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+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| e107 website system
| Copyright (C) 2008-2009 e107 Inc (e107.org)
| http://e107.org
| Released under the terms and conditions of the
| GNU General Public License (http://gnu.org).
| $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.8/e107_admin/links.php,v $
| $Revision: 1.38 $
| $Date: 2009-12-02 22:34:15 $
| $Author: bugrain $
if (!getperms("I"))
class links_admin extends e_admin_dispatcher
protected $modes = array(
'main' => array(
'controller' => 'links_admin_ui',
'path' => null,
'ui' => 'links_admin_form_ui',
'uipath' => null
protected $adminMenu = array(
'main/list' => array('caption'=> LCLAN_62, 'perm' => 'I'),
'main/create' => array('caption'=> LCLAN_63, 'perm' => 'I'),
'main/prefs' => array('caption'=> LAN_OPTIONS, 'perm' => 'I'),
'main/sublinks' => array('caption'=> LINKLAN_4, 'perm' => 'I')
protected $adminMenuAliases = array(
'main/edit' => 'main/list'
protected $menuTitle = 'links';
class links_admin_ui extends e_admin_ui
protected $pluginTitle = "Site links";
protected $pluginName = 'core';
protected $table = "links";
protected $listQry = "SELECT * FROM #links ORDER BY link_category,link_order, link_id ASC"; // without any Order or Limit.
protected $pid = "link_id";
protected $perPage = 15;
protected $batchDelete = true;
protected $fields = array(
'checkboxes' => array('title'=> '', 'width' => '3%','forced' => true,'thclass' => 'center first','class' => 'center first'),
'link_button' => array('title'=> LAN_ICON, 'type'=>'icon', 'width'=>'5%', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class'=>'center'),
'link_id' => array('title'=> ID, 'nolist'=>TRUE),
'link_name' => array('title'=> LCLAN_15, 'width'=>'auto','type'=>'method'),
'link_parent' => array('title'=> 'Sublink of', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'width' => 'auto', 'batch'=>true, 'filter'=>true, 'thclass' => 'left first'),
'link_url' => array('title'=> LCLAN_93, 'width'=>'auto', 'type'=>'text'),
'link_class' => array('title'=> LAN_USERCLASS, 'type' => 'userclass', 'batch'=>true, 'filter'=>true, 'width' => 'auto'),
'link_description' => array('title'=> LCLAN_17, 'type' => 'bbarea', 'method'=>'tinymce_plugins', 'width' => 'auto'),
'link_category' => array('title'=> LCLAN_12, 'type' => 'dropdown', 'batch'=>true, 'filter'=>true, 'width' => 'auto'),
'link_order' => array('title'=> LAN_ORDER, 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 'auto'),
'link_open' => array('title'=> LCLAN_19, 'type' => 'dropdown', 'width' => 'auto', 'batch'=>true, 'filter'=>true, 'thclass' => 'left first'),
'link_function' => array('title'=> 'Function', 'type' => 'method', 'data'=>'str', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left first'),
// 'increment' => array('title'=> LCLAN_91, 'width' => '3%','forced' => true,'thclass' => 'center'),
'options' => array('title'=> LAN_OPTIONS, 'forced'=>TRUE, 'width' => '10%', 'thclass' => 'center last', 'class'=>'center')
protected $fieldpref = array('checkboxes','link_id','link_name','link_class','link_order','options');
protected $prefs = array(
'linkpage_screentip' => array('title'=>LCLAN_78, 'type'=>'boolean', 'help'=>LCLAN_79),
'sitelinks_expandsub' => array('title'=>LCLAN_80, 'type'=>'boolean', 'help'=>LCLAN_81)
//FIXME - need to use linkArray data instead of $listQry-returned data
protected $linkArray = array();
function init()
$sql = e107::getDb();
$mes = e107::getMessage();
$query = "SELECT link_id,link_name FROM #links ORDER BY link_name";
$this->linkParent[0] = '-';
while($row = $sql->db_Fetch())
$id = $row['link_id'];
$this->linkParent[$id] = $row['link_name'];
$tmp = e107::getAddonConfig('e_sitelink','sitelinks');
foreach($tmp as $cat=> $array)
$func = array();
foreach($array as $val)
$newkey = $cat.'::'.$val['function'];
$func[$newkey] = $val['name'];
$this->linkFunctions[$cat] = $func;
$this->linkCategory = array(
1 => "1 - Main",
2 => "2 - Alt",
3 => "3 - Alt",
4 => "4 - Alt",
5 => "5 - Alt",
6 => "6 - Alt",
7 => "7 - Alt",
8 => "8 - Alt",
9 => "9 - Alt",
10 => "10 - Alt"
$this->linkOpen = array(
0 => LCLAN_20, // 0 = same window
1 => LCLAN_23, // new window
4 => LCLAN_24, // 4 = miniwindow 600x400
5 => LINKLAN_1 // 5 = miniwindow 800x600
$sitelinksTemplates = e107::getLayouts(null, 'sitelinks');
//TODO review.
// $this->setDropDown('link_function',$this->linkFunctions);
// $this->setDropDown('link_template',$sitelinksTemplates);
if(isset($_POST['generate_sublinks']) && isset($_POST['sublink_type']) && $_POST['sublink_parent'] != "")
* Get linklist in it's proper order.
* @return
function getLinks()
$sql = e107::getDb();
if($this->link_total = $sql->db_Select("links", "*", "ORDER BY link_category,link_order, link_id ASC", "nowhere"))
while($row = $sql->db_Fetch())
$ret[$row['link_parent']][] = $row;
$this->linkArray = $ret;
// print_a($this->linkArray);
function sublinksPage()
global $e107, $sql, $emessage;
$sublinks = $this->sublink_list();
$text = "
<form method='post' action='".e_SELF."?".e_QUERY."'>
<fieldset id='core-links-generator'>
<legend class='e-hideme'>".LINKLAN_4."</legend>
<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' class='adminform'>
<colgroup span='2'>
<col class='col-label'></col>
<col class='col-control'></col>
<td class='label'>".LINKLAN_6."</td>
<td class='control'>
<select name='sublink_type' class='tbox select'>
<option value=''></option>";
foreach($sublinks as $key => $type)
$text .= "
<option value='$key'>".$type['title']."</option>
$text .= "
<td class='label'>".LINKLAN_7."</td>
<td class='control'>
<select name='sublink_parent' class='tbox select'>
<option value=''></option>";
$sql->db_Select("links", "*", "link_parent='0' ORDER BY link_name ASC");
while($row = $sql->db_Fetch())
$text .= "
<option value='".$row['link_id']."'>".$row['link_name']."</option>
$text .= "
<div class='buttons-bar center'>
<button class='create' type='submit' name='generate_sublinks' value='no-value'><span>".LINKLAN_5."</span></button>
//$e107->ns->tablerender(LINKLAN_4, $emessage->render().$text);
echo $emessage->render().$text;
function sublink_list($name = "")
global $sql, $PLUGINS_DIRECTORY;
$sublink_type['news']['title'] = LINKLAN_8; // "News Categories";
$sublink_type['news']['table'] = "news_category";
$sublink_type['news']['query'] = "category_id !='-2' ORDER BY category_name ASC";
$sublink_type['news']['url'] = "news.php?cat.#";
$sublink_type['news']['fieldid'] = "category_id";
$sublink_type['news']['fieldname'] = "category_name";
$sublink_type['news']['fieldicon'] = "category_icon";
$sublink_type['downloads']['title'] = LINKLAN_9; //"Download Categories";
$sublink_type['downloads']['table'] = "download_category";
$sublink_type['downloads']['query'] = "download_category_parent ='0' ORDER BY download_category_name ASC";
$sublink_type['downloads']['url'] = "download.php?list.#";
$sublink_type['downloads']['fieldid'] = "download_category_id";
$sublink_type['downloads']['fieldname'] = "download_category_name";
$sublink_type['downloads']['fieldicon'] = "download_category_icon";
if($sql->db_Select("plugin", "plugin_path", "plugin_installflag = '1'"))
while($row = $sql->db_Fetch())
$sublink_plugs[] = $row['plugin_path'];
foreach($sublink_plugs as $plugin_id)
require_once (e_PLUGIN.$plugin_id.'/e_linkgen.php');
return $sublink_type[$name];
return $sublink_type;
function generateSublinks()
$subtype = $_POST['sublink_type'];
$sublink = $this->sublink_list($subtype);
$sql2 = e107::getDb('sql2');
$sql->db_Select("links", "*", "link_id = '".$_POST['sublink_parent']."'");
$par = $sql->db_Fetch();
$sql->db_Select($sublink['table'], "*", $sublink['query']);
$count = 1;
while($row = $sql->db_Fetch())
$subcat = $row[($sublink['fieldid'])];
$name = $row[($sublink['fieldname'])];
$subname = $name; // eliminate old embedded hierarchy from names. (e.g. 'submenu.TopName.name')
$suburl = str_replace("#", $subcat, $sublink['url']);
$subicon = ($sublink['fieldicon']) ? $row[($sublink['fieldicon'])] : $link_button;
$subdiz = ($sublink['fielddiz']) ? $row[($sublink['fielddiz'])] : $link_description;
$subparent = $_POST['sublink_parent'];
$insert_array = array(
'link_name' => $subname,
'link_url' => $suburl,
'link_description' => $subdiz,
'link_button' => $subicon,
'link_category' => $link_category,
'link_order' => $count,
'link_parent' => $subparent,
'link_open' => $link_open,
'link_class' => $link_class,
'link_function' => ''
$message .= LAN_CREATED." ({$name})[!br!]";
$mes->add(LAN_CREATED." ({$name})", E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS);
} else
$message .= LAN_CREATED_FAILED." ({$name})[!br!]";
$mes->add(LAN_CREATED_FAILED." ({$name})", E_MESSAGE_ERROR);
// sitelinks_adminlog('01', $message); // 'Sublinks generated'
class links_admin_form_ui extends e_admin_form_ui
function init()
function link_name($curVal,$mode,$parm)
//FIXME - I need access to the full array of $row, so I can check for the value of $link_parent;
if($mode == "read")
return "<img src='".e_IMAGE."generic/branchbottom.gif' alt='' />".$curVal;
else if($mode == 'write')
return $this->text('link_name',$curVal,100,array('default'=> "(".LAN_OPTIONAL.")"));
return $curVal;
function link_function($curVal,$mode)
if($mode == 'read')
return $curVal; // $this->linkFunctions[$curVal];
if($mode == 'write')
return $this->selectbox('link_function',$this->linkFunctions,$curVal,array('default'=> "(".LAN_OPTIONAL.")"));
return $this->linkFunctions;
new links_admin();
// TODO Link Preview. (similar to userclass preview)
echo "<h2>Preview (To-Do)</h2>";
echo $tp->parseTemplate("{SITELINKS_ALT}");