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synced 2025-03-12 00:19:46 +01:00
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504 lines
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* e107 website system
* Copyright (C) e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* $URL$
* $Id$
if (!defined('e107_INIT')) { exit; }
class rater {
function render($table,$id,$options=array())
list($votes,$score,$uvoted) = $this->getrating($table, $id);
$label = varset($options['label'],RATELAN_5);
$readonly = $this->checkrated($table, $id) ? '1' : '0';
$datahint = implode(",",$hintArray);
$path = e_WEB_JS."rate/img/";
$score = ($score / 2);
// var_dump($readonly);
$voteDiz = RATELAN_4;
$voteDiz = ($votes == 1) ? RATELAN_0 : RATELAN_1;
if($readonly == '1')
$label = RATELAN_3;
$label = RATELAN_6; // Please login to vote.
$readonly = '1';
$template = vartrue($options['template'], "STATUS|RATE|VOTES");
$TEMPLATE['STATUS'] = "<div class='e-rate-status e-rate-status-{$table}' id='e-rate-{$table}-{$id}'>".$label."</div>";
$TEMPLATE['RATE'] = "<div class='e-rate e-rate-{$table}' id='{$table}-{$id}' data-hint=\"{$datahint}\" data-readonly='{$readonly}' data-score='{$score}' data-url='".e_BASE."rate.php' data-path='{$path}'></div>";
$TEMPLATE['VOTES'] = "<div class='e-rate-votes e-rate-votes-{$table}' id='e-rate-votes-{$table}-{$id}'>".$this->renderVotes($votes,$score)."</div>";
$tmp = explode("|",$template);
$text = "";
foreach($tmp as $k)
$text .= $TEMPLATE[$k];
return $text;
function renderVotes($votes,$score) // TODO use template?
$voteDiz = RATELAN_4;
$voteDiz = ($votes == 1) ? RATELAN_0 : RATELAN_1;
return "{$score}/5 : {$votes} ".$voteDiz;
// Legacy Rate Selector.
function rateselect($text, $table, $id, $mode=FALSE)
//$mode : if mode is set, no urljump will be used (used in combined comments+rating system)
$table = preg_replace('/\W/', '', $table);
$id = intval($id);
// return $this->render($text,$table,$id,$mode);
// $self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
// if ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) {
// $self .= "?".$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
// }
$self = e_REQUEST_URI;
$jump = "";
$url = "";
$jump = "onchange='urljump(this.options[selectedIndex].value)'";
$url = e_HTTP."rate.php?";
$str = $text."
<select name='rateindex' ".$jump." class='tbox'>
<option selected='selected' value='0'>".RATELAN_5."</option>
<option value='".$url."{$table}^{$id}^{$self}^1'>1</option>
<option value='".$url."{$table}^{$id}^{$self}^2'>2</option>
<option value='".$url."{$table}^{$id}^{$self}^3'>3</option>
<option value='".$url."{$table}^{$id}^{$self}^4'>4</option>
<option value='".$url."{$table}^{$id}^{$self}^5'>5</option>
<option value='".$url."{$table}^{$id}^{$self}^6'>6</option>
<option value='".$url."{$table}^{$id}^{$self}^7'>7</option>
<option value='".$url."{$table}^{$id}^{$self}^8'>8</option>
<option value='".$url."{$table}^{$id}^{$self}^9'>9</option>
<option value='".$url."{$table}^{$id}^{$self}^10'>10</option>
return $str;
function rateradio($table, $id) {
$table = preg_replace('/\W/', '', $table);
$id = intval($id);
$str = "
<input type='radio' value='1' />1
<input type='radio' value='2' />2
<input type='radio' value='3' />3
<input type='radio' value='4' />4
<input type='radio' value='5' />5
<input type='radio' value='6' />6
<input type='radio' value='7' />7
<input type='radio' value='8' />8
<input type='radio' value='9' />9
<input type='radio' value='10' />10";
return $str;
function checkrated($table, $id) {
$table = preg_replace('/\W/', '', $table);
$id = intval($id);
$sql = new db;
if (!$sql->db_Select("rate", "*", "rate_table = '{$table}' AND rate_itemid = '{$id}' ")) {
return FALSE;
} else {
$row = $sql->db_Fetch();
if (preg_match("/\.".USERID."\./", $row['rate_voters'])) {
return TRUE;
//added option to split an individual users rating
}else if (preg_match("/\.".USERID.chr(1)."([0-9]{1,2})\./", $row['rate_voters'])) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return FALSE;
function getrating($table, $id, $userid=FALSE) {
//userid : boolean, get rating for a single user, or get general total rating of the item
$table = preg_replace('/\W/', '', $table);
$id = intval($id);
if($id == 0)
return "There is no item ID in the rating";
$sep = chr(1);
$sql = new db;
if (!$sql->db_Select("rate", "*", "rate_table = '{$table}' AND rate_itemid = '{$id}' ")) {
return FALSE;
} else {
$rowgr = $sql->db_Fetch();
$rating = "";
$rateusers = explode(".", $rowgr['rate_voters']);
if(strpos($rateusers[$i], $sep)){
$rateuserinfo[$i] = explode($sep, $rateusers[$i]);
if($userid == $rateuserinfo[$i][0]){
$rating[0] = 0; //number of votes, not relevant in users rating
$rating[1] = $rateuserinfo[$i][1]; //the rating by this user
$rating[2] = 0; //no remainder is present, because we have a single users rating
$rating[0] = 0; //number of votes, not relevant in users rating
$rating[1] = 0; //the rating by this user
$rating[2] = 0; //no remainder is present, because we have a single users rating
$rating[0] = $rowgr['rate_votes']; // $rating[0] == number of votes
$tmp = $rowgr['rate_rating'] / $rowgr['rate_votes'];
$tmp = (strpos($tmp,",")) ? explode(",", $tmp) : explode(".", $tmp);
$rating[1] = $tmp[0];
$rating[2] = substr($tmp[1], 0, 1);
$rating[2] = "0";
return $rating;
function submitVote($table,$itemid,$rate)
$array = $table."^".$itemid."^^".$rate;
return $this->enterrating($array,true);
* @param $table: table without prefix that the like is for
* @param $itemid: item id within that table for the item to be liked
* @param $curval: optional array of current values for 'up' and 'down'
* @param $perc: optional percentage mode. Displays percentages instead of totals.
function renderLike($table,$itemid,$curVal=false,$perc=false)
$id = "rate-".$table."-".$itemid; // "-up or -down is appended to the ID by jquery as both value will need updating.
if($curVal == false)
$curVal = $this->getLikes($table,$itemid);
$p = ($perc) ? "%" : "";
$upImg = "<img class='e-tip' src='".e_IMAGE."rate/like_16.png' alt='' title='Like' />";
$upDown = "<img class='e-tip' src='".e_IMAGE."rate/dislike_16.png' alt='' title='Dislike' />";
$text = "<span id='{$id}-up'>".intval($curVal['up'])."{$p}</span>
<a class='e-rate-thumb e-rate-up' href='".e_BASE."rate.php?table={$table}&id={$itemid}&type=up#{$id}'>{$upImg}</a>
<span id='{$id}-down'>".intval($curVal['down'])."{$p}</span>
<a class='e-rate-thumb e-rate-down' href='".e_BASE."rate.php?table={$table}&id={$itemid}&type=down#{$id}'>{$upDown}</a>";
return $text;
protected function getLikes($table,$itemid,$perc=false)
$sql = e107::getDb();
if($sql->db_Select("rate","*","rate_table = '{$table}' AND rate_itemid = '{$itemid}' LIMIT 1"))
$row = $sql->db_Fetch();
if($perc == true) // Percentage Mode
$up = round(($row['rate_up'] / $row['rate_votes']) * 100) . "%";
$down = round(($row['rate_down'] / $row['rate_votes']) * 100) . "%";
return array('up'=>$up,'down'=>$down,'total'=> $row['rate_votes']);
else // Counts mode.
$up = $row['rate_up'];
$down = $row['rate_down'];
return array('up'=>$up,'down'=>$down,'total'=>$row['rate_votes']);
return ($perc == false) ? array('up'=>0,'down'=>0,'total'=>0) : array('up'=>'0%','down'=>'0%','total'=>'0%');
function submitLike($table,$itemid,$type,$perc=false)
$sql = e107::getDb();
if($sql->db_Select("rate","*","rate_table = '{$table}' AND rate_itemid = '{$itemid}' LIMIT 1"))
$row = $sql->db_Fetch();
if(preg_match("/\.". USERID."\./",$row['rate_voters'])) // already voted.
return false;
$newvoters = $row['rate_voters'].".".USERID.".";
$totalVotes = $row['rate_votes'] + 1;
$totalDown = $row['rate_down'] + (($type == 'down') ? 1 : 0);
$totalUp = $row['rate_up'] + (($type == 'up') ? 1 : 0);
$qry = ($type == 'up') ? "rate_up = {$totalUp} " : "rate_down = {$totalDown}";
$qry .= ", rate_voters = '{$newvoters}', rate_votes = {$totalVotes} ";
$qry .= " WHERE rate_table = '{$table}' AND rate_itemid = '{$itemid}' LIMIT 1";
if($perc == true) // Percentage Mode
$up = round(($totalUp /$totalVotes) * 100) . "%";
$down = round(($totalDown /$totalVotes) * 100) . "%";
else // Counts mode.
$up = $totalUp;
$down = $totalDown;
return $up."|".$down;
$insert = array(
// "rate_id" => 0, // let it increment
"rate_table" => $table,
"rate_itemid" => $itemid,
"rate_rating" => 0,
"rate_votes" => 1,
"rate_voters" => ".".USERID.".",
"rate_up" => ($type == 'up') ? 1 : 0,
"rate_down" => ($type == 'down') ? 1 : 0
if($sql->db_Insert("rate", $insert))
if($perc == true) // Percentage Mode
return ($type == 'up') ? "100%|0%" : "0%|100%";
return ($type == 'up') ? "1|0" : "0|1";
function enterrating($rateindex,$ajax = false)
$sql = e107::getDb();
$tp = e107::getParser();
$qs = explode("^", $rateindex);
if (!$qs[0] || USER == FALSE || $qs[3] > 10 || $qs[3] < 1)
if($ajax == false)
return "Error: ".print_a($qs,true);
$table = $tp -> toDB($qs[0], true);
$itemid = intval($qs[1]);
$rate = intval($qs[3]);
//rating is now stored as userid-rating (to retain individual users rating)
//$sep = "^";
$sep = chr(1); // problematic - invisible in phpmyadmin.
$voter = USERID.$sep.intval($qs[3]);
if ($sql->db_Select("rate", "*", "rate_table='{$table}' AND rate_itemid='{$itemid}' "))
$row = $sql -> db_Fetch();
$rate_voters = $row['rate_voters'].".".$voter.".";
$new_votes = $row['rate_votes'] + 1;
$new_rating = $row['rate_rating'] + $rate;
$stat = ($new_rating /$new_votes)/2;
$statR = round($stat,1);
if(strpos($row['rate_voters'], ".".$voter.".") == true || strpos($row['rate_voters'], ".".USERID.".") == true)
return "You already voted|".$this->renderVotes($new_votes,$statR); // " newvotes = ".($statR). " =".$new_votes;
if($sql->db_Update("rate", "rate_votes= ".$new_votes.", rate_rating='{$new_rating}', rate_voters='{$rate_voters}' WHERE rate_id='{$row['rate_id']}' "))
return RATELAN_3."|".$this->renderVotes($new_votes,$statR); // Thank you for your vote.
return "Error";
$insert = array(
// "rate_id" => 0,
"rate_table" => $table,
"rate_itemid" => $itemid,
"rate_rating" => $rate,
"rate_votes" => 1,
"rate_voters" => ".".$voter.".",
"rate_up" => 0,
"rate_down" => 0
if($sql->db_Insert("rate", $insert))
// if($sql->db_Insert("rate", " 0, '$table', '$itemid', '$rate', '1', '.".$voter.".' "))
$stat = ($rate /1)/2;
$statR = round($stat,1);
return RATELAN_3."|".$this->renderVotes(1,$statR); ; // Thank you for your vote.
return "Rating Failed ";
function composerating($table, $id, $enter=TRUE, $userid=FALSE, $nojump=FALSE){
//enter : boolean to show (rateselect box + textual info) or not
//userid : used to calculate a users given rating
//nojump : boolean, if present no urljump will be used (needed in comment_rating system)
$rate = "";
if($ratearray = $this -> getrating($table, $id, $userid)){
if($ratearray[1] > 0){
for($c=1; $c<= $ratearray[1]; $c++){
$rate .= "<img src='".e_IMAGE_ABS."rate/box.png' alt='' style='height:8px; vertical-align:middle' />";
if($ratearray[1] < 10){
for($c=9; $c>=$ratearray[1]; $c--){
$rate .= "<img src='".e_IMAGE_ABS."rate/empty.png' alt='' style='height:8px; vertical-align:middle' />";
$rate .= "<img src='".e_IMAGE_ABS."rate/boxend.png' alt='' style='height:8px; vertical-align:middle' />";
if($ratearray[2] == ""){ $ratearray[2] = 0; }
$rate .= " ".$ratearray[1].".".$ratearray[2];
$rate .= " - ".$ratearray[0]." ";
$rate .= ($ratearray[0] == 1 ? RATELAN_0 : RATELAN_1);
$rate .= RATELAN_4;
if(!isset($ratearray[1]) || $ratearray[1] > 0){
$rate .= " - ";
if(!$this -> checkrated($table, $id) && USER){
$rate .= $this -> rateselect(RATELAN_2, $table, $id, $nojump);
}else if(USER){
$rate .= RATELAN_3;
return $rate;
function delete_ratings($table, $id)
global $tp, $sql;
$table = $tp->toDB($table, true);
$id = intval($id);
return $sql -> db_Delete("rate", "rate_itemid='{$id}' AND rate_table='{$table}'");