mirror of https://github.com/e107inc/e107.git synced 2025-02-19 14:04:44 +01:00
2013-03-24 18:12:11 -07:00

320 lines
11 KiB

+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| e107 website system - Language File.
| $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.8/e107_plugins/forum/languages/English/lan_forum.php,v $
| $Revision$
| $Date$
| $Author$
define("e_PAGETITLE", "Forum");
define("LAN_01", "Forums");
define("LAN_02", "Go to page");
define("LAN_03", "Go");
define("LAN_04", "Previous");
define("LAN_05", "Next");
define("LAN_06", "Joined");
define("LAN_07", "Location");
define("LAN_08", "Website");
define("LAN_09", "Visits to site since registration");
define("LAN_10", "Back to top");
define("LAN_65", "Jump");
define("LAN_53", "Thread");
define("LAN_54", "Starter");
define("LAN_55", "Replies");
define("LAN_56", "Views");
define("LAN_57", "Latest Post");
define("LAN_58", "There are no topics in this forum yet.");
define("LAN_59", "You must be a registered member and logged in to post on this forum. Click on signup or login from the login menu.");
define("LAN_202", "Sticky");
define("LAN_203", "Sticky/Closed");
define("LAN_66", "This thread is now closed");
define("LAN_67", "Posts");
define("LAN_194", "Guest");
define("LAN_195", "Registered Member");
define("LAN_321", "Moderators: ");
define("LAN_389", "Previous thread");
define("LAN_390", "Next thread");
define("LAN_391", "Track Thread");
define("LAN_392", "Cancel Thread Tracking");
define("LAN_393", "Quick Reply");
define("LAN_394", "Preview");
define("LAN_395", "Reply To Thread");
define("LAN_396", "Website");
define("LAN_397", "Email");
define("LAN_398", "Profile");
define("LAN_399", "Private Message");
define("LAN_400", "Edit");
define("LAN_401", "Quote");
define("LAN_402", "Author");
define("LAN_403", "Post");
define("LAN_404", "No previous thread");
define("LAN_405", "No next thread");
define("LAN_406", "Moderator: Edit");
define("LAN_435", "Moderator: Delete");
define("LAN_408", "Moderator: Move");
define("LAN_409", "Are you sure you want to delete this thread and any replies?");
define("LAN_410", "Are you sure you want to delete this reply?");
define("LAN_411", "posted by ");
define("LAN_412", "Title");
define("LAN_413", "Report");
define("LAN_414", "Report this thread to a moderator");
define("LAN_415", "Thread title");
define("LAN_416", "Enter your report");
define("LAN_417", "The admin will be made aware of this thread. You may post a message explaining what you found to be objectionable.");
define("LAN_418", "<b>Do not</b> use this form to contact the admin for any other reason.");
define("LAN_419", "Send Report");
define("LAN_420", "Click to view post");
define("LAN_421", "Forum thread report from");
define("LAN_422", "This post has been reported from site ");
define("LAN_423", "Message could not be sent. ");
define("LAN_424", "Post has been reported to moderator.<br />Thank You.");
define("LAN_425", "Message from: ");
define("LAN_426", "Reporting post in topic: ");
define("LAN_427", "Error sending mail");
define("LAN_428", "Post has been reported");
define("LAN_429", "Click here to return to forum");
define("LAN_430", "poll");
define("FORLAN_26", "Reply deleted");
define("FORLAN_10", "Begin New Thread");
define("LAN_29", "Edited");
define("LAN_431", "Syndicate this thread: rss 0.92");
define("LAN_432", "Syndicate this thread: rss 2.0");
define("LAN_433", "Syndicate this thread: RDF");
define("FORLAN_101", "Email Thread");
define("FORLAN_102", "Print View");
define('FORLAN_103', '[user deleted]');
define('FORLAN_104', 'Thread not found');
define('FORLAN_105', 'Moderator: Split');
define('FORLAN_BY', 'by');
define("LAN_06", "Joined");
define("LAN_30", "Welcome");
define("LAN_31", "There are no new posts ");
define("LAN_32", "There is 1 new post ");
define("LAN_33", "There are");
define("LAN_34", "new posts");
define("LAN_35", "since your last visit.");
define("LAN_36", "You last visited at ");
define("LAN_37", "It is now ");
define("LAN_38", ", all times are ");
define("LAN_41", "Newest member: ");
define("LAN_42", "Registered members: ");
define("LAN_44", "These forums can be used by non-registered users, but please be aware that your IP Address will be logged if you make a post.<br />To access the full features of this forum you will need to");
define("LAN_45", "These forums can only be posted to by registered and logged in members, please click");
define("LAN_46", "Forum");
define("LAN_47", "Threads");
define("LAN_48", "Replies");
define("LAN_49", "Last Post");
define("LAN_51", "No forums yet, please check back soon.");
define("LAN_52", "No forums in this section yet, please check back soon.");
define("LAN_79", "New posts");
define("LAN_80", " No new posts");
define("LAN_81", "Closed thread");
define("LAN_100", "articles");
define("LAN_180", "Search");
define("LAN_191", "Information");
define("LAN_192", "The users of this forum have made a total of ");
define("LAN_196", "You have read ");
define("LAN_197", " of these posts.");
define("LAN_198", " All new posts have been read.");
define("LAN_199", "Mark all posts as read");
define("LAN_204", "You <b>can</b> start new threads");
define("LAN_205", "You <b>cannot</b> start new threads");
define("LAN_206", "You <b>can</b> post replies");
define("LAN_207", "You <b>cannot</b> post replies");
define("LAN_208", "You <b>can</b> edit your posts");
define("LAN_209", "You <b>cannot</b> edit your posts");
define("LAN_392", "stop tracking this thread");
define("LAN_393", "List tracked threads");
define("LAN_394", "Closed forum");
define("LAN_397", "Tracked threads");
define("LAN_398", "Closed");
define("LAN_399", "Restricted");
define("LAN_400", "This forum can only be browsed by registered members");
define("LAN_401", "Members only");
define("LAN_402", "This forum is read only");
define("LAN_403", "No posts yet");
define("LAN_404", "posts");
define("LAN_405", "Restricted Access");
define("LAN_406", "This forum is restricted to administrators only");
define("LAN_407", "This forum is restricted to members only");
define("LAN_408", "This is a read-only forum");
define("LAN_409", "This is a class restricted forum");
define("LAN_410", "Welcome guest");
define("LAN_411", "thread");
define("LAN_412", "reply");
define("LAN_413", "threads");
define("LAN_414", "replies");
define("LAN_415", "user is browsing the forums at the moment");
define("LAN_416", "users are browsing the forums at the moment");
define("LAN_417", "member");
define("LAN_418", "guest");
define("LAN_419", "members");
define("LAN_420", "guests");
define("LAN_421", "Show new posts");
define("LAN_422", "New posts since your last visit");
define("LAN_423", "Posted by");
define("LAN_424", "New threads");
define("LAN_425", "Re:");
define("LAN_426", "Who's Online: ");
define("LAN_427", "View detailed list.");
define("LAN_428", "Re:");
define("LAN_429", "Top Posters");
define("LAN_430", "Most Active Threads");
define("LAN_431", "My Posts");
define("LAN_432", "My Settings");
define("LAN_433", "Forum Rules");
define("LAN_434", "Return to forums");
define("LAN_435", "My Profile");
define("LAN_436", " (Will open a new window.)");
define("LAN_437", "register");
define("LAN_438", "and login.");
define("LAN_439", "here");
define("LAN_440", "to go to the registration page.");
define("LAN_441", "View forum statistics");
define('FORLAN_21', 'Threads');
define('FORLAN_22', 'Last Post');
define('FORLAN_23', 'Poll');
define('FORLAN_441', 'No rules defined.');
define('FORLAN_442', 'My Uploads');
define('FORLAN_443', '[user deleted]');
define('FORLAN_444', 'sub-forums');
define("PAGE_NAME", "Forum");
define("LAN_01", "Forums");
define("LAN_02", "Replying to: ");
define("LAN_03", "New Thread");
define("LAN_1", "Normal");
define("LAN_2", "Sticky");
define("LAN_3", "Announcement");
define("LAN_4", "Post Poll");
define("LAN_5", "Poll Question:");
define("LAN_6", "Add another option");
define("LAN_7", "Vote option:");
define("LAN_8", "Allow votes from all");
define("LAN_9", "Allow votes from members only");
define("LAN_10", "Login");
define("LAN_11", "Remember me");
define("LAN_16", "Username: ");
define("LAN_17", "Password: ");
define("LAN_20", "Error");
define("LAN_27", "You left required field(s) blank");
define("LAN_28", "You didn't post anything ..");
define("LAN_29", "Edited");
define("LAN_45", "These forums can only be posted to by registered and logged in members, please click");
define("LAN_60", "Start New Thread");
define("LAN_61", "Your Name: ");
define("LAN_62", "Subject: ");
define("LAN_63", "Post: ");
define("LAN_64", "Submit new thread");
define("LAN_73", "Reply: ");
define("LAN_74", "Reply to thread");
define("LAN_77", "Update Thread");
define("LAN_78", "Update Reply");
define("LAN_94", "Posted by");
define("LAN_95", "Unauthorised");
define("LAN_96", "You are not authorised to edit this forum post.");
define("LAN_100", "Thread Topic");
define("LAN_101", "Latest ");
define("LAN_102", " replies");
define("LAN_103", "Review complete thread. (Will open a new window.)");
define("LAN_133", "Thank you");
define("LAN_174", "Signup");
define("LAN_175", "Login");
define("LAN_212", "Forgot password?");
define("LAN_310", "Unable to accept post as that username is registered - if it is your username please login to post.");
define("LAN_311", "Anonymous");
define("LAN_322", "Posted: ");
define("LAN_323", "Preview");
define("LAN_324", "Your message has been successfully posted.");
define("LAN_325", "Click Here to view your message");
define("LAN_326", "Click here to return to the forum");
define("LAN_327", "Review");
define("LAN_380", "Enable email tracking (email sent when reply is posted)");
define("LAN_381", "Forum reply from ");
define("LAN_382", "Post made: ");
define("LAN_383", "Please click the following link to view the full thread ...");
define("LAN_384", "Forum reply at ");
define("LAN_385", "Post: ");
define("LAN_386", "If you do not wish to add a poll to your thread leave the fields blank ");
define("LAN_387", "Go");
define("LAN_388", "Back to top");
define("LAN_389", "Duplicate post, redirecting ...");
define("LAN_390", "Attach file / image");
define("LAN_391", "Options");
define("LAN_392", "File to attach");
define("LAN_393", "<b>Please note</b><br />Allowed file types:");
define("LAN_394", "Any other file types uploaded will be instantly deleted.");
define("LAN_395", "Maximum file size");
define("LAN_396", " bytes");
define("LAN_397", "This thread is locked.");
define("LAN_398", "This forum is read only");
define("LAN_399", "You are not authorized to post to this forum.");
define("LAN_400", "post thread as");
define("LAN_401", "Jump");
define("LAN_402", "poll");
define("LAN_403", "announcement");
define("LAN_404", "sticky");
define("LAN_405", "Forums");
define("LAN_406", "Re:");
define("LAN_407", "Redirect");
define("LAN_408", "If your browser does not support meta redirection please click");
define("LAN_409", "HERE");
define("LAN_410", "to be redirected");
define("LAN_411", "here");
define("LAN_412", "to go to the registration page.");
define("LAN_413", "Your poll has been successfully posted.");
define("LAN_414", "Click Here to view your poll");
define("LAN_415", "Your reply has been successfully posted.");
define("LAN_416", "Attach file");
define("LAN_417", "Add another attachment");
define("POLL_506", "Allow multiple choices?");
define("POLL_507", "yes");
define("POLL_508", "no");
define("LAN_FORUM_1", "Uploads disabled: ".e_FILE."public directory is not writable");
define("LAN_FORUM_2", "Duplicate post");
define('LAN_FORUMPOST_EMOTES', 'Deactivate emoticons for this post');