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* e107 website system
* Copyright (C) 2008-2012 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* LDAP authorisation for alt_auth plugin
* $URL$
* $Id$
* e107 Alternate authorisation plugin
* @package e107_plugins
* @subpackage alt_auth
* @version $Id$;
class auth_login
private $server; // The LDAP server (array of possible servers)
private $dn; // LDAP domain
private $ou; // LDAP OU
private $usr; // User name to log on to server
private $pwd; // Password to log on to server
private $serverType; // Server type = LDAP/AD/eDirectory
public $ldapErrorCode; // LDAP error code on exit
public $ldapErrorText; // LDAP error string on exit
public $ErrorText; // e107 error string on exit
private $connection; // LDAP resource for connection
private $ldapVersion; // Version of LDAP to use
public $Available = FALSE; // Flag indicates whether DB connection available
private $filter; // Filter for eDirectory search
private $copyAttribs; // Any attributes which are to be copied on successful login
private $copyMethods; // Methods which are to be used to copy attributes
* Read configuration, initialise connection to LDAP database
* @return AUTH_xxxx result code
public function auth_login()
$this->copyAttribs = array();
$this->copyMethods = array();
$sql = e107::getDB('altAuth');
$sql->db_Select('alt_auth', '*', "auth_type = 'ldap' ");
while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch())
$ldap[$row['auth_parmname']] = base64_decode(base64_decode($row['auth_parmval']));
if ((strpos($row['auth_parmname'], 'ldap_xf_') === 0) && $ldap[$row['auth_parmname']]) // Attribute to copy on successful login
$this->copyAttribs[substr($row['auth_parmname'], strlen('ldap_xf_'))] = $ldap[$row['auth_parmname']]; // Key = LDAP attribute. Value = e107 field name
elseif ((strpos($row['auth_parmname'], 'ldap_pm_') === 0) && $ldap[$row['auth_parmname']] && ($ldap[$row['auth_parmname']] != 'none')) // Method to use to copy parameter
{ // Any fields with non-null 'copy' methods
$this->copyMethods[substr($row['auth_parmname'], strlen('ldap_pm_'))] = $ldap[$row['auth_parmname']]; // Key = e107 field name. Value = copy method
$this->server = explode(',', $ldap['ldap_server']);
$this->serverType = $ldap['ldap_servertype'];
$this->dn = $ldap['ldap_basedn'];
$this->ou = $ldap['ldap_ou'];
$this->usr = $ldap['ldap_user'];
$this->pwd = $ldap['ldap_passwd'];
$this->ldapVersion = $ldap['ldap_version'];
$this->filter = (isset($ldap['ldap_edirfilter']) ? $ldap['ldap_edirfilter'] : "");
if (!function_exists('ldap_connect'))
if (!$this->connect())
$this->Available = TRUE;
* Retrieve and construct error strings
private function makeErrorText($extra = '')
$this->ldapErrorCode = ldap_errno($this->connection);
$this->ldapErrorText = ldap_error($this->connection);
$this->ErrorText = $extra . ' ' . $this->ldapErrorCode . ': ' . $this->ldapErrorText;
* Connect to the LDAP server
* @return boolean TRUE for success, FALSE for failure
public function connect()
foreach ($this->server as $key => $host)
$this->connection = ldap_connect($host);
if ($this->connection)
if ($this->ldapVersion == 3 || $this->serverType == "ActiveDirectory")
@ldap_set_option($this->connection, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
return true;
$this->ldapErrorCode = -1;
$this->ldapErrorText = "Unable to connect to any server";
$this->ErrorText = $this->ldapErrorCode . ': ' . $this->ldapErrorText;
return false;
* Close the connection to the LDAP server
public function close()
if (!@ldap_close($this->connection))
$this->makeErrorText(); // Read the error code and explanatory string
return false;
return true;
* Validate login credentials
* @param string $uname - The user name requesting access
* @param string $pass - Password to use (usually plain text)
* @param pointer &$newvals - pointer to array to accept other data read from database
* @param boolean $connect_only - TRUE to simply connect to the server
* @return integer result (AUTH_xxxx)
* On a successful login, &$newvals array is filled with the requested data from the server
function login($uname, $pass, &$newvals, $connect_only = false)
/* Construct the full DN, eg:-
** "uid=username, ou=People, dc=orgname,dc=com"
// echo "Login to server type: {$this->serverType}<br />";
$current_filter = "";
if ($this->serverType == "ActiveDirectory")
$checkDn = $uname . '@' . $this->dn;
// added by Father Barry Keal
// $current_filter = "(sAMAccountName={$uname})"; for pre windows 2000
$current_filter = "(userprincipalname={$uname}@{$this->dn})"; // for 2000 +
// end add by Father Barry Keal
if ($this->usr != '' && $this->pwd != '')
$this->result = ldap_bind($this->connection, $this->usr, $this->pwd);
$this->result = ldap_bind($this->connection);
if ($this->result === false)
// echo "LDAP bind failed<br />";
$this->makeErrorText(); // Read the error code and explanatory string
// In ldap_auth.php, should look like this instead for eDirectory
// $query = ldap_search($this -> connection, $this -> dn, "cn=".$uname);
if ($this->serverType == "eDirectory")
$current_filter = "(&(cn={$uname})" . $this->filter . ")";
$current_filter = "uid=" . $uname;
// echo "LDAP search: {$this->dn}, {$current_filter}<br />";
$query = ldap_search($this->connection, $this->dn, $current_filter);
if ($query === false)
// Could not perform query to LDAP directory
echo "LDAP - search for user failed<br />";
$this->makeErrorText(); // Read the error code and explanatory string
$query_result = ldap_get_entries($this->connection, $query);
if ($query_result["count"] != 1)
if ($connect_only) return AUTH_SUCCESS;
else return AUTH_NOUSER;
$checkDn = $query_result[0]["dn"];
// Try and connect...
$this->result = ldap_bind($this->connection, $checkDn, $pass);
if ($this->result)
// Connected OK - login credentials are fine!
// But bind can return success even if no password! Does reject an invalid password, however
if ($connect_only) return AUTH_SUCCESS;
if (trim($pass) == '') return AUTH_BADPASSWORD; // Pick up a blank password
if (count($this->copyAttribs) == 0) return AUTH_SUCCESS; // No attributes required - we're done
$ldap_attributes = array_values(array_unique($this->copyAttribs));
if ($this->serverType == "ActiveDirectory")
{ // If we are using AD then build up the full string from the fqdn
$altauth_tmp = explode('.', $this->dn);
foreach($altauth_tmp as $$altauth_dc)
$checkDn .= ",DC={$altauth_dc}";
// prefix with the OU
$checkDn = $this->ou . $checkDn;
$this->result = ldap_search($this->connection, $checkDn, $current_filter, $ldap_attributes);
if ($this->result)
$entries = ldap_get_entries($this->connection, $this->result);
if (count($entries) == 2) // All OK
for ($j = 0; $j < $entries[0]['count']; $j++)
$k = $entries[0][$j]; // LDAP attribute name
$tlv = $entries[0][$k]; // Array of LDAP data
if (is_array($tlv) && count($tempKeys = array_keys($this->copyAttribs,$k))) // This bit executed if we've successfully got some data. Key is the attribute name, then array of data
foreach ($tempKeys as $tk) // Single LDAP attribute may be mapped to several fields
// $newvals[$tk] = $this->translate($tlv[0]); // Just grab the first value
$newvals[$tk] = $tlv[0]; // Just grab the first value
// echo " Unexpected non-array value - Key: {$k} Value: {$tlv}<br />";
$this->makeErrorText(); // Read the error code and explanatory string
return AUTH_NOCONNECT; // Not really a suitable return code for this - its an error
// echo "Got wrong number of entries<br />";
$this->makeErrorText(); // Read the error code and explanatory string
return AUTH_NOUSER; // Bit debateable what to return if this happens
else // Probably a bit strange if we don't get any info back - but possible
// echo "No results!<br />";
/* Login failed. Return error code.
** The common error codes and reasons are listed below :
** (for iPlanet, other servers may differ)
** 19 - Account locked out (too many invalid login attempts)
** 32 - User does not exist
** 49 - Wrong password
** 53 - Account inactive (manually locked out by administrator)
$this->makeErrorText(); // Read the error code and explanatory string
switch ($this->ldapErrorCode)
case 32 :
case 49 :
// return error code as if it never connected, maybe change that in the future