mirror of https://github.com/e107inc/e107.git synced 2025-01-17 20:58:30 +01:00
Nick Liu c8f6c49720
Another improvement to File Inspector progress bar accuracy
The progress bar now takes into account the time it takes to generate
the results HTML.  The first half of the progress bar is for the actual
file scanning, and the second half is reserved for generating the
results HTML.
2020-04-04 20:52:01 -05:00

1418 lines
43 KiB
Executable File

* e107 website system
* Copyright (C) 2008-2016 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* Administration - File inspector
if(!empty($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] === 'progress' && !empty($_GET['scan']))
$content = file_inspector::readScanProgress($_GET['scan']);
echo $content;
e107::coreLan('fileinspector', true);
$e_sub_cat = 'fileinspector';
if (!empty($_GET['regex']))
$css = ".f { padding: 1px 0px 1px 8px; vertical-align: bottom; width: 90% }\n";
$css = ".f { padding: 1px 0px 1px 8px; vertical-align: bottom; width: 90%; white-space: nowrap }\n";
$css .= ".d { margin: 2px 0px 1px 8px; cursor: default; white-space: nowrap }
.s { padding: 1px 8px 1px 0px; vertical-align: bottom; width: 10%; white-space: nowrap }
.t { margin-top: 1px; width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0px }
.w { padding: 1px 0px 1px 8px; vertical-align: bottom; width: 90% }
.i { width: 16px; height: 16px }
.e { width: 9px; height: 9px }
i.fa-folder-open-o, i.fa-times-circle-o { cursor:pointer }
span.tree-node { cursor: pointer }
e107::css('inline', $css);
$js = "
c = new Image(); c = '".SITEURLBASE.e_IMAGE_ABS."fileinspector/contract.png';
e = '".SITEURLBASE.e_IMAGE_ABS."fileinspector/expand.png';
function ec(ecid) {
icon = document.getElementById('e_' + ecid).src;
if(icon.indexOf('expand.png') !== -1) {
document.getElementById('e_' + ecid).src = c;
} else {
document.getElementById('e_' + ecid).src = e;
div = document.getElementById('d_' + ecid).style;
if(div.display == 'none') {
div.display = '';
} else {
div.display = 'none';
var hideid = 'initial';
function sh(showid) {
if(hideid != showid) {
show = document.getElementById(showid).style;
hide = document.getElementById(hideid).style;
show.display = '';
hide.display = 'none';
hideid = showid;
e107::js('footer-inline', $js);
class fileinspector_admin extends e_admin_dispatcher
protected $modes = array(
'main' => array(
'controller' => 'fileinspector_ui',
'path' => null,
'ui' => 'fileinspector_form_ui',
'uipath' => null
protected $adminMenu = array(
'main/setup' => array('caption'=> LAN_CONFIGURE, 'perm' => 'P'),
// 'main/run' => array('caption'=> FR_LAN_2, 'perm' => 'P'),
protected $adminMenuAliases = array(
'main/edit' => 'main/list'
protected $menuTitle = FC_LAN_1;
protected $adminMenuIcon = 'e-fileinspector-24';
function init()
$file = e107::getSession()->get('fileinspector_error_log_'. $_GET['viewerror']);
$contents = file_get_contents(e_BASE.$file);
echo "<pre style='color:silver;background: #000'>".$contents."</pre>";
if(!empty($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] === 'begin')
/** @var file_inspector $fi */
$fi = e107::getSingleton('file_inspector');
class fileinspector_ui extends e_admin_ui
protected $pluginTitle = FC_LAN_1;
protected $pluginName = 'core';
protected $eventName = 'fileinspector';
protected $table = '';
protected $pid = '';
protected $perPage = 10;
protected $batchDelete = true;
protected $batchCopy = true;
// protected $sortField = 'somefield_order';
// protected $orderStep = 10;
// protected $tabs = array('Tabl 1','Tab 2'); // Use 'tab'=>0 OR 'tab'=>1 in the $fields below to enable.
protected $listQry = ""; // Example Custom Query. LEFT JOINS allowed. Should be without any Order or Limit.
protected $listOrder = '';
protected $fields = array ();
protected $fieldpref = array();
protected $prefs = array();
protected $fi;
public function init()
public function SetupPage()
/** @var file_inspector */
$fi =e107::getSingleton('file_inspector');
return $fi->scan_config();
public function RunPage()
$frm = $this->getUI();
$source = e_SELF."?mode=main&action=begin&".http_build_query($_GET);
$target = '#results-container';
$interval = 500;
$text = $frm->open('runit');
$text .= $frm->progressBar('inspector-progress', 0);
// $text .= '<button id="start-render" type="button" data-loading-icon="fa-spinner" data-loading-target="#start-render" class="e-ajax btn-sm btn btn-primary" data-src="'.$source.'" data-target="#results-container">Other</button>';
$text .= '<a id="start-render" class="btn btn-primary e-progress e-ajax " data-src="'.$source.'" data-target="'.$target.'" data-loading-icon="fa-spinner" data-progress-interval="'.$interval.'" data-progress-target="inspector-progress" data-progress="' . e_SELF.'?mode=main&action=progress&scan='.filter_var($_GET['scan']).'" data-progress-mode="0" data-progress-show="1" data-loading-target="#fi-loading-target" ><span id="fi-loading-target"></span> Begin</a>';
$text .= ' <a data-progress-target="inspector-progress" class="btn btn-danger e-progress-cancel" >'.LAN_CANCEL.'</a>';
$text .= $frm->close();
$text .= "<div id='results-container'></div>";
return $text;
class fileinspector_form_ui extends e_admin_form_ui
new fileinspector_admin();
class file_inspector {
const SCAN_ID_PREFIX = 'e107-file-inspector-scan-';
/** @var e_file_inspector */
private $coreImage;
private $coreImageVersion;
private $root_dir;
private $files = array();
private $fileSizes = array();
private $count = array();
/** @deprecated What's this? */
var $results = 0;
private $totalFiles = 0;
private $progress_units = 0;
private $progressPercentage = 0;
private $langs = array();
private $lang_short = array();
private $iconTag = array();
private $options = array(
'core' => '',
'type' => 'tree',
'missing' => 0,
'noncore' => 9,
'oldcore' => 0,
'integrity' => 1,
'regex' => 0,
'mod' => '',
'num' => 0,
'line' => 0,
'scan' => null // progress identifier
* @var array
private $glyph;
function setOptions($post)
foreach($this->options as $k=>$v)
$this->options[$k] = $post[$k];
function __construct()
$lng = e107::getLanguage();
$langs = $lng->installed();
$lang_short = array();
foreach($langs as $k=>$val)
if($val == "English") // Core release language, so ignore it.
$lang_short[] = $lng->convert($val);
$this->langs = $langs;
$this->lang_short = $lang_short;
$this->glyph = array(
'folder_close' => array('<i class="fa fa-times-circle-o"></i>'),
'folder_up' => array('<i class="fa fa-folder-open-o"></i>'),
'folder_root' => array('<i class="fa fa-folder-o"></i>'),
'warning' => array('<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle text-warning" ></i>'),
'info' => array('<i class="fa fa-info-circle text-primary" ></i>'),
'fileinspector' => array('<i class="fa fa-folder text-success" style="color:#F6EDB0;"></i>'),
'folder' => array('<i class="fa fa-folder text-success" style="color:#F6EDB0;"></i>'),
'folder_check' => array('<i class="fa fa-folder text-success" style="color:#F6EDB0" ></i>', FC_LAN_24 ),
'folder_fail' => array('<i class="fa fa-folder text-danger" ></i>', FC_LAN_25 ),
'folder_uncalc' => array('<i class="fa fa-folder-o" ></i>', FC_LAN_24 ),
'folder_missing' => array('<i class="fa fa-folder-o text-danger" ></i>', FC_LAN_26 ),
'folder_warning' => array('<i class="fa fa-folder text-warning" ></i>'),
'folder_old' => array('<i class="fa fa-folder-o text-warning" ></i>', FC_LAN_27 ),
'folder_old_dir' => array('<i class="fa fa-folder-o text-warning" ></i>'),
'folder_unknown' => array('<i class="fa fa-folder-o text-primary" ></i>', FC_LAN_28 ),
'file_check' => array('<i class="fa fa-file text-success" style="color:#F6EDB0" ></i>', FC_LAN_29),
'file_core' => array('<i class="fa fa-file-o text-success" style="color:#F6EDB0" ></i>', FC_LAN_30),
'file_fail' => array('<i class="fa fa-file text-danger" ></i>', FC_LAN_31 ),
'file_missing' => array('<i class="fa fa-file-o text-danger" ></i>', FC_LAN_32 ),
'file_old' => array('<i class="fa fa-file-o text-warning" ></i>', FC_LAN_33 ),
'file_uncalc' => array('<i class="fa fa-file-o " ></i>', FC_LAN_34 ),
'file_warning' => array('<i class="fa fa-file text-warning" ></i>', FC_LAN_35 ),
'file_unknown' => array('<i class="fa fa-file-o text-primary" ></i>', FC_LAN_36 ),
foreach($this->glyph as $k=>$v)
$this->iconTag[$k] = $this->glyph[$k][0];
$e107 = e107::getInstance();
$this->coreImage = e107::getFileInspector('core');
$this->coreImageVersion = $this->coreImage->getCurrentVersion();
$this->root_dir = $e107 -> file_path;
if(substr($this->root_dir, -1) == '/')
$this->root_dir = substr($this->root_dir, 0, -1);
if(isset($_POST['core']) && $_POST['core'] == 'integrity_fail_only')
$_POST['integrity'] = TRUE;
if(MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC && vartrue($_POST['regex']))
$_POST['regex'] = stripslashes($_POST['regex']);
if($_POST['core'] == 'fail')
$_POST['core'] = 'all';
$_POST['missing'] = 0;
$_POST['integrity'] = 0;
private function opt($key)
return $this->options[$key];
// Find the Total number of core files before scanning begins.
private function countFiles()
return $this->totalFiles = iterator_count($this->coreImage->getPathIterator($this->coreImageVersion));
function getLegend()
return $this->glyph;
function renderHelp()
$text = "<table>";
foreach($this->iconTag as $k=>$v)
$text .= "<tr><td>".$v."</td><td>".$k."</td></tr>";
$text .= "</table>";
return $text;
// echo $text;
public function scan_config()
$frm = e107::getForm();
$pref = e107::pref('core');
if($_GET['mode'] == 'run')
$tab = array();
$head = "<div>
<form action='".e_SELF."' method='get' id='scanform'>";
$text = "
<table class='table adminform'>";
/* $text .= "
<td class='fcaption' colspan='2'>".LAN_OPTIONS."</td>
$coreOpts = array('integrity_fail_only'=>FC_LAN_6, 'all'=>LAN_ALL, 'none'=> LAN_NONE);
$text .= "<tr>
<td style='width: 35%'>
".LAN_SHOW." ".FC_LAN_5.":
<td colspan='2' style='width: 65%'>".$frm->select('core',$coreOpts,$_POST['core'])." </td>
$dispOpt = array('tree'=>FC_LAN_15, 'list'=>LAN_LIST);
$text .= "<tr>
<td style='width: 35%'>
<td colspan='2' style='width: 65%'>".$frm->select('type', $dispOpt, $_POST['type'])." </td>
$text .= "<tr>
<td style='width: 35%'>
".LAN_SHOW." ".FC_LAN_13.":
<td colspan='2' style='width: 65%'>
<input type='radio' name='missing' value='1'".(($_POST['missing'] == '1' || !isset($_POST['missing'])) ? " checked='checked'" : "")." /> ".LAN_YES."&nbsp;&nbsp;
<input type='radio' name='missing' value='0'".($_POST['missing'] == '0' ? " checked='checked'" : "")." /> ".LAN_NO."&nbsp;&nbsp;
$text .= "<tr>
<td style='width: 35%'>
".LAN_SHOW." ".FC_LAN_7.":
<td colspan='2' style='width: 65%'>
<input type='radio' name='noncore' value='1'".(($_POST['noncore'] == '1' || !isset($_POST['noncore'])) ? " checked='checked'" : "")." /> ".LAN_YES."&nbsp;&nbsp;
<input type='radio' name='noncore' value='0'".($_POST['noncore'] == '0' ? " checked='checked'" : "")." /> ".LAN_NO."&nbsp;&nbsp;
$text .= "<tr>
<td style='width: 35%'>
".LAN_SHOW." ".FC_LAN_21.":
<td colspan='2' style='width: 65%'>
<input type='radio' name='oldcore' value='1'".(($_POST['oldcore'] == '1' || !isset($_POST['oldcore'])) ? " checked='checked'" : "")." /> ".LAN_YES."&nbsp;&nbsp;
<input type='radio' name='oldcore' value='0'".($_POST['oldcore'] == '0' ? " checked='checked'" : "")." /> ".LAN_NO."&nbsp;&nbsp;
$text .= "<tr>
<td style='width: 35%'>
<td style='width: 65%; vertical-align: top'>
<input type='radio' name='integrity' value='1'".(($_POST['integrity'] == '1' || !isset($_POST['integrity'])) ? " checked='checked'" : "")." /> ".LAN_YES."&nbsp;&nbsp;
<input type='radio' name='integrity' value='0'".($_POST['integrity'] == '0' ? " checked='checked'" : "")." /> ".LAN_NO."&nbsp;&nbsp;
$text .= "</table>";
$tab['basic'] = array('caption'=>LAN_OPTIONS, 'text'=>$text);
if($pref['developer']) {
$text2 = "<table class='table adminlist'>";
/* $text2 .= "<tr>
<td class='fcaption' colspan='2'>".FC_LAN_17."</td>
$text2 .= "<tr>
<td style='width: 35%'>
<td colspan='2' style='width: 65%'>
#<input class='tbox' type='text' name='regex' size='40' value='".htmlentities($_POST['regex'], ENT_QUOTES)."' />#<input class='tbox' type='text' name='mod' size='5' value='".$_POST['mod']."' />
$text2 .= "<tr>
<td style='width: 35%'>
<td colspan='2' style='width: 65%'>
<input type='checkbox' name='num' value='1'".(($_POST['num'] || !isset($_POST['num'])) ? " checked='checked'" : "")." />
$text2 .= "<tr>
<td style='width: 35%'>
<td colspan='2' style='width: 65%'>
<input type='checkbox' name='line' value='1'".(($_POST['line'] || !isset($_POST['line'])) ? " checked='checked'" : "")." />
$text2 .= "
$tab['advanced'] = array('caption'=>FC_LAN_17, 'text'=>$text2);
$tabText = e107::getForm()->tabs($tab);
$foot = "
<div class='buttons-bar center'>
".$frm->admin_button('scan', md5(time()), 'other', LAN_GO).
$text = $head.$tabText.$foot;
return $text;
// $ns->tablerender(FC_LAN_1, $text);
* @param $baseDir string Absolute path to the directory to inspect
protected function inspect($baseDir)
$this->progress_units = 0;
$this->totalFiles = 1;
$this->totalFiles = iterator_count(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($baseDir))) * 2;
private function inspect_existing($baseDir)
$absoluteBase = realpath($baseDir);
if (!is_dir($absoluteBase)) return;
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($baseDir));
foreach ($iterator as $file)
if ($file->isDir()) continue;
$absolutePath = $file->getRealPath();
$relativePath = preg_replace("/^" . preg_quote($absoluteBase . "/", "/") . "/", "", $absolutePath);
if (empty($relativePath) || $relativePath == $absolutePath) continue;
$this->files[$relativePath] = $this->coreImage->validate($relativePath);
$this->fileSizes[$relativePath] = filesize($absolutePath);
$this->updateFileSizeCounter($absolutePath, $this->files[$relativePath]);
private function inspect_missing($existingPaths)
$dbIterator = $this->coreImage->getPathIterator($this->coreImageVersion);
$dbPaths = iterator_to_array($dbIterator);
$dbPaths = array_map(function ($defaultPath)
return $this->coreImage->defaultPathToCustomPath($defaultPath);
}, $dbPaths);
$missingPaths = array_diff($dbPaths, $existingPaths);
foreach ($missingPaths as $relativePath)
$this->files[$relativePath] = $this->coreImage->validate($relativePath);
private function updateFileSizeCounter($absolutePath, $validationCode)
$status = $this->getStatusForValidationCode($validationCode);
$category = $this->statusToLegacyCountCategory($status);
$fileSize = filesize($absolutePath);
$this->count[$category]['size'] += $fileSize;
if ($validationCode & e_file_inspector::VALIDATED_PATH_VERSION &&
$validationCode & e_file_inspector::VALIDATED_FILE_EXISTS)
$this->count['core']['size'] += $fileSize;
private function statusToLegacyCountCategory($status)
$category = $status;
switch ($status)
case 'check':
$category = 'pass';
case 'uncalc':
$category = 'uncalculable';
case 'old':
$category = 'deprecated';
return $category;
* @return string HTML output of the validated directory structure
private function generateScanResultsHtml()
$nestedFiles = [];
foreach ($this->files as $relativePath => $validation)
if ($this->displayAllowed($validation))
self::array_set($nestedFiles, $relativePath, $validation);
return $this->generateDirectoryHtml([SITENAME => $nestedFiles]);
private function renderFileName($tree, $fileName, $relativePath,$rowId)
if($fileName === 'error_log')
$hash = md5($relativePath);
e107::getSession()->set('fileinspector_error_log_'. $hash, $relativePath);
return "<a class='e-modal' data-modal-caption=\"".$relativePath."\" href='fileinspector.php?iframe=1&viewerror=".$hash."'>".$fileName."</a>";
if (!is_array($tree[$fileName]))
return $fileName;
return "<span class='tree-node' onclick=\"ec('$rowId')\">".$fileName."</span>";
private function generateDirectoryHtml($tree, $level = 0, $parentPath = '')
$html = '';
$hide = $level;
foreach ($tree as $fileName => $validationCode)
$relativePath = ltrim("$parentPath/$fileName", '/');
if ($level === 0) $relativePath = '';
$rowId = str_replace(" ", "%20", $relativePath);
list($icon, $title) = $this->getGlyphForValidationCode($validationCode);
$oldVersion = $this->getOldVersionOfPath($relativePath, $validationCode);
$html .= "<div class=\"d\" title=\"$title\" style=\"margin-left: " . ($level * 8) . "px\">";
$html .= "<span class='tree-node' onclick=\"ec('$rowId')\">";
$html .= $this->getTreeActionImageForFile($tree, $fileName, $rowId, $hide);
$html .= "</span>&nbsp;<span onclick=\"sh('f_$rowId')\">" .
"&nbsp;".$this->renderFileName($tree, $fileName,$relativePath, $rowId)."</span>";
if (is_array($validationCode))
$html .= "<div id=\"d_$rowId\" " . ($hide ? "style=\"display:none\"" : "") . ">";
$html .= $this->generateDirectoryHtml($validationCode, $level + 1, $relativePath);
$html .= "</div>";
$html .= '<span style="float:right">';
$html .= isset($this->fileSizes[$relativePath]) ? $this->parsesize($this->fileSizes[$relativePath]) : '';
$html .= $oldVersion ? " (v$oldVersion)" : "";
$html .= '</span>';
$html .= "</div>";
return $html;
private function sortAscDirectoriesFirst(array &$tree)
return uksort($tree, function ($a, $b) use ($tree)
if (is_array($tree[$a]) && !is_array($tree[$b])) return -1;
elseif (!is_array($tree[$a]) && is_array($tree[$b])) return 1;
return $a > $b;
private function getTreeActionImageForFile($tree, $fileName, $id, $hide = false)
if (!is_array($tree[$fileName]))
$actionImage = 'blank';
$actionAlt = ' ';
elseif ($hide)
$actionImage = 'expand';
$actionAlt = '+';
$actionImage = 'contract';
$actionAlt = '-';
return "<img id='e_$id' class='e' src='".e_IMAGE."fileinspector/$actionImage.png' alt='$actionAlt' width='15' />";
private function getGlyphForValidationCode($validationCodeOrArray)
if (is_array($validationCodeOrArray)) return $this->getWorstGlyphForFolder($validationCodeOrArray);
return $this->glyph['file_' . $this->getStatusForValidationCode($validationCodeOrArray)];
private function getStatusForValidationCode($validationCode)
$status = 'unknown';
if ($validationCode & e_file_inspector::VALIDATED)
$status = 'check';
elseif (!($validationCode & e_file_inspector::VALIDATED_FILE_EXISTS))
$status = 'missing';
elseif (!($validationCode & e_file_inspector::VALIDATED_FILE_SECURITY))
$status = 'warning';
elseif (!($validationCode & e_file_inspector::VALIDATED_PATH_KNOWN))
$status = 'unknown';
elseif (!($validationCode & e_file_inspector::VALIDATED_PATH_VERSION))
$status = 'old';
elseif (!($validationCode & e_file_inspector::VALIDATED_HASH_CALCULABLE))
$status = 'uncalc';
elseif (!($validationCode & e_file_inspector::VALIDATED_HASH_CURRENT))
if ($validationCode & e_file_inspector::VALIDATED_HASH_EXISTS)
$status = 'old';
$status = 'fail';
return $status;
private function getStatusRank($status)
$rank = PHP_INT_MIN;
switch ($status)
case 'unknown':
$rank = -2;
case 'uncalc':
$rank = -1;
case 'check':
$rank = 0;
case 'missing':
$rank = 1;
case 'old':
$rank = 2;
case 'fail':
$rank = 3;
case 'warning':
$rank = 4;
return $rank;
private function getWorstGlyphForFolder($treeFolder)
$worstStatus = 'unknown';
$worstStatusRank = -PHP_INT_MAX;
array_walk_recursive($treeFolder, function ($value) use (&$worstStatus, &$worstStatusRank)
$currentStatus = $this->getStatusForValidationCode($value);
$currentStatusRank = $this->getStatusRank($currentStatus);
if ($currentStatusRank > $worstStatusRank)
$worstStatusRank = $currentStatusRank;
$worstStatus = $currentStatus;
return $this->glyph['folder_' . $worstStatus];
private function displayAllowed($validationCode)
if ($this->opt('core') == 'integrity_fail_only' &&
$validationCode & e_file_inspector::VALIDATED)
return false;
elseif ($this->opt('core') == 'none' &&
$validationCode & e_file_inspector::VALIDATED_PATH_VERSION)
return false;
$status = $this->getStatusForValidationCode($validationCode);
$return = true;
switch ($status)
case 'missing':
$return = $this->opt('missing');
case 'unknown':
$return = $this->opt('noncore');
case 'old':
$return = $this->opt('oldcore');
return $return;
* Set an array item to a given value using "slash" notation.
* If no key is given to the method, the entire array will be replaced.
* Based on Illuminate\Support\Arr::set()
* @param array $array
* @param string|null $key
* @param mixed $value
* @return array
* @copyright Copyright (c) Taylor Otwell
* @license https://github.com/illuminate/support/blob/master/LICENSE.md MIT License
private static function array_set(&$array, $key, $value)
if (is_null($key))
return $array = $value;
$keys = explode('/', $key);
while (count($keys) > 1)
$key = array_shift($keys);
// If the key doesn't exist at this depth, we will just create an empty array
// to hold the next value, allowing us to create the arrays to hold final
// values at the correct depth. Then we'll keep digging into the array.
if (!isset($array[$key]) || !is_array($array[$key]))
$array[$key] = [];
$array = &$array[$key];
$array[array_shift($keys)] = $value;
return $array;
function scan_results()
$this->count = [
'core' => [
'num' => 0,
'size' => 0,
'fail' => [
'num' => 0,
'size' => 0,
'pass' => [
'num' => 0,
'size' => 0,
'uncalculable' => [
'num' => 0,
'size' => 0,
'missing' => [
'num' => 0,
'deprecated' => [
'num' => 0,
'size' => 0,
'unknown' => [
'num' => 0,
'size' => 0,
'warning' => [
'num' => 0,
'size' => 0,
array_walk_recursive($this->files, function ($validationCode)
$status = $this->getStatusForValidationCode($validationCode);
$category = $this->statusToLegacyCountCategory($status);
if ($validationCode & e_file_inspector::VALIDATED_PATH_VERSION &&
$validationCode & e_file_inspector::VALIDATED_FILE_EXISTS)
echo "<div style='display:block;height:30px'>&nbsp;</div>";
if($this->opt('type') == 'tree')
$text = "<div style='text-align:center'>
<table class='table table-bordered'>
<th class='fcaption' colspan='2'>".FR_LAN_2."</th>
$text .= "<tr style='display: none'><td style='width:60%'></td><td style='width:40%'></td></tr>";
$text .= "<tr>
<td class='text-left' style='width:60%;padding:10px; '>
<div style=' min-height:400px; max-height:800px; overflow: auto; padding-bottom:50px'>
<td style='width:40%; height:5000px; vertical-align: top; overflow:auto; padding:0'><div>";
$text = "<h3>".FR_LAN_2."</h3>";
$text .= "<table class='table-striped table table-bordered' id='initial'>";
if($this->opt('type') == 'tree')
$text .= "<tr><th class='text-left f' >".FR_LAN_3."</th>
<th class='s text-right' style='padding-right: 4px' onclick=\"sh('f_".dechex(crc32($this->root_dir))."')\">
<b class='caret'></b></th></tr>";
$text .= "<tr><th class='text-left f' colspan='2'>".FR_LAN_3."</th></tr>";
if($this->opt('core') != 'none')
$text .= "<tr><td class='text-left f'>".$this->iconTag['file_core']."&nbsp;".FC_LAN_5.":&nbsp;".($this->count['core']['num'] ? $this->count['core']['num'] : LAN_NONE)."&nbsp;</td>
<td class='s'>".$this->parsesize($this->count['core']['size'], 2)."</td></tr>";
$text .= "<tr><td class='text-left f' colspan='2'>".$this->iconTag['file_missing']."&nbsp;".FC_LAN_13.":&nbsp;".($this->count['missing']['num'] ? $this->count['missing']['num'] : LAN_NONE)."&nbsp;</td></tr>";
$text .= "<tr><td class='text-left f'>".$this->iconTag['file_unknown']."&nbsp;".FC_LAN_7.":&nbsp;".($this->count['unknown']['num'] ? $this->count['unknown']['num'] : LAN_NONE)."&nbsp;</td><td class='s'>".$this->parsesize($this->count['unknown']['size'], 2)."</td></tr>";
$text .= "<tr><td class='text-left f'>".$this->iconTag['file_old']."&nbsp;".FR_LAN_24.":&nbsp;".($this->count['deprecated']['num'] ? $this->count['deprecated']['num'] : LAN_NONE)."&nbsp;</td><td class='s'>".$this->parsesize($this->count['deprecated']['size'], 2)."</td></tr>";
if($this->opt('core') == 'all')
$text .= "<tr><td class='text-left f'>".$this->iconTag['file']."&nbsp;".FR_LAN_6.":&nbsp;".($this->count['core']['num'] + $this->count['unknown']['num'] + $this->count['deprecated']['num'])."&nbsp;</td><td class='s'>".$this->parsesize($this->count['core']['size'] + $this->count['unknown']['size'] + $this->count['deprecated']['size'], 2)."</td></tr>";
$text .= "<tr><td colspan='2'>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
$text .= "<tr><td style='padding-left: 4px' colspan='2'>
$text .= "<tr><td class='text-left f'>".$this->iconTag['file_warning']." ".FR_LAN_28.": ".($this->count['warning']['num'] ? $this->count['warning']['num'] : LAN_NONE)."&nbsp;</td><td class='s'>".$this->parsesize($this->count['warning']['size'], 2)."</td></tr>";
$text .= "<tr><td class='w' colspan='2'><div class='alert alert-warning'>".FR_LAN_27."</div></td></tr>";
if($this->opt('integrity') && ($this->opt('core') != 'none'))
$integrity_icon = $this->count['fail']['num'] ? 'integrity_fail.png' : 'integrity_pass.png';
$integrity_text = $this->count['fail']['num'] ? '( '.$this->count['fail']['num'].' '.FR_LAN_19.' )' : '( '.FR_LAN_20.' )';
$text .= "<tr><td colspan='2'>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
$text .= "<tr><th class='text-left f' colspan='2'>".FR_LAN_7." ".$integrity_text."</th></tr>";
$text .= "<tr><td class='text-left f'>".$this->iconTag['file_check']."&nbsp;".FR_LAN_8.":&nbsp;".($this->count['pass']['num'] ? $this->count['pass']['num'] : LAN_NONE)."&nbsp;</td><td class='s'>".$this->parsesize($this->count['pass']['size'], 2)."</td></tr>";
$text .= "<tr><td class='text-left f'>".$this->iconTag['file_fail']."&nbsp;".FR_LAN_9.":&nbsp;".($this->count['fail']['num'] ? $this->count['fail']['num'] : LAN_NONE)."&nbsp;</td><td class='s'>".$this->parsesize($this->count['fail']['size'], 2)."</td></tr>";
$text .= "<tr><td class='text-left f'>".$this->iconTag['file_uncalc']."&nbsp;".FR_LAN_25.":&nbsp;".($this->count['uncalculable']['num'] ? $this->count['uncalculable']['num'] : LAN_NONE)."&nbsp;</td><td class='s'>".$this->parsesize($this->count['uncalculable']['size'], 2)."</td></tr>";
$text .= "<tr><td colspan='2'>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
$text .= "<tr><td class='text-left f' colspan='2'>".$this->iconTag['info']."&nbsp;".FR_LAN_10.":&nbsp;</td></tr>";
$text .= "<tr><td class='text-left' style='padding-right: 4px' colspan='2'>
<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"expandit('i_corrupt')\">".FR_LAN_11."...</a><div style='display: none' id='i_corrupt'>
".FR_LAN_12."<br /><br /></div>
<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"expandit('i_date')\">".FR_LAN_13."...</a><div style='display: none' id='i_date'>
".FR_LAN_14."<br /><br /></div>
<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"expandit('i_edit')\">".FR_LAN_15."...</a><div style='display: none' id='i_edit'>
".FR_LAN_16."<br /><br /></div>
<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"expandit('i_cvs')\">".FR_LAN_17."...</a><div style='display: none' id='i_cvs'>
".FR_LAN_18."<br /><br /></div>
if($this->opt('type') == 'tree' && !$this->results && $this->opt('regex'))
$text .= "</td></tr>
<tr><td class='text-left' style='padding-right: 4px; text-align: center' colspan='2'><br />".FR_LAN_23."</td></tr>";
$text .= "</table>";
if($this->opt('type') != 'tree')
$text .= "
<table class='table table-striped table-bordered'>";
if(!$this->results && $this->opt('regex'))
$text .= "<tr><td class='text-left f' style='padding-left: 4px; text-align: center' colspan='2'>".FR_LAN_23."</td></tr>";
foreach ($this->files as $relativePath => $validation)
if (!$this->displayAllowed($validation)) continue;
list($icon, $title) = $this->getGlyphForValidationCode($validation);
$text .= '<tr><td class="text-left f" title="'.$title.'">';
$text .= "$icon ";
$text .= htmlspecialchars($relativePath);
$text .= '</td><td class="s">';
$text .= isset($this->fileSizes[$relativePath]) ? $this->parsesize($this->fileSizes[$relativePath]) : '';
$oldVersion = $this->getOldVersionOfPath($relativePath, $validation);
$text .= $oldVersion ? " (v$oldVersion)" : "";
$text .= '</td>';
$text .= '</tr>';
$text .= "</td></tr>";
$text .= "</table>
</div><br />";
echo $text;
function checksum($filename)
$checksum = md5(str_replace(array(chr(13),chr(10)), "", file_get_contents($filename)));
return $checksum;
function parsesize($size, $dec = 0) {
$size = $size ? $size : 0;
$kb = 1024;
$mb = 1024 * $kb;
$gb = 1024 * $mb;
$tb = 1024 * $gb;
if($size < $kb) {
return $size." ".CORE_LAN_B;
} elseif($size < $mb) {
return round($size/$kb)." ".CORE_LAN_KB;
} elseif($size < $gb) {
return round($size/$mb, $dec)." ".CORE_LAN_MB;
} elseif($size < $tb) {
return round($size/$gb, $dec)." ".CORE_LAN_GB;
} else {
return round($size/$tb, $dec)." ".CORE_LAN_TB;
function regex_match($file) {
$file_content = file_get_contents($file);
$match = preg_match($_POST['regex'], $file_content);
return $match;
function sendProgress($increment=0)
return null;
$this->progress_units = $this->progress_units + $increment;
$rand = (int) $this->progress_units;
$total = (int) $this->totalFiles;
$inc = round(($rand / $total) * 100);
if($inc >= 100)
$inc = 100;
if( $this->progressPercentage === $inc)
return null;
$this->progressPercentage = $inc;
self::writeScanProgress($this->options['scan'], $this->progressPercentage);
return null;
public function exploit_interface()
// global $ns;
$ns = e107::getRender();
$query = http_build_query($_POST);
$text = "
<iframe src='".e_SELF."?$query' width='96%' style='margin-left:0; width: 98%; height:100vh; min-height: 100000px; border: 0px' frameborder='0' scrolling='auto' ></iframe>
$ns->tablerender(FR_LAN_1, $text);
function headerCss()
$pref = e107::getPref();
echo "<!-- *CSS* -->\n";
$e_js = e107::getJs();
// Core CSS - XXX awaiting for path changes
if(!isset($no_core_css) || !$no_core_css)
//echo "<link rel='stylesheet' href='".e_FILE_ABS."e107.css' type='text/css' />\n";
if(!deftrue('e_IFRAME') && isset($pref['admincss']) && $pref['admincss'])
$css_file = file_exists(THEME.'admin_'.$pref['admincss']) ? 'admin_'.$pref['admincss'] : $pref['admincss'];
//echo "<link rel='stylesheet' href='".$css_file."' type='text/css' />\n";
elseif(isset($pref['themecss']) && $pref['themecss'])
$css_file = file_exists(THEME.'admin_'.$pref['themecss']) ? 'admin_'.$pref['themecss'] : $pref['themecss'];
//echo "<link rel='stylesheet' href='".$css_file."' type='text/css' />\n";
$css_file = file_exists(THEME.'admin_style.css') ? 'admin_style.css' : 'style.css';
//echo "<link rel='stylesheet' href='".$css_file."' type='text/css' />\n";
$e_js->renderJs('other_css', false, 'css', false);
echo "\n<!-- footer_other_css -->\n";
// Core CSS
$e_js->renderJs('core_css', false, 'css', false);
echo "\n<!-- footer_core_css -->\n";
// Plugin CSS
$e_js->renderJs('plugin_css', false, 'css', false);
echo "\n<!-- footer_plugin_css -->\n";
// Theme CSS
//echo "<!-- Theme css -->\n";
$e_js->renderJs('theme_css', false, 'css', false);
echo "\n<!-- footer_theme_css -->\n";
// Inline CSS - not sure if this should stay at all!
$e_js->renderJs('inline_css', false, 'css', false);
echo "\n<!-- footer_inline_css -->\n";
$text = "
<style type='text/css'>
if (vartrue($_POST['regex']))
$text .= ".f { padding: 1px 0px 1px 8px; vertical-align: bottom; width: 90% }\n";
$text .= ".f { padding: 1px 0px 1px 8px; vertical-align: bottom; width: 90%; white-space: nowrap }\n";
$text .= ".d { margin: 2px 0px 1px 8px; cursor: default; white-space: nowrap }
.s { padding: 1px 8px 1px 0px; vertical-align: bottom; width: 10%; white-space: nowrap }
.t { margin-top: 1px; width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0px }
.w { padding: 1px 0px 1px 8px; vertical-align: bottom; width: 90% }
.i { width: 16px; height: 16px }
.e { width: 9px; height: 9px }
i.fa-folder-open-o, i.fa-times-circle-o { cursor:pointer }
echo $text;
* Get the PHP-standard version of the hash of the relative path
* @todo FIXME performance: This method checksums old files a second time.
* @param string $relativePath Relative path to checksum
* @param int $validationCode e_file_inspector validation bits
* @return false|string
private function getOldVersionOfPath($relativePath, $validationCode)
$oldVersion = false;
if (($validationCode & e_file_inspector::VALIDATED_HASH_EXISTS) &&
!($validationCode & e_file_inspector::VALIDATED_HASH_CURRENT))
$dbChecksums = $this->coreImage->getChecksums($relativePath);
$actualChecksum = $this->coreImage->checksumPath(e_BASE . $relativePath);
$oldVersion = array_search($actualChecksum, $dbChecksums);
return $oldVersion;
private static function writeScanProgress($scanId, $progress)
$tmpDir = sys_get_temp_dir();
$progressPath = $tmpDir . "/" . self::SCAN_ID_PREFIX . $scanId;
if ($progress >= 100) unlink($progressPath);
else file_put_contents($progressPath, $progress);
public static function readScanProgress($scanId)
$tmpDir = sys_get_temp_dir();
$progressPath = $tmpDir . "/" . self::SCAN_ID_PREFIX . $scanId;
$result = trim(@file_get_contents($progressPath));
if (!strlen($result)) $result = '100';
return $result;
private static function exitOnEvilScanId($scanId)
if (!preg_match('/^[0-9A-F]+$/i', $scanId)) exit(1);
private static function pruneOldProgressFiles()
$tmpDir = sys_get_temp_dir();
$i = new DirectoryIterator($tmpDir);
foreach ($i as $fileInfo)
$candidateFileName = $fileInfo->getFilename();
if (substr($candidateFileName, 0, strlen(self::SCAN_ID_PREFIX)) !== self::SCAN_ID_PREFIX)
if ($fileInfo->isFile() && time() - $fileInfo->getMTime() > 300)
function fileinspector_adminmenu() //FIXME - has problems when navigation is on the LEFT instead of the right.
$var['setup']['text'] = FC_LAN_11;
$var['setup']['link'] = e_SELF."?mode=setup";
$var['run']['text'] = FR_LAN_2;
$var['run']['link'] = e_SELF."?mode=run";
$icon = e107::getParser()->toIcon('e-fileinspector-24');
$caption = $icon."<span>".FC_LAN_1."</span>";
e107::getNav()->admin($caption, $_GET['mode'], $var);
function e_help()
// $fi = new file_inspector;
$fi = e107::getSingleton('file_inspector');
$list = $fi->getLegend();
$text = '';
foreach($list as $v)
$text .= "<div>".$v[0]." ".$v[1]."</div>";
return array('caption'=>FC_LAN_37, 'text'=>$text);
function headerjs()
e107::js('footer', '{e_WEB}/js/core/all.jquery.js', 'jquery', 1);
e107::js('footer', '{e_WEB}js/core/front.jquery.js', 'jquery', 1); // Load all default functions.
$text = e107::getJs()->renderJs('footer', 1, true, true);
$text .= "<script type='text/javascript'>
c = new Image(); c = '".SITEURLBASE.e_IMAGE_ABS."fileinspector/contract.png';
e = '".SITEURLBASE.e_IMAGE_ABS."fileinspector/expand.png';
function ec(ecid) {
icon = document.getElementById('e_' + ecid).src;
if(icon.indexOf('expand.png') !== -1) {
document.getElementById('e_' + ecid).src = c;
} else {
document.getElementById('e_' + ecid).src = e;
div = document.getElementById('d_' + ecid).style;
if(div.display == 'none') {
div.display = '';
} else {
div.display = 'none';
var hideid = 'initial';
function sh(showid) {
if(hideid != showid) {
show = document.getElementById(showid).style;
hide = document.getElementById(hideid).style;
show.display = '';
hide.display = 'none';
hideid = showid;
return $text;