mirror of https://github.com/e107inc/e107.git synced 2025-02-23 08:15:39 +01:00

563 lines
15 KiB

$(".e-media-attribute").keyup(function () {
$("#float").change(function () {
function eMediaAttribute(e, bbcode)
var style = '';
var bb = '';
var src = $('#src').attr('value'); // working old
var path = $('#path').attr('value'); // working old
var preview = $('#preview').attr('value'); // working old
var width = $('#width').val();
var height = $('#height').val();
var margin_top = $('#margin-top').val();
var margin_bottom = $('#margin-bottom').val();
var margin_right = $('#margin-right').val();
var margin_left = $('#margin-left').val();
var _float = $('#float').val();
var alt = $('#alt').val();
if(margin_right !='' && margin_right !== undefined)
style = style + 'margin-right:' + margin_right + 'px;';
if(margin_left !='' && margin_left !== undefined)
style = style + 'margin-left:' + margin_left + 'px;';
if(margin_top !='' && margin_top !== undefined)
style = style + 'margin-top:' + margin_top + 'px;';
if(margin_bottom !='' && margin_bottom !== undefined)
style = style + 'margin-bottom:' + margin_bottom + 'px;';
if(_float =='left' || _float =='right')
style = style + 'float:' + _float + ';';
if(width === undefined)
width = '';
if(height === undefined)
height = '';
// Set the Html / Wysiwyg Value.
var html = '<img class="img-rounded" style=\"' + style + '\" src=\"'+ src +'\" alt=\"\" width=\"' + width + '\" height=\"' + height + '\" />';
// Only Do width/height styling on bbcodes --
if(width !='' && width !== undefined)
style = style + 'width:' + width + 'px;';
if(height !='' && height !== undefined)
style = style + 'height:' + height + 'px;';
if(bbcode != 'video')
bb = '[img';
if(style !='')
bb = bb + ' style='+style;
if(alt != '')
bb = bb + '&alt=' + alt;
bb = bb + ']';
bb = bb + path;
bb = bb + '[/img]';
$('#bbcode_holder').val(bb); // Set the BBcode Value.
// var html = '<img style=\"' + style + '\" src=\"'+ src +'\" />';
// $(".e-media-select").click(function () {
$(document).on("click", ".e-media-select", function(){
// console.log(this);
var id = $(this).attr('data-id'); // id of the mm item
var target = $(this).attr('data-target');
var path = $(this).attr('data-path'); // path of the mm item
var preview = $(this).attr('data-preview');
var src = $(this).attr('data-src');
var bbcode = $(this).attr('data-bbcode'); // TinyMce/Textarea insert mode
var name = $(this).attr('data-name'); // title of the mm item
var width = $(this).attr('data-width');
var height = ''; // disable for now - will be updated by bb parser. // $(this).attr('data-height');
var type = $(this).attr('data-type');
var alt = $(this).attr('data-alt');
// return;
// alert(width);
if(bbcode == "file") // not needed for Tinymce
bbpath = '[file='+ id +']'+ name + '[/file]';
// alert(bbpath); //FIXME bbcode - Insert into correct caret in text-area.
// $('input#' + target, window.top.document).attr('value',path); // set new value
// $('textarea#' + target, window.top.document).attr('value',bbpath);
// if(bbcode == 'wysiwyg')
if(bbcode == "video" || bbcode == 'glyph')
bbpath = '['+bbcode+']'+ path + '[/' + bbcode + ']';
$('#src').attr('value',src); // working old
$('#preview').attr('src',preview); // working old
$('#path').attr('value',path); // working old
$('#src').attr('src',src); // working old
$('img#' + target + "_prev", window.top.document).attr('src',preview); // set new value
if(type == 'glyph')
preview = "<span class='" + src + "'>&nbsp;</span>";
$('#html_holder').val(preview) + '&nbsp;';
else if(type == 'file')
preview = name;
else // image and video
preview = $('#html_holder').val();
$('div#' + target + "_prev", window.top.document).html(preview); // set new value
$('span#' + target + "_prev", window.top.document).html(preview); // set new value
// @see $frm->filepicker()
if(target !='')
if($('input#' + target)!== undefined)
$('input#' + target , window.top.document).attr('value',path); // set new value
// array mode :
var pathTarget = target + '-path';
var nameTarget = target + '-name';
var idTarget = target + '-id';
if($('input#' + pathTarget)!== undefined)
$('input#' + pathTarget , window.top.document).attr('value',path); // set new value
if($('input#' + nameTarget)!== undefined)
$('input#' + nameTarget , window.top.document).attr('value',name); // set new value
if($('input#' + idTarget)!== undefined)
$('input#' + idTarget , window.top.document).attr('value',id); // set new value
// $(this).parent('#src').attr('value',preview); // set new value
// $(this).parent('#preview').attr('src',preview); // set new value
return false;
// Must be defined after e-media-select
$(document).on("click", ".e-dialog-save", function(){// FIXME TODO missing caret , text selection overwrite etc.
var newval = $('#bbcode_holder').val();
var target = $(this).attr('data-target');
var bbcode = $(this).attr('data-bbcode'); // TinyMce/Textarea insert mode
var close = $(this).attr('data-close');
if(!target || !bbcode){ return true; }
$('#' + target, window.top.document).atCaret('insert', newval); // http://code.google.com/p/jquery-at-caret/wiki/GettingStarted
if(close == 'true')
//var cursorIndex = $('#' + target, window.top.document).attr("selectionStart");
//var lStr = $('#' + target, window.top.document).attr('value').substr(0,cursorIndex) + " " + newval + " ";
//var rStr = $('#' + target, window.top.document).attr('value').substr(cursorIndex);
//$('#' + target, window.top.document).attr('value',lStr+rStr);
//$('#' + target, window.top.document).attr("selectionStart",lStr.length);
//('#' + target, window.top.document).insertAtCaret(newVal);
// $('#' + target, window.parent.document).append(newval); //FIXME caret!!
// var t = $('#' + target, window.parent.document).text();
//$('#' + target, window.top.document).attr('value',newval); // set new value
// inserttext(newval,target);
// alert(newval);
return mediaNav(this,'.e-media-nav');
var id = $(this).attr("href");
var src = $(this).attr("data-src");
var target = $(this).attr("data-target"); // support for input buttons etc.
var loading = $(this).attr('data-loading'); // image to show loading.
var search = $('#media-search').val(); // image to show loading.
if(target != null)
id = '#' + target;
if(loading != null)
$(id).html("<img src='"+loading+"' alt='' />");
if(src === null) // old way - href='myscript.php#id-to-target
var tmp = src.split('#');
id = tmp[1];
src = tmp[0];
if(search !== null)
src = src + '&search='+search;
// var effect = $(this).attr("data-effect");
// alert(src);
$(id).load(src,function() {
// alert(src);
// $(this).hide();
// $(this).SlideUp();
// Ajax keyup search. Used by media-browser.
var delay = (function(){
var timer = 0;
return function(callback, ms){
clearTimeout (timer);
timer = setTimeout(callback, ms);
var id = $(this).attr("data-target");
var src = $(this).attr("data-src");
var search = $(this).val();
if(search !== null)
search = search.replace('https://','url:');
search = search.replace('http://','url:');
src = src + '&search=' + encodeURIComponent(search);
// alert(src);
// if((search.length) >= 3) {
$('#'+id).load(src,function() {
// alert(src);
$('#'+id).fadeIn('fast'); // .slideLeft();
// }
}, 300 );
function mediaNav(e,navid)
var id = $(e).attr("href");
var target = $(e).attr("data-target"); // support for input buttons etc.
var loading = $(e).attr('data-loading'); // image to show loading.
var search = $('#media-search').val(); // image to show loading.
var nav = $(e).attr('data-nav-inc');
var dir = $(e).attr('data-nav-dir');
var curTotal = $('#admin-ui-media-select-count-hidden').attr('data-media-select-current-limit');
var total = $(e).attr('data-nav-total');
if(nav !== null && navid !==null)
if(dir == 'down' && curTotal == 20)
// $('#admin-ui-media-nav-down').prop("disabled",false);
return false;
if(dir == 'up' && curTotal == total)
// $('#admin-ui-media-nav-up').prop("disabled",false);
return false;
if(target !== null)
id = '#' + target;
if(loading != null)
$(id).html("<img src='"+loading+"' alt='' />");
var src = $(e).attr("data-src"); // heep here.
if(src === null) // old way - href='myscript.php#id-to-target
var tmp = src.split('#');
id = tmp[1];
src = tmp[0];
if(search !== null)
src = src + '&search='+search;
if(dir == 'down')
outDir = 'right';
inDir = 'left';
outDir = 'left';
inDir = 'right';
$('#e-modal-loading', window.parent.document).show();
$('iframe', window.parent.document).attr('scrolling', 'no'); // hide the scrollbar.
$.get(src, function( data ) {
$(id).hide('slide', { direction: outDir }, 1200, function(){
// alert('done');
$(id ).html( data );
newVal = $('#admin-ui-media-select-count-hidden').text();
$(id).show('slide', { direction: inDir },1200,function(){
$('#e-modal-loading', window.parent.document).hide();
$('iframe', window.parent.document).attr('scrolling', 'auto');
return false;
//TODO Animate.
$(id).load(src,function() {
// alert(src);
// $(id).fadeIn('fast');
// $(this).show('slow'); // ;
// ----------------- Upload --------------------------------------
var upath = $("#uploader").attr("rel"),
extImg = $("#uploader").attr("extimg"),
extArchive = $("#uploader").attr("extarch"),
extDoc = $("#uploader").attr("extdoc");
// General settings
runtimes : "html5,html4",
url : upath,
max_file_size : "10mb",
chunk_size : "1mb",
unique_names : false,
// Resize images on clientside if we can
// resize : {width : 320, height : 240, quality : 90},
// Specify what files to browse for
filters : [
{title : "Image files", extensions : extImg || "jpg,gif,png,jpeg"},
{title : "Zip files", extensions : extArchive || "zip,gz"},
{title : "Document files", extensions : extDoc || "pdf,doc,docx,xls,xlsm"}
preinit : {
Init: function(up, info) {
//log('[Init]', 'Info:', info, 'Features:', up.features);
init : {
FilesAdded: function(up, files) {
FileUploaded: function(up, file, info) { // Called when a file has finished uploading
//log('[FileUploaded] File:', file, "Info:", info);
UploadProgress: function(up, file) { // Called while a file is being uploaded
// console.log(up.total);
// console.log('[UploadProgress]', 'File:', file, "Total:", up.total);
UploadComplete: function(up, files){
document.location.reload(); // refresh the page.
ChunkUploaded: function(up, file, info) { // Called when a file chunk has finished uploading
//log('[ChunkUploaded] File:', file, "Info:", info);
// console.log(info);
Error: function(up, args) { // Called when a error has occured
alert('There was an error');
// console.log(args);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------