mirror of
synced 2025-01-17 20:58:30 +01:00
Fixes issue with admin preferences not being respected or no linking occurring. Prefs now moved out of core and into plugin prefs. Test page added to admin area. Relationship field added. e_tohtml.php deprecated in favor of e_parse.php Tests updated.
404 lines
10 KiB
404 lines
10 KiB
* e107 website system
* Copyright (C) 2008-2021 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
if (!defined('e107_INIT')) { exit; }
define('LW_CACHE_ENABLE', false);
class linkwords_parse
protected $lw_enabled = FALSE; // Default to disabled to start
protected $lwAjaxEnabled = FALSE; // Adds in Ajax-compatible links
protected $utfMode = ''; // Flag to enable utf-8 on regex
protected $word_list = array(); // List of link words/phrases
private $link_list = array(); // Corresponding list of links to apply
private $ext_list = array(); // Flags to determine 'open in new window' for link
private $tip_list = array(); // Store for tooltips
private $rel_list = array();
private $LinkID = array(); // Unique ID for each linkword
private $area_opts; // Process flags for the various contexts
private $block_list = array(); // Array of 'blocked' pages
protected $word_class = array();
protected $customClass = '';
protected $wordCount = array();
protected $word_limit = array();
// protected $maxPerWord = 3;
public function enable()
$this->lw_enabled = true;
public function setWordData($arr = array())
foreach($arr as $val)
$this->word_list[] = $val['word'];
$this->link_list[] = $val['link'];
$this->ext_list[] = $val['ext'];
$this->tip_list[] = $val['tip'];
$this->word_limit[] = $val['limit'];
public function setAreaOpts($arr = array())
$this->area_opts = $arr;
public function setLink($arr)
$this->word_list = $arr;
/* constructor */
function __construct()
$tp = e107::getParser();
$pref = e107::pref('linkwords');
$frm = e107::getForm();
// $this->maxPerWord = vartrue($pref['lw_max_per_word'], 25);
$this->customClass = vartrue($pref['lw_custom_class']);
$this->area_opts = (array) varset($pref['lw_context_visibility']);
$this->utfMode = (strtolower(CHARSET) == 'utf-8') ? 'u' : ''; // Flag to enable utf-8 on regex //@TODO utfMode probably obsolete
$this->lwAjaxEnabled = varset($pref['lw_ajax_enable'],0);
// See whether they should be active on this page - if not, no point doing anything!
if(e_ADMIN_AREA === true && empty($_POST['runLinkwordTest'])) { return; }
// Now see if disabled on specific pages
$check_url = e_SELF.(defined('e_QUERY') ? "?".e_QUERY : '');
$this->block_list = explode("|",substr(varset($pref['lw_page_visibility']),2)); // Knock off the 'show/hide' flag
foreach($this->block_list as $p)
if(substr($p, -1) == '!')
$p = substr($p, 0, -1);
if(substr($check_url, strlen($p)*-1) == $p) return;
if(strpos($check_url, $p) !== FALSE) return;
// Will probably need linkwords on this page - so get the info
define('LW_CACHE_TAG', 'nomd5_linkwords'); // Put it here to avoid conflict on admin pages
if(LW_CACHE_ENABLE && ($temp = e107::getCache()->retrieve_sys(LW_CACHE_TAG)))
$ret = eval($temp);
if ($ret)
echo "Error reading linkwords cache: {$ret}<br />";
$temp = '';
$this->lw_enabled = TRUE;
if(!vartrue($temp)) // Either cache disabled, or no info in cache (or error reading/processing cache)
$link_sql = e107::getDb('link_sql');
if($link_sql->select("linkwords", "*", "linkword_active!=1"))
$this->lw_enabled = true;
while($row = $link_sql->fetch())
$lw = $tp->ustrtolower($row['linkword_word']); // It was trimmed when saved *utf
if($row['linkword_active'] == 2)
$row['linkword_link'] = ''; // Make sure linkword disabled
if($row['linkword_active'] < 2)
$row['linkword_tooltip'] = ''; // Make sure tooltip disabled
if(strpos($lw,',')) // Several words to same link
$lwlist = explode(',',$lw);
foreach ($lwlist as $lw)
if(deftrue('LW_CACHE_ENABLE')) // Write to file for next time
$temp = '';
foreach (array('word_list', 'link_list', 'tip_list', 'ext_list', 'LinkID') as $var)
$temp .= '$this->'.$var.'='.var_export($this->$var, TRUE).";\n";
private function loadRow($lw, $row)
$lw = trim($lw);
$frm = e107::getForm();
$this->word_list[] = $lw;
$this->word_class[] = 'lw-'.$frm->name2id($lw);
$this->word_limit[] = vartrue($row['linkword_limit'],3);
$this->link_list[] = $row['linkword_link'];
$this->tip_list[] = $row['linkword_tooltip'];
$this->ext_list[] = $row['linkword_newwindow'];
$this->rel_list[] = str_replace(",", ' ', $row['linkword_rel']);
$this->LinkID[] = max($row['linkword_tip_id'], $row['linkword_id']); // If no specific ID defined, use the DB record ID
public function toHTML($text,$area = 'olddefault')
$this->area_opts = e107::unserialize($this->area_opts);
if($this->area_opts === null)
$this->area_opts = array();
if (!$this->lw_enabled || empty($this->area_opts) || !array_key_exists($area,$this->area_opts) || !$this->area_opts[$area])
// e107::getDebug()->log("Link words skipped on ".substr($text, 0, 50));
return $text; // No linkwords in disabled areas
// Split up by HTML tags and process the odd bits here
$ptext = "";
$lflag = FALSE;
// Shouldn't need utf-8 on next line - just looking for HTML tags
$content = preg_split('#(<.*?>)#mis', $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE );
foreach($content as $cont)
if ($cont[0] == "<")
{ // Its some HTML
$ptext .= $cont;
if (substr($cont,0,2) == "<a") $lflag = TRUE;
if (substr($cont,0,3) == "</a") $lflag = FALSE;
else // Its the text in between
if ($lflag) // Its probably within a link - leave unchanged
$ptext .= $cont;
if (trim($cont))
// Some non-white space - worth word matching
$ptext .= $this->linksproc($cont,0,count($this->word_list));
// echo "Check linkwords: ".count($this->word_list).'<br />';
$ptext .= $cont;
// print_a($this->wordCount);
return $ptext;
* This function is called recursively - it splits the text up into blocks - some containing a particular linkword
* @param $text
* @param $first
* @param $limit
* @return string
function linksproc($text,$first,$limit)
$tp = e107::getParser();
$doSamePage = !e107::getPref('lw_notsamepage');
for (; $first < $limit; $first ++)
if (empty($this->word_list[$first])) continue;
if (strpos($tp->ustrtolower($text), $this->word_list[$first]) !== false) break;
if ($first == $limit)
return $text; // Return if no linkword found
// There's at least one occurrence of the linkword in the text
// Prepare all info once only
// If supporting Ajax, use the following:
// <a href='link url' rel='external linkwordId::122' class='linkword-ajax'>
// linkwordId::122 is a unique ID
$ret = '';
$linkwd = '';
$linkrel = array();
// $linkwd = "href='#' "; // Not relevant for Prototype, but needed with 'pure' JS to make tooltip stuff work - doesn't find link elements without href
$lwClass = array();
$lw = $this->word_list[$first]; // This is the word we're matching - in lower case in our 'master' list
$tooltip = '';
if ($this->tip_list[$first])
{ // Got tooltip
if ($this->lwAjaxEnabled)
$linkrel[] = 'linkwordID::'.$this->LinkID[$first];
$lwClass[] = 'lw-ajax '.$this->customClass;
$tooltip = " title=\"{$this->tip_list[$first]}\" ";
$lwClass[] = 'lw-tip '.$this->customClass;
if ($this->link_list[$first]) // Got link
$newLink = $tp->replaceConstants($this->link_list[$first], 'full');
if ($doSamePage || ($newLink != e_SELF.'?'.e_QUERY))
$linkwd = " href=\"".$newLink."\" ";
$linkrel[] = $this->rel_list[$first];
elseif($this->ext_list[$first]) // Determine external links
$linkrel[] = 'noopener external';
$lwClass[] = 'lw-link '.$this->customClass;
$lwClass[] = $this->word_class[$first];
// if (!count($lwClass))
// {
// return $this->linksproc($sl,$first+1,$limit); // Nothing to do - move on to next word (shouldn't really get here)
// }
if (count($linkrel))
$linkwd .= " rel='".implode(' ',$linkrel)."'";
// This splits the text into blocks, some of which will precisely contain a linkword
$split_line = preg_split('#\b('.$lw.')(\s|\b)#i'.$this->utfMode, $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE ); // *utf (selected)
// $class = "".implode(' ',$lwClass)."' ";
$class = implode(' ',$lwClass);
$hash = md5($lw);
$this->wordCount[$hash] = 0;
foreach ($split_line as $count=>$sl)
if ($tp->ustrtolower($sl) == $lw && $this->wordCount[$hash] < (int) $this->word_limit[$first]) // Do linkword replace // We know the linkword is already lower case // *utf
$classCount = " lw-".$this->wordCount[$hash];
$ret .= "<span class=\"".$class.$classCount."\" ".$tooltip.">".$sl."</span>";
$ret .= "<a class=\"".$class.$classCount."\" ".$linkwd.$tooltip.">".$sl."</a>";
elseif (trim($sl)) // Something worthwhile left - look for more linkwords in it
$ret .= $this->linksproc($sl,$first+1,$limit);
$ret .= $sl; // Probably just some white space
return $ret;