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396 lines
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Executable File
* e107 website system
* Copyright (C) 2008-2010 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* e107 Linkword plugin
* 'Hook' page
* The class is 'hooked' by the parser, to add linkword capability to any context where its enabled.
* @todo Link to capability for clever display options on tooltips
if (!defined('e107_INIT')) { exit; }
// if (!e107::isInstalled('linkwords')) exit; // This will completely break a site during upgrades.
class e_tohtml_linkwords
protected $lw_enabled = FALSE; // Default to disabled to start
var $lwAjaxEnabled = FALSE; // Adds in Ajax-compatible links
var $utfMode = ''; // Flag to enable utf-8 on regex
protected $word_list = array(); // List of link words/phrases
var $link_list = array(); // Corresponding list of links to apply
var $ext_list = array(); // Flags to determine 'open in new window' for link
var $tip_list = array(); // Store for tooltips
var $LinkID = array(); // Unique ID for each linkword
var $area_opts = array(); // Process flags for the various contexts
var $block_list = array(); // Array of 'blocked' pages
protected $word_class = array();
protected $customClass = '';
protected $wordCount = array();
protected $word_limit = array();
// protected $maxPerWord = 3;
public function enable()
$this->lw_enabled = true;
public function setWordData($arr = array())
foreach($arr as $val)
$this->word_list[] = $val['word'];
$this->link_list[] = $val['link'];
$this->ext_list[] = $val['ext'];
$this->tip_list[] = $val['tip'];
$this->word_limit[] = $val['limit'];
public function setAreaOpts($arr = array())
$this->area_opts = $arr;
public function setLink($arr)
$this->word_list = $arr;
/* constructor */
function __construct()
$tp = e107::getParser();
$pref = e107::pref('core');
$frm = e107::getForm();
// $this->maxPerWord = vartrue($pref['lw_max_per_word'], 25);
$this->customClass = vartrue($pref['lw_custom_class'],'');
$this->area_opts = varset($pref['lw_context_visibility']);
$this->utfMode = (strtolower(CHARSET) == 'utf-8') ? 'u' : ''; // Flag to enable utf-8 on regex //@TODO utfMode probably obsolete
$this->lwAjaxEnabled = varset($pref['lw_ajax_enable'],0);
// See whether they should be active on this page - if not, no point doing anything!
if(e_ADMIN_AREA === true) { return; }
// if ((strpos(e_SELF, ADMINDIR) !== FALSE) || (strpos(e_PAGE, "admin_") !== FALSE)) return; // No linkwords on admin directories
// Now see if disabled on specific pages
$check_url = e_SELF.(defined('e_QUERY') ? "?".e_QUERY : '');
$this->block_list = explode("|",substr(varset($pref['lw_page_visibility'],''),2)); // Knock off the 'show/hide' flag
foreach($this->block_list as $p)
if(substr($p, -1) == '!')
$p = substr($p, 0, -1);
if(substr($check_url, strlen($p)*-1) == $p) return;
if(strpos($check_url, $p) !== FALSE) return;
// Will probably need linkwords on this page - so get the info
define('LW_CACHE_TAG', 'nomd5_linkwords'); // Put it here to avoid conflict on admin pages
if(LW_CACHE_ENABLE && ($temp = e107::getCache()->retrieve_sys(LW_CACHE_TAG)))
$ret = eval($temp);
if ($ret)
echo "Error reading linkwords cache: {$ret}<br />";
$temp = '';
$this->lw_enabled = TRUE;
if(!vartrue($temp)) // Either cache disabled, or no info in cache (or error reading/processing cache)
$link_sql = e107::getDb('link_sql');
if($link_sql->select("linkwords", "*", "linkword_active!=1"))
$this->lw_enabled = true;
while($row = $link_sql->fetch())
$lw = $tp->ustrtolower($row['linkword_word']); // It was trimmed when saved *utf
if($row['linkword_active'] == 2)
$row['linkword_link'] = ''; // Make sure linkword disabled
if($row['linkword_active'] < 2)
$row['linkword_tooltip'] = ''; // Make sure tooltip disabled
$lwID = max($row['linkword_tip_id'], $row['linkword_id']); // If no specific ID defined, use the DB record ID
if(strpos($lw,',')) // Several words to same link
$lwlist = explode(',',$lw);
foreach ($lwlist as $lw)
$lw = trim($lw);
$this->word_list[] = $lw;
$this->word_class[] = 'lw-'.$frm->name2id($lw);
$this->word_limit[] = vartrue($row['linkword_limit'],3);
$this->link_list[] = $row['linkword_link'];
$this->tip_list[] = $row['linkword_tooltip'];
$this->ext_list[] = $row['linkword_newwindow'];
$this->LinkID[] = $lwID;
$lw = trim($lw);
$this->word_list[] = $lw;
$this->word_class[] = 'lw-'.$frm->name2id($lw);
$this->word_limit[] = vartrue($row['linkword_limit'],3);
$this->link_list[] = $row['linkword_link'];
$this->tip_list[] = $row['linkword_tooltip'];
$this->ext_list[] = $row['linkword_newwindow'];
$this->LinkID[] = $lwID;
if(LW_CACHE_ENABLE) // Write to file for next time
$temp = '';
foreach (array('word_list', 'link_list', 'tip_list', 'ext_list', 'LinkID') as $var)
$temp .= '$this->'.$var.'='.var_export($this->$var, TRUE).";\n";
function to_html($text,$area = 'olddefault')
$this->area_opts = e107::unserialize($this->area_opts);
if($this->area_opts === null)
$this->area_opts = array();
if (!$this->lw_enabled || empty($this->area_opts) || !array_key_exists($area,$this->area_opts) || !$this->area_opts[$area])
// e107::getDebug()->log("Link words skipped on ".substr($text, 0, 50));
return $text; // No linkwords in disabled areas
// Split up by HTML tags and process the odd bits here
$ptext = "";
$lflag = FALSE;
// Shouldn't need utf-8 on next line - just looking for HTML tags
$content = preg_split('#(<.*?>)#mis', $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE );
foreach($content as $cont)
if ($cont[0] == "<")
{ // Its some HTML
$ptext .= $cont;
if (substr($cont,0,2) == "<a") $lflag = TRUE;
if (substr($cont,0,3) == "</a") $lflag = FALSE;
else // Its the text in between
if ($lflag) // Its probably within a link - leave unchanged
$ptext .= $cont;
if (trim($cont))
// Some non-white space - worth word matching
$ptext .= $this->linksproc($cont,0,count($this->word_list));
// echo "Check linkwords: ".count($this->word_list).'<br />';
$ptext .= $cont;
// print_a($this->wordCount);
return $ptext;
* This function is called recursively - it splits the text up into blocks - some containing a particular linkword
* @param $text
* @param $first
* @param $limit
* @return string
function linksproc($text,$first,$limit)
$tp = e107::getParser();
$doSamePage = !e107::getPref('lw_notsamepage');
for (; $first < $limit; $first ++)
if (empty($this->word_list[$first])) continue;
if (strpos($tp->ustrtolower($text), $this->word_list[$first]) !== false) break;
if ($first == $limit)
return $text; // Return if no linkword found
// There's at least one occurrence of the linkword in the text
// Prepare all info once only
// If supporting Ajax, use the following:
// <a href='link url' rel='external linkwordId::122' class='linkword-ajax'>
// linkwordId::122 is a unique ID
$ret = '';
$linkwd = '';
$linkrel = array();
// $linkwd = "href='#' "; // Not relevant for Prototype, but needed with 'pure' JS to make tooltip stuff work - doesn't find link elements without href
$lwClass = array();
$lw = $this->word_list[$first]; // This is the word we're matching - in lower case in our 'master' list
$tooltip = '';
if ($this->tip_list[$first])
{ // Got tooltip
if ($this->lwAjaxEnabled)
$linkrel[] = 'linkwordID::'.$this->LinkID[$first];
$lwClass[] = 'lw-ajax '.$this->customClass;
$tooltip = " title=\"{$this->tip_list[$first]}\" ";
$lwClass[] = 'lw-tip '.$this->customClass;
if ($this->link_list[$first]) // Got link
$newLink = $tp->replaceConstants($this->link_list[$first], 'full');
if ($doSamePage || ($newLink != e_SELF.'?'.e_QUERY))
$linkwd = " href=\"".$newLink."\" ";
if ($this->ext_list[$first]) { $linkrel[] = 'external'; } // Determine external links
$lwClass[] = 'lw-link '.$this->customClass;
$lwClass[] = $this->word_class[$first];
// if (!count($lwClass))
// {
// return $this->linksproc($sl,$first+1,$limit); // Nothing to do - move on to next word (shouldn't really get here)
// }
if (count($linkrel))
$linkwd .= " rel='".implode(' ',$linkrel)."'";
// This splits the text into blocks, some of which will precisely contain a linkword
$split_line = preg_split('#\b('.$lw.')(\s|\b)#i'.$this->utfMode, $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE ); // *utf (selected)
// $class = "".implode(' ',$lwClass)."' ";
$class = implode(' ',$lwClass);
$hash = md5($lw);
$this->wordCount[$hash] = 0;
foreach ($split_line as $count=>$sl)
if ($tp->ustrtolower($sl) == $lw && $this->wordCount[$hash] < (int) $this->word_limit[$first]) // Do linkword replace // We know the linkword is already lower case // *utf
$classCount = " lw-".$this->wordCount[$hash];
$ret .= "<span class=\"".$class.$classCount."\" ".$tooltip.">".$sl."</span>";
$ret .= "<a class=\"".$class.$classCount."\" ".$linkwd.$tooltip.">".$sl."</a>";
elseif (trim($sl)) // Something worthwhile left - look for more linkwords in it
$ret .= $this->linksproc($sl,$first+1,$limit);
$ret .= $sl; // Probably just some white space
return $ret;