mirror of https://github.com/e107inc/e107.git synced 2025-02-15 03:54:39 +01:00
2015-02-15 16:07:27 -08:00

2418 lines
94 KiB

* e107 website system
* Copyright (C) 2008-2009 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* Download Plugin Administration UI
* $URL: https://e107.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/e107/trunk/e107_0.8/e107_plugins/release/includes/admin.php $
* $Id: admin.php 12212 2011-05-11 22:25:02Z e107coders $
if (!defined('e107_INIT')){ exit; }
class plugin_download_admin extends e_admin_dispatcher
* Format: 'MODE' => array('controller' =>'CONTROLLER_CLASS'[, 'index' => 'list', 'path' => 'CONTROLLER SCRIPT PATH', 'ui' => 'UI CLASS NAME child of e_admin_ui', 'uipath' => 'UI SCRIPT PATH']);
* Note - default mode/action is autodetected in this order:
* - $defaultMode/$defaultAction (owned by dispatcher - see below)
* - $adminMenu (first key if admin menu array is not empty)
* - $modes (first key == mode, corresponding 'index' key == action)
* @var array
protected $modes = array (
'main' => array (
'controller' => 'download_main_admin_ui',
'path' => null,
'ui' => 'download_main_admin_form_ui',
'uipath' => null
'cat' => array (
'controller' => 'download_cat_ui',
'path' => null,
'ui' => 'download_cat_form_ui',
'uipath' => null
'mirror' => array(
'controller' => 'download_mirror_ui',
'path' => null,
'ui' => 'download_mirror_form_ui',
'uipath' => null
/* Both are optional
protected $defaultMode = null;
protected $defaultAction = null;
* Format: 'MODE/ACTION' => array('caption' => 'Menu link title'[, 'url' => '{e_PLUGIN}release/admin_config.php', 'perm' => '0']);
* Additionally, any valid e107::getNav()->admin() key-value pair could be added to the above array
* @var array
protected $adminMenu = array(
'main/list' => array('caption'=> 'Manage', 'perm' => 'P'),
'main/create' => array('caption'=> LAN_CREATE, 'perm' => 'P'),
'other0' => array('divider'=> true),
'cat/list' => array('caption'=> LAN_CATEGORIES, 'perm'=>'P'),
'cat/create' => array('caption'=> "Create Category", 'perm' => 'Q'),
'other1' => array('divider'=> true),
'mirror/list' => array('caption'=> DOWLAN_128, 'perm' => 'P'),
'mirror/create' => array('caption'=> DOWLAN_143, 'perm' => 'P'),
'other2' => array('divider'=> true),
'main/settings' => array('caption'=> LAN_PREFS, 'perm' => 'P'),
// 'main/maint' => array('caption'=> DOWLAN_165, 'perm' => 'P'),
'main/limits' => array('caption'=> DOWLAN_112, 'perm' => 'P'),
// 'main/mirror' => array('caption'=> DOWLAN_128, 'perm' => 'P')
$var['main']['text'] = DOWLAN_29;
$var['main']['link'] = e_SELF;
$var['create']['text'] = DOWLAN_30;
$var['create']['link'] = e_SELF."?create";
$var['cat']['text'] = DOWLAN_31;
$var['cat']['link'] = e_SELF."?cat";
$var['cat']['perm'] = "Q";
$var['opt']['text'] = LAN_OPTIONS;
$var['opt']['link'] = e_SELF."?opt";
$var['maint']['text'] = DOWLAN_165;
$var['maint']['link'] = e_SELF."?maint";
$var['limits']['text'] = DOWLAN_112;
$var['limits']['link'] = e_SELF."?limits";
$var['mirror']['text'] = DOWLAN_128;
$var['mirror']['link'] = e_SELF."?mirror";
e107::getNav()->admin(DOWLAN_32, $action, $var);
$var['ulist']['text'] = DOWLAN_22;
$var['ulist']['link'] = e_SELF."?ulist";;
$var['filetypes']['text'] = DOWLAN_23;
$var['filetypes']['link'] = e_SELF."?filetypes";
$var['uopt']['text'] = LAN_OPTIONS;
$var['uopt']['link'] = e_SELF."?uopt";
* Optional, mode/action aliases, related with 'selected' menu CSS class
* This will mark active main/list menu item, when current page is main/edit
* @var array
protected $adminMenuAliases = array(
'main/edit' => 'main/list',
'cat/edit' => 'cat/list'
* Navigation menu title
* @var string
protected $menuTitle = LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME;
class download_cat_ui extends e_admin_ui
protected $pluginTitle = LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME;
protected $pluginName = 'download';
protected $table = "download_category";
protected $pid = "download_category_id";
protected $perPage = 0; //no limit
protected $listOrder = 'download_category_order';
// protected $defaultOrderField = 'download_category_parent,download_category_order';
// protected $listQry = "SELECT * FROM #faq_info"; // without any Order or Limit.
// protected $editQry = "SELECT * FROM #faq_info WHERE faq_info_id = {ID}";
protected $fields = array(
'checkboxes' => array('title'=> '', 'type' => null, 'width' =>'5%', 'forced'=> TRUE, 'thclass'=>'center', 'class'=>'center'),
'download_category_icon' => array('title'=> LAN_ICON, 'type' => 'icon', 'width' => '5%', 'thclass' => 'center','class'=>'center','writeParms'=>'glyphs=1' ),
'download_category_id' => array('title'=> LAN_ID, 'type' => 'number', 'width' =>'5%', 'forced'=> TRUE),
'download_category_name' => array('title'=> LAN_TITLE, 'type' => 'text', 'inline' => true, 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left'),
'download_category_sef' => array('title'=> LAN_SEFURL, 'type' => 'text', 'inline' => true, 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left'),
'download_category_description' => array('title'=> LAN_DESCRIPTION, 'type' => 'bbarea', 'width' => '30%', 'readParms' => 'expand=...&truncate=50&bb=1'), // Display name
'download_category_parent' => array('title'=> 'Parent', 'type' => 'method', 'width' => '5%', 'batch' => TRUE, 'filter'=>TRUE),
'download_category_class' => array('title'=> LAN_VISIBILITY, 'type' => 'userclass', 'inline' => true, 'width' => 'auto', 'data' => 'int', 'batch' => TRUE, 'filter'=>TRUE),
'download_category_order' => array('title'=> LAN_ORDER, 'type' => 'text', 'width' => '5%', 'thclass' => 'right', 'class'=> 'right' ),
'options' => array('title'=> LAN_OPTIONS, 'type' => null, 'width' => '10%', 'forced'=>TRUE, 'thclass' => 'center last', 'class' => 'center')
function getDownloadCategoryTree($id = false, $default = 'n/a')
// TODO get faq category tree
$sql = e107::getDb();
$sql -> gen('SELECT * FROM #download_category ORDER BY download_category_order');
$cats = array();
$cats[0] = $default;
while($row = $sql->fetch())
$cats[$row['download_category_id']] = $row['download_category_name'];
return $cats[$id];
return $cats;
class download_cat_form_ui extends e_admin_form_ui
public function download_category_parent($curVal,$mode)
// TODO - catlist combo without current cat ID in write mode, parents only for batch/filter
// Get UI instance
$controller = $this->getController();
case 'read':
return e107::getParser()->toHTML($controller->getDownloadCategoryTree($curVal), false, 'TITLE');
case 'write':
return $this->selectbox('download_category_parent', $controller->getDownloadCategoryTree(), $curVal);
case 'filter':
case 'batch':
return $controller->getDownloadCategoryTree();
class download_main_admin_ui extends e_admin_ui
// required
protected $pluginTitle = LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME;
protected $pluginName = 'download';
protected $eventName = 'download';
protected $table = "download"; // DB Table, table alias is supported. Example: 'r.release'
protected $listQry = "SELECT m.*,u.user_id,u.user_name FROM #download AS m LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON m.download_author = u.user_id "; // without any Order or Limit.
//required - default column user prefs
protected $fieldpref = array('checkboxes', 'download_image', 'download_id', 'download_datestamp', 'download_category', 'download_name', 'download_active', 'download_class', 'fb_order', 'options');
// optional - required only in case of e.g. tables JOIN. This also could be done with custom model (set it in init())
//protected $editQry = "SELECT * FROM #release WHERE release_id = {ID}";
// required - if no custom model is set in init() (primary id)
protected $pid = "download_id";
// optional
protected $perPage = 10;
// default - true - TODO - move to displaySettings
protected $batchDelete = true;
protected $fields = array(
'checkboxes' => array('title'=> '', 'type' => null, 'data' => null, 'width'=>'5%', 'thclass' =>'center', 'forced'=> TRUE, 'class'=>'center', 'toggle' => 'e-multiselect'),
'download_id' => array('title'=> ID, 'type' => 'number', 'data' => 'int', 'width'=>'5%', 'thclass' => '', 'forced'=> TRUE, 'primary'=>TRUE/*, 'noedit'=>TRUE*/), //Primary ID is not editable
'download_name' => array('title'=> LAN_TITLE, 'type' => 'text', 'data' => 'str', 'inline'=>true, 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => ''),
'download_url' => array('title'=> DOWLAN_13, 'type' => 'url', 'data' => 'str', 'width'=>'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'batch' => TRUE, 'filter'=>TRUE),
'download_sef' => array('title'=> LAN_SEFURL, 'type' => 'text', 'inline'=>true, 'data' => 'str', 'width'=>'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'batch' => TRUE, 'filter'=>TRUE),
'download_keywords' => array('title'=> LAN_KEYWORDS, 'type' => 'tags', 'inline'=>true, 'data' => 'str', 'width'=>'auto', 'thclass' => ''),
'download_author' => array('title'=> LAN_AUTHOR, 'type' => 'user', 'data' => 'str', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left'),
'download_author_email' => array('title'=> DOWLAN_16, 'type' => 'email', 'data' => 'str', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left'),
'download_author_website' => array('title'=> DOWLAN_17, 'type' => 'url', 'data' => 'str', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left'),
'download_description' => array('title'=> LAN_DESCRIPTION, 'type' => 'bbarea', 'width' => '30%', 'readParms' => 'expand=...&truncate=50&bb=1'), // Display name
'download_filesize' => array('title'=> DOWLAN_66, 'type' => 'text', 'data' => 'str', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'right', 'class' => 'right'),
'download_requested' => array('title'=> DOWLAN_29, 'type' => 'text', 'data' => 'str', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'right', 'class' => 'right'),
'download_category' => array('title'=> LAN_CATEGORY, 'type' => 'dropdown', 'width' => 'auto', 'inline'=>true, 'batch' => TRUE, 'filter'=>TRUE),
'download_active' => array('title'=> DOWLAN_21, 'type' => 'method', 'data' => 'int', 'width' => '5%', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class' => 'center', 'batch' => TRUE, 'filter'=>TRUE, 'noedit' => true),
'download_datestamp' => array('title'=> LAN_DATE, 'type' => 'datestamp', 'data' => 'int', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'readParms' => 'long', 'writeParms' => ''),
'download_thumb' => array('title'=> DOWLAN_20, 'type' => 'image', 'data' => 'str', 'width' => '100px', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class'=>'center', 'readParms'=>'thumb=60&thumb_urlraw=0&thumb_aw=60','readonly'=>TRUE ),
'download_image' => array('title'=> DOWLAN_19, 'type' => 'image', 'data' => 'str', 'width' => '100px', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class'=>'center', 'readParms'=>'thumb=60&thumb_urlraw=0&thumb_aw=60','readonly'=>TRUE, 'batch' => FALSE, 'filter'=>FALSE),
'download_comment' => array('title'=> DOWLAN_102, 'type' => 'boolean', 'data' => 'int', 'width' => '5%', 'thclass' => 'center', 'batch' => TRUE, 'filter'=>TRUE, 'noedit' => true),
'download_class' => array('title'=> DOWLAN_113, 'type' => 'userclass', 'width' => 'auto', 'inline'=>true, 'data' => 'int','batch' => TRUE, 'filter'=>TRUE),
'download_visible' => array('title'=> LAN_VISIBILITY, 'type' => 'userclass', 'width' => 'auto', 'data' => 'int', 'batch' => TRUE, 'filter'=>TRUE),
'download_mirror' => array('title'=> DOWLAN_128, 'type' => 'text', 'data' => 'str', 'width' => '10%', 'thclass' => 'center' ),
'download_mirror_type' => array('title'=> DOWLAN_195, 'type' => 'method', 'data' => 'str', 'width' => '10%', 'thclass' => 'center' ),
// 'download_order' => array('title'=> LAN_ORDER, 'type' => 'text', 'width' => '5%', 'thclass' => 'left' ),
'issue' => array('title'=> 'Issue', 'type' => 'method', 'data' => null, 'nolist'=>TRUE, 'noedit'=>TRUE, 'filter'=>TRUE),
'options' => array('title'=> LAN_OPTIONS, 'type' => null, 'data' => null, 'width' => '10%', 'thclass' => 'center last', 'class' => 'center last', 'forced'=>TRUE)
protected $action = array();
protected $subAction = array();
protected $id = "";
$columnInfo = array(
"checkboxes" => array("title" => "", "forced"=> TRUE, "width" => "3%", "thclass" => "center first", "toggle" => "dl_selected"),
"download_id" => array("title"=>DOWLAN_67, "type"=>"", "width"=>"auto", "thclass"=>"", "forced"=>true),
"download_name" => array("title"=>DOWLAN_12, "type"=>"", "width"=>"auto", "thclass"=>""),
"download_url" => array("title"=>DOWLAN_13, "type"=>"", "width"=>"auto", "thclass"=>""),
"download_author" => array("title"=>DOWLAN_15, "type"=>"", "width"=>"auto", "thclass"=>""),
"download_author_email" => array("title"=>DOWLAN_16, "type"=>"", "width"=>"auto", "thclass"=>""),
"download_author_website" => array("title"=>DOWLAN_17, "type"=>"", "width"=>"auto", "thclass"=>""),
"download_description" => array("title"=>DOWLAN_18, "type"=>"", "width"=>"auto", "thclass"=>""),
* "download_filesize" => array("title"=>DOWLAN_66, "type"=>"", "width"=>"auto", "thclass"=>"right"),
"download_requested" => array("title"=>DOWLAN_29, "type"=>"", "width"=>"auto", "thclass"=>"center"),
"download_category" => array("title"=>DOWLAN_11, "type"=>"", "width"=>"auto", "thclass"=>""),
"download_active" => array("title"=>DOWLAN_21, "type"=>"", "width"=>"auto", "thclass"=>"center"),
"download_datestamp" => array("title"=>DOWLAN_182, "type"=>"", "width"=>"auto", "thclass"=>""),
* "download_thumb" => array("title"=>DOWLAN_20, "type"=>"", "width"=>"auto", "thclass"=>"center"),
"download_image" => array("title"=>DOWLAN_19, "type"=>"", "width"=>"auto", "thclass"=>""),
"download_comment" => array("title"=>DOWLAN_102, "type"=>"", "width"=>"auto", "thclass"=>"center"),
"download_class" => array("title"=>DOWLAN_113, "type"=>"", "width"=>"auto", "thclass"=>""),
"download_mirror" => array("title"=>DOWLAN_128, "type"=>"", "width"=>"auto", "thclass"=>""),
"download_mirror_type" => array("title"=>DOWLAN_195, "type"=>"", "width"=>"auto", "thclass"=>""),
"download_visible" => array("title"=>DOWLAN_43, "type"=>"", "width"=>"auto", "thclass"=>""),
"options" => array("title"=>LAN_OPTIONS, "width"=>"10%", "thclass"=>"center last", "forced"=>true)
// FORMAT field_name=>type - optional if fields 'data' attribute is set or if custom model is set in init()
/*protected $dataFields = array();*/
// optional, could be also set directly from $fields array with attributes 'validate' => true|'rule_name', 'rule' => 'condition_name', 'error' => 'Validation Error message'
/*protected $validationRules = array(
'release_url' => array('required', '', 'Release URL', 'Help text', 'not valid error message')
// optional, if $pluginName == 'core', core prefs will be used, else e107::getPluginConfig($pluginName);
protected $prefs = array(
'pref_type' => array('title'=> 'type', 'type'=>'text', 'data' => 'string', 'validate' => true),
'pref_folder' => array('title'=> 'folder', 'type' => 'boolean', 'data' => 'integer'),
'pref_name' => array('title'=> 'name', 'type' => 'text', 'data' => 'string', 'validate' => 'regex', 'rule' => '#^[\w]+$#i', 'help' => 'allowed characters are a-zA-Z and underscore')
public function observe()
if (isset($_POST['submit_download'])) // Create or Update a Download.
if (isset($_POST['updatedownlaodoptions'])) // Save Download Options.
if (isset($_POST['submit_mirror']))
if (isset($_POST))
// optional
public function init()
$this->action = vartrue($_GET['mode']);
$this->subAction = vartrue($_GET['action']);
$this->id = vartrue($_GET['id']);
$categories = array();
//$categories[0] = LAN_SELECT;
while ($row = e107::getDb()->fetch())
$id = $row['download_category_id'];
$categories[$id] = $row['download_category_name'];
$this->fields['download_category']['writeParms'] = $categories;
//$this->fields['fb_rendertype']['writeParms'] = array(FBLAN_23,FBLAN_24);
//$this->fields['fb_mode']['writeParms'] = array(FBLAN_13,FBLAN_14);
$this->fields['download_category']['readParms'] = $categories;
// Custom filter queries
list($filter,$mode) = explode("__",$_GET['filter_options']);
if($mode == 'missing')
$this->filterQry = $this->missingFiles();
if($mode == 'nocategory')
$this->filterQry = "SELECT * FROM `#download` WHERE download_category=0";
if($mode == 'duplicates')
$this->filterQry = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(d.download_id SEPARATOR ',') as gc, d.download_id, d.download_name, d.download_url, dc.download_category_name
FROM #download as d
LEFT JOIN #download_category AS dc ON dc.download_category_id=d.download_category
GROUP BY d.download_url
HAVING COUNT(d.download_id) > 1";
if($mode == "filesize")
$this->filterQry = $this->missingFiles('filesize');
* Return a query for Missing Files and Filesize mismatch
public function missingFiles($mode='missing')
$sql = e107::getDb();
$count = array();
if ($sql->gen("SELECT * FROM `#download` ORDER BY download_id"))
while($row = $sql->fetch())
if (!is_readable(e_DOWNLOAD.$row['download_url']))
$count[] = $row['download_id'];
elseif($mode == 'filesize')
$filesize = filesize(e_DOWNLOAD.$row['download_url']);
if ($filesize <> $row['download_filesize'])
$count[] = $row['download_id'];
if($count > 0)
return "SELECT * FROM `#download` WHERE download_id IN (".implode(",",$count).")";
function orphanFiles() //TODO
$files = e107::getFile()->get_files(e_DOWNLOAD);
$foundSome = false;
foreach($files as $file)
if (0 == $sql->db_Count('download', '(*)', " WHERE download_url='".$file['fname']."'")) {
if (!$foundSome) {
// $text .= $rs->form_open("post", e_SELF."?".e_QUERY, "myform");
$text .= '<form method="post" action="'.e_SELF.'?'.e_QUERY.'" id="myform">
<table class="adminlist">';
$text .= '<tr>';
$text .= '<th>'.DOWLAN_13.'</th>';
$text .= '<th>'.DOWLAN_182.'</th>';
$text .= '<th>'.DOWLAN_66.'</th>';
$text .= '<th>'.LAN_OPTIONS.'</th>';
$text .= '</tr>';
$foundSome = true;
$filesize = (is_readable(e_DOWNLOAD.$row['download_url']) ? eHelper::parseMemorySize(filesize(e_DOWNLOAD.$file['fname'])) : DOWLAN_181);
$filets = (is_readable(e_DOWNLOAD.$row['download_url']) ? e107::getDate()->convert_date(filectime(e_DOWNLOAD.$file['fname']), "long") : DOWLAN_181);
$text .= '<tr>';
$text .= '<td>'.$tp->toHTML($file['fname']).'</td>';
$text .= '<td>'.$filets.'</td>';
$text .= '<td>'.$filesize.'</td>';
* @inheritdoc
public function afterDelete($deleted_data, $id, $deleted_check)
$sql = e107::getDb('mmcleanup');
if(strpos($deleted_data['download_url'], '{e_MEDIA_') === 0 && $sql->delete('core_media', "media_url='{$deleted_data['download_url']}'"))
$mediaFile = e107::getParser()->replaceConstants($deleted_data['download_url']);
e107::getMessage()->addSuccess('Associated media record successfully erased');
if(strpos($deleted_data['download_image'], '{e_MEDIA_') === 0 && $sql->delete('core_media', "media_url='{$deleted_data['download_image']}'"))
$mediaImage = e107::getParser()->replaceConstants($deleted_data['download_image']);
e107::getMessage()->addSuccess('Associated media image successfully erased');
function createPage()
global $adminDownload;
function importPage()
function settingsPage()
// global $adminDownload;
function limitsPage()
function maintPage()
function mirrorPage()
global $adminDownload;
function showLimits()
$sql = e107::getDb();
$ns = e107::getRender();
$tp = e107::getParser();
$pref = e107::getPref();
//global $pref;
if ($sql->select('userclass_classes','userclass_id, userclass_name'))
$classList = $sql->db_getList();
if ($sql->select("generic", "gen_id as limit_id, gen_datestamp as limit_classnum, gen_user_id as limit_bw_num, gen_ip as limit_bw_days, gen_intdata as limit_count_num, gen_chardata as limit_count_days", "gen_type = 'download_limit'"))
while($row = $sql->fetch())
$limitList[$row['limit_classnum']] = $row;
$txt = "
<form method='post' action='".e_SELF."?".e_QUERY."'>
<table class='table adminform'>
<td colspan='4' style='text-align:left'>
if(vartrue($pref['download_limits']) == 1)
$chk = " checked = 'checked'";
$chk = "";
$txt .= "
<input type='checkbox' name='download_limits' value='on'{$chk}/> ".DOWLAN_125."
<th class='fcaption'>".DOWLAN_67."</th>
<th class='fcaption'>".DOWLAN_113."</th>
<th class='fcaption'>".DOWLAN_107."</th>
<th class='fcaption'>".DOWLAN_108."</th>
foreach($limitList as $row)
$txt .= "
<input type='text' class='tbox' size='5' name='count_num[{$row['limit_id']}]' value='".($row['limit_count_num'] ? $row['limit_count_num'] : "")."'/> ".DOWLAN_109."
<input type='text' class='tbox' size='5' name='count_days[{$row['limit_id']}]' value='".($row['limit_count_days'] ? $row['limit_count_days'] : "")."'/> ".DOWLAN_110."
<input type='text' class='tbox' size='5' name='bw_num[{$row['limit_id']}]' value='".($row['limit_bw_num'] ? $row['limit_bw_num'] : "")."'/> ".DOWLAN_111." ".DOWLAN_109."
<input type='text' class='tbox' size='5' name='bw_days[{$row['limit_id']}]' value='".($row['limit_bw_days'] ? $row['limit_bw_days'] : "")."'/> ".DOWLAN_110."
$txt .= "
<div class='buttons-bar center'>
<input type='submit' class='btn button' name='updatelimits' value='".DOWLAN_115."'/>
<table class='table adminlist'>
<td colspan='4'><br/><br/></td>
<td colspan='2'>".r_userclass("newlimit_class", 0, "off", "guest, member, admin, classes, language")."</td>
<input type='text' class='tbox' size='5' name='new_count_num' value=''/> ".DOWLAN_109."
<input type='text' class='tbox' size='5' name='new_count_days' value=''/> ".DOWLAN_110."
<input type='text' class='tbox' size='5' name='new_bw_num' value=''/> ".DOWLAN_111." ".DOWLAN_109."
<input type='text' class='tbox' size='5' name='new_bw_days' value=''/> ".DOWLAN_110."
$txt .= "</table>
<div class='buttons-bar center'>
<input type='submit' class='btn button' name='addlimit' value='".DOWLAN_114."'/>
echo $txt;
// $ns->tablerender(DOWLAN_112, $txt);
// require_once(e_ADMIN.'footer.php');
// exit;
function showMaint() //XXX Deprecated.
$mes = e107::getMessage();
$mes->addInfo("Deprecated Area - please use filter instead under 'Manage' ");
global $pref;
$ns = e107::getRender();
$sql = e107::getDb();
$frm = e107::getForm();
$tp = e107::getParser();
if (isset($_POST['dl_maint'])) {
switch ($_POST['dl_maint'])
case 'duplicates':
$title = DOWLAN_166;
$query = 'SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(d.download_id SEPARATOR ",") as gc, d.download_id, d.download_name, d.download_url, dc.download_category_name
FROM #download as d
LEFT JOIN #download_category AS dc ON dc.download_category_id=d.download_category
GROUP BY d.download_url
HAVING COUNT(d.download_id) > 1
$text = "";
$count = $sql->gen($query);
$foundSome = false;
if ($count) {
$currentURL = "";
while($row = $sql->fetch()) {
if (!$foundSome) {
// $text .= $rs->form_open("post", e_SELF."?".e_QUERY, "myform");
$text .= '<form method="post" action="'.e_SELF.'?'.e_QUERY.'" id="myform">
<table class="table adminform">';
$text .= '<tr>';
$text .= '<th>'.DOWLAN_13.'</th>';
$text .= '<th>'.DOWLAN_67.'</th>';
$text .= '<th>'.DOWLAN_27.'</th>';
$text .= '<th>'.DOWLAN_11.'</th>';
$text .= '<th>'.LAN_OPTIONS.'</th>';
$text .= '</tr>';
$foundSome = true;
$query = "SELECT d.*, dc.* FROM `#download` AS d
LEFT JOIN `#download_category` AS dc ON dc.download_category_id=d.download_category
WHERE download_id IN (".$row['gc'].")
ORDER BY download_id ASC";
$count = $sql2->gen($query);
while($row = $sql2->fetch()) {
$text .= '<tr>';
if ($currentURL != $row['download_url']) {
$text .= '<td>'.$tp->toHTML($row['download_url']).'</td>';
$currentURL = $row['download_url'];
} else {
$text .= '<td>*</td>';
$text .= '<td>'.$row['download_id'].'</td>';
$text .= "<td><a href='".e_PLUGIN."download/download.php?view.".$row['download_id']."'>".$e107->tp->toHTML($row['download_name']).'</a></td>';
$text .= '<td>'.$tp->toHTML($row['download_category_name']).'</td>';
$text .= '<td>
<a href="'.e_SELF.'?create.edit.'.$row["download_id"].'.maint.duplicates">'.ADMIN_EDIT_ICON.'</a>
<input type="image" title="'.LAN_DELETE.'" name="delete[main_'.$row["download_id"].']" src="'.ADMIN_DELETE_ICON_PATH.'" onclick=\'return jsconfirm("'.$tp->toJS(DOWLAN_33.' [ID: '.$row["download_id"].' ]').'") \'/>
$text .= '</tr>';
if ($foundSome) {
$text .= '</table></form>';
case 'orphans':
$title = DOWLAN_167;
$text = "";
$efile = new e_file();
$files = $efile->get_files(e_DOWNLOAD);
$foundSome = false;
foreach($files as $file) {
if (0 == $sql->db_Count('download', '(*)', " WHERE download_url='".$file['fname']."'")) {
if (!$foundSome) {
// $text .= $rs->form_open("post", e_SELF."?".e_QUERY, "myform");
$text .= '<form method="post" action="'.e_SELF.'?'.e_QUERY.'" id="myform">
<table class="table adminform">';
$text .= '<tr>';
$text .= '<th>'.DOWLAN_13.'</th>';
$text .= '<th>'.DOWLAN_182.'</th>';
$text .= '<th>'.DOWLAN_66.'</th>';
$text .= '<th>'.LAN_OPTIONS.'</th>';
$text .= '</tr>';
$foundSome = true;
$filesize = (is_readable(e_DOWNLOAD.$row['download_url']) ? $e107->parseMemorySize(filesize(e_DOWNLOAD.$file['fname'])) : DOWLAN_181);
$filets = (is_readable(e_DOWNLOAD.$row['download_url']) ? $gen->convert_date(filectime(e_DOWNLOAD.$file['fname']), "long") : DOWLAN_181);
$text .= '<tr>';
$text .= '<td>'.$tp->toHTML($file['fname']).'</td>';
$text .= '<td>'.$filets.'</td>';
$text .= '<td>'.$filesize.'</td>';
//TODO $text .= '<td>
//TODO <a href="'.e_SELF.'?create.add.'. urlencode($file["fname"]).'">'.E_16_CREATE.'</a>
//TODO <input type="image" title="'.LAN_DELETE.'" name="delete[main_'.$file["fname"].']" src="'.ADMIN_DELETE_ICON_PATH.'" onclick=\'return jsconfirm("'.$tp->toJS(DOWLAN_173.' [ '.$file["fname"].' ]').'") \'/>
//TODO </td>';
$text .= '</tr>';
if ($foundSome) {
$text .= '</table></form>';
case 'missing':
$title = DOWLAN_168;
$text = "";
$query = "SELECT d.*, dc.* FROM `#download` AS d LEFT JOIN `#download_category` AS dc ON dc.download_category_id=d.download_category";
$count = $sql->gen($query);
$foundSome = false;
if ($count) {
while($row = $sql->fetch()) {
if (!is_readable(e_DOWNLOAD.$row['download_url'])) {
if (!$foundSome)
// $text .= $rs->form_open("post", e_SELF."?".e_QUERY, "myform");
$text .= '<form method="post" action="'.e_SELF.'?'.e_QUERY.'" id="myform">
<table class="adminlist">';
$text .= '<tr>';
$text .= '<th>'.DOWLAN_67.'</th>';
$text .= '<th>'.DOWLAN_27.'</th>';
$text .= '<th>'.DOWLAN_11.'</th>';
$text .= '<th>'.DOWLAN_13.'</th>';
$text .= '<th>'.LAN_OPTIONS.'</th>';
$text .= '</tr>';
$foundSome = true;
$text .= '<tr>';
$text .= '<td>'.$row['download_id'].'</td>';
$text .= "<td><a href='".e_PLUGIN."download/download.php?view.".$row['download_id']."'>".$tp->toHTML($row['download_name']).'</a></td>';
$text .= '<td>'.$tp->toHTML($row['download_category_name']).'</td>';
$text .= '<td>'.$tp->toHTML($row['download_url']).'</td>';
$text .= '<td>
<a href="'.e_SELF.'?create.edit.'.$row["download_id"].'.maint.missing">'.ADMIN_EDIT_ICON.'</a>
<input type="image" title="'.LAN_DELETE.'" name="delete[main_'.$row["download_id"].']" src="'.ADMIN_DELETE_ICON_PATH.'" onclick=\'return jsconfirm("'.$tp->toJS(DOWLAN_33.' [ID: '.$row["download_id"].' ]').'") \'/>
$text .= '</tr>';
if ($foundSome) {
$text .= '</table></form>';
// $text = DOWLAN_172;
case 'inactive':
$title = DOWLAN_169;
$text = "";
$query = "SELECT d.*, dc.* FROM `#download` AS d LEFT JOIN `#download_category` AS dc ON dc.download_category_id=d.download_category WHERE download_active=0";
$count = $sql->gen($query);
$foundSome = false;
if ($count) {
while($row = $sql->fetch()) {
if (!$foundSome)
// $text .= $rs->form_open("post", e_SELF."?".e_QUERY, "myform");
$text .= '<form method="post" action="'.e_SELF.'?'.e_QUERY.'" id="myform">
<table class="table adminform">';
$text .= '<tr>';
$text .= '<th>'.DOWLAN_67.'</th>';
$text .= '<th>'.DOWLAN_27.'</th>';
$text .= '<th>'.DOWLAN_11.'</th>';
$text .= '<th>'.DOWLAN_13.'</th>';
$text .= '<th>'.LAN_OPTIONS.'</th>';
$text .= '</tr>';
$foundSome = true;
$text .= '<tr>';
$text .= '<td>'.$row['download_id'].'</td>';
$text .= "<td><a href='".e_PLUGIN."download/download.php?view.".$row['download_id']."'>".$e107->tp->toHTML($row['download_name']).'</a></td>';
$text .= '<td>'.$e107->tp->toHTML($row['download_category_name']).'</td>';
if (strlen($row['download_url']) > 0) {
$text .= '<td>'.$row['download_url'].'</td>';
} else {
$mirrorArray = download::makeMirrorArray($row['download_mirror'], TRUE);
$text .= '<td>';
foreach($mirrorArray as $mirror) {
$text .= $mirror['url'].'<br/>';
$text .= '</td>';
$text .= '<td>
<a href="'.e_SELF.'?create.edit.'.$row["download_id"].'.maint.inactive">'.ADMIN_EDIT_ICON.'</a>
<input type="image" title="'.LAN_DELETE.'" name="delete[main_'.$row["download_id"].']" src="'.ADMIN_DELETE_ICON_PATH.'" onclick=\'return jsconfirm("'.$tp->toJS(DOWLAN_33.' [ID: '.$row["download_id"].' ]').'") \'/>
$text .= '</tr>';
if ($foundSome) {
$text .= '</table></form>';
// $text = DOWLAN_172;
case 'nocategory':
$title = DOWLAN_178;
$text = "";
$query = "SELECT * FROM `#download` WHERE download_category=0";
$count = $sql->gen($query);
$foundSome = false;
if ($count) {
while($row = $sql->fetch()) {
if (!$foundSome) {
// $text .= $rs->form_open("post", e_SELF."?".e_QUERY, "myform");
$text .= '
<form method="post" action="'.e_SELF.'?'.e_QUERY.'" id="myform">
<table class="table adminlist">';
$text .= '<tr>';
$text .= '<th>'.DOWLAN_67.'</th>';
$text .= '<th>'.DOWLAN_27.'</th>';
$text .= '<th>'.DOWLAN_13.'</th>';
$text .= '<th>'.LAN_OPTIONS.'</th>';
$text .= '</tr>';
$foundSome = true;
$text .= '<tr>';
$text .= '<td>'.$row['download_id'].'</td>';
$text .= "<td><a href='".e_PLUGIN."download/download.php?view.".$row['download_id']."'>".$e107->tp->toHTML($row['download_name']).'</a></td>';
if (strlen($row['download_url']) > 0) {
$text .= '<td>'.$e107->tp->toHTML($row['download_url']).'</td>';
} else {
$mirrorArray = download::makeMirrorArray($row['download_mirror'], TRUE);
$text .= '<td>';
foreach($mirrorArray as $mirror) {
$text .= $mirror['url'].'<br/>';
$text .= '</td>';
$text .= '<td>
<a href="'.e_SELF.'?create.edit.'.$row["download_id"].'.maint.nocategory">'.ADMIN_EDIT_ICON.'</a>
<input type="image" title="'.LAN_DELETE.'" name="delete[main_'.$row["download_id"].']" src="'.ADMIN_DELETE_ICON_PATH.'" onclick=\'return jsconfirm("'.$tp->toJS(DOWLAN_33.' [ID: '.$row["download_id"].' ]').'") \'/>
$text .= '</tr>';
if ($foundSome) {
$text .= '</table></form>';
// $text = DOWLAN_172;
case 'filesize':
$title = DOWLAN_66;
$text = "";
$query = "SELECT d.*, dc.* FROM `#download` AS d LEFT JOIN `#download_category` AS dc ON dc.download_category_id=d.download_category WHERE d.download_url<>''";
$count = $sql->gen($query);
$foundSome = false;
if ($count) {
while($row = $sql->fetch()) {
if (is_readable(e_DOWNLOAD.$row['download_url'])) {
$filesize = filesize(e_DOWNLOAD.$row['download_url']);
if ($filesize <> $row['download_filesize']) {
if (!$foundSome) {
// $text .= $rs->form_open("post", e_SELF."?".e_QUERY, "myform");
$text .= '<form method="post" action="'.e_SELF.'?'.e_QUERY.'" id="myform">
<table class="table adminlist">';
$text .= '<tr>';
$text .= '<th>'.DOWLAN_67.'</th>';
$text .= '<th>'.DOWLAN_27.'</th>';
$text .= '<th>'.DOWLAN_11.'</th>';
$text .= '<th>'.DOWLAN_13.'</th>';
$text .= '<th>'.DOWLAN_180.'</th>';
$text .= '<th>'.LAN_OPTIONS.'</th>';
$text .= '</tr>';
$foundSome = true;
$text .= '<tr>';
$text .= '<td>'.$row['download_id'].'</td>';
$text .= "<td><a href='".e_PLUGIN."download/download.php?view.".$row['download_id']."'>".$e107->tp->toHTML($row['download_name']).'</a></td>';
$text .= '<td>'.$e107->tp->toHTML($row['download_category_name']).'</td>';
$text .= '<td>'.$e107->tp->toHTML($row['download_url']).'</td>';
$text .= '<td>'.$row['download_filesize'].' / ';
$text .= $filesize;
$text .= '</td>';
$text .= '<td>
<a href="'.e_SELF.'?create.edit.'.$row["download_id"].'.maint.filesize">'.ADMIN_EDIT_ICON.'</a>
<input type="image" title="'.LAN_DELETE.'" name="delete[main_'.$row["download_id"].']" src="'.ADMIN_DELETE_ICON_PATH.'" onclick=\'return jsconfirm("'.$tp->toJS(DOWLAN_33.' [ID: '.$row["download_id"].' ]').'") \'/>
$text .= '</tr>';
if ($foundSome) {
$text .= '</table></form>';
// $text = DOWLAN_172;
case 'log':
$text = "log - view manage download history log";
header('location: '.e_ADMIN.'admin_log.php?downlog');
else {
$title = DOWLAN_193;
$text = DOWLAN_179;
$eform = new e_form();
$text = "
<form method='post' action='".e_SELF."?".e_QUERY."' id='core-db-main-form'>
<fieldset id='core-db-plugin-scan'>
<legend class='e-hideme'>".DOWLAN_10."</legend>
<table class='table adminform'>
<colgroup span='2'>
<col style='width: 40%'></col>
<col style='width: 60%'></col>
".$eform->radio('dl_maint', 'duplicates').$eform->label(DOWLAN_185, 'dl_maint', 'duplicates')."
".$eform->radio('dl_maint', 'orphans').$eform->label(DOWLAN_186, 'dl_maint', 'orphans')."
".$eform->radio('dl_maint', 'missing').$eform->label(DOWLAN_187, 'dl_maint', 'missing')."
".$eform->radio('dl_maint', 'inactive').$eform->label(DOWLAN_188, 'dl_maint', 'inactive')."
".$eform->radio('dl_maint', 'nocategory').$eform->label(DOWLAN_189, 'dl_maint', 'nocategory')."
".$eform->radio('dl_maint', 'filesize').$eform->label(DOWLAN_190, 'dl_maint', 'filesize')."
".$eform->radio('dl_maint', 'log').$eform->label(DOWLAN_191, 'dl_maint', 'log')."
<div class='buttons-bar center'>
".$eform->admin_button('trigger_db_execute', DOWLAN_192, 'execute')."
echo $text;
// $ns->tablerender(DOWLAN_165.$title, $text);
function saveSettings()
global $admin_log,$pref;
$tp = e107::getParser();
$temp = array();
$temp['download_php'] = $_POST['download_php'];
$temp['download_view'] = $_POST['download_view'];
$temp['download_sort'] = $_POST['download_sort'];
$temp['download_order'] = $_POST['download_order'];
$temp['mirror_order'] = $_POST['mirror_order'];
$temp['recent_download_days'] = $_POST['recent_download_days'];
$temp['agree_flag'] = $_POST['agree_flag'];
$temp['download_email'] = $_POST['download_email'];
$temp['agree_text'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['agree_text']);
$temp['download_denied'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['download_denied']);
$temp['download_reportbroken'] = $_POST['download_reportbroken'];
if ($_POST['download_subsub']) $temp['download_subsub'] = '1'; else $temp['download_subsub'] = '0';
if ($_POST['download_incinfo']) $temp['download_incinfo'] = '1'; else $temp['download_incinfo'] = '0';
// Create Download FORM.
function create_download()
$action = $this->action;
$subAction = $this->subAction;
$id = $this->id;
$sql = e107::getDb();
$tp = e107::getParser();
$fl = e107::getFile();
$mes = e107::getMessage();
// print_a($this);
global $e107, $cal, $rs, $ns, $file_array, $image_array, $thumb_array;
$download = new download;
if ($file_array = $fl->get_files(e_DOWNLOAD, "","standard",5))
if ($public_array = $fl->get_files(e_UPLOAD))
foreach($public_array as $key=>$val)
$file_array[] = str_replace(e_UPLOAD,"",$val);
/* if ($sql->select("rbinary")) //TODO Remove me.
while ($row = $sql->fetch())
$file_array[] = "Binary ".$binary_id."/".$binary_name;
if ($image_array = $fl->get_files(e_FILE.'downloadimages/', '\.gif$|\.jpg$|\.png$|\.GIF$|\.JPG$|\.PNG$','standard',2))
if ($thumb_array = $fl->get_files(e_FILE.'downloadthumbs/', '\.gif$|\.jpg$|\.png$|\.GIF$|\.JPG$|\.PNG$','standard',2))
$frm = new e_form();
$mirrorArray = array();
$download_status[0] = DOWLAN_122;
$download_status[1] = DOWLAN_123;
$download_status[2] = DOWLAN_124;
if (!$sql->select("download_category"))
//$ns->tablerender(ADLAN_24, "<div style='text-align:center'>".DOWLAN_5."</div>");
$download_active = 1;
if ($_GET['action'] == "edit" && !$_POST['submit'])
if ($sql->select("download", "*", "download_id=".intval($_GET['id'])))
$row = $sql->fetch();
$mirrorArray = $this->makeMirrorArray($row['download_mirror']);
if ($subAction == "dlm" && !$_POST['submit'])
if ($sql->select("upload", "*", "upload_id=".$id))
$row = $sql->fetch();
$download_category = $row['upload_category'];
$download_name = $row['upload_name'].($row['upload_version'] ? " v" . $row['upload_version'] : "");
$download_url = $row['upload_file'];
$download_author_email = $row['upload_email'];
$download_author_website = $row['upload_website'];
$download_description = $row['upload_description'];
$download_image = $row['upload_ss'];
$download_filesize = $row['upload_filesize'];
$image_array[] = array("path" => "", "fname" => $row['upload_ss']);
$download_author = substr($row['upload_poster'], (strpos($row['upload_poster'], ".")+1));
$text = "
<ul class='nav nav-tabs'>
<li class='active'><a data-toggle='tab' href='#download-create'>".DOWLAN_175."</a></li>
<li><a data-toggle='tab' href='#download-edit-external'>".DOWLAN_176."</a></li>
<li><a data-toggle='tab' href='#download-edit-mirror'>".DOWLAN_128."</a></li>
<form method='post' action='".e_SELF."?".e_QUERY."' id='myform'>
<div class='tab-content'>
<div class='tab-pane active' id='download-create'>
<table class='table adminform'>
<td style='width:80%'>
// $text .= "<select name='download_url' class='tbox'>
// <option value=''>&nbsp;</option>\n";
$counter = 0;
while (isset($file_array[$counter]))
$fpath = str_replace(e_DOWNLOAD,"",$file_array[$counter]['path']).$file_array[$counter]['fname'];
$selected = '';
if (stristr($fpath, $download_url) !== FALSE)
$selected = " selected='selected'";
$found = 1;
// $text .= "<option value='".$fpath."' $selected>".$fpath."</option>\n";
if (preg_match("/http:|https:|ftp:/", $download_url))
$download_url_external = $download_url;
$download_url = '';
$etext = " - (".DOWLAN_68.")";
if (file_exists(e_UPLOAD.$download_url))
$etext = "";
if (!$found && $download_url)
// $text .= "<option value='".$download_url."' selected='selected'>".$download_url.$etext."</option>\n";
// $text .= " </select>";
$text .= e107::getForm()->filepicker("download_url",$download_url,DOWLAN_131,"media=download_file&title=Choose a file");
$text .= "
<div class='tab-pane' id='download-edit-external'>
<table class='table adminform'>
<td style='width:80%;'>
<input class='tbox input-xxlarge' type='text' name='download_url_external' size='90' value='{$download_url_external}' maxlength='255'/>
<input class='tbox' type='text' name='download_filesize_external' size='8' value='{$download_filesize}' maxlength='10'/>
<select class='tbox' name='download_filesize_unit'>
<option value='B'{$b_sel}>".CORE_LAN_B."</option>
<option value='KB'{$kb_sel}>".CORE_LAN_KB."</option>
<option value='MB'>".CORE_LAN_MB."</option>
<option value='GB'>".CORE_LAN_GB."</option>
<option value='TB'>".CORE_LAN_TB."</option>
<div class='tab-pane' id='download-edit-mirror'>
<table class='table adminlist'>
<td style='width:20%'><span title='".DOWLAN_129."' style='cursor:help'>".DOWLAN_128."</span></td>
<td style='width:80%'>";
// See if any mirrors to display
if (!$sql -> select("download_mirror"))
{ // No mirrors defined here
$text .= DOWLAN_144."</td></tr>";
$text .= DOWLAN_132."<div id='mirrorsection'>";
$mirrorList = $sql -> db_getList(); // Get the list of possible mirrors
$m_count = (count($mirrorArray) ? count($mirrorArray) : 1); // Count of mirrors actually in use (or count of 1 if none defined yet)
for($count = 1; $count <= $m_count; $count++)
$opt = ($count==1) ? "id='mirror'" : "";
$text .="
<div {$opt}>
<select name='download_mirror_name[]' class='tbox'>
<option value=''>&nbsp;</option>";
foreach ($mirrorList as $mirror)
$text .= "<option value='{$mirror_id}'".($mirror_id == $mirrorArray[($count-1)]['id'] ? " selected='selected'" : "").">{$mirror_name}</option>\n";
$text .= "</select>
<input class='tbox' type='text' name='download_mirror[]' style='width: 60%;' value=\"".$mirrorArray[($count-1)]['url']."\" maxlength='200'/>
<input class='tbox' type='text' name='download_mirror_size[]' style='width: 15%;' value=\"".$mirrorArray[($count-1)]['filesize']."\" maxlength='10'/>";
if ($id)
$text .= '('.$mirrorArray[($count-1)]['requests'].')';
$text .= "<input class='tbox' type='text' name='download_mirror_requests[]' style='width: 10%;' value=\"".$mirrorArray[($count-1)]['requests']."\" maxlength='10'/>";
$text .= " </div>";
$text .=" </div>
<input class='btn button' type='button' name='addoption' value='".DOWLAN_130."' onclick=\"duplicateHTML('mirror','mirrorsection')\"/>
<td style='width:20%' ><span style='cursor:help' title='".DOWLAN_154."'>".DOWLAN_155."</span></td>
<td style='width:80%'>
<input type='radio' name='download_mirror_type' value='1'".($download_mirror_type ? " checked='checked'" : "")."/> ".DOWLAN_156."<br/>
<input type='radio' name='download_mirror_type' value='0'".(!$download_mirror_type ? " checked='checked'" : "")."/> ".DOWLAN_157."
} // End of mirror-related stuff
$download_author = $subAction != "edit" && $download_author == "" ? USERNAME : $download_author;//TODO what if editing an no author specified
$download_author_email = $subAction != "edit" && $download_author_email == "" ? USEREMAIL : $download_author_email;
$text .= "
<fieldset id='download-edit-therest'>
<table class='table adminform'>
<td style='width:20%'>".DOWLAN_11."</td>
<td style='width:80%'>";
$text .= $download->getCategorySelectList($download_category);
// $text .= download::getCategorySelectList($download_category);
$text .= " </td>
<td >".DOWLAN_12."</td>
<td style='width:80%'>
<input class='tbox input-xxlarge' type='text' name='download_name' size='60' value=\"".$tp->toForm($download_name)."\" maxlength='200'/>
<td style='width:20%'>".DOWLAN_15."</td>
<td style='width:80%'>
<input class='tbox' type='text' name='download_author' size='60' value='$download_author' maxlength='100'/>
<td style='width:20%'>".DOWLAN_16."</td>
<td style='width:80%'>
<input class='tbox' type='text' name='download_author_email' size='60' value='$download_author_email' maxlength='100'/>
<td style='width:20%'>".DOWLAN_17."</td>
<td style='width:80%'>
<input class='tbox' type='text' name='download_author_website' size='60' value='$download_author_website' maxlength='100'/>
<td style='width:20%'>".DOWLAN_18."</td>
<td style='width:80%'>
$text .= $frm->bbarea('download_description',$download_description);
$text .= " </td>
<td style='width:20%'>".DOWLAN_19."</td>
<td style='width:80%'>";
$text = "<select name='download_image' class='tbox'>
<option value=''>&nbsp;</option>";
foreach($image_array as $img)
$fpath = str_replace(e_FILE."downloadimages/","",$img['path'].$img['fname']);
$sel = ($download_image == $fpath) ? " selected='selected'" : "";
$text .= "<option value='".$fpath."' $sel>".$fpath."</option>\n";
$text .= " </select>";
$text .= $frm->imagepicker('download_image', $download_image,'','download_image');
if ($subAction == "dlm" && $download_image)
$text .= "
<input type='hidden' name='move_image' value='1'/>\n";
$text .= " </td>
if(is_dir(e_FILE."downloadthumbs")) // Legacy
$text .= "
<td style='width:20%'>".DOWLAN_20."</td>
<td style='width:80%'>";
$text .= "
<select name='download_thumb' class='tbox'>
<option value=''>&nbsp;</option>";
foreach($thumb_array as $thm){
$tpath = str_replace(e_FILE."downloadthumbs/","",$thm['path'].$thm['fname']);
$sel = ($download_thumb == $tpath) ? " selected='selected'" : "";
$text .= "<option value='".$tpath."' $sel>".$tpath."</option>\n";
$text .= " </select>";
$text .= $frm->imagepicker('download_thumb', $download_thumb,'','download_thumb');
$text .= "
$text .= "
<td style='width:20%'>".LAN_DATESTAMP."</td>
<td style='width:80%'>";
if (!$download_datestamp){
$download_datestamp = time();
$text .= $frm->datepicker('download_datestamp',$download_datestamp);
// $update_checked = ($_POST['update_datestamp']) ? "checked='checked'" : "";
// $text .= " &nbsp;&nbsp;<span><input type='checkbox' value='1' name='update_datestamp' $update_checked/>".DOWLAN_148."</span>";
$text .= "
<td >".LAN_SEFURL."</td>
<td style='width:80%'>
<input class='tbox input-xxlarge' type='text' name='download_sef' size='60' value=\"".$tp->toForm($download_sef)."\" maxlength='250'/>
<td >".LAN_KEYWORDS."</td>
<td style='width:80%'>".$frm->tags('download_keywords',$download_keywords)."
<td style='width:20%'>".DOWLAN_21."</td>
<td style='width:80%'>
<select name='download_active' class='tbox'>";
foreach($download_status as $key => $val){
$sel = ($download_active == $key) ? " selected = 'selected' " : "";
$text .= "<option value='{$key}' {$sel}>{$val}</option>\n";
$text .= " </select>
<td style='width:20%'>".DOWLAN_102."</td>
<td style='width:80%'>";
if ($download_comment == "0") {
$text .= LAN_YES.": <input type='radio' name='download_comment' value='1'/>
".LAN_NO.": <input type='radio' name='download_comment' value='0' checked='checked'/>";
} else {
$text .= LAN_YES.": <input type='radio' name='download_comment' value='1' checked='checked'/>
".LAN_NO.": <input type='radio' name='download_comment' value='0'/>";
$text .= " </td>
<td style='width:20%'>".DOWLAN_145."</td>
<td style='width:80%'>".r_userclass('download_visible', $download_visible, 'off', 'public, nobody, member, admin, classes, language')."</td>
<td style='width:20%'>".DOWLAN_106."</td>
<td style='width:80%'>".r_userclass('download_class', $download_class, 'off', 'public, nobody, member, admin, classes, language')."</td>
if ($subAction == "dlm") {
$text .= "
<td style='width:30%'>".DOWLAN_153."</td>
<td style='width:70%'>
<select name='move_file' class='tbox'>
<option value=''>".LAN_NO."</option>";
$dl_dirlist = $fl->get_dirs(e_DOWNLOAD);
if ($dl_dirlist){
$text .= "<option value='".e_DOWNLOAD."'>/</option>\n";
foreach($dl_dirlist as $dirs)
$text .= "<option value='". e_DOWNLOAD.$dirs."/'>".$dirs."/</option>\n";
$text .= "<option value='".e_DOWNLOAD."'>".LAN_YES."</option>\n";
$text .= " </select>
<td style='width:30%'>".DOWLAN_103."</td>
<td style='width:70%'>
<input type='checkbox' name='remove_upload' value='1'/>
<input type='hidden' name='remove_id' value='$id'/>
$data = array('method'=>'form', 'table'=>'download', 'id'=>$id, 'plugin'=>'download', 'function'=>'create_download');
$text .= $frm->renderHooks($data);
$text .= "
<div class='buttonsbar center'>";
if ($id && $subAction == "edit")
$text .= "<input class='btn button' type='submit' name='submit_download' value='".DOWLAN_24."'/> ";
} else
$text .= "<input class='btn button' type='submit' name='submit_download' value='".DOWLAN_25."'/>";
$text .= "
// $ns->tablerender(ADLAN_24, $text);
echo $text;
function calc_filesize($size, $unit)
case 'B' :
return $size;
case 'KB' :
return $size * 1024;
case 'MB' :
return $size * 1024 * 1024;
case 'GB' :
return $size * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
case 'TB' :
return $size * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
// Actually save a new or edited download to the DB
function submit_download()
global $e107, $tp, $sql, $DOWNLOADS_DIRECTORY, $e_event;
$action = $this->action;
$subAction = $this->subAction;
$id = $this->id;
$sql = e107::getDb();
$tp = e107::getParser();
$fl = e107::getFile();
$mes = e107::getMessage();
$dlInfo = array();
$dlMirrors = array();
if ($subAction == 'edit')
if ($_POST['download_url_external'] == '')
$_POST['download_filesize_external'] = FALSE;
if (!empty($_POST['download_url_external']) && empty($_POST['download_url']) && !empty($_POST['download_filesize_unit']))
$dlInfo['download_url'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['download_url_external']);
// $filesize = intval($_POST['download_filesize_external']);
$filesize = $this->calc_filesize($_POST['download_filesize_external'], $_POST['download_filesize_unit']);
$dlInfo['download_url'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['download_url']);
if ($_POST['download_filesize_external'])
$filesize = intval($_POST['download_filesize_external']);
if (strpos($DOWNLOADS_DIRECTORY, "/") === 0 || strpos($DOWNLOADS_DIRECTORY, ":") >= 1)
$filesize = filesize($DOWNLOADS_DIRECTORY.$dlInfo['download_url']);
elseif($dlInfo['download_url'][0] == '{')
$filesize = filesize($tp->replaceConstants($dlInfo['download_url']));
$filesize = filesize(e_BASE.$DOWNLOADS_DIRECTORY.$dlInfo['download_url']);
if (!$filesize)
if ($sql->select("upload", "upload_filesize", "upload_file='{$dlInfo['download_url']}'"))
$row = $sql->fetch();
$filesize = $row['upload_filesize'];
$dlInfo['download_filesize'] = $filesize;
// ---- Move Images and Files ------------
if ($_POST['move_image'])
if ($_POST['download_thumb'])
$oldname = e_UPLOAD.$_POST['download_thumb'];
$newname = e_FILE."downloadthumbs/".$_POST['download_thumb'];
if (!$this -> move_file($oldname,$newname))
if ($_POST['download_image'])
$oldname = e_UPLOAD.$_POST['download_image'];
$newname = e_FILE."downloadimages/".$_POST['download_image'];
if (!$this -> move_file($oldname,$newname))
if ($_POST['move_file'] && $_POST['download_url'])
$oldname = e_UPLOAD.$_POST['download_url'];
$newname = $_POST['move_file'].$_POST['download_url'];
if (!$this -> move_file($oldname,$newname))
$dlInfo['download_url'] = str_replace(e_DOWNLOAD,"",$newname);
// ------------------------------------------
$dlInfo['download_description'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['download_description']);
$dlInfo['download_name'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['download_name']);
$dlInfo['download_sef'] = vartrue($_POST['download_sef']) ? eHelper::secureSef($_POST['download_sef']) : eHelper::title2sef($_POST['download_name']);
$dlInfo['download_keywords'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['download_keywords']);
$dlInfo['download_author'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['download_author']);
$dlInfo['download_author_email'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['download_author_email']);
$dlInfo['download_author_website'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['download_author_website']);
$dlInfo['download_category'] = intval($_POST['download_category']);
$dlInfo['download_active'] = intval($_POST['download_active']);
$dlInfo['download_thumb'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['download_thumb']);
$dlInfo['download_image'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['download_image']);
$dlInfo['download_comment'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['download_comment']);
$dlInfo['download_class'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['download_class']);
$dlInfo['download_visible'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['download_visible']);
$dlInfo['download_datestamp'] = e107::getDate()->convert($_POST['download_datestamp'],'inputdate');
$dlInfo['download_datestamp'] = time();
$mirrorStr = "";
$mirrorFlag = FALSE;
// See if any mirrors defined
// Need to check all the possible mirror names - might have deleted the first one if we're in edit mode
foreach ($_POST['download_mirror_name'] as $mn)
if ($mn)
$mirrorFlag = TRUE;
if ($mirrorFlag)
$mirrors = count($_POST['download_mirror_name']);
$mirrorArray = array();
$newMirrorArray = array();
if ($id && $sql->select('download','download_mirror', 'download_id = '.$id)) // Get existing download stats
if ($row = $sql->fetch())
$mirrorArray = $this->makeMirrorArray($row['download_mirror'], TRUE);
for($a=0; $a<$mirrors; $a++)
$mid = trim($_POST['download_mirror_name'][$a]);
$murl = trim($_POST['download_mirror'][$a]);
$msize = trim($_POST['download_mirror_size'][$a]);
if ($mid && $murl)
$newMirrorArray[$mid] = array('id' => $mid, 'url' => $murl, 'requests' => 0, 'filesize' => $msize);
if (DOWNLOAD_DEBUG && !$id)
$newMirrorArray[$mid]['requests'] = intval($_POST['download_mirror_requests'][$a]);
// Now copy across any existing usage figures
foreach ($newMirrorArray as $k => $m)
if (isset($mirrorArray[$k]))
$newMirrorArray[$k]['requests'] = $mirrorArray[$k]['requests'];
$mirrorStr = $this->compressMirrorArray($newMirrorArray);
if ($id) // Its an edit
// Process triggers before calling admin_update so trigger messages can be shown
$data = array('method'=>'update', 'table'=>'download', 'id'=>$id, 'plugin'=>'download', 'function'=>'update_download');
$hooks = $e107->e_event->triggerHook($data);
$mes->add($hooks, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS);
$updateArray = array_merge($dlInfo,$dlMirrors);
$updateArray['WHERE'] = 'download_id='.intval($id);
$mes->addAuto($sql->db_Update('download',$updateArray), 'update', DOWLAN_2." (<a href='".e_PLUGIN."download/download.php?view.".$id."'>".$_POST['download_name']."</a>)");
$dlInfo['download_id'] = $id;
$dlInfo['download_datestamp'] = $time; // This is what 0.7 did, regardless of settings
unset($dlInfo['download_class']); // Also replicating 0.7
$e_event->trigger('dlupdate', $dlInfo); // @deprecated
else // Its a new entry.
if ($download_id = $sql->insert('download',array_merge($dlInfo,$dlMirrors)))
// Process triggers before calling admin_update so trigger messages can be shown
$data = array('method'=>'create', 'table'=>'download', 'id'=>$download_id, 'plugin'=>'download', 'function'=>'create_download');
$hooks = $e107->e_event->triggerHook($data);
$mes->add($hooks, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS);
$mes->addAuto($download_id, 'insert', DOWLAN_1." (<a href='".e_PLUGIN."download/download.php?view.".$download_id."'>".$_POST['download_name']."</a>)");
$dlInfo['download_id'] = $download_id;
$dlInfo['download_datestamp'] = $time; // This is what 0.7 did, regardless of settings
unset($dlInfo['download_class']); // Also replicating 0.7
$e_event->trigger("dlpost", $dlInfo); // @deprecated
if ($_POST['remove_upload'])
$sql->db_Update("upload", "upload_active='1' WHERE upload_id='".$_POST['remove_id']."'");
$mess = "<br/>".$_POST['download_name']." ".DOWLAN_104;
$mess .= "<br/><br/><a href='".e_ADMIN."upload.php'>".DOWLAN_105."</a>";
// Turn the array into a string which can be stored in the DB
function compressMirrorArray($source)
if (!is_array($source) || !count($source)) return '';
$inter = array();
foreach ($source as $s)
$inter[] = $s['id'].','.$s['url'].','.$s['requests'].','.$s['filesize'];
return implode(chr(1),$inter);
function show_existing_mirrors()
$sql = e107::getDb();
$tp = e107::getParser();
$mes = e107::getMessage();
$fl = e107::getFile();
$action = $this->action;
$subAction = $this->subAction;
$id = $this->id;
global $delete, $del_id, $admin_log;
$frm = new e_form();
if ($delete == "mirror")
$mes->addAuto($sql -> db_Delete("download_mirror", "mirror_id=".$del_id), delete, DOWLAN_135);
e107::getLog()->add('DOWNL_14','ID: '.$del_id,E_LOG_INFORMATIVE,'');
if (!$sql -> select("download_mirror"))
// $text = "<div style='text-align:center;'>".DOWLAN_144."</div>"; // No mirrors defined yet
$text = "<div>
<form method='post' action='".e_SELF."?".e_QUERY."'>
<table style='".ADMIN_WIDTH."' class='adminlist'>
<td style='width: 10%; text-align: center;' class='forumheader'>ID</td>
<td style='width: 30%;' class='forumheader'>".DOWLAN_12."</td>
<td style='width: 30%;' class='forumheader'>".DOWLAN_136."</td>
<td style='width: 30%; text-align: center;' class='forumheader'>".LAN_OPTIONS."</td>
$mirrorList = $sql -> db_getList();
foreach($mirrorList as $mirror)
$text .= "
<td style='width: 10%; text-align: center;'>$mirror_id</td>
<td style='width: 30%;'>".$tp -> toHTML($mirror_name)."</td>
<td style='width: 30%;'>".($mirror_image ? "<img src='".e_FILE."downloadimages/".$mirror_image."' alt=''/>" : DOWLAN_28)."</td>
<td style='width: 30%; text-align: center;'>
<a href='".e_SELF."?mirror.edit.{$mirror_id}'>".ADMIN_EDIT_ICON."</a>
<input type='image' title='".LAN_DELETE."' name='delete[mirror_{$mirror_id}]' src='".ADMIN_DELETE_ICON_PATH."' onclick=\"return jsconfirm('".DOWLAN_137." [ID: $mirror_id ]')\"/>
$text .= "</table></form></div>";
// $ns -> tablerender(DOWLAN_138, $text);
echo $text;
$imagelist = $fl->get_files(e_FILE.'downloadimages/');
if ($subAction == "edit" && !defined("SUBMITTED"))
$sql -> select("download_mirror", "*", "mirror_id='".intval($id)."' ");
$mirror = $sql -> fetch();
$edit = TRUE;
unset($mirror_name, $mirror_url, $mirror_image, $mirror_location, $mirror_description);
$edit = FALSE;
$text = "<div>
<form method='post' action='".e_SELF."?".e_QUERY."' id='dataform'>\n
<table class='table adminform'>
<td style='width: 30%;'>".DOWLAN_12."</td>
<td style='width: 70%;'>
<input class='tbox' type='text' name='mirror_name' size='60' value='{$mirror_name}' maxlength='200'/>
<td style='width: 30%;'>".DOWLAN_139."</td>
<td style='width: 70%;'>
<input class='tbox' type='text' name='mirror_url' size='70' value='{$mirror_url}' maxlength='255'/>
<td style='width: 30%;'>".DOWLAN_136."</td>
<td style='width: 70%;'>
<input class='tbox' type='text' id='mirror_image' name='mirror_image' size='60' value='{$mirror_image}' maxlength='200'/>
<br /><input class='btn button' type ='button' style='cursor:pointer' size='30' value='".DOWLAN_42."' onclick='expandit(this)'/>
<div id='imagefile' style='display:none;{head}'>";
$text .= DOWLAN_140."<br/>";
foreach($imagelist as $file)
$text .= "<a href=\"javascript:insertext('".$file['fname']."','mirror_image','imagefile')\"><img src='".e_FILE."downloadimages/".$file['fname']."' alt=''/></a> ";
$text .= "</div>
<td style='width: 30%;'>".DOWLAN_141."</td>
<td style='width: 70%;'>
<input class='tbox' type='text' name='mirror_location' size='60' value='$mirror_location' maxlength='200'/>
<td style='width: 30%;'>".DOWLAN_18."</td>
<td style='width: 70%;'>";
$text .= $frm->bbarea('mirror_description',$mirror_description);
$text .= "</td>
<td colspan='2' class='forumheader' style='text-align:center;'>
".($edit ? "<input class='btn button' type='submit' name='submit_mirror' value='".DOWLAN_142."'/><input type='hidden' name='id' value='{$mirror_id}'/>" : "<input class='btn button' type='submit' name='submit_mirror' value='".DOWLAN_143."'/>")."
$caption = ($edit ? DOWLAN_142 : DOWLAN_143);
echo $text;
// $ns -> tablerender($caption, $text);
function submit_mirror()
global $admin_log;
$tp = e107::getParser();
$sql = e107::getDb();
$mes = e107::getMessage();
define("SUBMITTED", TRUE);
if (isset($_POST['mirror_name']) && isset($_POST['mirror_url']))
$name = $tp -> toDB($_POST['mirror_name']);
$url = $tp -> toDB($_POST['mirror_url']);
$location = $tp -> toDB($_POST['mirror_location']);
$description = $tp -> toDB($_POST['mirror_description']);
$logString = $name.'[!br!]'.$url.'[!br!]'.$location.'[!br!]'.$description;
if (isset($_POST['id']))
$mes->addAuto($sql -> db_Update("download_mirror", "mirror_name='{$name}', mirror_url='{$url}', mirror_image='".$tp->toDB($_POST['mirror_image'])."', mirror_location='{$location}', mirror_description='{$description}' WHERE mirror_id=".intval($_POST['id'])), 'update', DOWLAN_133);
e107::getLog()->add('DOWNL_13','ID: '.intval($_POST['id']).'[!br!]'.$logString,E_LOG_INFORMATIVE,'');
$mes->addAuto($sql -> db_Insert("download_mirror", "0, '{$name}', '{$url}', '".$tp->toDB($_POST['mirror_image'])."', '{$location}', '{$description}', 0"), 'insert', DOWLAN_134);
function show_download_options()
global $pref, $ns;
$frm = new e_form(true); //enable inner tabindex counter
$agree_flag = $pref['agree_flag'];
$agree_text = $pref['agree_text'];
$c = $pref['download_php'] ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
$sacc = (varset($pref['download_incinfo'],0) == '1') ? " checked = 'checked' " : "";
$order_options = array(
"download_id" => "Id No.",
"download_datestamp" => LAN_DATE,
"download_requested" => ADLAN_24,
"download_name" => DOWLAN_59,
"download_author" => DOWLAN_15
$sort_options = array(
"ASC" => DOWLAN_62,
$text = "
<ul class='nav nav-tabs'>
<li class='active'><a data-toggle='tab' href='#core-download-download1'>".LAN_DL_DOWNLOAD_OPT_GENERAL."</a></li>
<li><a data-toggle='tab' href='#core-download-download2'>".LAN_DL_DOWNLOAD_OPT_BROKEN."</a></li>
<li><a data-toggle='tab' href='#core-download-download3'>".LAN_DL_DOWNLOAD_OPT_AGREE."</a></li>
<li><a data-toggle='tab' href='#core-download-download4'>".LAN_DL_UPLOAD."</a></li>
<form method='post' action='".e_SELF."?".e_QUERY."'>\n
<div class='tab-content'>
<div class='tab-pane active' id='core-download-download1'>
<table class='table adminform'>
<col style='width:30%'/>
<col style='width:70%'/>
.$frm->checkbox('download_php', '1', $pref['download_php'])
.$frm->label(LAN_DL_USE_PHP_INFO, 'download_php', '1')
.$frm->checkbox('download_subsub', '1', $pref['download_subsub'])
.$frm->label(LAN_DL_SUBSUB_CAT_INFO, 'download_subsub', '1')
.$frm->checkbox('download_incinfo', '1', $pref['download_incinfo'])
.$frm->label(LAN_DL_SUBSUB_COUNT_INFO, 'download_incinfo', '1')
<td>".$frm->text('download_view', $pref['download_view'], '4', array('size'=>'4'))."</td>
<td>".$frm->select('download_order', $order_options, $pref['download_order'])."</td>
<td>".$frm->select('download_sort', $sort_options, $pref['download_sort'])."</td>
<select name='mirror_order' class='tbox'>".
($pref['mirror_order'] == "0" ? "<option value='0' selected='selected'>".DOWLAN_161."</option>" : "<option value='0'>".DOWLAN_161."</option>").
($pref['mirror_order'] == "1" ? "<option value='1' selected='selected'>".DOWLAN_67."</option>" : "<option value='1'>".DOWLAN_67."</option>").
($pref['mirror_order'] == "2" ? "<option value='2' selected='selected'>".DOWLAN_163."</option>" : "<option value='2'>".DOWLAN_12."</option>")."
<td><input type='text' name='recent_download_days' class='tbox' value='".$pref['recent_download_days']."' size='3' maxlength='3'/>
<div class='tab-pane' id='core-download-download2'>
<table class='table adminform'>
<col style='width:30%'/>
<col style='width:70%'/>
<td>". r_userclass("download_reportbroken", $pref['download_reportbroken'])."</td>
<td>". ($pref['download_email'] ? "<input type='checkbox' name='download_email' value='1' checked='checked'/>" : "<input type='checkbox' name='download_email' value='1'/>")."</td>
<div class='tab-pane' id='core-download-download3'>
<table class='table adminform'>
<col style='width:30%'/>
<col style='width:70%'/>
<td>". ($agree_flag ? "<input type='checkbox' name='agree_flag' value='1' checked='checked'/>" : "<input type='checkbox' name='agree_flag' value='1'/>")."</td>
<div class='tab-pane' id='core-download-download4'>
<table class='table adminform'>
<col style='width:30%'/>
<col style='width:70%'/>
<div class='buttons-bar center'>
<input class='btn button' type='submit' name='updatedownlaodoptions' value='".DOWLAN_64."'/>
// $ns->tablerender(LAN_DL_OPTIONS, $text);
echo $text;
function downloadLog($aText, &$dlInfo, &$mirrorInfo=NULL)
global $admin_log;
$logString = DOWLAN_9;
foreach ($dlInfo as $k => $v)
$logString .= '[!br!]'.$k.'=>'.$v;
if ($mirrorInfo != NULL)
foreach ($mirrorInfo as $k => $v)
$logString .= '[!br!]'.$k.'=>'.$v;
function move_file($oldname,$newname)
$mes = e107::getMessage();
if (file_exists($newname))
return TRUE;
if (!file_exists($oldname) || is_dir($oldname))
$mes->addError(DOWLAN_68 . " : ".$oldname);
return FALSE;
$directory = dirname($newname);
if (is_writable($directory))
if (!rename($oldname,$newname))
$mes->addError(DOWLAN_152." ".$oldname ." -> ".$newname);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
$mes->addError($directory ." ".LAN_NOTWRITABLE);
return FALSE;
// Given the string which is stored in the DB, turns it into an array of mirror entries
// If $byID is true, the array index is the mirror ID. Otherwise its a simple array
function makeMirrorArray($source, $byID = FALSE)
$ret = array();
if ($source)
$mirrorTArray = explode(chr(1), $source);
$count = 0;
foreach($mirrorTArray as $mirror)
if ($mirror)
list($mid, $murl, $mreq, $msize) = explode(",", $mirror);
$ret[$byID ? $mid : $count] = array('id' => $mid, 'url' => $murl, 'requests' => $mreq, 'filesize' => $msize);
return $ret;
class download_main_admin_form_ui extends e_admin_form_ui
function download_category($curVal,$mode) // not really necessary since we can use 'dropdown' - but just an example of a custom function.
if($mode == 'read')
return $curVal.' (custom!)';
if($mode == 'batch') // Custom Batch List for release_type
return array('theme'=>"Theme","plugin"=>'Plugin');
if($mode == 'filter') // Custom Filter List for release_type
return array('theme'=>"Theme","plugin"=>'Plugin');
$types = array("theme","plugin");
$text = "<select class='tbox' name='release_type' >";
foreach($types as $val)
$selected = ($curVal == $val) ? "selected='selected'" : "";
$text .= "<option value='{$val}' {$selected}>".$val."</option>\n";
$text .= "</select>";
return $text;
function download_active($curVal,$mode)
$download_status[0] = DOWLAN_122; // Inactive;
$download_status[1] = DOWLAN_123; // Active
$download_status[2] = DOWLAN_124;
if($mode == 'read')
return $status[$curVal];
if($mode == 'batch' || $mode == 'filter') // Custom Batch List for download_active
return $download_status;
return "&nbsp;";
// Filter List for 'Issues'
function issue($curVal,$mode)
if($mode == 'filter')
return array(
'duplicates' => DOWLAN_166,
'orphans' => DOWLAN_167, // TODO
'missing' => DOWLAN_168,
'nocategory' => DOWLAN_178,
'filesize' => DOWLAN_66,
'log' => DOWLAN_171
return "&nbsp;";
function download_mirror_type($curVal,$mode)
switch ($curVal)
case 1:
return DOWLAN_196;
// return DOWLAN_197;
class download_mirror_ui extends e_admin_ui
protected $pluginTitle = 'Downloads';
protected $pluginName = 'download';
protected $table = 'download_mirror';
protected $pid = 'mirror_id';
protected $perPage = 10;
protected $batchDelete = true;
// protected $batchCopy = true;
// protected $sortField = 'somefield_order';
// protected $orderStep = 10;
// protected $tabs = array('Tabl 1','Tab 2'); // Use 'tab'=>0 OR 'tab'=>1 in the $fields below to enable.
// protected $listQry = "SELECT * FROM #tableName WHERE field != '' "; // Example Custom Query. LEFT JOINS allowed. Should be without any Order or Limit.
protected $listOrder = 'mirror_id DESC';
protected $fields = array ( 'checkboxes' => array ( 'title' => '', 'type' => null, 'data' => null, 'width' => '5%', 'thclass' => 'center', 'forced' => '1', 'class' => 'center', 'toggle' => 'e-multiselect', ),
'mirror_id' => array ( 'title' => LAN_ID, 'data' => 'int', 'width' => '5%', 'help' => '', 'readParms' => '', 'writeParms' => '', 'class' => 'left', 'thclass' => 'left', ),
'mirror_name' => array ( 'title' => LAN_TITLE, 'type' => 'text', 'data' => 'str', 'width' => 'auto', 'inline' => true, 'help' => '', 'readParms' => '', 'writeParms' => '', 'class' => 'left', 'thclass' => 'left', ),
'mirror_url' => array ( 'title' => LAN_URL, 'type' => 'url', 'data' => 'str', 'width' => 'auto', 'inline' => true, 'help' => '', 'readParms' => '', 'writeParms' => '', 'class' => 'left', 'thclass' => 'left', ),
'mirror_image' => array ( 'title' => LAN_IMAGE, 'type' => 'image', 'data' => 'str', 'width' => 'auto', 'help' => '', 'readParms' => '', 'writeParms' => '', 'class' => 'left', 'thclass' => 'left', ),
'mirror_location' => array ( 'title' => 'Location', 'type' => 'text', 'data' => 'str', 'width' => 'auto', 'inline' => true, 'help' => '', 'readParms' => '', 'writeParms' => '', 'class' => 'center', 'thclass' => 'center', ),
'mirror_description' => array ( 'title' => LAN_DESCRIPTION, 'type' => 'bbarea', 'data' => 'str', 'width' => '40%', 'help' => '', 'readParms' => '', 'writeParms' => '', 'class' => 'left', 'thclass' => 'left', ),
'mirror_count' => array ( 'title' => 'Count', 'type' => 'hidden', 'data' => 'int', 'width' => 'auto', 'help' => '', 'readParms' => '', 'writeParms' => '', 'class' => 'center', 'thclass' => 'center', ),
'options' => array ( 'title' => 'Options', 'type' => null, 'data' => null, 'width' => '10%', 'thclass' => 'center last', 'class' => 'center last', 'forced' => '1', ),
protected $fieldpref = array('mirror_name', 'mirror_url', 'mirror_image', 'mirror_location');
public function init()
// Set drop-down values (if any).
// optional - override edit page.
public function customPage()
$ns = e107::getRender();
$text = 'Hello World!';
class download_mirror_form_ui extends e_admin_form_ui