mirror of
synced 2025-01-17 20:58:30 +01:00
438 lines
10 KiB
438 lines
10 KiB
* e107 website system
* Copyright (C) 2008-2020 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
class e_thumbnail
private $_debug = false;
private $_cache = true;
* Page request
* @var array
protected $_request = array();
* @var string image source path (e107 path shortcode)
protected $_src = null;
* @var string source path modified/sanitized
protected $_src_path = null;
/** Stores watermark prefs
protected $_watermark = array('activate'=>null);
protected $_placeholder = false;
protected $_thumbQuality = 65;
* Constructor - init paths
* @return void
public function __construct()
public function init($pref)
$this->_watermark = array(
'activate' => vartrue($pref['watermark_activate'], false),
'text' => vartrue($pref['watermark_text']),
'size' => vartrue($pref['watermark_size'], 20),
'pos' => vartrue($pref['watermark_pos'],"BR"),
'color' => vartrue($pref['watermark_color'],'fff'),
'font' => vartrue($pref['watermark_font']),
'margin' => vartrue($pref['watermark_margin'],30),
'shadowcolor' => vartrue($pref['watermark_shadowcolor'], '000000'),
'opacity' => vartrue($pref['watermark_opacity'], 20)
$this->_thumbQuality = vartrue($pref['thumbnail_quality'],65);
* @param array $array keys: activate, text, size, pos, color, font, margin, shadowcolor, opacity. @see above.
public function setWatermark($array)
$this->_watermark = (array) $array;
public function setDebug($val)
$this->_debug = (bool) $val;
* Enable/disable image caching.
* @param bool $val
public function setCache($val)
$this->_cache = (bool) $val;
private function parseRequest()
//echo 'e_query='.str_replace('&', '&', e_QUERY);
if(isset($_GET['id'])) // very-basic url-tampering prevention and path cloaking
$e_QUERY = base64_decode($_GET['id']);
parse_str(str_replace('&', '&', $e_QUERY), $this->_request);
// file_put_contents(e_LOG."thumbRequests.log", var_export($this->_request, true)."\n\n", FILE_APPEND);
// parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $this->_request);
return $this;
public function setRequest($array)
$this->_request = (array) $array;
public function checkSrc()
if(!vartrue($this->_request['src'])) // display placeholder when src is missing.
$this->_placeholder = true;
return true;
$tp = e107::getParser();
// convert raw to SC path
$this->_request['src'] = str_replace($tp->getUrlConstants('raw'), $tp->getUrlConstants('sc'), $this->_request['src']);
// convert absolute and full url to SC URL
$this->_src = $tp->createConstants($this->_request['src'], 'mix');
if(preg_match('#^(https?|ftps?|file)://#i', $this->_request['src']))
return false;
echo 'Cache folder not writeable! ';
return false;
// convert to relative server path
$path = $tp->replaceConstants(str_replace('..', '', $this->_src)); //should be safe enough
if(is_file($path) && is_readable($path))
$this->_src_path = $path;
return true;
if($this->_debug === true)
echo "File Not Found: ".$path;
$this->_placeholder = true;
return true;
public function sendImage()
if($this->_placeholder == true)
$width = ($this->_request['aw']) ? $this->_request['aw'] : $this->_request['w'];
$height = ($this->_request['ah']) ? $this->_request['ah'] : $this->_request['h'];
$parm = array('size' => $width."x".$height);
return false;
echo "no source";
return $this;
$thumbnfo = pathinfo($this->_src_path);
$options = $this->getRequestOptions();
/* if($this->_debug === true)
// return false;
// $cache_str = md5(serialize($options). $this->_src_path. $this->_thumbQuality);
// $fname = strtolower('Thumb_'.$thumbnfo['filename'].'_'.$cache_str.'.'.$thumbnfo['extension']).'.cache.bin';
$fname = e107::getParser()->thumbCacheFile($this->_src_path, $options);
$cache_filename = e_CACHE_IMAGE . $fname;
if(($this->_cache === true) && is_file($cache_filename) && is_readable($cache_filename) && ($this->_debug !== true))
$thumbnfo['lmodified'] = filemtime($cache_filename);
$thumbnfo['md5s'] = md5_file($cache_filename);
$thumbnfo['fsize'] = filesize($cache_filename);
// Send required headers
if($this->_debug !== true)
//$bench->end()->logResult('thumb.php', $_GET['src'].' - 304 not modified');
// exit;
// check browser cache
if (@$_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] && ($thumbnfo['lmodified'] <= strtotime($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'])) && (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) && trim($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) == $thumbnfo['md5s']))
header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified');
//$bench->end()->logResult('thumb.php', $_GET['src'].' - 304 not modified');
// Send required headers
//$bench->end()->logResult('thumb.php', $_GET['src'].' - retrieve cache');
// if($this->_debug === true)
// {
// $start = microtime(true);
// }
// @require(e_HANDLER.'phpthumb/ThumbLib.inc.php');
if(!$thumb = e107::getThumb($this->_src_path))
echo "Couldn't load thumb factory";
return null;
$sizeUp = ((isset($this->_request['w']) && $this->_request['w'] > 110) || (isset($this->_request['aw']) && ($this->_request['aw'] > 110))); // don't resizeUp the icon images.
'correctPermissions' => true,
'resizeUp' => $sizeUp,
'jpegQuality' => $this->_thumbQuality,
'interlace' => true // improves performance
/* catch (Exception $e)
echo $e->getMessage();
return $this;
// Image Cropping by Quadrant.
if(!empty($options['c'])) // $quadrant T(op), B(ottom), C(enter), L(eft), R(right)
$this->_request['h'] = $this->_request['ah'];
$this->_request['w'] = $this->_request['aw'];
$thumb->adaptiveResizeQuadrant((integer) vartrue($this->_request['w'], 0), (integer) vartrue($this->_request['h'], 0), $options['c']);
if(isset($this->_request['w']) || isset($this->_request['h']))
$thumb->resize((integer) vartrue($this->_request['w'], 0), (integer) vartrue($this->_request['h'], 0));
//Typically gives a better result with images of people than adaptiveResize().
//TODO TBD Add Pref for Top, Bottom, Left, Right, Center?
$thumb->adaptiveResizeQuadrant((integer) vartrue($this->_request['aw'], 0), (integer) vartrue($this->_request['ah'], 0), 'T');
$thumb->adaptiveResize((integer) vartrue($this->_request['aw'], 0), (integer) vartrue($this->_request['ah'], 0));
/* if($this->_debug === true)
// echo "time: ".round((microtime(true) - $start),4);
return false;
// Watermark Option - See admin->MediaManager->prefs for details.
if(($this->_watermark['activate'] < $options['w']
|| $this->_watermark['activate'] < $options['aw']
|| $this->_watermark['activate'] < $options['h']
|| $this->_watermark['activate'] < $options['ah']
) && $this->_watermark['activate'] > 0 && $this->_watermark['font'] !='')
$tp = e107::getParser();
$this->_watermark['font'] = $tp->createConstants($this->_watermark['font'], 'mix');
$this->_watermark['font'] = realpath($tp->replaceConstants($this->_watermark['font'],'rel'));
// echo "hello";
// set cache
$this->_request = array();
if($this->_debug === true)
return $cache_filename;
// show thumb
return $this;
private function getRequestOptions()
$ret = array();
$ret['w'] = isset($this->_request['w']) ? intval($this->_request['w']) : false;
$ret['h'] = isset($this->_request['h']) ? intval($this->_request['h']) : $ret['w'];
$ret['aw'] = isset($this->_request['aw']) ? intval($this->_request['aw']) : false;
$ret['ah'] = isset($this->_request['ah']) ? intval($this->_request['ah']) : $ret['aw'];
$ret['c'] = isset($this->_request['c']) ? strtoupper(substr(filter_var($this->_request['c'],FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING),0,1)) : false;
// $ret['wm'] = isset($this->_request['wm']) ? intval($this->_request['wm']) : $ret['wm'];
if($ret['c'] == 'A') // auto
$ret['c'] = 'T'; // default is 'Top';
return $ret;
private function sendHeaders($thumbnfo)
if(headers_sent($filename, $linenum))
echo 'Headers already sent in '.$filename.' on line '.$linenum;
if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_set'))
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');
// header('Cache-Control: public, max-age=3600');
header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $thumbnfo['lmodified']).' GMT');
header('Content-Length: '.$thumbnfo['fsize']);
header('Content-Disposition: filename='.$thumbnfo['basename']); // important for right-click save-as.
$ctype = $this->ctype($thumbnfo['extension']);
if(null !== $ctype)
header('Content-Type: '.$ctype);
// Expire header - 1 year
$time = time() + 365 * 86400;
header('Expires: '.gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $time).' GMT');
header("Etag: ".$thumbnfo['md5s']);
public function ctype($ftype)
static $known_types = array(
'gif' => 'image/gif',
'jpg' => 'image/jpeg',
'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg',
'png' => 'image/png',
//'bmp' => 'image/bmp',
$ftype = strtolower($ftype);
return $known_types[$ftype];
return null;
// Display a placeholder image.
public function placeholder($parm)
if($this->_debug === true)
echo "Placeholder activated";
return null;
$getsize = isset($parm['size']) ? $parm['size'] : '100x100';
header('location: https://placehold.it/'.$getsize);
header('Content-Length: 0');