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var e107 = e107 || {'settings': {}, 'behaviors': {}};
// Allow other JavaScript libraries to use $.
// TODO: Use jQuery.noConflict(), but for this, need to rewrite all e107 javascript to use wrapper: (function ($) { ... })(jQuery);
// jQuery.noConflict();
(function ($) {
e107.callbacks = e107.callbacks || {};
* Attach all registered behaviors to a page element.
* Behaviors are event-triggered actions that attach to page elements, enhancing
* default non-JavaScript UIs. Behaviors are registered in the e107.behaviors
* object using the method 'attach' and optionally also 'detach' as follows:
* @code
* e107.behaviors.behaviorName = {
* attach: function (context, settings) {
* ...
* },
* detach: function (context, settings, trigger) {
* ...
* }
* };
* @endcode
* e107.attachBehaviors is added below to the jQuery ready event and so
* runs on initial page load. Developers implementing Ajax in their
* solutions should also call this function after new page content has been
* loaded, feeding in an element to be processed, in order to attach all
* behaviors to the new content.
* Behaviors should use
* @code
* $(selector).once('behavior-name', function () {
* ...
* });
* @endcode
* to ensure the behavior is attached only once to a given element. (Doing so
* enables the reprocessing of given elements, which may be needed on occasion
* despite the ability to limit behavior attachment to a particular element.)
* @param context
* An element to attach behaviors to. If none is given, the document element
* is used.
* @param settings
* An object containing settings for the current context. If none given, the
* global e107.settings object is used.
e107.attachBehaviors = function (context, settings) {
context = context || document;
settings = settings || e107.settings;
// Execute all of them.
$.each(e107.behaviors, function () {
if ($.isFunction(this.attach)) {
this.attach(context, settings);
* Detach registered behaviors from a page element.
* Developers implementing AHAH/Ajax in their solutions should call this
* function before page content is about to be removed, feeding in an element
* to be processed, in order to allow special behaviors to detach from the
* content.
* Such implementations should look for the class name that was added in their
* corresponding e107.behaviors.behaviorName.attach implementation, i.e.
* behaviorName-processed, to ensure the behavior is detached only from
* previously processed elements.
* @param context
* An element to detach behaviors from. If none is given, the document element
* is used.
* @param settings
* An object containing settings for the current context. If none given, the
* global e107.settings object is used.
* @param trigger
* A string containing what's causing the behaviors to be detached. The
* possible triggers are:
* - unload: (default) The context element is being removed from the DOM.
* - move: The element is about to be moved within the DOM (for example,
* during a tabledrag row swap). After the move is completed,
* e107.attachBehaviors() is called, so that the behavior can undo
* whatever it did in response to the move. Many behaviors won't need to
* do anything simply in response to the element being moved, but because
* IFRAME elements reload their "src" when being moved within the DOM,
* behaviors bound to IFRAME elements (like WYSIWYG editors) may need to
* take some action.
* - serialize: E.g. when an Ajax form is submitted, this is called with the
* form as the context. This provides every behavior within the form an
* opportunity to ensure that the field elements have correct content
* in them before the form is serialized. The canonical use-case is so
* that WYSIWYG editors can update the hidden textarea to which they are
* bound.
* @see e107.attachBehaviors
e107.detachBehaviors = function (context, settings, trigger) {
context = context || document;
settings = settings || e107.settings;
trigger = trigger || 'unload';
// Execute all of them.
$.each(e107.behaviors, function () {
if ($.isFunction(this.detach)) {
this.detach(context, settings, trigger);
// Attach all behaviors.
$(function () {
e107.attachBehaviors(document, e107.settings);
* Attaches the AJAX behavior to each AJAX form/page elements. E107 uses
* this behavior to enhance form/page elements with .e-ajax class.
e107.behaviors.eAJAX = {
attach: function (context, settings)
$(context).find('.e-ajax').once('e-ajax').each(function ()
var $this = $(this);
var event = $this.attr('data-event') || e107.callbacks.getDefaultEventHandler($this);
$this.on(event, function ()
var $element = $(this);
var ajaxOptions = {
// URL for Ajax request.
url: $element.attr('data-src'),
// Ajax type: POST or GET.
type: $element.attr('data-ajax-type'),
// Target container for result.
target: $element.attr("data-target"),
// Method: 'replaceWith', 'append', 'prepend', 'before', 'after', 'html' (default).
method: $element.attr('data-method'),
// Image to show loading.
loading: $element.attr('data-loading'),
// If this is a navigation controller, e.g. pager.
nav: $element.attr('data-nav-inc'),
// Old way - href='myscript.php#id-to-target.
href: $element.attr("href"),
// Wait for final event. Useful for keyUp, keyDown... etc.
wait: $element.attr('data-event-wait')
// If this is a navigation controller, e.g. pager.
if(ajaxOptions.nav != null)
// Modify data-src value for next/prev. 'from='
e107.callbacks.eNav(this, '.e-ajax');
// Update URL for Ajax request.
ajaxOptions.url = $element.attr('data-src');
// Set Ajax type to "GET".
ajaxOptions.type = 'GET';
if(ajaxOptions.wait != null)
e107.callbacks.ajaxRequestHandler($element, ajaxOptions);
}, parseInt(ajaxOptions.wait), event);
e107.callbacks.ajaxRequestHandler($element, ajaxOptions);
return false;
* Behavior to initialize tooltips on elements with data-toggle="tooltip" attribute.
* @type {{attach: e107.behaviors.bootstrapTooltip.attach}}
e107.behaviors.bootstrapTooltip = {
attach: function (context, settings)
if(typeof $.fn.tooltip !== 'undefined')
$(context).find('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').once('bootstrap-tooltip').each(function ()
* Behavior to attach a click event to elements with .e-expandit class.
* @type {{attach: Function}}
e107.behaviors.eExpandIt = {
attach: function (context, settings)
$(context).find('.e-expandit').once('e-expandit').each(function ()
// default 'toggle'.
$(this).click(function ()
var $this = $(this);
var href = ($this.is("a")) ? $this.attr("href") : '';
var $button = $this.find('button');
if($button.length > 0)
var textMore = $button.attr('data-text-more');
var textLess = $button.attr('data-text-less');
if(textLess && textMore)
if($button.html() == textMore)
if((href === "#" || href == "") && $this.attr("data-target"))
var select = $this.attr("data-target").split(','); // support multiple targets (comma separated)
$(select).each(function ()
$('#' + this).slideToggle("slow");
if($this.attr("data-return") === 'true')
return true;
return false;
if(href === "#" || href == "")
return true;
$(href).slideToggle('slow', function ()
$(this).css('display', 'initial');
$(this).css('display', 'block'); //XXX 'initial' broke the default behavior.
return false;
* Behavior to initialize Modal closer elements.
* @type {{attach: e107.behaviors.eDialogClose.attach}}
e107.behaviors.eDialogClose = {
attach: function (context, settings)
$(context).find('.e-dialog-close').once('e-dialog-close').each(function ()
$(this).click(function ()
var $modal = $('.modal');
var $parentModal = parent.$('.modal');
var $parentDismiss = parent.$('[data-dismiss=modal]');
if($modal.length > 0)
if($parentModal.length > 0)
if($parentDismiss.length > 0)
$parentDismiss.trigger({type: 'click'});
* Behavior to hide elements.
* @type {{attach: e107.behaviors.eHideMe.attach}}
e107.behaviors.eHideMe = {
attach: function (context, settings)
$(context).find('.e-hideme').once('e-hide-me').each(function ()
* Check if the selector is valid.
* @param selector
* @returns {boolean}
e107.callbacks.isValidSelector = function (selector)
var $element = $(selector);
} catch(error)
return false;
return true;
* Dynamic next/prev.
* @param e object (eg. from selector)
* @param navid - class with data-src that needs 'from=' value updated. (often 2 of them eg. next/prev)
e107.callbacks.eNav = function (e, navid)
var src = $(e).attr("data-src");
var inc = parseInt($(e).attr("data-nav-inc"));
var dir = $(e).attr("data-nav-dir");
var tot = parseInt($(e).attr("data-nav-total"));
var val = src.match(/from=(\d+)/);
var amt = parseInt(val[1]);
var oldVal = 'from=' + amt;
var newVal = null;
var sub = amt - inc;
var add = amt + inc;
if(add > tot)
add = amt;
// $(e).hide();
if(sub < 0)
sub = 0
if(dir == 'down')
newVal = 'from=' + sub;
newVal = 'from=' + add;
src = src.replace(oldVal, newVal);
$(navid).attr("data-src", src);
* Get a reasonable default event handler for a (jQuery) element.
* @param $element
* JQuery element.
e107.callbacks.getDefaultEventHandler = function ($element)
var event = 'click'; // Default event handler.
var tag = $element.prop("tagName").toLowerCase();
if(tag == 'input')
var type = $element.attr('type').toLowerCase();
case 'submit':
case 'button':
// Pressing the ENTER key within a textfield triggers the click event of
// the form's first submit button. Triggering Ajax in this situation
// leads to problems, like breaking autocomplete textfields, so we bind
// to mousedown instead of click.
event = 'mousedown';
case 'radio':
case 'checkbox':
event = 'change';
// text, number, password, date, datetime, datetime-local, month, week, time,
// email, search, tel, url, color, range
event = 'blur';
case 'button':
// Pressing the ENTER key within a textfield triggers the click event of
// the form's first submit button. Triggering Ajax in this situation
// leads to problems, like breaking autocomplete textfields, so we bind
// to mousedown instead of click.
event = 'mousedown';
case 'select':
event = 'change';
case 'textarea':
event = 'blur';
return event;
* Handler fo Ajax requests.
* @param $element
* JQuery element which fired the event.
* @param options
* An object with Ajax request options.
e107.callbacks.ajaxRequestHandler = function ($element, options)
var $loadingImage = null;
// Loading image.
if(options.loading != null)
$loadingImage = $(options.loading);
// Old way - href='myscript.php#id-to-target.
if(options.target == null || options.url == null)
if(options.href != null)
var tmp = options.href.split('#');
var id = tmp[1];
if(options.url == null)
options.url = tmp[0];
if(options.target == null)
options.target = id;
// BC.
if(options.target && options.target.charAt(0) != "#" && options.target.charAt(0) != ".")
options.target = "#" + options.target;
var form = $element.closest("form");
var data = form.serialize() || '';
type: options.type || 'POST',
url: options.url,
data: data,
complete: function ()
success: function (response)
var $target = $(options.target);
var jsonObject = response;
if(typeof response == 'string')
jsonObject = $.parseJSON(response);
} catch(e)
// Not JSON.
if(typeof jsonObject == 'object')
// If result is JSON.
e107.callbacks.ajaxJsonResponseHandler($target, options, jsonObject);
// If result is a simple text/html.
e107.callbacks.ajaxResponseHandler($target, options, response);
* Handler for JSON responses. Provides a series of commands that the server
* can request the client perform.
* @param $target
* JQuery (target) object.
* @param options
* Object with options for Ajax request.
* @param commands
* JSON object with commands.
e107.callbacks.ajaxJsonResponseHandler = function ($target, options, commands)
$(commands).each(function ()
var command = this;
// Get target selector from the response. If it is not there, default to our presets.
var $newtarget = command.target ? $(command.target) : $target;
// Command to insert new content into the DOM.
case 'insert':
var newOptions = options;
newOptions.method = command.method;
e107.callbacks.ajaxResponseHandler($newtarget, newOptions, command.data);
// Command to remove a chunk from the page.
case 'remove':
// Command to provide an alert.
case 'alert':
alert(command.text, command.title);
// Command to provide the jQuery css() function.
case 'css':
// Attach all registered behaviors to the new content.
// Command to set the settings that will be used for other commands in this response.
case 'settings':
if(typeof command.settings == 'object')
$.extend(true, e107.settings, command.settings);
// Command to attach data using jQuery's data API.
case 'data':
$(command.target).data(command.name, command.value);
// Attach all registered behaviors to the new content.
// Command to apply a jQuery method.
case 'invoke':
var $element = $(command.target);
$element[command.method].apply($element, command.arguments);
// Attach all registered behaviors to the new content.
* Handler for text/html responses. Inserting new content into the DOM.
* @param $target
* JQuery (target) object.
* @param options
* An object with Ajax request options.
* @param data
* Text/HTML content.
e107.callbacks.ajaxResponseHandler = function ($target, options, data)
var html = null;
// If removing content from the wrapper, detach behaviors first.
case 'html':
case 'replaceWith':
// Inserting content.
case 'replaceWith':
html = $.parseHTML(data);
case 'append':
html = $.parseHTML(data);
case 'prepend':
html = $.parseHTML(data);
case 'before':
html = $.parseHTML(data);
case 'after':
html = $.parseHTML(data);
case 'html':
$target.html(data); // .hide().show("slow"); //XXX this adds display:block by default which breaks loading content within inactive tabs.
// Attach all registered behaviors to the new content.
* Wait for final event. Useful when you need to call an event callback
* only once, but event is fired multiple times. For example:
* - resizing window manually
* - wait for User to stop typing
* Example usage:
* @code
* $(window).resize(function () {
* e107.callbacks.waitForFinalEvent(function(){
* alert('Resize...');
* //...
* }, 500, "some unique string");
* });
* @endcode
e107.callbacks.waitForFinalEvent = (function ()
var timers = {};
return function (callback, ms, uniqueId)
uniqueId = "Don't call this twice without a uniqueId";
timers[uniqueId] = setTimeout(callback, ms);
dataFilter: function (data, type) {
if (type != 'json' || !data) {
return data;
return data.replace(/^\/\*-secure-([\s\S]*)\*\/\s*$/, '$1');
cache: false // Was Really NEeded!
//check all
var val = $(this).val(), selector = '.field-spacer';
// e.g. <button id="check-all" value="jstarget:perms"><span>Check All</span></button> - match all checkboxes with attribute 'name="perms[]"
if(val && val.match(/^jstarget\:/))
selector = 'input:checkbox[name^=' + val.split(':')[1] + ']';
$(selector).each( function() {
// checkboxes children of .field-spacer
$(selector).each( function() {
$("#uncheck-all").click(function(event) {
var val = $(this).val(), selector = '.field-spacer';
// e.g. <button id="uncheck-all" value="jstarget:perms"><span>Uncheck All</span></button> - match all checkboxes with attribute 'name="perms[]"
if(val && val.match(/^jstarget\:/))
selector = 'input:checkbox[name^=' + val.split(':')[1] + ']';
$(selector).each( function() {
// checkboxes children of .field-spacer
$(".field-spacer").each( function() {
// On
$(".e-expandit-on").click(function () {
if($(this).is("input") && $(this).attr("type")=='radio')
idt = '#' + $(this).attr("data-target");
idt = $(this).parent().nextAll("div.e-expandit-container");
return true;
var href = ($(this).is("a")) ? $(this).attr("href") : '';
if(href === "#" || href == "")
idt = $(this).nextAll("div.e-expandit-container");
return true; // must be true or radio buttons etc. won't work
var id = $(this).attr("data-expandit");
var id = $(this).attr("href");
return false;
// Off.
$(".e-expandit-off").click(function () {
if($(this).is("input") && $(this).attr("type")=='radio')
idt = '#' + $(this).attr("data-target");
idt = $(this).parent().nextAll("div.e-expandit-container");
return true;
var href = ($(this).is("a")) ? $(this).attr("href") : '';
if(href === "#" || href == "")
idt = $(this).nextAll("div.e-expandit-container");
return true; // must be true or radio buttons etc. won't work
var id = $(this).attr("data-expandit");
var id = $(this).attr("href");
return false;
$('button[type=submit]').on('click', function()
var caption = $(this).text();
var type = $(this).attr('data-loading-icon');
var formid = $(this).closest('form').attr('id');
var but = $(this);
if(type === undefined || (formid === undefined))
return true;
$('#'+formid).submit(function(){ // only animate on successful submission.
caption = "<i class='fa fa-spin " + type + " fa-fw'></i><span>" + caption + "</span>";
if( $(but).attr('data-disable') == 'true')
return true;
// Dates --------------------------------------------------
// https://github.com/smalot/bootstrap-datetimepicker
$("input.e-date").each(function() {
dateFormat: $(this).attr("data-date-format"),
ampm: $(this).attr("data-date-ampm"),
firstDay: $(this).attr("data-date-firstday"),
showButtonPanel: true
$("input.e-datetime").each(function() {
// var name = $(this).attr("name");
// var val = $(this).val();
// alert(name + ': ' + val);
dateFormat: $(this).attr("data-date-format"),
timeFormat: $(this).attr("data-time-format"),
defaultDate: $(this).val(),
defaultValue: $(this).val(),
setDate: $(this).val(),
ampm: $(this).attr("data-date-ampm"),
// firstDay: $(this).attr("data-date-firstday"),
showButtonPanel: true
// Inline versions
$("div.e-date").each(function() {
var id = $(this).attr("id");
var newid = id.replace("inline-", "");
dateFormat: $(this).attr("data-date-format"),
ampm: $(this).attr("data-date-ampm"),
firstDay: $(this).attr("data-date-firstday"),
defaultDate: $("#"+newid).val(),
onSelect: function(dateText, inst) {
$("div.e-datetime").each(function() {
var id = $(this).attr("id");
var newid = id.replace("inline-", "");
dateFormat: $(this).attr("data-date-format"),
ampm: $(this).attr("data-date-ampm"),
showButtonPanel: false,
onSelect: function(dateText, inst) {
$(this).datetimepicker('setDate', $("#"+newid).val());
// Tabs -----------------------------------------------------
$(function() {
$( "#tab-container" ).tabs({cache: true});
// Tabs
$(function() {
$( ".e-tabs" ).tabs();
$('.e-tabs-add').on("click", function(){
var url = $(this).attr('data-url');
var ct = parseInt($("#e-tab-count").val());
var count = ct + 1;
// alert(count);
//return false;
if($("#tab-container").tabs("add",url +'&count='+count,"Page "+count))
$("#tab-container").tabs('select', ct);
return false;
// --------------- Email ----------------------------------------
$('.e-email').on('blur', function() {
// alert('hello');
suggested: function(element, suggestion) {
var id = $(element).nextAll('div.e-email-hint');
// console.log("Hint obj", id);
var hint = id.attr('data-hint');
var mes = hint.replace('[x]',suggestion.full);
empty: function(element) {
// --------------- Passwords -----------------------------
// front-end
$('.e-password').on('keyup', function() {
// var len = $(this).val().length;
// Tooltips for bbarea.
$(".bbcode_buttons, a.e-tip").each(function() {
var tip = $(this).attr('title');
if(tip === undefined)
var pos = $(this).attr('data-tooltip-position');
if(pos === undefined)
pos = 'bottom';
$(this).tooltip({opacity:1.0, fade:true, placement: pos, container: 'body'});
// $(this).css( 'cursor', 'pointer' )
// $(".bbcode_buttons, a.e-tip").tooltip({placement: 'top',opacity: 1.0, fade: true,html: true, container:'body'});
// $("a.e-tip").tipsy({gravity: 'w',opacity: 1.0, fade: true,html: true});
// var tabs = $('#tab-container').clone(true);
// $('#htmlEditor').append(tabs);
var copy = $(this).attr('id');
var add = $(this).attr('data-bbcode');
var func = $(this).attr('data-function');
var diz = $(this).attr('title');
id = $(this).attr('href');
var tmp = id.replace('#','');
if(func == 'insert')
return false;
if(func == 'input')
return false;
if(func == 'show')
// addinput(add,diz);
return false;
if(func == 'add')
return false;
return false;
var add = $(this).val();
return false;
var id = $(this).attr('id');
var diz = $(this).attr('title');
// alert(id);
var tmp = id.split('--');
// alert('#'+tmp[0]);
return false;
var id = $(this).attr('id');
var tmp = id.split('--')
return false;
// $(".e-multiselect").chosen();
// Character Counter
// $("textarea").before("<p class=\"remainingCharacters\" id=\"" + $("textarea").attr("name")+ "-remainingCharacters\"> </p>");
// var max=$(this).attr("maxlength");
var max = 100;
var el = "#" + $(this).attr("name") + "-remainingCharacters";
var valLen=$(this).val().length;
$(el).text( valLen + " characters");
// Dialog
opacity: 0.7,
fastIframe: false,
onComplete: function() {
// $("iframe").contents().find("body").addClass("mediaBody");
$("input.e-dialog").live('click',function() {
var link = $(this).attr("data-target");
modal: true,
open: function ()
height: 600,
iframe: true,
width: 700,
title: 'Dynamically Loaded Page'
return false;
// Modal Box - uses inline hidden content
$(".e-modal").click(function () {
var id = $(this).attr("href");
minWidth: 800,
maxHeight: 700,
modal: true
$('.e-rate').each(function() {
var path = $(this).attr("data-path");
var script = $(this).attr("data-url");
var score = $(this).attr("data-score");
var readonly = parseInt($(this).attr("data-readonly"));
var tmp = $(this).attr('id');
var hint = $(this).attr("data-hint");
var hintArray = hint.split(',');
var t = tmp.split('-');
var table = t[0];
var id = t[1];
var label = '#e-rate-'+ table + '-' + id;
var styles = { 0: ' ', 0.5: 'label-important', 1: 'label-important', 1.5: 'label-warning', 2: 'label-warning', 2.5: 'label-default', 3: 'label-default' , 3.5: 'label-info', 4: 'label-info', 4.5: 'label-success', 5: 'label-success'};
if($('#e-rate-'+tmp).length == 0)
var target = undefined;
var target = '#e-rate-'+tmp;
path : path,
half : true,
score : score,
readOnly : readonly,
hints : hintArray,
// starOff : 'star_off_16.png',
// starOn : 'star_on_16.png',
// starHalf : 'star_half_16.png',
// cancelOff : 'cancel-off-big.png',
// cancelOn : 'cancel-on-big.png',
// size : 16,
target : target,
targetFormat: '{score}',
targetKeep: true,
// targetType : 'number',
targetText : $('#e-rate-'+tmp).text(),
// cancel : true,
// css : 'e-rate-star',
mouseover: function(score, evt)
// alert(score + ' : '+ styles[score]);
// alert('ID: ' + $(this).attr('id') + "\nscore: " + score + "\nevent: " + evt);
mouseout: function(score, evt)
click: function(score, evt) {
type: "POST",
url: script + "?ajax_used=1",
data: { table: table, id: id, score: score }
}).done(function( msg ) {
bla = msg.split('|');
// $( ".field-help" ).tooltip();
// Allow Tabs to be used inside textareas.
$( 'textarea' ).keypress( function( e ) {
if ( e.keyCode == 9 ) {
$( this ).val( $( this ).val() + '\t' );
// Text-area AutoGrow
// $("textarea.e-autoheight").elastic();
// ajax next/prev mechanism - updates url from value.
$(".e-nav").click(function(){ // should be run before ajax.
var src = $(this).attr("data-src");
var inc = parseInt($(this).attr("data-nav-inc"));
var dir = $(this).attr("data-nav-dir");
var tot = parseInt($(this).attr("data-nav-total"));
var val = src.match(/from=(\d+)/);
var amt = parseInt(val[1]);
var oldVal = 'from='+ amt;
var sub = amt - inc;
var add = amt + inc;
if(add > tot)
add = amt;
if(sub < 0)
sub = 0
if(dir == 'down')
var newVal = 'from='+ sub;
var newVal = 'from='+ add;
src = src.replace(oldVal, newVal);
// Does the same as externalLinks();
$('a').each(function() {
var href = $(this).attr("href");
var rel = $(this).attr("rel");
if(href && rel == 'external')
// Store selected textarea.
$('.tbox.bbarea').click(function() {
// Legacy Stuff to be converted.
// BC Expandit() function
var nowLocal = new Date(); /* time at very beginning of js execution */
var localTime = Math.floor(nowLocal.getTime()/1000); /* time, in ms -- recorded at top of jscript */
function expandit(e) {
if(typeof e === 'object')
var href = $(e).attr("href");
if(href === "#" || e === null || href === undefined)
idt = $(e).next("div");
return false;
var id = "#" + e;
return false;
var addinput = function(text,rep) {
// quick fix to prevent JS errors - proper match was done only for latin words
// var rep = text.match(/\=([^\]]*)\]/);
// var rep = '';
var val = rep ? prompt(rep) : prompt('http://');
var newtext = text.replace('*', val);
emote = '';
addtext(newtext, emote);
function SyncWithServerTime(serverTime, path, domain)
if (serverTime)
/* update time difference cookie */
var serverDelta=Math.floor(localTime-serverTime);
if(!path) path = '/';
if(!domain) domain = '';
else domain = '; domain=' + domain;
document.cookie = 'e107_tdOffset='+serverDelta+'; path='+path+domain;
document.cookie = 'e107_tdSetTime='+(localTime-serverDelta)+'; path='+path+domain; /* server time when set */
var tzCookie = 'e107_tzOffset=';
// if (document.cookie.indexOf(tzCookie) < 0) {
/* set if not already set */
var timezoneOffset = nowLocal.getTimezoneOffset(); /* client-to-GMT in minutes */
document.cookie = tzCookie + timezoneOffset+'; path='+path+domain;
// }
function urljump(url){
top.window.location = url;
function setInner(id, txt) {
document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = txt;
function jsconfirm(thetext){
return confirm(thetext);
function insertext(str,tagid,display){
document.getElementById(tagid).value = str;
function appendtext(str,tagid,display){
document.getElementById(tagid).value += str;
function open_window(url,wth,hgt) {
if('full' == wth){
pwindow = window.open(url);
} else {
if (wth) {
} else {
if (hgt) {
} else {
pwindow = window.open(url,'Name', 'top=100,left=100,resizable=yes,width='+mywidth+',height='+myheight+',scrollbars=yes,menubar=yes');
function ejs_preload(ejs_path, ejs_imageString){
var ejs_imageArray = ejs_imageString.split(',');
for(ejs_loadall=0; ejs_loadall<ejs_imageArray.length; ejs_loadall++){
var ejs_LoadedImage=new Image();
ejs_LoadedImage.src=ejs_path + ejs_imageArray[ejs_loadall];
function textCounter(field,cntfield) {
cntfield.value = field.value.length;
function openwindow() {
opener = window.open("htmlarea/index.php", "popup","top=50,left=100,resizable=no,width=670,height=520,scrollbars=no,menubar=no");
function setCheckboxes(the_form, do_check, the_cb){
var elts = (typeof(document.forms[the_form].elements[the_cb]) != 'undefined') ? document.forms[the_form].elements[the_cb] : document.forms[the_form].elements[the_cb];
var elts =(typeof(document.getElementById(the_form).elements[the_cb]) != 'undefined') ? document.getElementById(the_form).elements[the_cb] : document.getElementById(the_form).elements[the_cb];
var elts = document.getElementById(the_form);
var elts_cnt = (typeof(elts.length) != 'undefined') ? elts.length : 0;
for(var i = 0; i < elts_cnt; i++){
elts[i].checked = do_check;
elts.checked = do_check;
return true;
var ref=""+escape(top.document.referrer);
var colord = window.screen.colorDepth;
var res = window.screen.width + "x" + window.screen.height;
var eself = document.location;
var e107_selectedInputArea;
/* TODO: @SecretR - Object of removal
// From http://phpbb.com
var clientPC = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var clientVer = parseInt(navigator.appVersion);
var is_ie = ((clientPC.indexOf("msie") != -1) && (clientPC.indexOf("opera") == -1));
var is_nav = ((clientPC.indexOf('mozilla')!=-1) && (clientPC.indexOf('spoofer')==-1) && (clientPC.indexOf('compatible') == -1) && (clientPC.indexOf('opera')==-1) && (clientPC.indexOf('webtv')==-1) && (clientPC.indexOf('hotjava')==-1));
var is_moz = 0;
var is_win = ((clientPC.indexOf("win")!=-1) || (clientPC.indexOf("16bit") != -1));
var is_mac = (clientPC.indexOf("mac")!=-1);
var e107_selectedInputArea;
var e107_selectedRange;
// From http://www.massless.org/mozedit/
function mozWrap(txtarea, open, close){
var selLength = txtarea.textLength;
var selStart = txtarea.selectionStart;
var selEnd = txtarea.selectionEnd;
if (selEnd == 1 || selEnd == 2) selEnd = selLength;
var s1 = (txtarea.value).substring(0,selStart);
var s2 = (txtarea.value).substring(selStart, selEnd)
var s3 = (txtarea.value).substring(selEnd, selLength);
txtarea.value = s1 + open + s2 + close + s3;
function mozSwap(txtarea, newtext){
var selLength = txtarea.textLength;
var selStart = txtarea.selectionStart;
var selEnd = txtarea.selectionEnd;
if (selEnd == 1 || selEnd == 2) selEnd = selLength;
var s1 = (txtarea.value).substring(0,selStart);
var s3 = (txtarea.value).substring(selEnd, selLength);
txtarea.value = s1 + newtext + s3;
function storeCaret (textAr){
e107_selectedInputArea = textAr;
/* TODO: @SecretR - Object of removal - not needed anymore
if (textAr.createTextRange){
e107_selectedRange = document.selection.createRange().duplicate();
* New improved version - fixed scroll to top behaviour when inserting BBcodes
* @TODO - improve it more (0.8)
function addtext(text, emote) {
if (!window.e107_selectedInputArea) {
return; //[SecretR] TODO - alert the user
var eField = e107_selectedInputArea;
var eSelection = false;
var tagOpen = '';
var tagClose = '';
if (emote != true) { // Split if its a paired bbcode
var tmp = text.split('][', 2);
if (tmp[0] == text) {
tagOpen = text;
} else {
tagOpen = tmp[0] + ']';
tagClose = '[' + tmp[1];
} else { //Insert Emote
tagOpen = text;
// Windows user
if (document.selection) {
eSelection = document.selection.createRange().text;
if (eSelection) {
document.selection.createRange().text = tagOpen + eSelection + tagClose;
} else {
document.selection.createRange().text = tagOpen + tagClose;
eSelection = '';
var scrollPos = eField.scrollTop;
var selLength = eField.textLength;
var selStart = eField.selectionStart;
var selEnd = eField.selectionEnd;
if (selEnd <= 2 && typeof(selLength) != 'undefined' && (selStart != selEnd)) {
selEnd = selLength;
var sel1 = (eField.value).substring(0,selStart);
var sel2 = (eField.value).substring(selStart, selEnd);
var sel3 = (eField.value).substring(selEnd, selLength);
var newStart = selStart + tagOpen.length + sel2.length + tagClose.length;
eField.value = sel1 + tagOpen + sel2 + tagClose + sel3;
eField.selectionStart = newStart;
eField.selectionEnd = newStart;
eField.scrollTop = scrollPos;
function help(helpstr,tagid){
document.getElementById(tagid).value = helpstr;
} else if(document.getElementById('dataform')) {
document.getElementById('dataform').helpb.value = helpstr;
function externalLinks() {
if (!document.getElementsByTagName) return;
var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
for (var i=0; i<anchors.length; i++) {
var anchor = anchors[i];
if (anchor.getAttribute("href") &&
anchor.getAttribute("rel") == "external")
anchor.target = "_blank";
function eover(object, over) {
object.className = over;
var e107_dupCounter = 1;
function duplicateHTML(copy,paste,baseid){
var type = document.getElementById(copy).nodeName; // get the tag name of the source copy.
var but = document.createElement('button');
var br = document.createElement('br');
but.type = 'button';
but.innerHTML = 'x';
but.value = 'x';
but.className = 'btn btn-default button';
but.onclick = function(){ this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode); };
var destination = document.getElementById(paste);
var source = document.getElementById(copy).cloneNode(true);
var newentry = document.createElement(type);
newentry.className = 'form-inline';
newid = baseid+e107_dupCounter;
newentry.innerHTML = newentry.innerHTML.replace(new RegExp(baseid, 'g'), newid);
function preview_image(src_val,img_path, not_found)
var ta;
var desti = src_val + '_prev';
ta = document.getElementById(src_val).value;
document.getElementById(desti).src = img_path + ta;
document.getElementById(desti).src = not_found;
// BC Ajax function
function sendInfo(handler, container, form)
var data = $(form).serialize();
type: 'post',
url: handler,
data: data,
success: function(data)
// console.log(data);
return false;
//$(container).load(handler,function() {
// alert(src);
// $(this).fadeIn();
// });
// $(form).submitForm(container, null, handler);
// new e107Ajax.Updater(container, handler);