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* e107 website system
* Copyright (C) 2008-2009 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.8/e107_plugins/facebook/facebook_function.php,v $
* $Revision$
* $Date$
* $Author$
if (!defined('e107_INIT'))
require_once (e_PLUGIN.'facebook/facebook-client/facebook.php');
* simple get the Facebook User ID one is logged in!
/*function is_fb()
$fbclient = &facebook_client();
if ($fbclient)
return $fbclient->get_loggedin_user();
catch (FacebookRestClientException $e)
//echo "Facebook connect error:".$e->getCode();
return null;
* Add all infos in the facebook table
* if is specified 'full' , retrieve all Facebook infos otherwise just
* Standard infos: http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Users.getStandardInfo
/*function Add_Facebook_Connect_User($info = '', $user_id) // use AddFacebookData();
$sql = e107::getDb();
$full = array (
'facebook_about_me' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'about_me' ) ,
'facebook_activities' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'activities' ) ,
'facebook_birthday_date' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'birthday_date' ) ,
'facebook_books' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'books' ) ,
'facebook_education_history' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'education_history' ) ,
'facebook_hometown_location' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'hometown_location' ) ,
'facebook_hs_info' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'hs_info' ) ,
'facebook_interests' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'interests' ) ,
'facebook_is_app_user' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'is_app_user' ) ,
'facebook_is_blocked' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'is_blocked' ) ,
'facebook_meeting_for' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'meeting_for' ) ,
'facebook_meeting_sex' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'meeting_sex' ) ,
'facebook_movies' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'movies' ) ,
'facebook_music' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'music' ) ,
'facebook_notes_count' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'notes_count' ) ,
'facebook_pic' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'pic' ) ,
'facebook_pic_with_logo' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'pic_with_logo' ) ,
'facebook_pic_big' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'pic_big' ) ,
'facebook_pic_big_with_logo' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'pic_big_with_logo' ) ,
'facebook_pic_small' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'pic_small' ) ,
'facebook_pic_small_with_logo' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'pic_small_with_logo' ) ,
'facebook_pic_square' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'pic_square' ) ,
'facebook_pic_square_with_logo' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'pic_square_with_logo' ) ,
'facebook_political' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'political' ) ,
'facebook_profile_blurb' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'profile_blurb' ) ,
'facebook_profile_update_time' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'profile_update_time' ) ,
'facebook_quotes' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'quotes' ) ,
'facebook_relationship_status' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'relationship_status' ) ,
'facebook_significant_other_id' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'significant_other_id' ) ,
'facebook_tv' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'tv' ) ,
'facebook_wall_count' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'wall_count' ) ,
'facebook_website' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'website' ) ,
'facebook_religion' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'religion' ) ,
'facebook_work_history' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'work_history' )
) ;
$standard = array('facebook_connected'=>'1', 'facebook_uid'=>is_fb(), 'facebook_user_id'=>$user_id, 'facebook_last_name'=>Get_Facebook_Info('last_name'), 'facebook_username'=>Get_Facebook_Info('username'), 'facebook_name'=>Get_Facebook_Info('name'),
//'facebook_affiliations' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'affiliations' ) ,
'facebook_sex'=>Get_Facebook_Info('sex'), 'facebook_timezone'=>Get_Facebook_Info('timezone'), 'facebook_birthday'=>Get_Facebook_Info('birthday'), 'facebook_profile_url'=>Get_Facebook_Info('profile_url'),
//'facebook_proxied_email' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'proxied_emai' ) ,
'facebook_email_hashes'=>Get_Facebook_Info('email_hashes'), 'facebook_first_name'=>Get_Facebook_Info('first_name'), 'facebook_current_location'=>Get_Facebook_Info('current_location'), 'facebook_locale'=>Get_Facebook_Info('locale'));
$query = $standard;
if (trim($info) == 'full')
$query = array_push($standard, $full);
if(!$sql->db_Select('facebook',"facebook_user_id = ".$user_id))
$sql->db_Insert('facebook', $query);
$query['WHERE'] = "facebook_uid = ".is_fb();
$sql->db_Update('facebook', $query);
* Function for rendering the Facebook Profile once logged in!
/*function Render_Facebook_Profile()
if (is_fb())
$html .= '<div class="welcome_msg">';
$html .= 'Welcome, '.Get_Facebook_Info('name');
$html .= '</div>';
$html .= '<div class="user_image">';
$html .= '<span class="fbimg">';
$html .= getProfilePic(is_fb(), true);
$html .= '</span>';
$html .= '</div>';
//check for User Permission
if (Has_App_Permission('publish_stream') == 0)
$html .= '<div class="facebook_notice">';
$html .= '<fb:prompt-permission perms="read_stream,publish_stream">';
$html .= 'Would you like our application to read from and post to your News Feed?';
$html .= '</fb:prompt-permission>';
$html .= '</div>';
if ( ADMIN )
$html .= '<a href="' . e_ADMIN . 'admin.php">&rarr; Admin Area</a><br />';
$html .= '<br /><a href="' . e_BASE . 'usersettings.php">&rarr; Settings</a><br />';
$html .= '<a href="' . e_BASE . 'user.php?id . ' . USERID . '">&rarr; Profile</a><br />';
$html .= '<div class="facebook_link">';
$html .= '<a href="#" onclick="FB.Connect.logout ( function() { refresh_page() ; } ) "> Logout </a>';
$html .= '</div>';
$html .= '<div class="facebook_link">';
$html .= '<a href="'.e_PLUGIN.'facebook/facebook.php"> Invite Friends</a>';
$html .= '</div>';
return $html;
* Get the facebook client object for easy access.
function facebook_client()
$pref = e107::getPlugConfig('facebook')->getPref();
static $facebook = null;
if ($facebook === null)
$facebook = new Facebook($pref['Facebook_Api-Key'], $pref['Facebook_Secret-Key']);
if (!$facebook)
// Could not create facebook client!
return $facebook;
* since 2009 User Permission Required for Post Stream
* http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Users.hasAppPermission
* $ext_perm = email, read_stream, publish_stream, offline_access, status_update, photo_upload, create_event, rsvp_event, sms, video_upload, create_note, share_item.
* return 0 OR 1
/*function Has_App_Permission($ext_perm)
if (is_fb())
$HasAppPermission = facebook_client()->api_client->users_hasAppPermission($ext_perm, is_fb());
return $HasAppPermission;
* Function for retrieve Facebook info by using his API
* more info: http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/User_ ( FQL )
/*function Get_Facebook_Info($info, $friend = '')
if (is_fb())
$uid = is_fb();
if ($friend != '')
$uid = $friend;
$info_data = facebook_client()->api_client->users_getInfo($uid, $info);
if (! empty($info_data))
$data[$info] = $info_data[0][$info];
if (is_array($data[$info]))
$data[$info] = implode(',', $info_data[0][$info]);
$text = $data[$info] ? $data[$info] : null;
return $text;
* Add new e107 User , by using Facebook Infos
/*function Fb_Connect_Me() // use addFacebookUser
$sql = e107::getDb();
if (!$sql->db_Select("facebook", "*", "facebook_uid = '".is_fb()."' "))
$nickname = username_exists(Get_Facebook_Info('first_name'));
$password = md5(is_fb());
$username = "FacebookUser_".is_fb();
$nid = $sql->db_Insert('user', array('user_name'=>$nickname, 'user_loginname'=>$username, 'user_password'=>$password, 'user_login'=>Get_Facebook_Info('name'), 'user_image'=>Get_Facebook_Info('pic')));
Add_Facebook_Connect_User('', $nid);
// require_once(e_HANDLER.'login.php');
// $usr = new userlogin($row['user_loginname'], md5($row['user_name'].$row['user_password'].$row['user_join']), 'signup', '');
set_cookies($nid, md5($password));
// fb_redirect(e_SELF);
/*function UEID()
$sql = e107::getDb();
$sql->db_Select("facebook", "facebook_uid", "facebook_user_id = ".USERID." LIMIT 1 ");
$row = $sql->db_Fetch();
return $row['facebook_uid'];
* When logging out e107 , simulate a Log-Out from Facebook instead of expire Facebook session!
/*function Fb_LogOut()
$sql = e107::getDb();
//$uid = UEID() ? UEID() : is_fb();
if ($sql->db_Select("facebook", "*", "facebook_connected = '1' AND facebook_user_id = '".USERID."' "))
$row = $sql->db_Fetch();
$sql2 = new db;
$sql2->db_Update("facebook", "facebook_connected = '0' WHERE facebook_uid = '".$facebook_uid."' ");
* Re-Login in e107 without request new Facebook session!
/*function Fb_LogIn()
$sql = new db;
$sql2 = new db;
if ($sql->db_Update("facebook", "facebook_connected = '1' WHERE facebook_uid = '".is_fb()."' "))
else if ($sql2->db_Select("user_extended", "*", "user_plugin_facebook_ID = '".is_fb()."' "))
$row2 = $sql2->db_Fetch();
Add_Facebook_Connect_User('', $user_extended_id);
* check for e107 connection status: 1 = logged In , 0 = logged Out
/*function your_facebook_is()
$uid = is_fb();
return ($uid) ? 'your facebook id is: <b>'.$uid.'</b>' : '';
/*function Get_Connection_Status()
$sql = e107::getDb();
if ($sql->db_Select("facebook", "facebook_connected", "facebook_uid = '".is_fb()."' "))
$row = $sql->db_Fetch();
return $row['facebook_connected'] ? $row['facebook_connected'] : '0';
elseif($sql->db_Select("user_extended", "*", "user_plugin_facebook_ID = '".is_fb()."' "))
$row = $sql->db_Fetch();
return $row['user_extended_id'] ? $row['user_extended_id'] : '0';
return '';
* Ensure e107 and Facebook Are well linked!
/*function Facebook_User_Is_Connected()
$sql = e107::getDb(); //
return ($sql->db_Select("facebook", "*", "facebook_user_id = '".get_id_from_uid(is_fb())."' AND facebook_uid = ".is_fb()." "))? TRUE : FALSE;
* Log out from Facebook by JS
function Facebook_LogOut()
if (is_fb())
onloadRegister('facebook_log_out(); ');
function Delete_Duplicate_Facebook_User()
$sql = e107::getDb();
$id = get_id_from_uid(is_fb());
// $sql->db_Update('user_extended', "user_plugin_facebook_ID = '' WHERE user_extended_id = ".$id." LIMIT 1");
// $sql->db_Delete("user_extended", "user_extended_id='".$id."'");
$sql->db_Delete("facebook", "facebook_uid='".is_fb()."'");
$sql->db_Delete("user", "user_loginname='FacebookUser_".is_fb()."'");
function Switch_Facebook_User()
$sql = e107::getDb();
if (!$sql->db_Insert('facebook', array('facebook_user_id'=>USERID, 'user_plugin_facebook_ID'=>is_fb())))
$sql->db_Update("user_extended", "user_plugin_facebook_ID = '".is_fb()."' WHERE user_extended_id = '".USERID."' ");
$id = get_id_from_uid(is_fb());
// $sql->db_Update("user_extended", "user_plugin_facebook_ID = '' WHERE user_extended_id = '".$id."' ");
$sql->db_Update("facebook", "facebook_user_id = '".USERID."' WHERE facebook_uid = '".is_fb()."' ");
* check for Facebook presence and validation
function single_uid()
$sql = e107::getDb();
$count = $sql->db_Count("facebook", "(*)", "WHERE facebook_uid = '".is_fb()."'");
return $count;
* simple display icon
function fb_icon()
return " <img src=\"".e_PLUGIN."facebook/images/icon_16.png\" alt=\"\" /> ";
* get profile picture by requesting it to Facebook; but we can use also the infos stored in facebook table!
function getProfilePic($uid, $show_logo = false)
return ($uid) ? ('<fb:profile-pic uid="'.$uid.'" size="square" '.($show_logo ? ' facebook-logo="true"' : '').'></fb:profile-pic>') : '<img src="http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/pics/q_default.gif" />';
* get USERID by knowing his Facebook ID
/*function get_id_from_uid($uid)
$sql = e107::getDb();
$sql->db_Select("facebook", "facebook_user_id", "facebook_uid = ".$uid);
$row = $sql->db_Fetch();
return $row['facebook_user_id'];
function render_facebook_init_js($uid)
$sql = e107::getDb();
$pref = e107::getPlugConfig('facebook')->getPref();
$text .= '<script src="http://static.ak.connect.facebook.com/js/api_lib/v0.4/FeatureLoader.js.php" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
FB_RequireFeatures ( [ "XFBML" ], function() {
FB.init ( "'.$pref['Facebook_Api-Key'].'", "'.e_PLUGIN.'facebook/xd_receiver.php" ) ;
} ) ;
<script src="'.e_PLUGIN.'facebook/facebook.js" type="text/javascript"></script>';
$text .= onloadRegister(sprintf("facebook_onload(%s);", ($uid) ? "true" : "false"));
return $text;
* Render a custom button to log in via Facebook.
* When the button is clicked, the Facebook JS library pops up a Connect dialog
* to authenticate the user.
* If the user authenticates the application, the handler specified by the
* onlogin attribute will be triggered.
* @param $size size of the button. one of ( 'small', 'medium', 'large' )
* http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/images/fbconnect/login-buttons/connect_light_medium_long.gif
/*function Render_Facebook_Connect_Button($size = 'medium')
if (!is_fb())
return '<a href="#" onclick="FB.Connect.requireSession(); return false;" ><img id="fb_login_image" src="http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/images/fbconnect/login-buttons/connect_light_medium_long.gif" alt="Connect"/></a>';
return '<fb:login-button '.'size="'.$size.'" background="light" length="long" '.'onlogin="facebook_onlogin_ready();"></fb:login-button>';
* Render pseudo Facebook button when USER logOut from e107
/*function Render_Fcuk_Facebook_Connect_Button()
return '
<div class="welcome_msg">Welcome '.Get_Facebook_Info('name').' !<br /> Click below to Login</div> <br />
<a href="'.e_SELF.'?login">
<img id="fb_login_image" src="'.e_PLUGIN_ABS.'facebook/images/facebooklogin.gif" alt="Click to Login"/></a>
function register_feed_form_js()
* Prevent caching of pages. When the Javascript needs to refresh a page,
* it wants to actually refresh it, so we want to prevent the browser from
* caching them.
function prevent_cache_headers()
header('Cache-Control: private, no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
header('Pragma: no-cache');
* Register a bit of javascript to be executed on page load.
* This is printed in render_footer() , so make sure to include that on all pages.
function onloadRegister($js)
global $onload_js;
$onload_js .= $js;
* expire Facebook session = logOut
* not used yet!
function fb_expire_session()
$fbclient = &facebook_client();
if ($fbclient && $fbclient->get_loggedin_user() != "")
catch (Exception $e)
//nothing, probably an expired session
* Simple get the user message status while connected
function Get_Fecebook_Status($uid)
return ($uid) ? '<fb:user-status uid="'.$uid.'" ></fb:user-status>' : '';
* Simple render invitation link
function Render_Invite_Friends_Link()
return ' <a href="javascript;" onclick="FB.Connect.inviteConnectUsers();'.' return false;">&rarr; Invite them to Connect.</a> ';
function Render_Fun_Box($stream, $connections, $width)
$pref = e107::getPlugConfig('facebook')->getPref();
return '<fb:fan profile_id="'.$pref['Facebook_App-Bundle'].'" stream="'.$stream.'" connections="'.$connections.'" width="'.$width.'"></fb:fan><div style="font-size:8px; padding-left:10px"><a href="'.e_PLUGIN.'facebook">e107fbconnect</a> on Facebook</div>';
* Display list of Friends that are not Invited yet
* Make the API call to register the feed forms. This is a setup call that only
* needs to be made once.
function register_feed_forms()
$one_line_stories = $short_stories = $full_stories = array();
$one_line_stories[] = '{*actor*} went for a {*distance*} run at {*location*} . ';
$form_id = facebook_client()->api_client->feed_registerTemplateBundle($one_line_stories);
return $form_id;
* Prevent duplicate user while adding new user using Facebook
function username_exists($user)
$sql = e107::getDb();
$sql2 = e107::getDb('sql2');
if ($sql->db_Select("user", "user_loginname", "user_loginname = '$user' "))
$count = $sql2->db_Count("user", "(*)", "WHERE $name LIKE '$user%' ");
$num = $count + 1;
return username_exists($user.$num);
return $user;
* Set Login cookies
/*function set_cookies($id, $pwd)
$pref = e107::getConfig()->getPref();
$cockiename = $pref['cookie_name'] ? $pref['cookie_name'] : 'e107cookie';
$cookieval = $id.".".$pwd;
if ($pref['user_tracking'] == 'session')
$_SESSION[$cockiename] = $cookieval;
cookie($cockiename, $cookieval, (time() + 3600 * 24 * 30));
return $_SESSION[$cockiename];
* just like get_user_info but for all e107 table
* not used yet!
/*function get_info($info, $uid)
$sql = e107::getDb();
if ($sql->db_Select("user", "*", "user_id = '$uid'"))
$row = $sql->db_Fetch();
return $row[$info];
return false;
/*function Log_In_Registered_User() // use e107Login
if (!USERID)
$uid = get_id_from_uid(is_fb());
set_cookies(get_info('user_id', $uid), md5(get_info('user_password', $uid)));
* Simple get last Registered User added by Facebook
/*function last_user()
$sql = new db;
$qry = "SELECT
user_id = (SELECT MAX(user_id)
) ";
$row = $sql->db_Fetch();
return $row['user_id'];
function fb_redirect($loc)
// Stops endless loop issues.
header('Content-Length: 0');
class e_facebook
public $fb_uid;
public $e107_userid;
public $fb_loggedIn;
function __construct()
$this->fb_uid = $this->getFacebookId();
$this->e107_userid = $this->getUserId($this->fb_uid);
// echo "UID=".$this->fb_uid;
// echo "<br />e107=".$this->e107_userid;
function getUserId($uid)
$sql = e107::getDb();
if($sql->db_Select("facebook", "facebook_user_id", "facebook_uid = ".$this->fb_uid))
$row = $sql->db_Fetch();
return $row['facebook_user_id'];
return FALSE;
function getFacebookId()
$fbclient = &facebook_client();
if ($fbclient)
if($fbclient->get_loggedin_user()): //prevent session expire error.
try {
$fbid = $fbclient->api_client->fql_query('SELECT uid FROM user WHERE uid = ' . $fbclient->get_loggedin_user());
} catch (Exception $ex) {
// echo "fbid=".print_a($fbid);
return $fbid[0]['uid'];
//return $fbclient->get_loggedin_user();
catch (FacebookRestClientException $e)
//echo "Facebook connect error:".$e->getCode();
return null;
function addFacebookUser()
$sql = e107::getDb();
if (!$sql->db_Select("facebook", "*", "facebook_uid = '".$this->fb_uid."' "))
$nickname = username_exists($this->fb_getUserData('first_name'));
$password = md5($this->fb_uid.time());
$username = "FacebookUser_".$this->fb_uid;
$insert = array(
'user_name' => $nickname,
'user_loginname' => $username,
'user_password' => $password,
'user_login' => $this->fb_getUserData('name'),
'user_join' => time(),
'user_image' => $this->fb_getUserData('pic')
if($this->e107_userid = $sql->db_Insert('user',$insert))
e107::getEvent()->trigger('usersup', $insert);
//FIXME - if user_name is already taken by another user, insert will fail.
$query = $this->prepareUserData('', $this->e107_userid);
if(!$sql->db_Select('facebook',"facebook_user_id = ".$user_id))
if($sql->db_Insert('facebook', $query))
e107::getEvent()->trigger('fb_usersignup', $query);
$query['WHERE'] = "facebook_uid = ".$this->fb_uid;
if($sql->db_Update('facebook', $query))
e107::getEvent()->trigger('fb_userupdate', $query);
else // Update existing Facebook Record to use current e107 account and delete other 'facebook' e107 user-account from e107.
$sql->db_Update("facebook", "facebook_user_id = ".USERID.", facebook_connected =1 WHERE facebook_uid = ".$this->fb_uid." LIMIT 1 ");
if($sql->db_Select("user","user_loginname = 'FacebookUser_".$this->fb_uid."' "))
$data = $sql->db_Fetch();
if($sql->db_Delete("user","user_loginname = 'FacebookUser_".$this->fb_uid."' "))
function isLoggedIn()
$sql = e107::getDb();
if ($sql->db_Select("facebook", "facebook_connected", "facebook_uid = ".$this->fb_uid." LIMIT 1"))
$row = $sql->db_Fetch();
return $row['facebook_connected'] ? $row['facebook_connected'] : '0';
return '';
function redirect($loc)
// Stops endless loop issues.
header('Content-Length: 0');
function e107Login()
if (!USERID && $this->e107_userid)
$sql = e107::getDb();
if ($sql->db_Select("user", "user_loginname,user_name,user_password,user_join", "user_id = ".$this->e107_userid." LIMIT 1 "))
$this->fb_loggedIn = TRUE;
$row = $sql->db_Fetch();
$usr = new userlogin($row['user_loginname'], md5($row['user_name'].$row['user_password'].$row['user_join']), 'signup', '');
* Return an Array suitable for insertion into the 'facebook' db table.
* @param string $info [optional]
* @param integer $user_id
* @return array
//FIXME arguments order. $user_id looks mandatory whereas $info is optionnal
function prepareUserData($info = '', $user_id)
/* $full = array (
'facebook_about_me' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'about_me' ) ,
'facebook_activities' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'activities' ) ,
'facebook_birthday_date' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'birthday_date' ) ,
'facebook_books' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'books' ) ,
'facebook_education_history' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'education_history' ) ,
'facebook_hometown_location' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'hometown_location' ) ,
'facebook_hs_info' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'hs_info' ) ,
'facebook_interests' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'interests' ) ,
'facebook_is_app_user' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'is_app_user' ) ,
'facebook_is_blocked' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'is_blocked' ) ,
'facebook_meeting_for' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'meeting_for' ) ,
'facebook_meeting_sex' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'meeting_sex' ) ,
'facebook_movies' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'movies' ) ,
'facebook_music' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'music' ) ,
'facebook_notes_count' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'notes_count' ) ,
'facebook_pic' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'pic' ) ,
'facebook_pic_with_logo' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'pic_with_logo' ) ,
'facebook_pic_big' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'pic_big' ) ,
'facebook_pic_big_with_logo' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'pic_big_with_logo' ) ,
'facebook_pic_small' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'pic_small' ) ,
'facebook_pic_small_with_logo' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'pic_small_with_logo' ) ,
'facebook_pic_square' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'pic_square' ) ,
'facebook_pic_square_with_logo' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'pic_square_with_logo' ) ,
'facebook_political' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'political' ) ,
'facebook_profile_blurb' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'profile_blurb' ) ,
'facebook_profile_update_time' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'profile_update_time' ) ,
'facebook_quotes' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'quotes' ) ,
'facebook_relationship_status' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'relationship_status' ) ,
'facebook_significant_other_id' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'significant_other_id' ) ,
'facebook_tv' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'tv' ) ,
'facebook_wall_count' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'wall_count' ) ,
'facebook_website' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'website' ) ,
'facebook_religion' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'religion' ) ,
'facebook_work_history' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'work_history' )
) ; */
$fields = array(
$user = facebook_client()->api_client->users_getInfo($this->fb_uid, $fields);
$userData = $user[0];
$standard = array(
'facebook_connected' => 1,
'facebook_uid' => $this->fb_uid,
'facebook_user_id' => $user_id,
'facebook_last_name' => $userData['last_name'],
'facebook_username' => $userData['username'],
'facebook_name' => $userData['name'],
'facebook_sex' => $userData['sex'],
'facebook_timezone' => $userData['timezone'],
'facebook_birthday' => $userData['birthday'],
'facebook_profile_url' => $userData['profile_url'],
'facebook_email_hashes' => $userData['email_hashes'],
'facebook_first_name' => $userData['first_name'],
'facebook_current_location' => implode(",",$userData['current_location']),
'facebook_locale' => $userData['locale']
// 'facebook_affiliations' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'affiliations' ) ,
// 'facebook_proxied_email' => Get_Facebook_Info ( 'proxied_emai' ) ,
$dataArray = $standard;
if (trim($info) == 'full')
$dataArray = array_push($standard, $full);
return $dataArray;
* Render a custom button to log in via Facebook.
* When the button is clicked, the Facebook JS library pops up a Connect dialog
* to authenticate the user.
* If the user authenticates the application, the handler specified by the
* onlogin attribute will be triggered.
* @param $size size of the button. one of ( 'small', 'medium', 'large' )
* http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/images/fbconnect/login-buttons/connect_light_medium_long.gif
function fb_renderConnectButton($size = 'medium')
if (!$this->fb_uid)
/* return '<a href="#" onclick="FB.Connect.requireSession(); return false;" ><img id="fb_login_image" src="http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/images/fbconnect/login-buttons/connect_light_medium_long.gif" alt="Connect"/></a>';*/
return '<fb:login-button '.'size="'.$size.'" background="light" length="long" '.'onlogin="facebook_onlogin_ready();"></fb:login-button>';
function Render_Fcuk_Facebook_Connect_Button()
return '
<div class="welcome_msg">Welcome '.$this->fb_getUserData('name').' !<br /> Click below to Login</div> <br />
<a href="'.e_SELF.'?login">
<img id="fb_login_image" src="'.e_PLUGIN_ABS.'facebook/images/facebooklogin.gif" alt="Click to Login"/></a>
* since 2009 User Permission Required for Post Stream
* http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Users.hasAppPermission
* $ext_perm = email, read_stream, publish_stream, offline_access, status_update, photo_upload, create_event, rsvp_event, sms, video_upload, create_note, share_item.
* return 0 OR 1
function fb_hasAppPerms($ext_perm)
if ($this->fb_uid)
$HasAppPermission = facebook_client()->api_client->users_hasAppPermission($ext_perm, $this->fb_uid);
return $HasAppPermission;
function fb_renderProfile()
if ($this->fb_uid)
// $info_data = facebook_client()->api_client->users_getInfo($this->fb_uid, $info);
//TODO needs template in a separate file.
// $firstName=$user_details[0]['first_name'];
// $lastName=$user_details[0]['last_name'];
// $email=$user_details[0]['proxied_email'];
/* $html .= '<div class="welcome_msg">';
$html .= 'Welcome, '.$this->fb_getUserData('name');
$html .= '</div>';
$html .= '<div class="user_image">';
$html .= '<span class="fbimg">';
$html .= getProfilePic($this->fb_uid, true);
$html .= '</span>';
$html .= '</div>';*/
$html .= "<table style='width:100%'>
<td>".getProfilePic($this->fb_uid, true)."</td>
<td>Welcome ".$this->fb_getUserData('name')."</td>
//check for User Permission
if ($this->fb_hasAppPerms('publish_stream') == 0)
$html .= '<div class="facebook_notice">';
$html .= '<fb:prompt-permission perms="read_stream,publish_stream">';
$html .= 'Would you like our application to read from and post to your News Feed?';
$html .= '</fb:prompt-permission>';
$html .= '</div>';
if ( ADMIN )
$html .= '<a href="' . e_ADMIN . 'admin.php">&rarr; Admin Area</a><br />';
$html .= '<br /><a href="' . e_BASE . 'usersettings.php">&rarr; Settings</a><br />';
$html .= '<a href="' . e_BASE . 'user.php?id . ' . USERID . '">&rarr; Profile</a><br />';
$html .= '<div class="facebook_link">';
$html .= '<a href="#" onclick="FB.Connect.logout ( function() { refresh_page() ; } ) "> Logout </a>';
$html .= '</div>';
$html .= '<div class="facebook_link">';
$html .= '<a href="'.e_PLUGIN.'facebook/facebook.php"> Invite Friends</a>';
$html .= '</div>';
return $html;
* Function for retrieve Facebook info by using his API
* more info: http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/User_ ( FQL )
function fb_getUserData($info, $friend = '')
if ($this->fb_uid)
$uid = $this->fb_uid;
if ($friend != '')
$uid = $friend;
$info_data = facebook_client()->api_client->users_getInfo($uid, $info);
if (! empty($info_data))
$data[$info] = $info_data[0][$info];
if (is_array($data[$info]))
$data[$info] = implode(',', $info_data[0][$info]);
$text = $data[$info] ? $data[$info] : null;
return $text;
function fb_login()
$sql = e107::getDb();
if ($sql->db_Update("facebook", "facebook_connected = '1' WHERE facebook_uid = ".$this->fb_uid))
$this->e107Login(); // Log_In_Registered_User(); // log in to e107.
$this->addFacebookUser(); // not found, so create a new facebook user.
// fb_redirect(e_SELF);
function isConnected()
return (vartrue($this->fb_uid) && vartrue($this->e107_userid)) ? TRUE : FALSE;
function fb_logout()
// echo "UID not Found";
$sql = e107::getDb();
$sql->db_Update("facebook", "facebook_connected = '0' WHERE facebook_uid = ".$this->fb_uid." ");
function fb_connect()
global $pref;
if (!vartrue($pref['user_reg']))
if (ADMIN)
$html = "User Registration is turned off.";
return $html;
$fb_pref = e107::getPlugConfig('facebook')->getPref();
if (!vartrue($fb_pref['Facebook_Api-Key']) || !vartrue($fb_pref['Facebook_Secret-Key']))
return "FB Not Configured";
if (USER) // Logged In.
if (USERID == $this->e107_userid)
if ($this->isConnected() === true)
$html .= $this->fb_renderProfile();
$html .= $this->Render_Connect_Invite_Friends();
$html .= $this->uid_check();
if ($this->fb_uid && $this->uid_exists())
echo "This shouldn't occur";
//Add_Facebook_Connect_User('', USERID);
// header('Location:'.e_SELF);
else if ($this->fb_uid && (USERID != $this->e107_userid))
//return Facebook_LogOut();
return $this->uid_check();
if (!$this->isLoggedIn() && ($this->isConnected() === true))
$html .= $this->uid_check();
// $html .= Render_Facebook_Connect_Button();
else // Not Logged Into e107 yet.
if ($this->fb_uid)
if ($this->isLoggedIn() == '')
$html .= '<a href="#" onclick="facebook_onlogin_ready();">
<img id="fb_login_image" src="http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/images/fbconnect/login-buttons/connect_light_medium_long.gif" alt="Connect" />
// Fb_Connect_Me();
else if ($this->isLoggedIn() == 1)
//not a real error! just some problem with Facebook ID
$html .= 'Ops... Some error Occur';
// Facebook table is marked as 'connected' but you are logged out of e107
// No e107 account was created for the new FB user.
else if ($this->isLoggedIn() == 0)
// $html .= Render_Fcuk_Facebook_Connect_Button();
$html .= $this->Render_Fcuk_Facebook_Connect_Button();
$html .= $this->fb_renderConnectButton();
return $html;
function uid_exists()
$sql = e107::getDb();
if ($sql->db_Select("facebook", "*", "facebook_user_id = ".USERID." AND facebook_uid = ".$this->fb_uid." LIMIT 1"))
return USERID;
// $row = $sql->db_Fetch();
// return $row['user_extended_id'];
return null;
function uid_check()
$sql = e107::getDb();
if (!$sql->db_Select("facebook", "*", "facebook_user_id = ".USERID." "))
return "<div class='facebook_link'><a href='".e_SELF."?facebook_link' title='click here'>Link ".SITENAME." account with Facebook</a> </div>";
// <div class='fb_green'>".your_facebook_is()."</div>";
return '<a href="#" onclick="facebook_onlogin_ready();">
<img id="fb_login_image" src="http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/images/fbconnect/login-buttons/connect_light_medium_long.gif" alt="Connect" />
$msg = "";
if ($sql->db_Select("facebook", "*", "facebook_uid = '".is_fb()."' AND facebook_user_id != ".USERID." "))
// header ( 'Location: ' . e_SELF ) ;
$msg .= "<div class='facebook_notice'><a href='".e_SELF."?facebook_switch' title='switch user'>would you like to use facebook with this account? press this link!</a></div>";
$msg .= "<div class='facebook_notice'><a href='".e_SELF."?facebook_delete' title='delete user'>would you like to delete this facebook account? press this link!</a></div>";
else if($sql->db_Select("user_extended", "*", "user_plugin_facebook_ID != '".is_fb()."' AND user_plugin_facebook_ID != '' "))
$msg .= "<div class='facebook_notice'><a href='".e_SELF."?facebook_link' title='click here'>The provided Facebook ID is wrong!</a> </div> <div class='fb_green'>".your_facebook_is()."</div>";
else if($sql->db_Select("user_extended", "*", "user_plugin_facebook_ID = '' "))
$msg .= "<div class='facebook_notice'><a href='usersettings.php' title='click here'>Specify your Facebook ID in the Profile Settings! </a></div><div class='fb_green'>".your_facebook_is()."</div>";
$msg .= '<a href="#" onclick="facebook_onlogin_ready();">
<img id="fb_login_image" src="http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/images/fbconnect/login-buttons/connect_light_medium_long.gif" alt="Connect" />
return $msg;*/
function Render_Connect_Invite_Friends()
//$friends = facebook_client()->api_client->friends_get() ;
//$has_existing_friends = count ( $friends ) ;
//$more = $has_existing_friends?' more':'';
$num = '<fb:unconnected-friends-count></fb:unconnected-friends-count>';
if ($num > 0)
//$one_friend_text = 'You have one' . $more . ' Facebook friend that also join on ' . SITENAME;
//$multiple_friends_text = 'You have ' . $num.$more . ' Facebook friends that also join on ' . SITENAME;
//$invite_link = '<a onclick="FB.Connect.inviteConnectUsers() ; return false;">Invite them to Connect.</a>';
//$html = '';
$html .= '<fb:container class="HideUntilElementReady" condition="FB.XFBML.Operator.equals ( FB.XFBML.Context.singleton.get_unconnectedFriendsCount() , 1 ) " >';
$html .= '</fb:container>';
$html .= '<fb:container class="HideUntilElementReady" condition="FB.XFBML.Operator.greaterThan ( FB.XFBML.Context.singleton.get_unconnectedFriendsCount() , 1 ) " >';
$html .= '<a onclick="FB.Connect.inviteConnectUsers() ; return false;">Invite them to Connect.</a>';
$html .= '</fb:container>';
return $html;
* Render Facebook User Friends who use this website.
//TODO move to shortcode, and just put shortcode inside the fb_friends Menu.
// parms for =online and =offline
function Render_Facebook_Friends_Table()
$sql = e107::getDb();
$fb_friends = facebook_client()->api_client->friends_get();
$fb_this_site_online = array();
$fb_this_site_offline = array();
//TODO Cache
while($row = $sql->db_Fetch())
$fb_this_site_online[] = $row['facebook_uid'];
$fb_this_site_offline[] = $row['facebook_uid'];
$friends_online = array_intersect($fb_this_site_online,$fb_friends);
$friends_offline = array_intersect($fb_this_site_offline,$fb_friends);
$text = $this->renderFriendImgList($friends_online,'Online');
$text .= $this->renderFriendImgList($friends_offline,'Offline');
return $text;
function renderFriendImgList($friends,$caption='')
if (is_array($friends) && !empty($friends))
$html .= "<div>
<div class='fcaption'>".$caption."</div>";
foreach ($friends as $friend)
if ($friend)
$html .= '<div style="margin:0;width:50px;height:50px;padding-top:10px;padding-right:5px;float:left">'.getProfilePic($friend).'</div>';
$html .= "<div style='clear:both;margin-bottom:10px'><!-- --></div>
return $html;
return '';