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* e107 website system
* Copyright (C) 2008-2015 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* Administration Area - Front page
* e107 Front page administration
* @package e107
* @subpackage admin
* @version $Id$;
if(!empty($_POST) && !isset($_POST['e-token']))
$_POST['e-token'] = '';
require_once ('../class2.php');
if(! getperms('G'))
e107::coreLan('frontpage', true);
$e_sub_cat = 'frontpage';
require_once ('auth.php');
$mes = e107::getMessage();
$frontPref = e107::pref('core'); // Get prefs
// Get list of possible options for front page
$front_page['news'] = array('page' => 'news.php', 'title' => ADLAN_0); // TODO Move to e107_plugins/news
$front_page['wmessage'] = array('page' => 'index.php', 'title' => ADLAN_28, 'diz'=>'index.php');
if($sql->db_Select('page', 'page_id, page_title', "menu_name=''")) // TODO Move to e107_plugins/page
$front_page['custom']['title'] = FRTLAN_30;
while($row = $sql->db_Fetch())
$front_page['custom']['page'][] = array('page' => 'page.php?'.$row['page_id'], 'title' => $row['page_title']);
// Now let any plugins add to the options - must append to the $front_page array as above
//v2.x spec. ----------
$new = e107::getAddonConfig('e_frontpage');
foreach($new as $k=>$v)
$front_page[$k] = $v;
// v1.x spec.---------------
foreach($frontPref['e_frontpage_list'] as $val)
require_once (e_PLUGIN.$val.'/e_frontpage.php');
// Make sure links relative to SITEURL
foreach($front_page as &$front_value)
{ // Its a URL with multiple options
foreach($front_value['page'] as &$multipage)
$multipage = str_replace(e_HTTP, '', $multipage);
//if (substr($multipage, 0, 1) != '/') $multipage = '/'.$multipage;
$front_value = str_replace(e_HTTP, '', $front_value);
//if (substr($front_value, 0, 1) != '/') $front_value = '/'.$front_value;
// print_a($front_page);
// Now sort out list of rules for display (based on $pref data to start with)
$gotpub = FALSE;
$i = 1;
foreach($frontPref['frontpage'] as $class => $val)
if($class == 'all')
$class = e_UC_PUBLIC;
$gotpub = TRUE;
{ // Only add non-null pages
$fp_settings[$i] = array('order' => $i, 'class' => $class, 'page' => $val, 'force' => varset($frontPref['frontpage_force'][$class], ''));
$i ++;
{ // Legacy stuff to convert
$fp_settings = array();
$fp_settings[] = array('order' => 0, 'class' => e_UC_PUBLIC, 'page' => varset($frontPref['frontpage'], 'news.php'), 'force' => '');
{ // Need a 'default' setting - usually 'all'
$fp_settings[] = array('order' => $i, 'class' => e_UC_PUBLIC, 'page' => (isset($frontPref['frontpage']['all']) ? $frontPref['frontpage']['all'] : 'news.php'), 'force' => '');
$fp_update_prefs = FALSE;
Following code replaced - values not passed on image clicks with Firefox
$mv = intval($_POST['fp_inc']);
echo "Increment: {$mv}<br />";
if(($mv > 1) && ($mv <= count($fp_settings)))
$temp = $fp_settings[$mv - 1];
$fp_settings[$mv - 1] = $fp_settings[$mv];
$fp_settings[$mv] = $temp;
$fp_update_prefs = TRUE;
frontpage_adminlog('01', 'Inc '.$mv);
$mv = intval($_POST['fp_dec']);
echo "Decrement: {$mv}<br />";
if(($mv > 0) && ($mv < count($fp_settings)))
$temp = $fp_settings[$mv + 1];
$fp_settings[$mv + 1] = $fp_settings[$mv];
$fp_settings[$mv] = $temp;
$fp_update_prefs = TRUE;
frontpage_adminlog('01', 'Dec '.$mv);
if (isset($_POST))
// avoid endless loop.
if($_POST['frontpage'] == 'other' && (trim($_POST['frontpage_other']) == 'index.php' || trim($_POST['frontpage_other']) == '{e_BASE}index.php'))
$_POST['frontpage'] = 'wmessage';
$_POST['frontpage_other'] = '';
foreach ($_POST as $k => $v)
$incDec = substr($k, 0, 6);
$idNum = substr($k, 6);
if ($incDec == 'fp_inc')
$mv = intval($idNum);
if(($mv > 1) && ($mv <= count($fp_settings)))
$temp = $fp_settings[$mv - 1];
$fp_settings[$mv - 1] = $fp_settings[$mv];
$fp_settings[$mv] = $temp;
$fp_update_prefs = TRUE;
frontpage_adminlog('01', 'Inc '.$mv);
elseif ($incDec == 'fp_dec')
$mv = intval($idNum);
if(($mv > 0) && ($mv < count($fp_settings)))
$temp = $fp_settings[$mv + 1];
$fp_settings[$mv + 1] = $fp_settings[$mv];
$fp_settings[$mv] = $temp;
$fp_update_prefs = TRUE;
frontpage_adminlog('01', 'Dec '.$mv);
// Edit an existing rule
$_POST['type'] = (isset($_POST['edit']['all'])) ? 'all_users' : 'user_class';
$_POST['class'] = key($_POST['edit']);
// Cancel Edit
{ // Add or edit an existing rule here.
// fp_order - zero for a new rule, non-zero if editing an existing rule
// class - user class for rule
// frontpage - radio button option indicating type of page (for home page)
// frontpage_multipage[] - the other information for custom pages and similar - array index matches value of 'frontpage' when selected
// frontpage_other - URL for 'other' home page
// fp_force_page - radio button option indicating type of page (for post-login page)
// fp_force_page_multipage[] - the other information for custom pages and similar - array index matches value of 'frontpage' when selected
// fp_force_page_other - URL for forced post-login 'other' page
if($_POST['frontpage'] == 'other')
$_POST['frontpage_other'] = trim($tp->toForm($_POST['frontpage_other']));
$frontpage_value = $_POST['frontpage_other'] ? $_POST['frontpage_other'] : 'news.php';
$frontpage_value = $front_page[$_POST['frontpage']]['page'][$_POST['frontpage_multipage'][$_POST['frontpage']]]['page'];
$frontpage_value = $front_page[$_POST['frontpage']]['page'];
if($_POST['fp_force_page'] == 'other')
$_POST['fp_force_page_other'] = trim($tp->toForm($_POST['fp_force_page_other']));
$forcepage_value = $_POST['fp_force_page_other']; // A null value is allowable here
$forcepage_value = $front_page[$_POST['fp_force_page']]['page'][$_POST['fp_force_page_multipage'][$_POST['fp_force_page']]]['page'];
$forcepage_value = $front_page[$_POST['fp_force_page']]['page'];
$temp = array('order' => intval($_POST['fp_order']), 'class' => $_POST['class'], 'page' => $frontpage_value, 'force' => trim($forcepage_value));
if($temp['order'] == 0) // New index to add
$ind = 0;
for($i = 1; $i <= count($fp_settings); $i ++)
if($fp_settings[$i]['class'] == $temp['class'])
$ind = $i;
$mes->addError(FRTLAN_56." ".$ind);
unset($fp_settings[$ind]); // Knock out duplicate definition for class
array_unshift($fp_settings, $temp); // Deliberately add twice
array_unshift($fp_settings, $temp); // ....because re-indexed from zero
unset($fp_settings[0]); // Then knock out index zero
$fp_update_prefs = TRUE;
frontpage_adminlog('02', "class => {$_POST['class']},[!br!]page => {$frontpage_value},[!br!]force => {$forcepage_value}");
elseif(array_key_exists($temp['order'], $fp_settings))
$fp_settings[$temp['order']] = $temp;
$fp_update_prefs = TRUE;
frontpage_adminlog('03', "posn => {$temp},[!br!]class => {$_POST['class']},[!br!]page => {$frontpage_value},[!br!]force => {$forcepage_value}");
{ // Someone playing games
$rule_no = key($_POST['fp_delete_rule']);
$array_size = count($fp_settings);
frontpage_adminlog('04', "Rule {$rule_no},[!br!]class => {$fp_settings[$rule_no]['class']},[!br!]page => {$fp_settings[$rule_no]['page']},[!br!]force => {$fp_settings[$rule_no]['force']}");
while($rule_no < $array_size)
{ // Move up and renumber any entries after the deleted rule
$fp_settings[$rule_no] = $fp_settings[$rule_no + 1];
$rule_no ++;
$fp_update_prefs = TRUE;
{ // Save the two arrays
$fp_list = array();
$fp_force = array();
for($i = 1; $i <= count($fp_settings); $i ++)
$fp_list[$fp_settings[$i]['class']] = $fp_settings[$i]['page'];
$fp_force[$fp_settings[$i]['class']] = $fp_settings[$i]['force'];
$corePrefs = e107::getConfig('core'); // Core Prefs Object.
$corePrefs->set('frontpage', $fp_list);
$corePrefs->set('frontpage_force', $fp_force);
$result = $corePrefs->save(FALSE, TRUE);
$mes->addDebug("<h4>Home</h4>".print_a($fp_list, true));
$mes->addDebug("<h4>Post-Login</h4>".print_a($fp_force, true));
// All updates complete now - latest data is in the $fp_settings, $fp_list and $fp_force arrays
$fp = new frontpage($front_page);
class frontpage
protected $frm;
protected $frontPage = array(); // List of options for front page
public function __construct($fp)
$this->frm = e107::getForm();
$this->frontPage = $fp;
$ns = e107::getRender();
$mes = e107::getMessage();
global $fp_settings;
if(vartrue($_GET['mode']) == 'create')
$text = $this->edit_rule(array('order' => 0, 'class' => e_UC_PUBLIC, 'page' => 'news.php', 'force' => FALSE)); // Display edit form as well
// $text .= $this->select_class($fp_settings, FALSE);
$ns->tablerender(FRTLAN_PAGE_TITLE.SEP.FRTLAN_42, $text);
$key = intval($_GET['id']);
$text = $this->edit_rule($fp_settings[$key]); // Display edit form as well
// $text .= $this->select_class($fp_settings, FALSE);
$ns->tablerender(FRTLAN_PAGE_TITLE.SEP.FRTLAN_46, $text);
{ // Just show existing rules
$ns->tablerender(FRTLAN_PAGE_TITLE.SEP.FRTLAN_13, $mes->render().$this->select_class($fp_settings, TRUE));
* Show a list of existing rules, with edit/delete/move buttons, and optional button to add a new rule
* @param boolean $show_button - show the 'Add new rule' button if true
* @return string text for display
function select_class(&$fp_settings, $show_button = TRUE)
$frm = e107::getForm();
// List of current settings
$show_legend = $show_button ? " class='e-hideme'" : '';
$text = "
<form method='post' action='".e_SELF."'>
<input type='hidden' name='e-token' value='".e_TOKEN."' />
<fieldset id='frontpage-settings'>
<table class='table adminlist'>
<col style='width: 5%' />
<col style='width: 25%' />
<col style='width: 30%' />
<col style='width: 25%' />
<col style='width: 15%' />
<th class='first left'>".LAN_ORDER."</th>
<th class='center last'>".LAN_OPTIONS."</th>
foreach($fp_settings as $order => $current_value)
$title = e107::getUserClass()->getName($current_value['class']);
$text .= "
<td class='left'>".$order."</td>
<td class='center options last'>
<div class='btn-group'>";
// ".$frm->admin_button('fp_inc',$order,'up',ADMIN_UP_ICON)."
// ".$frm->admin_button('fp_dec',$order,'down',ADMIN_DOWN_ICON)."
$text .= "
<a class='btn btn-default' title='".LAN_EDIT."' href='".e_SELF."?id=".$order."' >".ADMIN_EDIT_ICON."</a>
$text .= "
$text .= "
<div class='buttons-bar center'>
<a href='".e_SELF."?mode=create' class='btn btn-success'>".FRTLAN_42."</a>
$text .= "
return $text;
* Display form to add/edit rules
* @param array $rule_info - initial data (must be preset if new rule)
* @return string - text for display
function edit_rule($rule_info)
$is_other_home = TRUE;
$is_other_force = TRUE;
//$force_checked = $rule_info['force'] ? " checked='checked'" : '';
$text_tmp_1 = '';
$text_tmp_2 = '';
foreach($this->frontPage as $front_key => $front_value)
//$type_selected = FALSE;
$text_tmp_1 .= "
".$this->show_front_val('frontpage', $front_key, $front_value, $is_other_home, $rule_info['page'])."
$text_tmp_2 .= "
".$this->show_front_val('fp_force_page', $front_key, $front_value, $is_other_force, $rule_info['force'])."
// <legend class='e-hideme'>".($rule_info['order'] ? FRTLAN_46 : FRTLAN_42)."</legend>
$text = "
<form method='post' action='".e_SELF."'>
<input type='hidden' name='e-token' value='".e_TOKEN."' />
$text .= '<ul class="nav nav-tabs" id="myTabs">
<li class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#home">'.FRTLAN_49.'</a></li>
<li><a data-toggle="tab" href="#postlogin">'.FRTLAN_35.'</a></li>
$text .= "
<div class='tab-content'>
<div class='tab-pane active' id='home'>
<table class='table adminform'>
<col style='width: 20%' />
<col style='width: 80%' />
<table class='table table-striped table-bordered'>
<col style='width: 20%' />
<col style='width: 80%' />
".$this->add_other('frontpage', $is_other_home, $rule_info['page'])."
<div class='tab-pane' id='postlogin'>
<table class='table adminform'>
<col style='width: 20%' />
<col style='width: 80%' />
<table class='table table-striped table-bordered'>
<col style='width: 20%' />
<col style='width: 80%' />
".$this->add_other('fp_force_page', $is_other_force, $rule_info['force'])."
<table class='table adminform'>
<col style='width: 20%' />
<col style='width: 80%' />
<td>".e107::getUserClass()->uc_dropdown('class', $rule_info['class'], 'public,guest,member,admin,main,classes')."</td>
<td>".$this->frm->number('fp_order', $rule_info['order'], 3, 'min=0')."</td>
<div class='buttons-bar center form-inline'>
".$this->frm->admin_button('fp_save_new', LAN_UPDATE, 'update')."
".$this->frm->admin_button('fp_cancel', LAN_CANCEL, 'cancel')."
return $text;
* Given a path string related to a choice, returns the 'type' (title) for it
* @param string $path
* @return string - title of option
function lookup_path($path)
foreach($this->frontPage as $front_value)
{ // Its a URL with multiple options
foreach($front_value['page'] as $multipage)
if($path == $multipage['page'])
// return $front_value['title'].":".$path;
return $front_value['title'].":".$multipage['title'];
if($path == $front_value['page'])
return $front_value['title'];
return FRTLAN_51.":".$path; // 'Other'
return LAN_NONE; // 'None'
* Show the selection options for a possible target of a rule
* @param string $ob_name - name of the radio button which selects this element
* @param string $front_key
* @param array|string $front_value - array of choices, or a single value
* @param boolean $is_other - passed by reference - set if some other option is selected
* @param string $current_setting - current value
* @return string - text for display
function show_front_val($ob_name, $front_key, $front_value, &$is_other, $current_setting)
$type_selected = FALSE;
$text = '';
// First, work out if the selection os one of these options
if (is_array($front_value['page']))
{ // Its a URL with multiple options
foreach($front_value['page'] as $multipage)
if($current_setting == $multipage['page'])
$type_selected = TRUE;
$is_other = FALSE;
if($current_setting == $front_value['page'])
$type_selected = TRUE;
$is_other = FALSE;
// Now generate the display text - two table cells worth
if (is_array($front_value['page']))
{ // Multiple options for same page name
$text .= "
".$this->frm->radio($ob_name, $front_key, $type_selected, array('label'=>$front_value['title']))."
$text .= $this->frm->select_open($ob_name.'_multipage['.$front_key.']', 'size=xxlarge');
foreach($front_value['page'] as $multipage_key => $multipage_value)
$text .= "\n".$this->frm->option($multipage_value['title'], $multipage_key, ($current_setting == $multipage_value['page']))."\n";
$text .= $this->frm->select_close();
$text .= "</td>";
{ // Single option for URL
$text .= "
".$this->frm->radio($ob_name, $front_key, $type_selected, array('label'=>$front_value['title']))."
return $text;
* Provide the text for an 'other' option - a text box for URL entry
* @param string $ob_name - name of the radio button which selects this element
* @param string $front_key
* @param string $curval - current 'selected' value
* @param string $cur_page - probably the secondary (e.g. custom page) value for any option that has one
* @return string - text for display
function add_other($ob_name, $cur_val, $cur_page)
return "
<td>".$this->frm->radio($ob_name, 'other', $cur_val, array('label'=> $label))."</td>
<td>".$this->frm->text($ob_name.'_other', ($cur_val ? $cur_page : ''), 150, "size=xxlarge&id={$ob_name}-other-txt")."</td>
* Log event to admin log
* @param string $msg_num - exactly two numeric characters corresponding to a log message
* @param string $woffle - information for the body of the log entre
* @return none
function frontpage_adminlog($msg_num = '00', $woffle = '')
e107::getAdminLog()->log_event('FRONTPG_'.$msg_num, $woffle, E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, '');
function frontpage_adminmenu()
$action = vartrue($_GET['mode'],'main');
$var['main']['text'] = LAN_MANAGE;
$var['main']['link'] = e_SELF;
$var['create']['text'] = LAN_CREATE;
$var['create']['link'] = e_SELF."?mode=create";
$icon = e107::getParser()->toIcon('e-frontpage-24');
$caption = $icon."<span>".FRTLAN_PAGE_TITLE."</span>";
show_admin_menu($caption, $action, $var);