mirror of https://github.com/e107inc/e107.git synced 2025-02-07 07:47:59 +01:00
2008-12-21 12:53:11 +00:00

1012 lines
28 KiB

* e107 website system
* Copyright (C) 2001-2008 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* Administration Area - Site Links
* $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.8/e107_admin/links.php,v $
* $Revision: 1.19 $
* $Date: 2008-12-21 12:53:11 $
* $Author: secretr $
require_once ('../class2.php');
$e_sub_cat = 'links';
$tp = new e_parse();
// ----- Presets.----------
require_once (e_HANDLER."preset_class.php");
$pst = new e_preset();
$pst->form = "core-links-edit-form";
$pst->page = "links.php?create";
$pst->id = "admin_links";
require_once ('auth.php');
// --------------------
require_once (e_HANDLER.'userclass_class.php');
require_once (e_HANDLER.'form_handler.php');
require_once (e_HANDLER."ren_help.php");
$rs = new form();
$linkpost = new links();
$emessage = &eMessage::getInstance();
$action = '';
$tmp = explode('.', e_QUERY);
$action = $tmp[0];
$sub_action = varset($tmp[1], '');
$id = varset($tmp[2], '');
define("URL_SEPARATOR", 'X'); // Used in names of 'inc' and 'dec' fields
$incdec_action = '';
foreach(array_keys($_POST) as $k)
if(preg_match("#(.*?)_delete_(\d+)(.*)#", $k, $matches))
$delete = $matches[1];
$del_id = $matches[2];
} elseif(!$incdec_action && (preg_match("#^(inc|dec)".URL_SEPARATOR."(\d+)".URL_SEPARATOR."(\d+)_[x|y]#", $k, $matches)))
$incdec_action = $matches[1];
$linkid = intval($matches[2]);
$link_order = intval($matches[3]);
if(isset($_POST['generate_sublinks']) && isset($_POST['sublink_type']) && $_POST['sublink_parent'] != "")
$subtype = $_POST['sublink_type'];
$sublink = $linkpost->sublink_list($subtype);
$sql2 = new db();
$sql->db_Select("links", "*", "link_id = '".$_POST['sublink_parent']."'");
$par = $sql->db_Fetch();
$sql->db_Select($sublink['table'], "*", $sublink['query']);
$count = 1;
while($row = $sql->db_Fetch())
$subcat = $row[($sublink['fieldid'])];
$name = $row[($sublink['fieldname'])];
$subname = $name; // eliminate old embedded hierarchy from names. (e.g. 'submenu.TopName.name')
$suburl = str_replace("#", $subcat, $sublink['url']);
$subicon = ($sublink['fieldicon']) ? $row[($sublink['fieldicon'])] : $link_button;
$subdiz = ($sublink['fielddiz']) ? $row[($sublink['fielddiz'])] : $link_description;
$subparent = $_POST['sublink_parent'];
if($sql2->db_Insert("links", "0, '$subname', '$suburl', '$subdiz', '$subicon', '$link_category', '$count', '$subparent', '$link_open', '$link_class' "))
$message .= LAN_CREATED." ({$name})[!br!]";
$emessage->add(LAN_CREATED." ({$name})", E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS);
} else
$message .= LAN_CREATED_FAILED." ({$name})[!br!]";
$emessage->add(LAN_CREATED_FAILED." ({$name})", E_MESSAGE_ERROR);
sitelinks_adminlog('01', $message); // 'Sublinks generated'
if($incdec_action == 'inc')
$sql->db_Update("links", "link_order=link_order+1 WHERE link_order='".intval($link_order - 1)."'");
$sql->db_Update("links", "link_order=link_order-1 WHERE link_id='".intval($linkid)."'");
sitelinks_adminlog('02', 'Id: '.$linkid);
elseif($incdec_action == 'dec')
$sql->db_Update("links", "link_order=link_order-1 WHERE link_order='".intval($link_order + 1)."'");
$sql->db_Update("links", "link_order=link_order+1 WHERE link_id='".intval($linkid)."'");
sitelinks_adminlog('03', 'Id: '.$linkid);
foreach($_POST['link_order'] as $loid)
$tmp = explode(".", $loid);
$sql->db_Update("links", "link_order=".intval($tmp[1])." WHERE link_id=".intval($tmp[0]));
foreach($_POST['link_class'] as $lckey => $lcid)
$sql->db_Update("links", "link_class='".$lcid."' WHERE link_id=".intval($lckey));
sitelinks_adminlog('04', '');
$changed = FALSE;
foreach(array('linkpage_screentip', 'sitelinks_expandsub') as $opt)
$temp = intval($_POST[$opt]);
if($temp != $pref[$opt])
$pref[$opt] = $temp;
$changed = TRUE;
sitelinks_adminlog('05', $pref['linkpage_screentip'].','.$pref['sitelinks_expandsub']);
$emessage->add(LCLAN_1, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS);
// Nothing changed
if($delete == 'main')
if($sql->db_Select("links", "link_id, link_name, link_order, link_parent", "link_id=".intval($del_id)))
$row = $sql->db_Fetch();
$linkpost->delete_link($row); // Admin logging in class routine
$linkpost->submit_link($sub_action, $_POST['link_id']);
$linkArray = $linkpost->getLinks();
if($action == 'create')
$linkpost->create_link($sub_action, $id);
if(!e_QUERY || $action == 'main')
if($action == 'debug')
if($action == 'opt')
if($action == "sublinks")
require_once ('footer.php');
// End ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class links
var $link_total;
var $aIdOptPrep, $aIdOptData, $aIdOptTest;
var $debug_dis = FALSE;
function getLinks()
global $sql;
if($this->link_total = $sql->db_Select("links", "*", "ORDER BY link_category,link_order, link_id ASC", "nowhere"))
while($row = $sql->db_Fetch())
$ret[$row['link_parent']][] = $row;
return $ret;
function linkName($text)
// This function is ONLY needed for link databases that have been upgraded from
// before 0.7+ -- all new link collections make use of link_parent instead
// of hierarchy embedded in the link_name. (Unfortunately, the upgraded
// data still includes embedded coding.)
if(substr($text, 0, 8) == "submenu.") // for backwards compatibility only.
$tmp = explode(".", $text);
case 3: // submenu.parent.node
$tmp = $tmp[2];
case 5: // submenu.parent.midlev.child.node
$tmp = $tmp[4];
case 2: // submenu.parent (invalid?)
$parentLen = strlen($tmp[1]);
$tmp = substr($text, 8 + $parentLen + 1); // Skip submenu.parent.
return $tmp;
return $text;
function dropdown($curval = "", $lid = 0, $indent = 0)
{ // Drop-down list using on the parent_id. :)
global $linkArray, $id, $sub_action;
if(0 == $indent)
$ret = "<option value=''>".LINKLAN_3."</option>\n";
foreach($linkArray[$lid] as $l)
$s = ($l['link_id'] == $curval ? " selected='selected' " : "");
$thename = $this->linkName($l['link_name']);
// prevent making self the parent.
if($l['link_id'] == $id)
$thename = "(".$thename.")";
if($sub_action == "sub")
$thelink = ($l['link_id'] != $lid) ? $l['link_id'] : $l['link_parent'];
$thelink = ($l['link_id'] != $id) ? $l['link_id'] : $l['link_parent'];
$ret .= "<option value='".$thelink."' {$s}>".str_pad("", $indent * 36, "&nbsp;").$thename." </option>\n";
if(array_key_exists($l['link_id'], $linkArray))
$ret .= $this->dropdown($curval, $l['link_id'], $indent + 1);
return $ret;
function existing($id = 0, $level = 0)
global $linkArray;
$ret = "";
foreach($linkArray[$id] as $l)
$s = ($l['link_parent'] == $curval ? " selected='selected' " : "");
$ret .= $this->display_row($l, $level);
if(array_key_exists($l['link_id'], $linkArray))
$ret .= $this->existing($l['link_id'], $level + 1);
return $ret;
function show_existing_items($dbg_display = FALSE)
global $sql, $rs, $e107, $tp, $linkArray, $emessage;
$this->debug_dis = $dbg_display;
$this->prepIdOpts(); // Prepare the options list for all links
$text = $rs->form_open("post", e_SELF, "myform_{$link_id}", "", "");
$text .= "
<fieldset id='core-links-list-1'>
<legend class='e-hideme'>".LCLAN_12.": 1</legend>
<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' class='adminlist'>
<col style='width: 5%' />
<col style='width: 60%' />
<col style='width: 15%' />
<col style='width: 10%' />
<col style='width: 5%' />
<col style='width: 5%' />
<th class='center'>".LCLAN_89."</th>
<th class='center'>".LAN_OPTIONS."</th>
<th class='center'>".LCLAN_95."</th>
<th class='center'>".LCLAN_91."</th>
<th class='center last'>".LAN_ORDER."</th>
$text .= $this->existing(0);
$text .= "
<div class='buttons-bar center'>
<button class='update' type='submit' name='update' value='".LAN_UPDATE."'><span>".LAN_UPDATE."</span></button>
$text .= $rs->form_close();
$text .= "<div class='center'>".LCLAN_61."</div>";
$e107->ns->tablerender(LCLAN_8, $emessage->render().$text);
function prepIdOpts()
for($a = 1; $a <= $this->link_total; $a++)
$sTxt = "".$a;
$this->aIdOptData[] = array('val' => '|||.'.$a, 'txt' => $sTxt); // Later, ||| becomes Id
$this->aIdOptTest[] = $sTxt;
$this->aIdOptPrep = $this->prepOpts($this->aIdOptData);
function display_row($row2, $indent = FALSE)
global $sql, $rs, $tp, $linkArray, $previous_cat, $imode;
if($link_category > 1 && $link_category != $previous_cat)
$text .= "
<fieldset id='core-links-list-".$link_category."'>
<legend class='e-hideme'>".LCLAN_12.": ".$link_category."</legend>
<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' class='adminlist'>
<col style='width: 5%' />
<col style='width: 60%' />
<col style='width: 15%' />
<col style='width: 10%' />
<col style='width: 5%' />
<col style='width: 5%' />
<th class='center'>".LCLAN_89."</th>
<th>".LCLAN_15." (".LCLAN_12.": ".$link_category.")</th>
<th class='center'>".LAN_OPTIONS."</th>
<th class='center'>".LCLAN_95."</th>
<th class='center'>".LCLAN_91."</th>
<th class='center last'>".LAN_ORDER."</th>
$previous_cat = $link_category;
if(strpos($link_name, "submenu.") !== FALSE || $link_parent != 0) // 'submenu' for upgrade compatibility only.
$link_name = $this->linkName($link_name);
$link_name .= ' ['.$link_url.']';
$subimage = "<img class='icon S16' src='".e_IMAGE_ABS."admin_images/sublink.png' alt='' />";
$subspacer = ($indent > 1) ? " style='padding-left: ".(($indent - 1) * 16)."px'" : "";
$text .= "
<td title='".$link_description."'>
$text .= $link_button ? "<img class='icon S16' src='".e_IMAGE_ABS."icons/".$link_button."' alt='' /> " : "";
$text .= "
<td title='".$link_description."'".$subspacer.">
".$subimage." ".$link_name."
$text .= "
<td class='center'>
<a href='".e_SELF."?create.sub.{$link_id}'><img class='icon action S16' src='".e_IMAGE_ABS."admin_images/sublink_16.png' title='".LINKLAN_10."' alt='".LINKLAN_10."' /></a>&nbsp;
<a href='".e_SELF."?create.edit.{$link_id}'>".ADMIN_EDIT_ICON."</a>&nbsp;
<input class='action delete' type='image' name='main_delete_{$link_id}' src='".ADMIN_DELETE_ICON_PATH."' title='".$tp->toJS(LCLAN_58." [ $link_name ]")."' />
<td>".r_userclass("link_class[".$link_id."]", $link_class, "off", "public,guest,nobody,member,admin,classes")."</td>
<td class='center'>
$name_suffix = URL_SEPARATOR.$link_id.URL_SEPARATOR.$link_order;
$text .= "
<input name='inc".$name_suffix."' type='image' src='".e_IMAGE."admin_images/up.png' title='".LCLAN_30."' />
<input name='dec".$name_suffix."' type='image' src='".e_IMAGE."admin_images/down.png' title='".LCLAN_31."' />
<select name='link_order[]' class='tbox select order'>\n
$text .= $this->genOpts($this->aIdOptPrep, $this->aIdOptTest, $link_order, $link_id);
$text .= "
return $text;
function show_message($message)
global $ns;
$ns->tablerender(LAN_UPDATE, "<div style='text-align:center'><b>".$message."</b></div>");
// Show the form for link create/edit
function create_link($sub_action, $id)
global $sql, $e107, $pst, $tp, $emessage;
$preset = $pst->read_preset("admin_links");
if($sub_action == "edit" && !$_POST['submit'])
if($sql->db_Select("links", "*", "link_id='$id' "))
$row = $sql->db_Fetch();
if("sub" == $sub_action)
$link_parent = $id;
if(strpos($link_name, "submenu.") !== FALSE)
{ // 'submenu' for upgrade compatibility only.
$link_name = $this->linkName($link_name);
require_once (e_HANDLER."file_class.php");
$fl = new e_file();
if($iconlist = $fl->get_files(e_IMAGE."icons/", '\.jpg|\.gif|\.png|\.JPG|\.GIF|\.PNG'))
$text = "
<form method='post' action='".e_SELF."' id='core-links-edit-form'>
<fieldset id='core-links-edit'>
<legend class='e-hideme'>".LCLAN_29."</legend>
<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' class='adminform'>
<colgroup span='2'>
<col class='col-label'></col>
<col class='col-control'></col>
<td class='label'>".LINKLAN_2."</td>
<td class='control'>
<select class='tbox select' name='link_parent' >
<td class='label'>".LCLAN_15.": </td>
<td class='control'>
<input class='tbox input-text' type='text' name='link_name' size='60' value='{$link_name}' maxlength='100' />
<td class='label'>".LCLAN_16.": </td>
<td class='control'>
<input class='tbox input-text' type='text' name='link_url' size='60' value='".$tp->replaceConstants($link_url, TRUE)."' maxlength='200' />
".((e_MENU == "debug") ? $link_url : "")."
<td class='label'>".LCLAN_17.": </td>
<td class='control'>
<textarea class='tbox textarea' id='link_description' name='link_description' cols='70' rows='5' onselect='storeCaret(this);' onclick='storeCaret(this);' onkeyup='storeCaret(this)'>".$tp->toForm($link_description)."</textarea>
<br/>".display_help("helpb", "admin")."
<td class='label'>".LCLAN_18.": </td>
<td class='control'>
<input class='tbox input-text' type='text' id='link_button' name='link_button' size='42' value='{$link_button}' maxlength='100' />
<button class='submit' type='button' value='".LCLAN_39."' onclick='e107Helper.toggle(\"linkicn\")'><span>".LCLAN_39."</span></button>
<div id='linkicn' class='e-hideme'>
<div class='expand-container'>
//SecretR - more nice view
$tmp = array('_16', '_32', '_48', '_64', '_128');
$tmp1 = array();
foreach($iconlist as $icon)
$filepath = str_replace(e_IMAGE."icons/", "", $icon['path'].$icon['fname']);
$str = "<a href='#' onclick=\"e107Helper.insertText('".$filepath."','link_button','linkicn'); return false; \"><img class='icon list' src='".$icon['path'].$icon['fname']."' alt='' /></a>";
foreach ($tmp as $isize)
if(strpos($filepath, $isize) !== false)
$tmp1[$isize] = varset($tmp1[$isize]).$str;
continue 2;
$tmp1['other'] = varset($tmp1['other']).$str;//other
$text .= $tmp1 ? '<div class="clear">'.implode('</div><div class="clear">', $tmp1).'</div>' : '';
unset($tmp, $tmp1);
//End view
// 1 = _blank
// 2 = _parent not in use.
// 3 = _top not in use.
$linkop[0] = LCLAN_20; // 0 = same window
$linkop[1] = LCLAN_23;
$linkop[4] = LCLAN_24; // 4 = miniwindow 600x400
$linkop[5] = LINKLAN_1; // 5 = miniwindow 800x600
$text .= "
<td class='label'>".LCLAN_19.": </td>
<td class='control'>
<select name='linkopentype' class='tbox select'>
foreach($linkop as $key => $val)
$selectd = ($link_open == $key) ? " selected='selected'" : "";
$text .= "<option value='$key'{$selectd}>".$val."</option>\n";
$text .= "
<td class='label'>".LCLAN_12.": </td>
<td class='control'>
<select name='linkrender' class='tbox select'>
$rentype = array("", "Main", "Alt", "Alt", "Alt", "Alt", "Alt", "Alt", "Alt", "Alt", "Alt");
for($i = 1; $i < count($rentype); $i++)
$sel = ($link_category == $i) ? " selected='selected'" : "";
$text .= "<option value='$i'{$sel}>$i - ".$rentype[$i]."</option>";
$text .= "
<div class='smalltext field-help'>".LCLAN_96." {SITELINKS=flat:[rendertype number]}</div>
<td class='label'>".LCLAN_25.":
<td class='control'>
".r_userclass("link_class", $link_class, "off", "public,guest,nobody,member,admin,classes")."
<div class='smalltext field-help'>(".LCLAN_26.")</div>
<div class='buttons-bar center'>
if($id && $sub_action == "edit")
$text .= "
<button class='update' type='submit' name='add_link' value='".LCLAN_27."'><span>".LCLAN_27."</span></button>
<input type='hidden' name='link_id' value='{$link_id}' />
} else
$text .= "
<button class='create' type='submit' name='add_link' value='".LCLAN_28."'><span>".LCLAN_28."</span></button>
$text .= "
$e107->ns->tablerender(LCLAN_29, $emessage->render().$text);
function submit_link($sub_action, $id)
global $sql, $e107cache, $tp, $emessage;
$tp = new e_parse();
$id = intval($id);
$parent_id = ($_POST['link_parent']) ? intval($_POST['link_parent']) : 0;
$link_name = $tp->toDB($_POST['link_name']);
$link_url = $tp->createConstants($_POST['link_url']);
$link_url = str_replace("&", "&amp;", $link_url); // xhtml compliant links.
$link_description = $tp->toDB($_POST['link_description']);
$link_button = $tp->toDB($_POST['link_button']);
$link_render = intval($_POST['linkrender']);
$link_open = intval($_POST['linkopentype']);
$link_class = $tp->toDB($_POST['link_class']);
$message = implode('[!br!]', array($link_name, $link_url, $link_class)); // Probably enough to log
$link_t = $sql->db_Count("links", "(*)");
$sql->db_Update("links", "link_parent='{$parent_id}', link_name='{$link_name}', link_url='{$link_url}', link_description='{$link_description}', link_button= '{$link_button}', link_category='{$link_render}', link_open='{$link_open}', link_class='{$link_class}' WHERE link_id='{$id}'");
//rename all sublinks to eliminate old embedded 'submenu' etc hierarchy.
// this is for upgrade compatibility only. Current hierarchy uses link_parent.
sitelinks_adminlog('08', $message);
$emessage->add(LCLAN_3, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS);
{ // New link
$sql->db_Insert("links", "0, '$link_name', '$link_url', '$link_description', '$link_button', ".$link_render.", ".($link_t + 1).", ".$parent_id.", ".$link_open.", ".$link_class);
sitelinks_adminlog('07', $message);
$emessage->add(LCLAN_2, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS);
function show_pref_options()
global $pref, $e107, $emessage;
$text = "
<form method='post' action='".e_SELF."?".e_QUERY."'>
<fieldset id='core-links-options'>
<legend class='e-hideme'>".LCLAN_88."</legend>
<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' class='adminform'>
<colgroup span='2'>
<col class='col-label'></col>
<col class='col-control'></col>
<td class='label'>".LCLAN_78."</td>
<td class='control'>
<div class='auto-toggle-area autocheck'>
<input type='checkbox' class='checkbox' name='linkpage_screentip' value='1'".($pref['linkpage_screentip'] ? " checked='checked'" : "")." />
<div class='smalltext field-help'>".LCLAN_79."</div>
<td class='label'>".LCLAN_80."</td>
<td class='control'>
<div class='auto-toggle-area autocheck'>
<input type='checkbox' class='checkbox' name='sitelinks_expandsub' value='1'".($pref['sitelinks_expandsub'] ? " checked='checked'" : "")." />
<div class='smalltext field-help'>".LCLAN_81."</div>
<div class='buttons-bar center'>
<button class='update' type='submit' name='updateoptions' value='".LAN_UPDATE."'><span>".LAN_UPDATE."</span></button>
$e107->ns->tablerender(LCLAN_88, $emessage->render().$text);
// Delete link
// We need to update the 'order' number of other links with the same parentage - may be top level or a sub-level
function delete_link($linkInfo)
global $sql, $emessage, $e107cache;
if($sql->db_Select("links", "link_id", "link_order > '{$linkInfo['link_order']}' AND `link_parent`={$linkInfo['link_parent']} "))
$linkList = $sql->db_getList();
foreach($linkList as $l)
$sql->db_Update("links", "link_order = link_order -1 WHERE link_id = '{$l['link_id']}'");
if($sql->db_Delete("links", "link_id='".$linkInfo['link_id']."'"))
// Update orphaned sublinks - just hide them, and make them top level. And delete any obsolete naming while we're there
$sql->db_Update("links", "link_name = SUBSTRING_INDEX(link_name, '.', -1) , link_parent = '0', link_class='255' WHERE link_parent= '".$linkInfo['link_id']."'");
$message = LCLAN_53." #".$linkInfo['link_id']." ".LCLAN_54;
$emessage->add($message, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS);
sitelinks_adminlog('06', $message.'[!br!]'.$linkInfo['link_name']);
} else
$emessage->add($message, E_MESSAGE_ERROR);
// -------------------------- Sub links generator ------------->
function show_sublink_generator()
global $e107, $sql, $emessage;
$sublinks = $this->sublink_list();
$text = "
<form method='post' action='".e_SELF."?".e_QUERY."'>
<fieldset id='core-links-generator'>
<legend class='e-hideme'>".LINKLAN_4."</legend>
<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' class='adminform'>
<colgroup span='2'>
<col class='col-label'></col>
<col class='col-control'></col>
<td class='label'>".LINKLAN_6."</td>
<td class='control'>
<select name='sublink_type' class='tbox select'>
<option value=''></option>";
foreach($sublinks as $key => $type)
$text .= "
<option value='$key'>".$type['title']."</option>
$text .= "
<td class='label'>".LINKLAN_7."</td>
<td class='control'>
<select name='sublink_parent' class='tbox select'>
<option value=''></option>";
$sql->db_Select("links", "*", "link_parent='0' ORDER BY link_name ASC");
while($row = $sql->db_Fetch())
$text .= "
<option value='".$row['link_id']."'>".$row['link_name']."</option>
$text .= "
<div class='buttons-bar center'>
<button class='create' type='submit' name='generate_sublinks' value='".LINKLAN_5."'><span>".LINKLAN_5."</span></button>
$e107->ns->tablerender(LINKLAN_4, $emessage->render().$text);
function sublink_list($name = "")
global $sql, $PLUGINS_DIRECTORY;
$sublink_type['news']['title'] = LINKLAN_8; // "News Categories";
$sublink_type['news']['table'] = "news_category";
$sublink_type['news']['query'] = "category_id !='-2' ORDER BY category_name ASC";
$sublink_type['news']['url'] = "news.php?cat.#";
$sublink_type['news']['fieldid'] = "category_id";
$sublink_type['news']['fieldname'] = "category_name";
$sublink_type['news']['fieldicon'] = "category_icon";
$sublink_type['downloads']['title'] = LINKLAN_9; //"Download Categories";
$sublink_type['downloads']['table'] = "download_category";
$sublink_type['downloads']['query'] = "download_category_parent ='0' ORDER BY download_category_name ASC";
$sublink_type['downloads']['url'] = "download.php?list.#";
$sublink_type['downloads']['fieldid'] = "download_category_id";
$sublink_type['downloads']['fieldname'] = "download_category_name";
$sublink_type['downloads']['fieldicon'] = "download_category_icon";
if($sql->db_Select("plugin", "plugin_path", "plugin_installflag = '1'"))
while($row = $sql->db_Fetch())
$sublink_plugs[] = $row['plugin_path'];
foreach($sublink_plugs as $plugin_id)
require_once (e_PLUGIN.$plugin_id.'/e_linkgen.php');
return $sublink_type[$name];
return $sublink_type;
function prepOpts($aData)
// Prepare an array that can rapidly (no looping)
// generate an HTML option string, with one item possibly selected.
// prepOpts returns a prepared array containing the possible values in this form:
// <option value="xxxxx"
// >text for first</option><option value="yyyy"
// >text for next</option>
// $aData is an array containing value/text pairs:
// each entry is array( 'val'=>value, 'txt'=>text )
$i = 0;
foreach($aData as $aVal)
$sVal = $aVal['val'];
$sTxt = $aVal['txt'];
$sOut = "";
$sOut = '>'.$sTxtPrev.'</option>';
$sOut .= '<option value="'.$sVal.'"';
$aPrep[$i++] = $sOut;
$sTxtPrev = $sTxt;
{ // terminate final option
$aPrep[$i] = '>'.$sTxtPrev.'</option>';
return $aPrep;
function genOpts($aPrep, $aTest, $sSelected, $sId)
// Generate an HTML option string, with one item possibly selected.
// aGen is a prepared array containing the possible values in this form.
// if sSelected matches an aTest entry, that entry is selected.
// aTest can be any array that matches one-for-one with the options
// if $sId is nonblank, a global search/replace is done to change all "|||" to $sId.
$iKey = array_search($sSelected, $aTest);
if($iKey !== FALSE)
$aNew = $aPrep;
$aNew[$iKey] .= " selected='selected'";
$sOut = implode($aNew);
} else
$sOut = implode($aPrep);
$sOut = str_replace("|||", $sId, $sOut);
return $sOut;
} // End - class 'links'
// Log event to admin log
function sitelinks_adminlog($msg_num = '00', $woffle = '')
global $pref, $admin_log;
// if (!varset($pref['admin_log_log']['admin_sitelinks'],0)) return;
$admin_log->log_event('SLINKS_'.$msg_num, $woffle, E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, '');
function links_adminmenu()
global $action;
if($action == "")
$action = "main";
$var['main']['text'] = LCLAN_62;
$var['main']['link'] = e_SELF;
$var['create']['text'] = LCLAN_63;
$var['create']['link'] = e_SELF."?create";
$var['opt']['text'] = LAN_OPTIONS;
$var['opt']['link'] = e_SELF."?opt";
$var['sub']['text'] = LINKLAN_4;
$var['sub']['link'] = e_SELF."?sublinks";
// $var['debug']['text'] = "List DB";
// $var['debug']['link'] = e_SELF."?debug";
e_admin_menu(LCLAN_68, $action, $var);
* Handle page DOM within the page header
* @return string JS source
function headerjs()
$ret = "
<script type='text/javascript'>
//add required core lan - delete confirm message
(".e_jshelper::toString(LCLAN_58).").addModLan('core', 'delete_confirm');
<script type='text/javascript' src='".e_FILE_ABS."jslib/core/admin.js'></script>
return $ret;