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* e107 website system
* Copyright (C) 2008-2009 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* Administration - Site Maintenance
* $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.8/e107_handlers/mailout_class.php,v $
* $Revision: 1.6 $
* $Date: 2009-12-01 20:05:53 $
* $Author: e107steved $
if (!defined('e107_INIT')) { exit; }
Class for 'core' mailout function.
For plugins:
- the equivalent file must be called 'e_mailout.php', and reside in the root of the plugin directory.
- the classname must be $plugdir.'_mailout' (e.g. 'calendar_menu_mailout')
Additional mailout sources may replicate the functions of this class under a different name, or may use inheritance.
When managing bulk emails, class calls are made for each data handler.
In general each class object must be self-contained, and use internal variables for storage
The class may use the global $e107->sql object for database access - it will effectively have exclusive use of this during the email address search phase
It is the responsibility of each class to manager permission restrictions where required.
1. accept varying date formats for last visit
2. Use XHTML calendar for last visit
3. Sort classes for table cells
// These variables determine the circumstances under which this class is loaded (only used during loading, and may be overwritten later)
$mailerIncludeWithDefault = TRUE; // Mandatory - if false, show only when mailout for this specific plugin is enabled
$mailerExcludeDefault = TRUE; // Mandatory - if TRUE, when this plugin's mailout is active, the default (core) isn't loaded
class core_mailout
protected $mailCount = 0;
protected $mailRead = 0;
protected $e107;
public $mailerSource = 'core'; // Plugin name (core mailer is special case) Must be directory for this file
public $mailerName = LAN_MAILOUT_68; // Text to identify the source of selector (displayed on left of admin page)
public $mailerEnabled = TRUE; // Mandatory - set to FALSE to disable this plugin (e.g. due to permissions restrictions)
protected $adminHandler = NULL; // Filled in with the name of the admin handler on creation
// List of fields used by selectors
private $selectFields = array('email_to',
'extended_2_name', 'extended_2_value',
'user_search_name', 'user_search_value',
'last_visit_match', 'last_visit_date'
// Constructor
public function __construct()
$this->e107 = e107::getInstance();
$this->adminHandler = e107::getRegistry('_mailout_admin'); // Get the mailer admin object - we want to use some of its functions
* Return data representing the user's selection criteria as entered in the $_POST array.
* This is stored in the DB with a saved email. (Just return an empty string or array if this is undesirable)
* The returned value is passed back to selectInit() and showSelect when needed.
* @return Selection data - may be string, array or whatever suits
public function returnSelectors()
$res = array();
foreach ($this->selectFields as $k)
if (varsettrue($_POST[$k]))
$res[$k] = $this->e107->tp->toDB($_POST[$k]);
return $res;
* Called to initialise data selection routine.
* Needs to save any queries or other information into internal variables, do initial DB queries as appropriate.
* Could in principle read all addresses and buffer them for later routines, if this is more convenient
* @param $selectVals - array of selection criteria as returned by returnSelectors()
* @return Return number of records available (or 1 if unknown) on success, FALSE on failure
public function selectInit($selectVals = FALSE)
$where = array();
$incExtended = array();
if ($selectVals === FALSE)
$selectVals = array('email_to' => 'all');
switch (varset($selectVals['email_to'], 'all'))
// Build the query for the user database
case 'all' :
$where[] = 'u.`user_ban`=0';
case 'admin' :
$where[] = 'u.`user_admin`=1';
case 'unverified' :
$where[] = 'u.`user_ban`=2';
case 'self' :
$where[] = 'u.`user_id`='.USERID;
default :
if (is_numeric($selectVals['email_to']))
$where[] = "u.`user_class` REGEXP concat('(^|,)',{$selectVals['email_to']},'(,|$)')";
$where[] = "u.`user_ban`=0";
if (vartrue($selectVals['extended_1_name']) && vartrue($selectVals['extended_1_value']))
$where[] = '`'.$selectVals['extended_1_name']."` = '".$selectVals['extended_1_value']."' ";
$incExtended[] = $selectVals['extended_1_name'];
if (vartrue($selectVals['extended_2_name']) && vartrue($selectVals['extended_2_value']))
$where[] = "ue.`".$selectVals['extended_2_name']."` = '".$selectVals['extended_2_value']."' ";
$incExtended[] = $selectVals['extended_2_name'];
if (vartrue($selectVals['user_search_name']) && vartrue($selectVals['user_search_value']))
$where[]= "u.`".$selectVals['user_search_name']."` LIKE '%".$selectVals['user_search_value']."%' ";
if (vartrue($selectVals['last_visit_match']) && vartrue($selectVals['last_visit_date']))
foreach(array(':', '-', ',') as $sep)
if (strpos($selectVals['last_visit_date'], ':'))
$tmp = explode($sep, $selectVals['last_visit_date']);
$lvDate = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $tmp[1], $tmp[0], $tmp[2]); // Require dd-mm-yy for now
if (($lvDate > 0) && ($lvDate <= time()))
switch ($selectVals['last_visit_match'])
case '<' :
case '>' :
$where[]= "u.`user_lastvisit`".$selectVals['last_visit_match'].$lvDate;
case '=' :
$where[]= "u.`user_lastvisit`>=".$lvDate;
$where[]= "u.`user_lastvisit`<=".intval($lvDate + 86400);
$where[] = "u.`user_email` != ''"; // Ignore all records with empty email address
// Now assemble the query from the pieces
// Determine which fields we actually need (u.user_sess is the signup link)
$qry = 'SELECT u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_email, u.user_loginname, u.user_sess, u.user_lastvisit';
if (count($incExtended))
foreach ($incExtended as $if)
$qry .= ', ue.`'.$if.'`';
$qry .= " FROM `#user` AS u ";
if (count($incExtended))
$qry .= "LEFT JOIN `#user_extended` AS ue ON ue.`user_extended_id` = u.`user_id`";
$qry .= ' WHERE '.implode(' AND ',$where).' ORDER BY u.user_name';
// echo "Selector query: ".$qry.'<br />';
if (!( $this->mail_count = $this->e107->sql->db_Select_gen($qry))) return FALSE;
$this->mail_read = 0;
return $this->mail_count;
* Return an email address to add to the recipients list. Return FALSE if no more addresses to add
* @return FALSE if no more addresses available; else an array:
* 'mail_recipient_id' - non-zero if a registered user, zero if a non-registered user. (Always non-zero from this class)
* 'mail_recipient_name' - user name
* 'mail_recipient_email' - email address to use
* 'mail_target_info' - array of info which might be substituted into email, usually using the codes defined by the editor.
* Array key is the code within '|...|', value is the string for substitution
public function selectAdd()
if (!($row = $this->e107->sql->db_Fetch(MYSQL_ASSOC))) return FALSE;
$ret = array('mail_recipient_id' => $row['user_id'],
'mail_recipient_name' => $row['user_name'], // Should this use realname?
'mail_recipient_email' => $row['user_email'],
'mail_target_info' => array(
'USERID' => $row['user_id'],
'DISPLAYNAME' => $row['user_name'],
'SIGNUP_LINK' => $row['user_sess'],
'USERNAME' => $row['user_loginname'],
'USERLASTVISIT' => $row['user_lastvisit']
return $ret;
// Called once all email addresses read, to do any housekeeping needed
public function select_close()
// Nothing to do here
// Called to show current selection criteria, and optionally allow edit
* Called to show current selection criteria, and optionally allow edit
* @param $allow_edit is TRUE to allow user to change the selection; FALSE to just display current settings
* @param $selectVals is the current selection information - in the same format as returned by returnSelectors()
* @return Returns HTML which is displayed in a table cell. Typically we return a complete table
public function showSelect($allow_edit = FALSE, $selectVals = FALSE)
$ret = "<table style='width:95%'>";
$ret = "<fieldset id='core-mail-recipients'>
<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' class='adminedit'>
<colgroup span='2'>
<col class='col-label' />
<col class='col-control' />
if ($allow_edit)
// User class select
$ret .= "<tr>
<td>".LAN_MAILOUT_03.": </td>
".$this->adminHandler->userClassesTotals('email_to', varset($selectVals['email_to'], ''))."</td>
// User Search Field.
$u_array = array('user_name'=>LAN_MAILOUT_43,'user_login'=>LAN_MAILOUT_44,'user_email'=>LAN_MAILOUT_45);
$ret .= "
<td style='width:35%'>".LAN_MAILOUT_46."
<select name='user_search_name' class='tbox'>
<option value=''>&nbsp;</option>";
foreach ($u_array as $key=>$val)
$selected = '';
if (isset($selectVals['user_search_name']) && ($selectVals['user_search_name'] == $v)) { $selected = " selected='selected'"; }
$ret .= "<option value='{$key}' >".$val."</option>\n";
$ret .= "
</select> ".LAN_MAILOUT_47." </td>
<td style='width:65%'>
<input type='text' name='user_search_value' class='tbox' style='width:80%' value='".varset($selectVals['user_search_value'])."' />
// User last visit
$ret .= "
<tr><td>".LAN_MAILOUT_56.' '.$this->adminHandler->comparisonSelect('last_visit_match', $selectVals['last_visit_match'])." </td>
<input type='text' name='last_visit_date' class='tbox' style='width:30%' value='".varset($selectVals['last_visit_date'], '')."' />
// Extended user fields
$ret .= "
<tr><td>".LAN_MAILOUT_46.$this->adminHandler->ret_extended_field_list('extended_1_name', varset($selectVals['extended_1_name'], ''), TRUE).LAN_MAILOUT_48." </td>
<input type='text' name='extended_1_value' class='tbox' style='width:80%' value='".varset($selectVals['extended_1_value'], '')."' />
<tr><td>".LAN_MAILOUT_46.$this->adminHandler->ret_extended_field_list('extended_2_name', varset($selectVals['extended_2_name'], ''), TRUE).LAN_MAILOUT_48." </td>
<input type='text' name='extended_2_value' class='tbox' style='width:80%' value='".varset($selectVals['extended_2_value'], '')."' />
{ // Display existing values
$this->e107->sql->db_Select('userclass_classes', 'userclass_name', "userclass_id = ".intval($selectVals['email_to']));
$row = $this->e107->sql->db_Fetch();
$_to = LAN_MAILOUT_23.$row['userclass_name'];
$_to = $selectVals['email_to'];
$ret .= "<tr>
if($selectVals['email_to'] == "self")
$text .= "&lt;".USEREMAIL."&gt;";
$ret .= "</td></tr>";
if (vartrue($selectVals['user_search_name']) && vartrue($selectVals['user_search_value']))
$ret .= "
if (vartrue($selectVals['last_visit_match']) && vartrue($selectVals['last_visit_date']))
$ret .= "
<td>".$selectVals['last_visit_match'].' '.gmstrtotime("%D-%M-%Y",$selectVals['last_visit_date'])."&nbsp;</td>
if (vartrue($selectVals['extended_1_name']) && vartrue($selectVals['extended_1_value']))
$ret .= "
if (vartrue($selectVals['extended_2_name']) && vartrue($selectVals['extended_2_value']))
$ret .= "
return $ret.'</tbody></table></fieldset>';