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// Generated e107 Plugin Admin Area
if (!getperms('P'))
class social_adminarea extends e_admin_dispatcher
protected $modes = array(
'main' => array(
'controller' => 'social_ui',
'path' => null,
'ui' => 'social_form_ui',
'uipath' => null
protected $adminMenu = array(
// 'main/list' => array('caption'=> LAN_MANAGE, 'perm' => 'P'),
// 'main/create' => array('caption'=> LAN_CREATE, 'perm' => 'P'),
'main/configure' => array('caption'=> LAN_CONFIGURE, 'perm' => 'P'),
'main/prefs' => array('caption'=> LAN_PREFS, 'perm' => 'P'),
protected $adminMenuAliases = array(
'main/edit' => 'main/list'
protected $menuTitle = 'Social';
class social_ui extends e_admin_ui
protected $pluginTitle = 'Social';
protected $pluginName = 'social';
// protected $eventName = 'social-social'; // remove comment to enable event triggers in admin.
// protected $table = 'social';
// protected $pid = 'interview_id';
protected $perPage = 10;
protected $batchDelete = true;
// protected $batchCopy = true;
// protected $sortField = 'somefield_order';
// protected $orderStep = 10;
// protected $tabs = array('Tabl 1','Tab 2'); // Use 'tab'=>0 OR 'tab'=>1 in the $fields below to enable.
// protected $listQry = "SELECT * FROM `#tableName` WHERE field != '' "; // Example Custom Query. LEFT JOINS allowed. Should be without any Order or Limit.
protected $listOrder = '';
protected $fields = array();
protected $fieldpref = array();
protected $preftabs = array("Sharing", 'Facebook Comments', 'Facebook Menu', 'Twitter Menu', );
protected $prefs = array(
'facebook_comments_limit' => array('title'=> 'Limit', 'type'=>'number', 'tab'=>1, 'data' => 'int','help'=>'Number of comments to display.'),
'facebook_comments_theme' => array('title'=> 'Theme', 'type'=>'dropdown', 'tab'=>1, 'writeParms'=>array('optArray'=>array('light'=>'Light','dark'=>'Dark')), 'data' => 'str','help'=>''),
'facebook_comments_loadingtext' => array('title'=> 'Text while loading', 'type'=>'text', 'tab'=>1, 'data' => 'str', 'writeParms'=>array('placeholder'=>'Loading...'), 'help'=>''),
'facebook_like_menu_theme' => array('title'=> 'Theme', 'type'=>'dropdown', 'tab'=>2, 'writeParms'=>array('optArray'=>array('light'=>'Light','dark'=>'Dark')), 'data' => 'str'),
'facebook_like_menu_action' => array('title'=> 'Action', 'type'=>'dropdown', 'tab'=>2, 'writeParms'=>array('optArray'=>array('like'=>'Like','recommend'=>'Recommend')), 'data' => 'str'),
'facebook_like_menu_width' => array('title'=> 'Width', 'type'=>'number', 'tab'=>2, 'data' => 'int','help'=>'Width in px'),
// 'facebook_like_menu_ref' => array('title'=> "Referrer", 'type'=>'text', 'tab'=>2, 'data' => 'str', 'writeParms'=>'size=xxlarge', 'help'=>'Leave blank to use Site Url'),
'twitter_menu_theme' => array('title'=> 'Theme', 'type'=>'dropdown', 'tab'=>3, 'writeParms'=>array('optArray'=>array('light'=>'Light','dark'=>'Dark')), 'data' => 'str'),
'twitter_menu_height' => array('title'=> 'Height', 'type'=>'number', 'tab'=>3, 'data' => 'int','help'=>'Height in px'),
'twitter_menu_limit' => array('title'=> 'Limit', 'type'=>'number', 'tab'=>3, 'data' => 'int','help'=>'Number of tweets to display.'),
'sharing_mode' => array('title'=> 'Display Mode', 'type'=>'dropdown', 'tab'=>0, 'writeParms'=>array('optArray'=>array('normal'=>'Normal','dropdown'=>'Dropdown','off'=>'Disabled')), 'data' => 'str','help'=>''),
'sharing_hashtags' => array('title'=> 'Hashtags', 'type'=>'tags', 'tab'=>0, 'data' => 'str','help'=>'Excluding the # symbol.'),
'sharing_providers' => array('title'=> 'Providers', 'type'=>'checkboxes', 'tab'=>0, 'writeParms'=>array(), 'data' => 'str','help'=>''),
protected $social_logins = array();
protected $social_external = array();
public function init()
if(!empty($_POST['save_social']) )
$cfg = e107::getConfig();
$cfg->setPref('social_login', $_POST['social_login']);
$cfg->setPref('social_login_active', $_POST['social_login_active']);
$cfg->setPref('xurl', $_POST['xurl']);
$cfg->save(true, true, true);
$tp = e107::getParser();
$obj = new social_shortcodes;
$providers = $obj->getProviders();
foreach($providers as $k=>$v)
$this->prefs['sharing_providers']['writeParms']['optArray'][$k] = $k;
// print_a($bla);
// Single/ Social Login / / copied from hybridAuth config.php so it's easy to add more.
// Used Below.
$this->social_logins = array (
// openid providers
"OpenID" => array (
"enabled" => true
"Yahoo" => array (
"enabled" => true
"AOL" => array (
"enabled" => true
"Facebook" => array (
"enabled" => true,
"keys" => array ( "id" => "", "secret" => "" ),
"trustForwarded" => false,
// A comma-separated list of permissions you want to request from the user. See the Facebook docs for a full list of available permissions: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/permissions.
"scope" => "",
// The display context to show the authentication page. Options are: page, popup, iframe, touch and wap. Read the Facebook docs for more details: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/dialogs#display. Default: page
"display" => ""
"Foursquare" => array (
"enabled" => true,
"keys" => array ( "id" => "", "secret" => "" )
"Github" => array (
"enabled" => true,
"keys" => array ( "id" => "", "secret" => "" )
"Google" => array (
"enabled" => true,
"keys" => array ( "id" => "", "secret" => "" ),
"scope" => ""
"Instagram" => array (
"enabled" => true,
"keys" => array ( "id" => "", "secret" => "" )
"LinkedIn" => array (
"enabled" => true,
"keys" => array ( "key" => "", "secret" => "" )
// windows live
"Live" => array (
"enabled" => true,
"keys" => array ( "id" => "", "secret" => "" )
"MySpace" => array (
"enabled" => true,
"keys" => array ( "key" => "", "secret" => "" )
"Steam" => array (
"enabled" => true,
"keys" => array ( "key" => "" )
"Twitter" => array (
"enabled" => true,
"keys" => array ( "key" => "", "secret" => "" )
$this->social_external = array(
"Facebook" => "https://developers.facebook.com/apps",
"Twitter" => "https://dev.twitter.com/apps/new",
"Google" => "https://code.google.com/apis/console/",
"Live" => "https://manage.dev.live.com/ApplicationOverview.aspx",
"LinkedIn" => "https://www.linkedin.com/secure/developer",
"Foursquare" => "https://www.foursquare.com/oauth/",
"Github" => "https://github.com/settings/applications/new",
"Steam" => "http://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey",
"Instagram" => "http://instagram.com/developer"
// ------- Customize Create --------
public function beforeCreate($new_data)
return $new_data;
public function afterCreate($new_data, $old_data, $id)
// do something
public function onCreateError($new_data, $old_data)
// do something
// ------- Customize Update --------
public function beforeUpdate($new_data, $old_data, $id)
return $new_data;
public function afterUpdate($new_data, $old_data, $id)
// do something
public function onUpdateError($new_data, $old_data, $id)
// do something
function renderHelp()
$this->testUrl = SITEURL."?route=system/xup/test";
$notice = "Note: In most cases you will need to obtain an id and secret key from one of the providers. Click the blue links to the right to configure.
<br />You may test your configuration with the following URL:<br /><a href='".$this->testUrl."' rel='external'>".$this->testUrl."</a>";
$callBack = SITEURL."index.php";
$notice .= "<br /><br />Your callback URL is: </br ><a href='".$callBack."'>".$callBack."</a>";
return array("caption"=>"Help",'text'=> $notice);
// optional - a custom page.
public function configurePage()
$ns = e107::getRender();
$frm = e107::getForm();
$pref = e107::pref('core');
// e107::getMessage()->addInfo($notice);
$text = "<table class='table adminform'>
<col class='col-label' />
<col class='col-control' />
<td><label for='social-login-active'>Social Signup/Login</label>
".$frm->radio_switch('social_login_active', $pref['social_login_active'])."
<div class='smalltext field-help'>Allows users to signup/login with their social media accounts. When enabled, this option will still allow users to signup/login even if the core user registration system above is disabled. </div>
<tr><td colspan='2'>
<table class='table table-bordered table-striped'>
<col style='width:10%' />
<col class='col-control' />
<col class='col-control' />
<col style='width:20%' />
<th class='center'>Signup/Login</th>
$pref['social_login'] = array();
foreach($this->social_logins as $prov=>$val)
$textKeys = '';
$textScope = '';
$keyCount= array();
$label = varset($this->social_external[$prov]) ? "<a class='e-tip' rel='external' title='Get a key from the provider' href='".$this->social_external[$prov]."'>".$prov."</a>" : $prov;
$radio_label = strtolower($prov);
$text .= "
<td><label for='social-login-".$radio_label."-enabled'>".$label."</label></td>
foreach($val as $k=>$v)
switch ($k) {
case 'enabled':
$eopt = array('class'=>'e-expandit');
$textEnabled = $frm->radio_switch('social_login['.$prov.'][enabled]', vartrue($pref['social_login'][$prov]['enabled']),'','',$eopt);
case 'keys':
// $cls = vartrue($pref['single_login'][$prov]['keys'][$tk]) ? "class='e-hideme'" : '';
$sty = vartrue($pref['social_login'][$prov]['keys'][vartrue($tk)]) ? "" : "e-hideme";
// $text .= "<div class='e-expandit-container {$sty}' id='option-{$prov}' >";
foreach($v as $tk=>$idk)
$eopt = array( 'size'=>'block-level');
$keyCount[] = 1;
$textKeys .= "<td>".$frm->text('social_login['.$prov.'][keys]['.$tk.']', vartrue($pref['social_login'][$prov]['keys'][$tk]), 100, $eopt)."</td>";
// $text .= "</div>";
case 'scope':
$textScope .= $frm->hidden('social_login['.$prov.'][scope]','email');
$textKeys = "<td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td>";
elseif(count($keyCount) == 1)
$textKeys .= "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
$text .= $textKeys."<td class='center'>".$textEnabled.$textScope."</td>";
$text .= "
$text .= "</table>
// -------------------------------
$text2 = "
<table class='table'>
<col class='col-label' />
<col class='col-control' />
//XXX XURL Definitions.
$xurls = array(
'facebook' => array('label'=>"Facebook", "placeholder"=>"eg. https://www.facebook.com/e107CMS"),
'twitter' => array('label'=>"Twitter", "placeholder"=>"eg. https://twitter.com/e107"),
'youtube' => array('label'=>"Youtube", "placeholder"=>"eg.https://youtube.com/e107Inc"),
'google' => array('label'=>"Google+", "placeholder"=>""),
'linkedin' => array('label'=>"LinkedIn", "placeholder"=>"eg. http://www.linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=1782682"),
'github' => array('label'=>"Github", "placeholder"=>"eg. https://github.com/e107inc"),
'flickr' => array('label'=>"Flickr", "placeholder"=>""),
'instagram' => array('label'=>"Instagram", "placeholder"=>""),
'pinterest' => array('label'=>"Pinterest", "placeholder"=>""),
'vimeo' => array('label'=>"Vimeo", "placeholder"=>""),
foreach($xurls as $k=>$var)
$keypref = "xurl[".$k."]";
$text_label = "xurl-".$k."";
$def = "XURL_". strtoupper($k);
$opts = array('size'=>'xxlarge','placeholder'=> $var['placeholder']);
$text2 .= "
<td><label for='".$text_label."'>Your ".$var['label']." page</label></td>
".$frm->text($keypref, $pref['xurl'][$k], false, $opts)."
<div class='field-help'>Used by some themes to provide a link to your ".$var['label']." page. (".$def.")</div>
$text2 .= "
$tabs = array();
$tabs[] = array('caption'=>"Applications", 'text'=>$text);
$tabs[] = array('caption'=>'Pages', 'text'=>$text2);
$ret = $frm->open('social','post',null, 'class=form-horizontal').$frm->tabs($tabs);
$ret .= "<div class='buttons-bar center'>
$ret .= $frm->close();
return $ret;
class social_form_ui extends e_admin_form_ui
new social_adminarea();