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* e107 website system
* Copyright 2001-2013 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* Site access logging - 'receiver'
/* File to log page accesses - called with
e_PLUGIN_ABS."log/log.php?base64encode(referer=' + ref + '&color=' + colord + '&eself=' + eself + '&res=' + res + '\">' );)";
referer= ref
color= colord
eself= eself
res= res
err_direct - optional error flag
err_referer - referrer if came via error page
qry = 1 to log query part as well
// Normally the file is 'silent' - if any errors occur, any error message appears in the page header.
// error_reporting(E_ALL);
require_once("../../class2.php"); // More secure to include it.
header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate'); // See if this discourages browser caching
header('Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT'); // Date in the past
define('LOG_DEBUG', false);
// @example url: e107_plugins/log/log.php?lv=cmVmZXJlcj1odHRwJTNBLy9sb2NhbGhvc3QlM0E4MDgwL2UxMDdfMi4wL3N0YXRzJmNvbG91cj0yNCZlc2VsZj1odHRwJTNBLy9sb2NhbGhvc3QlM0E4MDgwL2UxMDdfMi4wL2UxMDdfcGx1Z2lucy9sb2cvc3RhdHMucGhwJTNGMiZyZXM9MTkyMHgxMjAw
if(LOG_DEBUG == true)
echo "Debug is Active";
if (!vartrue($pref['statActivate']))
if(LOG_DEBUG == true)
echo "Stats log is inactive";
define('log_INIT', TRUE);
// Array of page names which should have individual query values recorded.
// The top level array index is the page name.
// If the top level value is an array, it must be an array of query string beginnings to match.
$pageUnique = array('page' => 1, 'content' => array('content'));
//$logVals = urldecode(base64_decode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']));
//$logVals = urldecode(base64_decode($_GET['lv']));
// --------------- Reworked for v2.x ------------------------
$logVals = base64_decode($_GET['lv']);
$logVals .= "&ip=".USERIP;
$logVals .= "&iphost=". @gethostbyaddr(USERIP);
$logVals .= "&lan=".e_LAN;
$logVals .= "&agent=".$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
parse_str($logVals, $vals);
$vals['referer'] = urldecode($vals['referer']);
$vals['eself'] = urldecode($vals['eself']);
if(empty($_SESSION['log_userLoggedPages']) || !in_array($vals['eself'],$_SESSION['log_userLoggedPages']))
$_SESSION['log_userLoggedPages'][] = $vals['eself'];
$logVals .= "&unique=1";
$logVals .= "&unique=0";
$logVals = str_replace('%3A',':',$logVals); // make the URLs a bit cleaner, while keeping any urlqueries encoded.
$lg = e107::getAdminLog();
$lg->addDebug(print_r($logVals, true));
$lg->toFile('SiteStats','Statistics Log', true);
// ------------------------------------ ---------------------
// We MUST have a timezone set in PHP >= 5.3. This should work for PHP >= 5.1:
// @todo may be able to remove this check once minimum PHP version finalised
if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_get'))
date_default_timezone_set(@date_default_timezone_get()); // Just set a default - it should default to UTC if no timezone set
//$logfp = fopen(e_LOG.'rcvstring.txt', 'a+'); fwrite($logfp, $logVals."\n"); fclose($logfp);
//$logfp = fopen(e_LOG.'rcvstring.txt', 'a+'); fwrite($logfp, print_r($vals, TRUE)."\n"); fclose($logfp);
$colour = strip_tags((isset($vals['colour']) ? $vals['colour'] : ''));
$res = strip_tags((isset($vals['res']) ? $vals['res'] : ''));
$self = strip_tags((isset($vals['eself']) ? $vals['eself'] : ''));
$ref = addslashes(strip_tags((isset($vals['referer']) ? $vals['referer'] : '')));
$logQry = isset($vals['qry']) && $vals['qry'];
$date = date('z.Y', time());
$logPfile = e_LOG.'logp_'.$date.'.php';
//$logString = "Colour: {$colour} Res: {$res} Self: {$self} Referrer: {$ref} ErrCode: {$vals['err_direct']}\n";
//$logfp = fopen(e_LOG.'rcvstring.txt', 'a+'); fwrite($logfp, $logString); fclose($logfp);
// vet resolution and colour depth some more - avoid dud values
if ($res && preg_match("#.*?((\d+)\w+?(\d+))#", $res, $match))
$res = $match[2].'x'.$match[3];
$res = '??'; // Can't decode resolution
if ($colour && preg_match("#.*?(\d+)#",$colour,$match))
$colour = intval($match[1]);
if ($err_code = strip_tags((isset($vals['err_direct']) ? $vals['err_direct'] : '')))
$ref = addslashes(strip_tags(isset($vals['err_referer']) ? $vals['err_referer'] : ''));
// Uncomment the next two lines to create a separate CSV format log of invalid accesses - error code, entered URL, referrer
// $log_string = $err_code.",".$self.",".$ref;
// $logfp = fopen(e_LOG."errpages.csv", 'a+'); fwrite($logfp, $log_string."\n\r"); fclose($logfp);
$err_code .= ':';
if(strstr($ref, 'admin'))
$ref = FALSE;
$screenstats = $res.'@'.$colour;
$ip = e107::getIPHandler()->ipDecode(USERIP);
$oldref = $ref; // backup for search string being stripped off for referer
if($ref && !strstr($ref, $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']))
if(preg_match("#http://(.*?)($|/)#is", $ref, $match))
$ref = $match[0];
$pageDisallow = "cache|file|eself|admin";
$tagRemove = "(\\\)|(\s)|(\')|(\")|(eself)|( )|(\.php)|(\.html)";
$tagRemove2 = "(\\\)|(\s)|(\')|(\")|(eself)|( )";
function logGetPageKey($url,$logQry=false,$err_code='')
global $pageDisallow, $tagRemove;
preg_match("#/(.*?)(\?|$)(.*)#si", $url, $match);
$match[1] = isset($match[1]) ? $match[1] : '';
$pageName = substr($match[1], (strrpos($match[1], "/")+1));
$pageName = preg_replace("/".$tagRemove."/si", "", $pageName);
if($pageName == "")
return "index";
if(preg_match("/".$pageDisallow."/i", $pageName))
return false;
if ($logQry)
$pageName .= '+'.$match[3]; // All queries match
$pageName = $err_code.$pageName; // Add the error code at the beginning, so its treated uniquely
return $pageName;
$lgc = new logConsolidate;
if(!$pageName = $lgc->getPageKey($self,false,$err_code,e_LAN))
if(LOG_DEBUG == true)
echo 'pageName was empty';
if(LOG_DEBUG == true)
echo "<br />File: ".$logPfile;
//$logfp = fopen(e_LOG.'rcvstring.txt', 'a+'); fwrite($logfp, $pageName."\n"); fclose($logfp);
$p_handle = fopen($logPfile, 'r+');
if($p_handle && flock( $p_handle, LOCK_EX ) )
$log_file_contents = '';
while (!feof($p_handle)) // Assemble a string of data
$log_file_contents.= fgets($p_handle,1000);
$log_file_contents = str_replace(array('<'.'?php','?'.'>'),'',$log_file_contents);
if (eval($log_file_contents) === FALSE && getperms('0'))
echo "Error in log file contents: ".$logPfile;
echo "Couldn't log data to: ".$logPfile; // returned to js popup.
$flag = FALSE;
if(array_key_exists($pageName, $pageInfo))
{ // Existing page - just increment stats
$pageInfo[$pageName]['ttl'] ++;
{ // First access of page
$url = preg_replace("/".$tagRemove2."/si", "", $self);
if(preg_match("/".$pageDisallow."/i", $url)) return;
$pageInfo[$pageName] = array('url' => $url, 'ttl' => 1, 'unq' => 1);
$flag = TRUE;
if(!strstr($ipAddresses, $ip))
{ /* unique visit */
$pageInfo[$pageName]['unq'] ++;
$siteUnique ++;
$ipAddresses .= $ip."."; // IP address is stored as hex string
$siteTotal ++;
$info_data = var_export($pageInfo, true);
//$date_stamp = date("z:Y", time()); // Same as '$date' variable
$data = "<?php
/* e107 website system: Log file: {$date} */
\$ipAddresses = '{$ipAddresses}';
\$siteTotal = '{$siteTotal}';
\$siteUnique = '{$siteUnique}';
\$pageInfo = {$info_data};
if ($p_handle)
ftruncate($p_handle, 0 );
fseek( $p_handle, 0 );
fwrite($p_handle, $data);
if(LOG_DEBUG == true)
echo '<br />Script Completed';