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+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| e107 website system
| Steve Dunstan 2001-2002
| http://e107.org
| jalist@e107.org
| Released under the terms and conditions of the
| GNU General Public License (http://gnu.org).
| $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.8/e107_handlers/e_parse_class.php,v $
| $Revision: 1.16 $
| $Date: 2007-10-04 19:08:38 $
| $Author: e107steved $
if (!defined('e107_INIT')) { exit; }
define ("E_NL", chr(2));
class e_parse
var $e_sc;
var $e_bb;
var $e_pf;
var $e_emote;
var $e_hook;
var $search = array('&#39;', '&#039;', '&quot;', 'onerror', '&gt;', '&amp;#039;', '&amp;quot;', ' & ');
var $replace = array("'", "'", '"', 'one<i></i>rror', '>', "'", '"', ' &amp; ');
var $e_highlighting; // Set to TRUE or FALSE once it has been calculated
var $e_query; // Highlight query
// toHTML Action defaults. For now these match existing convention.
// Let's reverse the logic on the first set ASAP; too confusing!
var $e_modSet = array();
var $e_optDefault = array(
'context' => 'olddefault', // default context: all "opt-out" conversions :(
'fromadmin' => FALSE,
// Enabled by Default
'value' => FALSE, // Restore entity form of quotes and such to single characters - TRUE disables
'nobreak' => FALSE, // Line break compression - TRUE removes multiple line breaks
'retain_nl' => FALSE, // Retain newlines - wraps to \n instead of <br /> if TRUE
'no_make_clickable' => FALSE, // URLs etc are clickable - TRUE disables
'no_replace' => FALSE, // Replace clickable links - TRUE disables (only if no_make_clickable not set)
'emotes_off' => FALSE, // Convert emoticons to graphical icons - TRUE disables conversion
'emotes_on' => FALSE, // FORCE conversion to emotes, even if syspref is disabled
'no_hook' => FALSE, // Hooked parsers (TRUE disables completely)
// Disabled by Default
'defs' => FALSE, // Convert defines(constants) within text.
'constants' => FALSE, // replace all {e_XXX} constants with their e107 value
'parse_sc' => FALSE, // Parse shortcodes - TRUE enables parsing
'no_tags' => FALSE // remove HTML tags.
// Super modifiers adjust default option values
// First line of adjustments change default-ON options
// Second line changes default-OFF options
var $e_SuperMods = array(
'title' => //text is part of a title (e.g. news title)
'nobreak'=>TRUE, 'retain_nl'=>TRUE, 'no_make_clickable'=>TRUE,'emotes_off'=>TRUE,
'user_title' => //text is user-entered (i.e. untrusted) and part of a title (e.g. forum title)
'nobreak'=>TRUE, 'retain_nl'=>TRUE, 'no_make_clickable'=>TRUE,'emotes_off'=>TRUE,'no_hook'=>TRUE
'summary' => // text is part of the summary of a longer item (e.g. content summary)
// no changes to default-on items
'defs'=>TRUE, 'constants'=>TRUE, 'parse_sc'=>TRUE),
'description' => // text is the description of an item (e.g. download, link)
// no changes to default-on items
'defs'=>TRUE, 'constants'=>TRUE, 'parse_sc'=>TRUE),
'body' => // text is 'body' or 'bulk' text (e.g. custom page body, content body)
// no changes to default-on items
'defs'=>TRUE, 'constants'=>TRUE, 'parse_sc'=>TRUE),
'user_body' => // text is user-entered (i.e. untrusted)'body' or 'bulk' text (e.g. custom page body, content body)
// no changes to default-on items
'linktext' => // text is the 'content' of a link (A tag, etc)
'nobreak'=>TRUE, 'retain_nl'=>TRUE, 'no_make_clickable'=>TRUE,'emotes_off'=>TRUE,'no_hook'=>TRUE,
'rawtext' => // text is used (for admin edit) without fancy conversions or html.
'nobreak'=>TRUE, 'retain_nl'=>TRUE, 'no_make_clickable'=>TRUE,'emotes_off'=>TRUE,'no_hook'=>TRUE,'no_tags'=>TRUE
// leave opt-in options off
function e_parse()
// Preprocess the supermods to be useful default arrays with all values
foreach ($this->e_SuperMods as $key=>$val)
$this->e_SuperMods[$key] = array_merge($this->e_optDefault,$this->e_SuperMods[$key]); // precalculate super defaults
foreach ($this->e_optDefault as $key=>$val)
$this->e_modSet[$key] = TRUE;
if (!is_object($this->e_sc))
$this->e_sc = new e_shortcode;
function toDB($data, $nostrip = false, $no_encode = false, $original_author = false, $mod = false)
* $nostrip: toDB() assumes all data is GPC ($_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE) unless you indicate otherwise by setting this var to true.
* If magic quotes is enabled on the server and you do not tell toDB() that the data is non GPC then slashes will be stripped when they should not be.
* $no_encode: This var should nearly always be false. It is used by the save_prefs() function to preserve html content within prefs even when
* the save_prefs() function has been called by a non admin user / user without html posting permissions.
* $mod: although not used in core, the 'no_html' and 'no_php' modifiers are available for plugins to blanket prevent html and php posting regardless
* of posting permissions.
global $pref;
if (is_array($data)) {
foreach ($data as $key => $var) {
$ret[$key] = $this -> toDB($var, $nostrip, $no_encode, $original_author, $mod);
} else {
if (MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC == true && $nostrip == false) {
$data = stripslashes($data);
if (isset($pref['post_html']) && check_class($pref['post_html']))
$no_encode = true;
if (is_numeric($original_author) && !check_class($pref['post_html'], '', $original_author))
$no_encode = false;
if ($no_encode === true && strpos($mod, 'no_html') === false)
$search = array('$', '"', "'", '\\', '<?');
$replace = array('&#036;','&quot;','&#039;', '&#092;', '&lt;?');
$ret = str_replace($search, $replace, $data);
} else {
$data = htmlspecialchars($data, ENT_QUOTES, CHARSET);
$data = str_replace('\\', '&#092;', $data);
$ret = preg_replace("/&amp;#(\d*?);/", "&#\\1;", $data);
if (!check_class($pref['php_bbcode']) || (is_numeric($original_author) && !check_class($pref['php_bbcode'], '', $original_author)) || strpos($mod, 'no_php') !== false)
$ret = str_replace(array("[php]", "[/php]"), array("&#91;php&#93;", "&#91;/php&#93;"), $ret);
return $ret;
function toForm($text)
if ($text == '') { return ''; }
$search = array('&#036;', '&quot;', '<', '>');
$replace = array('$', '"', '&lt;', '&gt;');
$text = str_replace($search, $replace, $text);
if (e_WYSIWYG !== true){
$text = str_replace("&nbsp;", " ", $text); // fix for utf-8 issue with html_entity_decode();
return $text;
function post_toForm($text) {
if (MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC == true) {
$text = stripslashes($text);
return str_replace(array( "'", '"', "<", ">"), array("&#039;", "&quot;", "&lt;", "&gt;"), $text);
function post_toHTML($text, $original_author = false, $extra = '', $mod = false) {
$text = $this -> toDB($text, false, false, $original_author, $mod);
return $this -> toHTML($text, true, $extra);
function parseTemplate($text, $parseSCFiles = TRUE, $extraCodes = "") {
return $this->e_sc->parseCodes($text, $parseSCFiles, $extraCodes);
function htmlwrap($str, $width, $break = "\n", $nobreak = "", $nobr = "pre", $utf = false)
* htmlwrap() function - v1.1
* Copyright (c) 2004 Brian Huisman AKA GreyWyvern
* http://www.greywyvern.com/code/php/htmlwrap_1.1.php.txt
* This program may be distributed under the terms of the GPL
* - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
$content = preg_split("/([<>])/", $str, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$nobreak = explode(" ", $nobreak);
$nobr = explode(" ", $nobr);
$intag = false;
$innbk = array();
$innbr = array();
$drain = "";
$utf = ($utf || CHARSET == 'utf-8') ? "u" : "";
$lbrks = "/?!%)-}]\\\"':;";
if ($break == "\r")
$break = "\n";
while (list(, $value) = each($content))
switch ($value)
case "<": $intag = true; break;
case ">": $intag = false; break;
if ($intag)
if ($value{0} != "/")
preg_match('/^(.*?)(\s|$)/'.$utf, $value, $t);
if ((!count($innbk) && in_array($t[1], $nobreak)) || in_array($t[1], $innbk)) $innbk[] = $t[1];
if ((!count($innbr) && in_array($t[1], $nobr)) || in_array($t[1], $innbr)) $innbr[] = $t[1];
} else {
if (in_array(substr($value, 1), $innbk)) unset($innbk[count($innbk)]);
if (in_array(substr($value, 1), $innbr)) unset($innbr[count($innbr)]);
} else if ($value)
if (!count($innbr)) $value = str_replace("\n", "\r", str_replace("\r", "", $value));
if (!count($innbk))
$store = $value;
if (preg_match("/^(.*?\s|^)(([^\s&]|&(\w{2,5}|#\d{2,4});){".$width."})(?!(".preg_quote($break, "/").'|\s))(.*)$/s'.$utf, $value, $match))
for ($x = 0, $ledge = 0; $x < strlen($lbrks); $x++) $ledge = max($ledge, strrpos($match[2], $lbrks{$x}));
if (!$ledge) $ledge = strlen($match[2]) - 1;
$value = $match[1].substr($match[2], 0, $ledge + 1).$break.substr($match[2], $ledge + 1).$match[6];
while ($store != $value);
if (!count($innbr)) $value = str_replace("\r", E_NL, $value);
$drain .= $value;
return $drain;
function html_truncate ($text, $len = 200, $more = "[more]")
$pos = 0;
$curlen = 0;
$tmp_pos = 0;
$intag = FALSE;
while($curlen < $len && $curlen < strlen($text))
case "<" :
if($text{$pos+1} == "/")
$closing_tag = TRUE;
$intag = TRUE;
$tmp_pos = $pos-1;
case ">" :
if($text{$pos-1} == "/")
$closing_tag = TRUE;
if($closing_tag == TRUE)
$tmp_pos = 0;
$closing_tag = FALSE;
$intag = FALSE;
case "&" :
if($text{$pos+1} == "#")
$end = strpos(substr($text, $pos, 7), ";");
if($end !== FALSE)
if(!$intag) {$curlen++;}
if(!$intag) {$curlen++;}
if(!$intag) {$curlen++;}
$ret = ($tmp_pos > 0 ? substr($text, 0, $tmp_pos) : substr($text, 0, $pos));
if($pos < strlen($text))
$ret = $ret.$more;
return $ret;
// Truncate a string to a maximum length $len - append the string $more if it was truncated
// Uses current CHARSET - for utf-8, returns $len characters rather than $len bytes
function text_truncate($text, $len = 200, $more = "[more]")
if (strlen($text) <= $len) return $text; // Always valid
if (CHARSET !== 'utf-8') return substr($text,0,$len).$more; // Non-utf-8 - one byte per character - simple
// Its a utf-8 string here - don't know whether its longer than allowed length yet
$ret = $matches[1];
if (!empty($matches[2])) $ret .= $more;
return $ret;
function textclean ($text, $wrap=100)
$text = str_replace ("\n\n\n", "\n\n", $text);
$text = $this -> htmlwrap($text, $wrap);
$text = str_replace (array ("<br /> ", " <br />", " <br /> "), "<br />", $text);
/* we can remove any linebreaks added by htmlwrap function as any \n's will be converted later anyway */
return $text;
// Test for text highlighting, and determine the text highlighting transformation
// Returns TRUE if highlighting is active for this page display
function checkHighlighting()
global $pref;
if (!defined('e_SELF'))
return FALSE; // Still in startup, so can't calculate highlighting
if (!isset($this->e_highlighting))
$this->e_highlighting = FALSE;
$shr = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : "");
if ($pref['search_highlight'] && (strpos(e_SELF, 'search.php') === FALSE) && ((strpos($shr, 'q=') !== FALSE) || (strpos($shr, 'p=') !== FALSE)))
$this->e_highlighting = TRUE;
if (!isset($this -> e_query))
$query = preg_match('#(q|p)=(.*?)(&|$)#', $shr, $matches);
$this -> e_query = str_replace(array('+', '*', '"', ' '), array('', '.*?', '', '\b|\b'), trim(urldecode($matches[2])));
return $this->e_highlighting;
function toHTML($text, $parseBB = FALSE, $modifiers = "", $postID = "", $wrap=FALSE) {
if ($text == '')
return $text;
global $pref, $fromadmin;
// Get modifier strings for toHTML
// "super" modifiers set a baseline. Recommend entering in UPPER CASE to highlight
// other modifiers override
// modifiers SHOULD be delimited with commas (eventually this will be 'MUST')
// modifiers MAY have spaces in between as desired
$opts = $this->e_optDefault;
if (strlen($modifiers))
// Yes, the following code is strangely-written. It is one of the MOST used bits in
// all of e107. We "inlined" the assignments to optimize speed through
// some careful testing (19 Jan 2007).
// Some alternatives that do NOT speed things up (they make it slower)
// - use of array_intersect, array_walk, preg_replace, intermediate variables, etc etc etc.
if (1) // php 4 code
$opts = $this->e_optDefault;
$aMods = explode( ',',
// convert blanks to comma, then comma-comma (from blank-comma) to single comma
str_replace(array(' ', ',,'), array(',', ',' ),
// work with all lower case
foreach ($aMods as $mod)
if (isset($this->e_SuperMods[$mod]))
$opts = $this->e_SuperMods[$mod];
// Find any regular mods
foreach ($aMods as $mod)
$opts[$mod] = TRUE; // Change mods as spec'd
if (0) // php 5 code - not tested, and may not be faster anyway
$aMods = array_flip(
explode( ',',
// convert blanks to comma, then comma-comma (from blank-comma) to single comma
str_replace(array(' ', ',,'), array(',', ',' ),
// work with all lower case
$opts = array_merge($opts, array_intersect_key($this->e_SuperMods,$aMods)); // merge in any supermods found
$opts = array_merge($opts, array_intersect_key($this->modSet, $aMods)); // merge in any other mods found
$fromadmin = $opts['fromadmin'];
// Convert defines(constants) within text. eg. Lan_XXXX - must be the entire text string (i.e. not embedded)
// The check for '::' is a workaround for a bug in the Zend Optimiser 3.3.0 and PHP 5.2.4 combination - causes crashes if '::' in site name
if ($opts['defs'] && (strlen($text) < 25) && ((strpos($text,'::') === FALSE) && defined(trim($text))))
return constant(trim($text));
// replace all {e_XXX} constants with their e107 value
if ($opts['constants'])
$text = $this->replaceConstants($text);
if ($opts['no_tags'])
$text = strip_tags($text);
if(!$wrap && $pref['main_wordwrap']) $wrap = $pref['main_wordwrap'];
$text = " ".$text;
// Prepare for line-break compression. Avoid compressing newlines in embedded scripts and CSS
if (!$opts['nobreak'])
$text = preg_replace("#>\s*[\r]*\n[\r]*#", ">", $text);
preg_match_all("#<(script|style)[^>]+>.*?</(script|style)>#is", $text, $embeds);
$text = preg_replace("#<(script|style)[^>]+>.*?</(script|style)>#is", "<|>", $text);
// Convert URL's to clickable links, unless modifiers or prefs override
if ($pref['make_clickable'] && !$opts['no_make_clickable'])
if ($pref['link_replace'] && !$opts['no_replace'])
$_ext = ($pref['links_new_window'] ? " rel=\"external\"" : "");
$text = preg_replace("#(^|[\n ])([\w]+?://[^ \"\n\r\t<]*)#is", "\\1<a href=\"\\2\" {$_ext}>".$pref['link_text']."</a>", $text);
// $text = preg_replace("#(^|[\n ])((www|ftp)\.[^ \"\t\n\r<]*)#is", "\\1<a href=\"http://\\2\" {$_ext}>".$pref['link_text']."</a>", $text);
$text = preg_replace("#(^|[\n ])((www|ftp)\.[\w+-]+?\.[\w+\-.]*(?(?=/)(/.+?(?=\s|,\s))|(?=\W)))#is", "\\1<a href=\"http://\\2\" {$_ext}>".$pref['link_text']."</a>", $text);
if(CHARSET != "utf-8" && CHARSET != "UTF-8")
$email_text = ($pref['email_text']) ? $this->replaceConstants($pref['email_text']) : "\\1\\2&copy;\\3";
$email_text = ($pref['email_text']) ? $this->replaceConstants($pref['email_text']) : "\\1\\\\3";
$text = preg_replace("#([\n ])([a-z0-9\-_.]+?)@([\w\-]+\.([\w\-\.]+\.)*[\w]+)#i", "\\1<a rel='external' href='javascript:window.location=\"mai\"+\"lto:\"+\"\\2\"+\"@\"+\"\\3\";self.close();' onmouseover='window.status=\"mai\"+\"lto:\"+\"\\2\"+\"@\"+\"\\3\"; return true;' onmouseout='window.status=\"\";return true;'>".$email_text."</a>", $text);
$text = preg_replace("#(^|[\n ])([\w]+?://[^ \"\n\r\t<,]*)#is", "\\1<a href=\"\\2\" rel=\"external\">\\2</a>", $text);
// $text = preg_replace("#(^|[\n ])((www|ftp)\.[^ \"\t\n\r<,]*)#is", "\\1<a href=\"http://\\2\" rel=\"external\">\\2</a>", $text);
$text = preg_replace("#(^|[\n ])((www|ftp)\.[\w+-]+?\.[\w+\-.]*(?(?=/)(/.+?(?=\s|,\s))|(?=\W)))#is", "\\1<a href=\"http://\\2\" rel=\"external\">\\2</a>", $text);
$text = preg_replace("#([\n ])([a-z0-9\-_.]+?)@([\w\-]+\.([\w\-\.]+\.)*[\w]+)#i", "\\1<a rel='external' href='javascript:window.location=\"mai\"+\"lto:\"+\"\\2\"+\"@\"+\"\\3\";self.close();' onmouseover='window.status=\"mai\"+\"lto:\"+\"\\2\"+\"@\"+\"\\3\"; return true;' onmouseout='window.status=\"\";return true;'>".LAN_EMAIL_SUBS."</a>", $text);
// Convert emoticons to graphical icons, unless modifiers override
if (!$opts['emotes_off'])
if ($pref['smiley_activate'] || $opts['emotes_on'])
if (!is_object($this->e_emote)) {
$this->e_emote = new e_emoteFilter;
$text = $this->e_emote->filterEmotes($text);
// Reduce multiple newlines in all forms to a single newline character, except for embedded scripts and CSS
if (!$opts['nobreak'])
$text = preg_replace("#[\r]*\n[\r]*#", E_NL, $text);
foreach ($embeds[0] as $embed) {
$text = preg_replace("#<\|>#", $embed, $text, 1);
// Restore entity form of quotes and such to single characters, except for text destined for tag attributes or JS.
if (!$opts['value'])
{ // output not used for attribute values.
$text = str_replace($this -> search, $this -> replace, $text);
{ // output used for attribute values.
$text = str_replace($this -> replace, $this -> search, $text);
// Start parse [bb][/bb] codes
if ($parseBB === TRUE)
if (!is_object($this->e_bb)) {
$this->e_bb = new e_bbcode;
$text = $this->e_bb->parseBBCodes($text, $postID);
// End parse [bb][/bb] codes
// profanity filter
if ($pref['profanity_filter']) {
if (!is_object($this->e_pf)) {
$this->e_pf = new e_profanityFilter;
$text = $this->e_pf->filterProfanities($text);
// Optional short-code conversion
if ($opts['parse_sc'])
$text = $this->parseTemplate($text, TRUE);
//Run any hooked in parsers
if (!$opts['no_hook'] && varset($pref['tohtml_hook']))
foreach(explode(",",$pref['tohtml_hook']) as $hook)
if (!is_object($this->e_hook[$hook]))
$hook_class = "e_".$hook;
$this->e_hook[$hook] = new $hook_class;
$text = $this->e_hook[$hook]->$hook($text,$opts['context']);
if (!$opts['nobreak'])
$text = $this -> textclean($text, $wrap);
// Search Highlight
if (!$opts['emotes_off'])
if ($this->checkHighlighting())
$text = $this -> e_highlight($text, $this -> e_query);
$nl_replace = "<br />";
if ($opts['nobreak'])
$nl_replace = '';
elseif ($opts['retain_nl'])
$nl_replace = "\n";
$text = str_replace(E_NL, $nl_replace, $text);
return trim($text);
function toAttribute($text) {
$text = str_replace("&amp;","&",$text); // URLs posted without HTML access may have an &amp; in them.
$text = htmlspecialchars($text); // Xhtml compliance.
if (!preg_match('/&#|\'|"|\(|\)|<|>/s', $text)) {
$text = $this->replaceConstants($text);
return $text;
} else {
return '';
function toJS($stringarray) {
$search = array("\r\n","\r","<br />","'");
$replace = array("\\n","","\\n","\'");
$stringarray = str_replace($search, $replace, $stringarray);
$stringarray = strip_tags($stringarray);
$trans_tbl = get_html_translation_table (HTML_ENTITIES);
$trans_tbl = array_flip ($trans_tbl);
return strtr ($stringarray, $trans_tbl);
function toRss($text,$tags=FALSE)
if($tags != TRUE)
$text = $this -> toHTML($text,TRUE);
$text = strip_tags($text);
$text = $this->toEmail($text);
$search = array("&amp;#039;", "&amp;#036;", "&#039;", "&#036;"," & ", e_BASE, "href='request.php");
$replace = array("'", '$', "'", '$',' &amp; ', SITEURL, "href='".SITEURL."request.php" );
$text = str_replace($search, $replace, $text);
if($tags == TRUE && ($text))
$text = "<![CDATA[".$text."]]>";
return $text;
//Convert specific characters back to original form, for use in storing code (or regex) values in the db.
function toText($text)
$search = array("&amp;#039;", "&amp;#036;", "&#039;", "&#036;", "&#092;", "&amp;#092;");
$replace = array("'", '$', "'", '$', "\\", "\\");
$text = str_replace($search, $replace, $text);
return $text;
// $nonrelative:
// "full" = produce absolute URL path, e.g. http://sitename.com/e107_plugins/etc
// TRUE = produce truncated URL path, e.g. e107plugins/etc
// "" (default) = URL's get relative path e.g. ../e107_plugins/etc
// $all - if TRUE, then
// when $nonrelative is "full" or TRUE, USERID is also replaced...
// when $nonrelative is "" (default), ALL other e107 constants are replaced
// only an ADMIN user can convert {e_ADMIN}
function replaceConstants($text, $nonrelative = "", $all = false)
if($nonrelative != "")
$search = array("{e_BASE}","{e_IMAGE}","{e_PLUGIN}","{e_FILE}","{e_THEME}","{e_DOWNLOAD}");
if (ADMIN) {
$replace_relative[] = $ADMIN_DIRECTORY;
$replace_absolute[] = SITEURL.$ADMIN_DIRECTORY;
$search[] = "{e_ADMIN}";
if ($all) {
if (USER)
{ // Can only replace with valid number for logged in users
$replace_relative[] = USERID;
$replace_absolute[] = USERID;
$replace_relative[] = '';
$replace_absolute[] = '';
$search[] = "{USERID}";
$replace = ((string)$nonrelative == "full" ) ? $replace_absolute : $replace_relative;
return str_replace($search,$replace,$text);
$pattern = ($all ? "#\{([A-Za-z_0-9]*)\}#s" : "#\{(e_[A-Z]*)\}#s");
$text = preg_replace_callback($pattern, array($this, 'doReplace'), $text);
$theme_path = (defined("THEME")) ? constant("THEME") : "";
$text = str_replace("{THEME}",$theme_path,$text);
return $text;
function doReplace($matches)
if(defined($matches[1]) && ($matches[1] != 'e_ADMIN' || ADMIN))
return constant($matches[1]);
return $matches[1];
function createConstants($url,$mode=0){
if($mode == 0) // folder name only.
$tmp = array(
elseif($mode == 1) // relative path
$tmp = array(
foreach($tmp as $key=>$val)
$len = strlen($val);
if(substr($url,0,$len) == $val)
return substr_replace($url,$key,0,$len); // replace the first instance only
return $url;
function e_highlight($text, $match) {
preg_match_all("#<[^>]+>#", $text, $tags);
$text = preg_replace("#<[^>]+>#", "<|>", $text);
$text = preg_replace("#(\b".$match."\b)#i", "<span class='searchhighlight'>\\1</span>", $text);
foreach ($tags[0] as $tag) {
$text = preg_replace("#<\|>#", $tag, $text, 1);
return $text;
function toEmail($text,$posted="",$mods="parse_sc, no_make_clickable")
if ($posted === TRUE && MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC)
$text = stripslashes($text);
$text = ($mods != "rawtext") ? $this->replaceConstants($text,"full") : $text;
$text = $this->toHTML($text,TRUE,$mods);
return $text;