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| e107 website system
| /classes/upload_class.php
| ©Steve Dunstan 2001-2002
| http://e107.org
| jalist@e107.org
| Released under the terms and conditions of the
| GNU General Public License (http://gnu.org).
| $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.8/e107_handlers/upload_handler.php,v $
| $Revision: 1.18 $
| $Date: 2008-10-19 11:35:00 $
| $Author: e107steved $
if (!defined('e107_INIT')) { exit; }
define('e_UPLOAD_TEMP_DIR', e_FILE.'temp/'); // Temporary directory
define('e_READ_FILETYPES','filetypes.xml'); // Upload permissions
File upload handler - this is the preferred interface for new code
function process_uploaded_files($uploaddir, $fileinfo = FALSE, $options = array())
$uploaddir - target directory (checked that it exists, but path not otherwise changed)
$fileinfo - determines any special handling of file name (combines previous $fileinfo and $avatar parameters):
FALSE - default option; no processing
"attachment+extra_text" - indicates an attachment (related to forum post or PM), and specifies some optional text which is
incorporated into the final file name (the original $fileinfo parameter).
$file_name = time()."_".USERID."_".'extra_text'.$name;
"prefix+extra_text" - indicates an attachment or file, and specifies some optional text which is prefixed to the file name
"unique" - if the proposed destination file doesn't exist, saved under given name
- if the proposed destination file does exist, prepends time() to the file name to make it unique
'avatar' - indicates an avatar is being uploaded (not used - options must be set elsewhere)
$options - an array of supplementary options, all of which will be given appropriate defaults if not defined:
'filetypes' - name of file containing list of valid file types
- Always looks in the admin directory
- defaults to e_ADMIN.filetypes.xml, else e_ADMIN.admin_filetypes.php for admins (if file exists), otherwise e_ADMIN.filetypes.php for users.
- FALSE disables this option (which implies that 'extra_file_types' is used)
'file_mask' - comma-separated list of file types which if defined limits the allowed file types to those which are in both this list and the
file specified by the 'filetypes' option. Enables restriction to, for example, image files.
'extra_file_types' - if is FALSE or undefined, rejects totally unknown file extensions (even if in $options['filetypes'] file).
if TRUE, accepts totally unknown file extensions which are in $options['filetypes'] file.
otherwise specifies a comma-separated list of additional permitted file extensions
'final_chmod' - chmod() to be applied to uploaded files (0644 default) (This routine expects an integer value, so watch formatting/decoding - its normally
specified in octal. Typically use intval($permissions,8) to convert)
'max_upload_size' - maximum size of uploaded files in bytes, or as a string with a 'multiplier' letter (e.g. 16M) at the end.
- otherwise uses $pref['upload_maxfilesize'] if set
- overriding limit of the smaller of 'post_max_size' and 'upload_max_size' if set in php.ini
- for DB storage, overriding upper limit of 512000 bytes.
(Note: other parts of E107 don't understand strings with a multiplier letter yet)
'file_array_name' - the name of the 'input' array - defaults to file_userfile[] - otherwise as set.
'max_file_count' - maximum number of files which can be uploaded - default is 'unlimited' if this is zero of not set.
'overwrite' - if TRUE, existing file of the same name is overwritten; otherwise returns 'duplicate file' error (default FALSE)
'save_to_db' - storage type - if set and TRUE, uploaded files are saved in the database (rhater than as flat files) (default FALSE)
Returns FALSE if the upload directory doesn't exist, or various other errors occurred which restrict the amount of meaningful information.
Returns an array, with one set of entries per uploaded file, regardless of whether saved or discarded (not all fields always present) - $c is array index:
$uploaded[$c]['name'] - file name - as saved to disc or in database
$uploaded[$c]['rawname'] - original file name, prior to any addition of identifiers etc (useful for display purposes)
$uploaded[$c]['type'] - mime type (if set - as returned by browser)
$uploaded[$c]['size'] - size in bytes (should be zero if error)
$uploaded[$c]['error'] - numeric error code (zero = OK)
$uploaded[$c]['index'] - if upload successful, the index position from the file_userfile[] array - usually numeric, but may be alphanumeric if coded
$uploaded[$c]['message'] - text of displayed message relating to file
$uploaded[$c]['line'] - only if an error occurred, has line number (from __LINE__)
$uploaded[$c]['file'] - only if an error occurred, has file name (from __FILE__)
On exit, uploaded files should all have been removed from the temporary directory.
No messages displayed - its caller's responsibility to handle errors and display info to user (or can use handle_upload_messages() from this module)
Details of uploaded files are in $_FILES['file_userfile'] (or other array name as set) on entry.
Elements passed (from PHP) relating to each file:
['name'] - the original name
['type'] - mime type (if provided - not checked by PHP)
['size'] - file size in bytes
['tmp_name'] - temporary file name on server
['error'] - error code. 0 = 'good'. 1..4 main others, although up to 8 defined for later PHP versions
Files stored in server's temporary directory, unless another set
function process_uploaded_files($uploaddir, $fileinfo = FALSE, $options = NULL)
global $pref, $sql, $tp;
global $admin_log;
if (ini_get('open_basedir') != '')
{ // Need to move file to intermediate directory before we can read its contents to check it.
$ul_temp_dir = e_UPLOAD_TEMP_DIR;
$ul_temp_dir = '';
if (UH_DEBUG) $admin_log->e_log_event(10,debug_backtrace(),"DEBUG","Upload Handler test","Process uploads to {$uploaddir}, fileinfo ".$fileinfo,FALSE,LOG_TO_ROLLING);
// $admin_log->e_log_event(10,__FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__,"DEBUG","Upload Handler test","Intermediate directory: {$ul_temp_dir} ",FALSE,LOG_TO_ROLLING);
$overwrite = varset($options['overwrite'],FALSE);
$save_to_db = varset($options['save_to_db'],FALSE);
$uploaddir = realpath($uploaddir); // Mostly to get rid of the grot that might be passed in from legacy code. Also strips any trailing '/'
if (!is_dir($uploaddir))
if (UH_DEBUG) $admin_log->e_log_event(10,__FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__,"DEBUG","Upload Handler test","Invalid directory: ".$uploaddir,FALSE,FALSE);
return FALSE; // Need a valid directory
if (UH_DEBUG) $admin_log->e_log_event(10,__FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__,"DEBUG","Upload Handler test","Destination directory: ".$uploaddir,FALSE,FALSE);
$final_chmod = varset($options['final_chmod'],0644);
if (isset($options['file_array_name']))
$files = $_FILES[$options['file_array_name']];
$files = $_FILES['file_userfile'];
$max_file_count = varset($options['max_file_count'],0);
if (!is_array($files))
if (UH_DEBUG) $admin_log->e_log_event(10,__FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__,"DEBUG","Upload Handler test","No files uploaded",FALSE,FALSE);
return FALSE;
$uploaded = array();
$max_upload_size = calc_max_upload_size(varset($options['max_upload_size'],-1)); // Find overriding maximum upload size
$allowed_filetypes = get_filetypes(varset($options['file_mask'],''), varset($options['filetypes'],''));
$max_upload_size = set_max_size($allowed_filetypes, $max_upload_size);
// That's the basics set up - we can start processing files now
if (UH_DEBUG) $admin_log->e_log_event(10,__FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__,"DEBUG","Upload Handler test","Start individual files: ".count($files['name'])." Max upload: ".$max_upload_size,FALSE,FALSE);
$c = 0;
foreach ($files['name'] as $key => $name)
$first_error = FALSE; // Clear error flag
if (($name != '') || $files['size'][$key]) // Need this check for things like file manager which allow multiple possible uploads
$name = preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9._-]/", "", str_replace(" ", "_", str_replace("%20", "_", strtolower($name))));
$raw_name = $name; // Save 'proper' file name - useful for display
$file_ext = trim(strtolower(substr(strrchr($name, "."), 1))); // File extension
if (!trim($files['type'][$key])) $files['type'][$key] = 'Unknowm mime-type';
if (UH_DEBUG) $admin_log->e_log_event(10,__FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__,"DEBUG","Upload Handler test","Process file {$name}, size ".$files['size'][$key],FALSE,FALSE);
if ($max_file_count && ($c > $max_file_count))
$first_error = 249; // 'Too many files uploaded' error
$first_error = $files['error'][$key]; // Start with whatever error PHP gives us for the file
if (!$first_error)
{ // Check file size early on
if ($files['size'][$key] == 0)
$first_error = 4; // Standard error code for zero size file
elseif ($files['size'][$key] > $max_upload_size)
$first_error = 254;
elseif (isset($allowed_filetypes[$file_ext]) && ($allowed_filetypes[$file_ext] > 0) && ($files['size'][$key] > $allowed_filetypes[$file_ext]))
{ // XML file set limits per extension
$first_error = 254;
if (!$first_error)
$uploadfile = $files['tmp_name'][$key]; // Name in temporary directory
if (!$uploadfile) $first_error = 253;
if (!$first_error)
// Need to support multiple files with the same 'real' name in some cases
if (strpos($fileinfo,"attachment") === 0)
{ // For attachments, add in a prefix plus time and date to give a unique file name
$addbit = explode('+',$fileinfo,2);
$name = time()."_".USERID."_".trim($addbit[1]).$name;
elseif (strpos($fileinfo,"prefix") === 0)
{ // For attachments, avatars, photos etc alternatively just add a prefix we've been passed
$addbit = explode('+',$fileinfo,2);
$name = trim($addbit[1]).$name;
$destination_file = $uploaddir."/".$name;
if ($fileinfo == "unique" && file_exists($destination_file))
{ // Modify destination name to make it unique - but only if target file name exists
$name = time()."_".$name;
$destination_file = $uploaddir."/".$name;
if (file_exists($destination_file) && !$overwrite) $first_error = 250; // Invent our own error number - duplicate file
if (!$first_error)
$tpos = FALSE;
if ($file_ext != '') // Require any uploaded file to have an extension
if ($ul_temp_dir)
{ // Need to move file to our own temporary directory
$tempfilename = $uploadfile;
$uploadfile = $ul_temp_dir.basename($uploadfile);
if (UH_DEBUG) $admin_log->e_log_event(10,__FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__,"DEBUG","Upload Handler test","Move {$tempfilename} to {$uploadfile} ",FALSE,LOG_TO_ROLLING);
@move_uploaded_file($tempfilename,$uploadfile); // This should work on all hosts
$tpos = (($file_status = vet_file($uploadfile, $name, $allowed_filetypes, varset($options['extra_file_types'],FALSE))) === TRUE);
if ($tpos === FALSE)
// File type upload not permitted - error message and abort
$first_error = 251; // Invent our own error number - file type not permitted
if (!$first_error)
{ // All tests passed - can store it somewhere
$uploaded[$c]['name'] = $name;
$uploaded[$c]['rawname'] = $raw_name;
$uploaded[$c]['type'] = $files['type'][$key];
$uploaded[$c]['size'] = 0;
$uploaded[$c]['index'] = $key; // Store the actual index from the file_userfile array
if ($save_to_db)
{ // Store binary files in the database if selected. Maximum two files this way
// This is really legacy stuff - not seriously changed from the original apart from using the newer file vetting routines
if (UH_DEBUG) $admin_log->e_log_event(10,__FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__,"DEBUG","Upload Handler test","Save to DB {$c}: ".$uploaded[$c]['name'],FALSE,LOG_TO_ROLLING);
$data = mysql_real_escape_string(fread(fopen($files['tmp_name'][$c], "rb"), filesize($uploadfile)));
if ($sql->db_Insert("rbinary", "0, '".$tp -> toDB($name, true)."', '".$tp -> toDB($files['type'][$c], true)."', '{$data}' "))
$uploaded[$c]['name'] = "Binary ".mysql_insert_id()."/".$name;
$uploaded[$c]['size'] = $files['size'][$c];
$first_error = 252; // "Could not save file"
{ // Store as flat file
// $method = (OPEN_BASEDIR == FALSE ? "copy" : "move_uploaded_file");
// if (@$method($uploadfile, $destination_file))
if ((!$ul_temp_dir && @move_uploaded_file($uploadfile, $destination_file)) || ($ul_temp_dir && @rename($uploadfile, $destination_file))) // This should work on all hosts
@chmod($destination_file, $final_chmod);
if (UH_DEBUG) $admin_log->e_log_event(10,__FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__,"DEBUG","Upload Handler test","Final chmod() file {$destination_file} to {$final_chmod} ",FALSE,FALSE);
$uploaded[$c]['size'] = $files['size'][$key];
if (UH_DEBUG) $admin_log->e_log_event(10,__FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__,"DEBUG","Upload Handler test","Saved file {$c} OK: ".$uploaded[$c]['name'],FALSE,FALSE);
$first_error = 252; // Error - "couldn't save destination"
{ // This file succeeded
$uploaded[$c]['message'] = LANUPLOAD_3." '".$raw_name."'";
$uploaded[$c]['error'] = 0;
$uploaded[$c]['error'] = $first_error;
$uploaded[$c]['size'] = 0;
switch ($first_error)
case 1: // Exceeds upload_max_filesize in php.ini
$error = LANUPLOAD_5;
case 2: // Exceeds MAX_FILE_SIZE in form
$error = LANUPLOAD_6;
case 3: // Partial upload
$error = LANUPLOAD_7;
case 4: // No file uploaded
$error = LANUPLOAD_8;
case 5: // Undocumented code (zero file size)
$error = LANUPLOAD_9;
case 6: // Missing temporary folder
$error = LANUPLOAD_13;
case 7: // File write failed
$error = LANUPLOAD_14;
case 8: // Upload stopped by extension
$error = LANUPLOAD_15;
case 249: // Too many files (our error code)
$error = LANUPLOAD_19;
case 250: // Duplicate File (our error code)
$error = LANUPLOAD_10;
case 251: // File type not allowed (our error code)
$error = LANUPLOAD_1." ".$files['type'][$key]." ".LANUPLOAD_2." ({$file_status})";
case 252 : // File uploaded OK, but couldn't save it
$error = LANUPLOAD_4." [".str_replace("../", "", $uploaddir)."]";
case 253: // Bad name for uploaded file (our error code)
$error = LANUPLOAD_17;
case 254: // file size exceeds allowable limits (our error code)
$error = LANUPLOAD_18;
default : // Shouldn't happen - but at least try and make it obvious if it does!
$error = LANUPLOAD_16;
$uploaded[$c]['message'] = LANUPLOAD_11." '".$name."' <br />".LANUPLOAD_12.": ".$error;
$uploaded[$c]['line'] = __LINE__ ;
$uploaded[$c]['file'] = __FILE__;
if (UH_DEBUG) $admin_log->e_log_event(10,__FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__,"DEBUG","Upload Handler test","Main routine error {$first_error} file {$c}: ".$uploaded[$c]['message'],FALSE,FALSE);
// If we need to abort on first error, do so here - could check for specific error codes
if (is_file($uploadfile)) @unlink($uploadfile); // Don't leave the file on the server if error (although should be auto-deleted)
return $uploaded;
Utility routine to handle the messages returned by process_uploaded_files().
$upload_array is the list of uploaded files
$errors_only - if TRUE, no message is shown for a successful upload.
$use_handler - if TRUE, message_handler is used to display the message.
Returns - a list of all accumulated messages. (Non-destructive call, so can be called several times with different options).
function handle_upload_messages(&$upload_array, $errors_only = TRUE, $use_handler = FALSE)
// Display error messages, accumulate FMESSAGE
// Write as a separate routine - returns all messages displayed. Option to only display failures.
$f_message = '';
foreach($upload_array as $k => $r)
if (!$errors_only || $r['error'])
if ($use_handler)
message_handler("MESSAGE",$r['message'], $r['line'], $r['file']);
$f_message[] = $r['message'];
return implode("<br />",$f_message);
This is the 'legacy' interface, which handles various special cases etc.
It was the only option in E107 0.7.8 and earlier, and is still used in some places in core.
It also attempts to return in the same way as the original, especially when any errors occur
Parameters for file_upload():
$uploaddir - target directory for file. Defaults to e_FILE/public
$avatar - sets the 'type' or destination of the file:
FALSE - its a 'general' file
'attachment' - indicates an attachment (related to forum post or PM)
'unique' - indicates that file name must be unique - new name given (prefixed with time()_ )
'avatar' - indicates an avatar is being uploaded
$fileinfo - included within the name of the saved file with attachments - can be an identifier of some sort
(Forum adds 'FT{$tid}_' - where $tid is the thread ID.
$overwrite - if true, an uploaded file can overwrite an existing file of the same name (not used in 0.7 core)
Preference used:
$pref['upload_storagetype'] = 1 for files, 2 for database
On exit, F_MESSAGE is defined with the success/failure message(s) that have been displayed - one file per line
For backward compatibility, returns FALSE if only one file uploaded and an error; otherwise returns an array with per-file error codes as appropriate.
function file_upload($uploaddir, $avatar = FALSE, $fileinfo = "", $overwrite = "")
global $admin_log;
$options = array('extra_file_types' => TRUE); // As default, allow any filetype enabled in filetypes.php
if (!$uploaddir) {$uploaddir = e_FILE."public/";}
// Compute storage type - 1 is file, 2 is DB
$upload_storagetype = varset($pref['upload_storagetype'],1);
if($uploaddir == e_THEME) {$upload_storagetype = 1;}
$options['save_to_db'] = ($upload_storagetype == "2" && $avatar == FALSE);
if (strpos($avatar,'=') !== FALSE)
list($avatar,$param) = explode('=',$avatar,2);
$param = USERID;
switch ($avatar)
case 'attachment' :
$avatar = "attachment+".$fileinfo;
case 'avatar' :
$avatar = 'prefix+ap_'.$param.'_'; // Prefix unique to user
$options['overwrite'] = TRUE; // Allow update of avatar with same file name
if (UH_DEBUG) $admin_log->e_log_event(10,__FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__,"DEBUG","Upload Handler test","Legacy call, directory ".$uploaddir,FALSE,FALSE);
$ret = process_uploaded_files(getcwd()."/".$uploaddir, // Well, that's the way it was done before
if ($ret === FALSE)
if (UH_DEBUG) $admin_log->e_log_event(10,__FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__,"DEBUG","Upload Handler test","Legacy return FALSE",FALSE,FALSE);
return FALSE;
if (UH_DEBUG) $admin_log->e_log_event(10,__FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__,"DEBUG","Upload Handler test","Legacy return with ".count($ret)." files",FALSE,FALSE);
$messages = handle_upload_messages($ret, FALSE, TRUE); // Show all the error and acknowledgment messages
define(F_MESSAGE, $messages);
if (count($ret) == 1)
if ($ret[0]['error'] != 0) return FALSE; // Special case if errors
return $ret;
// Check uploaded file to try and identify dodgy content.
// Return TRUE if appears OK.
// Return a numeric reason code 1..9 if unacceptable
// $filename is the full path+name to the uploaded file on the server
// $target_name is the intended name of the file once transferred
// $allowed_filetypes is an array of permitted file extensions, in lower case, no leading '.'
// (usually generated from filetypes.php)
// if $unknown is FALSE, rejects totally unknown file extensions (even if in $allowed_filetypes).
// if $unknown is TRUE, accepts totally unknown file extensions.
// otherwise $unknown is a comma-separated list of additional permitted file extensions
function vet_file($filename, $target_name, $allowed_filetypes = '', $unknown = FALSE)
// 1. Start by checking against filetypes - that's the easy one!
$file_ext = strtolower(substr(strrchr($target_name, "."), 1));
if (!isset($allowed_filetypes[$file_ext]))
if (is_bool($unknown)) return 1; // Reject out of hand if no possible alternative extensions
// Otherwise, it could be in the supplementary list
$tmp = explode(',', $unknown);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($tmp); $i++) { $tmp[$i] = strtolower(trim(str_replace('.', '', $tmp[$i]))); }
if (!in_array($file_ext, $tmp)) return 6;
// 2. For all files, read the first little bit to check for any flags etc
$res = fopen($filename, 'rb');
$tstr = fread($res,100);
if ($tstr === FALSE) return 2; // If can't read file, not much use carrying on!
if (stristr($tstr,'<?php') !== FALSE) return 3; // Pretty certain exploit
if (stristr($tstr,'<?') !== FALSE) return 7; // Possible exploit - maybe allowable?
// 3. Now do what we can based on file extension
switch ($file_ext)
case 'jpg' :
case 'gif' :
case 'png' :
case 'jpeg' :
case 'pjpeg' :
case 'bmp' :
$ret = getimagesize($filename);
if (!is_array($ret)) return 4; // getimagesize didn't like something
if (($ret[0] == 0) || ($ret[1] == 0)) return 5; // Zero size picture or bad file format
case 'zip' :
case 'gzip' :
case 'gz' :
case 'tar' :
case 'bzip' :
case 'pdf' :
case 'rar' :
case '7z' :
case 'csv' :
break; // Just accept these
case 'php' :
case 'htm' :
case 'html' :
case 'cgi' :
case 'pl' :
return 9; // Never accept these! Whatever the user thinks!
default :
if (is_bool($unknown)) return ($unknown ? TRUE : 8);
return TRUE; // Accepted here
// Get array of file types (file extensions) which are permitted - reads a definition file.
// Key is the file type.
// If $file_mask is a comma-separated list of file types, only those types which are in both the definition file and in $file_mask are added
function get_allowed_filetypes($def_file = FALSE, $file_mask = '')
$ret = array();
if ($def_file === FALSE) return $ret;
if ($file_mask)
$file_array = explode(',', $file_mask);
foreach ($file_array as $k => $f)
$file_array[$k] = trim($f);
if ($def_file && is_readable(e_ADMIN.$def_file))
$a_filetypes = trim(file_get_contents(e_ADMIN.$def_file));
$a_filetypes = explode(',', $a_filetypes);
{ // Its an 'override' array
$a_filetypes = explode(',', $def_file);
foreach ($a_filetypes as $ftype)
$ftype = strtolower(trim(str_replace('.', '', $ftype)));
if (!$file_mask || in_array($ftype, $file_array))
$ret[$ftype] = -1;
return $ret;
// Parse a file size string (e.g. 16M) and compute the simple numeric value.
// If $action is empty, return this value.
// If $source evaluates to zero, return the compare value instead
// If $action == 'gt', return the larger of this value and $compare
// If $action == 'lt', return the smaller of this value and $compare
function file_size_decode($source, $compare = 0, $action = '')
$source = trim($source);
if (strtolower(substr($source,-1,1)) == 'b') $source = substr($source,0,-1); // Trim a trailing byte indicator
$mult = 1;
if (strlen($source) && (strtoupper(substr($source,-1,1)) == 'B')) $source = substr($source,0,-1);
if (!$source || is_numeric($source))
$val = $source;
$val = substr($source,0,-1);
switch (substr($source,-1,1))
case 'T' :
$val = $val * 1024;
case 'G' :
$val = $val * 1024;
case 'M' :
$val = $val * 1024;
case 'K' :
case 'k' :
$val = $val * 1024;
if ($val == 0) return $compare;
switch ($action)
case 'lt' : return min($val, $compare);
case 'gt' : return max($val, $compare);
default : return $val;
return 0;
// Similar to get_allowed_filetypes(), but expects an XML file
// Returns an array where key is the file extension; value is max upload size
function get_XML_filetypes($def_file = FALSE, $file_mask = '')
$ret = array();
if ($def_file === FALSE) return $ret;
if ($file_mask)
$file_array = explode(',', $file_mask);
foreach ($file_array as $k => $f)
$file_array[$k] = trim($f);
if ($def_file && is_readable(e_ADMIN.$def_file))
$xml = new xmlClass;
$temp_vars = $xml->loadXMLfile(e_ADMIN.$def_file, true, false);
if ($temp_vars === FALSE)
echo "Error reading XML file: {$def_file}<br />";
return $ret;
if (count($temp_vars['class']) == 1)
$temp_vars['class'] = array($temp_vars['class']);
foreach ($temp_vars['class'] as $v1)
$v = $v1['@attributes'];
if (check_class($v['name']))
$current_perms[$v['name']] = array('type' => $v['type'],'maxupload' => $v['maxupload']);
$a_filetypes = explode(',', $v['type']);
foreach ($a_filetypes as $ftype)
$ftype = strtolower(trim(str_replace('.', '', $ftype))); // File extension
if (!$file_mask || in_array($ftype, $file_array))
{ // We can load this extension
if (isset($ret[$ftype]))
$ret[$ftype] = file_size_decode($v['maxupload'],$ret[$ftype], 'gt'); // Use largest value
$ret[$ftype] = file_size_decode($v['maxupload']);
// echo '<pre>';
// var_dump($ret);
// echo '</pre>';
return $ret;
// Calculate 'global' maximum upload size - the maximum before extension-specific restrictions taken into account
function calc_max_upload_size($max_up = -1)
global $pref, $admin_log;
// Work out maximum allowable file size
$admin_log->e_log_event(10,__FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__,"DEBUG","Upload Handler test",
"File size limits - user set: ".$pref['upload_maxfilesize']." Post_max_size: ".ini_get('post_max_size')." upload_max_size: ".ini_get('upload_max_size'),FALSE,FALSE);
$max_upload_size = file_size_decode(ini_get('post_max_size'));
$max_upload_size = file_size_decode(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'), $max_upload_size, 'lt');
if ($max_up > 0)
$max_upload_size = file_size_decode($max_up, $max_upload_size, 'lt');
if (varset($pref['upload_maxfilesize'],0) > 0) $max_upload_size = file_size_decode($pref['upload_maxfilesize'], $max_upload_size, 'lt');
if ($save_to_db) $max_upload_size = min($max_upload_size, 512000); // Approx 500k limit for database saves
if (UH_DEBUG) $admin_log->e_log_event(10,__FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__,"DEBUG","Upload Handler test","Final max upload size: {$max_upload_size}",FALSE,FALSE);
return $max_upload_size;
// Get an array of permitted filetypes according to a set hierarchy.
function get_filetypes($file_mask = FALSE, $filename = '')
if ($filename != '')
if (strtolower(substr($filename,-4) == '.xml'))
return get_XML_filetypes($filename, $file_mask);
return get_allowed_filetypes($filename, $file_mask);
if (is_readable(e_ADMIN.e_READ_FILETYPES))
return get_XML_filetypes(e_READ_FILETYPES, $file_mask);
if (ADMIN && is_readable(e_ADMIN.'admin_filetypes.php'))
return get_allowed_filetypes('admin_filetypes.php', $file_mask);
if (is_readable(e_ADMIN.'filetypes.php'))
return get_allowed_filetypes('filetypes.php', $file_mask);
return array(); // Just an empty array
// Scans the array of allowed file types, updates allowed max size as appropriate.
// Returns largest allowed file size
function set_max_size(&$allowed_filetypes, $max_upload_size)
$new_max = 0;
foreach ($allowed_filetypes as $t => $s)
if ($s < 0)
{ // Unspecified max - use the global value
$allowed_filetypes[$t] = $max_upload_size;
elseif ($allowed_filetypes[$t] > $max_upload_size) $allowed_filetypes[$t] = $max_upload_size;
if ($allowed_filetypes[$t] > $new_max) $new_max = $allowed_filetypes[$t];
return $new_max;
// Quick routine if all we want is the size of the largest file the current user can upload
function get_user_max_upload()
$a_filetypes = get_filetypes();
if (count($a_filetypes) == 0) return 0; // Return if no upload allowed
$max_upload_size = calc_max_upload_size(-1); // Find overriding maximum upload size
$max_upload_size = set_max_size($a_filetypes, $max_upload_size);
return $max_upload_size;