @return string
function sc_book_chapters($parm=null)
return "<div class='alert alert-danger'>Missing 'name'. eg: {BOOK_CHAPTER: name=book-sef-url}</div>";
return null;
$tp = e107::getParser();
$sef = $tp->filter($parm['name'],'str');
$tmplKey = varset($parm['template'],'panel');
$limit = (int) varset($parm['limit'], 3);
$registry = 'e_shortcode/sc_book_chapters/'.$sef. '/'.$limit;
if(!$chapArray = e107::getRegistry($registry))
$bookID = e107::getDb()->retrieve('page_chapters', 'chapter_id', "chapter_sef = '" . $sef . "' LIMIT 1");
return null;
$query = "SELECT * FROM #page_chapters WHERE chapter_visibility IN (" . USERCLASS_LIST . ") AND chapter_parent = ".$bookID." ORDER BY chapter_order ASC LIMIT ".$limit;
e107::getDebug()->log("Loading sc_book_chapters(".$sef.")");
if(!$chapArray = e107::getDb()->retrieve($query, true))
e107::getDebug()->log('{BOOK_CHAPTERS: name='.$parm['name'].'} failed.<br />Query: '.$query);
return null;
e107::setRegistry($registry, $chapArray);
$temp = e107::getCoreTemplate('chapter',$tmplKey,true,true);
$template = $temp['listChapters'];
$sc = e107::getScBatch('page', null, 'cpage');
$start = "<!-- sc_book_chapters Start Template: ". $tmplKey." -->";
$start .= $tp->parseTemplate($template['start'],true,$sc);
$text = '';
foreach($chapArray as $row)
$text .= $tp->parseTemplate($template['item'],true,$sc);
$end = $tp->parseTemplate($template['end'],true,$sc);
$end .= "<!-- sc_book_chapters end template: ". $tmplKey." -->";
return $start . $text . $end;
return null;