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+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| e107 website system
| $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.8/e107_files/shortcode/sitelinks_alt.sc,v $
| $Revision: 1.2 $
| $Date: 2006-12-07 15:41:50 $
| $Author: sweetas $
global $sql, $pref, $imode;
$params = explode('+', $parm);
if (isset($params[0]) && $params[0] && $params[0] != 'no_icons' && $params[0] != 'default') {
$icon = $params[0];
} else {
$icon = e_IMAGE."packs/".$imode."/generic/arrow.png";
function adnav_cat($cat_title, $cat_link, $cat_img, $cat_id=FALSE, $cat_open=FALSE) {
global $tp;
$cat_link = (strpos($cat_link, '://') === FALSE && strpos($cat_link, 'mailto:') !== 0 ? e_HTTP.$cat_link : $cat_link);
if ($cat_open == 4 || $cat_open == 5){
$dimen = ($cat_open == 4) ? "600,400" : "800,600";
$href = " href=\"javascript:open_window('".$cat_link."',".$dimen.")\"";
} else {
$href = "href='".$cat_link."'";
$text = "<a class='menuButton' ".$href." ";
if ($cat_img != 'no_icons') {
$text .= "style='background-image: url(".$cat_img."); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 3px 1px; white-space: nowrap' ";
if ($cat_id) {
$text .= "onclick=\"return buttonClick(event, '".$cat_id."');\" onmouseover=\"buttonMouseover(event, '".$cat_id."');\"";
if ($cat_open == 1){
$text .= " rel='external' ";
$text .= ">".$tp->toHTML($cat_title,"","defs no_hook")."</a>";
return $text;
function adnav_main($cat_title, $cat_link, $cat_img, $cat_id=FALSE, $params, $cat_open=FALSE) {
global $tp;
$cat_link = (strpos($cat_link, '://') === FALSE) ? e_HTTP.$cat_link : $cat_link;
$cat_link = $tp->replaceConstants($cat_link,TRUE);
if ($cat_open == 4 || $cat_open == 5){
$dimen = ($cat_open == 4) ? "600,400" : "800,600";
$href = " href=\"javascript:open_window('".$cat_link."',".$dimen.")\"";
} else {
$href = "href='".$cat_link."'";
$text = "<a class='menuItem' ".$href." ";
if ($cat_id) {
if (isset($params[2]) && $params[2] == 'link') {
$text .= "onmouseover=\"menuItemMouseover(event, '".$cat_id."');\"";
} else {
$text .= "onclick=\"return false;\" onmouseover=\"menuItemMouseover(event, '".$cat_id."');\"";
if ($cat_open == 1){
$text .= " rel='external' ";
$text .= ">";
if ($cat_img != 'no_icons') {
$text .= "<span class='menuItemBuffer'>".$cat_img."</span>";
$text .= "<span class='menuItemText'>".$tp->toHTML($cat_title,"","defs no_hook")."</span>";
if ($cat_id) {
$text .= "<span class=\"menuItemArrow\">▶</span>";
$text .= "</a>";
return $text;
$js_file = ($params[1] == 'noclick') ? 'nav_menu_alt.js' : 'nav_menu.js';
if (file_exists(THEME.$js_file)) {
$text = "<script type='text/javascript' src='".THEME_ABS.$js_file."'></script>";
} else {
$text = "<script type='text/javascript' src='".e_FILE_ABS.$js_file."'></script>";
$text .= "<div class='menuBar' style='width:100%; white-space: nowrap'>";
// Setup Parent/Child Arrays ---->
$link_total = $sql->db_Select("links", "*", "link_class IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.") AND link_category=1 ORDER BY link_order ASC");
while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) {
if($row['link_parent'] == 0){
$linklist['head_menu'][] = $row;
$parents[] = $row['link_id'];
$pid = $row['link_parent'];
$linklist['sub_'.$pid][] = $row;
// Loops thru parents.--------->
global $tp;
foreach ($linklist['head_menu'] as $lk) {
$lk['link_url'] = $tp -> replaceConstants($lk['link_url'],TRUE);
if ($params[0] == 'no_icons') {
$link_icon = 'no_icons';
} else {
$link_icon = $lk['link_button'] ? e_IMAGE.'icons/'.$lk['link_button'] : $icon;
$main_linkid = $lk['link_id'];
if (isset($linklist['sub_'.$main_linkid])) { // Has Children.
$text .= adnav_cat($lk['link_name'], '', $link_icon, 'l_'.$main_linkid);
$text .= render_sub($linklist, $main_linkid, $params, $icon);
} else {
// Display Parent only.
$text .= adnav_cat($lk['link_name'], $lk['link_url'], $link_icon, FALSE, $lk['link_open']);
$text .= "</div>";
return $text;
function render_sub($linklist, $id, $params, $icon) {
$text = "<div id='l_".$id."' class='menu' onmouseover=\"menuMouseover(event)\">";
foreach ($linklist['sub_'.$id] as $sub) {
// Filter title for backwards compatibility ---->
if(substr($sub['link_name'],0,8) == "submenu."){
$tmp = explode(".",$sub['link_name']);
$subname = $tmp[2];
$subname = $sub['link_name'];
// Setup Child Icon --------->
if (!$sub['link_button'] && $params[0] == 'no_icons') {
$sub_icon = 'no_icons';
} else {
$sub_icon = "<img src='";
$sub_icon .= ($sub['link_button']) ? e_IMAGE.'icons/'.$sub['link_button'] : $icon;
$sub_icon .= "' alt='' style='border:0px; vertical-align:bottom; width: 16px; height: 16px' />";
if (isset($linklist['sub_'.$sub['link_id']])) { // Has Children.
$sub_ids[] = $sub['link_id'];
$text .= adnav_main($subname, $sub['link_url'], $sub_icon, 'l_'.$sub['link_id'], $params, $sub['link_open']);
} else {
$text .= adnav_main($subname, $sub['link_url'], $sub_icon, null, $params, $sub['link_open']);
$text .= "</div>";
if(isset($sub_ids) && is_array($sub_ids))
foreach ($sub_ids as $sub_id) {
$text .= render_sub($linklist, $sub_id, $params, $icon);
return $text;
} |