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Executable File
275 lines
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Executable File
* e107 website system
* Copyright (C) 2008-2013 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
if (!defined('e107_INIT')) exit;
e107::lan('forum','menu',true); // English_menu.php or {LANGUAGE}_menu.php
class forum_newforumposts_menu // plugin folder + menu name (without the .php)
private $plugPref;
private $menuPref;
private $forumObj;
private $total = array();
private $cacheTag = 'nfpCache';
private $cacheTime = 1; // cache time in minutes.
function __construct()
$this->plugPref = e107::pref('forum'); // general forum preferences.
$this->menuPref = e107::getMenu()->pref();// ie. popup config details from within menu-manager.
$this->forumObj = new e107forum;
// Set some defaults ...
if (!isset($this->menuPref['title'])) $this->menuPref['title'] = "";
if (empty($this->menuPref['display'])) $this->menuPref['display'] = 10;
if (empty($this->menuPref['maxage'])) $this->menuPref['maxage'] = 0;
if (empty($this->menuPref['characters'])) $this->menuPref['characters'] = 120;
if (empty($this->menuPref['postfix'])) $this->menuPref['postfix'] = '...';
if (!isset($this->menuPref['scroll'])) $this->menuPref['scroll'] = "";
if (empty($this->menuPref['layout'])) $this->menuPref['layout'] = 'default';
$this->cacheTag .= "_".$this->menuPref['layout'];
if($text = e107::getCache()->retrieve($this->cacheTag, $this->cacheTime, true))
e107::getDebug()->log("New Forum Posts Menu Cache Rendered");
$caption = $this->getCaption();
e107::getRender()->tablerender($caption, $text, 'nfp_menu');
return null;
$sql = e107::getDb();
$this->total['topics'] = $sql->count("forum_thread");
$this->total['replies'] = $sql->count("forum_post");
if($sql->gen("SELECT sum(thread_views) as sum FROM #forum_thread"))
$tmp = $sql->fetch();
$this->total['views'] = intval($tmp["sum"]);
private function getQuery()
$max_age = vartrue($this->menuPref['maxage'], 0);
$max_age = ($max_age == 0) ? '' : '(p.post_datestamp > '.(time()-(int)$max_age*86400).') AND ';
$viewPerm = $this->forumObj->getForumPermList('view');
$forumList = implode(',', $viewPerm);
// if forumlist is empty (no forum categories created yet), return false;
return false;
$this->menuPref['layout'] = vartrue($this->menuPref['layout'], 'default');
case "minimal":
case "default":
$qry = "
p.post_user, p.post_id, p.post_datestamp, p.post_user_anon, p.post_entry,
u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_image, u.user_currentvisit,
lu.user_name as thread_lastuser_username,
f.forum_name, f.forum_sef
FROM `#forum_post` as p
LEFT JOIN `#forum_thread` AS t ON t.thread_id = p.post_thread
LEFT JOIN `#forum` as f ON f.forum_id = t.thread_forum_id
LEFT JOIN `#user` AS u ON u.user_id = p.post_user
LEFT JOIN `#user` AS lu ON t.thread_lastuser = lu.user_id
WHERE {$max_age} p.post_forum IN ({$forumList})
ORDER BY p.post_datestamp DESC LIMIT 0, ".vartrue($this->menuPref['display'],10);
// standardized field names. thread_user_[user table fields without the '_')
$qry = "
SELECT t.thread_id, t.thread_name, t.thread_datestamp, t.thread_user, t.thread_views, t.thread_lastpost, t.thread_lastuser, t.thread_total_replies, t.thread_active,
MAX(p.post_id) AS post_id,
f.forum_id, f.forum_name, f.forum_class, f.forum_sef,
u.user_name as thread_user_username,
u.user_image as thread_user_userimage,
u.user_currentvisit as thread_user_usercurrentvisit,
fp.forum_class, fp.forum_sef as forum_parent_sef,
lp.user_name AS thread_lastuser_username
FROM #forum_thread AS t
LEFT JOIN #forum_post AS p ON t.thread_id = p.post_thread
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON t.thread_user = u.user_id
LEFT JOIN #user AS lp ON t.thread_lastuser = lp.user_id
LEFT JOIN #forum AS f ON f.forum_id = t.thread_forum_id
LEFT JOIN #forum AS fp ON f.forum_parent = fp.forum_id
WHERE f.forum_id = t.thread_forum_id AND f.forum_class IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.")
AND fp.forum_class IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.")
GROUP BY t.thread_id
ORDER BY t.thread_lastpost DESC LIMIT 0, ".vartrue($this->menuPref['display'],10);
return $qry;
private function render()
$tp = e107::getParser();
$sql = e107::getDb('nfp');
// $pref = e107::getPref();
$qry = $this->getQuery();
$ns = e107::getRender();
$list = null;
$text = null;
$layout = 'minimal';
if (!empty($this->menuPref['title']) && intval($this->menuPref['title']) === 1) // legacy pref value
$layout = 'default';
if(!empty($this->menuPref['layout'])) // @see e_menu
$layout = $this->menuPref['layout'];
$template = e107::getTemplate('forum','newforumposts_menu',$layout);
$param = array();
foreach($this->menuPref as $k=>$v)
$param['nfp_'.$k] = $v;
if($results = $sql->gen($qry))
/* if($tp->thumbWidth() > 250) // Fix for unset image size.
$sc = e107::getScBatch('view', 'forum')->setScVar('param',$param);
$list = $tp->parseTemplate($template['start'], true);
while($row = $sql->fetch())
$row['thread_sef'] = $this->forumObj->getThreadSef($row);
$sc->setScVar('postInfo', $row);
$list .= $tp->parseTemplate($template['item'], true, $sc);
$TOTALS = array('TOTAL_TOPICS'=>$this->total['topics'], 'TOTAL_VIEWS'=>$this->total['views'], 'TOTAL_REPLIES'=>$this->total['replies']);
$list .= $tp->parseTemplate($template['end'], true, $TOTALS);
$text = $list;
$text = LAN_FORUM_MENU_002;
$text = LAN_FORUM_MENU_016;
$caption = $this->getCaption();
$text = "<div class='newforumposts-menu-scroll' style='border: 0; width: auto; height: ".intval($this->menuPref['scroll'])."px; overflow: auto; '>".$text."</div>";
// e107::debug('menuPref', $this->menuPref);
e107::getCache()->set($this->cacheTag, $text, true);
$ns->tablerender($caption, $text, 'nfp_menu');
private function getCaption()
if (!empty($this->menuPref['caption']))
if (array_key_exists(e_LANGUAGE, $this->menuPref['caption']))
// Language key exists
$caption = vartrue($this->menuPref['caption'][e_LANGUAGE], LAN_PLUGIN_FORUM_LATESTPOSTS);
elseif (is_array($this->menuPref['caption']))
// Language key not found
$keys = array_keys($caption = $this->menuPref['caption']);
// Just first language key from the list
$caption = vartrue($this->menuPref['caption'][$keys[0]], LAN_PLUGIN_FORUM_LATESTPOSTS);
// No multilan array, just plain text
$caption = vartrue($this->menuPref['caption'], LAN_PLUGIN_FORUM_LATESTPOSTS);
//$caption = !empty($this->menuPref['caption'][e_LANGUAGE]) ? $this->menuPref['caption'][e_LANGUAGE] : $this->menuPref['caption'];
if (empty($caption))
return $caption;
new forum_newforumposts_menu;