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139 lines
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* Copyright (c) e107 Inc e107.org, Licensed under GNU GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* $Id: e_shortcode.php 12438 2011-12-05 15:12:56Z secretr $
* Featurebox shortcode batch class - shortcodes available site-wide. ie. equivalent to multiple .sc files.
if (!defined('e107_INIT')) { exit; }
class gallery_shortcodes extends e_shortcode
public $total = 0;
public $amount = 3;
public $from = 0;
public $curCat = null;
public $sliderCat = 1;
public $slideMode = FALSE;
public $slideCount = 1;
function sc_gallery_caption($parm='')
$tp = e107::getParser();
$text = "<a class='gallery-caption' title='".$tp->toAttribute($this->var['media_caption'])."' href='".e107::getParser()->replaceConstants($this->var['media_url'],'abs')."' rel='lightbox.Gallery2' >";
$text .= $this->var['media_caption'];
$text .= "</a>";
return $text;
function sc_gallery_thumb($parm='')
$tp = e107::getParser();
$w = 190;
$h = 150;
$class = ($this->slideMode == TRUE) ? 'gallery-slideshow-thumb' : 'gallery-thumb';
$rel = ($this->slideMode == TRUE) ? 'lightbox.SlideGallery' : 'lightbox.Gallery';
$att = vartrue($parm) ? $parm : 'aw='.$w.'&ah='.$h.'&x=1' ; // 'aw=190&ah=150';
$pop_w = vartrue(e107::getPlugPref('gallery','pop_w'),1024);
$pop_h = vartrue(e107::getPlugPref('gallery','pop_h'),768);
$attFull = 'w='.$pop_w.'&h='.$pop_h.'&x=1';
// echo "<br /><br />".$attFull;
$text = "<a class='".$class."' title='".$tp->toAttribute($this->var['media_caption'])."' href='".$tp->thumbUrl($this->var['media_url'], $attFull)."' rel='{$rel}' >";
$text .= "<img class='".$class."' src='".$tp->thumbUrl($this->var['media_url'],$att)."' alt='' />";
$text .= "</a>";
return $text;
function sc_gallery_cat_title($parm='')
$tp = e107::getParser();
$text = "<a href='".e_SELF."?cat=".$this->var['media_cat_category']."'>";
$text .= $tp->toHtml($this->var['media_cat_title']);
$text .= "</a>";
return $text;
function sc_gallery_cat_thumb($parm='')
$att = ($parm) ?$parm : 'aw=190&ah=150';
$text = "<a href='".e_SELF."?cat=".$this->var['media_cat_category']."'>";
$text .= "<img src='".e107::getParser()->thumbUrl($this->var['media_cat_image'],$att)."' alt='' />";
$text .= "</a>";
return $text;
function sc_gallery_nextprev($parm='')
$url = e_SELF."?cat=".$this->curCat."--AMP--frm=--FROM--";
$parm = 'total='.$this->total.'&amount='.$this->amount.'¤t='.$this->from.'&url='.$url; // .'&url='.$url;
$text .= e107::getParser()->parseTemplate("{NEXTPREV=".$parm."}");
return $text;
function sc_gallery_slideshow($parm='')
$this->sliderCat = ($parm) ? intval($parm) : vartrue(e107::getPlugPref('gallery','slideshow_category'),1);
$template = e107::getTemplate('gallery','gallery','SLIDESHOW_WRAPPER');
return e107::getParser()->parseTemplate($template);
function sc_gallery_slides($parm)
$this->slideMode = TRUE;
$amount = ($parm) ? intval($parm) : 3; // vartrue(e107::getPlugPref('gallery','slideshow_perslide'),3);
$tp = e107::getParser();
$limit = varset($gp['slideshow_limit'],16);
$list = e107::getMedia()->getImages('gallery_'.$this->sliderCat,0,$limit);
$item_template = e107::getTemplate('gallery','gallery','SLIDESHOW_SLIDE_ITEM');
$count = 1;
foreach($list as $row)
$inner .= ($count == 1) ? "\n\n<!-- SLIDE ".$count." -->\n<div class='slide' id='gallery-item-".$this->slideCount."'>\n" : "";
$inner .= "\n\t".$tp->parseTemplate($item_template,TRUE)."\n";
$inner .= ($count == $amount) ? "\n</div>\n\n" : "";
if($count == $amount)
$count = 1;
$inner .= ($count != 1) ? "</div><!-- END SLIDES -->" : "";
return $inner;
function sc_gallery_jumper($parm)
// echo "SlideCount=".$this->slideCount;
if($this->slideCount ==1 ){ return "gallery-jumper must be loaded after Gallery-Slides"; }
$text = '';
for($i=1; $i < ($this->slideCount); $i++)
$val = ($parm == 'space') ? " " : $i;
$text .= '<a href="#" class="gallery-slide-jumper" id="gallery-jumper-'.$i.'">'.$val.'</a>';
return $text;