mirror of https://github.com/e107inc/e107.git synced 2025-02-26 17:53:24 +01:00

1740 lines
48 KiB

* e107 website system
* Copyright (C) 2002-2010 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* Comment handler class - This class handles all comment-related functions.
if (!defined('e107_INIT'))
global $comment_shortcodes;
require_once (e_CORE."shortcodes/batch/comment_shortcodes.php");
class comment
public $known_types = array(
0 => "news",
1 => 'content',
2 => 'download',
3 => 'faq',
4 => 'poll',
5 => 'docs',
6 => 'bugtrack'
private $template;
private $totalComments = 0;
private $moderator = false;
private $commentsPerPage = 5;
private $table = null;
private $engine;
private $nestedComments = array();
function __construct()
if(getperms('B')) // moderator perms.
$this->moderator = true;
$this->engine = e107::pref('core', 'comments_engine', 'e107');
//TODO - add a pref for comments per page.
// $this->commentsPerPage = pref;
if (empty($COMMENTSTYLE) || !deftrue('THEME_LEGACY')) // v2.x
//require(e107::coreTemplatePath('comment')); // using require_once() could cause an empty template if the template is already loaded, for example, by the comment-menu al
$COMMENT_TEMPLATE = e107::getCoreTemplate('comment');
elseif(!vartrue($COMMENT_TEMPLATE)) // BC template.
global $sc_style;
<table class='fborder' style='".USER_WIDTH."'>
<td colspan='2' class='forumheader'>
<td style='width:30%; vertical-align:top;'>
{AVATAR}<span class='smalltext'>{COMMENTS}{JOINED}</span>
<td style='width:70%; vertical-align:top;'>
<br />";
$COMMENT_TEMPLATE['FORM'] = "<table style='width:100%'>
$sc_style['SUBJECT_INPUT']['pre'] = "<tr><td style='width:20%'>".COMLAN_324."</td><td style='width:80%'>";
$sc_style['SUBJECT_INPUT']['post'] = "</td></tr>";
$sc_style['AUTHOR_INPUT']['pre'] = "<tr><td style='width:20%; vertical-align:top;'>".COMLAN_16."</td><td style='width:80%'>";
$sc_style['AUTHOR_INPUT']['post'] = "</td></tr>";
$sc_style['RATE_INPUT']['pre'] = "<tr><td style='width:20%; vertical-align:top;'>".LAN_RATING.":</td><td style='width:80%;'>";
$sc_style['RATE_INPUT']['post'] = "</td></tr>";
$sc_style['COMMENT_INPUT']['pre'] = "<tr><td style='width:20%; vertical-align:top;'>".COMLAN_8.":</td><td id='commentform' style='width:80%;'>";
$sc_style['COMMENT_INPUT']['post'] = "</td></tr>";
$sc_style['COMMENT_BUTTON']['pre'] = "<tr style='vertical-align:top'><td style='width:20%; vertical-align:top;'>&nbsp;</td><td id='commentformbutton' style='width:80%;'>";
$sc_style['COMMENT_BUTTON']['post'] = "</td></tr>";
$this->template = array_change_key_case($COMMENT_TEMPLATE);
* @param $id
* @return string|void|null
function replyComment($id) // Ajax Reply.
if($this->engine != 'e107')
return null;
$sql = e107::getDb();
if($sql->select("comments","*","comment_id= ".intval($id)." LIMIT 1"))
$row = $sql->fetch();
// [comment_id] =&gt; 65
return $this->form_comment('reply', $row['comment_type'], $row['comment_item_id'], $row['comment_subject'], false, true,false,false,$id);
* Display the comment editing form
* @param string $action
* @param string $table
* @param int $id
* @param string $subject
* @param mixed $content_type
* @param bool $return
* @param bool $rating
* @return string
function form_comment($action, $table, $id, $subject, $content_type, $return = FALSE, $rating = FALSE, $tablerender = TRUE,$pid = false)
//rating : boolean, to show rating system in comment
$pref = e107::getPref();
$sql = e107::getDb();
$tp = e107::getParser();
if(!empty($pref['comments_disabled']) || $this->engine != 'e107')
return null;
if ($user_func = e107::getOverride()->check($this,'form_comment'))
return call_user_func($user_func, array('action'=>$action, 'table'=>$table, 'id'=>$id, 'subject'=>$subject, 'content_type'=>$content_type, 'return'=>$return, 'rating'=>$rating, 'tablerender'=>$tablerender, 'pid'=>$pid));
// require_once(e_HANDLER."ren_help.php");
if ($this->getCommentPermissions() == 'rw')
$itemid = $id;
if ($action == "reply" && strpos($subject, "Re: ") !== 0)
$subject = COMLAN_325.' '.$subject;
if (vartrue($_GET['comment']) == 'edit')
$eaction = 'edit';
$id = $_GET['comment_id'];
elseif (strpos(e_QUERY, 'edit.') !== FALSE)
$eaction = 'edit';
$tmp = explode(".", e_QUERY);
$count = 0;
foreach ($tmp as $t)
if ($t == "edit")
$id = $tmp[($count + 1)];
if (isset($eaction) && $eaction == "edit")
{ // Get existing comment
$id = intval($id);
$sql->select("comments", "*", "comment_id='{$id}' ");
$ecom = $sql->fetch();
if (isset($ecom['comment_author']))
{ // Old comment DB format
list($prid, $pname) = explode(".", $ecom['comment_author'], 2);
$prid = $ecom['comment_author_id'];
$pname = $ecom['comment_author_name'];
if ($prid != USERID || !USER)
{ // Editing not allowed
echo "<div style='text-align: center;'>".COMLAN_329."</div>";
$caption = COMLAN_318;
$comval = $tp->toForm($ecom['comment_comment']);
$comval = preg_replace("#\[ ".COMLAN_319.".*\]#si", "", $comval);
{ // New comment - blank form
$caption = COMLAN_9;
$comval = "";
//add the rating select box/result ?
$rate = "";
if ($rating == TRUE && !(ANON == TRUE && USER == FALSE))
global $rater;
if (!is_object($rater))
$rater = new rater;
$rate = $rater->composerating($table, $itemid, $enter = TRUE, USERID, TRUE);
} //end rating area
// -------------------------------------------------------------
$indent = ($action == 'reply') ? " class='media offset-md-1 col-md-offset-1 offset1' " : " class='media' ";
$formid = ($action == 'reply') ? "e-comment-form-reply" : "e-comment-form";
$text = "\n<div{$indent}>\n".e107::getMessage()->render('postcomment', true, false);//temporary here
// $text .= "Indent = ".$indent;
$text .= "<form id='{$formid}' method='post' action='".str_replace('http:', '', e_REQUEST_URI)."' >";
$data = array(
'action' => $action,
'subject' => $subject,
'table' => $table,
'comval' => strip_tags(trim($comval)),
'itemid' => $itemid,
'pid' => $pid,
'eaction' => varset($eaction),
'rate' => $rating
$sc = e107::getScBatch('comment');
$text .= $tp->parseTemplate($this->template['form'], true, $sc);
$text .= "\n<div>\n"; // All Hidden Elements.
$text .= (varset($action) == "reply" && $pid ? "<input type='hidden' name='pid' value='{$pid}' />" : '');
$text .=(isset($eaction) && $eaction == "edit" ? "<input type='hidden' name='editpid' value='{$id}' />" : "");
$text .=(isset($content_type) && $content_type ? "<input type='hidden' name='content_type' value='{$content_type}' />" : '');
// $text .= (!$pref['nested_comments']) ? "<input type='hidden' name='subject' value='".$tp->toForm($subject)."' />\n" : "";
$text .= "
<input type='hidden' name='subject' value='".$tp->toForm($subject)."' />
<input type='hidden' name='e-token' value='".defset('e_TOKEN')."' />
<input type='hidden' name='table' value='".$table."' />
<input type='hidden' name='itemid' value='".$itemid."' />
$text .= "</div>";
if ($tablerender)
$text = e107::getRender()->tablerender($caption, $text, '', TRUE);
{ // Comment entry not allowed - point to signup link
$userReg = intval(e107::pref('core','user_reg'));
$socialLogin = e107::getUserProvider()->isSocialLoginEnabled();
$text = "<div class='comments-form-login'>";
$srch = array("[","]");
if(!empty($userReg) || !empty($socialLogin))
$COMLAN_500 = COMLAN_500; // Please [sign in] to leave a comment.
$repl = array("<a href='".e_LOGIN."'>","</a>");
$text .= "<div>".str_replace($srch,$repl,$COMLAN_500)."</div>";
$text .= $tp->parseTemplate("{SOCIAL_LOGIN}");
// $text .= "<br />";
if($userReg === 1)
$COMLAN_501 = COMLAN_501; // If you are not yet registered, you may [click here to register].
$repl = array("<a href='".e_SIGNUP."'>","</a>");
$text .= "<div>".str_replace($srch,$repl,$COMLAN_501)."</div>";
$text .= "</div>";
// $text = "<br /><div style='text-align:center'><b>".COMLAN_6." <a href='".e_SIGNUP."'>".COMLAN_321."</a> ".COMLAN_322."</b></div>";
if ($return)
return $text;
echo $text;
* Check if comment is pending approval.
* @param array - a row from the comments table.
* @return boolean True/False
private function isPending($row)
if($row['comment_blocked'] > 0 && ($row['comment_author_id'] != USERID || ($row['comment_author_id']==0 && $row['comment_author_name'] != $_SESSION['comment_author_name'])) && $this->moderator == false)
$this->totalComments = $this->totalComments - 1;
return true;
return false;
* Render a single comment and any nested comments it may have.
* @param array $row
* @param string $table
* @param string $action
* @param integer $id
* @param integer $width
* @param string $subject
* @param integer $addrating
* @return string|null html
function render_comment($row, $table, $action, $id, $width=0, $subject='', $addrating = FALSE)
if($this->engine != 'e107')
return null;
if ($user_func = e107::getOverride()->check($this,'render_comment'))
return call_user_func($user_func, array('row'=>$row, 'table'=>$table, 'action'=>$action, 'id'=>$id, 'width'=>$width, 'subject'=>$subject, 'addrating'=>$addrating));
//addrating : boolean, to show rating system in rendered comment
global $sc_style, $gen;
$tp = e107::getParser();
$sql = e107::getDb();
$pref = e107::getPref();
if (!empty($pref['comments_disabled']))
return null;
global $NEWIMAGE, $USERNAME, $RATING, $datestamp;
global $thisaction,$thistable,$thisid,$e107;
$comrow = $row;
$thistable = $table;
$thisid = $id;
$thisaction = $action;
//FIXME - new level handler, currently commented to avoid parse errors
//require_once (e_HANDLER."level_handler.php");
if (!defined("IMAGE_nonew_comments"))
define("IMAGE_nonew_comments", (file_exists(THEME."images/nonew_comments.png") ? "<img src='".THEME_ABS."images/nonew_comments.png' alt='' /> " : "<img src='".e_IMAGE_ABS."generic/nonew_comments.png' alt='' />"));
if (!defined("IMAGE_new_comments"))
define("IMAGE_new_comments", (file_exists(THEME."images/new_comments.png") ? "<img src='".THEME_ABS."images/new_comments.png' alt='' /> " : "<img src='".e_IMAGE_ABS."generic/new_comments.png' alt='' /> "));
// $ns = new e107table;
if (!$gen || !is_object($gen))
$gen = new convert;
$row['rating_enabled'] = true; // Toggles rating shortcode. //TODO add pref
$comment_shortcodes = e107::getScBatch('comment');
$COMMENT_TEMPLATE = $this->template;
// $COMMENT_TEMPLATE['ITEM_START'] = "\n\n<div id='{COMMENT_ITEMID}' class='comment-box clearfix'>\n";
// $COMMENT_TEMPLATE['ITEM_END'] = "\n</div><div class='clear_b'><!-- --></div>\n";
//XXX Do NOT add to template - too important to allow for modification.
$COMMENT_TEMPLATE['item_start'] = "\n\n<li id='{COMMENT_ITEMID}' class='media comment-box d-flex clearfix'>\n";
$COMMENT_TEMPLATE['item_end'] = "\n</li>\n";
if(defset('BOOTSTRAP') === 2 || defset('BOOTSTRAP') === true) // Convert Bootstrap3 to Bootstrap 2 when detected.
$COMMENT_TEMPLATE['item'] = str_replace("row", "row-fluid", $COMMENT_TEMPLATE['item']);
e107::getParser()->setThumbSize(100,100); // BC FIx. Set a default image size, in case the template doesn't have one.
if (!empty($pref['nested_comments']))
// $width2 = 100 - $width;
// $total_width = "95%";
if ($width)
$renderstyle = $COMMENT_TEMPLATE['item_start'];
$renderstyle .= "<div class='row media offset".$width." col-md-".(12 - (int) $width)." offset-md-".$width." col-md-offset-".$width."' >".$COMMENT_TEMPLATE['item']."</div>";
$renderstyle .= $COMMENT_TEMPLATE['item_end'];
$renderstyle = $COMMENT_TEMPLATE['item_start'].$COMMENT_TEMPLATE['item'].$COMMENT_TEMPLATE['item_end'];
if ($pref['comments_icon'])
if ($comrow['comment_datestamp'] > USERLV)
$NEWIMAGE = IMAGE_new_comments;
$NEWIMAGE = IMAGE_nonew_comments;
$renderstyle = $COMMENT_TEMPLATE['item'];
$highlight_search = FALSE;
if (isset($_POST['highlight_search']))
$highlight_search = TRUE;
if (!defined("IMAGE_rank_main_admin_image"))
define("IMAGE_rank_main_admin_image", (isset($pref['rank_main_admin_image']) && $pref['rank_main_admin_image'] && file_exists(THEME."forum/".$pref['rank_main_admin_image']) ? "<img src='".THEME_ABS."forum/".$pref['rank_main_admin_image']."' alt='' />" : "<img src='".e_PLUGIN_ABS."forum/images/lite/main_admin.png' alt='' />"));
if (!defined("IMAGE_rank_moderator_image"))
define("IMAGE_rank_moderator_image", (isset($pref['rank_moderator_image']) && $pref['rank_moderator_image'] && file_exists(THEME."forum/".$pref['rank_moderator_image']) ? "<img src='".THEME_ABS."forum/".$pref['rank_moderator_image']."' alt='' />" : "<img src='".e_PLUGIN_ABS."forum/images/lite/admin.png' alt='' />"));
if (!defined("IMAGE_rank_admin_image"))
define("IMAGE_rank_admin_image", (isset($pref['rank_admin_image']) && $pref['rank_admin_image'] && file_exists(THEME."forum/".$pref['rank_admin_image']) ? "<img src='".THEME_ABS."forum/".$pref['rank_admin_image']."' alt='' />" : "<img src='".e_PLUGIN_ABS."forum/images/lite/admin.png' alt='' />"));
// $RATING = ($addrating == TRUE && $comrow['user_id'] ? $rater->composerating($thistable, $thisid, FALSE, $comrow['user_id']) : "");
$text = $tp->parseTemplate($renderstyle, TRUE, $comment_shortcodes);
if ($action == "comment" && !empty($pref['nested_comments']))
$type = $this->getCommentType($thistable);
if ($nested = $this->getNested($comrow['comment_id'], $type))
foreach ($nested as $row1)
// $width = min($width + 1, 80);
$width = $width+1;
$text .= $this->render_comment($row1, $table, $action, $id, $width, $subject, $addrating);
$this->totalComments += count($nested);
} // End (nested comment handling)
return $text;
* @param $id - comment_id to delete
* @param string $table - comment belongs to this table eg. 'news'
* @param string $itemid - corresponding item from the table. eg. news_id
* @return int|null
function deleteComment($id, $table='', $itemid='') // delete a single comment by comment id.
if($this->engine != 'e107')
return null;
if(!getperms('0') && !getperms("B"))
return null;
$table = e107::getParser()->filter($table,'w');
$status = e107::getDb()->update("comments","comment_blocked=1 WHERE comment_id = ".intval($id)."");
$data = array('comment_id'=>intval($id), 'comment_type'=>$table, 'comment_item_id'=> intval($itemid));
e107::getEvent()->trigger('user_comment_deleted', $data);
return $status;
* @param $id
* @return int|void
function approveComment($id) // appropve a single comment by comment id.
if(!getperms('0') && !getperms("B"))
return e107::getDb()->update("comments","comment_blocked=0 WHERE comment_id = ".intval($id)."");
* @param $id
* @param $comment
* @return string|void|null
function updateComment($id, $comment)
if($this->engine != 'e107')
return null;
$tp = e107::getParser();
// if(THEME_LEGACY !== true) // old themes might still use bbcodes.
$comment = $tp->toText($comment);
$comment = trim($comment);
if(!e107::getDb()->update("comments","comment_comment=\"".$tp->toDB($comment)."\" WHERE comment_id = ".intval($id).""))
return "Update Failed"; // trigger ajax error message.
* @param $var
* @return bool
function moderateComment($var)
if ($var == e_UC_MEMBER) // different behavior to check_class();
return (USER == true && ADMIN == false);
return check_class($var);
* Add a comment to an item
* e-token POST value should be always valid when using this method.
* @param string|array $data - $author_name or array of all values.
* @param unknown_type $comment
* @param unknown_type $table
* @param integer $id - reference of item in source table to which comment is linked
* @param unknown_type $pid - parent comment id when it's a reply to a specific comment. t
* @param unknown_type $subject
* @param unknown_type $rateindex
function enter_comment($data, $comment='', $table='', $id='', $pid='', $subject='', $rateindex = FALSE)
//rateindex : the posted value from the rateselect box (without the urljump) (see function rateselect())
if($this->engine != 'e107')
$table = $data['comment_type'];
$id = intval($data['comment_item_id']);
$pid = intval($data['comment_pid']);
$subject = $data['comment_subject'];
$comment = $data['comment_comment'];
$author_name = $data['comment_author_name'];
$comment_share = intval($data['comment_share']);
$comment_datestamp = $data['comment_datestamp'];
$author_name = $data; //BC Fix.
$comment_share = 0; //BC Fix.
global $e107,$rater;
$sql = e107::getDb();
$sql2 = e107::getDb('sql2');
$tp = e107::getParser();
$pref = e107::getPref();
// if(THEME_LEGACY !== true) // old themes might still use bbcodes.
$comment = $tp->toText($comment);
if ($this->getCommentPermissions() != 'rw') return;
if ($user_func = e107::getOverride()->check($this,'enter_comment'))
return call_user_func($user_func, array('data'=>$data, 'comment'=>$comment, 'table'=>$table, 'id'=>$id, 'pid'=>$pid, 'subject'=>$subject, 'rateindex'=>$rateindex));
if(!isset($_POST['e-token'])) $_POST['e-token'] = ''; // check posted token
if(!e107::getSession()->check(false)) return false; // This will return false on error
if (isset($_GET['comment']) && $_GET['comment'] == 'edit')
$eaction = 'edit';
$editpid = $_GET['comment_id'];
elseif (strpos(e_QUERY, "edit") !== false)
$eaction = "edit";
$tmp = explode(".", e_QUERY);
$count = 0;
foreach ($tmp as $t)
if ($t == "edit")
$editpid = $tmp[($count + 1)];
$type = $this->getCommentType($table);
$comment = $tp->toDB($comment);
$subject = $tp->toDB($subject);
$cuser_id = 0;
$cuser_name = 'Anonymous'; // Preset as an anonymous comment
$cuser_mail = '';
if (!$sql->select("comments", "*", "comment_comment='".$comment."' AND comment_item_id='".intval($id)."' AND comment_type='".$tp->toDB($type, true)."' "))
if ($_POST['comment'])
if (USER == TRUE)
$cuser_id = USERID;
$cuser_name = USERNAME;
$cuser_mail = USEREMAIL;
elseif ($_POST['author_name'] != '') // See if author name is registered user
if ($sql2->select("user", "*", "user_name='".$tp->toDB($_POST['author_name'])."' "))
if ($sql2->select("user", "*", "user_name='".$tp->toDB($_POST['author_name'])."' AND user_ip='".USERIP."' "))
//list($cuser_id, $cuser_name) = $sql2->fetch();
$tmp = $sql2->fetch();
$cuser_id = $tmp['user_id'];
$cuser_name = $tmp['user_name'];
$cuser_mail = $tmp['user_email'];
define("emessage", COMLAN_310);
else // User not on-line, so can't be entering comments
$cuser_name = $tp->toDB($author_name);
if (!defined("emessage"))
$ip = $e107->getip(); // Store IP 'in the raw' - could be IPv4 or IPv6. Its always returned in a normalised form
$_t = time();
if ($editpid)
$comment .= "\n[ ".COMLAN_319." [time=short]".time()."[/time] ]";
$sql->update("comments", "comment_comment='{$comment}' WHERE comment_id='".intval($editpid)."' ");
//FIXME - don't sanitize, pass raw data to e_event, use DB array (inner db sanitize)
$edata_li = array(
// comment_id - auto-assigned
'comment_pid' => intval($pid),
'comment_item_id' => $id,
'comment_subject' => $subject,
'comment_author_id' => $cuser_id,
'comment_author_name' => $cuser_name,
'comment_author_email' => $tp->toDB($cuser_mail),
'comment_datestamp' => $_t,
'comment_comment' => $comment,
'comment_blocked' => ($this->moderateComment($pref['comments_moderate']) ? 2 : 0),
'comment_ip' => $ip,
'comment_type' => $tp->toDB($type, true),
'comment_lock' => 0,//Not locked by default
'comment_share' => $comment_share
//SecretR: new event 'prepostcomment' - allow plugin hooks - e.g. Spam Check
$edata_li_hook = array_merge($edata_li, array('comment_nick' => $cuser_id.'.'.$cuser_name, 'comment_time' => $_t));
if(e107::getEvent()->trigger("prepostcomment", $edata_li_hook))
return false; //3rd party code interception
//allow 3rd party code to modify insert data
foreach (array_keys($edata_li) as $k)
$edata_li[$k] = $edata_li_hook[$k]; //sanitize?
if($k === 'break')
$break = $edata_li_hook[$k];
if (!($inserted_id = $sql->insert("comments", $edata_li)))
//echo "<b>".COMLAN_323."</b> ".COMLAN_11;
return "Error";
e107::getMessage()->addStack(COMLAN_11, 'postcomment', E_MESSAGE_ERROR);
if (USER == true)
$sql->update("user", "user_comments=user_comments+1, user_lastpost='".time()."' WHERE user_id='".USERID."' ");
// Next item for backward compatibility
$edata_li["comment_nick"] = $cuser_id.'.'.$cuser_name;
$edata_li["comment_time"] = $_t;
$edata_li["comment_id"] = $inserted_id;
e107::getEvent()->trigger("postcomment", $edata_li);
e107::getEvent()->trigger('user_comment_posted', $edata_li);
// Moved to e107_plugins/news/e_event.php
if ((empty($table) || $table == "news") && !$this->moderateComment($pref['comments_moderate']))
$sql->update("news", "news_comment_total=news_comment_total+1 WHERE news_id=".intval($id));
//if rateindex is posted, enter the rating from this user
// if ($rateindex)
// {
// $rater->enterrating($rateindex);
// }
return $inserted_id; // return the ID number so it can be used. true;
define("emessage", COMLAN_312);
if (defined("emessage"))
return emessage;
message_handler("ALERT", emessage);
return false;
* Enter description here...
* @param string $table
* @return string|int
function getCommentType($table)
if (is_numeric($table))
return $table;
switch ($table)
case "news":
$type = 0;
case "content":
$type = 1;
case "download":
$type = 2;
case "faq":
$type = 3;
case "poll":
$type = 4;
case "docs":
$type = 5;
case "bugtrack":
$type = 6;
default :
$type = e107::getParser()->toDB($table, true);
Add your comment type here in same format as above, ie ...
case "your_comment_type"; $type = your_type_id; break;
return $type;
* Convert type number to (core) table string
* @param integer|string $type
* @return string
public function getTable($type)
if (!is_numeric($type))
return $type;
return $this->known_types[$type];
* Enter description here...
* @param unknown_type $table
* @param unknown_type $id
* @return int
function count_comments($table, $id)
$sql = e107::getDb();
$tp = e107::getParser();
$type = $this->getCommentType($table);
$count_comments = $sql->count("comments", "(*)", "WHERE comment_item_id='".intval($id)."' AND comment_type='".$tp->toDB($type, true)."' ");
return (int) $count_comments;
* Get comment permissions; may be:
* - FALSE - no permission
* - 'ro' - read-only (Can't create)
* - 'rw' - can create and see
* This is an embryonic routine which is expected to evolve
function getCommentPermissions()
$pref = e107::pref();
if(isset($pref['comments_disabled']) && $pref['comments_disabled'] == TRUE)
return FALSE;
if (isset($pref['comments_class']))
if (!check_class($pref['comments_class']))
return FALSE;
return 'rw';
if (USER) return 'rw'; // Only allow anonymous comments if specifically enabled.
if (ANON) return 'rw';
return 'ro';
* Returns a rendered commenting area. (html) v2.x
* This is the only method a plugin developer should require in order to include user comments.
* @param string $plugin - directory of the plugin that will own these comments.
* @param int $id - unique id for this page/item. Usually the primary ID of your plugin's database table.
* @param string $subject
* @param bool|false $rate true = will rendered rating buttons, false will not.
* @return null|string
public function render($plugin, $id, $subject, $rate=false)
return $this->compose_comment($plugin, 'comment', $id, 0, $subject, $rate, 'html');
* Displays existing comments, and a comment entry form
* @param string $table - the source table for the associated item
* @param string $action - usually 'comment' or 'reply'
* @param integer $id - ID of item associated with comments (e.g. news ID)
* @param int $width - appears to not be used
* @param string $subject
* @param boolean $rate
* @param boolean|string $return true, false or 'html'
* @param boolean $tablerender
* @return array|null|string|void
function compose_comment($table, $action, $id, $width, $subject, $rate = FALSE, $return = FALSE, $tablerender = TRUE)
//compose comment : single call function will render the existing comments and show the form_comment
//rate : boolean, to show/hide rating system in comment, default FALSE
global $totcc;
$tp = e107::getParser();
$ns = e107::getRender();
$pref = e107::getPref();
$frm = e107::getForm();
if ($this->getCommentPermissions() === FALSE) return;
$params = array('method'=>'compose_comment', 'table'=>$table, 'action'=>$action, 'id'=>$id, 'width'=>$width, 'subject'=>$subject, 'rate'=>$rate, 'return'=>$return, 'tablerender'=>$tablerender);
if($this->engine != 'e107')
list($plugin,$method) = explode("::", $this->engine);
$obj = e107::getAddon($plugin,'e_comment');
$text = e107::callMethod($obj, $method, $params);
if ($tablerender)
echo $ns->tablerender(null, $text, 'comment', true);
echo $text;
elseif($return === 'html')
return $ns->tablerender(null, $text, 'comment', true);
$ret['comment'] = $text;
$ret['comment_form'] = '';
$ret['caption'] = '';
return $ret;
return '';
if ($user_func = e107::getOverride()->check($this,'compose_comment'))
return call_user_func($user_func, $params);
// ------------- TODO move the 'listing' into separate function so that ajax can access it easily.
$options = array(
'action' => $action,
'subject' => $subject,
'rate' => $rate
$text = $lock = $modcomment ='';
if($action != 'reply')
$tmp = $this->getComments($table,$id,0,$options); // render all comments;
$text = $tmp['comments'];
$lock = $tmp['lock'];
// -------------------------------------------------------
$modcomment = "<div class='comment-options'>";
if($this->totalComments && getperms("B"))
// $modcomment .= "<a href='".e_ADMIN_ABS."modcomment.php?$table.$id'>".COMLAN_314."</a>";
$modcomment .= "<a class='btn btn-default btn-secondary btn-mini btn-sm' href='".e_ADMIN_ABS."comment.php?searchquery={$id}&filter_options=comment_type__".$this->getCommentType($table)."'>".COMLAN_314."</a>";
$from = 0;
$modcomment .= $this->nextprev($table,$id,$from);
$modcomment .= "</div>";
// ---------------------------
if ($lock != '1')
$comment = $this->form_comment($action, $table, $id, $subject, "", TRUE, $rate, false); // tablerender turned off.
if(defined('BOOTSTRAP') && BOOTSTRAP)
$comment = e107::getMessage()->addInfo(COMLAN_328)->render();
$comment = "<br /><div style='text-align:center'><b>".COMLAN_328."</b></div>";
$containerTarget = "comments-container-".$frm->name2id($table);
//XXX Do NOT add to template - too important to allow for modification.
$text = "<ul class='comments-container media-list' id='".$containerTarget."'>\n".$text."\n</ul>";
$text = "<ul class='comments-container media-list' id='".$containerTarget."'><li><!-- --></li></ul>";
$TEMPL = $this->parseLayout($text,$comment,$modcomment);
// $return = null;
// $tablerender = true;
if ($tablerender)
echo $ns->tablerender("<span id='e-comment-total'>".$this->totalComments."</span> ".LAN_COMMENTS, $TEMPL, 'comment', TRUE);
echo $TEMPL;
elseif($return === 'html')
return $ns->tablerender("<span id='e-comment-total'>".$this->totalComments."</span> ".LAN_COMMENTS, $TEMPL, 'comment', true);
//echo $modcomment.$comment;
//echo $text;
if(!deftrue('BOOTSTRAP')) //v1.x
$comment = $ns->tablerender(COMLAN_9, $comment, 'comment', true );
$ret = array();
$ret['comment'] = $text;
$ret['moderate'] = $modcomment;
$ret['comment_form'] = $comment;
$ret['caption'] = "<span id='e-comment-total'>".$this->totalComments."</span> ".LAN_COMMENTS;
return (!$return) ? "" : $ret;
* Parse the Comment Layout template
* @param $comment
* @param $form
* @param $modcomment
* @return array|string|string[]
public function parseLayout($comment, $form, $modcomment)
$search = array("{MODERATE}","{COMMENTS}","{COMMENTFORM}","{COMMENTNAV}");
$pagination = '';
$replace = array($modcomment,$comment,$form,$pagination);
return str_replace($search,$replace,$this->template['layout']);
* @param $table
* @param $id
* @param $from
* @param $att
* @return array
public function getComments($table, $id, $from=0, $att=null)
$sql = e107::getDb();
$tp = e107::getParser();
$pref = e107::getPref();
$action = varset($att['action']);
$subject = varset($att['subject']);
$rate = varset($att['rate']);
$type = $this->getCommentType($table);
$sort = vartrue($pref['comments_sort'],'desc');
$query = "SELECT c.*, u.*, ue.*, r.* FROM #comments AS c
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON c.comment_author_id = u.user_id
LEFT JOIN #user_extended AS ue ON c.comment_author_id = ue.user_extended_id
LEFT JOIN #rate AS r ON c.comment_id = r.rate_itemid AND r.rate_table = 'comments'
WHERE c.comment_item_id='".intval($id)."' AND c.comment_type='".$tp->toDB($type, true)."' AND c.comment_pid='0'
ORDER BY c.comment_datestamp ".$sort;
$query = "SELECT c.*, u.*, ue.*, r.* FROM #comments AS c
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON c.comment_author_id = u.user_id
LEFT JOIN #user_extended AS ue ON c.comment_author_id = ue.user_extended_id
LEFT JOIN #rate AS r ON c.comment_id = r.rate_itemid AND r.rate_table = 'comments' ";
$query .= "WHERE c.comment_item_id='".intval($id)."' AND c.comment_type='".$tp->toDB($type, true)."'
ORDER BY c.comment_datestamp ".$sort;
$this->totalComments = $sql->gen($query);
$query .= " LIMIT ".$from.",".$this->commentsPerPage;
$text = "";
$lock = '';
if ($rows = $sql->retrieve($query,true))
$this->loadNested($id, $type, $sort);
// $text .= "<ul class='comments'>";
$width = 0;
foreach ($rows as $row)
$lock = $row['comment_lock'];
$text .= $this->render_comment($row, $table, $action, $id, $width, $tp->toHTML($subject), $rate);
} // end loop
// $text .= "</ul>";
} // end if
return array('comments'=> $text,'lock'=> $lock);
* @param $table
* @param $id
* @param $from
* @return string|void
function nextprev($table, $id, $from=0)
//return "table=".$table." id=".$id." from=".$from;
//$from = $from + $this->commentsPerPage;
$target = "comments-container-".e107::getForm()->name2id($table);
$navid = 'comments-nav-'.e107::getForm()->name2id($table);
// from calculations are done by eNav() js.
if($this->totalComments > $this->commentsPerPage)
$prev = e_HTTP . 'comment.php?mode=list&amp;type=' . $table . '&amp;id=' . $id . '&amp;from=0';
$next = e_HTTP . 'comment.php?mode=list&amp;type=' . $table . '&amp;id=' . $id . '&amp;from=0';
return "<a class='e-ajax btn btn-default btn-secondary btn-mini btn-sm {$navid}' href='#' data-nav-id='{$navid}' data-nav-total='{$this->totalComments}' data-nav-dir='down' data-nav-inc='{$this->commentsPerPage}' data-target='{$target}' data-src='{$prev}'>" . LAN_PREVIOUS . "</a>
<a class='e-ajax btn btn-default btn-secondary btn-mini btn-sm {$navid}' href='#' data-nav-id='{$navid}' data-nav-total='{$this->totalComments}' data-nav-dir='up' data-nav-inc='{$this->commentsPerPage}' data-target='{$target}' data-src='{$next}'>" . LAN_NEXT . "</a>";
* @param $id
* @return void
function recalc_user_comments($id)
$sql = e107::getDb();
if (is_array($id))
foreach ($id as $_id)
$qry = "
FROM #comments
WHERE comment_author_id = '{$id}'
if ($sql->gen($qry))
$row = $sql->fetch();
$sql->update("user", "user_comments = '{$row['count']}' WHERE user_id = '{$id}'");
* @param $id
* @param $comment_type
* @return array
function get_author_list($id, $comment_type)
$sql = e107::getDb();
$authors = array();
$qry = "
SELECT DISTINCT(comment_author_id) AS author
FROM #comments
WHERE comment_item_id='{$id}' AND comment_type='{$comment_type}'
GROUP BY author
if ($sql->gen($qry))
while ($row = $sql->fetch())
$authors[] = $row['author'];
return $authors;
* @param $table
* @param $id
* @return int
function delete_comments($table, $id)
$sql = e107::getDb();
$tp = e107::getParser();
$type = $this->getCommentType($table);
$type = $tp->toDB($type, true);
$id = intval($id);
$author_list = $this->get_author_list($id, $type);
$num_deleted = $sql->delete("comments", "comment_item_id='{$id}' AND comment_type='{$type}'");
return $num_deleted;
//1) call function getCommentData(); from file
//2) function-> get number of records from comments db
//3) get all e_comment.php files and collect the variables
//4) interchange the db rows and the e_ vars
//5) return the interchanged data in array
//6) from file: render the returned data
//get all e_comment.php files and collect the variables
* @return array|false|mixed|void|null
function get_e_comment()
if($this->engine != 'e107')
return null;
$data = e107::getRegistry('e_comment');
if ($data !== FALSE)
return $data;
if($files = e107::getPref('e_comment_list'))
foreach ($files as $file=>$perms)
unset($e_comment, $key);
include_once (e_PLUGIN.$file."/e_comment.php");
if (!empty($e_comment) && is_array($e_comment))
$key = $e_comment['eplug_comment_ids'];
if (isset($key) && $key != '')
$data[$key] = $e_comment;
//convert old method variables into the same array method
if (isset($e_plug_table) && $e_plug_table != '')
$key = $e_plug_table;
$e_comment['eplug_comment_ids'] = $e_plug_table;
$e_comment['plugin_name'] = $plugin_name;
$e_comment['plugin_path'] = $plugin_path;
$e_comment['reply_location'] = $reply_location;
$e_comment['db_title'] = $link_name;
$e_comment['db_id'] = $db_id;
$e_comment['db_table'] = $db_table;
$e_comment['qry'] = '';
$data[$key] = $e_comment;
e107::setRegistry('e_comment', $data);
return $data;
* get number of records from comments db
* interchange the db rows and the e_comment vars
* return the interchanged data in array
* @param int $amount : holds numeric value for number of comments to ge
* @param int $from : holds numeric value from where to start retrieving
* @param string $qry : holds custom query to add in the comment retrieval
* next two parms are only used in iterating loop if less valid records are found
* @param int $cdvalid : number of valid records found
* @param array $cdreta : current data set
* @param $amount
* @param $from
* @param $qry
* @param $cdvalid
* @param $cdreta
* @return array|mixed|null
function getCommentData($amount = '', $from = 0, $qry = '', $cdvalid = FALSE, $cdreta = FALSE)
if($this->engine != 'e107')
return null;
$sql = e107::getDb();
$tp = e107::getParser();
$sql2 = e107::getDb('sql2');
$pref = e107::getPref();
$from1 = ($from ? $from : '0');
$amount1 = ($amount ? $amount : '10');
$valid = ($cdvalid ? $cdvalid : '0');
$reta = ($cdreta ? $cdreta : array());
//get all e_comment data
$e_comment = $this->get_e_comment();
$qry1 = ($qry ? " AND ".$qry : "");
//get 'amount' of records from comment db
$query = $pref['nested_comments'] ?
"SELECT c.*, u.*, ue.* FROM #comments AS c
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON c.comment_author = u.user_id
LEFT JOIN #user_extended AS ue ON c.comment_author = ue.user_extended_id
WHERE c.comment_pid='0' ".$qry1." ORDER BY c.comment_datestamp DESC LIMIT ".intval($from1).",".intval($amount1)." "
"SELECT c.*, u.*, ue.* FROM #comments AS c
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON c.comment_author = u.user_id
LEFT JOIN #user_extended AS ue ON c.comment_author = ue.user_extended_id
WHERE c.comment_id!='' ".$qry1." ORDER BY c.comment_datestamp DESC LIMIT ".intval($from1).",".intval($amount1)." ";
$query = "
SELECT c.*, u.*, ue.* FROM #comments AS c
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON c.comment_author_id = u.user_id
LEFT JOIN #user_extended AS ue ON c.comment_author_id = ue.user_extended_id
WHERE c.comment_id!='' AND c.comment_blocked = 0 ".$qry1." ORDER BY c.comment_datestamp DESC LIMIT ".intval($from1).",".intval($amount1)." ";
if ($comment_total = $sql->gen($query))
$width = 0;
while ($row = $sql->fetch())
$ret = array();
$ret['comment_datestamp'] = $row['comment_datestamp'];
//author - no ned to split now
$comment_author_id = $row['comment_author_id'];
$ret['comment_author_id'] = $comment_author_id ;
$ret['comment_author_image'] = $row['user_image'];
$comment_author_name = $row['comment_author_name'];
$ret['comment_author'] = (USERID ? "<a href='".e107::getUrl()->create('user/profile/view', array('id' => $comment_author_id, 'name' => $comment_author_name))."'>".$comment_author_name."</a>" : $comment_author_name);
//comment text
$comment = strip_tags(preg_replace("/\[.*?\]/", "", $row['comment_comment'])); // remove bbcode - but leave text in between
$ret['comment_comment'] = $tp->toHTML($comment, FALSE, "", "", $pref['main_wordwrap']);
$ret['comment_subject'] = $tp->toHTML($row['comment_subject'], TRUE);
switch ($row['comment_type'])
case '0': // news
if ($sql2->select("news", "*", "news_id='".$row['comment_item_id']."' AND news_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' "))
$row2 = $sql2->fetch();
$ret['comment_type'] = COMLAN_TYPE_1;
$ret['comment_title'] = $tp->toHTML($row2['news_title'], TRUE, 'emotes_off, no_make_clickable');
$ret['comment_url'] = e107::getUrl()->create('news/view/item', $row2);//e_HTTP."comment.php?comment.news.".$row['comment_item_id'];
$ret['comment_category_heading'] = COMLAN_TYPE_1;
$ret['comment_category_url'] = e107::getUrl()->create('news');//e_HTTP."news.php";
case '1': // article, review or content page - defunct category, but filter them out
case '2': // downloads
$qryd = "SELECT d.download_name, dc.download_category_class, dc.download_category_id, dc.download_category_name FROM #download AS d LEFT JOIN #download_category AS dc ON d.download_category=dc.download_category_id WHERE d.download_id={$row['comment_item_id']} AND dc.download_category_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' ";
if ($sql2->gen($qryd))
$row2 = $sql2->fetch();
$ret['comment_type'] = COMLAN_TYPE_2;
$ret['comment_title'] = $tp->toHTML($row2['download_name'], TRUE, 'emotes_off, no_make_clickable');
$ret['comment_url'] = e_HTTP."download.php?view.".$row['comment_item_id'];
$ret['comment_category_heading'] = $row2['download_category_name'];
$ret['comment_category_url'] = e_HTTP."download.php?list.".$row2['download_category_id'];
// '3' was FAQ
case '4': // poll
if ($sql2->select("polls", "*", "poll_id='".$row['comment_item_id']."' "))
$row2 = $sql2->fetch();
$ret['comment_type'] = COMLAN_TYPE_4;
$ret['comment_title'] = $tp->toHTML($row2['poll_title'], TRUE, 'emotes_off, no_make_clickable');
$ret['comment_url'] = e_HTTP."comment.php?comment.poll.".$row['comment_item_id'];
$ret['comment_category_url'] = e_PLUGIN_ABS.'poll/poll.php';
// '5' was docs
// '6' was bugtracker
// 'ideas' was implemented
case 'profile': // userprofile
if (USER)
$ret['comment_type'] = COMLAN_TYPE_8;
$ret['comment_title'] = $comment_author_name;
$ret['comment_url'] = e107::getUrl()->create('user/profile/view', array('id' => $row['user_id'], 'name' => $row['user_name']));//e_HTTP."user.php?id.".$row['comment_item_id'];
case 'page': // Custom Page
if ($sql2->select("page", "*", "page_id='".$row['comment_item_id']."' AND page_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' "))
$row2 = $sql2->fetch();
$row2 = pageHelper::addSefFields($row2);
$route = empty($row2['page_chapter']) ? "page/view/other" : "page/view/index"; // Determine if page belongs to book/chapter.
$ret['comment_type'] = COMLAN_TYPE_PAGE;
$ret['comment_title'] = $ret['comment_subject'] ? $ret['comment_subject']:
$ret['comment_url'] = e107::getUrl()->create($route, $row2); // e_HTTP."page.php?".$row['comment_item_id'];
if (isset($e_comment[$row['comment_type']]) && is_array($e_comment[$row['comment_type']]))
$var = $e_comment[$row['comment_type']];
$qryp = '';
//new method must use the 'qry' variable
if (isset($var) && $var['qry'] != '')
if ($installed = isset($pref['plug_installed'][$var['plugin_path']]))
$qryp = str_replace("{NID}", $row['comment_item_id'], $var['qry']);
if ($sql2->gen($qryp))
$row2 = $sql2->fetch();
$ret['comment_type'] = $var['plugin_name'];
$ret['comment_title'] = $tp->toHTML($row2[$var['db_title']], TRUE, 'emotes_off, no_make_clickable');
$ret['comment_url'] = str_replace("{NID}", $row['comment_item_id'], $var['reply_location']);
$ret['comment_category_heading'] = $var['plugin_name'];
$ret['comment_category_url'] = e_PLUGIN_ABS.$var['plugin_name'].'/'.$var['plugin_name'].'.php';
//old method
if ($sql2->select($var['db_table'], $var['db_title'], $var['db_id']." = '".$row['comment_item_id']."' "))
$row2 = $sql2->fetch();
$ret['comment_type'] = $var['plugin_name'];
$ret['comment_title'] = $tp->toHTML($row2[$var['db_title']], TRUE, 'emotes_off, no_make_clickable');
$ret['comment_url'] = str_replace("{NID}", $row['comment_item_id'], $var['reply_location']);
$ret['comment_category_heading'] = $var['plugin_name'];
$ret['comment_category_url'] = e_PLUGIN_ABS.$var['plugin_name'].'/'.$var['plugin_name'].'.php';
} // End Switch
if (varset($ret['comment_title']))
$reta[] = $ret;
if ($amount && $valid >= $amount)
return $reta;
//loop if less records found than given $amount - probably because we discarded some
if ($amount && ($valid < $amount))
$reta = $this->getCommentData($amount, $from + $amount, $qry, $valid, $reta);
return $reta;
* Returns all nested comment data for the selected parent id.
* @param int $pid comment_pid
* @param int|str $type comment_type
* @return array|false
public function getNested($pid, $type)
return $this->nestedComments[$type][$pid];
return false;
* @param int $id comment_item_id
* @param int|string $type plugin name. eg. 'news'
* @param string $sort ASC | DESC
* @return array
public function loadNested($id, $type, $sort)
$tp = e107::getParser();
$this->nestedComments = array();
$query = "SELECT c.*, u.*, ue.*, r.* FROM #comments AS c
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON c.comment_author_id = u.user_id
LEFT JOIN #user_extended AS ue ON c.comment_author_id = ue.user_extended_id
LEFT JOIN #rate AS r ON c.comment_id = r.rate_itemid AND r.rate_table = 'comments'
WHERE c.comment_item_id='" . intval($id) . "' AND c.comment_type='" . $tp->toDB($type, true) . "' AND c.comment_pid > 0
ORDER BY c.comment_datestamp " . $sort;
if($nested = e107::getDb()->retrieve($query, true))
foreach($nested as $row)
$pid = (int) $row['comment_pid'];
$this->nestedComments[$type][$pid][] = $row;
return $this->nestedComments;
} //end class