mirror of https://github.com/e107inc/e107.git synced 2025-01-18 05:09:05 +01:00
Axeia 80f0a16a87 ID clash, IDs should be unique - solved by removing one of them.
In no HTML version is or has it ever been allowed to use the same ID more than once. ID made unique as intended.
2013-09-26 16:11:41 +02:00

1413 lines
41 KiB

* e107 website system
* Copyright (C) 2002-2010 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* Comment handler class
* $URL$
* $Id$
if (!defined('e107_INIT'))
global $comment_shortcodes;
require_once (e_CORE."shortcodes/batch/comment_shortcodes.php");
* @package e107
* @subpackage e107_handlers
* @version $Id$;
* This class handles all comment-related functions.
class comment
public $known_types = array(
0 => "news",
1 => 'content',
2 => 'download',
3 => 'faq',
4 => 'poll',
5 => 'docs',
6 => 'bugtrack'
private $template;
private $totalComments = 0;
private $moderator = false;
private $commentsPerPage = 5;
private $table = null;
function __construct()
if(getperms('B')) // moderator perms.
$this->moderator = true;
//TODO - add a pref for comments per page.
// $this->commentsPerPage = pref;
require(e107::coreTemplatePath('comment')); // using require_once() could cause an empty template if the template is already loaded, for example, by the comment-menu al
elseif(!vartrue($COMMENT_TEMPLATE)) // BC template.
global $sc_style;
<table class='fborder' style='".USER_WIDTH."'>
<td colspan='2' class='forumheader'>
<td style='width:30%; vertical-align:top;'>
{AVATAR}<span class='smalltext'>{COMMENTS}{JOINED}</span>
<td style='width:70%; vertical-align:top;'>
<br />";
$COMMENT_TEMPLATE['FORM'] = "<table style='width:100%'>
$sc_style['SUBJECT_INPUT']['pre'] = "<tr><td style='width:20%'>".COMLAN_324."</td><td style='width:80%'>";
$sc_style['SUBJECT_INPUT']['post'] = "</td></tr>";
$sc_style['AUTHOR_INPUT']['pre'] = "<tr><td style='width:20%; vertical-align:top;'>".COMLAN_16."</td><td style='width:80%'>";
$sc_style['AUTHOR_INPUT']['post'] = "</td></tr>";
$sc_style['RATE_INPUT']['pre'] = "<tr><td style='width:20%; vertical-align:top;'>".COMLAN_327.":</td><td style='width:80%;'>";
$sc_style['RATE_INPUT']['post'] = "</td></tr>";
$sc_style['COMMENT_INPUT']['pre'] = "<tr><td style='width:20%; vertical-align:top;'>".COMLAN_8.":</td><td id='commentform' style='width:80%;'>";
$sc_style['COMMENT_INPUT']['post'] = "</td></tr>";
$sc_style['COMMENT_BUTTON']['pre'] = "<tr style='vertical-align:top'><td colspan='2' id='commentformbutton' style='width:80%;'>";
$sc_style['COMMENT_BUTTON']['post'] = "</td></tr>";
$this->template = $COMMENT_TEMPLATE;
function replyComment($id) // Ajax Reply.
$sql = e107::getDb();
if($sql->db_Select("comments","*","comment_id= ".intval($id)." LIMIT 1"))
$row = $sql->db_Fetch();
// [comment_id] =&gt; 65
return $this->form_comment('reply', $row['comment_type'], $row['comment_item_id'], $row['comment_subject'], false, true,false,false,$id);
* Display the comment editing form
* @param unknown_type $action
* @param unknown_type $table
* @param unknown_type $id
* @param unknown_type $subject
* @param unknown_type $content_type
* @param unknown_type $return
* @param unknown_type $rating
* @return unknown
function form_comment($action, $table, $id, $subject, $content_type, $return = FALSE, $rating = FALSE, $tablerender = TRUE,$pid = false)
//rating : boolean, to show rating system in comment
$pref = e107::getPref();
$sql = e107::getDb();
$tp = e107::getParser();
// require_once(e_HANDLER."ren_help.php");
if ($this->getCommentPermissions() == 'rw')
$itemid = $id;
$ns = new e107table;
if ($action == "reply" && substr($subject, 0, 4) != "Re: ")
$subject = COMLAN_325.' '.$subject;
if (vartrue($_GET['comment']) == 'edit')
$eaction = 'edit';
$id = $_GET['comment_id'];
elseif (strpos(e_QUERY, 'edit.') !== FALSE)
$eaction = 'edit';
$tmp = explode(".", e_QUERY);
$count = 0;
foreach ($tmp as $t)
if ($t == "edit")
$id = $tmp[($count + 1)];
if (isset($eaction) && $eaction == "edit")
{ // Get existing comment
$id = intval($id);
$sql->db_Select("comments", "*", "comment_id='{$id}' ");
$ecom = $sql->db_Fetch();
if (isset($ecom['comment_author']))
{ // Old comment DB format
list($prid, $pname) = explode(".", $ecom['comment_author'], 2);
$prid = $ecom['comment_author_id'];
$pname = $ecom['comment_author_name'];
if ($prid != USERID || !USER)
{ // Editing not allowed
echo "<div style='text-align: center;'>".COMLAN_329."</div>";
$caption = COMLAN_318;
$comval = $tp->toForm($ecom['comment_comment']);
$comval = preg_replace("#\[ ".COMLAN_319.".*\]#si", "", $comval);
{ // New comment - blank form
$caption = COMLAN_9;
$comval = "";
//add the rating select box/result ?
$rate = "";
if ($rating == TRUE && !(ANON == TRUE && USER == FALSE))
global $rater;
if (!is_object($rater))
$rater = new rater;
$rate = $rater->composerating($table, $itemid, $enter = TRUE, USERID, TRUE);
} //end rating area
// -------------------------------------------------------------
$indent = ($action == 'reply') ? " class='offset1' " : "";
$formid = ($action == 'reply') ? "e-comment-form-reply" : "e-comment-form";
$text = "\n<div{$indent}>\n".e107::getMessage()->render('postcomment', true, false, false);//temporary here
// $text .= "Indent = ".$indent;
$text .= "<form id='{$formid}' method='post' action='".str_replace('http:', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])."' >";
$data = array(
'action' => $action,
'subject' => $subject,
'table' => $table,
'comval' => strip_tags(trim($comval)),
'itemid' => $itemid,
'pid' => $pid,
'eaction' => varset($eaction),
'rate' => $rating
$text .= $tp->parseTemplate($this->template['FORM'], TRUE, e107::getScBatch('comment'));
$text .= "\n<div>\n"; // All Hidden Elements.
$text .= (varset($action) == "reply" && $pid ? "<input type='hidden' name='pid' value='{$pid}' />" : '');
$text .=(isset($eaction) && $eaction == "edit" ? "<input type='hidden' name='editpid' value='{$id}' />" : "");
$text .=(isset($content_type) && $content_type ? "<input type='hidden' name='content_type' value='{$content_type}' />" : '');
// $text .= (!$pref['nested_comments']) ? "<input type='hidden' name='subject' value='".$tp->toForm($subject)."' />\n" : "";
$text .= "
<input type='hidden' name='subject' value='".$tp->toForm($subject)."' />
<input type='hidden' name='e-token' value='".e_TOKEN."' />
<input type='hidden' name='table' value='".$table."' />
<input type='hidden' name='itemid' value='".$itemid."' />
$text .= "</div>";
if ($tablerender)
$text = $ns->tablerender($caption, $text, '', TRUE);
{ // Comment entry not allowed - point to signup link
$text = "<br /><div style='text-align:center'><b>".COMLAN_6." <a href='".e_SIGNUP."'>".COMLAN_321."</a> ".COMLAN_322."</b></div>";
if ($return)
return $text;
echo $text;
* Check if comment is pending approval.
* @param array - a row from the comments table.
* @return boolean True/False
private function isPending($row)
if($row['comment_blocked'] > 0 && ($row['comment_author_id'] != USERID || ($row['comment_author_id']==0 && $row['comment_author_name'] != $_SESSION['comment_author_name'])) && $this->moderator == false)
$this->totalComments = $this->totalComments - 1;
return true;
return false;
* Render a single comment and any nested comments it may have.
* @param array $row
* @param string $table
* @param string $action
* @param integer $id
* @param interger $width
* @param string $subject
* @param integer $addrating
* @return html
function render_comment($row, $table, $action, $id, $width, $subject, $addrating = FALSE)
//addrating : boolean, to show rating system in rendered comment
global $sc_style, $gen;
$tp = e107::getParser();
$sql = e107::getDb();
$pref = e107::getPref();
if (vartrue($pref['comments_disabled']))
global $NEWIMAGE, $USERNAME, $RATING, $datestamp;
global $thisaction,$thistable,$thisid,$e107;
$comrow = $row;
$thistable = $table;
$thisid = $id;
$thisaction = $action;
//FIXME - new level handler, currently commented to avoid parse errors
//require_once (e_HANDLER."level_handler.php");
if (!$width)
$width = 0;
if (!defined("IMAGE_nonew_comments"))
define("IMAGE_nonew_comments", (file_exists(THEME."images/nonew_comments.png") ? "<img src='".THEME_ABS."images/nonew_comments.png' alt='' /> " : "<img src='".e_IMAGE_ABS."generic/nonew_comments.png' alt='' />"));
if (!defined("IMAGE_new_comments"))
define("IMAGE_new_comments", (file_exists(THEME."images/new_comments.png") ? "<img src='".THEME_ABS."images/new_comments.png' alt='' /> " : "<img src='".e_IMAGE_ABS."generic/new_comments.png' alt='' /> "));
// $ns = new e107table;
if (!$gen || !is_object($gen))
$gen = new convert;
$row['rating_enabled'] = true; // Toggles rating shortcode. //TODO add pref
$COMMENT_TEMPLATE = $this->template;
// $COMMENT_TEMPLATE['ITEM_START'] = "\n\n<div id='{COMMENT_ITEMID}' class='comment-box clearfix'>\n";
// $COMMENT_TEMPLATE['ITEM_END'] = "\n</div><div class='clear_b'><!-- --></div>\n";
//XXX Do NOT add to template - too important to allow for modification.
$COMMENT_TEMPLATE['ITEM_START'] = "\n\n<li id='{COMMENT_ITEMID}' class='comment-box clearfix'>\n";
$COMMENT_TEMPLATE['ITEM_END'] = "\n</li>\n";
if (vartrue($pref['nested_comments']))
// $width2 = 100 - $width;
// $total_width = "95%";
if ($width)
$renderstyle .= "<div class='offset".$width."' >".$COMMENT_TEMPLATE['ITEM']."</div>";
$renderstyle .= $COMMENT_TEMPLATE['ITEM_END'];
if ($pref['comments_icon'])
if ($comrow['comment_datestamp'] > USERLV)
$NEWIMAGE = IMAGE_new_comments;
$NEWIMAGE = IMAGE_nonew_comments;
$renderstyle = $COMMENT_TEMPLATE['ITEM'];
$highlight_search = FALSE;
if (isset($_POST['highlight_search']))
$highlight_search = TRUE;
if (!defined("IMAGE_rank_main_admin_image"))
define("IMAGE_rank_main_admin_image", (isset($pref['rank_main_admin_image']) && $pref['rank_main_admin_image'] && file_exists(THEME."forum/".$pref['rank_main_admin_image']) ? "<img src='".THEME_ABS."forum/".$pref['rank_main_admin_image']."' alt='' />" : "<img src='".e_PLUGIN_ABS."forum/images/lite/main_admin.png' alt='' />"));
if (!defined("IMAGE_rank_moderator_image"))
define("IMAGE_rank_moderator_image", (isset($pref['rank_moderator_image']) && $pref['rank_moderator_image'] && file_exists(THEME."forum/".$pref['rank_moderator_image']) ? "<img src='".THEME_ABS."forum/".$pref['rank_moderator_image']."' alt='' />" : "<img src='".e_PLUGIN_ABS."forum/images/lite/admin.png' alt='' />"));
if (!defined("IMAGE_rank_admin_image"))
define("IMAGE_rank_admin_image", (isset($pref['rank_admin_image']) && $pref['rank_admin_image'] && file_exists(THEME."forum/".$pref['rank_admin_image']) ? "<img src='".THEME_ABS."forum/".$pref['rank_admin_image']."' alt='' />" : "<img src='".e_PLUGIN_ABS."forum/images/lite/admin.png' alt='' />"));
// $RATING = ($addrating == TRUE && $comrow['user_id'] ? $rater->composerating($thistable, $thisid, FALSE, $comrow['user_id']) : "");
$comment_shortcodes = e107::getScBatch('comment');
$text = $tp->parseTemplate($renderstyle, TRUE, $comment_shortcodes);
//FIXME - dramatically increases the number of queries performed.
if ($action == "comment" && vartrue($pref['nested_comments']))
$type = $this->getCommentType($thistable);
$sub_query = "
SELECT c.*, u.*, ue.*, r.*
FROM #comments AS c
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON c.comment_author_id = u.user_id
LEFT JOIN #user_extended AS ue ON c.comment_author_id = ue.user_extended_id
LEFT JOIN #rate AS r ON c.comment_id = r.rate_itemid AND r.rate_table = 'comments'
WHERE comment_item_id='".intval($thisid)."' AND comment_type='".$tp->toDB($type, true)."' AND comment_pid='".intval($comrow['comment_id'])."'
ORDER BY comment_datestamp
$sql_nc = new db; /* a new db must be created here, for nested comment */
if ($sub_total = $sql_nc->gen($sub_query))
while ($row1 = $sql_nc->fetch())
$sub_total = $sub_total - 1;
if ($pref['nested_comments'])
// $width = min($width + 1, 80);
$width = $width+1;
// $width = $width=+1;
// $text .= "WIDTH=".$width;
$text .= $this->render_comment($row1, $table, $action, $id, $width, $subject, $addrating);
$this->totalComments = $this->totalComments + $sub_total;
} // End (nested comment handling)
return $text;
function deleteComment($id) // delete a single comment by comment id.
if(!getperms('0') && !getperms("B"))
return e107::getDb()->update("comments","comment_blocked=1 WHERE comment_id = ".intval($id)."");
function approveComment($id) // appropve a single comment by comment id.
if(!getperms('0') && !getperms("B"))
return e107::getDb()->update("comments","comment_blocked=0 WHERE comment_id = ".intval($id)."");
function updateComment($id,$comment)
$tp = e107::getParser();
if(!e107::getDb()->update("comments","comment_comment=\"".$tp->toDB($comment)."\" WHERE comment_id = ".intval($id).""))
return "Update Failed"; // trigger ajax error message.
function moderateComment($var)
if ($var == e_UC_MEMBER) // different behavior to check_class();
return (USER == TRUE && ADMIN == FALSE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
return check_class($var);
* Add a comment to an item
* e-token POST value should be always valid when using this method.
* @param string or array $data - $author_name or array of all values.
* @param unknown_type $comment
* @param unknown_type $table
* @param integer $id - reference of item in source table to which comment is linked
* @param unknown_type $pid - parent comment id when it's a reply to a specific comment. t
* @param unknown_type $subject
* @param unknown_type $rateindex
function enter_comment($data, $comment='', $table='', $id='', $pid='', $subject='', $rateindex = FALSE)
//rateindex : the posted value from the rateselect box (without the urljump) (see function rateselect())
$table = $data['comment_type'];
$id = intval($data['comment_item_id']);
$pid = intval($data['comment_pid']);
$subject = $data['comment_subject'];
$comment = $data['comment_comment'];
$author_name = $data['comment_author_name'];
$comment_share = intval($data['comment_share']);
$comment_datestamp = $data['comment_datestamp'];
$author_name = $data; //BC Fix.
global $e_event,$e107,$rater;
$sql = e107::getDb();
$sql2 = e107::getDb('sql2');
$tp = e107::getParser();
$e107cache = e107::getCache();
$pref = e107::getPref();
if ($this->getCommentPermissions() != 'rw') return;
if(!isset($_POST['e-token'])) $_POST['e-token'] = ''; // check posted token
if(!e107::getSession()->check(false)) return false; // This will return false on error
if (isset($_GET['comment']) && $_GET['comment'] == 'edit')
$eaction = 'edit';
$editpid = $_GET['comment_id'];
elseif (strstr(e_QUERY, "edit"))
$eaction = "edit";
$tmp = explode(".", e_QUERY);
$count = 0;
foreach ($tmp as $t)
if ($t == "edit")
$editpid = $tmp[($count + 1)];
$type = $this->getCommentType($table);
$comment = $tp->toDB($comment);
$subject = $tp->toDB($subject);
$cuser_id = 0;
$cuser_name = 'Anonymous'; // Preset as an anonymous comment
if (!$sql->db_Select("comments", "*", "comment_comment='".$comment."' AND comment_item_id='".intval($id)."' AND comment_type='".$tp->toDB($type, true)."' "))
if ($_POST['comment'])
if (USER == TRUE)
$cuser_id = USERID;
$cuser_name = USERNAME;
$cuser_mail = USEREMAIL;
elseif ($_POST['author_name'] != '') // See if author name is registered user
if ($sql2->db_Select("user", "*", "user_name='".$tp->toDB($_POST['author_name'])."' "))
if ($sql2->db_Select("user", "*", "user_name='".$tp->toDB($_POST['author_name'])."' AND user_ip='".$tp->toDB($ip, true)."' "))
//list($cuser_id, $cuser_name) = $sql2->db_Fetch();
$tmp = $sql2->db_Fetch();
$cuser_id = $tmp['user_id'];
$cuser_name = $tmp['user_name'];
$cuser_mail = $tmp['user_email'];
define("emessage", COMLAN_310);
else // User not on-line, so can't be entering comments
$cuser_name = $tp->toDB($author_name);
if (!defined("emessage"))
$ip = $e107->getip(); // Store IP 'in the raw' - could be IPv4 or IPv6. Its always returned in a normalised form
$_t = time();
if ($editpid)
$comment .= "\n[ ".COMLAN_319." [time=short]".time()."[/time] ]";
$sql->db_Update("comments", "comment_comment='{$comment}' WHERE comment_id='".intval($editpid)."' ");
//FIXME - don't sanitize, pass raw data to e_event, use DB array (inner db sanitize)
$edata_li = array(
// comment_id - auto-assigned
'comment_pid' => intval($pid),
'comment_item_id' => $id,
'comment_subject' => $subject,
'comment_author_id' => $cuser_id,
'comment_author_name' => $cuser_name,
'comment_author_email' => $tp->toDB($cuser_mail),
'comment_datestamp' => $_t,
'comment_comment' => $comment,
'comment_blocked' => ($this->moderateComment($pref['comments_moderate']) ? 2 : 0),
'comment_ip' => $ip,
'comment_type' => $tp->toDB($type, true),
'comment_lock' => 0,//Not locked by default
'comment_share' => $comment_share
//SecretR: new event 'prepostcomment' - allow plugin hooks - e.g. Spam Check
$edata_li_hook = array_merge($edata_li, array('comment_nick' => $cuser_id.'.'.$cuser_name, 'comment_time' => $_t));
if($e_event->trigger("prepostcomment", $edata_li_hook))
return false; //3rd party code interception
//allow 3rd party code to modify insert data
foreach (array_keys($edata_li) as $k)
$edata_li[$k] = $edata_li_hook[$k]; //sanitize?
if($k === 'break')
$break = $edata_li_hook[$k];
if (!($inserted_id = $sql->db_Insert("comments", $edata_li)))
//echo "<b>".COMLAN_323."</b> ".COMLAN_11;
return "Error";
e107::getMessage()->addStack(COMLAN_11, 'postcomment', E_MESSAGE_ERROR);
if (USER == TRUE)
$sql->db_Update("user", "user_comments=user_comments+1, user_lastpost='".time()."' WHERE user_id='".USERID."' ");
// Next item for backward compatibility
$edata_li["comment_nick"] = $cuser_id.'.'.$cuser_name;
$edata_li["comment_time"] = $_t;
$edata_li["comment_id"] = $inserted_id;
$e_event->trigger("postcomment", $edata_li);
//TODO - should be handled by news
if (!$type || $type == "news")
$sql->db_Update("news", "news_comment_total=news_comment_total+1 WHERE news_id=".intval($id));
//if rateindex is posted, enter the rating from this user
// if ($rateindex)
// {
// $rater->enterrating($rateindex);
// }
return $inserted_id; // return the ID number so it can be used. true;
define("emessage", COMLAN_312);
if (defined("emessage"))
return emessage;
message_handler("ALERT", emessage);
return false;
* Enter description here...
* @param unknown_type $table
* @return unknown
function getCommentType($table)
if (is_numeric($table))
return $table;
switch ($table)
case "news":
$type = 0;
case "content":
$type = 1;
case "download":
$type = 2;
case "faq":
$type = 3;
case "poll":
$type = 4;
case "docs":
$type = 5;
case "bugtrack":
$type = 6;
default :
$type = $table;
Add your comment type here in same format as above, ie ...
case "your_comment_type"; $type = your_type_id; break;
return $type;
* Convert type number to (core) table string
* @param integer|string $type
* @return string
public function getTable($type)
if (!is_numeric($type))
return $type;
return $this->known_types[$type];
* Enter description here...
* @param unknown_type $table
* @param unknown_type $id
* @return unknown
function count_comments($table, $id)
global $sql, $tp;
$type = $this->getCommentType($table);
$count_comments = $sql->db_Count("comments", "(*)", "WHERE comment_item_id='".intval($id)."' AND comment_type='".$tp->toDB($type, true)."' ");
return $count_comments;
* Get comment permissions; may be:
* - FALSE - no permission
* - 'ro' - read-only (Can't create)
* - 'rw' - can create and see
* This is an embryonic routine which is expected to evolve
function getCommentPermissions()
global $pref;
if(isset($pref['comments_disabled']) && $pref['comments_disabled'] == TRUE)
return FALSE;
if (isset($pref['comments_class']))
if (!check_class($pref['comments_class']))
return FALSE;
return 'rw';
if (USER) return 'rw'; // Only allow anonymous comments if specifically enabled.
if (ANON) return 'rw';
return 'ro';
* Displays existing comments, and a comment entry form
* @param unknown_type $table - the source table for the associated item
* @param unknown_type $action - usually 'comment' or 'reply'
* @param unknown_type $id - ID of item associated with comments (e.g. news ID)
* @param unknown_type $width - appears to not be used
* @param unknown_type $subject
* @param unknown_type $rate
function compose_comment($table, $action, $id, $width, $subject, $rate = FALSE, $return = FALSE, $tablerender = TRUE)
//compose comment : single call function will render the existing comments and show the form_comment
//rate : boolean, to show/hide rating system in comment, default FALSE
global $e107cache, $totcc;
$tp = e107::getParser();
$ns = e107::getRender();
$pref = e107::getPref();
if ($this->getCommentPermissions() === FALSE) return;
// ------------- TODO move the 'listing' into separate function so that ajax can access it easily.
$options = array(
'action' => $action,
'subject' => $subject,
'rate' => $rate
$text = $lock = $modcomment ='';
if($action != 'reply')
$tmp = $this->getComments($table,$id,0,$options); // render all comments;
$text = $tmp['comments'];
$lock = $tmp['lock'];
// -------------------------------------------------------
$modcomment = "<div class='comment-options'>";
if($this->totalComments && getperms("B"))
// $modcomment .= "<a href='".e_ADMIN_ABS."modcomment.php?$table.$id'>".COMLAN_314."</a>";
$modcomment .= "<a class='btn btn-mini' href='".e_ADMIN_ABS."comment.php?searchquery={$id}&filter_options=comment_type__".$this->getCommentType($table)."'>".COMLAN_314."</a>";
$modcomment .= $this->nextprev($table,$id,$from);
$modcomment .= "</div>";
// ---------------------------
if ($lock != '1')
$comment = $this->form_comment($action, $table, $id, $subject, "", TRUE, $rate, false); // tablerender turned off.
$comment = "<br /><div style='text-align:center'><b>".COMLAN_328."</b></div>";
//XXX Do NOT add to template - too important to allow for modification.
$text = "<ul id='comments-container'>\n".$text."\n</ul>";
$text = "<ul id='comments-container'><li><!-- --></li></ul>";
$search = array("{MODERATE}","{COMMENTS}","{COMMENTFORM}","{COMMENTNAV}");
$replace = array($modcomment,$text,$comment,$pagination);
$TEMPL = str_replace($search,$replace,$this->template['LAYOUT']);
if ($tablerender)
echo $ns->tablerender("<span id='e-comment-total'>".$this->totalComments."</span> ".COMLAN_99, $TEMPL, 'comment', TRUE);
echo $TEMPL;
//echo $modcomment.$comment;
//echo $text;
$ret['comment'] = $text;
$ret['comment_form'] = $comment;
$ret['caption'] = "<span id='e-comment-total'>".$this->totalComments."</span> ".COMLAN_99;
return (!$return) ? "" : $ret;
function getComments($table,$id,$from=0,$att=null)
// global $e107cache, $totcc;
//TODO Cache
$sql = e107::getDb();
$tp = e107::getParser();
$pref = e107::getPref();
$action = varset($att['action']);
$subject = varset($att['subject']);
$rate = varset($att['rate']);
$type = $this->getCommentType($table);
$sort = vartrue($pref['comments_sort'],'desc');
$query = "SELECT c.*, u.*, ue.*, r.* FROM #comments AS c
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON c.comment_author_id = u.user_id
LEFT JOIN #user_extended AS ue ON c.comment_author_id = ue.user_extended_id
LEFT JOIN #rate AS r ON c.comment_id = r.rate_itemid AND r.rate_table = 'comments'
WHERE c.comment_item_id='".intval($id)."' AND c.comment_type='".$tp->toDB($type, true)."' AND c.comment_pid='0'
ORDER BY c.comment_datestamp ".$sort;
$query = "SELECT c.*, u.*, ue.*, r.* FROM #comments AS c
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON c.comment_author_id = u.user_id
LEFT JOIN #user_extended AS ue ON c.comment_author_id = ue.user_extended_id
LEFT JOIN #rate AS r ON c.comment_id = r.rate_itemid AND r.rate_table = 'comments' ";
$query .= "WHERE c.comment_item_id='".intval($id)."' AND c.comment_type='".$tp->toDB($type, true)."'
ORDER BY c.comment_datestamp ".$sort;
$this->totalComments = $sql->db_Select_gen($query);
$query .= " LIMIT ".$from.",".$this->commentsPerPage;
$text = "";
$lock = '';
if ($sql->db_Select_gen($query))
// $text .= "<ul class='comments'>";
$width = 0;
$rows = $sql->db_getList(); //Shortcodes could use $sql, so just grab all results
foreach ($rows as $row)
$lock = $row['comment_lock'];
if ($pref['nested_comments'])
$text .= $this->render_comment($row, $table, $action, $id, $width, $tp->toHTML($subject), $rate);
$text .= $this->render_comment($row, $table, $action, $id, $width, $tp->toHTML($subject), $rate);
} // end loop
// $text .= "</ul>";
} // end if
return array('comments'=> $text,'lock'=> $lock);
function nextprev($table,$id,$from=0)
//return "table=".$table." id=".$id." from=".$from;
//$from = $from + $this->commentsPerPage;
// from calculations are done by eNav() js.
return "
<a class='e-ajax btn btn-mini' href='#' data-nav-total='{$this->totalComments}' data-nav-dir='down' data-nav-inc='{$this->commentsPerPage}' data-target='comments-container' data-src='".e_BASE."comment.php?mode=list&amp;type=".$table."&amp;id=".$id."&amp;from=0'>Previous</a>
<a class='e-ajax btn btn-mini' href='#' data-nav-total='{$this->totalComments}' data-nav-dir='up' data-nav-inc='{$this->commentsPerPage}' data-target='comments-container' data-src='".e_BASE."comment.php?mode=list&amp;type=".$table."&amp;id=".$id."&amp;from=0'>Next</a>
function recalc_user_comments($id)
global $sql;
if (is_array($id))
foreach ($id as $_id)
$qry = "
FROM #comments
WHERE comment_author_id = '{$id}'
if ($sql->db_Select_gen($qry))
$row = $sql->db_Fetch();
$sql->db_Update("user", "user_comments = '{$row['count']}' WHERE user_id = '{$id}'");
function get_author_list($id, $comment_type)
global $sql;
$authors = array();
$qry = "
SELECT DISTINCT(comment_author_id) AS author
FROM #comments
WHERE comment_item_id='{$id}' AND comment_type='{$comment_type}'
GROUP BY author
if ($sql->db_Select_gen($qry))
while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch())
$authors[] = $row['author'];
return $authors;
function delete_comments($table, $id)
global $sql,$tp;
$type = $this->getCommentType($table);
$type = $tp->toDB($type, true);
$id = intval($id);
$author_list = $this->get_author_list($id, $type);
$num_deleted = $sql->db_Delete("comments", "comment_item_id='{$id}' AND comment_type='{$type}'");
return $num_deleted;
//1) call function getCommentData(); from file
//2) function-> get number of records from comments db
//3) get all e_comment.php files and collect the variables
//4) interchange the db rows and the e_ vars
//5) return the interchanged data in array
//6) from file: render the returned data
//get all e_comment.php files and collect the variables
function get_e_comment()
$data = getcachedvars('e_comment');
if ($data !== FALSE)
return $data;
if($files = e107::getPref('e_comment_list'))
foreach ($files as $file=>$perms)
unset($e_comment, $key);
include (e_PLUGIN.$file."/e_comment.php");
if ($e_comment && is_array($e_comment))
$key = $e_comment['eplug_comment_ids'];
if (isset($key) && $key != '')
$data[$key] = $e_comment;
//convert old method variables into the same array method
$key = $e_plug_table;
if (isset($key) && $key != '')
$e_comment['eplug_comment_ids'] = $e_plug_table;
$e_comment['plugin_name'] = $plugin_name;
$e_comment['plugin_path'] = $plugin_path;
$e_comment['reply_location'] = $reply_location;
$e_comment['db_title'] = $link_name;
$e_comment['db_id'] = $db_id;
$e_comment['db_table'] = $db_table;
$e_comment['qry'] = '';
$data[$key] = $e_comment;
cachevars('e_comment', $data);
return $data;
* get number of records from comments db
* interchange the db rows and the e_comment vars
* return the interchanged data in array
* @param int $amount : holds numeric value for number of comments to ge
* @param int $from : holds numeric value from where to start retrieving
* @param string $qry : holds custom query to add in the comment retrieval
* next two parms are only used in iterating loop if less valid records are found
* @param int $cdvalid : number of valid records found
* @param array $cdreta : current data set
function getCommentData($amount = '', $from = '', $qry = '', $cdvalid = FALSE, $cdreta = FALSE)
global $pref,$sql,$sql2,$tp;
$from1 = ($from ? $from : '0');
$amount1 = ($amount ? $amount : '10');
$valid = ($cdvalid ? $cdvalid : '0');
$reta = ($cdreta ? $cdreta : array());
//get all e_comment data
$e_comment = $this->get_e_comment();
$qry1 = ($qry ? " AND ".$qry : "");
//get 'amount' of records from comment db
$query = $pref['nested_comments'] ?
"SELECT c.*, u.*, ue.* FROM #comments AS c
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON c.comment_author = u.user_id
LEFT JOIN #user_extended AS ue ON c.comment_author = ue.user_extended_id
WHERE c.comment_pid='0' ".$qry1." ORDER BY c.comment_datestamp DESC LIMIT ".intval($from1).",".intval($amount1)." "
"SELECT c.*, u.*, ue.* FROM #comments AS c
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON c.comment_author = u.user_id
LEFT JOIN #user_extended AS ue ON c.comment_author = ue.user_extended_id
WHERE c.comment_id!='' ".$qry1." ORDER BY c.comment_datestamp DESC LIMIT ".intval($from1).",".intval($amount1)." ";
$query = "
SELECT c.*, u.*, ue.* FROM #comments AS c
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON c.comment_author_id = u.user_id
LEFT JOIN #user_extended AS ue ON c.comment_author_id = ue.user_extended_id
WHERE c.comment_id!='' AND c.comment_blocked = 0 ".$qry1." ORDER BY c.comment_datestamp DESC LIMIT ".intval($from1).",".intval($amount1)." ";
if ($comment_total = $sql->db_Select_gen($query))
$width = 0;
while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch())
$ret = array();
$ret['comment_datestamp'] = $row['comment_datestamp'];
//author - no ned to split now
$comment_author_id = $row['comment_author_id'];
$ret['comment_author_id'] = $comment_author_id ;
$comment_author_name = $row['comment_author_name'];
$ret['comment_author'] = (USERID ? "<a href='".e107::getUrl()->create('user/profile/view', array('id' => $comment_author_id, 'name' => $comment_author_name))."'>".$comment_author_name."</a>" : $comment_author_name);
//comment text
$comment = strip_tags(preg_replace("/\[.*?\]/", "", $row['comment_comment'])); // remove bbcode - but leave text in between
$ret['comment_comment'] = $tp->toHTML($comment, FALSE, "", "", $pref['main_wordwrap']);
$ret['comment_subject'] = $tp->toHTML($row['comment_subject'], TRUE);
switch ($row['comment_type'])
case '0': // news
if ($sql2->db_Select("news", "*", "news_id='".$row['comment_item_id']."' AND news_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' "))
$row2 = $sql2->db_Fetch();
$ret['comment_type'] = COMLAN_TYPE_1;
$ret['comment_title'] = $tp->toHTML($row2['news_title'], TRUE, 'emotes_off, no_make_clickable');
$ret['comment_url'] = e107::getUrl()->create('news/view/item', $row2);//e_HTTP."comment.php?comment.news.".$row['comment_item_id'];
$ret['comment_category_heading'] = COMLAN_TYPE_1;
$ret['comment_category_url'] = e107::getUrl()->create('news');//e_HTTP."news.php";
case '1': // article, review or content page - defunct category, but filter them out
case '2': // downloads
$qryd = "SELECT d.download_name, dc.download_category_class, dc.download_category_id, dc.download_category_name FROM #download AS d LEFT JOIN #download_category AS dc ON d.download_category=dc.download_category_id WHERE d.download_id={$row['comment_item_id']} AND dc.download_category_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' ";
if ($sql2->db_Select_gen($qryd))
$row2 = $sql2->db_Fetch();
$ret['comment_type'] = COMLAN_TYPE_2;
$ret['comment_title'] = $tp->toHTML($row2['download_name'], TRUE, 'emotes_off, no_make_clickable');
$ret['comment_url'] = e_HTTP."download.php?view.".$row['comment_item_id'];
$ret['comment_category_heading'] = $row2['download_category_name'];
$ret['comment_category_url'] = e_HTTP."download.php?list.".$row2['download_category_id'];
// '3' was FAQ
case '4': // poll
if ($sql2->db_Select("polls", "*", "poll_id='".$row['comment_item_id']."' "))
$row2 = $sql2->db_Fetch();
$ret['comment_type'] = COMLAN_TYPE_4;
$ret['comment_title'] = $tp->toHTML($row2['poll_title'], TRUE, 'emotes_off, no_make_clickable');
$ret['comment_url'] = e_HTTP."comment.php?comment.poll.".$row['comment_item_id'];
$ret['comment_category_url'] = e_PLUGIN_ABS.'poll/poll.php';
// '5' was docs
// '6' was bugtracker
// 'ideas' was implemented
case 'profile': // userprofile
if (USER)
$ret['comment_type'] = COMLAN_TYPE_8;
$ret['comment_title'] = $comment_author_name;
$ret['comment_url'] = e107::getUrl()->create('user/pofile/view', array('id' => $row['user_id'], 'name' => $row['user_name']));//e_HTTP."user.php?id.".$row['comment_item_id'];
case 'page': // Custom Page
$ret['comment_type'] = COMLAN_TYPE_PAGE;
$ret['comment_title'] = $ret['comment_subject'] ? $ret['comment_subject']:
$ret['comment_url'] = e_HTTP."page.php?".$row['comment_item_id'];
if (isset($e_comment[$row['comment_type']]) && is_array($e_comment[$row['comment_type']]))
$var = $e_comment[$row['comment_type']];
$qryp = '';
//new method must use the 'qry' variable
if (isset($var) && $var['qry'] != '')
if ($installed = isset($pref['plug_installed'][$var['plugin_path']]))
$qryp = str_replace("{NID}", $row['comment_item_id'], $var['qry']);
if ($sql2->db_Select_gen($qryp))
$row2 = $sql2->db_Fetch();
$ret['comment_type'] = $var['plugin_name'];
$ret['comment_title'] = $tp->toHTML($row2[$var['db_title']], TRUE, 'emotes_off, no_make_clickable');
$ret['comment_url'] = str_replace("{NID}", $row['comment_item_id'], $var['reply_location']);
$ret['comment_category_heading'] = $var['plugin_name'];
$ret['comment_category_url'] = e_PLUGIN_ABS.$var['plugin_name'].'/'.$var['plugin_name'].'.php';
//old method
if ($sql2->db_Select($var['db_table'], $var['db_title'], $var['db_id']." = '".$row['comment_item_id']."' "))
$row2 = $sql2->db_Fetch();
$ret['comment_type'] = $var['plugin_name'];
$ret['comment_title'] = $tp->toHTML($row2[$var['db_title']], TRUE, 'emotes_off, no_make_clickable');
$ret['comment_url'] = str_replace("{NID}", $row['comment_item_id'], $var['reply_location']);
$ret['comment_category_heading'] = $var['plugin_name'];
$ret['comment_category_url'] = e_PLUGIN_ABS.$var['plugin_name'].'/'.$var['plugin_name'].'.php';
} // End Switch
if (varset($ret['comment_title']))
$reta[] = $ret;
if ($amount && $valid >= $amount)
return $reta;
//loop if less records found than given $amount - probably because we discarded some
if ($amount && ($valid < $amount))
$reta = $this->getCommentData($amount, $from + $amount, $qry, $valid, $reta);
return $reta;
} //end class