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+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| e107 website system
| ?Steve Dunstan 2001-2002
| http://e107.org
| jalist@e107.org
| Released under the terms and conditions of the
| GNU General Public License (http://gnu.org).
| $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.8/e107_handlers/admin_log_class.php,v $
| $Revision: 1.16 $
| $Date: 2009-09-13 16:37:18 $
| $Author: secretr $
To do:
1. Do we need to check for presence of elements of debug_backtrace() to avoid notices?
2. Reflect possible DB structure changes once finalised
3. Ad user audit trail
if (!defined('e107_INIT'))
* Admin logging class.
class e_admin_log
* Contains default class options, plus any that are overidden by the constructor
* @var array
var $_options = array('log_level'=>2, 'backtrace'=>false, );
var $rldb = NULL; // Database used by logging routine
* Constructor. Sets up constants and overwrites default options where set.
* @param array $options
* @return e_admin_log
function __construct($options = array())
foreach ($options as $key=>$val)
$this->_options[$key] = $val;
define("E_LOG_INFORMATIVE", 0); // Minimal Log Level, including really minor stuff
define("E_LOG_NOTICE", 1); // More important than informative, but less important than notice
define("E_LOG_WARNING", 2); // Not anything serious, but important information
define("E_LOG_FATAL", 3); // An event so bad your site ceased execution.
define("E_LOG_PLUGIN", 4); // Plugin information
// Logging actions
define("LOG_TO_ADMIN", 1);
define("LOG_TO_AUDIT", 2);
define("LOG_TO_ROLLING", 4);
// User audit logging (intentionally start at 10 - stick to 2 digits)
define('USER_AUDIT_ADMIN', 10); // User data changed by admin
define('USER_AUDIT_SIGNUP', 11); // User signed up
define('USER_AUDIT_EMAILACK', 12); // User responded to registration email
define('USER_AUDIT_LOGIN', 13); // User logged in
define('USER_AUDIT_LOGOUT', 14); // User logged out
define('USER_AUDIT_NEW_DN', 15); // User changed display name
define('USER_AUDIT_NEW_PW', 16); // User changed password
define('USER_AUDIT_NEW_EML', 17); // User changed email
define('USER_AUDIT_PW_RES', 18); // Password reset/resent activation email
define('USER_AUDIT_NEW_SET', 19); // User changed other settings
define('USER_AUDIT_ADD_ADMIN', 20); // User added by admin
* Alternative admin log entry point - compatible with legacy calls, and a bit simpler to use than the generic entry point.
* ($eventcode has been added - give it a reference to identify the source module, such as 'NEWS_12' or 'ECAL_03')
* We also log everything (unlike 0.7, where admin log and debug stuff were all mixed up together)
* @param string $event_title
* @param mixed $event_detail
* @param integer $event_type [optional] Log level
* @param unknown $event_code [optional]
* @return e_admin_log
function log_event($event_title, $event_detail, $event_type = E_LOG_INFORMATIVE , $event_code = '')
if ($event_code == '')
if (strlen($event_title) <= 10)
{ // Assume the title is actually a reference to the event
$event_code = $event_title;
$event_title = 'LAN_AL_'.$event_title;
$event_code = 'ADMIN';
//SecretR - now supports DB array as event_detail (see e.g. db::db_Insert())
if (is_array($event_detail))
$tmp = array();
if (isset($event_detail['data']))
$event_detail = $event_detail['data'];
foreach ($event_detail as $k => $v)
$tmp[] = $k.'=>'.$v;
$event_detail = implode("[!br!]\n", $tmp);
if ($this->_options['backtrace'] == true)
$event_detail .= "\n\n".debug_backtrace();
$this->e_log_event($event_type, -1, $event_code, $event_title, $event_detail, FALSE, LOG_TO_ADMIN);
return $this;
Generic log entry point
Example call: (Deliberately pick separators that shouldn't be in file names)
e_log_event(E_LOG_NOTICE,__FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__,"ECODE","Event Title","explanatory message",FALSE,LOG_TO_ADMIN);
e_log_event(E_LOG_NOTICE,debug_backtrace(),"ECODE","Event Title","explanatory message",TRUE,LOG_TO_ROLLING);
$importance - importance of event - 0..4 or so
$source_call - either: string identifying calling file/routine
or: a number 0..9 identifying info to log from debug_backtrace()
or: empty string, in which case first entry from debug_backtrace() logged
or: an array, assumed to be from passing debug_backtrace() as a parameter, in which case relevant
information is extracted and the argument list from the first entry logged
or: -1, in which case no information logged
$eventcode - abbreviation listing event type
$event_title - title of event - pass standard 'LAN_ERROR_nn' defines to allow language translation
$explain - detail of event
$finished - if TRUE, aborts execution
$target_logs - flags indicating which logs to update - if entry to be posted in several logs, add (or 'OR') their defines:
LOG_TO_ADMIN - admin log
LOG_TO_AUDIT - audit log
LOG_TO_ROLLING - rolling log
function e_log_event($importance, $source_call, $eventcode = "GEN", $event_title = "Untitled", $explain = "", $finished = FALSE, $target_logs = LOG_TO_AUDIT )
global $pref,$e107,$tp;
list($time_usec, $time_sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); // Log event time immediately to minimise uncertainty
$time_usec = $time_usec * 1000000;
if ($this->rldb == NULL)
$this->rldb = new db; // Better use our own db - don't know what else is going on
if (is_bool($target_logs))
{ // Handle the legacy stuff for now - some old code used a boolean to select admin or rolling logs
$target_logs = $target_logs ? LOG_TO_ADMIN : LOG_TO_ROLLING;
// Calculations common to all logs
$userid = (USER === TRUE) ? USERID : 0;
$userstring = (USER === true ? USERNAME : "LAN_ANONYMOUS");
$userIP = $e107->getip();
$importance = $tp->toDB($importance, true, false, 'no_html');
$eventcode = $tp->toDB($eventcode, true, false, 'no_html');
if (is_array($explain))
$line = '';
$spacer = '';
foreach ($explain as $k=>$v)
$line .= $spacer.$k.'=>'.$v;
$spacer = '[!br!]';
$explain = $line;
$explain = mysql_real_escape_string($tp->toDB($explain, true, false, 'no_html'));
$event_title = $tp->toDB($event_title, true, false, 'no_html');
// Admin Log
if ($target_logs & LOG_TO_ADMIN)
{ // Admin log - assume all fields valid
$qry = " 0, ".intval($time_sec).','.intval($time_usec).", '{$importance}', '{$eventcode}', {$userid}, '{$userIP}', '{$event_title}', '{$explain}' ";
$this->rldb->db_Insert("admin_log", $qry);
// Audit Log
// Add in audit log here
// Rolling Log
if (($target_logs & LOG_TO_ROLLING) && varsettrue($pref['roll_log_active']))
{ // Rolling log
// Process source_call info
if (is_numeric($source_call) && ($source_call >= 0))
$back_count = 1;
$i = 0;
if (is_numeric($source_call) || ($source_call == ''))
$back_count = $source_call + 1;
$source_call = debug_backtrace();
$i = 1; // Don't want to print the entry parameters to this function - we know all that!
if (is_array($source_call))
{ // Print the debug_backtrace() array
while ($i < $back_count)
$source_call[$i]['file'] = $e107->fix_windows_paths($source_call[$i]['file']); // Needed for Windoze hosts.
$source_call[$i]['file'] = str_replace($e107->file_path, "", $source_call[$i]['file']); // We really just want a e107 root-relative path. Strip out the root bit
$tmp = $source_call[$i]['file']."|".$source_call[$i]['class'].$source_call[$i]['type'].$source_call[$i]['function']."@".$source_call[$i]['line'];
foreach ($source_call[$i]['args'] as $k=>$v)
{ // Add in the arguments
$explain .= "[!br!]".$k."=".$v;
if ($i < $back_count)
$explain .= "[!br!]-------------------";
if (!isset($tmp1))
$tmp1 = $tmp; // Pick off the immediate caller as the source
if (isset($tmp1)) $source_call = $tmp1;
else $source_call = 'Root level';
$source_call = $e107->fix_windows_paths($source_call); // Needed for Windoze hosts.
$source_call = str_replace($e107->file_path, "", $source_call); // We really just want a e107 root-relative path. Strip out the root bit
$source_call = $tp->toDB($source_call, true, false, 'no_html');
// else $source_call is a string
// Save new rolling log record
$this->rldb->db_Insert("dblog", "0, ".intval($time_sec).', '.intval($time_usec).", '{$importance}', '{$eventcode}', {$userid}, '{$userstring}', '{$userIP}', '{$source_call}', '{$event_title}', '{$explain}' ");
// Now delete any old stuff
$this->rldb->db_Delete("dblog", "dblog_datestamp < '".intval(time() - (varset($pref['roll_log_days'], 7) * 86400))."' ");
if ($finished)
exit; // Optional abort for all logs
// $event_code is a defined constant (see above) which specifies the event
// $event_data is an array of data fields whose keys and values are logged (usually user data, but doesn't have to be - can add messages here)
// $id and $u_name are left blank except for admin edits and user login, where they specify the id and login name of the 'target' user
function user_audit($event_type, $event_data, $id = '', $u_name = '')
global $e107,$tp,$pref;
list($time_usec, $time_sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); // Log event time immediately to minimise uncertainty
$time_usec = $time_usec * 1000000;
// See whether we should log this
$user_logging_opts = array_flip(explode(',', varset($pref['user_audit_opts'], '')));
if (!isset($user_logging_opts[$event_type]))
return; // Finished if not set to log this event type
if ($this->rldb == NULL)
$this->rldb = new db; // Better use our own db - don't know what else is going on
if ($id) $userid = $id;
else $userid = (USER === TRUE) ? USERID : 0;
if ($u_name) $userstring = $u_name;
else $userstring = (USER === true ? USERNAME : "LAN_ANONYMOUS");
$userIP = $e107->getip();
$eventcode = 'USER_'.$event_type;
$title = 'LAN_AUDIT_LOG_0'.$event_type; // This creates a string which will be displayed as a constant
$spacer = '';
$detail = '';
foreach ($event_data as $k=>$v)
$detail .= $spacer.$k.'=>'.$v;
$spacer = '<br />';
$this->rldb->db_Insert("audit_log", "0, ".intval($time_sec).', '.intval($time_usec).", '{$eventcode}', {$userid}, '{$userstring}', '{$userIP}', '{$title}', '{$detail}' ");
function get_log_events($count = 15, $offset)
global $sql;
$count = intval($count);
return "Not implemented yet";
* Removes all events older than $days, or truncates the table if $days == false
* @param int $days
function purge_log_events($days)
global $sql;
if ($days == false)
{ // $days is false, so truncate the log table
$sql->db_Select_gen("TRUNCATE TABLE #dblog ");
{ // $days is set, so remove all entries older than that.
$days = intval($days);
$mintime = $days * 24 * 60 * 60;
$time = time() - $mintime;
$sql->db_Delete("dblog", "WHERE `dblog_datestamp` < {$time}", true);
// Generic routine to log changes to an array. Only elements in $new are checked
// Returns true if changes, false otherwise.
// Only makes log entry if changes detected.
// The $old array is updated with changes, but not saved anywhere
function logArrayDiffs(&$new, &$old, $event)
$changes = array();
foreach ($new as $k=>$v)
if ($v != $old[$k])
$old[$k] = $v;
$changes[] = $k.'=>'.$v;
if (count($changes))
$this->log_event($event, implode('[!br!]', $changes), E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, '');
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// Logs an entry with all the data from an array, one field per line.
// If $extra is non-empty, it goes on the first line.
// Normally data is in the format keyname=>value, one per line.
// If the $niceName array exists and has a definition, the 'nice Name' is displayed instead of the key name
function logArrayAll($event, $target, $extra = '', $niceNames = NULL)
$logString = '';
if ($extra)
$logString = $extra.'[!br!]';
$spacer = '';
$checkNice = ($niceNames != NULL) && is_array($niceNames);
foreach ($target as $k=>$v)
if ($checkNice && isset($niceNames[$k]['niceName']))
$logString .= $spacer.$niceNames[$k]['niceName'].'=>'.$v;
$logString .= $spacer.$k.'=>'.$v;
$spacer = '[!br!]';
$this->log_event($event, $logString, E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, '');