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<?php /* $Id: cron_class.php,v 1.2 2009-07-23 08:34:20 marj_nl_fr Exp $ */
Version: V1.01
Release Date: 12 Sep 2005
Licence: GPL
By: Nikol S
Please send bug reports to ns@eyo.com.au
/* This class is based on the concept in the CronParser class written by Mick Sear http://www.ecreate.co.uk
* The following functions are direct copies from or based on the original class:
* getLastRan(), getDebug(), debug(), expand_ranges()
* Who can use this class?
* This class is idea for people who can not use the traditional Unix cron through shell.
* One way of using is embedding the calling script in a web page which is often visited.
* The script will work out the last due time, by comparing with run log timestamp. The scrip
* will envoke any scripts needed to run, be it deleting older table records, or updating prices.
* It can parse the same cron string used by Unix.
/* Usage example:
$cron_str0 = "0,12,30-51 3,21-23,10 1-25 9-12,1 0,3-7";
$cron = new CronParser();
// $cron->getLastRanUnix() returns an Unix timestamp
echo "Cron '$cron_str0' last due at: " . date('r', $cron->getLastRanUnix()) . "<p>";
// $cron->getLastRan() returns last due time in an array
echo "Debug:<br />" . nl2br($cron->getDebug());
$cron_str1 = "3 12 * * *";
if ($cron->calcLastRan($cron_str1))
echo "<p>Cron '$cron_str1' last due at: " . date('r', $cron->getLastRanUnix()) . "<p>";
echo "Error parsing";
echo "Debug:<br />" . nl2br($cron->getDebug());
class CronParser
var $bits = Array(); //exploded String like 0 1 * * *
var $now = Array(); //Array of cron-style entries for time()
var $lastRan; //Timestamp of last ran time.
var $taken;
var $debug;
var $year;
var $month;
var $day;
var $hour;
var $minute;
var $minutes_arr = array(); //minutes array based on cron string
var $hours_arr = array(); //hours array based on cron string
var $months_arr = array(); //months array based on cron string
function getLastRan()
return explode(",", strftime("%M,%H,%d,%m,%w,%Y", $this->lastRan)); //Get the values for now in a format we can use
function getLastRanUnix()
return $this->lastRan;
function getDebug()
return $this->debug;
function debug($str)
if (is_array($str))
$this->debug .= "\nArray: ";
foreach($str as $k=>$v)
$this->debug .= "$k=>$v, ";
$this->debug .= "\n$str";
//echo nl2br($this->debug);
* Assumes that value is not *, and creates an array of valid numbers that
* the string represents. Returns an array.
function expand_ranges($str)
if (strstr($str, ","))
$arParts = explode(',', $str);
foreach ($arParts AS $part)
if (strstr($part, '-'))
$arRange = explode('-', $part);
for ($i = $arRange[0]; $i <= $arRange[1]; $i++)
$ret[] = $i;
$ret[] = $part;
elseif (strstr($str, '-'))
$arRange = explode('-', $str);
for ($i = $arRange[0]; $i <= $arRange[1]; $i++)
$ret[] = $i;
$ret[] = $str;
$ret = array_unique($ret);
return $ret;
function daysinmonth($month, $year)
return date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
* Calculate the last due time before this moment
function calcLastRan($string)
$tstart = microtime();
$this->debug = "";
$this->lastRan = 0;
$this->year = NULL;
$this->month = NULL;
$this->day = NULL;
$this->hour = NULL;
$this->minute = NULL;
$this->hours_arr = array();
$this->minutes_arr = array();
$this->months_arr = array();
$string = preg_replace('/[\s]{2,}/', ' ', $string);
if (preg_match('/[^-,* \\d]/', $string) !== 0)
$this->debug("Cron String contains invalid character");
return false;
$this->debug("<b>Working on cron schedule: $string</b>");
$this->bits = @explode(" ", $string);
if (count($this->bits) != 5)
$this->debug("Cron string is invalid. Too many or too little sections after explode");
return false;
//put the current time into an array
$t = strftime("%M,%H,%d,%m,%w,%Y", time());
$this->now = explode(",", $t);
$this->year = $this->now[5];
$arMonths = $this->_getMonthsArray();
$this->month = array_pop($arMonths);
while ($this->month > $this->now[3]);
if ($this->month === NULL)
$this->year = $this->year - 1;
$this->debug("Not due within this year. So checking the previous year " . $this->year);
$arMonths = $this->_getMonthsArray();
elseif ($this->month == $this->now[3]) //now Sep, month = array(7,9,12)
$this->debug("Cron is due this month, getting days array.");
$arDays = $this->_getDaysArray($this->month, $this->year);
$this->day = array_pop($arDays);
while ($this->day > $this->now[2]);
if ($this->day === NULL)
$this->debug("Smallest day is even greater than today");
elseif ($this->day == $this->now[2])
$this->debug("Due to run today");
$arHours = $this->_getHoursArray();
$this->hour = array_pop($arHours);
while ($this->hour > $this->now[1]);
if ($this->hour === NULL) // now =2, arHours = array(3,5,7)
$this->debug("Not due this hour and some earlier hours, so go for previous day");
$this->_prevDay($arDays, $arMonths);
elseif ($this->hour < $this->now[1]) //now =2, arHours = array(1,3,5)
$this->minute = $this->_getLastMinute();
else // now =2, arHours = array(1,2,5)
$this->debug("Due this hour");
$arMinutes = $this->_getMinutesArray();
$this->minute = array_pop($arMinutes);
while ($this->minute > $this->now[0]);
if ($this->minute === NULL)
$this->debug("Not due this minute, so go for previous hour.");
$this->_prevHour($arHours, $arDays, $arMonths);
$this->debug("Due this very minute or some earlier minutes before this moment within this hour.");
$this->debug("Cron was due on " . $this->day . " of this month");
$this->hour = $this->_getLastHour();
$this->minute = $this->_getLastMinute();
else //now Sep, arrMonths=array(7, 10)
$this->debug("Cron was due before this month. Previous month is: " . $this->year . '-' . $this->month);
$this->day = $this->_getLastDay($this->month, $this->year);
if ($this->day === NULL)
//No scheduled date within this month. So we will try the previous month in the month array
$this->hour = $this->_getLastHour();
$this->minute = $this->_getLastMinute();
$tend = microtime();
$this->taken = $tend - $tstart;
$this->debug("Parsing $string taken " . $this->taken . " seconds");
//if the last due is beyond 1970
if ($this->minute === NULL)
$this->debug("Error calculating last due time");
return false;
$this->debug("LAST DUE: " . $this->hour . ":" . $this->minute . " on " . $this->day . "/" . $this->month . "/" . $this->year);
$this->lastRan = mktime($this->hour, $this->minute, 0, $this->month, $this->day, $this->year);
return true;
//get the due time before current month
function _prevMonth($arMonths)
$this->month = array_pop($arMonths);
if ($this->month === NULL)
$this->year = $this->year -1;
if ($this->year <= 1970)
$this->debug("Can not calculate last due time. At least not before 1970..");
$this->debug("Have to go for previous year " . $this->year);
$arMonths = $this->_getMonthsArray();
$this->debug("Getting the last day for previous month: " . $this->year . '-' . $this->month);
$this->day = $this->_getLastDay($this->month, $this->year);
if ($this->day === NULL)
//no available date schedule in this month
$this->hour = $this->_getLastHour();
$this->minute = $this->_getLastMinute();
//get the due time before current day
function _prevDay($arDays, $arMonths)
$this->debug("Go for the previous day");
$this->day = array_pop($arDays);
if ($this->day === NULL)
$this->debug("Have to go for previous month");
$this->hour = $this->_getLastHour();
$this->minute = $this->_getLastMinute();
//get the due time before current hour
function _prevHour($arHours, $arDays, $arMonths)
$this->debug("Going for previous hour");
$this->hour = array_pop($arHours);
if ($this->hour === NULL)
$this->debug("Have to go for previous day");
$this->_prevDay($arDays, $arMonths);
$this->minute = $this->_getLastMinute();
//not used at the moment
function _getLastMonth()
$months = $this->_getMonthsArray();
$month = array_pop($months);
return $month;
function _getLastDay($month, $year)
//put the available days for that month into an array
$days = $this->_getDaysArray($month, $year);
$day = array_pop($days);
return $day;
function _getLastHour()
$hours = $this->_getHoursArray();
$hour = array_pop($hours);
return $hour;
function _getLastMinute()
$minutes = $this->_getMinutesArray();
$minute = array_pop($minutes);
return $minute;
//remove the out of range array elements. $arr should be sorted already and does not contain duplicates
function _sanitize ($arr, $low, $high)
$count = count($arr);
for ($i = 0; $i <= ($count - 1); $i++)
if ($arr[$i] < $low)
$this->debug("Remove out of range element. {$arr[$i]} is outside $low - $high");
for ($i = ($count - 1); $i >= 0; $i--)
if ($arr[$i] > $high)
$this->debug("Remove out of range element. {$arr[$i]} is outside $low - $high");
unset ($arr[$i]);
//re-assign keys
return $arr;
//given a month/year, list all the days within that month fell into the week days list.
function _getDaysArray($month, $year = 0)
if ($year == 0)
$year = $this->year;
$days = array();
//return everyday of the month if both bit[2] and bit[4] are '*'
if ($this->bits[2] == '*' AND $this->bits[4] == '*')
$days = $this->getDays($month, $year);
//create an array for the weekdays
if ($this->bits[4] == '*')
for ($i = 0; $i <= 6; $i++)
$arWeekdays[] = $i;
$arWeekdays = $this->expand_ranges($this->bits[4]);
$arWeekdays = $this->_sanitize($arWeekdays, 0, 7);
//map 7 to 0, both represents Sunday. Array is sorted already!
if (in_array(7, $arWeekdays))
if (in_array(0, $arWeekdays))
$tmp[] = 0;
$arWeekdays = array_merge($tmp, $arWeekdays);
$this->debug("Array for the weekdays");
if ($this->bits[2] == '*')
$daysmonth = $this->getDays($month, $year);
$daysmonth = $this->expand_ranges($this->bits[2]);
// so that we do not end up with 31 of Feb
$daysinmonth = $this->daysinmonth($month, $year);
$daysmonth = $this->_sanitize($daysmonth, 1, $daysinmonth);
//Now match these days with weekdays
foreach ($daysmonth AS $day)
$wkday = date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year));
if (in_array($wkday, $arWeekdays))
$days[] = $day;
$this->debug("Days array matching weekdays for $year-$month");
return $days;
//given a month/year, return an array containing all the days in that month
function getDays($month, $year)
$daysinmonth = $this->daysinmonth($month, $year);
$this->debug("Number of days in $year-$month : $daysinmonth");
$days = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= $daysinmonth; $i++)
$days[] = $i;
return $days;
function _getHoursArray()
if (empty($this->hours_arr))
$hours = array();
if ($this->bits[1] == '*')
for ($i = 0; $i <= 23; $i++)
$hours[] = $i;
$hours = $this->expand_ranges($this->bits[1]);
$hours = $this->_sanitize($hours, 0, 23);
$this->debug("Hour array");
$this->hours_arr = $hours;
return $this->hours_arr;
function _getMinutesArray()
if (empty($this->minutes_arr))
$minutes = array();
if ($this->bits[0] == '*')
for ($i = 0; $i <= 60; $i++)
$minutes[] = $i;
$minutes = $this->expand_ranges($this->bits[0]);
$minutes = $this->_sanitize($minutes, 0, 59);
$this->debug("Minutes array");
$this->minutes_arr = $minutes;
return $this->minutes_arr;
function _getMonthsArray()
if (empty($this->months_arr))
$months = array();
if ($this->bits[3] == '*')
for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++)
$months[] = $i;
$months = $this->expand_ranges($this->bits[3]);
$months = $this->_sanitize($months, 1, 12);
$this->debug("Months array");
$this->months_arr = $months;
return $this->months_arr;