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* e107 website system
* Copyright (C) 2008-2010 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* Administration Area - User classes
* $URL$
* $Id$
* e107 Userclass handling - Admin
* @package e107
* @subpackage admin
* @version $Id$;
if (!getperms('4'))
$e_sub_cat = 'userclass';
require_once(e_HANDLER.'userclass_class.php'); // Modified class handler
$e_userclass = new user_class_admin; // Admin functions - should just obliterate any previous object created in class2.php
// @TODO: Does core object manager need to know somehow?
$frm = new e_form();
$uc = new uclass_manager;
$mes = e107::getMessage();
$message = '';
* See whether a user class is editable.
* (Note: On fixed classes, only some fields are editable)
* @param integer $class_id
* @param boolean $redirect - if TRUE, will redirect to site home page if class not editable.
* @param boolean $fullEdit - set TRUE if full editing required, FALSE if some editing permitted
* @return boolean - TRUE if class editable (fully or partially), FALSE if not.
function checkAllowed($classID, $redirect = true, $fullEdit = FALSE)
global $e_userclass; // TODO: Get rid of this (we need the system admin object; not the user-level object)
$editLevel = $fullEdit ? 2 : 1;
if ($e_userclass->queryCanEditClass($classID) >= $editLevel)
return TRUE;
if ($redirect)
return FALSE;
// Next bit probably redundant - editing of some parts of system class data is allowed.
if(!$redirect) return false;
e107::getMessage()->addSession(UCSLAN_90, E_MESSAGE_ERROR);
return true;
if (e_QUERY)
// BC - SO MUCH BAD, never do this at home!!!
$uc_qs = array($_GET['action'], $_GET['id']);
else $uc_qs = explode('.', e_QUERY);
$action = varset($uc_qs[0]);
$params = varset($uc_qs[1],'');
e107::setRegistry('pageParams', $uc_qs);
//AJAX request check is already made by the API
$class_num = intval($params);
if ($action == 'edit')
$jshelper = new e_jshelper();
if(!checkAllowed($class_num, false))
//This will raise an error
//'Access denied' is the message which will be thrown
//by the JS AJAX handler
e_jshelper::sendAjaxError('403', 'Access denied. '.UCSLAN_90);
elseif($sql->db_Select('userclass_classes', '*', "userclass_id='".$class_num."' "))
$row = $sql->db_Fetch(MYSQL_ASSOC);
//Response action - reset all group checkboxes
$jshelper->addResponseAction('reset-checked', array('group_classes_select' => '0'));
//it's grouped userclass
if ($row['userclass_type'] == UC_TYPE_GROUP)
//Response action - show group, hide standard
$jshelper->addResponseAction('element-invoke-by-id', array('show' => 'userclass_type_groups', 'hide' => 'userclass_type_standard'));
//fill in the classes array
$tmp = explode(',',$row['userclass_accum']);
foreach ($tmp as $uid)
$row['group_classes_select_'.$uid] = $uid;
//hide group, show standard rows
$jshelper->addResponseAction('element-invoke-by-id', array('hide' => 'userclass_type_groups', 'show' => 'userclass_type_standard'));
$jshelper->addResponseAction('fill-form', $row);
// $jshelper->sendResponse('JSON'); - another option (tested) - faster transfer!
e_jshelper::sendAjaxError('500', 'Database read error!');
* Authorization should be done a bit later!
$emessage = e107::getMessage();
// Set Initial Classes
if (isset($_POST['set_initial_classes']))
$changed = $pref['init_class_stage'] != intval($_POST['init_class_stage']);
$pref['init_class_stage'] = intval($_POST['init_class_stage']);
$temp = array();
foreach ($_POST['init_classes'] as $ic)
$temp[] = intval($ic);
$newval = implode(',', $temp);
$temp = varset($pref['initial_user_classes'],'');
if ($temp != $newval) $changed = TRUE;
if ($changed)
$pref['initial_user_classes'] = $newval;
userclass2_adminlog("05","New: {$newval}, Old: {$temp}, Stage: ".$pref['init_class_stage']);
$message = UCSLAN_41;
$message = UCSLAN_42;
// Delete existing class
if (isset($_POST['etrigger_delete']) && !empty($_POST['etrigger_delete']))
$classID = intval(array_shift(array_keys($_POST['etrigger_delete'])));
if ($e_userclass->queryCanDeleteClass($classID))
if ($e_userclass->delete_class($class_id) !== FALSE)
userclass2_adminlog("02","ID:{$class_id} (".$e_userclass->uc_get_classname($classID).")");
if ($sql->db_Select('user', 'user_id, user_class', "user_class = '{$classID}' OR user_class REGEXP('^{$classID},') OR user_class REGEXP(',{$classID},') OR user_class REGEXP(',{$classID}$')"))
{ // Delete existing users from class
while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch(MYSQL_ASSOC))
$uidList[$row['user_id']] = $row['user_class'];
$e_userclass->class_remove($classID, $uidList);
$e_pref = e107::getConfig();
/*if (isset($pref['frontpage'][$class_id]))
unset($pref['frontpage'][$class_id]); // (Should work with both 0.7 and 0.8 front page methods)
$emessage->add(UCSLAN_3, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS);
$emessage->add(UCSLAN_10, E_MESSAGE_ERROR);
$emessage->add(UCSLAN_10, E_MESSAGE_ERROR);
// Add/Edit class information
if (isset($_POST['createclass'])) // Add or edit
$fullEdit = TRUE; // Most of the time, we are allowed to edit everything
$do_tree = FALSE; // Set flag to rebuild tree if no errors
$forwardVals = FALSE; // Set to ripple through existing values to a subsequent pass
$tempID = intval(varset($_POST['userclass_id'], -1));
if (($tempID < 0) && $e_userclass->ucGetClassIDFromName($class_record['userclass_name']))
$emessage->add(UCSLAN_63, E_MESSAGE_WARNING); // Duplicate name
$forwardVals = TRUE;
if ($tempID > 0)
$fullEdit = $e_userclass->queryCanEditClass($tempID) == 2;
$class_record = array(
'userclass_description' => varset($tp->toDB($_POST['userclass_description']),''),
'userclass_editclass' => intval(varset($_POST['userclass_editclass'],0)),
'userclass_parent' => intval(varset($_POST['userclass_parent'],0)),
'userclass_visibility' => intval(varset($_POST['userclass_visibility'],0)),
'userclass_icon' => $tp->toDB(varset($_POST['userclass_icon'],''))
if ($fullEdit)
$class_record['userclass_name'] = varset($tp->toDB($_POST['userclass_name']),'');
$class_record['userclass_type'] = intval(varset($_POST['userclass_type'],UC_TYPE_STD));
if ($class_record['userclass_type'] == UC_TYPE_GROUP)
$temp = array();
foreach ($_POST['group_classes_select'] as $gc)
$temp[] = intval($gc);
$class_record['userclass_accum'] = implode(',',$temp);
if ($e_userclass->checkAdminInfo($class_record, $tempID) === FALSE)
$emessage->add(UCSLAN_86); // Some fixed values changed
$forwardVals = TRUE;
if (!$forwardVals)
if ($tempID > 0)
{ // Editing existing class here
$class_record['userclass_id'] = $tempID;
userclass2_adminlog('03',"ID:{$class_record['userclass_id']} (".$class_record['userclass_name'].")");
$do_tree = TRUE;
//$message .= UCSLAN_5;
$emessage->add(UCSLAN_5, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS);
{ // Creating new class
if (getperms("0") || ($class_record['userclass_editclass'] && check_class($class_record['userclass_editclass'])))
$i = $e_userclass->findNewClassID();
if ($i === FALSE)
//$message = UCSLAN_85;
$emessage->add(UCSLAN_85, E_MESSAGE_WARNING);
$class_record['userclass_id'] = $i;
userclass2_adminlog("01","ID:{$class_record['userclass_id']} (".$class_record['userclass_name'].")");
$do_tree = TRUE;
//$message .= UCSLAN_6;
$emessage->add(UCSLAN_6, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS);
// Class name required
//$message = UCSLAN_37;
$emessage->add(UCSLAN_37, E_MESSAGE_ERROR);
$forwardVals = TRUE;
if ($do_tree)
if ($message)
class uclassFrm extends e_form
function userclass_type($curVal,$mode)
$types = array(
return varset($types[$curVal]);
if(!e_QUERY || $action == 'list')
if(isset($_GET['id']) && $_GET['action'] == 'edit')
$action = 'config';
$_POST['existing'] = $_GET['id'];
switch ($action)
// Class management
case 'config' :
$fullEdit = TRUE;
$params = 'edit';
$class_num = intval(varset($_POST['existing'],0));
$fullEdit = $e_userclass->queryCanEditClass($class_num) == 2;
$class_num = intval(varset($uc_qs[2],0));
$userclass_id = 0; // Set defaults for new class to start with
$userclass_name = '';
$userclass_description = '';
$userclass_editclass = e_UC_ADMIN;
$userclass_visibility = e_UC_ADMIN;
$userclass_parent = e_UC_NOBODY;
$userclass_icon = '';
$userclass_type = UC_TYPE_STD;
$userclass_groupclass = '';
if ($params == 'edit' || $forwardVals)
if (!$forwardVals)
{ // Get the values from DB (else just recycle data uer was trying to store)
$sql->db_Select('userclass_classes', '*', "userclass_id='".intval($class_num)."' ");
$class_record = $sql->db_Fetch();
$userclass_id = $class_record['userclass_id']; // Update fields from DB if editing
$userclass_name = $class_record['userclass_name'];
$userclass_description = $class_record['userclass_description'];
$userclass_editclass = $class_record['userclass_editclass'];
$userclass_visibility = $class_record['userclass_visibility'];
$userclass_parent = $class_record['userclass_parent'];
$userclass_icon = $class_record['userclass_icon'];
$userclass_type = $class_record['userclass_type'];
if ($userclass_type == UC_TYPE_GROUP)
$userclass_groupclass = $class_record['userclass_accum'];
$class_total = $sql->db_Count('userclass_classes', '(*)');
$text = "<div style='text-align:center'>
<form method='post' action='".e_SELF."' id='classForm'>
<table class='table adminform'>
<col class='col-label' />
<col class='col-control' />
$text .= "
if ($fullEdit)
$text .= "<input class='tbox' type='text' size='30' maxlength='25' name='userclass_name' value='{$userclass_name}' />";
$text .= "{$userclass_name}<input type='hidden' name='userclass_name' value='{$userclass_name}' />";
$text .= "<div class='field-help'>".UCSLAN_30."</div></td>
<td><input class='tbox' type='text' size='60' maxlength='85' name='userclass_description' value='{$userclass_description}' />
<div class='field-help'>".UCSLAN_31."</div></td>
// Userclass icon
$text .= "
<td>".$frm->iconpicker('userclass_icon', $userclass_icon, LAN_SELECT)."
<div class='field-help'>".UCSLAN_69."</div></td>
$text .= "
$classTypes = array(UC_TYPE_STD => UCSLAN_80, UC_TYPE_GROUP => UCSLAN_81);
if ($fullEdit)
$text .= "\n
<select name='userclass_type' class='tbox' onchange='setGroupStatus(this)'>
<option value='".UC_TYPE_STD."'".(UC_TYPE_STD == $userclass_type ? " selected='selected'" : "").">".UCSLAN_80."</option>\n
<option value='".UC_TYPE_GROUP."'".(UC_TYPE_GROUP == $userclass_type ? " selected='selected'" : "").">".UCSLAN_81."</option>\n
$text .= $classTypes[$userclass_type]."<input type='hidden' name='userclass_type' value='{$userclass_type}' />";
$text .= "<div class='field-help'>".UCSLAN_82."</div></td>
// Who can manage class
$text .= "
<tr id='userclass_type_standard' ".(UC_TYPE_GROUP == $userclass_type ? " style='display:none'" : "").">
$text .= "<select name='userclass_editclass' class='tbox'>".$e_userclass->vetted_tree('userclass_editclass',array($e_userclass,'select'), $userclass_editclass,'nobody,public,main,admin,classes,matchclass,member, no-excludes').'</select>';
$text .= "<div class='field-help'>".UCSLAN_32."</div></td>
// List of class checkboxes for grouping
$text .= "
<tr id='userclass_type_groups'".(UC_TYPE_STD == $userclass_type ? " style='display:none'" : "").">
$text .= $e_userclass->vetted_tree('group_classes_select',array($e_userclass,'checkbox'), $userclass_groupclass,"classes,matchclass");
$text .= "<div class='field-help'>".UCSLAN_89."</div></td>
$text .= "
$text .= "<select name='userclass_visibility' class='tbox'>".$e_userclass->vetted_tree('userclass_visibility',array($e_userclass,'select'), $userclass_visibility,'main,admin,classes,matchclass,public,member,nobody').'</select>';
$text .= "<div class='field-help'>".UCSLAN_33."</div></td>
$text .= "
$text .= "<select name='userclass_parent' class='tbox'>".$e_userclass->vetted_tree('userclass_parent',array($e_userclass,'select'), $userclass_parent,'main,admin,nobody,public,classes,matchclass,member, no-excludes').'</select>';
// .r_userclass("userclass_parent", $userclass_parent, "off", "admin,classes,matchclass,public,member").
$text .= "<div class='field-help'>".UCSLAN_36."</div></td>
$text .= "
<div class='buttons-bar center'>";
if($params == 'edit')
$text .= $frm->admin_button('createclass', UCSLAN_14, 'create');
$text .= $frm->admin_button('updatecancel', LAN_CANCEL, 'cancel');
// $text .= "<input class='button' type='submit' id='createclass' name='createclass' value='".UCSLAN_14."' />";
// $text .= " <input class='button' type='submit' id='updatecancel' name='updatecancel' value='".LAN_CANCEL."' />";
$text .= "
<input type='hidden' name='userclass_id' value='{$userclass_id}' />
$text .= $frm->admin_button('createclass', UCSLAN_15, 'create');
$text .= $frm->admin_button('updatecancel', LAN_CANCEL, 'cancel');
// $text .= "<input class='button' type='submit' id='createclass' name='createclass' value='".UCSLAN_15."' />
// <input class='button' type='submit' id='updatecancel' name='updatecancel' value='".LAN_CANCEL."' />";
$text .= "
<input type='hidden' name='userclass_id' value='0' />";
$text .= "</div>";
$text .= "</form></div><br /><br />";
$text .= $e_userclass->show_graphical_tree();
$ns->tablerender(ADLAN_38.SEP.LAN_CREATE, $text);
break; // End of 'config' option
// Initial User class(es)
case 'initial' :
$initial_classes = varset($pref['initial_user_classes'],'');
$irc = explode(',',$initial_classes);
$icn = array();
foreach ($irc as $i)
if (trim($i)) $icn[] = $e_userclass->uc_get_classname($i);
// $class_text = $e_userclass->uc_checkboxes('init_classes', $initial_classes, 'classes, force', TRUE);
$class_text = $e_userclass->vetted_tree('init_classes',array($e_userclass,'checkbox_desc'), $initial_classes, 'classes, force, no-excludes');
$text = "<div style='text-align:center'>
<form method='post' action='".e_SELF."?initial' id='initialForm'>
<table class='table adminform'>
$text .= UCSLAN_43;
if (count($icn) > 0)
$text .= implode(', ',$icn);
$text .= UCSLAN_44;
$text .= "</td></tr>
if ($class_text)
$text .= $class_text."</td></tr><tr><td>";
$sel_stage = varset($pref['init_class_stage'],2);
$text .= "<table class='table adminform'>
<td>".UCSLAN_45."<br /> </td>
<select class='tbox' name='init_class_stage'>\n
<option value='1'".($sel_stage==1 ? " selected='selected'" : "").">".UCSLAN_47."</option>
<option value='2'".($sel_stage==2 ? " selected='selected'" : "").">".UCSLAN_48."</option>
</select><span class='field-help'>".UCSLAN_46."</span>";
$text .= "</td></tr></table></td></tr>
<tr><td style='text-align:center'>".
$text .= UCSLAN_39;
$text .= "</td></tr></table></form></div>";
$ns->tablerender(ADLAN_38.SEP.UCSLAN_40, $mes->render() . $text);
break; // End of 'initial'
// Debug aids
case 'debug' :
// if (!check_class(e_UC_MAINADMIN)) break; // Let ordinary admins see this if they know enough to specify the URL
$text .= $e_userclass->show_graphical_tree(TRUE); // Print with debug options
$ns->tablerender(UCSLAN_21, $text);
$text = "<table class='table adminlist'><tr><td colspan='5'>Class rights for first 20 users in database</td></tr>
<tr><td>User ID</td><td>Disp Name</td><td>Raw classes</td><td>Inherited classes</td><td>Editable classes</td></tr>";
$sql->db_Select('user','user_id,user_name,user_class',"ORDER BY user_id LIMIT 0,20",'no_where');
while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch())
$inherit = $e_userclass->get_all_user_classes($row['user_class']);
$text .= "<tr><td>".$row['user_id']."</td>
$text .= "</table>";
$ns->tablerender(UCSLAN_21, $text);
break; // End of 'debug'
// Configuration options
case 'options' :
if (!check_class(e_UC_MAINADMIN)) break;
if (isset($_POST['add_class_tree']))
{ // Create a default tree
$message = UCSLAN_62;
$e_userclass->readTree(TRUE); // Need to re-read the tree to show correct info
$message .= UCSLAN_64;
if (isset($_POST['flatten_class_tree']))
{ // Remove the default tree
$message = UCSLAN_65;
$sql->db_Update('userclass_classes', "userclass_parent='0'");
$e_userclass->readTree(TRUE); // Need to re-read the tree to show correct info
$message .= UCSLAN_64;
if (isset($_POST['rebuild_tree']))
$message = UCSLAN_70;
$message .= UCSLAN_64;
if ($params == 'xml') $params = '.xml'; else $params = '';
if (isset($_POST['create_xml_db']) && ($params == '.xml'))
$message = $e_userclass->makeXMLFile() ? 'XML file created' : 'Error creating XML file';
if ($message)
$ns->tablerender('', "<div style='text-align:center'><b>".$message."</b></div>");
$mes = e107::getMessage();
$mes->addWarning(UCSLAN_52."<br />".UCSLAN_53);
$text = "<form method='post' action='".e_SELF."?options{$params}' id='treesetForm'>
<table class='table adminform'>
<col class='col-label' />
<col class='col-content' />
<tr><td >".UCSLAN_54."<br /><span class='smalltext'>".UCSLAN_57."</span><br />
".$frm->admin_button('add_class_tree','no-value','delete', UCSLAN_58)."
<td>".UCSLAN_55."<br /><span class='smalltext'>".UCSLAN_56."</span><br />
".$frm->admin_button('flatten_class_tree','no-value','delete', UCSLAN_58)."
if ($params == '.xml')
$text .= "<tr>
<td>".'Create XML file of DB'."<br /><span class='smalltext'>".'Dev aid to set initial values'."</span><br />
".$frm->admin_button('create_xml_db','no-value','create', 'Create')."
$text .= "</table></form>";
$ns->tablerender(ADLAN_38.SEP.LAN_PREFS, $mes->render().$text);
$text = "<form method='post' action='".e_SELF."?options' id='maintainForm'>
<table class='table adminform'>
<col class='col-label' />
<col class='col-content' />
<td>".UCSLAN_72."<br />
<span class='smalltext'>".UCSLAN_73."</span>
".$frm->admin_button('rebuild_tree','no-value','delete', UCSLAN_58)."
$ns->tablerender(UCSLAN_71, $text);
break; // End of 'options'
// Test options
case 'test' :
if (!check_class(e_UC_MAINADMIN)) break;
break; // ...And disable for everyone at present
if (isset($_POST['add_db_fields']))
{ // Add the extra DB fields
$message = "Add DB fields: ";
$message .= "Completed";
if (isset($_POST['remove_db_fields']))
{ // Remove the DB fields
$message = "Remove DB fields: ";
$sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE #userclass_classes DROP `userclass_parent`, DROP `userclass_accum`, DROP `userclass_visibility`");
$message .= "Completed";
if (isset($_POST['add_class_tree']))
{ // Create a default tree
$message = "Create default class tree: ";
if (!$e_userclass->update_db(TRUE))
$message .= "Must add new DB fields first";
$e_userclass->read_tree(TRUE); // Need to re-read the tree to show correct info
$message .= "Completed";
if (isset($_POST['remove_class_tree']))
{ // Remove the default tree
$message = "Remove default class tree: ";
$sql->db_Delete("userclass_classes","`userclass_id` IN (".implode(',',array(e_UC_MAINADMIN,e_UC_MEMBER, e_UC_ADMIN, e_UC_ADMINMOD, e_UC_MODS, e_UC_USERS, e_UC_READONLY)).") ");
$e_userclass->read_tree(TRUE); // Need to re-read the tree to show correct info
$message .= "completed";
if (isset($_POST['rebuild_tree']))
$message = 'Rebuilding tree: ';
$message .= " completed";
if ($message)
$ns->tablerender("", "<div style='text-align:center'><b>".$message."</b></div>");
$db_status = "Unknown";
$db_status = $e_userclass->update_db(TRUE) ? "Updated" : "Original";
$text = "<div style='text-align:center'>
<form method='post' action='".e_SELF."?test' id='testForm'>
<table class='table adminform'>
<tr><td class='fcaption' style='text-align:center' colspan='2'>Test Functions and Information</td></tr>";
$text .= "<tr><td style='text-align:center' colspan='2'>DB Status: ".$db_status."</td></tr>";
$text .= "<tr><td><input class='btn button' type='submit' name='add_db_fields' value='Add new DB fields' />First required step</td>";
$text .= "<td><input class='btn button' type='submit' name='remove_db_fields' value='Remove new DB fields' />Reverse the process</td></tr>";
$text .= "<tr><td><input class='btn button' type='submit' name='add_class_tree' value='Add class tree' />Optional default tree</td>";
$text .= "<td><input class='btn button' type='submit' name='remove_class_tree' value='Remove class tree' />Deletes the 'core' class entries</td></tr>";
$text .= "<tr><td><input class='btn button' type='submit' name='rebuild_tree' value='Rebuild class tree' />Sets up all the structures</td>";
$text .= "<td><input class='btn button' type='submit' name='' value='Spare' />Spare</td></tr>";
$text .= "<tr><td colspan='2'> </td></tr>";
$text .= "<tr><td colspan='2'>".$e_userclass->show_tree(TRUE)."</td></tr>";
$text .= "</table>";
$text .= "</form>
$ns->tablerender('User classes - test features', $text);
break; // End of temporary test options
// Special fooling around
case 'special' :
if (!check_class(e_UC_MAINADMIN)) break; // Let main admins see this if they know enough to specify the URL
$text = "<div style='text-align:center'>
<form method='post' action='".e_SELF."?special' id='specialclassForm'>";
$text .= "<select name='class_select'>\n";
$text .= $e_userclass->vetted_tree('class_select',array($e_userclass,'select'), $_POST['class_select']);
$text .= "</select>\n";
$ns->tablerender('Select box with nested items', $text);
$text = "<select multiple size='10' name='multi_class_select[]'>\n";
$text .= $e_userclass->vetted_tree('multi_class_select[]',array($e_userclass,'select'), implode(',',$_POST['multi_class_select']));
$text .= "</select>\n";
$ns->tablerender('Multiple Select box with nested items', $text);
$checked_class_list = implode(',',$_POST['classes_select']);
$text = "<table style='".ADMIN_WIDTH."'><tr><td style='text-align:left'>";
$text .= $e_userclass->vetted_tree('classes_select', array($e_userclass,'checkbox'), $checked_class_list, 'is-checkbox');
$text .= "Classes: ".$checked_class_list;
$text .= "</td><td style='text-align:left'>";
$text .= $e_userclass->vetted_tree('normalised_classes_select', array($e_userclass,'checkbox'), $e_userclass->normalise_classes($checked_class_list), 'is-checkbox');
$text .= "Normalised Classes: ".$e_userclass->normalise_classes($checked_class_list);
$text .= "</td></tr></table>";
$ns->tablerender('Nested checkboxes, showing the effect of the normalise() routine', $text);
$text = "Single class: ".$_POST['class_select']."<br />
Multi-select: ".implode(',',$_POST['multi_class_select'])."<br />
Check boxes: ".implode(',',$_POST['classes_select'])."<br />";
$text .= "<input class='btn button' type='submit' value='Click to save' />
</form> </div>";
$ns->tablerender('Click on the button - the settings above should be remembered, and the $_POST values displayed', $text);
break; // End of 'debug'
} // End - switch ($action)
* Log event to admin log
* @param string $msg_num - 2-digit event number (MUST be as a string)
* @param string $woffle - log detail
* @return none
function userclass2_adminlog($msg_num='00', $woffle='')
function userclass2_adminmenu()
$tmp = array();
if (e_QUERY)
$tmp = explode(".", e_QUERY);
$action = vartrue($tmp[0],'list');
if(isset($_GET['action']) && 'edit' == $_GET['action']) $action = 'config';
$var['list']['text'] = LAN_MANAGE;
$var['list']['link'] = 'userclass2.php';
$var['config']['text'] = LAN_CREATE; // UCSLAN_25;
$var['config']['link'] = 'userclass2.php?config';
//DEPRECATED - use admin->users instead.
$var['membs']['text'] = UCSLAN_26;
$var['membs']['link'] ='userclass2.php?membs';
$var['initial']['text'] = UCSLAN_38;
$var['initial']['link'] ='userclass2.php?initial';
if (check_class(e_UC_MAINADMIN))
$var['options']['text'] = LAN_PREFS; // UCSLAN_50;
$var['options']['link'] ='userclass2.php?options';
if (defined('UC_DEBUG_OPTS'))
$var['debug']['text'] = UCSLAN_27;
$var['debug']['link'] ='userclass2.php?debug';
$var['test']['text'] = 'Test functions';
$var['test']['link'] ="userclass2.php?test";
$var['specials']['text'] = 'Special tests';
$var['specials']['link'] ="userclass2.php?special";
show_admin_menu(ADLAN_38, $action, $var);
class uclass_manager
public function __construct()
global $user_pref;
$user_pref['admin_userclass_columns'] = $_POST['e-columns'];
$this->fieldpref = (varset($user_pref['admin_userclass_columns'])) ? $user_pref['admin_userclass_columns'] : array("userclass_id","userclass_name","userclass_description");
$this->fields = array(
'userclass_icon' => array('title'=> UCSLAN_68, 'type' => 'icon', 'width' => '5%', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class' => 'center'),
'userclass_id' => array('title'=> LAN_ID, 'type' => 'int', 'width' => '5%', 'thclass' => 'left'),
'userclass_name' => array('title'=> UCSLAN_12, 'type' => 'text', 'inline'=>true, 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left'),
'userclass_description' => array('title'=> UCSLAN_13, 'type' => 'text', 'inline'=>true, 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left'),
'userclass_editclass' => array('title'=> UCSLAN_24, 'type' => 'userclass', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left'),
'userclass_parent' => array('title'=> UCSLAN_35, 'type' => 'userclass', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left'),
'userclass_visibility' => array('title'=> UCSLAN_34, 'type' => 'userclass', 'inline'=>true, 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left'),
'userclass_type' => array('title'=> UCSLAN_79, 'type' => 'method', 'width' => '10%', 'thclass' => 'left', 'class'=>'left' ),
'options' => array('title'=> LAN_OPTIONS, 'type' => null, 'width' => '10%', 'thclass' => 'center last', 'forced'=>TRUE, 'class'=>'center', 'readParms' => array('deleteClass' => e_UC_NOBODY))
* Show list of existing userclasses, followed by graphical tree of the hierarchy
public function show_existing()
global $e_userclass;
$tp = e107::getParser();
$sql = e107::getDb();
$frm = new uclassFrm;
$ns = e107::getRender();
$mes = e107::getMessage();
if (!$total = $sql->db_Select('userclass_classes', '*'))
$text = "";
$mes->add(UCSLAN_7, E_MESSAGE_INFO);
$text = "<form method='post' action='".e_SELF."?".e_QUERY."'>
<fieldset id='core-userclass-list'>
<legend class='e-hideme'>".UCSLAN_5."</legend>
<table class='table adminlist'>".
$classes = $sql->db_getList('ALL', FALSE, FALSE);
foreach($classes as $row)
$this->fields['options']['readParms']['deleteClass'] = $e_userclass->queryCanDeleteClass($row['userclass_id']) ? '' : e_UC_NOBODY;
$text .= $frm->renderTableRow($this->fields, $this->fieldpref, $row, 'userclass_id');
$text .= "</tbody></table></fieldset></form>";
$text .= $e_userclass->show_graphical_tree(); // Show the tree as well - sometimes more useful
$ns->tablerender(UCSLAN_21, $mes->render().$text );
// @TODO: Is this function still required? - Yes - setGroupStatus() used on class add/edit page
function headerjs()
$params = e107::getRegistry('pageParams');
* e107Ajax.fillForm demonstration
* Open Firebug console for Ajax transaction details
$script_js = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">
// Edit mode only
if($params[0] == 'edit')
$script_js .= "
e107.runOnLoad( function() {
document.observe('click', (function(event){
var target = event.findElement('a.userclass_edit');
if (target) {
// non-editable user class
if('#' == target.readAttribute('href')) return;
//If link is clicked use it's href as a target
$('classForm').fillForm($(document.body), { handler: target.readAttribute('href') });
new Effect.ScrollTo('classForm');
//Observe fillForm errors
e107Event.register('ajax_fillForm_error', function(transport) {
//memo.error object contains the error message
//error handling will be extended in the near future
/*//Click observer
document.observe('click', (function(event){
var target = (event.findElement('a.userclass_edit') || event.findElement('input#edit'));
if (target) {
//show cancel button in edit mod only
//If link is clicked use it's href as a target
$('classForm').fillForm($(document.body), { handler: target.readAttribute('href') });
//run on e107 init finished (dom is loaded)
e107.runOnLoad( function() {
\$('updatecancel').hide(); //hide cancel button onload
//Observe fillForm errors
e107Event.register('ajax_fillForm_error', function(transport) {
//memo.error object contains the error message
//error handling will be extended in the near future
//XXX FIXME Rewrite using jQuery selectors.
$script_js .= "
function setGroupStatus(dropdown)
var temp1 = document.getElementById('userclass_type_standard');
var temp2 = document.getElementById('userclass_type_groups');
if (!temp1 || !temp2) return;
if (dropdown.value == 0)
temp1.style.display = '';
temp2.style.display = 'none';
temp2.style.display = '';
temp1.style.display = 'none';
if ($params[0] != 'membs') return $script_js;
// We only want this JS on the class membership selection page
// XXX memebs action is deprecated now, remove this script?
$script_js .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">
// Inspiration (and some of the code) from a script by Sean Geraty - Web Site: http://www.freewebs.com/sean_geraty/
// Script from: The JavaScript Source!! http://javascript.internet.com
// Control flags for list selection and sort sequence
// Sequence is on option value (first 2 chars - can be stripped off in form processing)
// It is assumed that the select list is in sort sequence initially
var singleSelect = true; // Allows an item to be selected once only (i.e. in only one list at a time)
var sortSelect = true; // Only effective if above flag set to true
var sortPick = true; // Will order the picklist in sort sequence
// Initialise - invoked on load
function initIt()
var selectList = document.getElementById(\"assignclass1\");
var pickList = document.getElementById(\"assignclass2\");
var pickOptions = pickList.options;
pickOptions[0] = null; // Remove initial entry from picklist (was only used to set default width)
selectList.focus(); // Set focus on the selectlist
// Adds a selected item into the picklist
function addIt()
var selectList = document.getElementById(\"assignclass1\");
var selectIndex = selectList.selectedIndex;
var selectOptions = selectList.options;
var pickList = document.getElementById(\"assignclass2\");
var pickOptions = pickList.options;
var pickOLength = pickOptions.length;
// An item must be selected
if (selectIndex > -1)
pickOptions[pickOLength] = new Option(selectList[selectIndex].text);
pickOptions[pickOLength].value = selectList[selectIndex].value;
// If single selection, remove the item from the select list
if (singleSelect)
selectOptions[selectIndex] = null;
if (sortPick)
var tempText;
var tempValue;
// Sort the pick list
// while (pickOLength > 0 && pickOptions[pickOLength].text < pickOptions[pickOLength-1].text)
while (pickOLength > 0 && pickOptions[pickOLength].text.toLowerCase() < pickOptions[pickOLength-1].text.toLowerCase())
tempText = pickOptions[pickOLength-1].text;
tempValue = pickOptions[pickOLength-1].value;
pickOptions[pickOLength-1].text = pickOptions[pickOLength].text;
pickOptions[pickOLength-1].value = pickOptions[pickOLength].value;
pickOptions[pickOLength].text = tempText;
pickOptions[pickOLength].value = tempValue;
pickOLength = pickOLength - 1;
// Deletes an item from the picklist
function delIt()
var selectList = document.getElementById(\"assignclass1\");
var selectOptions = selectList.options;
var selectOLength = selectOptions.length;
var pickList = document.getElementById(\"assignclass2\");
var pickIndex = pickList.selectedIndex;
var pickOptions = pickList.options;
if (pickIndex > -1)
// If single selection, replace the item in the select list
if (singleSelect)
selectOptions[selectOLength] = new Option(pickList[pickIndex].text);
selectOptions[selectOLength].value = pickList[pickIndex].value;
pickOptions[pickIndex] = null;
if (singleSelect && sortSelect)
var tempText;
var tempValue;
// Re-sort the select list - start from the bottom, swapping pairs, until the moved element is in the right place
// Commented out line sorts upper case first, then lower case. 'Active' line does case-insensitive sort
// while (selectOLength > 0 && selectOptions[selectOLength].text < selectOptions[selectOLength-1].text)
while (selectOLength > 0 && selectOptions[selectOLength].text.toLowerCase() < selectOptions[selectOLength-1].text.toLowerCase())
tempText = selectOptions[selectOLength-1].text;
tempValue = selectOptions[selectOLength-1].value;
selectOptions[selectOLength-1].text = selectOptions[selectOLength].text;
selectOptions[selectOLength-1].value = selectOptions[selectOLength].value;
selectOptions[selectOLength].text = tempText;
selectOptions[selectOLength].value = tempValue;
selectOLength = selectOLength - 1;
function clearMe(clid)
location.href = document.location + \".clear.\" + clid;
function saveMe(clid)
var strValues = \"\";
var boxLength = document.getElementById('assignclass2').length;
var count = 0;
if (boxLength != 0)
for (i = 0; i < boxLength; i++)
if (count == 0)
strValues = document.getElementById('assignclass2').options[i].value;
strValues = strValues + \",\" + document.getElementById('assignclass2').options[i].value;
if (strValues.length == 0)
//alert(\"You have not made any selections\");
location.href = document.location + \".\" + clid + \"-\" + strValues;
return $script_js;