Otherwise, something like `<option>Nope</option>` will get a value of "Nope" instead of "" as in `<option value=''>Nope</option>`.
e107 Test Suites
Check out this repository:
# SSH option git clone git@github.com:e107inc/e107.git # HTTPS option git clone https://github.com/e107inc/e107.git
Change your current working directory into your copy of the tests:
cd e107/e107_tests
Configure the testing environment by copying
at the root level of this repository and then editingconfig.yml
. Thedb
section needs to be configured for all tests while acceptance tests can be configured with one of the following deployment options:-
Use if: You develop the app locally and have a LAMP/WAMP stack that is configured to serve the app at a local path
Use if: You regularly upload the app over SFTP (perhaps in some setup with Vagrant) and have a remote LAMP stack that serves the app
Use if: You have a cPanel account whose main domain is reachable and want to run tests without a staging environment
Use if: You are not able to set up any of the other options
On PHP 5.6 or newer, install dependencies with Composer:
php -d allow_url_fopen=On $(which composer) update
Update all submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive --remote
Run tests:
- All tests:
./vendor/bin/codecept run
- All tests and details:
php -d allow_url_fopen=On -d display_errors=On ./vendor/bin/codecept run --step --debug
- All tests with code coverage report:
/opt/cpanel/ea-php72/root/usr/bin/php -d zend_extension=/opt/alt/php72/usr/lib64/php/modules/xdebug.so -d allow_url_fopen=On ./vendor/bin/codecept run --coverage --coverage-xml --coverage-html
Note: This command is specific to cPanel EasyApache PHP 7.2 and CloudLinux PHP Selector. See the "Code Coverage" section below for details.
- Unit tests:
./vendor/bin/codecept run unit
- Functional tests:
./vendor/bin/codecept run functional
- Acceptance tests:
./vendor/bin/codecept run acceptance
- All tests:
With varying levels of configuration, this test harness can run reproducible tests on different environments.
The default configuration is in config.sample.yml
. Each configuration item can be overridden in a non-version-controlled config.yml
that you create or copy from config.sample.yml
. (It is optionally possible to override both configuration files with a config.local.yml
In the config file, there are some base settings:
– The path, relative or absolute, to the app intended to be tested. The deployers use the app at this path to set up the tests.deployer
– Which deployer is to be used to set up tests. See the sections below for configuration instructions for the respective deployers.
Each deployer needs one or more of the following sections to be configured:
– The credentials to log in to an all-in-one hosting control panelurl
– The URL that acceptance tests will accessdb
– Database credentials and populator settingsfs
– File transfer credentials if the app is hosted at a remote location
Details on how to configure these sections can be found in config.sample.yml
or further down this README.
Here is a table of which sections need to be configured for which deployers:
Deployer (deployer ) |
Hosting platform (hosting ) required? |
URL (url ) required? |
Database (db ) required? |
Files (fs ) required? |
Local (local ) |
no | yes | yes | no |
SFTP (sftp ) |
no | yes | yes | yes |
cPanel (cpanel ) |
yes | no | no | no |
Manual (none ) |
no | no | yes | no |
- Local testing environment – The app's files must be served from the same system as this test harness.
- Local web server – A web server with PHP must serve the app from the same local path as the app's files.
- MySQL/MariaDB database – The web server and test harness must be able to access a MySQL or MariaDB database, not necessarily a local one.
To set up locally deployed tests, copy the file called config.sample.yml
in the root folder of this repository to a new file called config.yml
(or create a new file called config.yml
), open config.yml
, and input the following configuration information:
# Path (absolute or relative) to the app intended to be tested
# Absolute path begins with "/"; relative path does not begin with "/"
app_path: '../'
# Which deployer to use to set up tests
deployer: 'local'
# URL (with trailing slash) at which the app can be reached for acceptance tests
url: 'http://set-this-to-your-acceptance-test-url.local/'
# Only MySQL/MariaDB is supported
# Hostname or IP address; use 'localhost' for a local server
host: 'set-this-to-your-test-database-hostname.local'
# Port number of the server
port: '3306'
# Database name; must exist already
dbname: 'e107'
# Username; must exist already
user: 'root'
# Password; set to blank string for no password
password: ''
- Remote SSH server – This is where the app's files would be sent. The SSH account needs shell access and the
command. rsync
– Both the client and server need thersync
– The client needs thesshpass
command only if password authentication is being used (thefs.password
field inconfig.yml
).- Private key file to authenticate – Only needed if the SSH account is authenticated by private key (
is set to the path of the private key).fs.privkey_path
can be left blank if the SSH client configuration already has an identity file set for the remote SSH account. - Web server – A web server with PHP must serve the app from the uploaded destination.
- MySQL/MariaDB database – The web server and the test harness must be able to access a MySQL or MariaDB database.
To set up SFTP-deployed tests, copy the file called config.sample.yml
in the root folder of this repository to a new file called config.yml
(or create a new file called config.yml
), open config.yml
, and input the following configuration information:
# Path (absolute or relative) to the app intended to be tested
# Absolute path begins with "/"; relative path does not begin with "/"
app_path: '../'
# Which deployer to use to set up tests
deployer: 'sftp'
# URL (with trailing slash) at which the app can be reached for acceptance tests
url: 'http://set-this-to-your-acceptance-test-url.local/'
# Only MySQL/MariaDB is supported
# Hostname or IP address; use 'localhost' for a local server
host: 'set-this-to-your-test-database-hostname.local'
# Port number of the server
port: '3306'
# Database name; must exist already
dbname: 'e107'
# Username; must exist already
user: 'root'
# Password; set to blank string for no password
password: ''
# Configure this section for deployers that need file upload configuration
# Hostname or IP address to the remote destination
host: ''
# Port number of the file transfer server
port: '22'
# Username used for the file transfer
user: ''
# Path to the private key of the user. Takes precedence over "fs.password"
privkey_path: ''
# Password of the file transfer user. Ignored if "fs.privkey_path" is specified
password: ''
# Absolute path to where the remote web server serves "url"
path: ''
- cPanel user account – It is recommended to use a cPanel account dedicated to testing for isolation, but the test suite runs on most typical accounts and tries not to interfere with existing data.
- Resolvable main domain – The cPanel account's main domain must be resolvable to the machine running the test suite. This usually means that the domain must resolve on the Internet.
- MariaDB database quota – Each run of the test suite creates one new MariaDB database and deletes it after executing the suite.
- Enough free disk space – The test suite archives a copy of the app and uploads it to the cPanel account for cPanel to extract. The app, its archive form, and test resources may grow in the future, so the more free disk space, the better.
- Enough free inodes – The app and test resources will take up at least a few thousand inodes and may need more in the future, so the more free inodes, the better.
- PHP version cannot be set – The test suite currently does not have the ability to set custom versions of PHP for the target app directory. If the cPanel host supports multiple versions of PHP (e.g. EasyApache 4 MultiPHP, CloudLinux alt-php), they will have to be configured manually to test different PHP versions.
- MariaDB username character limit – cPanel MariaDB usernames are limited to 47 characters in length, and test runs are expected to use 18 plus the length of your cPanel username plus 1.
- MariaDB database character limit – cPanel MariaDB databases are limited to 64 characters in length, and test runs are expected to use 18 plus the length of your cPanel username plus 4. (cPanel double-counts underscores (
) and the deployer uses 2 underscores, so the visible character count is 2 less than what cPanel counts.) - MariaDB remote access host
is preserved on crash – The deployer adds a cPanel Remote MySQL® access host,%
, but will forget to remove it if the test run is uncleanly aborted. Subsequent runs will not touch the%
remote access host because the deployer would not be sure if it added%
. - cPanel max POST size – The cPanel PHP maximum POST request size can be as low as 55MiB on some hosts. If the app's archive form exceeds this size, the upload will fail. This limit can be adjusted in the hosting provider's server-wide WHM settings.
To set up the deployment of tests to a cPanel account, copy the file called config.sample.yml
in the root folder of this repository to a new file called config.yml
(or create a new file called config.yml
), open config.yml
, and input the following configuration information:
# Path (absolute or relative) to the app intended to be tested
# Absolute path begins with "/"; relative path does not begin with "/"
app_path: '../'
# Which deployer to use to set up tests
deployer: 'cpanel'
# Configure this section for fully automated test deployments to a hosting control panel
# Control panel domain without the port number
hostname: ''
# Control panel account username
username: ''
# Control panel account password
password: ''
- MySQL/MariaDB database – The test harness must be able to access a MySQL or MariaDB database because the database currently cannot be abstracted away in test code.
- Web server – To run acceptance tests, a web server with PHP is needed.
- Acceptance tests cannot be deployed automatically – In this manual testing mode, the app deployed for acceptance tests must be reset manually before each test. Running the entire suite at once is likely to cause failures that would not occur with an automated test deployer.
To turn off automated acceptance test deployments, copy the file called config.sample.yml
in the root folder of this repository to a new file called config.yml
(or create a new file called config.yml
), open config.yml
, and input the following configuration information:
# Path (absolute or relative) to the app intended to be tested
# Absolute path begins with "/"; relative path does not begin with "/"
app_path: '../'
# Which deployer to use to set up tests
deployer: 'none'
# URL (with trailing slash) at which the app can be reached for acceptance tests
url: 'http://set-this-to-your-acceptance-test-url.local/'
# Only MySQL/MariaDB is supported
# Hostname or IP address; use 'localhost' for a local server
host: 'set-this-to-your-test-database-hostname.local'
# Port number of the server
port: '3306'
# Database name; must exist already
dbname: 'e107'
# Username; must exist already
user: 'root'
# Password; set to blank string for no password
password: ''
# If set to true, the database populator will populate the database with the dump specified in the "dump_path" key
# If set to false, the test database needs to be set up separately
# Affects all tests and modes of deployment
populate: true
# Path (absolute or relative) to the database dump of a testable installation of the app
# Absolute path begins with "/"; relative path does not begin with "/"
dump_path: 'tests/_data/e107_v2.1.9.sample.sql'
Code Coverage
You can generate code coverage reports for all PHP files in the app. Code coverage is enabled for local tests (unit and functional tests) but disabled for remote tests (acceptance tests) by default.
The reports may take minutes to be generated.
- Xdebug – You'll have to figure out the best way to install Xdebug in your environment.
Sample Commands
These commands run all tests and generate a code coverage report in HTML format and Clover XML format:
- Using cPanel EasyApache 4 with PHP 7.2 and Xdebug from CloudLinux PHP Selector:
/opt/cpanel/ea-php72/root/usr/bin/php -d zend_extension=/opt/alt/php72/usr/lib64/php/modules/xdebug.so -d allow_url_fopen=On ./vendor/bin/codecept run --coverage --coverage-xml --coverage-html
- Using the Xdebug module that you installed with PECL:
php zend_extension=/usr/local/php/modules/xdebug.so -d allow_url_fopen=On ./vendor/bin/codecept run --coverage --coverage-xml --coverage-html
The generated coverage reports are stored in ./tests/_output/
relative to the tests root folder.