mirror of https://github.com/e107inc/e107.git synced 2025-02-11 18:14:10 +01:00
CaMer0n 14039f85e0 save_pref('user') updated to store as array (like core prefs). should be backwards compatible - but expecting a few things to break.
Infopanel now stores customization settings in user-pref.
Newspost table-listing customization now also saves in user-pref.
Some admin icon array clean-up.
user-theme saving doesn't work at time of testing. Rolled back class2 and problem existed before. (see note in class2.php line 1489)
2009-07-04 13:36:15 +00:00

386 lines
11 KiB

+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| e107 website system
| ©Steve Dunstan 2001-2002
| http://e107.org
| jalist@e107.org
| Released under the terms and conditions of the
| GNU General Public License (http://gnu.org).
| $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.8/e107_admin/admin.php,v $
| $Revision: 1.11 $
| $Date: 2009-07-04 13:36:15 $
| $Author: e107coders $
$e_sub_cat = 'main';
require_once (e_HANDLER."message_handler.php");
$emessage = &eMessage::getInstance();
if (!isset($pref['adminstyle'])) $pref['adminstyle'] = 'classis'; // Shouldn't be needed - but just in case
// --- check for htmlarea.
if (is_dir(e_ADMIN.'htmlarea') || is_dir(e_HANDLER.'htmlarea'))
/*$text = ADLAN_ERR_2."<br /><br />
<div style='text-align:center'>".$HANDLERS_DIRECTORY."htmlarea/<br />".$ADMIN_DIRECTORY."htmlarea/</div>";
$ns -> tablerender(ADLAN_ERR_1, $text);*/
$emessage->add($HANDLERS_DIRECTORY."htmlarea/<br />".$ADMIN_DIRECTORY."htmlarea/", E_MESSAGE_WARNING);
/* Not used in 0.8
// check for old modules.
if(getperms('0') && isset($pref['modules']) && $pref['modules'] && $sql->db_Field("plugin",5) == "plugin_addons")
$mods=explode(",", $pref['modules']);
$thef = "e_module.php";
foreach ($mods as $mod)
if (is_readable(e_PLUGIN."{$mod}/module.php"))
$mod_found[] = e_PLUGIN."{$mod}/module.php";
$text = ADLAN_ERR_5." <b>".$thef."</b>:<br /><br /><ul>";
foreach($mod_found as $val){
$text .= "<li>".str_replace("../","",$val)."</li>\n";
$text .="</ul><br />
<form method='post' action='".e_ADMIN."db.php' id='upd'>
<a href='#' onclick=\"document.getElementById('upd').submit()\">".ADLAN_ERR_6."</a>
<input type='hidden' name='plugin_scan' value='1' />
$ns -> tablerender(ADLAN_ERR_4,$text);
// check for file-types;
$allowed_types = get_filetypes(); // Get allowed types according to filetypes.xml or filetypes.php
if (count($allowed_types) == 0)
$allowed_types = array('zip' => 1, 'gz' => 1, 'jpg' => 1, 'png' => 1, 'gif' => 1);
$emessage->add("Setting default filetypes: ".implode(', ',array_keys($allowed_types)), E_MESSAGE_INFO);
//echo "Allowed filetypes = ".implode(', ',array_keys($allowed_types)).'<br />';
// avatar check.
$public = array(e_FILE.'public', e_FILE.'public/avatars');
foreach ($public as $dir)
if (is_dir($dir))
if ($dh = opendir($dir))
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false)
if (is_dir($dir."/".$file) == FALSE && $file != '.' && $file != '..' && $file != '/' && $file != 'CVS' && $file != 'avatars' && $file != 'Thumbs.db' && $file !=".htaccess" && $file !="php.ini")
$fext = substr(strrchr($file, "."), 1);
if (!array_key_exists(strtolower($fext),$allowed_types) )
if ($file == 'index.html' || $file == "null.txt")
if (filesize($dir.'/'.$file))
$potential[] = str_replace('../', '', $dir).'/'.$file;
$potential[] = str_replace('../', '', $dir).'/'.$file;
if (isset($potential))
//$text = ADLAN_ERR_3."<br /><br />";
$emessage->add(ADLAN_ERR_3, E_MESSAGE_WARNING);
$text = '<ul>';
foreach ($potential as $p_file)
$text .= '<li>'.$p_file.'</li>';
$emessage->add($text, E_MESSAGE_WARNING);
//$ns -> tablerender(ADLAN_ERR_1, $text);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// auto db update
if ('0' == ADMINPERMS)
// end auto db update
if (e_QUERY == 'purge' && getperms('0'))
$td = 1;
function render_links($link, $title, $description, $perms, $icon = FALSE, $mode = FALSE)
global $td,$tp;
$text = '';
if (getperms($perms))
$description = strip_tags($description);
if ($mode == 'adminb')
$text = "<tr><td class='forumheader3'>
<div class='td' style='text-align:left; vertical-align:top; width:100%'
onmouseover=\"eover(this, 'forumheader5')\" onmouseout=\"eover(this, 'td')\" onclick=\"document.location.href='".$link."'\">
".$icon." <b>".$title."</b> ".($description ? "[ <span class='smalltext'>".$description."</span> ]" : "")."</div></td></tr>";
if($mode != "div")
if ($td == (ADLINK_COLS+1))
$text .= '</tr>';
$td = 1;
if ($td == 1)
$text .= '<tr>';
if ($mode == 'default')
$text .= "<td class='td' style='text-align:left; vertical-align:top; width:20%; white-space:nowrap'
onmouseover=\"eover(this, 'forumheader5')\" onmouseout=\"eover(this, 'td')\" onclick=\"document.location.href='".$link."'\">".$icon." ".$tp->toHTML($title,FALSE,"defs, emotes_off")."</td>";
elseif ($mode == 'classis')
$text .= "<td style='text-align:center; vertical-align:top; width:20%'><a class='core-mainpanel-link-icon' href='".$link."' title='{$description}'>".$icon."</a><br />
<a class='core-mainpanel-link-text' href='".$link."' title='{$description}'><b>".$tp->toHTML($title,FALSE,"defs, emotes_off")."</b></a><br /><br /></td>";
elseif ($mode == 'beginner')
$text .= "<td style='text-align:center; vertical-align:top; width:20%' ><a class='core-mainpanel-link-icon' href='".$link."' >".$icon."</a>
<div style='padding:5px'>
<a class='core-mainpanel-link-text' href='".$link."' title='".$description."'><b>".$tp->toHTML($title,FALSE,"defs, emotes_off")."</b></a></div><br /><br /><br /></td>";
elseif($mode == "div")
$text .= "<div class='core-mainpanel-block'><a class='core-mainpanel-link-icon' href='".$link."' title='{$description}'>".$icon."</a><br />
<a class='core-mainpanel-link-text' href='".$link."' title='{$description}'>".$tp->toHTML($title,FALSE,"defs, emotes_off")."</a>
return $text;
function render_clean()
global $td;
while ($td <= ADLINK_COLS) {
$text .= "<td class='td' style='width:20%;'></td>";
$text .= "</tr>";
$td = 1;
return $text;
$newarray = asortbyindex($array_functions, 1);
$array_functions_assoc = convert_core_icons($newarray);
function convert_core_icons($newarray) // Put core button array in the same format as plugin button array.
foreach($newarray as $val)
$key = "e-".basename($val[0],".php");
$val['icon'] = $val[5];
$val['icon_32'] = $val[6];
$val['title'] = $val[1];
$val['link'] = $val[0];
$val['caption'] = $val['2'];
$val['perms'] = $val['4'];
$array_functions_assoc[$key] = $val;
return $array_functions_assoc;
function admin_info()
global $tp;
$width = (getperms('0')) ? "33%" : "50%";
<div style='text-align:center'>
<table style='width: 100%; border-collapse:collapse; border-spacing:0px;'>
<td style='width: ".$width."; vertical-align: top'>
<td style='width:".$width."; vertical-align: top'>
<td style='width:".$width."; vertical-align: top'>{ADMIN_LOG}</td>";
return $tp->parseTemplate($ADMIN_INFO_TEMPLATE);
function status_request()
global $pref;
if ($pref['adminstyle'] == 'classis' || $pref['adminstyle'] == 'cascade' || $pref['adminstyle'] == 'beginner' || $pref['adminstyle'] == 'tabbed') {
return TRUE;
} else {
return FALSE;
function latest_request()
global $pref;
if ($pref['adminstyle'] == 'classis' || $pref['adminstyle'] == 'cascade' || $pref['adminstyle'] == 'beginner' || $pref['adminstyle'] == 'tabbed') {
return TRUE;
} else {
return FALSE;
function log_request()
global $pref;
if ($pref['adminstyle'] == 'classis' || $pref['adminstyle'] == 'cascade'|| $pref['adminstyle'] == 'beginner' || $pref['adminstyle'] == 'tabbed') {
return TRUE;
} else {
return FALSE;
// Function renders all the plugin links according to the required icon size and layout style
// - common to the various admin layouts.
function getPluginLinks($iconSize = E_16_PLUGMANAGER, $linkStyle = 'adminb')
global $sql, $tp;
$text = render_links(e_ADMIN."plugin.php", ADLAN_98, ADLAN_99, "Z", $iconSize, $linkStyle);
$xml = new xmlClass; // We're going to have some plugins with plugin.xml files, surely? So create XML object now
$xml->filter = array('@attributes' => FALSE,'description'=>FALSE,'administration' => FALSE); // .. and they're all going to need the same filter
if ($sql->db_Select("plugin", "*", "plugin_installflag=1"))
while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch())
extract($row); // plugin_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
// plugin_name varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
// plugin_version varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
// plugin_path varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
// plugin_installflag tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
// plugin_addons text NOT NULL,
if (is_readable(e_PLUGIN.$plugin_path."/plugin.xml"))
$readFile = $xml->loadXMLfile(e_PLUGIN.$plugin_path.'/plugin.xml', true, true);
if ($readFile === FALSE)
echo 'Error in file: '.e_PLUGIN.$plugin_path.'/plugin.xml'.'<br />';
loadLanFiles($plugin_path, 'admin');
$eplug_name = $tp->toHTML($readFile['@attributes']['name'],FALSE,"defs, emotes_off");
$eplug_conffile = $readFile['administration']['configFile'];
$eplug_icon_small = $plugin_path.'/'.$readFile['administration']['iconSmall'];
$eplug_icon = $plugin_path.'/'.$readFile['administration']['icon'];
$eplug_caption = str_replace("'", '', $tp->toHTML($readFile['description'], FALSE, 'defs, emotes_off'));
elseif (is_readable(e_PLUGIN.$plugin_path."/plugin.php"))
if ($eplug_conffile)
$eplug_name = $tp->toHTML($eplug_name,FALSE,"defs, emotes_off");
$plugin_icon = $eplug_icon_small ? "<img class='icon S16' src='".e_PLUGIN.$eplug_icon_small."' alt='' />" : E_16_PLUGIN;
$plugin_icon_32 = $eplug_icon ? "<img class='icon S32' src='".e_PLUGIN.$eplug_icon."' alt='' />" : E_32_PLUGIN;
$plugin_array['p-'.$plugin_path] = array('link' => e_PLUGIN.$plugin_path."/".$eplug_conffile, 'title' => $eplug_name, 'caption' => $eplug_caption, 'perms' => "P".$plugin_id, 'icon' => $plugin_icon, 'icon_32' => $plugin_icon_32);
unset($eplug_conffile, $eplug_name, $eplug_caption, $eplug_icon_small);
ksort($plugin_array, SORT_STRING); // To FIX, without changing the current key format, sort by 'title'
if($linkStyle == "array")
return $plugin_array;
foreach ($plugin_array as $plug_key => $plug_value)
$the_icon = ($iconSize == E_16_PLUGMANAGER) ? $plug_value['icon'] : $plug_value['icon_32'];
$text .= render_links($plug_value['link'], $plug_value['title'], $plug_value['caption'], $plug_value['perms'], $the_icon, $linkStyle);
return $text;