mirror of https://github.com/e107inc/e107.git synced 2025-02-24 16:52:43 +01:00
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00

471 lines
18 KiB

+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| e107 website system
| ©Steve Dunstan 2001-2002
| http://e107.org
| jalist@e107.org
| Released under the terms and conditions of the
| GNU General Public License (http://gnu.org).
| $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.8/e107_files/import/phpbb2.php,v $
| $Revision: $
| $Date: 2006-12-02 04:33:38 $
| $Author: mcfly_e107 $
| 31/1/2006 Changes by Albert Drent
| Aducom Software
| www.aducom.com
| 20/4/2006 Tweaks by steved, based on information from Prodigal and forum thread:
| Processing routine made more generic
| BBCode processing options - strip, phpbb processing, mapping
| Allows setting of default for null field
| Forces null integer field to zero (required for mySQL5?)
| Sets forum_moderators to empty
| User last visit and reg. date added (may not be suitable format)
| 17/5/2006 Tweak to bring across admins as well, other than user ID = 1 (which will be E107 main admin)
| Include of mapper function moved to earlier in file to try and avoid error.
| 18/5/2006 Table added to convert IMG and URL bbcodes to lower case.
| 25/5/2006 Modifications to original script made by McFly (version 1.5) added where appropriate.
| 10/6/2006 Bug fix - user_join mapping line specified twice
| BBCodes now decoded in signatures as well as forums
| 11/6/2006 zeronull code added to try and sort user_perms
| Note: Apparently no field in the phpbb database with which to populate 'last post' - but can
| be recalculated through E107.
| Note: Typically phpbb tables are prefixed '_phpbb_'
$text = "
<table style='width: 100%;' class='fborder'>
<td class='forumheader3' style='text-align: center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;'>
This script will import your phpBB2 database to e107. It will copy over users, forums, forum posts and polls.<br /><br /><br /><b>*** IMPORTANT ***<br />Running this script will empty your e107 forum, users and polls table - make sure you have a backup before continuing!</b>
<br /><br /><br />\n
<form method='post' action='".e_SELF."'>
Please enter the details for your phpBB2 database ...<br /><br />
<table style='width: 50%;' class='fborder'>
<td style='width: 50%; text-align: right;'>Host&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td style='width: 50%; text-align: left;'><input class='tbox' type='text' name='phpbb2Host' size='30' value='localhost' maxlength='100' />
<td style='width: 50%; text-align: right;'>Username&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td style='width: 50%; text-align: left;'><input class='tbox' type='text' name='phpbb2Username' size='30' value='' maxlength='100' />
<td style='width: 50%; text-align: right;'>Password&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td style='width: 50%; text-align: left;'><input class='tbox' type='text' name='phpbb2Password' size='30' value='' maxlength='100' />
<td style='width: 50%; text-align: right;'>Database&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td style='width: 50%; text-align: left;'><input class='tbox' type='text' name='phpbb2Database' size='30' value='phpbb2' maxlength='100' />
<td style='width: 50%; text-align: right;'>Table Prefix&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td style='width: 50%; text-align: left;'><input class='tbox' type='text' name='phpbb2Prefix' size='30' value='phpbb_' maxlength='100' />
<br /><br />
<input class='button' type='submit' name='do_conversion' value='Continue' />
$ns -> tablerender("phpBB2 to e107 Conversion Script", $text);
if(!isset($_POST['phpbb2Host']) || !isset($_POST['phpbb2Username']) || !isset($_POST['phpbb2Password']) || !isset($_POST['phpbb2Database']))
echo "Field(s) left blank, please go back and re-enter values.";
$phpbb2Prefix = "";
echo "<table style='width: 100%;' class='fborder'>
<td class='forumheader3' style='text-align: center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;'>
Attempting to connect to phpBB database [ {$phpbb2Database} @ {$phpbb2Host} ] ...<br />\n";
$phpbbConnection = mysql_connect($phpbb2Host, $phpbb2Username, $phpbb2Password, TRUE);
if(!mysql_select_db($phpbb2Database, $phpbbConnection))
goError("Error! Could not connect to phpBB database. Please go back to the previous page and check your settings");
$e107Connection = mysql_connect($mySQLserver, $mySQLuser, $mySQLpassword, TRUE);
if(!mysql_select_db($mySQLdefaultdb, $e107Connection))
goError("Error! Could not connect to e107 database.");
echo "Successfully connected to phpBB and e107 databases ...<br><br />";
$phpbb_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM {$phpbb2Prefix}users", $phpbbConnection);
goError("Error! Unable to access ".$phpbb2Prefix."users table.");
// Convert users
while($user = mysql_fetch_array($phpbb_res))
$userArray = convertUsers();
// if($user['user_level'] != 1 && $user['user_id'] != -1)
// Convert any user other than ID=1 (which will be E107 main admin)
if($user['user_id'] > 1)
$query = createQuery($userArray, $user, $mySQLprefix."user");
echo (mysql_query($query, $e107Connection) ? "Successfully inserted user: ".$user['user_id'].": ".$user['username'] : "Unable to insert user: ".$user['user_id'].": ".$user['username']."<br />".mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error())."<br />";
// ### get phpbb categories and insert them as forum parents
mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE {$mySQLprefix}forum", $e107Connection);
$phpbb_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM {$phpbb2Prefix}categories", $phpbbConnection);
goError("Error! Unable to access ".$phpbb2Prefix."categories table.");
$catcount = 500;
while($parent = mysql_fetch_array($phpbb_res))
$parentArray = convertParents($catcount);
$query = createQuery($parentArray, $parent, $mySQLprefix."forum");
echo (mysql_query($query, $e107Connection) ? "Successfully inserted parent: ".$parent['cat_id'].": ".$parent['cat_title'] : "Unable to insert parent: ".$parent['cat_id'].": ".$parent['cat_title']."<br />".mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error())."<br />";
$phpbb_res2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM {$phpbb2Prefix}forums WHERE cat_id = ".$parent['cat_id'], $phpbbConnection);
while($forum = mysql_fetch_array($phpbb_res2))
$forumArray = convertForums($catcount);
$query = createQuery($forumArray, $forum, $mySQLprefix."forum");
echo (mysql_query($query, $e107Connection) ? "Successfully inserted forum: ".$parent['cat_id'].": ".$parent['cat_title'] : "Unable to insert forum: ".$parent['cat_id'].": ".$parent['cat_title']."<br />".mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error())."<br />";
echo "Didn't find any forums for parent '".$parent['cat_title']."'<br />";
$catcount ++;
// Read in forum topics
mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE {$mySQLprefix}forum_t", $e107Connection);
mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE {$mySQLprefix}polls", $e107Connection);
$query = "SELECT * FROM {$phpbb2Prefix}topics
LEFT JOIN {$phpbb2Prefix}posts_text ON ({$phpbb2Prefix}topics.topic_title = {$phpbb2Prefix}posts_text.post_subject)
LEFT JOIN {$phpbb2Prefix}posts ON ({$phpbb2Prefix}posts.post_id = {$phpbb2Prefix}posts_text.post_id)
ORDER BY topic_time ASC";
$phpbb_res = mysql_query($query, $phpbbConnection);
goError("Error! Unable to access ".$phpbb2Prefix."topics table.");
while($topic = mysql_fetch_array($phpbb_res))
//echo "<pre>"; print_r($topic); echo "</pre>";
// poll attached to this topic ...
$topic['topic_title'] = "[poll] ".$topic['topic_title'];
$query = "SELECT * FROM {$phpbb2Prefix}vote_desc WHERE topic_id=".$topic['topic_id'];
$phpbb_res3 = mysql_query($query, $phpbbConnection);
$pollQ = mysql_fetch_array($phpbb_res3);
$query = "SELECT * FROM {$phpbb2Prefix}vote_results WHERE vote_id=".$pollQ['vote_id'];
$phpbb_res3 = mysql_query($query, $phpbbConnection);
$options = "";
$votes = "";
while($pollO = mysql_fetch_array($phpbb_res3))
$options .= $pollO['vote_option_text'].chr(1);
$votes .= $pollO['vote_result'].chr(1);
$vote_text = $tp->toDB($vote_text); // McFly added 25/5/06
$options = $tp->toDB($options); // McFly added 25/5/06
$query = "INSERT INTO ".$mySQLprefix."polls VALUES ('0', {$vote_start}, {$vote_start}, 0, 0, '{$vote_text}', '{$options}', '{$votes}', '', 2, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0)";
echo (mysql_query($query, $e107Connection) ? "Poll successfully inserted" : "Unable to insert poll ({$query})")."<br />";
if($topic['topic_poster'] == 2)
$topic['topic_poster'] = 1;
if($topic['topic_poster'] == -1)
$poster = ($topic['post_username'] ? $topic['post_username'] : "Anonymous");
$topic['topic_poster'] = "0.".$poster; // McFly moved, edited 25/5/06
$topicArray = convertTopics(); // McFly edited 25/5/06
$query = createQuery($topicArray, $topic, $mySQLprefix."forum_t");
if(!mysql_query($query, $e107Connection))
echo "Unable to insert topic: ".$topic['topic_id']."<br />";
echo "Successfully inserted topic: ".$topic['topic_id']."<br />";
$parent_id = mysql_insert_id();
$topic_id = $topic['topic_id'];
//echo "PARENT: $parent_id, TOPIC: $topic_id<br />";
$query = "SELECT * FROM {$phpbb2Prefix}posts LEFT JOIN {$phpbb2Prefix}posts_text ON ({$phpbb2Prefix}posts.post_id = {$phpbb2Prefix}posts_text.post_id) WHERE topic_id='{$topic_id}' AND post_subject = '' ORDER BY post_time DESC";
$phpbb_res2 = mysql_query($query, $phpbbConnection);
goError("Error! Unable to access ".$phpbb2Prefix."posts / ".$phpbb2Prefix."posts_text table.");
while($post = mysql_fetch_array($phpbb_res2))
if($post['poster_id'] == 2)
$post['poster_id'] = 1;
if($post['poster_id'] == -1)
$poster = ($post['post_username'] ? $post['post_username'] : "Anonymous");
$post['poster_id'] = "0.".$poster; // McFly moved, edited 25/5/06
$postArray = convertForumPosts($parent_id, $poster);
$query = createQuery($postArray, $post, $mySQLprefix."forum_t",$mapdata);
echo (mysql_query($query, $e107Connection) ? "Successfully inserted thread: ".$post['post_id'] : "Unable to insert thread: ".$parent['cat_id'].": ".$parent['cat_title']."<br />".mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error())."<br />";
// Consider polls here later
echo "</td></tr></table>";
function goError($error)
echo "<b>{$error}</b></td></tr></table>";
// Table to convert selected bbcodes to lower case
//$mapdata = array("URL" => "url","IMG" => "img");
$mapdata = array();
function convertUsers()
$usersArray = array(
array("srcdata" => "user_id", "e107" => "user_id", "type" => "INT"),
array("srcdata" => "username", "e107" => "user_name", "type" => "STRING"),
array("srcdata" => "username", "e107" => "user_loginname", "type" => "STRING"),
array("srcdata" => "user_password", "e107" => "user_password", "type" => "STRING"),
array("srcdata" => "user_email", "e107" => "user_email", "type" => "STRING"),
array("srcdata" => "user_sig", "e107" => "user_signature", "type" => "STRING", "sproc" => "usebb,phpbb,bblower"),
array("srcdata" => "user_viewemail", "e107" => "user_hideemail", "type" => "INT"),
array("srcdata" => "user_regdate", "e107" => "user_join", "type" => "INT"),
array("srcdata" => "user_posts", "e107" => "user_forums", "type" => "INT"),
array("srcdata" => "user_level", "e107" => "user_admin", "type" => "INT"),
array("srcdata" => "user_lastvisit","e107" => "user_lastvisit", "type" => "INT"),
// Rest of these added by McFly
array("srcdata" => "null", "e107" => "user_prefs", "type" => "INT", "value" => 0),
array("srcdata" => "null", "e107" => "user_new", "type" => "INT", "value" => 0),
array("srcdata" => "null", "e107" => "user_realm", "type" => "INT", "value" => 0),
array("srcdata" => "null", "e107" => "user_class", "type" => "INT", "value" => 0),
array("srcdata" => "null", "e107" => "user_viewed", "type" => "INT", "value" => 0),
// This one changed from McFly's code to try and get null string if non-admin
array("srcdata" => "user_level", "e107" => "user_perms", "type" => "INT", "sproc" => "zeronull") );
return $usersArray;
function convertParents($catid)
$parentArray = array(
array("srcdata" => "cat_id", "e107" => "forum_id", "type" => "INT", "value" => $catid),
array("srcdata" => "cat_title", "e107" => "forum_name", "type" => "STRING"),
array("srcdata" => "cat_order", "e107" => "forum_order", "type" => "INT"),
// Rest of these added by McFly
array("srcdata" => "cat_desc", "e107" => "forum_description", "type" => "STRING"),
array("srcdata" => "null", "e107" => "forum_moderators", "type" => "INT", "value" => 254)
return $parentArray;
function convertForums($catid)
$forumArray = array(
array("srcdata" => "forum_id", "e107" => "forum_id", "type" => "INT"),
array("srcdata" => "cat_id", "e107" => "forum_parent", "type" => "STRING", "value" => $catid),
array("srcdata" => "forum_name", "e107" => "forum_name", "type" => "STRING"),
array("srcdata" => "forum_desc", "e107" => "forum_description", "type" => "STRING"),
array("srcdata" => "forum_order", "e107" => "forum_order", "type" => "INT"),
array("srcdata" => "forum_topics", "e107" => "forum_threads", "type" => "INT"),
array("srcdata" => "forum_posts", "e107" => "forum_replies", "type" => "INT"),
// array("srcdata" => "null", "e107" => "forum_moderators", "type" => "STRING")
// Previous line replaced with this on the basis that McFly knows best
array("srcdata" => "null", "e107" => "forum_moderators", "type" => "INT", "value" => 254)
return $forumArray;
//function convertTopics($poster)
// Changed by McFly
function convertTopics()
$topicArray = array(
array("srcdata" => "forum_id", "e107" => "thread_forum_id", "type" => "INT"),
array("srcdata" => "topic_title", "e107" => "thread_name", "type" => "STRING"),
array("srcdata" => "post_text", "e107" => "thread_thread", "type" => "STRING", "default" => "", "sproc" => "usebb,phpbb,bblower"),
// array("srcdata" => "topic_poster", "e107" => "thread_user", "type" => "INT"),
// Previous line replaced by next - GAT McFly
array("srcdata" => "topic_poster", "e107" => "thread_user", "type" => "STRING"),
array("srcdata" => "null", "e107" => "thread_active", "type" => "INT", "value" => 1),
array("srcdata" => "topic_time", "e107" => "thread_datestamp", "type" => "INT"),
array("srcdata" => "topic_views", "e107" => "thread_views", "type" => "INT"),
array("srcdata" => "topic_replies", "e107" => "thread_total_replies", "type" => "INT"),
array("srcdata" => "null", "e107" => "thread_parent", "type" => "INT", "value" => 0),
return $topicArray;
function convertForumPosts($parent_id, $poster)
$postArray = array(
array("srcdata" => "post_text", "e107" => "thread_thread", "type" => "STRING", "default" => "", "sproc" => "usebb,phpbb,bblower"),
array("srcdata" => "forum_id", "e107" => "thread_forum_id", "type" => "INT"),
array("srcdata" => "post_time", "e107" => "thread_datestamp", "type" => "INT"),
array("srcdata" => "topic_views", "e107" => "thread_views", "type" => "INT"),
array("srcdata" => "post_time", "e107" => "thread_lastpost", "type" => "INT"),
// array("srcdata" => "poster_id", "e107" => "thread_user", "type" => "INT"),
// Previous line replaced by next - GAT McFly
array("srcdata" => "poster_id", "e107" => "thread_user", "type" => "STRING"),
array("srcdata" => "post_subject", "e107" => "thread_name", "type" => "STRING"),
array("srcdata" => "null", "e107" => "thread_parent", "type" => "INT", "value" => $parent_id),
return $postArray;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
PHPBB uses three tables to record a poll. Looks wildly different to E107!
-- Table structure for table `_phpbb_vote_desc`
CREATE TABLE `_phpbb_vote_desc` (
`vote_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`topic_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`vote_text` text NOT NULL,
`vote_start` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`vote_length` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`vote_id`),
KEY `topic_id` (`topic_id`)
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `_phpbb_vote_results`
CREATE TABLE `_phpbb_vote_results` (
`vote_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`vote_option_id` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`vote_option_text` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`vote_result` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
KEY `vote_option_id` (`vote_option_id`),
KEY `vote_id` (`vote_id`)
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `_phpbb_vote_voters`
CREATE TABLE `_phpbb_vote_voters` (
`vote_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`vote_user_id` mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0',
`vote_user_ip` char(8) NOT NULL default '',
KEY `vote_id` (`vote_id`),
KEY `vote_user_id` (`vote_user_id`),
KEY `vote_user_ip` (`vote_user_ip`)