mirror of
synced 2025-01-17 12:48:24 +01:00
5366 lines
254 KiB
5366 lines
254 KiB
* ChartNew.js
* Vancoppenolle Francois - January 2014
* francois.vancoppenolle@favomo.be
* Source location : http:\\www.favomo.be\graphjs
* GitHub community : https://github.com/FVANCOP/ChartNew.js
* This file is an adaptation of the chart.js source developped by Nick Downie (2013)
* https://github.com/nnnick/Chart.js
* new charts
* horizontalBar
* horizontalStackedBar
* Added items :
* Title
* Subtitle
* X Axis Label
* Y Axis Label
* Unit Label
* Y Axis on the right and/or the left
* Annotates
* canvas Border
* Legend
* Footnote
* crossText
* graphMin / graphMax
* logarithmic y-axis (for line and bar)
* rotateLabels
var charJSPersonalDefaultOptions = { }
var charJSPersonalDefaultOptionsLine = { }
var charJSPersonalDefaultOptionsRadar = { }
var charJSPersonalDefaultOptionsPolarArea = { }
var charJSPersonalDefaultOptionsPie = { }
var charJSPersonalDefaultOptionsDoughnut = { }
var charJSPersonalDefaultOptionsBar = { }
var charJSPersonalDefaultOptionsStackedBar = { }
var charJSPersonalDefaultOptionsHorizontalBar = { }
var charJSPersonalDefaultOptionsHorizontalStackedBar = { }
///////// FUNCTIONS THAN CAN BE USED IN THE TEMPLATES ///////////////////////////////////////////
function roundToWithThousands(config, num, place) {
var newval=1*unFormat(config, num);
if(typeof(newval)=="number" && place !="none"){
var roundVal=-place;
newval= +(Math.round(newval + "e+" + roundVal) + "e-" + roundVal);
else {
var roundVal=place;
var divval= "1e+"+roundVal;
value= +(Math.round(newval/divval))*divval;
newval= fmtChartJS(config,newval,"none");
} ;
function unFormat(config, num) {
if((config.decimalSeparator!="." || config.thousandSeparator !="") && typeof(num)=="string") {
var v1=""+num;
// v1=fmtChartJS(config,1*roundToWithThousands(1*v1,place),"none")
return 1*v1;
else {
return num;
///////// ANNOTATE PART OF THE SCRIPT ///////////////////////////////////////////
Copyright (C) 1999 Thomas Brattli
This script is made by and copyrighted to Thomas Brattli
Visit for more great scripts. This may be used freely as long as this msg is intact!
I will also appriciate any links you could give me.
Distributed by Hypergurl
var cachebis = {};
function fmtChartJSPerso(config,value,fmt){
case "SampleJS_Format":
if(typeof(value)=="number")return_value="My Format : " + value.toString()+ " $";
else return_value=value + "XX";
case "Change_Month":
if(typeof(value)=="string")return_value=value.toString()+ " 2014";
else return_value=value.toString()+"YY";
function fmtChartJS(config,value,fmt){
var return_value;
if(fmt=="notformatted") {
else if(fmt=="none" && typeof(value)=="number") {
if(config.roundNumber !="none"){
var roundVal=-config.roundNumber;
value= +(Math.round(value + "e+" + roundVal) + "e-" + roundVal);
else {
var roundVal=config.roundNumber;
var divval= "1e+"+roundVal;
value= +(Math.round(value/divval))*divval;
if(config.decimalSeparator!="." || config.thousandSeparator !=""){
if(config.thousandSeparator !=""){
var part1=return_value;
var part2="";
var posdec=part1.indexOf(config.decimalSeparator);
part2=part2.split('').reverse().join(''); // reverse string
part1=part1.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, config.thousandSeparator);
// part2=part2.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, config.thousandSeparator);
part2=part2.split('').reverse().join(''); // reverse string
else return_value=value;
else if(fmt!="none" && fmt != "notformatted") {
else {
function addParameters2Function(data,fctName,fctList) {
var mathFunctions = {
mean: {data:data.data,datasetNr:data.v11},
varianz: {data:data.data, datasetNr:data.v11},
stddev: {data:data.data, datasetNr:data.v11},
cv: {data:data.data, datasetNr:data.v11}
// difference to current value (v3)
dif = false;
if (fctName.substr(-3) == "Dif") {
fctName = fctName.substr(0,fctName.length-3);
dif = true;
if (typeof eval(fctName) == "function") {
var parameter = eval(fctList+"."+fctName);
if (dif) {
// difference between v3 (current value) and math function
return data.v3-window[fctName](parameter);
return window[fctName](parameter);
//Is a number function
function isNumber(n) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
} ;
function tmplbis(str, data) {
var mathFunctionList = ["mean","varianz","stddev","cv"];
var regexMath = new RegExp('<%=((?:(?:.*?)\\W)??)((?:'+mathFunctionList.join('|')+')(?:Dif)?)\\(([0-9]*?)\\)(.*?)%>','g');
while (regexMath.test(str)) {
str = str.replace(regexMath, function($0,$1,$2,$3,$4) {
if ($3) { var rndFac = $3; } else {var rndFac = 2; }
var value = addParameters2Function(data,$2,"mathFunctions");
if (isNumber(value)) {
return '<%='+$1+''+Math.round(Math.pow(10,rndFac)*value)/Math.pow(10,rndFac)+''+$4+'%>';
return '<%= %>';
// Figure out if we're getting a template, or if we need to
// load the template - and be sure to cache the result.
// first check if it's can be an id
var fn = /^[A-Za-z][-A-Za-z0-9_:.]*$/.test(str) ? cachebis[str] = cachebis[str] ||
tmplbis(document.getElementById(str).innerHTML) :
// Generate a reusable function that will serve as a template
// generator (and which will be cached).
new Function("obj",
"var p=[],print=function(){p.push.apply(p,arguments);};" +
// Introduce the data as local variables using with(){}
"with(obj){p.push('" +
// Convert the template into pure JavaScript
.replace(/[\r\n]/g, "\\n")
.replace(/[\t]/g, " ")
.replace(/((^|%>)[^\t]*)'/g, "$1\r")
.replace(/\t=(.*?)%>/g, "',$1,'")
+ "');}return p.join('');");
// Provide some basic currying to the user
return data ? fn(data) : fn;
* ctx.prototype
* fillText option for canvas Multiline Support
* @param text string \n for newline
* @param x x position
* @param y y position
* @param yLevel = "bottom" => last line has this y-Pos [default], = "middle" => the middle line has this y-Pos)
* @param lineHeight lineHeight
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillTextMultiLine = function(text, x, y,yLevel, lineHeight) {
var lines = (""+text).split("\n");
// if its one line => in the middle
// two lines one above the mid one below etc.
if (yLevel == "middle") {
y -= ((lines.length-1)/2)*lineHeight;
} else if(yLevel=="bottom") { // default
y -= (lines.length-1)*lineHeight;
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
this.fillText(lines[i], x, y);
y += lineHeight;
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.measureTextMultiLine = function(text,lineHeight) {
var textWidth=0;
var lg;
var lines = (""+text).split("\n");
var textHeight=lines.length*lineHeight;
// if its one line => in the middle
// two lines one above the mid one below etc.
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
lg= this.measureText(lines[i]).width ;
return {
textWidth: textWidth,
textHeight: textHeight
cursorDivCreated = false;
function createCursorDiv() {
if (cursorDivCreated == false) {
var div = document.createElement('divCursor');
div.id = 'divCursor';
div.style.position = 'absolute';
cursorDivCreated = true;
} ;
//Default browsercheck, added to all scripts!
function checkBrowser() {
this.ver = navigator.appVersion
this.dom = document.getElementById ? 1 : 0
this.ie5 = (this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 5") > -1 && this.dom) ? 1 : 0;
this.ie4 = (document.all && !this.dom) ? 1 : 0;
this.ns5 = (this.dom && parseInt(this.ver) >= 5) ? 1 : 0;
this.ns4 = (document.layers && !this.dom) ? 1 : 0;
this.bw = (this.ie5 || this.ie4 || this.ns4 || this.ns5)
return this
bw = new checkBrowser();
//Set these variables:
fromLeft = 10; // How much from the left of the cursor should the div be?
fromTop = 10; // How much from the top of the cursor should the div be?
Initilizes the objects
function cursorInit() {
scrolled = bw.ns4 || bw.ns5 ? "window.pageYOffset" : "document.body.scrollTop"
if (bw.ns4) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE)
} ;
Contructs the cursorobjects
function makeCursorObj(obj, nest) {
nest = (!nest) ? '' : 'document.' + nest + '.'
this.css = bw.dom ? document.getElementById(obj).style : bw.ie4 ? document.all[obj].style : bw.ns4 ? eval(nest + "document.layers." + obj) : 0;
this.moveIt = b_moveIt;
return this
} ;
function b_moveIt(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.css.left = this.x + "px";
this.css.top = this.y + "px";
function isIE() {
var myNav = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
return (myNav.indexOf('msie') != -1) ? parseInt(myNav.split('msie')[1]) : false;
function mergeChartConfig(defaults, userDefined) {
var returnObj = {};
for (var attrname in defaults) { returnObj[attrname] = defaults[attrname]; }
for (var attrname in userDefined) { returnObj[attrname] = userDefined[attrname]; }
return returnObj;
function sleep(ms){
var dt = new Date();
dt.setTime(dt.getTime() + ms);
while (new Date().getTime() < dt.getTime()){};
} ;
function saveCanvas(ctx,data,config,tpgraph) {
cvSave = ctx.getImageData(0,0,ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);
var saveCanvasConfig = {
savePng : false,
annotateDisplay : false,
animation : false,
dynamicDisplay : false
var savePngConfig = mergeChartConfig(config, saveCanvasConfig);
savePngConfig.clearRect = false;
/* And ink them */
case "Bar":
new Chart(ctx.canvas.getContext("2d")).Bar(data,savePngConfig);
case "Pie":
new Chart(ctx.canvas.getContext("2d")).Pie(data,savePngConfig);
case "Doughnut":
new Chart(ctx.canvas.getContext("2d")).Doughnut(data,savePngConfig);
case "Radar":
new Chart(ctx.canvas.getContext("2d")).Radar(data,savePngConfig);
case "PolarArea":
new Chart(ctx.canvas.getContext("2d")).PolarArea(data,savePngConfig);
case "HorizontalBar":
new Chart(ctx.canvas.getContext("2d")).HorizontalBar(data,savePngConfig);
case "StackedBar":
new Chart(ctx.canvas.getContext("2d")).StackedBar(data,savePngConfig);
case "HorizontalStackedBar":
new Chart(ctx.canvas.getContext("2d")).HorizontalStackedBar(data,savePngConfig);
case "Line":
new Chart(ctx.canvas.getContext("2d")).Line(data,savePngConfig);
var image = ctx.canvas.toDataURL();
var image = ctx.canvas.toDataURL();
window.location.href = image;
document.location.href= ctx.canvas.toDataURL("image/png").replace("image/png", "image/octet-stream");
} ;
//if (isIE() < 9 && isIE() != false) {
if (typeof String.prototype.trim !== 'function') {
String.prototype.trim = function () {
return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
var dynamicDisplay = new Array();
var dynamicDisplayList = new Array();
function dynamicFunction(data,config,ctx,tpgraph){
var cvdate = new Date();
var cvmillsec = cvdate.getTime();
window.onscroll = scrollFunction;
if(dynamicDisplay[ctx.canvas.id][1]==false || dynamicDisplay[ctx.canvas.id][2]==true)return false;
return true;
} ;
function isScrolledIntoView(element){
var xPosition = 0;
var yPosition = 0;
while(elem) {
xPosition += (elem.offsetLeft - elem.scrollLeft + elem.clientLeft);
yPosition += (elem.offsetTop - elem.scrollTop + elem.clientTop);
elem = elem.offsetParent;
if (xPosition+element.width/2 >= window.pageXOffset &&
xPosition+element.width/2 <= window.pageXOffset + window.innerWidth &&
yPosition+element.height/2 >= window.pageYOffset &&
yPosition+element.height/2 <= window.pageYOffset+window.innerHeight
else return false;
function scrollFunction(){
for (var i=0;i<dynamicDisplayList["length"];i++) {
if (isScrolledIntoView(dynamicDisplay[dynamicDisplayList[i]][5]) && dynamicDisplay[dynamicDisplayList[i]][2]==false) {
case "Bar":
new Chart(document.getElementById(dynamicDisplayList[i]).getContext("2d")).Bar(dynamicDisplay[dynamicDisplayList[i]][3],dynamicDisplay[dynamicDisplayList[i]][4]);
case "Pie":
new Chart(document.getElementById(dynamicDisplayList[i]).getContext("2d")).Pie(dynamicDisplay[dynamicDisplayList[i]][3],dynamicDisplay[dynamicDisplayList[i]][4]);
case "Doughnut":
new Chart(document.getElementById(dynamicDisplayList[i]).getContext("2d")).Doughnut(dynamicDisplay[dynamicDisplayList[i]][3],dynamicDisplay[dynamicDisplayList[i]][4]);
case "Radar":
new Chart(document.getElementById(dynamicDisplayList[i]).getContext("2d")).Radar(dynamicDisplay[dynamicDisplayList[i]][3],dynamicDisplay[dynamicDisplayList[i]][4]);
case "PolarArea":
new Chart(document.getElementById(dynamicDisplayList[i]).getContext("2d")).PolarArea(dynamicDisplay[dynamicDisplayList[i]][3],dynamicDisplay[dynamicDisplayList[i]][4]);
case "HorizontalBar":
new Chart(document.getElementById(dynamicDisplayList[i]).getContext("2d")).HorizontalBar(dynamicDisplay[dynamicDisplayList[i]][3],dynamicDisplay[dynamicDisplayList[i]][4]);
case "StackedBar":
new Chart(document.getElementById(dynamicDisplayList[i]).getContext("2d")).StackedBar(dynamicDisplay[dynamicDisplayList[i]][3],dynamicDisplay[dynamicDisplayList[i]][4]);
case "HorizontalStackedBar":
new Chart(document.getElementById(dynamicDisplayList[i]).getContext("2d")).HorizontalStackedBar(dynamicDisplay[dynamicDisplayList[i]][3],dynamicDisplay[dynamicDisplayList[i]][4]);
case "Line":
new Chart(document.getElementById(dynamicDisplayList[i]).getContext("2d")).Line(dynamicDisplay[dynamicDisplayList[i]][3],dynamicDisplay[dynamicDisplayList[i]][4]);
var jsGraphAnnotate = new Array();
function getMousePos(canvas, evt) {
var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
x: evt.clientX - rect.left,
y: evt.clientY - rect.top
function doMouseMove(ctx, config, event,data) {
var annotateDIV = document.getElementById('divCursor');
show = false;
annotateDIV.className = (config.annotateClassName) ? config.annotateClassName : '';
annotateDIV.style.border = (config.annotateClassName) ? '' : config.annotateBorder;
annotateDIV.style.padding = (config.annotateClassName) ? '' : config.annotatePadding;
annotateDIV.style.borderRadius = (config.annotateClassName) ? '' : config.annotateBorderRadius;
annotateDIV.style.backgroundColor = (config.annotateClassName) ? '' : config.annotateBackgroundColor;
annotateDIV.style.color = (config.annotateClassName) ? '' : config.annotateFontColor;
annotateDIV.style.fontFamily = (config.annotateClassName) ? '' : config.annotateFontFamily;
annotateDIV.style.fontSize = (config.annotateClassName) ? '' : config.annotateFontSize+"pt";
annotateDIV.style.fontStyle = (config.annotateClassName) ? '' : config.annotateFontStyle;
canvas_pos = getMousePos(ctx.canvas, event);
for (i = 0; i < jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId]["length"]; i++) {
if (jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][0] == "ARC") // Arc
distance = Math.sqrt((canvas_pos.x - jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][1]) * (canvas_pos.x - jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][1]) + (canvas_pos.y - jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][2]) * (canvas_pos.y - jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][2]));
if (distance > jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][3] && distance < jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][4]) {
angle = Math.acos((canvas_pos.x - jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][1]) / distance);
if (canvas_pos.y < jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][2]) angle = -angle;
while (angle < 0){angle+=2*Math.PI;}
while (angle > 2*Math.PI){angle-=2*Math.PI;}
if ((angle > jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][5] && angle < jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][6]) || (angle > jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][5]-2*Math.PI && angle < jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][6]-2*Math.PI)|| (angle > jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][5]+2*Math.PI && angle < jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][6]+2*Math.PI)) {
v1 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][7],config.fmtV1); // V1=Label
v2 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][8],config.fmtV2); // V2=Data Value
v3 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][9],config.fmtV3); // V3=Cumulated Value
v4 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][10],config.fmtV4); // V4=Total Data Value
v5 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][11],config.fmtV5); // V5=Angle
v6 = fmtChartJS(config,100 * jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][8] / jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][10],config.fmtV6); // v6=Percentage;
v6 = roundToWithThousands(config, v6, config.roundPct);
v7 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][1],config.fmtV7); // v7=midPointX of arc;
v8 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][2],config.fmtV8); // v8=midPointY of arc;
v9 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][3],config.fmtV9); // v9=radius Minimum;
v10 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][4],config.fmtV10); // v10=radius Maximum;
v11 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][5],config.fmtV11); // v11=start angle;
v12 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][6],config.fmtV12); // v12=stop angle;
v13 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][12],config.fmtV13); // v13=position in Data;
graphPosX = canvas_pos.x;
graphPosY = canvas_pos.y;
// create label text
dispString = tmplbis(config.annotateLabel, { config:config, v1: v1, v2: v2, v3: v3, v4: v4, v5: v5, v6: v6, v7: v7, v8: v8, v9: v9, v10: v10, v11: v11, v12: v12, v13: v13, graphPosX: graphPosX, graphPosY: graphPosY} );
annotateDIV.innerHTML = dispString;
show = true;
x = bw.ns4 || bw.ns5 ? event.pageX : event.x;
y = bw.ns4 || bw.ns5 ? event.pageY : event.y;
if (bw.ie4 || bw.ie5) y = y + eval(scrolled);
oCursor.moveIt(x + fromLeft, y + fromTop);
} else if (jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][0] == "RECT") {
if (canvas_pos.x > jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][1] && canvas_pos.x < jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][3] && canvas_pos.y < jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][2] && canvas_pos.y > jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][4]) {
v1 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][5],config.fmtV1); // V1=Label1
v2 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][6],config.fmtV2); // V2=Label2
v3 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][7],config.fmtV3); // V3=Data Value
v4 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][8],config.fmtV4); // V4=Cumulated Value
v5 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][9],config.fmtV5); // V5=Total Data Value
v6 = fmtChartJS(config,100 * jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][7] / jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][9],config.fmtV6); // v6=Percentage;
v6 = roundToWithThousands(config, v6, config.roundPct);
v7 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][1],config.fmtV7); // v7=top X of rectangle;
v8 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][2],config.fmtV8); // v8=top Y of rectangle;
v9 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][3],config.fmtV9); // v9=bottom X of rectangle;
v10 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][4],config.fmtV10); // v10=bottom Y of rectangle;
v11 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][10],config.fmtV11); // v11=position in Dataset;
v12 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][11],config.fmtV12); // v12=position in Dataset[v11].Data;
graphPosX = canvas_pos.x;
graphPosY = canvas_pos.y;
dispString = tmplbis(config.annotateLabel, { config:config, v1: v1, v2: v2, v3: v3, v4: v4, v5: v5, v6: v6, v7: v7, v8: v8, v9: v9, v10: v10, v11: v11, v12: v12, graphPosX: graphPosX, graphPosY: graphPosY, data:data });
annotateDIV.innerHTML = dispString;
show = true;
x = bw.ns4 || bw.ns5 ? event.pageX : event.x;
y = bw.ns4 || bw.ns5 ? event.pageY : event.y;
if (bw.ie4 || bw.ie5) y = y + eval(scrolled);
oCursor.moveIt(x + fromLeft, y + fromTop);
} else if (jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][0] == "POINT") {
distance = Math.sqrt((canvas_pos.x - jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][1]) * (canvas_pos.x - jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][1]) + (canvas_pos.y - jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][2]) * (canvas_pos.y - jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][2]));
if (distance < 10) {
v1 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][3],config.fmtV1); // V1=Label1
v2 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][4],config.fmtV2); // V2=Label2
v3 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][5],config.fmtV3); // V3=Data Value
v4 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][6],config.fmtV4); // V4=Difference with Previous line
v5 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][7],config.fmtV5); // V5=Difference with next line;
v6 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][8],config.fmtV6); // V6=max;
v7 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][9],config.fmtV7); // V7=Total;
v8 = fmtChartJS(config,100 * jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][5] / jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][9],config.fmtV8); // v8=percentage;
v8 = roundToWithThousands(config, v8, config.roundPct);
v9 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][1],config.fmtV9); // v9=pos X of point;
v10 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][2],config.fmtV10); // v10=pos Y of point;
v11 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][10],config.fmtV11); // v11=position in Dataset;
v12 = fmtChartJS(config,jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][i][11],config.fmtV12); // v12=position in Dataset[v11].Data;
graphPosX = canvas_pos.x;
graphPosY = canvas_pos.y;
dispString = tmplbis(config.annotateLabel, { config:config, v1: v1, v2: v2, v3: v3, v4: v4, v5: v5, v6: v6, v7: v7, v8: v8, v9: v9, v10: v10, v11: v11, v12: v12, graphPosX: graphPosX, graphPosY: graphPosY, data: data });
annotateDIV.innerHTML = dispString;
show = true;
x = bw.ns4 || bw.ns5 ? event.pageX : event.x;
y = bw.ns4 || bw.ns5 ? event.pageY : event.y;
if (bw.ie4 || bw.ie5) y = y + eval(scrolled);
oCursor.moveIt(x + fromLeft, y + fromTop);
annotateDIV.style.display = show ? '' : 'none';
} ;
///////// GRAPHICAL PART OF THE SCRIPT ///////////////////////////////////////////
//Define the global Chart Variable as a class.
window.Chart = function (context) {
var chart = this;
//Easing functions adapted from Robert Penner's easing equations
var animationOptions = {
linear: function (t) {
return t;
easeInQuad: function (t) {
return t * t;
easeOutQuad: function (t) {
return -1 * t * (t - 2);
easeInOutQuad: function (t) {
if ((t /= 1 / 2) < 1) return 1 / 2 * t * t;
return -1 / 2 * ((--t) * (t - 2) - 1);
easeInCubic: function (t) {
return t * t * t;
easeOutCubic: function (t) {
return 1 * ((t = t / 1 - 1) * t * t + 1);
easeInOutCubic: function (t) {
if ((t /= 1 / 2) < 1) return 1 / 2 * t * t * t;
return 1 / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t + 2);
easeInQuart: function (t) {
return t * t * t * t;
easeOutQuart: function (t) {
return -1 * ((t = t / 1 - 1) * t * t * t - 1);
easeInOutQuart: function (t) {
if ((t /= 1 / 2) < 1) return 1 / 2 * t * t * t * t;
return -1 / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t * t - 2);
easeInQuint: function (t) {
return 1 * (t /= 1) * t * t * t * t;
easeOutQuint: function (t) {
return 1 * ((t = t / 1 - 1) * t * t * t * t + 1);
easeInOutQuint: function (t) {
if ((t /= 1 / 2) < 1) return 1 / 2 * t * t * t * t * t;
return 1 / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t * t * t + 2);
easeInSine: function (t) {
return -1 * Math.cos(t / 1 * (Math.PI / 2)) + 1;
easeOutSine: function (t) {
return 1 * Math.sin(t / 1 * (Math.PI / 2));
easeInOutSine: function (t) {
return -1 / 2 * (Math.cos(Math.PI * t / 1) - 1);
easeInExpo: function (t) {
return (t == 0) ? 1 : 1 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t / 1 - 1));
easeOutExpo: function (t) {
return (t == 1) ? 1 : 1 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * t / 1) + 1);
easeInOutExpo: function (t) {
if (t == 0) return 0;
if (t == 1) return 1;
if ((t /= 1 / 2) < 1) return 1 / 2 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1));
return 1 / 2 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * --t) + 2);
easeInCirc: function (t) {
if (t >= 1) return t;
return -1 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t /= 1) * t) - 1);
easeOutCirc: function (t) {
return 1 * Math.sqrt(1 - (t = t / 1 - 1) * t);
easeInOutCirc: function (t) {
if ((t /= 1 / 2) < 1) return -1 / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - t * t) - 1);
return 1 / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t -= 2) * t) + 1);
easeInElastic: function (t) {
var s = 1.70158; var p = 0; var a = 1;
if (t == 0) return 0; if ((t /= 1) == 1) return 1; if (!p) p = 1 * .3;
if (a < Math.abs(1)) { a = 1; var s = p / 4; }
else var s = p / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(1 / a);
return -(a * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t * 1 - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p));
easeOutElastic: function (t) {
var s = 1.70158; var p = 0; var a = 1;
if (t == 0) return 0; if ((t /= 1) == 1) return 1; if (!p) p = 1 * .3;
if (a < Math.abs(1)) { a = 1; var s = p / 4; }
else var s = p / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(1 / a);
return a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * Math.sin((t * 1 - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p) + 1;
easeInOutElastic: function (t) {
var s = 1.70158; var p = 0; var a = 1;
if (t == 0) return 0; if ((t /= 1 / 2) == 2) return 1; if (!p) p = 1 * (.3 * 1.5);
if (a < Math.abs(1)) { a = 1; var s = p / 4; }
else var s = p / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(1 / a);
if (t < 1) return -.5 * (a * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t * 1 - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p));
return a * Math.pow(2, -10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t * 1 - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p) * .5 + 1;
easeInBack: function (t) {
var s = 1.70158;
return 1 * (t /= 1) * t * ((s + 1) * t - s);
easeOutBack: function (t) {
var s = 1.70158;
return 1 * ((t = t / 1 - 1) * t * ((s + 1) * t + s) + 1);
easeInOutBack: function (t) {
var s = 1.70158;
if ((t /= 1 / 2) < 1) return 1 / 2 * (t * t * (((s *= (1.525)) + 1) * t - s));
return 1 / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * (((s *= (1.525)) + 1) * t + s) + 2);
easeInBounce: function (t) {
return 1 - animationOptions.easeOutBounce(1 - t);
easeOutBounce: function (t) {
if ((t /= 1) < (1 / 2.75)) {
return 1 * (7.5625 * t * t);
} else if (t < (2 / 2.75)) {
return 1 * (7.5625 * (t -= (1.5 / 2.75)) * t + .75);
} else if (t < (2.5 / 2.75)) {
return 1 * (7.5625 * (t -= (2.25 / 2.75)) * t + .9375);
} else {
return 1 * (7.5625 * (t -= (2.625 / 2.75)) * t + .984375);
easeInOutBounce: function (t) {
if (t < 1 / 2) return animationOptions.easeInBounce(t * 2) * .5;
return animationOptions.easeOutBounce(t * 2 - 1) * .5 + 1 * .5;
//Variables global to the chart
var width = context.canvas.width;
var height = context.canvas.height;
//High pixel density displays - multiply the size of the canvas height/width by the device pixel ratio, then scale.
if (window.devicePixelRatio) {
context.canvas.style.width = width + "px";
context.canvas.style.height = height + "px";
context.canvas.height = height * window.devicePixelRatio;
context.canvas.width = width * window.devicePixelRatio;
context.scale(window.devicePixelRatio, window.devicePixelRatio);
this.PolarArea = function (data, options) {
chart.PolarArea.defaults = {
inGraphDataShow: false,
inGraphDataPaddingRadius: 5,
inGraphDataPaddingAngle: 0,
inGraphDataTmpl: "<%=(v1 == ''? '' : v1+':')+ v2 + ' (' + v6 + ' %)'%>",
inGraphDataAlign : "off-center", // "right", "center", "left", "off-center" or "to-center"
inGraphDataVAlign : "off-center", // "bottom", "center", "top", "off-center" or "to-center"
inGraphDataRotate : 0, // rotateAngle value (0->360) , "inRadiusAxis" or "inRadiusAxisRotateLabels"
inGraphDataFontFamily: "'Arial'",
inGraphDataFontSize: 12,
inGraphDataFontStyle: "normal",
inGraphDataFontColor: "#666",
inGraphDataRadiusPosition : 3,
inGraphDataAnglePosition : 2,
scaleOverlay: true,
scaleOverride: false,
scaleSteps: null,
scaleStepWidth: null,
scaleStartValue: null,
scaleShowLine: true,
scaleLineColor: "rgba(0,0,0,.1)",
scaleLineWidth: 1,
scaleShowLabels: true,
scaleLabel: "<%=value%>",
scaleFontFamily: "'Arial'",
scaleFontSize: 12,
scaleFontStyle: "normal",
scaleFontColor: "#666",
scaleShowLabelBackdrop: true,
scaleBackdropColor: "rgba(255,255,255,0.75)",
scaleBackdropPaddingY: 2,
scaleBackdropPaddingX: 2,
segmentShowStroke: true,
segmentStrokeColor: "#fff",
segmentStrokeWidth: 2,
animation: true,
animationSteps: 100,
animationEasing: "easeOutBounce",
animateRotate: true,
animateScale: false,
onAnimationComplete: null,
annotateLabel: "<%=(v1 == ''? '' : v1+':')+ v2 + ' (' + v6 + ' %)'%>",
startAngle : 90
chart.PolarArea.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.defaults.commonOptions, chart.PolarArea.defaults);
chart.PolarArea.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.PolarArea.defaults, charJSPersonalDefaultOptions);
chart.PolarArea.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.PolarArea.defaults, charJSPersonalDefaultOptionsPolarArea);
var config = (options) ? mergeChartConfig(chart.PolarArea.defaults, options) : chart.PolarArea.defaults;
return new PolarArea(data, config, context);
this.Radar = function (data, options) {
chart.Radar.defaults = {
inGraphDataShow: false,
inGraphDataPaddingRadius: 5,
inGraphDataTmpl: "<%=v3%>",
inGraphDataAlign : "off-center", // "right", "center", "left", "off-center" or "to-center"
inGraphDataVAlign : "off-center", // "right", "center", "left", "off-center" or "to-center"
inGraphDataRotate : 0, // rotateAngle value (0->360) , "inRadiusAxis" or "inRadiusAxisRotateLabels"
inGraphDataFontFamily: "'Arial'",
inGraphDataFontSize: 12,
inGraphDataFontStyle: "normal",
inGraphDataFontColor: "#666",
inGraphDataRadiusPosition : 3,
scaleOverlay: false,
scaleOverride: false,
scaleSteps: null,
scaleStepWidth: null,
scaleStartValue: null,
scaleShowLine: true,
scaleLineColor: "rgba(0,0,0,.1)",
scaleLineWidth: 1,
scaleShowLabels: false,
scaleLabel: "<%=value%>",
scaleFontFamily: "'Arial'",
scaleFontSize: 12,
scaleFontStyle: "normal",
scaleFontColor: "#666",
scaleShowLabelBackdrop: true,
scaleBackdropColor: "rgba(255,255,255,0.75)",
scaleBackdropPaddingY: 2,
scaleBackdropPaddingX: 2,
angleShowLineOut: true,
angleLineColor: "rgba(0,0,0,.1)",
angleLineWidth: 1,
pointLabelFontFamily: "'Arial'",
pointLabelFontStyle: "normal",
pointLabelFontSize: 12,
pointLabelFontColor: "#666",
pointDot: true,
pointDotRadius: 3,
pointDotStrokeWidth: 1,
datasetFill : true,
datasetStrokeWidth: 2,
animation: true,
animationSteps: 60,
animationEasing: "easeOutQuart",
onAnimationComplete: null,
annotateLabel: "<%=(v1 == '' ? '' : v1) + (v1!='' && v2 !='' ? ' - ' : '')+(v2 == '' ? '' : v2)+(v1!='' || v2 !='' ? ':' : '') + v3%>",
startAngle: 90,
graphMaximized : false // if true, the graph will not be centered in the middle of the canvas
// merge annotate defaults
chart.Radar.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.defaults.commonOptions, chart.Radar.defaults) ;
chart.Radar.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.Radar.defaults, charJSPersonalDefaultOptions);
chart.Radar.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.Radar.defaults, charJSPersonalDefaultOptionsRadar);
var config = (options) ? mergeChartConfig(chart.Radar.defaults, options) : chart.Radar.defaults;
return new Radar(data, config, context);
this.Pie = function (data, options) {
chart.Pie.defaults = {
inGraphDataShow: false,
inGraphDataPaddingRadius: 5,
inGraphDataPaddingAngle: 0,
inGraphDataTmpl: "<%=(v1 == ''? '' : v1+':')+ v2 + ' (' + v6 + ' %)'%>",
inGraphDataAlign : "off-center", // "right", "center", "left", "off-center" or "to-center"
inGraphDataVAlign : "off-center", // "bottom", "center", "top", "off-center" or "to-center"
inGraphDataRotate : 0, // rotateAngle value (0->360) , "inRadiusAxis" or "inRadiusAxisRotateLabels"
inGraphDataFontFamily: "'Arial'",
inGraphDataFontSize: 12,
inGraphDataFontStyle: "normal",
inGraphDataFontColor: "#666",
inGraphDataRadiusPosition : 3,
inGraphDataAnglePosition : 2,
segmentShowStroke: true,
segmentStrokeColor: "#fff",
segmentStrokeWidth: 2,
animation: true,
animationSteps: 100,
animationEasing: "easeOutBounce",
animateRotate: true,
animateScale: false,
onAnimationComplete: null,
annotateLabel: "<%=(v1 == ''? '' : v1+':')+ v2 + ' (' + v6 + ' %)'%>",
startAngle: 90,
radiusScale : 1
// merge annotate defaults
chart.Pie.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.defaults.commonOptions, chart.Pie.defaults);
chart.Pie.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.Pie.defaults, charJSPersonalDefaultOptions);
chart.Pie.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.Pie.defaults, charJSPersonalDefaultOptionsPie);
var config = (options) ? mergeChartConfig(chart.Pie.defaults, options) : chart.Pie.defaults;
return new Pie(data, config, context);
this.Doughnut = function (data, options) {
chart.Doughnut.defaults = {
inGraphDataShow: false,
inGraphDataPaddingRadius: 5,
inGraphDataPaddingAngle: 0,
inGraphDataTmpl: "<%=(v1 == ''? '' : v1+':')+ v2 + ' (' + v6 + ' %)'%>",
inGraphDataAlign : "off-center", // "right", "center", "left", "off-center" or "to-center"
inGraphDataVAlign : "off-center", // "bottom", "middle", "top", "off-center" or "to-center"
inGraphDataRotate : 0, // rotateAngle value (0->360) , "inRadiusAxis" or "inRadiusAxisRotateLabels"
inGraphDataFontFamily: "'Arial'",
inGraphDataFontSize: 12,
inGraphDataFontStyle: "normal",
inGraphDataFontColor: "#666",
inGraphDataRadiusPosition : 3,
inGraphDataAnglePosition : 2,
segmentShowStroke: true,
segmentStrokeColor: "#fff",
segmentStrokeWidth: 2,
percentageInnerCutout: 50,
animation: true,
animationSteps: 100,
animationEasing: "easeOutBounce",
animateRotate: true,
animateScale: false,
onAnimationComplete: null,
annotateLabel: "<%=(v1 == ''? '' : v1+':')+ v2 + ' (' + v6 + ' %)'%>",
startAngle: 90,
radiusScale : 1
// merge annotate defaults
chart.Doughnut.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.defaults.commonOptions, chart.Doughnut.defaults);
chart.Doughnut.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.Doughnut.defaults, charJSPersonalDefaultOptions);
chart.Doughnut.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.Doughnut.defaults, charJSPersonalDefaultOptionsDoughnut);
var config = (options) ? mergeChartConfig(chart.Doughnut.defaults, options) : chart.Doughnut.defaults;
return new Doughnut(data, config, context);
this.Line = function (data, options) {
chart.Line.defaults = {
inGraphDataShow: false,
inGraphDataPaddingX: 3,
inGraphDataPaddingY: 3,
inGraphDataTmpl: "<%=v3%>",
inGraphDataAlign : "left",
inGraphDataVAlign : "bottom",
inGraphDataRotate : 0,
inGraphDataFontFamily: "'Arial'",
inGraphDataFontSize: 12,
inGraphDataFontStyle: "normal",
inGraphDataFontColor: "#666",
scaleOverlay: false,
scaleOverride: false,
scaleSteps: null,
scaleStepWidth: null,
scaleStartValue: null,
scaleLineColor: "rgba(0,0,0,.1)",
scaleLineWidth: 1,
scaleShowLabels: true,
scaleLabel: "<%=value%>",
scaleFontFamily: "'Arial'",
scaleFontSize: 12,
scaleFontStyle: "normal",
scaleFontColor: "#666",
scaleShowGridLines: true,
scaleXGridLinesStep : 1,
scaleYGridLinesStep : 1,
scaleGridLineColor: "rgba(0,0,0,.05)",
scaleGridLineWidth: 1,
showYAxisMin: true, // Show the minimum value on Y axis (in original version, this minimum is not displayed - it can overlap the X labels)
rotateLabels: "smart", // smart <=> 0 degre if space enough; otherwise 45 degres if space enough otherwise90 degre;
// you can force an integer value between 0 and 180 degres
logarithmic: false, // can be 'fuzzy',true and false ('fuzzy' => if the gap between min and maximum is big it's using a logarithmic y-Axis scale
scaleTickSizeLeft: 5,
scaleTickSizeRight: 5,
scaleTickSizeBottom: 5,
scaleTickSizeTop: 5,
bezierCurve: true,
pointDot: true,
pointDotRadius: 4,
pointDotStrokeWidth: 2,
datasetStrokeWidth: 2,
datasetFill: true,
animation: true,
animationSteps: 60,
animationEasing: "easeOutQuart",
onAnimationComplete: null,
annotateLabel: "<%=(v1 == '' ? '' : v1) + (v1!='' && v2 !='' ? ' - ' : '')+(v2 == '' ? '' : v2)+(v1!='' || v2 !='' ? ':' : '') + v3%>"
// merge annotate defaults
chart.Line.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.defaults.commonOptions, chart.Line.defaults);
chart.Line.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.defaults.xyAxisCommonOptions, chart.Line.defaults);
chart.Line.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.Line.defaults, charJSPersonalDefaultOptions);
chart.Line.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.Line.defaults, charJSPersonalDefaultOptionsLine);
var config = (options) ? mergeChartConfig(chart.Line.defaults, options) : chart.Line.defaults;
return new Line(data, config, context);
this.StackedBar = function (data, options) {
chart.StackedBar.defaults = {
inGraphDataShow: false,
inGraphDataPaddingX: 0,
inGraphDataPaddingY: -3,
inGraphDataTmpl: "<%=v3%>",
inGraphDataAlign : "center",
inGraphDataVAlign : "top",
inGraphDataRotate : 0,
inGraphDataFontFamily: "'Arial'",
inGraphDataFontSize: 12,
inGraphDataFontStyle: "normal",
inGraphDataFontColor: "#666",
inGraphDataXPosition : 2,
inGraphDataYPosition : 3,
scaleOverlay: false,
scaleOverride: false,
scaleSteps: null,
scaleStepWidth: null,
scaleStartValue: null,
scaleLineColor: "rgba(0,0,0,.1)",
scaleLineWidth: 1,
scaleShowLabels: true,
scaleLabel: "<%=value%>",
scaleFontFamily: "'Arial'",
scaleFontSize: 12,
scaleFontStyle: "normal",
scaleFontColor: "#666",
scaleShowGridLines: true,
scaleXGridLinesStep : 1,
scaleYGridLinesStep : 1,
scaleGridLineColor: "rgba(0,0,0,.05)",
scaleGridLineWidth: 1,
showYAxisMin: true, // Show the minimum value on Y axis (in original version, this minimum is not displayed - it can overlap the X labels)
rotateLabels: "smart", // smart <=> 0 degre if space enough; otherwise 45 degres if space enough otherwise90 degre;
// you can force an integer value between 0 and 180 degres
scaleTickSizeLeft: 5,
scaleTickSizeRight: 5,
scaleTickSizeBottom: 5,
scaleTickSizeTop: 5,
barShowStroke: true,
barStrokeWidth: 2,
barValueSpacing: 5,
barDatasetSpacing: 1,
animation: true,
animationSteps: 60,
animationEasing: "easeOutQuart",
onAnimationComplete: null,
annotateLabel: "<%=(v1 == '' ? '' : v1) + (v1!='' && v2 !='' ? ' - ' : '')+(v2 == '' ? '' : v2)+(v1!='' || v2 !='' ? ':' : '') + v3 + ' (' + v6 + ' %)'%>"
// merge annotate defaults
chart.StackedBar.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.defaults.commonOptions, chart.StackedBar.defaults);
chart.StackedBar.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.defaults.xyAxisCommonOptions, chart.StackedBar.defaults);
chart.StackedBar.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.StackedBar.defaults, charJSPersonalDefaultOptions);
chart.StackedBar.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.StackedBar.defaults, charJSPersonalDefaultOptionsStackedBar);
var config = (options) ? mergeChartConfig(chart.StackedBar.defaults, options) : chart.StackedBar.defaults;
return new StackedBar(data, config, context);
} ;
this.HorizontalStackedBar = function (data, options) {
chart.HorizontalStackedBar.defaults = {
inGraphDataShow: false,
inGraphDataPaddingX: -3,
inGraphDataPaddingY: 0,
inGraphDataTmpl: "<%=v3%>",
inGraphDataAlign : "right",
inGraphDataVAlign : "middle",
inGraphDataRotate : 0,
inGraphDataFontFamily: "'Arial'",
inGraphDataFontSize: 12,
inGraphDataFontStyle: "normal",
inGraphDataFontColor: "#666",
inGraphDataXPosition : 3,
inGraphDataYPosition : 2,
scaleOverlay: false,
scaleOverride: false,
scaleSteps: null,
scaleStepWidth: null,
scaleStartValue: null,
scaleLineColor: "rgba(0,0,0,.1)",
scaleLineWidth: 1,
scaleShowLabels: true,
scaleLabel: "<%=value%>",
scaleFontFamily: "'Arial'",
scaleFontSize: 12,
scaleFontStyle: "normal",
scaleFontColor: "#666",
scaleShowGridLines: true,
scaleXGridLinesStep : 1,
scaleYGridLinesStep : 1,
scaleGridLineColor: "rgba(0,0,0,.05)",
scaleGridLineWidth: 1,
scaleTickSizeLeft: 5,
scaleTickSizeRight: 5,
scaleTickSizeBottom: 5,
scaleTickSizeTop: 5,
showYAxisMin: true, // Show the minimum value on Y axis (in original version, this minimum is not displayed - it can overlap the X labels)
rotateLabels: "smart", // smart <=> 0 degre if space enough; otherwise 45 degres if space enough otherwise90 degre;
barShowStroke: true,
barStrokeWidth: 2,
barValueSpacing: 5,
barDatasetSpacing: 1,
animation: true,
animationSteps: 60,
animationEasing: "easeOutQuart",
onAnimationComplete: null,
annotateLabel: "<%=(v1 == '' ? '' : v1) + (v1!='' && v2 !='' ? ' - ' : '')+(v2 == '' ? '' : v2)+(v1!='' || v2 !='' ? ':' : '') + v3 + ' (' + v6 + ' %)'%>"
// merge annotate defaults
chart.HorizontalStackedBar.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.defaults.commonOptions, chart.HorizontalStackedBar.defaults);
chart.HorizontalStackedBar.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.defaults.xyAxisCommonOptions, chart.HorizontalStackedBar.defaults);
chart.HorizontalStackedBar.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.HorizontalStackedBar.defaults, charJSPersonalDefaultOptions);
chart.HorizontalStackedBar.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.HorizontalStackedBar.defaults, charJSPersonalDefaultOptionsHorizontalStackedBar);
var config = (options) ? mergeChartConfig(chart.HorizontalStackedBar.defaults, options) : chart.HorizontalStackedBar.defaults;
return new HorizontalStackedBar(data, config, context);
} ;
this.Bar = function (data, options) {
chart.Bar.defaults = {
inGraphDataShow: false,
inGraphDataPaddingX: 0,
inGraphDataPaddingY: 3,
inGraphDataTmpl: "<%=v3%>",
inGraphDataAlign : "center",
inGraphDataVAlign : "bottom",
inGraphDataRotate : 0,
inGraphDataFontFamily: "'Arial'",
inGraphDataFontSize: 12,
inGraphDataFontStyle: "normal",
inGraphDataFontColor: "#666",
inGraphDataXPosition : 2,
inGraphDataYPosition : 3,
scaleOverlay: false,
scaleOverride: false,
scaleSteps: null,
scaleStepWidth: null,
scaleStartValue: null,
scaleLineColor: "rgba(0,0,0,.1)",
scaleLineWidth: 1,
scaleShowLabels: true,
scaleLabel: "<%=value%>",
scaleFontFamily: "'Arial'",
scaleFontSize: 12,
scaleFontStyle: "normal",
scaleFontColor: "#666",
scaleShowGridLines: true,
scaleXGridLinesStep : 1,
scaleYGridLinesStep : 1,
scaleGridLineColor: "rgba(0,0,0,.05)",
scaleGridLineWidth: 1,
showYAxisMin: true, // Show the minimum value on Y axis (in original version, this minimum is not displayed - it can overlap the X labels)
rotateLabels: "smart", // smart <=> 0 degre if space enough; otherwise 45 degres if space enough otherwise90 degre;
// you can force an integer value between 0 and 180 degres
logarithmic: false, // can be 'fuzzy',true and false ('fuzzy' => if the gap between min and maximum is big it's using a logarithmic y-Axis scale
scaleTickSizeLeft: 5,
scaleTickSizeRight: 5,
scaleTickSizeBottom: 5,
scaleTickSizeTop: 5,
barShowStroke: true,
barStrokeWidth: 2,
barValueSpacing: 5,
barDatasetSpacing: 1,
barBorderRadius : 0,
animation: true,
animationSteps: 60,
animationEasing: "easeOutQuart",
onAnimationComplete: null,
annotateLabel: "<%=(v1 == '' ? '' : v1) + (v1!='' && v2 !='' ? ' - ' : '')+(v2 == '' ? '' : v2)+(v1!='' || v2 !='' ? ':' : '') + v3 + ' (' + v6 + ' %)'%>"
// merge annotate defaults
chart.Bar.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.defaults.commonOptions, chart.Bar.defaults);
chart.Bar.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.defaults.xyAxisCommonOptions, chart.Bar.defaults);
chart.Bar.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.Bar.defaults, charJSPersonalDefaultOptions);
chart.Bar.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.Bar.defaults, charJSPersonalDefaultOptionsBar);
var config = (options) ? mergeChartConfig(chart.Bar.defaults, options) : chart.Bar.defaults;
return new Bar(data, config, context);
} ;
this.HorizontalBar = function (data, options) {
chart.HorizontalBar.defaults = {
inGraphDataShow: false,
inGraphDataPaddingX: 3,
inGraphDataPaddingY: 0,
inGraphDataTmpl: "<%=v3%>",
inGraphDataAlign : "left",
inGraphDataVAlign : "middle",
inGraphDataRotate : 0,
inGraphDataFontFamily: "'Arial'",
inGraphDataFontSize: 12,
inGraphDataFontStyle: "normal",
inGraphDataFontColor: "#666",
inGraphDataXPosition : 3,
inGraphDataYPosition : 2,
scaleOverlay: false,
scaleOverride: false,
scaleSteps: null,
scaleStepWidth: null,
scaleStartValue: null,
scaleLineColor: "rgba(0,0,0,.1)",
scaleLineWidth: 1,
scaleShowLabels: true,
scaleLabel: "<%=value%>",
scaleFontFamily: "'Arial'",
scaleFontSize: 12,
scaleFontStyle: "normal",
scaleFontColor: "#666",
scaleShowGridLines: true,
scaleXGridLinesStep : 1,
scaleYGridLinesStep : 1,
scaleGridLineColor: "rgba(0,0,0,.05)",
scaleGridLineWidth: 1,
scaleTickSizeLeft: 5,
scaleTickSizeRight: 5,
scaleTickSizeBottom: 5,
scaleTickSizeTop: 5,
showYAxisMin: true, // Show the minimum value on Y axis (in original version, this minimum is not displayed - it can overlap the X labels)
rotateLabels: "smart", // smart <=> 0 degre if space enough; otherwise 45 degres if space enough otherwise90 degre;
barShowStroke: true,
barStrokeWidth: 2,
barValueSpacing: 5,
barDatasetSpacing: 1,
barBorderRadius : 0,
animation: true,
animationSteps: 60,
animationEasing: "easeOutQuart",
onAnimationComplete: null,
annotateLabel: "<%=(v1 == '' ? '' : v1) + (v1!='' && v2 !='' ? ' - ' : '')+(v2 == '' ? '' : v2)+(v1!='' || v2 !='' ? ':' : '') + v3 + ' (' + v6 + ' %)'%>"
// merge annotate defaults
chart.HorizontalBar.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.defaults.commonOptions, chart.HorizontalBar.defaults);
chart.HorizontalBar.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.defaults.xyAxisCommonOptions, chart.HorizontalBar.defaults);
chart.HorizontalBar.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.HorizontalBar.defaults, charJSPersonalDefaultOptions);
chart.HorizontalBar.defaults = mergeChartConfig(chart.HorizontalBar.defaults, charJSPersonalDefaultOptionsHorizontalBar);
var config = (options) ? mergeChartConfig(chart.HorizontalBar.defaults, options) : chart.HorizontalBar.defaults;
return new HorizontalBar(data, config, context);
} ;
chart.defaults = {};
chart.defaults.commonOptions = {
clearRect : true, // do not change clearRect options; for internal use only
dynamicDisplay : false,
graphSpaceBefore : 5,
graphSpaceAfter : 5,
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canvasBordersColor: "black",
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legendSpaceAfterText : 5,
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legendSpaceRightText : 5,
legendSpaceBetweenTextVertical : 5,
legendSpaceBetweenTextHorizontal : 5,
legendSpaceBetweenBoxAndText : 5,
annotateDisplay: false,
savePng : false,
savePngOuput : "NewWindow", // Allowed values : "NewWindow", "CurrentWindow", "Save"
savePngFunction: "mousedown right",
savePngBackgroundColor : 'WHITE',
annotateFunction: "mousemove",
annotateFontFamily: "'Arial'",
annotateBorder: 'none',
annotateBorderRadius: '2px',
annotateBackgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.8)',
annotateFontSize: 12,
annotateFontColor: 'white',
annotateFontStyle: "normal",
annotatePadding: "3px",
annotateClassName : "",
crossText: [""],
crossTextIter: ["all"],
crossTextOverlay: [true],
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crossTextPosX: [0],
crossTextPosY: [0],
crossTextAngle: [0],
crossTextFunction: null,
spaceTop: 0,
spaceBottom: 0,
spaceRight: 0,
spaceLeft: 0,
decimalSeparator : ".",
thousandSeparator : "",
roundNumber : "none",
roundPct : -1,
fmtV1 : "none",
fmtV2 : "none",
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fmtV5 : "none",
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fmtV7 : "none",
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fmtV9 : "none",
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fmtV11 : "none",
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fmtV13 : "none",
fmtXLabel : "none",
fmtYLabel : "none",
fmtLegend : "none",
animationStartValue : 0,
animationStopValue : 1,
animationCount : 1,
animationPauseTime : 5,
animationBackward : false,
defaultStrokeColor : "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
defaultFillColor : "rgba(220,220,220,0.5)"
chart.defaults.xyAxisCommonOptions = {
yAxisLeft: true,
yAxisRight: false,
xAxisBottom: true,
xAxisTop: false,
xAxisSpaceBetweenLabels : 5,
yAxisLabel: "",
yAxisFontFamily: "'Arial'",
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yAxisFontStyle: "normal",
yAxisFontColor: "#666",
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yAxisLabelSpaceLeft : 5,
yAxisSpaceRight : 5,
yAxisSpaceLeft : 5,
xAxisLabel: "",
xAxisFontFamily: "'Arial'",
xAxisFontSize: 16,
xAxisFontStyle: "normal",
xAxisFontColor: "#666",
xAxisLabelSpaceBefore : 5,
xAxisLabelSpaceAfter : 5,
xAxisSpaceBefore : 5,
xAxisSpaceAfter : 5,
yAxisUnit: "",
yAxisUnitFontFamily: "'Arial'",
yAxisUnitFontSize: 8,
yAxisUnitFontStyle: "normal",
yAxisUnitFontColor: "#666",
yAxisUnitSpaceBefore : 5,
yAxisUnitSpaceAfter : 5
var clear = function (c) {
c.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
var PolarArea = function (data, config, ctx) {
var maxSize, scaleHop, calculatedScale, labelHeight, scaleHeight, valueBounds, labelTemplateString, msr, midPosX, midPosY;
if(typeof ctx.ChartNewId == undefined){
var cvdate = new Date();
var cvmillsec = cvdate.getTime();
ctx.ChartNewId = "PolarArea_"+cvmillsec;
if (!dynamicFunction(data,config,ctx,"PolarArea"))return;
var realStartAngle=config.startAngle* (Math.PI / 180)+2*Math.PI;
while (config.startAngle < 0){config.startAngle+=360;}
while (config.startAngle > 360){config.startAngle-=360;}
while (realStartAngle < 0){realStartAngle+=2*Math.PI;}
while (realStartAngle > 2*Math.PI){realStartAngle-=2*Math.PI;}
config.logarithmic = false;
var annotateCnt = 0;
jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId] = new Array();
valueBounds = getValueBounds();
//Check and set the scale
labelTemplateString = (config.scaleShowLabels) ? config.scaleLabel : "";
if (!config.scaleOverride) {
calculatedScale = calculateScale(config, valueBounds.maxSteps, valueBounds.minSteps, valueBounds.maxValue, valueBounds.minValue, labelTemplateString);
msr = setMeasures(data, config, ctx, height, width, calculatedScale.labels, true, false, false, false,true);
else {
calculatedScale = {
steps: config.scaleSteps,
stepValue: config.scaleStepWidth,
graphMin: config.scaleStartValue,
graphMax: config.scaleStartValue+config.scaleSteps*config.scaleStepWidth,
labels: []
populateLabels(config, labelTemplateString, calculatedScale.labels, calculatedScale.steps, config.scaleStartValue, calculatedScale.graphMax, config.scaleStepWidth);
msr = setMeasures(data, config, ctx, height, width, calculatedScale.labels, true, false, false, false,true);
midPosX = msr.leftNotUsableSize + (msr.availableWidth / 2);
midPosY = msr.topNotUsableSize + (msr.availableHeight / 2);
scaleHop = Math.floor(((Min([msr.availableHeight, msr.availableWidth]) / 2) - 5) / calculatedScale.steps);
//Wrap in an animation loop wrapper
animationLoop(config, drawScale, drawAllSegments, ctx, msr.clrx, msr.clry, msr.clrwidth, msr.clrheight, midPosX, midPosY, midPosX - ((Min([msr.availableHeight, msr.availableWidth]) / 2) - 5), midPosY + ((Min([msr.availableHeight, msr.availableWidth]) / 2) - 5), data);
function drawAllSegments(animationDecimal) {
var startAngle = -config.startAngle * (Math.PI / 180)+2*Math.PI,
cumvalue = 0,
angleStep = 0,
scaleAnimation = 1,
rotateAnimation = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) if (!(typeof(data[i].value)=='undefined'))angleStep++;
angleStep= (Math.PI * 2) / angleStep;
while (startAngle < 0){startAngle+=2*Math.PI;}
while (startAngle > 2*Math.PI){startAngle-=2*Math.PI;}
if (config.animation) {
if (config.animateScale) {
scaleAnimation = animationDecimal;
if (config.animateRotate) {
rotateAnimation = animationDecimal;
if (animationDecimal >= 1) {
totvalue = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) if (!(typeof(data[i].value)=='undefined'))totvalue += 1*data[i].value;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (!(typeof(data[i].value)=='undefined')){
ctx.arc(midPosX, midPosY, scaleAnimation * calculateOffset(config, 1*data[i].value, calculatedScale, scaleHop), startAngle, startAngle + rotateAnimation * angleStep, false);
ctx.lineTo(midPosX, midPosY);
if (typeof data[i].color == "function")ctx.fillStyle = data[i].color("COLOR",data,config,i,-1,animationDecimal,data[i].value);
else ctx.fillStyle = data[i].color;
startAngle += angleStep;
if (config.segmentShowStroke) {
ctx.strokeStyle = config.segmentStrokeColor;
ctx.lineWidth = config.segmentStrokeWidth;
if (animationDecimal >= 1) {
startAngle = -config.startAngle * (Math.PI / 180)+2*Math.PI;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (!(typeof(data[i].value)=='undefined')){
cumvalue += 1*data[i].value;
startAngle += angleStep;
if (typeof (data[i].title) == "string") lgtxt = data[i].title.trim();
else lgtxt = "";
jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][annotateCnt++] = ["ARC", midPosX, midPosY, 0, calculateOffset(config, 1*data[i].value, calculatedScale, scaleHop), startAngle - angleStep, startAngle, lgtxt, 1*data[i].value, cumvalue, totvalue, angleStep, i];
if (config.inGraphDataShow) {
else if(config.inGraphDataAnglePosition==2)posAngle=realStartAngle-angleStep/2+config.inGraphDataPaddingAngle*(Math.PI/180);
else if(config.inGraphDataAnglePosition==3)posAngle=realStartAngle-angleStep+config.inGraphDataPaddingAngle*(Math.PI/180);
else if(config.inGraphDataRadiusPosition==2)labelRadius=calculateOffset(config, 1*data[i].value, calculatedScale, scaleHop)/2+config.inGraphDataPaddingRadius;
else if(config.inGraphDataRadiusPosition==3)labelRadius=calculateOffset(config, 1*data[i].value, calculatedScale, scaleHop)+config.inGraphDataPaddingRadius;
else if(config.inGraphDataRadiusPosition==4)labelRadius=scaleHop*calculatedScale.steps+config.inGraphDataPaddingRadius;
if(config.inGraphDataRotate=="inRadiusAxis" || (posAngle+2*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI) > 3*Math.PI/2 || (posAngle+2*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI) < Math.PI/2)ctx.textAlign = "left";
else ctx.textAlign="right";
else if(config.inGraphDataAlign=="to-center"){
if(config.inGraphDataRotate=="inRadiusAxis" || (posAngle+2*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI) > 3*Math.PI/2 || (posAngle+2*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI) < Math.PI/2)ctx.textAlign = "right";
else ctx.textAlign="left";
else ctx.textAlign = config.inGraphDataAlign;
if((posAngle+2*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI)>Math.PI)ctx.textBaseline = "top";
else ctx.textBaseline = "bottom";
else if(config.inGraphDataVAlign=="to-center"){
if((posAngle+2*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI)>Math.PI)ctx.textBaseline = "bottom";
else ctx.textBaseline = "top";
else ctx.textBaseline = config.inGraphDataVAlign;
ctx.font = config.inGraphDataFontStyle + ' ' + config.inGraphDataFontSize + 'px ' + config.inGraphDataFontFamily;
ctx.fillStyle = config.inGraphDataFontColor;
var dispString = tmplbis(config.inGraphDataTmpl, { config:config, v1 : fmtChartJS(config,lgtxt,config.fmtV1), v2 : fmtChartJS(config,1*data[i].value,config.fmtV2), v3 : fmtChartJS(config,cumvalue,config.fmtV3), v4 : fmtChartJS(config,totvalue,config.fmtV4), v5 : fmtChartJS(config,angleStep,config.fmtV5), v6 : roundToWithThousands(config,fmtChartJS(config,100 * data[i].value / totvalue,config.fmtV6),config.roundPct), v7 : fmtChartJS(config,midPosX,config.fmtV7),v8 : fmtChartJS(config,midPosY,config.fmtV8),v9 : fmtChartJS(config,0,config.fmtV9),v10 : fmtChartJS(config,calculateOffset(config, 1*data[i].value, calculatedScale, scaleHop),config.fmtV10),v11 : fmtChartJS(config,startAngle - angleStep,config.fmtV11),v12 : fmtChartJS(config,angleStep,config.fmtV12),v13 : fmtChartJS(config,i,config.fmtV13),data:data});
ctx.translate(midPosX + labelRadius*Math.cos(posAngle), midPosY - labelRadius*Math.sin(posAngle));
else if(config.inGraphDataRotate=="inRadiusAxisRotateLabels")
if ((posAngle+2*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI)>Math.PI/2 && (posAngle+2*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI)<3*Math.PI/2)ctx.rotate(3*Math.PI-posAngle);
else ctx.rotate(2*Math.PI-posAngle);
else ctx.rotate(config.inGraphDataRotate * (Math.PI / 180));
} }
} ;
function drawScale() {
for (var i = 0; i < calculatedScale.steps; i++) {
//If the line object is there
if (config.scaleShowLine) {
ctx.arc(midPosX, midPosY, scaleHop * (i + 1), 0, (Math.PI * 2), true);
ctx.strokeStyle = config.scaleLineColor;
ctx.lineWidth = config.scaleLineWidth;
if (config.scaleShowLabels) {
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.font = config.scaleFontStyle + " " + config.scaleFontSize + "px " + config.scaleFontFamily;
var label = calculatedScale.labels[i + 1];
//If the backdrop object is within the font object
if (config.scaleShowLabelBackdrop) {
var textWidth = ctx.measureTextMultiLine(label,config.scaleFontSize).textWidth;
ctx.fillStyle = config.scaleBackdropColor;
Math.round(midPosX - textWidth / 2 - config.scaleBackdropPaddingX), //X
Math.round(midPosY - (scaleHop * (i + 1)) - config.scaleFontSize * 0.5 - config.scaleBackdropPaddingY),//Y
Math.round(textWidth + (config.scaleBackdropPaddingX * 2)), //Width
Math.round(config.scaleFontSize + (config.scaleBackdropPaddingY * 2)) //Height
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
ctx.fillStyle = config.scaleFontColor;
ctx.fillTextMultiLine(label, midPosX, midPosY - (scaleHop * (i + 1)),ctx.textBaseline,config.scaleFontSize);
} ;
function getValueBounds() {
var upperValue = Number.MIN_VALUE;
var lowerValue = Number.MAX_VALUE;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (1*data[i].value > upperValue) { upperValue = 1*data[i].value; }
if (1*data[i].value < lowerValue) { lowerValue = 1*data[i].value; }
if (Math.abs(upperValue - lowerValue)<0.00000001) {
upperValue = Max([upperValue*2,1]);
lowerValue = 0;
if (!isNaN(config.graphMin)) lowerValue = config.graphMin;
if (!isNaN(config.graphMax)) upperValue = config.graphMax;
var maxSteps = Math.floor((scaleHeight / (labelHeight * 0.66)));
var minSteps = Math.floor((scaleHeight / labelHeight * 0.5));
return {
maxValue: upperValue,
minValue: lowerValue,
maxSteps: maxSteps,
minSteps: minSteps
} ;
} ;
var Radar = function (data, config, ctx) {
var maxSize, scaleHop, calculatedScale, labelHeight, scaleHeight, valueBounds, labelTemplateString, msr, midPosX, midPosY;
if(typeof ctx.ChartNewId == "undefined"){
var cvdate = new Date();
var cvmillsec = cvdate.getTime();
if (!dynamicFunction(data,config,ctx,"Radar"))return;
while (config.startAngle < 0){config.startAngle+=360;}
while (config.startAngle > 360){config.startAngle-=360;}
config.logarithmic = false;
var annotateCnt = 0;
jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId] = new Array();
//If no labels are defined set to an empty array, so referencing length for looping doesn't blow up.
if (!data.labels) data.labels = [];
valueBounds = getValueBounds();
//Check and set the scale
labelTemplateString = (config.scaleShowLabels) ? config.scaleLabel : "";
if (!config.scaleOverride) {
calculatedScale = calculateScale(config, valueBounds.maxSteps, valueBounds.minSteps, valueBounds.maxValue, valueBounds.minValue, labelTemplateString);
msr = setMeasures(data, config, ctx, height, width, calculatedScale.labels, true, false, false, true,config.datasetFill);
else {
calculatedScale = {
steps: config.scaleSteps,
stepValue: config.scaleStepWidth,
graphMin: config.scaleStartValue,
graphMax: config.scaleStartValue+config.scaleSteps*config.scaleStepWidth,
labels: []
populateLabels(config, labelTemplateString, calculatedScale.labels, calculatedScale.steps, config.scaleStartValue, calculatedScale.graphMax, config.scaleStepWidth);
msr = setMeasures(data, config, ctx, height, width, calculatedScale.labels, true, false, false, true,config.datasetFill);
midPosY = msr.topNotUsableSize + (msr.availableHeight / 2);
scaleHop = maxSize / (calculatedScale.steps);
//Wrap in an animation loop wrapper
animationLoop(config, drawScale, drawAllDataPoints, ctx, msr.clrx, msr.clry, msr.clrwidth, msr.clrheight, midPosX, midPosY, midPosX - maxSize, midPosY + maxSize, data);
//Radar specific functions.
function drawAllDataPoints(animationDecimal) {
var totvalue = new Array();
var maxvalue = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) { totvalue[j] = 0; maxvalue[j] = -999999999; } }
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) { if (!(typeof(data.datasets[i].data[j])=='undefined')){totvalue[j] += 1*data.datasets[i].data[j]; maxvalue[j] = Max([maxvalue[j], 1*data.datasets[i].data[j]]); } } }
var rotationDegree = (2 * Math.PI) / data.datasets[0].data.length;
//We accept multiple data sets for radar charts, so show loop through each set
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) {
if (animationDecimal >= 1) {
if (typeof (data.datasets[i].title) == "string") lgtxt = data.datasets[i].title.trim();
else lgtxt = "";
var fPt=-1;
for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) {
if (!(typeof(data.datasets[i].data[j])=='undefined')) {
if (fPt==-1)
ctx.moveTo(midPosX + animationDecimal *(Math.cos(config.startAngle*Math.PI/180 - j * rotationDegree) * calculateOffset(config, data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, scaleHop)), midPosY - animationDecimal *(Math.sin(config.startAngle*Math.PI/180 - j * rotationDegree) * calculateOffset(config, data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, scaleHop)));
ctx.lineTo(midPosX + animationDecimal *(Math.cos(config.startAngle*Math.PI/180 - j * rotationDegree) * calculateOffset(config, data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, scaleHop)), midPosY - animationDecimal *(Math.sin(config.startAngle*Math.PI/180 - j * rotationDegree) * calculateOffset(config, data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, scaleHop)));
if (animationDecimal >= 1) {
if (i == 0) divprev = 0;
else divprev = data.datasets[i].data[j] - data.datasets[i - 1].data[j];
if (i == data.datasets.length - 1) divnext = 0;
else divnext = data.datasets[i + 1].data[j] - data.datasets[i].data[j];
if (typeof (data.labels[j]) == "string") lgtxt2 = data.labels[j].trim();
else lgtxt2 = "";
jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][annotateCnt++] = ["POINT", midPosX + Math.cos(config.startAngle*Math.PI/180 - j * rotationDegree) * calculateOffset(config, data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, scaleHop), midPosY - Math.sin(config.startAngle*Math.PI/180 - j * rotationDegree) * calculateOffset(config, data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, scaleHop), lgtxt, lgtxt2, 1*data.datasets[i].data[j], divprev, divnext, maxvalue[j], totvalue[j], i, j];
if (typeof data.datasets[i].fillColor == "function")ctx.fillStyle = data.datasets[i].fillColor("FILLCOLOR",data,config,i,-1,animationDecimal,-1);
else if(typeof data.datasets[i].fillColor=="string")ctx.fillStyle = data.datasets[i].fillColor;
else ctx.fillStyle=config.defaultFillColor;
else ctx.fillStyle="rgba(0,0,0,0)";
if (typeof data.datasets[i].strokeColor == "function")ctx.strokeStyle = data.datasets[i].strokeColor("STROKECOLOR",data,config,i,-1,animationDecimal,-1);
else if(typeof data.datasets[i].strokeColor=="string")ctx.strokeStyle = data.datasets[i].strokeColor;
else ctx.strokeStyle=config.defaultStrokeColor;
ctx.lineWidth = config.datasetStrokeWidth;
if (config.pointDot) {
if (typeof data.datasets[i].pointColor == "function")ctx.fillStyle = data.datasets[i].pointColor("POINTCOLOR",data,config,i,-1,animationDecimal,-1);
else ctx.fillStyle = data.datasets[i].pointColor;
if (typeof data.datasets[i].pointStrokeColor == "function")ctx.strokeStyle = data.datasets[i].pointStrokeColor("POINTSTROKECOLOR",data,config,i,-1,animationDecimal,-1);
else ctx.strokeStyle = data.datasets[i].pointStrokeColor;
ctx.lineWidth = config.pointDotStrokeWidth;
for (var k = 0; k < data.datasets[i].data.length; k++) {
if (!(typeof(data.datasets[i].data[k])=='undefined')) {
ctx.arc(midPosX + animationDecimal *(Math.cos(config.startAngle*Math.PI/180 - k * rotationDegree) * calculateOffset(config, data.datasets[i].data[k], calculatedScale, scaleHop)), midPosY - animationDecimal * (Math.sin(config.startAngle*Math.PI/180 - k * rotationDegree) * calculateOffset(config, data.datasets[i].data[k], calculatedScale, scaleHop)), config.pointDotRadius, 2 * Math.PI, false);
if (animationDecimal >= 1 && config.inGraphDataShow) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) {
if (typeof (data.datasets[i].title) == "string") lgtxt = data.datasets[i].title.trim();
else lgtxt = "";
for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) {
if (!(typeof(data.datasets[i].data[j])=='undefined')) {
if (i == 0) divprev = 0;
else divprev = data.datasets[i].data[j] - data.datasets[i - 1].data[j];
if (i == data.datasets.length - 1) divnext = 0;
else divnext = data.datasets[i + 1].data[j] - data.datasets[i].data[j];
if (typeof (data.labels[j]) == "string") lgtxt2 = data.labels[j].trim();
else lgtxt2 = "";
ctx.textAlign = config.inGraphDataAlign;
ctx.textBaseline = config.inGraphDataVAlign;
if(config.inGraphDataRotate=="inRadiusAxis" || (config.startAngle*Math.PI/180-j * rotationDegree+4*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI) > 3*Math.PI/2 || (config.startAngle*Math.PI/180-j * rotationDegree+4*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI) <= Math.PI/2)ctx.textAlign = "left";
else ctx.textAlign="right";
else if(config.inGraphDataAlign=="to-center"){
if(config.inGraphDataRotate=="inRadiusAxis" || (config.startAngle*Math.PI/180-j * rotationDegree+4*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI) > 3*Math.PI/2 || (config.startAngle*Math.PI/180-j * rotationDegree+4*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI) < Math.PI/2)ctx.textAlign = "right";
else ctx.textAlign="left";
else ctx.textAlign = config.inGraphDataAlign;
if((config.startAngle*Math.PI/180-j * rotationDegree+4*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI)>Math.PI)ctx.textBaseline = "bottom";
else ctx.textBaseline = "top";
else if(config.inGraphDataVAlign=="to-center"){
if((config.startAngle*Math.PI/180-j * rotationDegree+4*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI)>Math.PI)ctx.textBaseline = "top";
else ctx.textBaseline = "bottom";
else ctx.textBaseline = config.inGraphDataVAlign;
ctx.font = config.inGraphDataFontStyle + ' ' + config.inGraphDataFontSize + 'px ' + config.inGraphDataFontFamily;
ctx.fillStyle = config.inGraphDataFontColor;
var radiusPrt;
else if(config.inGraphDataRadiusPosition==2)radiusPrt=(calculateOffset(config, data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, scaleHop))/2+config.inGraphDataPaddingRadius;
else if(config.inGraphDataRadiusPosition==3)radiusPrt=(calculateOffset(config, data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, scaleHop))+config.inGraphDataPaddingRadius;
ctx.translate(midPosX + Math.cos(config.startAngle*Math.PI/180 - j * rotationDegree) * radiusPrt, midPosY - Math.sin(config.startAngle*Math.PI/180 - j * rotationDegree) * radiusPrt);
if(config.inGraphDataRotate=="inRadiusAxis")ctx.rotate(j * rotationDegree);
else if(config.inGraphDataRotate=="inRadiusAxisRotateLabels"){
if ((j * rotationDegree+2*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI)>Math.PI/2 && (j * rotationDegree+2*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI)<3*Math.PI/2)ctx.rotate(3*Math.PI+j * rotationDegree);
else ctx.rotate(2*Math.PI+j * rotationDegree);
else ctx.rotate(config.inGraphDataRotate * (Math.PI / 180));
var dispString = tmplbis(config.inGraphDataTmpl, { config:config, v1 : fmtChartJS(config,lgtxt,config.fmtV1), v2 : fmtChartJS(config,lgtxt2,config.fmtV2), v3 : fmtChartJS(config,1*data.datasets[i].data[j],config.fmtV3), v4 : fmtChartJS(config,divprev,config.fmtV4), v5 : fmtChartJS(config,divnext,config.fmtV5), v6 : fmtChartJS(config,maxvalue[j],config.fmtV6), v7 : fmtChartJS(config,totvalue[j],config.fmtV7), v8 : roundToWithThousands(config,fmtChartJS(config,100 * data.datasets[i].data[j] / totvalue[j],config.fmtV8),config.roundPct),v9 : fmtChartJS(config,midPosX + Math.cos(config.startAngle*Math.PI/180 - j * rotationDegree) * calculateOffset(config, data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, scaleHop),config.fmtV9),v10 : fmtChartJS(config,midPosY - Math.sin(config.startAngle*Math.PI/180 - j * rotationDegree) * calculateOffset(config, data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, scaleHop),config.fmtV10),v11 : fmtChartJS(config,i,config.fmtV11), v12 : fmtChartJS(config,j,config.fmtV12),data:data});
} ;
function drawScale() {
var rotationDegree = (2 * Math.PI) / data.datasets[0].data.length;
ctx.translate(midPosX, midPosY);
if (config.angleShowLineOut) {
ctx.strokeStyle = config.angleLineColor;
ctx.lineWidth = config.angleLineWidth;
for (var h = 0; h < data.datasets[0].data.length; h++) {
ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
ctx.lineTo(0, -maxSize);
for (var i = 0; i < calculatedScale.steps; i++) {
if (config.scaleShowLine) {
ctx.strokeStyle = config.scaleLineColor;
ctx.lineWidth = config.scaleLineWidth;
ctx.moveTo(0, -scaleHop * (i + 1));
for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[0].data.length; j++) {
ctx.lineTo(0, -scaleHop * (i + 1));
if (config.scaleShowLabels) {
for (var i = 0; i < calculatedScale.steps; i++) {
ctx.textAlign = 'center';
ctx.font = config.scaleFontStyle + " " + config.scaleFontSize + "px " + config.scaleFontFamily;
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
if (config.scaleShowLabelBackdrop) {
var textWidth = ctx.measureTextMultiLine(calculatedScale.labels[i + 1],config.scaleFontSize).textWidth;
ctx.fillStyle = config.scaleBackdropColor;
Math.round(Math.cos(config.startAngle*Math.PI/180)* (scaleHop * (i + 1))-textWidth / 2 - config.scaleBackdropPaddingX), //X
Math.round((-Math.sin(config.startAngle*Math.PI/180)*scaleHop * (i + 1)) - config.scaleFontSize * 0.5 - config.scaleBackdropPaddingY),//Y
Math.round(textWidth + (config.scaleBackdropPaddingX * 2)), //Width
Math.round(config.scaleFontSize + (config.scaleBackdropPaddingY * 2)) //Height
ctx.fillStyle = config.scaleFontColor;
ctx.fillTextMultiLine(calculatedScale.labels[i + 1], Math.cos(config.startAngle*Math.PI/180)* (scaleHop * (i + 1)), -Math.sin(config.startAngle*Math.PI/180)*scaleHop * (i + 1),ctx.textBaseline,config.scaleFontSize);
for (var k = 0; k < data.labels.length; k++) {
ctx.font = config.pointLabelFontStyle + " " + config.pointLabelFontSize + "px " + config.pointLabelFontFamily;
ctx.fillStyle = config.pointLabelFontColor;
var opposite = Math.sin((90-config.startAngle)*Math.PI/180+rotationDegree * k) * (maxSize + config.pointLabelFontSize);
var adjacent = Math.cos((90-config.startAngle)*Math.PI/180+rotationDegree * k) * (maxSize + config.pointLabelFontSize);
var vangle=(90-config.startAngle)*Math.PI/180+rotationDegree * k;
if (vangle == Math.PI || vangle == 0) {
ctx.textAlign = "center";
else if (vangle > Math.PI) {
ctx.textAlign = "right";
else {
ctx.textAlign = "left";
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
ctx.fillTextMultiLine(data.labels[k], opposite, -adjacent,ctx.textBaseline,config.pointLabelFontSize);
function calculateDrawingSizes() {
var midX, mxlb,maxL,maxR,iter,nbiter,prevMaxSize,prevMidX;
var rotationDegree = (2 * Math.PI) / data.datasets[0].data.length;
var rotateAngle=config.startAngle*Math.PI/180;
// Compute range for Mid Point of graph
ctx.font = config.pointLabelFontStyle + " " + config.pointLabelFontSize + "px " + config.pointLabelFontFamily;
if(!config.graphMaximized) {
else {
for (var i = 0; i < data.labels.length; i++) {
var textMeasurement = ctx.measureTextMultiLine(data.labels[i],config.scaleFontSize).textWidth+ctx.measureTextMultiLine(data.labels[i],config.scaleFontSize).textHeight;
if((rotateAngle < Math.PI/2 && rotateAngle > -Math.PI/2) || rotateAngle > 3*Math.PI/2){
if (mxlb<maxR)maxR=mxlb;
else if (Math.cos(rotateAngle) !=0){
if (mxlb<maxL)maxL=mxlb;
// compute max Radius and midPoint in that range
for (midX=maxR,iter=0;iter<nbiter; ++iter, midX+=(msr.availableWidth-maxL-maxR)/nbiter){
var rotateAngle=config.startAngle*Math.PI/180;
for (var i = 0; i < data.labels.length; i++) {
var textMeasurement = ctx.measureTextMultiLine(data.labels[i],config.scaleFontSize).textWidth+ctx.measureTextMultiLine(data.labels[i],config.scaleFontSize).textHeight;
if((rotateAngle < Math.PI/2 && rotateAngle > -Math.PI/2) || rotateAngle > 3*Math.PI/2){
mxlb=((msr.availableWidth-midX)- textMeasurement)/Math.abs(Math.cos(rotateAngle));
else if (Math.cos(rotateAngle!=0)){
mxlb=(midX- textMeasurement)/Math.abs(Math.cos(rotateAngle));
if (mxlb < maxSize)maxSize=mxlb;
if(Math.sin(rotateAngle)*msr.availableHeight/2 > msr.availableHeight/2 - config.scaleFontSize*2){
if(mxlb < maxSize)maxSize=mxlb;
maxSize =prevMaxSize - config.scaleFontSize/2;
//If the label height is less than 5, set it to 5 so we don't have lines on top of each other.
labelHeight = Default(labelHeight, 5);
function getValueBounds() {
var upperValue = Number.MIN_VALUE;
var lowerValue = Number.MAX_VALUE;
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) {
if (1*data.datasets[i].data[j] > upperValue) { upperValue = 1*data.datasets[i].data[j] }
if (1*data.datasets[i].data[j] < lowerValue) { lowerValue = 1*data.datasets[i].data[j] }
if (Math.abs(upperValue - lowerValue)<0.00000001) {
upperValue = Max([upperValue*2,1]);
lowerValue = 0;
if (!isNaN(config.graphMin)) lowerValue = config.graphMin;
if (!isNaN(config.graphMax)) upperValue = config.graphMax;
var maxSteps = Math.floor((scaleHeight / (labelHeight * 0.66)));
var minSteps = Math.floor((scaleHeight / labelHeight * 0.5));
return {
maxValue: upperValue,
minValue: lowerValue,
maxSteps: maxSteps,
minSteps: minSteps
} ;
var Pie = function (data, config, ctx) {
var segmentTotal = 0;
var msr, midPieX, midPieY,pieRadius;
if(typeof ctx.ChartNewId == "undefined"){
var cvdate = new Date();
var cvmillsec = cvdate.getTime();
if (!dynamicFunction(data,config,ctx,"Pie"))return;
while (config.startAngle < 0){config.startAngle+=360;}
while (config.startAngle > 360){config.startAngle-=360;}
config.logarithmic = false;
var annotateCnt = 0;
jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId] = new Array();
//In case we have a canvas that is not a square. Minus 5 pixels as padding round the edge.
msr = setMeasures(data, config, ctx, height, width, null, true, false, false, false,true);
// midPieX = msr.leftNotUsableSize + (msr.availableWidth / 2);
// midPieY = msr.topNotUsableSize + (msr.availableHeight / 2);
// pieRadius = Min([msr.availableHeight / 2, msr.availableWidth / 2]) - 5;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (!(typeof(data[i].value)=='undefined'))segmentTotal += 1*data[i].value;
animationLoop(config, null, drawPieSegments, ctx, msr.clrx, msr.clry, msr.clrwidth, msr.clrheight, midPieX, midPieY, midPieX - pieRadius, midPieY + pieRadius, data);
function drawPieSegments(animationDecimal) {
var cumulativeAngle = -config.startAngle * (Math.PI / 180)+2*Math.PI ,
cumvalue = 0,
scaleAnimation = 1,
rotateAnimation = 1;
var realCumulativeAngle=config.startAngle* (Math.PI / 180)+2*Math.PI;
while (cumulativeAngle < 0){cumulativeAngle+=2*Math.PI;}
while (cumulativeAngle > 2*Math.PI){cumulativeAngle-=2*Math.PI;}
while (realCumulativeAngle < 0){realCumulativeAngle+=2*Math.PI;}
while (realCumulativeAngle > 2*Math.PI){realCumulativeAngle-=2*Math.PI;}
if (config.animation) {
if (config.animateScale) {
scaleAnimation = animationDecimal;
if (config.animateRotate) {
rotateAnimation = animationDecimal;
if (animationDecimal >= 1) {
totvalue = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) if (!(typeof(data[i].value)=='undefined'))totvalue += 1*data[i].value;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (!(typeof(data[i].value)=='undefined')){
var segmentAngle = rotateAnimation * ((1*data[i].value / segmentTotal) * (Math.PI * 2));
if(segmentAngle >= Math.PI*2)segmentAngle=Math.PI*2-0.001; // bug on Android when segmentAngle is >= 2*PI;
ctx.arc(midPieX, midPieY, scaleAnimation * pieRadius, cumulativeAngle, cumulativeAngle+segmentAngle );
ctx.lineTo(midPieX, midPieY);
if (typeof data[i].color == "function")ctx.fillStyle = data[i].color("COLOR",data,config,i,-1,animationDecimal,data[i].value);
else ctx.fillStyle = data[i].color;
cumulativeAngle += segmentAngle;
cumvalue += 1*data[i].value;
if (config.segmentShowStroke) {
ctx.lineWidth = config.segmentStrokeWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = config.segmentStrokeColor;
if (animationDecimal >= 1) {
if (typeof (data[i].title) == "string") lgtxt = data[i].title.trim();
else lgtxt = "";
jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][annotateCnt++] = ["ARC", midPieX, midPieY, 0, pieRadius, cumulativeAngle - segmentAngle, cumulativeAngle, lgtxt, 1*data[i].value, cumvalue, totvalue, segmentAngle, i];
if (config.inGraphDataShow) {
else if(config.inGraphDataAnglePosition==2)posAngle=realCumulativeAngle-segmentAngle/2+config.inGraphDataPaddingAngle*(Math.PI/180);
else if(config.inGraphDataAnglePosition==3)posAngle=realCumulativeAngle-segmentAngle+config.inGraphDataPaddingAngle*(Math.PI/180);
else if(config.inGraphDataRadiusPosition==2)labelRadius=pieRadius/2+config.inGraphDataPaddingRadius;
else if(config.inGraphDataRadiusPosition==3)labelRadius=pieRadius+config.inGraphDataPaddingRadius;
realCumulativeAngle -= segmentAngle;
if(config.inGraphDataRotate=="inRadiusAxis" || (posAngle+2*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI) > 3*Math.PI/2 || (posAngle+2*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI) < Math.PI/2)ctx.textAlign = "left";
else ctx.textAlign="right";
else if(config.inGraphDataAlign=="to-center"){
if(config.inGraphDataRotate=="inRadiusAxis" || (posAngle+2*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI) > 3*Math.PI/2 || (posAngle+2*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI) < Math.PI/2)ctx.textAlign = "right";
else ctx.textAlign="left";
else ctx.textAlign = config.inGraphDataAlign;
if((posAngle+2*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI)>Math.PI)ctx.textBaseline = "top";
else ctx.textBaseline = "bottom";
else if(config.inGraphDataVAlign=="to-center"){
if((posAngle+2*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI)>Math.PI)ctx.textBaseline = "bottom";
else ctx.textBaseline = "top";
else ctx.textBaseline = config.inGraphDataVAlign;
ctx.font = config.inGraphDataFontStyle + ' ' + config.inGraphDataFontSize + 'px ' + config.inGraphDataFontFamily;
ctx.fillStyle = config.inGraphDataFontColor;
var dispString = tmplbis(config.inGraphDataTmpl, { config:config, v1 : fmtChartJS(config,lgtxt,config.fmtV1), v2 : fmtChartJS(config,1*data[i].value,config.fmtV2), v3 : fmtChartJS(config,cumvalue,config.fmtV3), v4 : fmtChartJS(config,totvalue,config.fmtV4), v5 : fmtChartJS(config,segmentAngle,config.fmtV5), v6 : roundToWithThousands(config, fmtChartJS(config,100 * data[i].value / totvalue,config.fmtV6), config.roundPct), v7 : fmtChartJS(config,midPieX,config.fmtV7),v8 : fmtChartJS(config,midPieY,config.fmtV8),v9 : fmtChartJS(config,0,config.fmtV9),v10 : fmtChartJS(config,pieRadius,config.fmtV10),v11 : fmtChartJS(config,cumulativeAngle-segmentAngle,config.fmtV11),v12 : fmtChartJS(config,cumulativeAngle,config.fmtV12),v13 : fmtChartJS(config,i,config.fmtV13),data:data});
ctx.translate(midPieX + labelRadius*Math.cos(posAngle), midPieY - labelRadius*Math.sin(posAngle));
else if(config.inGraphDataRotate=="inRadiusAxisRotateLabels")
if ((posAngle+2*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI)>Math.PI/2 && (posAngle+2*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI)<3*Math.PI/2)ctx.rotate(3*Math.PI-posAngle);
else ctx.rotate(2*Math.PI-posAngle);
else ctx.rotate(config.inGraphDataRotate * (Math.PI / 180));
function calculateDrawingSize() {
var lgtxt;
var cumulativeAngle = -config.startAngle * (Math.PI / 180)+2*Math.PI ,
cumvalue = 0;
while (cumulativeAngle < 0){cumulativeAngle+=2*Math.PI;}
while (cumulativeAngle > 2*Math.PI){cumulativeAngle-=2*Math.PI;}
midPieX = msr.leftNotUsableSize + (msr.availableWidth / 2);
midPieY = msr.topNotUsableSize + (msr.availableHeight / 2);
pieRadius = Min([msr.availableHeight / 2, msr.availableWidth / 2]) - 5;
// Computerange Pie Radius
if(config.inGraphDataShow && config.inGraphDataRadiusPosition==3 && config.inGraphDataAlign=="off-center" && config.inGraphDataRotate==0) {
pieRadius = Min([msr.availableHeight / 2, msr.availableWidth / 2]) - config.inGraphDataFontSize - config.inGraphDataPaddingRadius -5;
var realCumulativeAngle=config.startAngle* (Math.PI / 180)+2*Math.PI;
while (realCumulativeAngle < 0){realCumulativeAngle+=2*Math.PI;}
while (realCumulativeAngle > 2*Math.PI){realCumulativeAngle-=2*Math.PI;}
var totvalue = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) if (!(typeof(data[i].value)=='undefined'))totvalue += 1*data[i].value;
ctx.font = config.inGraphDataFontStyle + ' ' + config.inGraphDataFontSize + 'px ' + config.inGraphDataFontFamily;
var cumvalue=0;
var posAngle;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (!(typeof(data[i].value)=='undefined')) {
cumvalue += 1*data[i].value;
var segmentAngle = (1*data[i].value / segmentTotal) * (Math.PI * 2);
cumulativeAngle += segmentAngle;
else if(config.inGraphDataAnglePosition==2)posAngle=realCumulativeAngle-segmentAngle/2+config.inGraphDataPaddingAngle*(Math.PI/180);
else if(config.inGraphDataAnglePosition==3)posAngle=realCumulativeAngle-segmentAngle+config.inGraphDataPaddingAngle*(Math.PI/180);
realCumulativeAngle -= segmentAngle;
if (typeof (data[i].title) == "string") lgtxt = data[i].title.trim();
else lgtxt = "";
var dispString = tmplbis(config.inGraphDataTmpl, { config:config, v1 : fmtChartJS(config,lgtxt,config.fmtV1), v2 : fmtChartJS(config,1*data[i].value,config.fmtV2), v3 : fmtChartJS(config,cumvalue,config.fmtV3), v4 : fmtChartJS(config,totvalue,config.fmtV4), v5 : fmtChartJS(config,segmentAngle,config.fmtV5), v6 : roundToWithThousands(config, fmtChartJS(config,100 * data[i].value / totvalue,config.fmtV6), config.roundPct), v7 : fmtChartJS(config,midPieX,config.fmtV7),v8 : fmtChartJS(config,midPieY,config.fmtV8),v9 : fmtChartJS(config,0,config.fmtV9),v10 : fmtChartJS(config,pieRadius,config.fmtV10),v11 : fmtChartJS(config,cumulativeAngle-segmentAngle,config.fmtV11),v12 : fmtChartJS(config,cumulativeAngle,config.fmtV12),v13 : fmtChartJS(config,i,config.fmtV13),data:data});
var textMeasurement = ctx.measureText(dispString).width;
var MaxRadiusX= Math.abs((msr.availableWidth / 2 - textMeasurement)/Math.cos(posAngle))-config.inGraphDataPaddingRadius -5;
} ;
var Doughnut = function (data, config, ctx) {
var segmentTotal = 0;
var msr, midPieX, midPieY, doughnutRadius;
if(typeof ctx.ChartNewId == "undefined"){
var cvdate = new Date();
var cvmillsec = cvdate.getTime();
if (!dynamicFunction(data,config,ctx,"Doughnut"))return;
var realCumulativeAngle=config.startAngle* (Math.PI / 180)+2*Math.PI;
while (config.startAngle < 0){config.startAngle+=360;}
while (config.startAngle > 360){config.startAngle-=360;}
while (realCumulativeAngle < 0){realCumulativeAngle+=2*Math.PI;}
while (realCumulativeAngle > 2*Math.PI){realCumulativeAngle-=2*Math.PI;}
config.logarithmic = false;
var annotateCnt = 0;
jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId] = new Array();
msr = setMeasures(data, config, ctx, height, width, null, true, false, false, false,true);
var cutoutRadius = doughnutRadius * (config.percentageInnerCutout / 100);
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (!(typeof(data[i].value)=='undefined'))segmentTotal += 1*data[i].value;
animationLoop(config, null, drawPieSegments, ctx, msr.clrx, msr.clry, msr.clrwidth, msr.clrheight, midPieX, midPieY, midPieX - doughnutRadius, midPieY + doughnutRadius, data);
function drawPieSegments(animationDecimal) {
var cumulativeAngle = -config.startAngle * (Math.PI / 180)+2*Math.PI ,
cumvalue = 0,
scaleAnimation = 1,
rotateAnimation = 1;
while (cumulativeAngle < 0){cumulativeAngle+=2*Math.PI;}
while (cumulativeAngle > 2*Math.PI){cumulativeAngle-=2*Math.PI;}
if (config.animation) {
if (config.animateScale) {
scaleAnimation = animationDecimal;
if (config.animateRotate) {
rotateAnimation = animationDecimal;
if (animationDecimal >= 1) {
totvalue = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) if (!(typeof(data[i].value)=='undefined'))totvalue += 1*data[i].value;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (!(typeof(data[i].value)=='undefined')){
var segmentAngle = rotateAnimation * ((1*data[i].value / segmentTotal) * (Math.PI * 2));
if(segmentAngle >= Math.PI*2)segmentAngle=Math.PI*2-0.001; // but on Android when segmentAngle is >= 2*PI;
ctx.arc(midPieX, midPieY, scaleAnimation * doughnutRadius, cumulativeAngle, cumulativeAngle + segmentAngle, false);
ctx.arc(midPieX, midPieY, scaleAnimation * cutoutRadius, cumulativeAngle + segmentAngle, cumulativeAngle, true);
if (typeof data[i].color == "function")ctx.fillStyle = data[i].color("COLOR",data,config,i,-1,animationDecimal,data[i].value);
else ctx.fillStyle = data[i].color;
cumulativeAngle += segmentAngle;
cumvalue += 1*data[i].value;
if (config.segmentShowStroke) {
ctx.lineWidth = config.segmentStrokeWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = config.segmentStrokeColor;
if (animationDecimal >= 1) {
if (typeof (data[i].title) == "string") lgtxt = data[i].title.trim();
else lgtxt = "";
jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][annotateCnt++] = ["ARC", midPieX, midPieY, cutoutRadius, doughnutRadius, cumulativeAngle - segmentAngle, cumulativeAngle, lgtxt, 1*data[i].value, cumvalue, totvalue, segmentAngle, i];
if (config.inGraphDataShow) {
else if(config.inGraphDataAnglePosition==2)posAngle=realCumulativeAngle-segmentAngle/2+config.inGraphDataPaddingAngle*(Math.PI/180);
else if(config.inGraphDataAnglePosition==3)posAngle=realCumulativeAngle-segmentAngle+config.inGraphDataPaddingAngle*(Math.PI/180);
else if(config.inGraphDataRadiusPosition==2)labelRadius=cutoutRadius+(doughnutRadius-cutoutRadius)/2+config.inGraphDataPaddingRadius;
else if(config.inGraphDataRadiusPosition==3)labelRadius=doughnutRadius+config.inGraphDataPaddingRadius;
realCumulativeAngle -= segmentAngle;
if(config.inGraphDataRotate=="inRadiusAxis" || (posAngle+2*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI) > 3*Math.PI/2 || (posAngle+2*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI) < Math.PI/2)ctx.textAlign = "left";
else ctx.textAlign="right";
else if(config.inGraphDataAlign=="to-center"){
if(config.inGraphDataRotate=="inRadiusAxis" || (posAngle+2*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI) > 3*Math.PI/2 || (posAngle+2*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI) < Math.PI/2)ctx.textAlign = "right";
else ctx.textAlign="left";
else ctx.textAlign = config.inGraphDataAlign;
if((posAngle+2*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI)>Math.PI)ctx.textBaseline = "top";
else ctx.textBaseline = "bottom";
else if(config.inGraphDataVAlign=="to-center"){
if((posAngle+2*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI)>Math.PI)ctx.textBaseline = "bottom";
else ctx.textBaseline = "top";
else ctx.textBaseline = config.inGraphDataVAlign;
ctx.font = config.inGraphDataFontStyle + ' ' + config.inGraphDataFontSize + 'px ' + config.inGraphDataFontFamily;
ctx.fillStyle = config.inGraphDataFontColor;
var dispString = tmplbis(config.inGraphDataTmpl, { config:config, v1 : fmtChartJS(config,lgtxt,config.fmtV1), v2 : fmtChartJS(config,1*data[i].value,config.fmtV2), v3 : fmtChartJS(config,cumvalue,config.fmtV3), v4 : fmtChartJS(config,totvalue,config.fmtV4), v5 : fmtChartJS(config,segmentAngle,config.fmtV5), v6 : roundToWithThousands(config, fmtChartJS(config,100 * data[i].value / totvalue,config.fmtV6), config.roundPct), v7 : fmtChartJS(config,midPieX,config.fmtV7),v8 : fmtChartJS(config,midPieY,config.fmtV8),v9 : fmtChartJS(config,cutoutRadius,config.fmtV9),v10 : fmtChartJS(config,doughnutRadius,config.fmtV10),v11 : fmtChartJS(config,cumulativeAngle-segmentAngle,config.fmtV11),v12 : fmtChartJS(config,cumulativeAngle,config.fmtV12),v13 : fmtChartJS(config,i,config.fmtV13)});
ctx.translate(midPieX + labelRadius*Math.cos(posAngle), midPieY - labelRadius*Math.sin(posAngle));
else if(config.inGraphDataRotate=="inRadiusAxisRotateLabels")
if ((posAngle+2*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI)>Math.PI/2 && (posAngle+2*Math.PI)%(2*Math.PI)<3*Math.PI/2)ctx.rotate(3*Math.PI-posAngle);
else ctx.rotate(2*Math.PI-posAngle);
else ctx.rotate(config.inGraphDataRotate * (Math.PI / 180));
} ;
function calculateDrawingSize() {
var lgtxt;
var cumulativeAngle = -config.startAngle * (Math.PI / 180)+2*Math.PI ,
cumvalue = 0;
while (cumulativeAngle < 0){cumulativeAngle+=2*Math.PI;}
while (cumulativeAngle > 2*Math.PI){cumulativeAngle-=2*Math.PI;}
midPieX = msr.leftNotUsableSize + (msr.availableWidth / 2);
midPieY = msr.topNotUsableSize + (msr.availableHeight / 2);
doughnutRadius = Min([msr.availableHeight / 2, msr.availableWidth / 2]) - 5;
// Computerange Pie Radius
if(config.inGraphDataShow && config.inGraphDataRadiusPosition==3 && config.inGraphDataAlign=="off-center" && config.inGraphDataRotate==0) {
doughnutRadius = Min([msr.availableHeight / 2, msr.availableWidth / 2]) - config.inGraphDataFontSize - config.inGraphDataPaddingRadius -5;
var realCumulativeAngle=config.startAngle* (Math.PI / 180)+2*Math.PI;
while (realCumulativeAngle < 0){realCumulativeAngle+=2*Math.PI;}
while (realCumulativeAngle > 2*Math.PI){realCumulativeAngle-=2*Math.PI;}
var totvalue = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) if (!(typeof(data[i].value)=='undefined'))totvalue += 1*data[i].value;
ctx.font = config.inGraphDataFontStyle + ' ' + config.inGraphDataFontSize + 'px ' + config.inGraphDataFontFamily;
var posAngle;
var cumulativeAngle=0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (!(typeof(data[i].value)=='undefined')){
cumvalue += 1*data[i].value;
var segmentAngle = (1*data[i].value / segmentTotal) * (Math.PI * 2);
cumulativeAngle += segmentAngle;
else if(config.inGraphDataAnglePosition==2)posAngle=realCumulativeAngle-segmentAngle/2+config.inGraphDataPaddingAngle*(Math.PI/180);
else if(config.inGraphDataAnglePosition==3)posAngle=realCumulativeAngle-segmentAngle+config.inGraphDataPaddingAngle*(Math.PI/180);
realCumulativeAngle -= segmentAngle;
if (typeof (data[i].title) == "string") lgtxt = data[i].title.trim();
else lgtxt = "";
var dispString = tmplbis(config.inGraphDataTmpl, { config:config, v1 : fmtChartJS(config,lgtxt,config.fmtV1), v2 : fmtChartJS(config,1*data[i].value,config.fmtV2), v3 : fmtChartJS(config,cumvalue,config.fmtV3), v4 : fmtChartJS(config,totvalue,config.fmtV4), v5 : fmtChartJS(config,segmentAngle,config.fmtV5), v6 : roundToWithThousands(config, fmtChartJS(config,100 * data[i].value / totvalue,config.fmtV6), config.roundPct), v7 : fmtChartJS(config,midPieX,config.fmtV7),v8 : fmtChartJS(config,midPieY,config.fmtV8),v9 : fmtChartJS(config,cutoutRadius,config.fmtV9),v10 : fmtChartJS(config,doughnutRadius,config.fmtV10),v11 : fmtChartJS(config,cumulativeAngle-segmentAngle,config.fmtV11),v12 : fmtChartJS(config,cumulativeAngle,config.fmtV12),v13 : fmtChartJS(config,i,config.fmtV13),data:data});
var textMeasurement = ctx.measureText(dispString).width;
var MaxRadiusX= Math.abs((msr.availableWidth / 2 - textMeasurement)/Math.cos(posAngle))-config.inGraphDataPaddingRadius - 5;
} ;
var Line = function (data, config, ctx) {
var maxSize, scaleHop, calculatedScale, labelHeight, scaleHeight, valueBounds, labelTemplateString, valueHop, widestXLabel, xAxisLength, yAxisPosX, xAxisPosY, rotateLabels = 0, msr;
var annotateCnt = 0;
if(typeof ctx.ChartNewId == "undefined"){
var cvdate = new Date();
var cvmillsec = cvdate.getTime();
// adapt data when length is 1;
var mxlgt=0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) mxlgt=Max([mxlgt,data.datasets[i].data.length]);
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++)
if (!dynamicFunction(data,config,ctx,"Line"))return;
jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId] = new Array();
msr = setMeasures(data, config, ctx, height, width, [""], false, false, true, true,config.datasetFill);
valueBounds = getValueBounds();
// true or fuzzy (error for negativ values (included 0))
if (config.logarithmic !== false) {
if (valueBounds.minValue <= 0) {
config.logarithmic = false;
// Check if logarithmic is meanigful
var OrderOfMagnitude = calculateOrderOfMagnitude(Math.pow(10, calculateOrderOfMagnitude(valueBounds.maxValue) + 1)) - calculateOrderOfMagnitude(Math.pow(10, calculateOrderOfMagnitude(valueBounds.minValue)));
if ((config.logarithmic == 'fuzzy' && OrderOfMagnitude < 4) || config.scaleOverride) {
config.logarithmic = false;
//Check and set the scale
labelTemplateString = (config.scaleShowLabels) ? config.scaleLabel : "";
if (!config.scaleOverride) {
calculatedScale = calculateScale(config, valueBounds.maxSteps, valueBounds.minSteps, valueBounds.maxValue, valueBounds.minValue, labelTemplateString);
msr = setMeasures(data, config, ctx, height, width, calculatedScale.labels, false, false, true, true,config.datasetFill);
else {
calculatedScale = {
steps: config.scaleSteps,
stepValue: config.scaleStepWidth,
graphMin: config.scaleStartValue,
graphMax: config.scaleStartValue+config.scaleSteps*config.scaleStepWidth,
labels: []
populateLabels(config, labelTemplateString, calculatedScale.labels, calculatedScale.steps, config.scaleStartValue, calculatedScale.graphMax, config.scaleStepWidth);
msr = setMeasures(data, config, ctx, height, width, calculatedScale.labels, false, false, true, true,config.datasetFill);
msr.availableHeight = msr.availableHeight - config.scaleTickSizeBottom - config.scaleTickSizeTop;
msr.availableWidth = msr.availableWidth - config.scaleTickSizeLeft - config.scaleTickSizeRight;
var inGraphDataHeight = 0;
if (config.inGraphDataShow) {
// values are at the top of the bars and must be visible padding-top:2px
inGraphDataHeight = (config.inGraphDataTmpl.split("\n").length)*config.inGraphDataFontSize+2;
msr.availableHeight -= inGraphDataHeight;
scaleHop = Math.floor(msr.availableHeight / calculatedScale.steps);
valueHop = Math.floor(msr.availableWidth / (data.labels.length - 1));
if(valueHop ==0)valueHop = (msr.availableWidth / (data.labels.length - 1));
msr.clrwidth=msr.clrwidth-(msr.availableWidth-(data.labels.length - 1) * valueHop);
msr.availableWidth = (data.labels.length - 1) * valueHop;
msr.availableHeight = (calculatedScale.steps) * scaleHop;
yAxisPosX = msr.leftNotUsableSize + config.scaleTickSizeLeft;
xAxisPosY = msr.topNotUsableSize + msr.availableHeight + inGraphDataHeight + config.scaleTickSizeTop;
var zeroY = 0;
if (valueBounds.minValue < 0) {
var zeroY = calculateOffset(config, 0, calculatedScale, scaleHop);
animationLoop(config, drawScale, drawLines, ctx, msr.clrx, msr.clry, msr.clrwidth, msr.clrheight, yAxisPosX + msr.availableWidth / 2, xAxisPosY - msr.availableHeight / 2, yAxisPosX, xAxisPosY, data);
function drawLines(animPc) {
if (animPc >= 1) {
if (typeof drawMath == "function") {
} ;
function drawScale() {
//X axis line
ctx.lineWidth = config.scaleLineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = config.scaleLineColor;
ctx.moveTo(yAxisPosX - config.scaleTickSizeLeft, xAxisPosY);
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX + msr.availableWidth + config.scaleTickSizeRight, xAxisPosY);
for (var i = 0; i < data.labels.length; i++) {
ctx.moveTo(yAxisPosX + i * valueHop, xAxisPosY + config.scaleTickSizeBottom);
ctx.lineWidth = config.scaleGridLineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = config.scaleGridLineColor;
//Check i isnt 0, so we dont go over the Y axis twice.
if (config.scaleShowGridLines && i > 0 && i % config.scaleXGridLinesStep==0 ) {
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX + i * valueHop, xAxisPosY - msr.availableHeight - config.scaleTickSizeTop);
else {
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX + i * valueHop, xAxisPosY);
//Y axis
ctx.lineWidth = config.scaleLineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = config.scaleLineColor;
ctx.moveTo(yAxisPosX, xAxisPosY + config.scaleTickSizeBottom);
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX, xAxisPosY - msr.availableHeight - config.scaleTickSizeTop);
for (var j = 0 ; j < calculatedScale.steps; j++) {
ctx.moveTo(yAxisPosX - config.scaleTickSizeLeft, xAxisPosY - ((j + 1) * scaleHop));
ctx.lineWidth = config.scaleGridLineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = config.scaleGridLineColor;
if (config.scaleShowGridLines && j % config.scaleYGridLinesStep==0 ) {
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX + msr.availableWidth + config.scaleTickSizeRight, xAxisPosY - ((j + 1) * scaleHop));
else {
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX, xAxisPosY - ((j + 1) * scaleHop));
} ;
function drawLabels() {
ctx.font = config.scaleFontStyle + " " + config.scaleFontSize + "px " + config.scaleFontFamily;
//X Labels
if(config.xAxisTop || config.xAxisBottom) {
ctx.textBaseline = "top";
if (msr.rotateLabels > 90) {
ctx.textAlign = "left";
else if (msr.rotateLabels > 0) {
ctx.textAlign = "right";
else {
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.fillStyle = config.scaleFontColor;
for (var i = 0; i < data.labels.length; i++) {
if (msr.rotateLabels > 0) {
ctx.translate(yAxisPosX + i * valueHop - msr.highestXLabel/2, msr.xLabelPos);
ctx.rotate(-(msr.rotateLabels * (Math.PI / 180)));
ctx.fillTextMultiLine(fmtChartJS(config,data.labels[i],config.fmtXLabel), 0, 0,ctx.textBaseline,config.scaleFontSize);
else {
ctx.fillTextMultiLine(fmtChartJS(config,data.labels[i],config.fmtXLabel), yAxisPosX + i * valueHop, msr.xLabelPos,ctx.textBaseline,config.scaleFontSize);
//Y Labels
ctx.textAlign = "right";
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
for (var j = ((config.showYAxisMin) ? -1 : 0) ; j < calculatedScale.steps; j++) {
if (config.scaleShowLabels) {
if (config.yAxisLeft) {
ctx.textAlign = "right";
ctx.fillTextMultiLine(calculatedScale.labels[j + 1], yAxisPosX - (config.scaleTickSizeLeft + config.yAxisSpaceRight), xAxisPosY - ((j + 1) * scaleHop),ctx.textBaseline,config.scaleFontSize);
if (config.yAxisRight) {
ctx.textAlign = "left";
ctx.fillTextMultiLine(calculatedScale.labels[j + 1], yAxisPosX + msr.availableWidth + (config.scaleTickSizeRight + config.yAxisSpaceRight), xAxisPosY - ((j + 1) * scaleHop),ctx.textBaseline,config.scaleFontSize);
} ;
function getValueBounds() {
var upperValue = Number.MIN_VALUE;
var lowerValue = Number.MAX_VALUE;
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) {
var mathFctName = data.datasets[i].drawMathDeviation;
var mathValueHeight = 0;
if (typeof eval(mathFctName) == "function") {
var parameter = {data:data,datasetNr: i};
mathValueHeight = window[mathFctName](parameter);
for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) {
if (1*data.datasets[i].data[j]+mathValueHeight > upperValue) { upperValue = 1*data.datasets[i].data[j]+mathValueHeight };
if (1*data.datasets[i].data[j]-mathValueHeight < lowerValue) { lowerValue = 1*data.datasets[i].data[j]-mathValueHeight };
if (Math.abs(upperValue - lowerValue)<0.00000001) {
upperValue = Max([upperValue*2,1]);
lowerValue = 0;
if (!isNaN(config.graphMin)) lowerValue = config.graphMin;
if (!isNaN(config.graphMax)) upperValue = config.graphMax;
labelHeight = config.scaleFontSize;
scaleHeight = msr.availableHeight;
var maxSteps = Math.floor((scaleHeight / (labelHeight * 0.66)));
var minSteps = Math.floor((scaleHeight / labelHeight * 0.5));
return {
maxValue: upperValue,
minValue: lowerValue,
maxSteps: maxSteps,
minSteps: minSteps
} ;
var StackedBar = function (data, config, ctx) {
var maxSize, scaleHop, calculatedScale, labelHeight, scaleHeight, valueBounds, labelTemplateString, valueHop, widestXLabel, xAxisLength, yAxisPosX, xAxisPosY, barWidth, rotateLabels = 0, msr;
if(typeof ctx.ChartNewId == "undefined"){
var cvdate = new Date();
var cvmillsec = cvdate.getTime();
if (!dynamicFunction(data,config,ctx,"StackedBar"))return;
config.logarithmic = false;
var annotateCnt = 0;
jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId] = new Array();
msr = setMeasures(data, config, ctx, height, width, [""], true, false, true, true,true);
valueBounds = getValueBounds();
//Check and set the scale
labelTemplateString = (config.scaleShowLabels) ? config.scaleLabel : "";
if (!config.scaleOverride) {
calculatedScale = calculateScale(config, valueBounds.maxSteps, valueBounds.minSteps, valueBounds.maxValue, valueBounds.minValue, labelTemplateString);
msr = setMeasures(data, config, ctx, height, width, calculatedScale.labels, true, false, true, true,true);
else {
calculatedScale = {
steps: config.scaleSteps,
stepValue: config.scaleStepWidth,
graphMin: config.scaleStartValue,
labels: []
for (var i = 0; i < calculatedScale.steps; i++) {
if (labelTemplateString) {
calculatedScale.labels.push(tmpl(labelTemplateString, { value: fmtChartJS(config,1 * ((config.scaleStartValue + (config.scaleStepWidth * (i + 1))).toFixed(getDecimalPlaces(config.scaleStepWidth))),config.fmtYLabel) }));
msr = setMeasures(data, config, ctx, height, width, calculatedScale.labels, true, false, true, true,true);
msr.availableHeight = msr.availableHeight - config.scaleTickSizeBottom - config.scaleTickSizeTop;
msr.availableWidth = msr.availableWidth - config.scaleTickSizeLeft - config.scaleTickSizeRight;
scaleHop = Math.floor(msr.availableHeight / calculatedScale.steps);
valueHop = Math.floor(msr.availableWidth / (data.labels.length));
if(valueHop ==0)valueHop = (msr.availableWidth / (data.labels.length - 1));
msr.clrwidth=msr.clrwidth - (msr.availableWidth - ((data.labels.length) * valueHop));
msr.availableWidth = (data.labels.length) * valueHop;
msr.availableHeight = (calculatedScale.steps) * scaleHop;
yAxisPosX = msr.leftNotUsableSize + config.scaleTickSizeLeft;
xAxisPosY = msr.topNotUsableSize + msr.availableHeight + config.scaleTickSizeTop;
barWidth = (valueHop - config.scaleGridLineWidth * 2 - (config.barValueSpacing * 2) - (config.barDatasetSpacing * data.datasets.length - 1) - (config.barStrokeWidth / 2) - 1);
animationLoop(config, drawScale, drawBars, ctx, msr.clrx, msr.clry, msr.clrwidth, msr.clrheight, yAxisPosX + msr.availableWidth / 2, xAxisPosY - msr.availableHeight / 2, yAxisPosX, xAxisPosY, data);
function drawBars(animPc) {
ctx.lineWidth = config.barStrokeWidth;
var yStart = new Array(data.datasets.length);
var yFpt = new Array(data.datasets.length);
var cumvalue = new Array();
var totvalue = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) { cumvalue[j] = 0; totvalue[j] = 0; } }
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) if (!(typeof(data.datasets[i].data[j])=='undefined')) { totvalue[j] += 1*data.datasets[i].data[j]; } }
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) {
// ctx.fillStyle = data.datasets[i].fillColor;
// ctx.strokeStyle = data.datasets[i].strokeColor;
if (animPc >= 1) {
if (typeof (data.datasets[i].title) == "string") lgtxt = data.datasets[i].title.trim();
else lgtxt = "";
for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) {
if (typeof data.datasets[i].fillColor == "function")ctx.fillStyle = data.datasets[i].fillColor("FILLCOLOR",data,config,i,j,animPc,1*data.datasets[i].data[j]);
else if(typeof(data.datasets[i].fillColor)=="string"){ctx.fillStyle = data.datasets[i].fillColor;}
else if(typeof(data.datasets[i].fillColor)=="object"){if(typeof(data.datasets[i].fillColor[0])=="string"){ctx.fillStyle = data.datasets[i].fillColor[Min([data.datasets[i].fillColor.length-1,j])];} }
if (typeof data.datasets[i].strokeColor == "function")ctx.strokeStyle = data.datasets[i].strokeColor("STROKECOLOR",data,config,i,j,animPc,1*data.datasets[i].data[j]);
else if(typeof(data.datasets[i].strokeColor)=="string"){ctx.strokeStyle = data.datasets[i].strokeColor;}
else if(typeof(data.datasets[i].strokeColor)=="object"){if(typeof(data.datasets[i].strokeColor[0])=="string"){ctx.strokeStyle = data.datasets[i].strokeColor[Min([data.datasets[i].strokeColor.length-1,j])];} }
if(i==0) {yStart[j]=0;yFpt[j]=-1;}
if (!(typeof(data.datasets[i].data[j])=='undefined')) {
var barOffset = yAxisPosX + config.barValueSpacing + valueHop * j;
ctx.moveTo(barOffset, xAxisPosY - yStart[j] + 1);
ctx.lineTo(barOffset, xAxisPosY - animPc * calculateOffset(config, (yFpt[j]>=0)*calculatedScale.graphMin + 1*data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, scaleHop) + (config.barStrokeWidth / 2) - yStart[j]);
ctx.lineTo(barOffset + barWidth, xAxisPosY - animPc * calculateOffset(config, (yFpt[j]>=0)*calculatedScale.graphMin + 1*data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, scaleHop) + (config.barStrokeWidth / 2) - yStart[j]);
ctx.lineTo(barOffset + barWidth, xAxisPosY - yStart[j] + 1);
if (config.barShowStroke) ctx.stroke();
cumvalue[j] += 1*data.datasets[i].data[j];
if (animPc >= 1) {
if (typeof (data.labels[j]) == "string") lgtxt2 = data.labels[j].trim();
else lgtxt2 = "";
jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][annotateCnt++] = ["RECT", barOffset, xAxisPosY - yStart[j] + 1, barOffset + barWidth, xAxisPosY - calculateOffset(config, (yFpt[j]>=0)* calculatedScale.graphMin + 1*data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, scaleHop) + (config.barStrokeWidth / 2) - yStart[j], lgtxt, lgtxt2, 1*data.datasets[i].data[j], cumvalue[j], totvalue[j], i, j];
yStart[j] += animPc * calculateOffset(config, (yFpt[j]>=0)*calculatedScale.graphMin + 1*data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, scaleHop) - (config.barStrokeWidth / 2);
if (yFpt[j]==-1)yFpt[j]=i;
if(animPc >=1 && config.inGraphDataShow) {
var yPos =0, xPos=0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) { cumvalue[j] = 0; } }
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) {
if (typeof (data.datasets[i].title) == "string") lgtxt = data.datasets[i].title.trim();
else lgtxt = "";
for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) {
if(i==0) {yStart[j]=0;yFpt[j]=-1;}
if (!(typeof(data.datasets[i].data[j])=='undefined')) {
ctx.textAlign = config.inGraphDataAlign;
ctx.textBaseline = config.inGraphDataVAlign;
ctx.font = config.inGraphDataFontStyle + ' ' + config.inGraphDataFontSize + 'px ' + config.inGraphDataFontFamily;
ctx.fillStyle = config.inGraphDataFontColor;
if (typeof (data.labels[j]) == "string") lgtxt2 = data.labels[j].trim();
else lgtxt2 = "";
cumvalue[j] += 1+data.datasets[i].data[j];
var dispString = tmplbis(config.inGraphDataTmpl, { config:config, v1 : fmtChartJS(config,lgtxt,config.fmtV1), v2 : fmtChartJS(config,lgtxt2,config.fmtV2), v3 : fmtChartJS(config,1*data.datasets[i].data[j],config.fmtV3), v4 : fmtChartJS(config,cumvalue[j],config.fmtV4), v5 : fmtChartJS(config,totvalue[j],config.fmtV5), v6 : roundToWithThousands(config,fmtChartJS(config,100 * data.datasets[i].data[j] / totvalue[j],config.fmtV6),config.roundPct),v7 : fmtChartJS(config,barOffset,config.fmtV7),v8 : fmtChartJS(config,xAxisPosY,config.fmtV8),v9 : fmtChartJS(config,barOffset + barWidth,config.fmtV9),v10 : fmtChartJS(config,xAxisPosY - calculateOffset(config, data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, scaleHop) + (config.barStrokeWidth / 2),config.fmtV10),v11 : fmtChartJS(config,i,config.fmtV11), v12 : fmtChartJS(config,j,config.fmtV12),data:data});
var barOffset = yAxisPosX + config.barValueSpacing + valueHop * j;
yPos =0;
if(config.inGraphDataXPosition==1) { xPos=barOffset+config.inGraphDataPaddingX; }
else if(config.inGraphDataXPosition==2) { xPos=barOffset+barWidth/2+config.inGraphDataPaddingX ;}
else if(config.inGraphDataXPosition==3) { xPos=barOffset+barWidth+config.inGraphDataPaddingX;}
if(config.inGraphDataYPosition==1) { yPos=xAxisPosY - yStart[j] - config.inGraphDataPaddingY; }
else if(config.inGraphDataYPosition==2) { yPos=xAxisPosY -(calculateOffset(config, (yFpt[j]>=0)*calculatedScale.graphMin +1*data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, scaleHop) + (config.barStrokeWidth / 2) )/2 - yStart[j] - config.inGraphDataPaddingY; }
else if(config.inGraphDataYPosition==3) { yPos=xAxisPosY -calculateOffset(config, (yFpt[j]>=0)*calculatedScale.graphMin + 1*data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, scaleHop) + (config.barStrokeWidth / 2) - yStart[j] - config.inGraphDataPaddingY; }
ctx.rotate(config.inGraphDataRotate * (Math.PI / 180));
yStart[j] += animPc * calculateOffset(config, (yFpt[j]>=0)*calculatedScale.graphMin + 1*data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, scaleHop) - (config.barStrokeWidth / 2);
if (yFpt[j]==-1)yFpt[j]=i;
} ;
function drawScale() {
//X axis line
ctx.lineWidth = config.scaleLineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = config.scaleLineColor;
ctx.moveTo(yAxisPosX - config.scaleTickSizeLeft, xAxisPosY);
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX + msr.availableWidth + config.scaleTickSizeRight, xAxisPosY);
for (var i = 0; i < data.labels.length; i++) {
ctx.moveTo(yAxisPosX + i * valueHop, xAxisPosY + config.scaleTickSizeBottom);
ctx.lineWidth = config.scaleGridLineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = config.scaleGridLineColor;
//Check i isnt 0, so we dont go over the Y axis twice.
if (config.scaleShowGridLines && i>0 && i % config.scaleXGridLinesStep==0 ) {
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX + i * valueHop, xAxisPosY - msr.availableHeight - config.scaleTickSizeTop);
else {
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX + i * valueHop, xAxisPosY);
//Y axis
ctx.lineWidth = config.scaleLineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = config.scaleLineColor;
ctx.moveTo(yAxisPosX, xAxisPosY + config.scaleTickSizeBottom);
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX, xAxisPosY - msr.availableHeight - config.scaleTickSizeTop);
for (var j = ((config.showYAxisMin) ? -1 : 0) ; j < calculatedScale.steps; j++) {
ctx.moveTo(yAxisPosX - config.scaleTickSizeLeft, xAxisPosY - ((j + 1) * scaleHop));
ctx.lineWidth = config.scaleGridLineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = config.scaleGridLineColor;
if (config.scaleShowGridLines && j % config.scaleYGridLinesStep==0 ) {
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX + msr.availableWidth + config.scaleTickSizeRight, xAxisPosY - ((j + 1) * scaleHop));
else {
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX, xAxisPosY - ((j + 1) * scaleHop));
} ;
function drawLabels() {
ctx.font = config.scaleFontStyle + " " + config.scaleFontSize + "px " + config.scaleFontFamily;
//X axis labels
if(config.xAxisTop || config.xAxisBottom) {
ctx.textBaseline = "top";
if (msr.rotateLabels > 90) {
ctx.textAlign = "left";
else if (msr.rotateLabels > 0) {
ctx.textAlign = "right";
else {
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.fillStyle = config.scaleFontColor;
for (var i = 0; i < data.labels.length; i++) {
if (msr.rotateLabels > 0) {
ctx.translate(yAxisPosX + i * valueHop + (barWidth / 2)- msr.highestXLabel/2, msr.xLabelPos);
ctx.rotate(-(msr.rotateLabels * (Math.PI / 180)));
ctx.fillTextMultiLine(fmtChartJS(config,data.labels[i],config.fmtXLabel), 0, 0,ctx.textBaseline,config.scaleFontSize);
else {
ctx.fillTextMultiLine(fmtChartJS(config,data.labels[i],config.fmtXLabel), yAxisPosX + i * valueHop + (barWidth / 2), msr.xLabelPos,ctx.textBaseline,config.scaleFontSize);
//Y axis
ctx.textAlign = "right";
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
for (var j = ((config.showYAxisMin) ? -1 : 0) ; j < calculatedScale.steps; j++) {
if (config.scaleShowLabels) {
if (config.yAxisLeft) {
ctx.textAlign = "right";
ctx.fillTextMultiLine(calculatedScale.labels[j + 1], yAxisPosX - (config.scaleTickSizeLeft + config.yAxisSpaceRight), xAxisPosY - ((j + 1) * scaleHop),ctx.textBaseline,config.scaleFontSize);
if (config.yAxisRight) {
ctx.textAlign = "left";
ctx.fillTextMultiLine(calculatedScale.labels[j + 1], yAxisPosX + msr.availableWidth + (config.scaleTickSizeRight + config.yAxisSpaceRight), xAxisPosY - ((j + 1) * scaleHop),ctx.textBaseline,config.scaleFontSize);
} ;
function getValueBounds() {
var upperValue = Number.MIN_VALUE;
var lowerValue = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var minvl = new Array(data.datasets.length);
var maxvl = new Array(data.datasets.length);
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) {
var k = i;
var temp=0;
if (!(typeof(data.datasets[0].data[j])=='undefined')){
temp += 1*data.datasets[0].data[j];
if (temp > upperValue) { upperValue = temp; };
if (temp < lowerValue) { lowerValue = temp; };
while (k > 0) { //get max of stacked data
if (!(typeof(data.datasets[k].data[j])=='undefined')) {
temp += 1*data.datasets[k].data[j];
if (temp > upperValue) { upperValue = temp; };
if (temp < lowerValue) { lowerValue = temp; };
if (!isNaN(config.graphMin)) lowerValue = config.graphMin;
if (!isNaN(config.graphMax)) upperValue = config.graphMax;
if (Math.abs(upperValue - lowerValue)<0.00000001) {
upperValue = Max([upperValue*2,1]);
lowerValue = 0;
labelHeight = config.scaleFontSize;
scaleHeight = msr.availableHeight;
var maxSteps = Math.floor((scaleHeight / (labelHeight * 0.66)));
var minSteps = Math.floor((scaleHeight / labelHeight * 0.5));
return {
maxValue: upperValue,
minValue: lowerValue,
maxSteps: maxSteps,
minSteps: minSteps
} ;
} ;
var HorizontalStackedBar = function (data, config, ctx) {
var maxSize, scaleHop, calculatedScale, labelHeight, scaleHeight, valueBounds, labelTemplateString, valueHop, widestXLabel, xAxisLength, yAxisPosX, xAxisPosY, barWidth, rotateLabels = 0, msr;
if(typeof ctx.ChartNewId == "undefined"){
var cvdate = new Date();
var cvmillsec = cvdate.getTime();
if (!dynamicFunction(data,config,ctx,"HorizontalStackedBar"))return;
config.logarithmic = false;
var annotateCnt = 0;
jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId] = new Array();
valueBounds = getValueBounds();
//Check and set the scale
labelTemplateString = (config.scaleShowLabels) ? config.scaleLabel : "";
if (!config.scaleOverride) {
calculatedScale = calculateScale(config, valueBounds.maxSteps, valueBounds.minSteps, valueBounds.maxValue, valueBounds.minValue, labelTemplateString);
msr = setMeasures(data, config, ctx, height, width, calculatedScale.labels, true, true, true, true,true);
else {
calculatedScale = {
steps: config.scaleSteps,
stepValue: config.scaleStepWidth,
graphMin: config.scaleStartValue,
labels: []
for (var i = 0; i < calculatedScale.steps; i++) {
if (labelTemplateString) {
calculatedScale.labels.push(tmpl(labelTemplateString, { value: fmtChartJS(config,1 * ((config.scaleStartValue + (config.scaleStepWidth * (i + 1))).toFixed(getDecimalPlaces(config.scaleStepWidth))),config.fmtYLabel) }));
msr = setMeasures(data, config, ctx, height, width, calculatedScale.labels, true, true, true, true,true);
msr.availableHeight = msr.availableHeight - config.scaleTickSizeBottom - config.scaleTickSizeTop;
msr.availableWidth = msr.availableWidth - config.scaleTickSizeLeft - config.scaleTickSizeRight;
scaleHop = Math.floor(msr.availableHeight / data.labels.length);
valueHop = Math.floor(msr.availableWidth / (calculatedScale.steps));
if(valueHop ==0)valueHop = (msr.availableWidth / (data.labels.length - 1));
msr.clrwidth=msr.clrwidth - (msr.availableWidth - (calculatedScale.steps * valueHop));
msr.availableWidth = (calculatedScale.steps) * valueHop;
msr.availableHeight = (data.labels.length) * scaleHop;
yAxisPosX = msr.leftNotUsableSize + config.scaleTickSizeLeft;
xAxisPosY = msr.topNotUsableSize + msr.availableHeight + config.scaleTickSizeTop;
barWidth = (scaleHop - config.scaleGridLineWidth * 2 - (config.barValueSpacing * 2) - (config.barDatasetSpacing * data.datasets.length - 1) - (config.barStrokeWidth / 2) - 1);
animationLoop(config, drawScale, drawBars, ctx, msr.clrx, msr.clry, msr.clrwidth, msr.clrheight, yAxisPosX + msr.availableWidth / 2, xAxisPosY - msr.availableHeight / 2, yAxisPosX, xAxisPosY, data);
function HorizontalCalculateOffset(val, calculatedScale, scaleHop) {
var outerValue = calculatedScale.steps * calculatedScale.stepValue;
var adjustedValue = val - calculatedScale.graphMin;
var scalingFactor = CapValue(adjustedValue / outerValue, 1, 0);
return (scaleHop * calculatedScale.steps) * scalingFactor;
} ;
function drawBars(animPc) {
ctx.lineWidth = config.barStrokeWidth;
var yStart = new Array(data.datasets.length);
var yFpt = new Array(data.datasets.length);
var cumvalue = new Array();
var totvalue = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) { cumvalue[j] = 0; totvalue[j] = 0; } }
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) if (!(typeof(data.datasets[i].data[j])=='undefined')) { totvalue[j] += 1*data.datasets[i].data[j]; } }
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) {
// ctx.fillStyle = data.datasets[i].fillColor;
// ctx.strokeStyle = data.datasets[i].strokeColor;
if (animPc >= 1) {
if (typeof (data.datasets[i].title) == "string") lgtxt = data.datasets[i].title.trim();
else lgtxt = "";
for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) {
if (typeof data.datasets[i].fillColor == "function")ctx.fillStyle = data.datasets[i].fillColor("FILLCOLOR",data,config,i,j,animPc,1*data.datasets[i].data[j]);
else if(typeof(data.datasets[i].fillColor)=="string"){ctx.fillStyle = data.datasets[i].fillColor;}
else if(typeof(data.datasets[i].fillColor)=="object"){if(typeof(data.datasets[i].fillColor[0])=="string"){ctx.fillStyle = data.datasets[i].fillColor[Min([data.datasets[i].fillColor.length-1,j])];} }
if (typeof data.datasets[i].strokeColor == "function")ctx.strokeStyle = data.datasets[i].strokeColor("STROKECOLOR",data,config,i,j,animPc,1*data.datasets[i].data[j]);
else if(typeof(data.datasets[i].strokeColor)=="string"){ctx.strokeStyle = data.datasets[i].strokeColor;}
else if(typeof(data.datasets[i].strokeColor)=="object"){if(typeof(data.datasets[i].strokeColor[0])=="string"){ctx.strokeStyle = data.datasets[i].strokeColor[Min([data.datasets[i].strokeColor.length-1,j])];} }
if(i==0) {yStart[j]=0;yFpt[j]=-1;}
if (!(typeof(data.datasets[i].data[j])=='undefined')) {
var barOffset = xAxisPosY + config.barValueSpacing - scaleHop * (j + 1);
ctx.moveTo(yAxisPosX + yStart[j] + 1, barOffset);
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX + yStart[j] + animPc * HorizontalCalculateOffset((yFpt[j]>=0)*calculatedScale.graphMin + 1*data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, valueHop) + (config.barStrokeWidth / 2), barOffset);
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX + yStart[j] + animPc * HorizontalCalculateOffset((yFpt[j]>=0)*calculatedScale.graphMin + 1*data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, valueHop) + (config.barStrokeWidth / 2), barOffset + barWidth);
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX + yStart[j] + 1, barOffset + barWidth);
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX + yStart[j] + 1, barOffset);
if (config.barShowStroke) ctx.stroke();
cumvalue[j] += 1*data.datasets[i].data[j];
if (animPc >= 1) {
if (typeof (data.labels[j]) == "string") lgtxt2 = data.labels[j].trim();
else lgtxt2 = "";
jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][annotateCnt++] = ["RECT", yAxisPosX + yStart[j] + 1, barOffset + barWidth, yAxisPosX + yStart[j] + HorizontalCalculateOffset((yFpt[j]>=0)*calculatedScale.graphMin + 1*data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, valueHop) + (config.barStrokeWidth / 2), barOffset, lgtxt, lgtxt2, 1*data.datasets[i].data[j], cumvalue[j], totvalue[j], i, j];
yStart[j] += animPc * HorizontalCalculateOffset((yFpt[j]>=0)*calculatedScale.graphMin + 1*data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, valueHop) + (config.barStrokeWidth / 2);
if (yFpt[j]==-1)yFpt[j]=i;
if(animPc >=1 && config.inGraphDataShow) {
var yPos =0, xPos=0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) { cumvalue[j] = 0; } }
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) {
if (typeof (data.datasets[i].title) == "string") lgtxt = data.datasets[i].title.trim();
else lgtxt = "";
for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) {
if(i==0) {yStart[j]=0;yFpt[j]=-1;}
if (!(typeof(data.datasets[i].data[j])=='undefined')) {
ctx.textAlign = config.inGraphDataAlign;
ctx.textBaseline = config.inGraphDataVAlign;
ctx.font = config.inGraphDataFontStyle + ' ' + config.inGraphDataFontSize + 'px ' + config.inGraphDataFontFamily;
ctx.fillStyle = config.inGraphDataFontColor;
if (typeof (data.labels[j]) == "string") lgtxt2 = data.labels[j].trim();
else lgtxt2 = "";
var barOffset = xAxisPosY + config.barValueSpacing - scaleHop * (j + 1);
cumvalue[j] += data.datasets[i].data[j];
var dispString = tmplbis(config.inGraphDataTmpl, { config:config, v1 : fmtChartJS(config,lgtxt,config.fmtV1), v2 : fmtChartJS(config,lgtxt2,config.fmtV2), v3 : fmtChartJS(config,1*data.datasets[i].data[j],config.fmtV3), v4 : fmtChartJS(config,cumvalue[j],config.fmtV4), v5 : fmtChartJS(config,totvalue[j],config.fmtV5), v6 : roundToWithThousands(config,fmtChartJS(config,100 * data.datasets[i].data[j] / totvalue[j],config.fmtV6),config.roundPct),v7 : fmtChartJS(config,yAxisPosX,config.fmtV7),v8 : fmtChartJS(config,barOffset + barWidth,config.fmtV8),v9 : fmtChartJS(config,yAxisPosX + HorizontalCalculateOffset(data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, valueHop) + (config.barStrokeWidth / 2),config.fmtV9),v10 : fmtChartJS(config,barOffset,config.fmtV10),v11 : fmtChartJS(config,i,config.fmtV11), v12 : fmtChartJS(config,j,config.fmtV12),data:data});
yPos =0;
if(config.inGraphDataXPosition==1) { xPos=yAxisPosX + yStart[j] + 1 +config.inGraphDataPaddingX; }
else if(config.inGraphDataXPosition==2) { xPos=yAxisPosX + yStart[j] + (HorizontalCalculateOffset((yFpt[j]>=0)*calculatedScale.graphMin+1*data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, valueHop) + (config.barStrokeWidth / 2))/2+config.inGraphDataPaddingX ;}
else if(config.inGraphDataXPosition==3) { xPos=yAxisPosX + yStart[j] + HorizontalCalculateOffset((yFpt[j]>=0)*calculatedScale.graphMin+1*data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, valueHop) + (config.barStrokeWidth / 2) +config.inGraphDataPaddingX ;}
if(config.inGraphDataYPosition==1) { yPos=barOffset + barWidth - config.inGraphDataPaddingY; }
else if(config.inGraphDataYPosition==2) { yPos=barOffset + barWidth/2- config.inGraphDataPaddingY; }
else if(config.inGraphDataYPosition==3) { yPos=barOffset- config.inGraphDataPaddingY; }
ctx.rotate(config.inGraphDataRotate * (Math.PI / 180));
yStart[j] += animPc * HorizontalCalculateOffset((yFpt[j]>=0)*calculatedScale.graphMin + 1*data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, valueHop) + (config.barStrokeWidth / 2);
if (yFpt[j]==-1)yFpt[j]=i;
} ;
function drawScale() {
//X axis line
ctx.lineWidth = config.scaleLineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = config.scaleLineColor;
ctx.moveTo(yAxisPosX - config.scaleTickSizeLeft, xAxisPosY);
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX + msr.availableWidth, xAxisPosY);
for (var i = ((config.showYAxisMin) ? -1 : 0) ; i < calculatedScale.steps; i++) {
if (i >= 0) {
ctx.moveTo(yAxisPosX + i * valueHop, xAxisPosY + config.scaleTickSizeBottom);
ctx.lineWidth = config.scaleGridLineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = config.scaleGridLineColor;
//Check i isnt 0, so we dont go over the Y axis twice.
if (config.scaleShowGridLines && i>0 && i % config.scaleXGridLinesStep==0 ) {
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX + i * valueHop, xAxisPosY - msr.availableHeight - config.scaleTickSizeTop);
else {
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX + i * valueHop, xAxisPosY);
//Y axis
ctx.lineWidth = config.scaleLineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = config.scaleLineColor;
ctx.moveTo(yAxisPosX, xAxisPosY + config.scaleTickSizeBottom);
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX, xAxisPosY - msr.availableHeight - config.scaleTickSizeTop);
for (var j = 0; j < data.labels.length; j++) {
ctx.moveTo(yAxisPosX - config.scaleTickSizeLeft, xAxisPosY - ((j + 1) * scaleHop));
ctx.lineWidth = config.scaleGridLineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = config.scaleGridLineColor;
if (config.scaleShowGridLines && j % config.scaleYGridLinesStep==0 ) {
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX + msr.availableWidth, xAxisPosY - ((j + 1) * scaleHop));
else {
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX, xAxisPosY - ((j + 1) * scaleHop));
} ;
function drawLabels() {
ctx.font = config.scaleFontStyle + " " + config.scaleFontSize + "px " + config.scaleFontFamily;
//X axis line
if(config.xAxisTop || config.xAxisBottom) {
ctx.textBaseline = "top";
if (msr.rotateLabels > 90) {
ctx.textAlign = "left";
else if (msr.rotateLabels > 0) {
ctx.textAlign = "right";
else {
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.fillStyle = config.scaleFontColor;
for (var i = ((config.showYAxisMin) ? -1 : 0) ; i < calculatedScale.steps; i++) {
if (msr.rotateLabels > 0) {
ctx.translate(yAxisPosX + (i + 1) * valueHop- msr.highestXLabel/2, msr.xLabelPos);
ctx.rotate(-(msr.rotateLabels * (Math.PI / 180)));
ctx.fillTextMultiLine(calculatedScale.labels[i + 1], 0, 0,ctx.textBaseline,config.scaleFontSize);
else {
ctx.fillTextMultiLine(calculatedScale.labels[i + 1], yAxisPosX + ((i + 1) * valueHop), msr.xLabelPos,ctx.textBaseline,config.scaleFontSize);
//Y axis
ctx.textAlign = "right";
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
for (var j = 0; j < data.labels.length; j++) {
if (config.scaleShowLabels) {
if (config.yAxisLeft) {
ctx.textAlign = "right";
ctx.fillTextMultiLine(fmtChartJS(config,data.labels[j],config.fmtXLabel), yAxisPosX - (config.scaleTickSizeLeft + config.yAxisSpaceRight), xAxisPosY - ((j + 1) * scaleHop) + barWidth / 2,ctx.textBaseline,config.scaleFontSize);
if (config.yAxisRight) {
ctx.textAlign = "left";
ctx.fillTextMultiLine(fmtChartJS(config,data.labels[j],config.fmtXLabel), yAxisPosX + msr.availableWidth + (config.scaleTickSizeRight + config.yAxisSpaceRight), xAxisPosY - ((j + 1) * scaleHop) + barWidth / 2,ctx.textBaseline,config.scaleFontSize);
} ;
function getValueBounds() {
var upperValue = Number.MIN_VALUE;
var lowerValue = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var minvl = new Array(data.datasets.length);
var maxvl = new Array(data.datasets.length);
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) {
var k = i;
var temp=0;
if (!(typeof(data.datasets[0].data[j])=='undefined')){
temp += 1*data.datasets[0].data[j];
if (temp > upperValue) { upperValue = temp; };
if (temp < lowerValue) { lowerValue = temp; };
while (k > 0) { //get max of stacked data
if (!(typeof(data.datasets[k].data[j])=='undefined')) {
temp += 1*data.datasets[k].data[j];
if (temp > upperValue) { upperValue = temp; };
if (temp < lowerValue) { lowerValue = temp; };
if (!isNaN(config.graphMin)) lowerValue = config.graphMin;
if (!isNaN(config.graphMax)) upperValue = config.graphMax;
if (Math.abs(upperValue - lowerValue)<0.00000001) {
upperValue = Max([upperValue*2,1]);
lowerValue = 0;
var maxSteps = Math.floor((scaleHeight / (labelHeight * 0.66)));
var minSteps = Math.floor((scaleHeight / labelHeight * 0.5));
return {
maxValue: upperValue,
minValue: lowerValue,
maxSteps: maxSteps,
minSteps: minSteps
} ;
var Bar = function (data, config, ctx) {
var maxSize, scaleHop, calculatedScale, labelHeight, scaleHeight, valueBounds, labelTemplateString, valueHop, widestXLabel, xAxisLength, yAxisPosX, xAxisPosY, barWidth, rotateLabels = 0, msr;
var annotateCnt = 0;
if(typeof ctx.ChartNewId == "undefined"){
var cvdate = new Date();
var cvmillsec = cvdate.getTime();
// for BarLineCharts
var nrOfBars = data.datasets.length;
var nrOfLines = 0;
var lineDatasets = [];
var barDatasets = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) {
if (data.datasets[i].type == "Line") {
} else {
// change the order (at first all bars then the lines) (form of BubbleSort)
var bufferDataset,l = 0;
for (var i = data.datasets.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (lineDatasets.indexOf(i) >= 0) {
for (var b = i; b < data.datasets.length-l; b++) {
bufferDataset = data.datasets[b+1];
data.datasets[b+1] = data.datasets[b];
data.datasets[b] = bufferDataset;
nrOfBars -= nrOfLines;
if (!dynamicFunction(data,config,ctx,"Bar"))return;
jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId] = new Array();
msr = setMeasures(data, config, ctx, height, width, [""], true, false, true, true,true);
valueBounds = getValueBounds();
// true or fuzzy (error for negativ values (included 0))
if (config.logarithmic !== false) {
if (valueBounds.minValue <= 0) {
config.logarithmic = false;
// Check if logarithmic is meanigful
var OrderOfMagnitude = calculateOrderOfMagnitude(Math.pow(10, calculateOrderOfMagnitude(valueBounds.maxValue) + 1)) - calculateOrderOfMagnitude(Math.pow(10, calculateOrderOfMagnitude(valueBounds.minValue)));
if ((config.logarithmic == 'fuzzy' && OrderOfMagnitude < 4) || config.scaleOverride) {
config.logarithmic = false;
//Check and set the scale
labelTemplateString = (config.scaleShowLabels) ? config.scaleLabel : "";
if (!config.scaleOverride) {
calculatedScale = calculateScale(config, valueBounds.maxSteps, valueBounds.minSteps, valueBounds.maxValue, valueBounds.minValue, labelTemplateString);
msr = setMeasures(data, config, ctx, height, width, calculatedScale.labels, true, false, true, true,true);
else {
calculatedScale = {
steps: config.scaleSteps,
stepValue: config.scaleStepWidth,
graphMin: config.scaleStartValue,
graphMax: config.scaleStartValue+config.scaleSteps*config.scaleStepWidth,
labels: []
populateLabels(config, labelTemplateString, calculatedScale.labels, calculatedScale.steps, config.scaleStartValue, calculatedScale.graphMax, config.scaleStepWidth);
msr = setMeasures(data, config, ctx, height, width, calculatedScale.labels, true, false, true, true,true);
msr.availableHeight = msr.availableHeight - config.scaleTickSizeBottom - config.scaleTickSizeTop;
msr.availableWidth = msr.availableWidth - config.scaleTickSizeLeft - config.scaleTickSizeRight;
var inGraphDataHeight = 0;
if (config.inGraphDataShow) {
// values are at the top of the bars and must be visible padding-top:2px
inGraphDataHeight = (config.inGraphDataTmpl.split("\n").length)*config.inGraphDataFontSize+2;
msr.availableHeight -= inGraphDataHeight;
scaleHop = Math.floor(msr.availableHeight / calculatedScale.steps);
valueHop = Math.floor(msr.availableWidth / (data.labels.length));
if(valueHop ==0)valueHop = (msr.availableWidth / (data.labels.length - 1));
msr.clrwidth=msr.clrwidth - (msr.availableWidth - ((data.labels.length) * valueHop));
msr.availableWidth = (data.labels.length) * valueHop;
msr.availableHeight = (calculatedScale.steps) * scaleHop;
yAxisPosX = msr.leftNotUsableSize + config.scaleTickSizeLeft;
xAxisPosY = msr.topNotUsableSize + msr.availableHeight + inGraphDataHeight + config.scaleTickSizeTop;
barWidth = (valueHop - config.scaleGridLineWidth * 2 - (config.barValueSpacing * 2) - (config.barDatasetSpacing * nrOfBars - 1) - ((config.barStrokeWidth / 2) * nrOfBars - 1)) / nrOfBars;
var zeroY = 0;
if (valueBounds.minValue < 0) {
var zeroY = calculateOffset(config, 0, calculatedScale, scaleHop);
animationLoop(config, drawScale, drawBars, ctx, msr.clrx, msr.clry, msr.clrwidth, msr.clrheight, yAxisPosX + msr.availableWidth / 2, xAxisPosY - msr.availableHeight / 2, yAxisPosX, xAxisPosY, data);
function drawBars(animPc) {
var t1, t2, t3;
var cumvalue = new Array();
var totvalue = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) {
cumvalue[j] = 0;
totvalue[j] = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) {
if (!(typeof(data.datasets[i].data[j])=='undefined')) {
totvalue[j] += 1*data.datasets[i].data[j];
ctx.lineWidth = config.barStrokeWidth;
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) {
if (data.datasets[i].type == "Line") {
var lineData = {datasets:[],labels:data.labels};
lineConfig = mergeChartConfig(config, {datasetFill: data.datasets[i].fill})
yAxisPosX:yAxisPosX + config.barValueSpacing+
(barWidth + config.barDatasetSpacing/2 + config.barStrokeWidth)*nrOfBars/2,
continue; // next dataset
if (animPc >= 1) {
if (typeof (data.datasets[i].title) == "string") lgtxt = data.datasets[i].title.trim();
else lgtxt = "";
for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) {
if (typeof data.datasets[i].fillColor == "function") {
ctx.fillStyle = data.datasets[i].fillColor("FILLCOLOR",data,config,i,j,animPc,1*data.datasets[i].data[j]);
else if(typeof(data.datasets[i].fillColor)=="string") {
ctx.fillStyle = data.datasets[i].fillColor;
else if(typeof(data.datasets[i].fillColor)=="object") {
if(typeof(data.datasets[i].fillColor[0])=="string") {
ctx.fillStyle = data.datasets[i].fillColor[Min([data.datasets[i].fillColor.length-1,j])];
if (typeof data.datasets[i].strokeColor == "function") {
ctx.strokeStyle = data.datasets[i].strokeColor("STROKECOLOR",data,config,i,j,animPc,1*data.datasets[i].data[j]);
else if(typeof(data.datasets[i].strokeColor)=="string"){
ctx.strokeStyle = data.datasets[i].strokeColor;
else if(typeof(data.datasets[i].strokeColor)=="object"){
ctx.strokeStyle = data.datasets[i].strokeColor[Min([data.datasets[i].strokeColor.length-1,j])];
if (!(typeof(data.datasets[i].data[j])=='undefined')) {
var barOffset = yAxisPosX + config.barValueSpacing + valueHop * j + barWidth * i + config.barDatasetSpacing * i + config.barStrokeWidth * i;
var barHeight = animPc*(calculateOffset(config, 1*data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, scaleHop)-zeroY) + (config.barStrokeWidth / 2);
roundRect( ctx, barOffset, xAxisPosY-zeroY, barWidth, barHeight, config.barShowStroke, config.barBorderRadius);
cumvalue[j] += 1*data.datasets[i].data[j];
if (animPc >= 1) {
if (typeof (data.labels[j]) == "string") lgtxt2 = data.labels[j].trim();
else lgtxt2 = "";
t1 = xAxisPosY - zeroY;
t2 = xAxisPosY - calculateOffset(config, 1*data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, scaleHop) + (config.barStrokeWidth / 2);
if (t1 < t2) { t3 = t1; t1 = t2; t2 = t3 }
jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][annotateCnt++] = ["RECT", barOffset, t1, barOffset + barWidth, t2, lgtxt, lgtxt2,
1*data.datasets[i].data[j], cumvalue[j], totvalue[j], i, j];
if(animPc >=1 && config.inGraphDataShow) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) { cumvalue[j] = 0; } }
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) {
if (typeof (data.datasets[i].title) == "string") lgtxt = data.datasets[i].title.trim();
else lgtxt = "";
for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) {
if (data.datasets[i].type == "Line") { // no inGraphDataShow for lines again (is inside drawLinesDataset)
if (!(typeof(data.datasets[i].data[j])=='undefined')) {
if (typeof (data.labels[j]) == "string") lgtxt2 = data.labels[j].trim();
ctx.textAlign = config.inGraphDataAlign;
ctx.textBaseline = config.inGraphDataVAlign;
ctx.font = config.inGraphDataFontStyle + ' ' + config.inGraphDataFontSize + 'px ' + config.inGraphDataFontFamily;
ctx.fillStyle = config.inGraphDataFontColor;
var barOffset = yAxisPosX + config.barValueSpacing + valueHop * j + barWidth * i + config.barDatasetSpacing * i + config.barStrokeWidth * i;
t1 = xAxisPosY - zeroY;
t2 = xAxisPosY - calculateOffset(config, 1*data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, scaleHop) + (config.barStrokeWidth / 2);
var yPos =0, xPos=0;
if(config.inGraphDataXPosition==1) { xPos=barOffset+config.inGraphDataPaddingX; }
else if(config.inGraphDataXPosition==2) { xPos=barOffset+barWidth/2+config.inGraphDataPaddingX ;}
else if(config.inGraphDataXPosition==3) { xPos=barOffset+barWidth+config.inGraphDataPaddingX;}
if(config.inGraphDataYPosition==1) { yPos=xAxisPosY - zeroY- config.inGraphDataPaddingY; }
else if(config.inGraphDataYPosition==2) {
yPos=xAxisPosY -(calculateOffset(config, 1*data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, scaleHop) +
(config.barStrokeWidth / 2))/2- config.inGraphDataPaddingY;
else if(config.inGraphDataYPosition==3) {
yPos=xAxisPosY -calculateOffset(config, 1*data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, scaleHop) +
(config.barStrokeWidth / 2)- config.inGraphDataPaddingY;
cumvalue[j] += 1*data.datasets[i].data[j];
var dispString = tmplbis(config.inGraphDataTmpl,
{ config:config,
v1 : fmtChartJS(config,lgtxt,config.fmtV1),
v2 : fmtChartJS(config,lgtxt2,config.fmtV2),
v3 : fmtChartJS(config,1*data.datasets[i].data[j],config.fmtV3),
v4 : fmtChartJS(config,cumvalue[j],config.fmtV4),
v5 : fmtChartJS(config,totvalue[j],config.fmtV5),
v6 : roundToWithThousands(config,fmtChartJS(config,
100 * data.datasets[i].data[j] / totvalue[j],config.fmtV6),config.roundPct),
v7 : fmtChartJS(config,barOffset,config.fmtV7),
v8 : fmtChartJS(config,t1,config.fmtV8),
v9 : fmtChartJS(config,barOffset + barWidth,config.fmtV9),
v10 : fmtChartJS(config,t2,config.fmtV10),
v11 : fmtChartJS(config,i,config.fmtV11),
v12 : fmtChartJS(config,j,config.fmtV12), data: data});
ctx.rotate(config.inGraphDataRotate * (Math.PI / 180));
if (animPc >= 1) {
if (typeof drawMath == "function") {
} ;
function roundRect(ctx, x, y, w, h, stroke, radius ) {
ctx.moveTo(x + radius, y);
ctx.lineTo(x + w - radius, y);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + w, y, x + w, y);
ctx.lineTo(x + w, y - h + radius);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + w, y - h, x + w - radius, y - h);
ctx.lineTo(x + radius, y - h);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y - h, x, y - h + radius);
ctx.lineTo(x, y );
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x + radius, y);
} ;
function drawScale() {
//X axis line
ctx.lineWidth = config.scaleLineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = config.scaleLineColor;
ctx.moveTo(yAxisPosX - config.scaleTickSizeLeft, xAxisPosY);
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX + msr.availableWidth + config.scaleTickSizeRight, xAxisPosY);
for (var i = 0; i < data.labels.length; i++) {
ctx.moveTo(yAxisPosX + i * valueHop, xAxisPosY + config.scaleTickSizeBottom);
ctx.lineWidth = config.scaleGridLineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = config.scaleGridLineColor;
//Check i isnt 0, so we dont go over the Y axis twice.
if (config.scaleShowGridLines && i>0 && i % config.scaleXGridLinesStep==0 ) {
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX + i * valueHop, xAxisPosY - msr.availableHeight - config.scaleTickSizeTop);
else {
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX + i * valueHop, xAxisPosY);
//Y axis
ctx.lineWidth = config.scaleLineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = config.scaleLineColor;
ctx.moveTo(yAxisPosX, xAxisPosY + config.scaleTickSizeBottom);
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX, xAxisPosY - msr.availableHeight - config.scaleTickSizeTop);
for (var j = 0 ; j < calculatedScale.steps; j++) {
ctx.moveTo(yAxisPosX - config.scaleTickSizeLeft, xAxisPosY - ((j + 1) * scaleHop));
ctx.lineWidth = config.scaleGridLineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = config.scaleGridLineColor;
if (config.scaleShowGridLines && j % config.scaleYGridLinesStep==0 ) {
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX + msr.availableWidth + config.scaleTickSizeRight, xAxisPosY - ((j + 1) * scaleHop));
else {
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX, xAxisPosY - ((j + 1) * scaleHop));
} ;
function drawLabels() {
ctx.font = config.scaleFontStyle + " " + config.scaleFontSize + "px " + config.scaleFontFamily;
//X axis line
if(config.xAxisTop || config.xAxisBottom) {
ctx.textBaseline = "top";
if (msr.rotateLabels > 90) {
ctx.textAlign = "left";
else if (msr.rotateLabels > 0) {
ctx.textAlign = "right";
else {
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.fillStyle = config.scaleFontColor;
for (var i = 0; i < data.labels.length; i++) {
if (msr.rotateLabels > 0) {
ctx.translate(yAxisPosX + i * valueHop + (valueHop / 2)- msr.highestXLabel/2, msr.xLabelPos);
ctx.rotate(-(msr.rotateLabels * (Math.PI / 180)));
ctx.fillTextMultiLine(fmtChartJS(config,data.labels[i],config.fmtXLabel), 0, 0,ctx.textBaseline,config.scaleFontSize);
else {
ctx.fillTextMultiLine(fmtChartJS(config,data.labels[i],config.fmtXLabel), yAxisPosX + i * valueHop + (valueHop / 2), msr.xLabelPos,ctx.textBaseline,config.scaleFontSize);
//Y axis
ctx.textAlign = "right";
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
for (var j = ((config.showYAxisMin) ? -1 : 0) ; j < calculatedScale.steps; j++) {
if (config.scaleShowLabels) {
if (config.yAxisLeft) {
ctx.textAlign = "right";
ctx.fillTextMultiLine(calculatedScale.labels[j + 1], yAxisPosX - (config.scaleTickSizeLeft + config.yAxisSpaceRight), xAxisPosY - ((j + 1) * scaleHop),ctx.textBaseline,config.scaleFontSize);
if (config.yAxisRight) {
ctx.textAlign = "left";
ctx.fillTextMultiLine(calculatedScale.labels[j + 1], yAxisPosX + msr.availableWidth + (config.scaleTickSizeRight + config.yAxisSpaceRight), xAxisPosY - ((j + 1) * scaleHop),ctx.textBaseline,config.scaleFontSize);
} ;
function getValueBounds() {
var upperValue = Number.MIN_VALUE;
var lowerValue = Number.MAX_VALUE;
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) {
var mathFctName = data.datasets[i].drawMathDeviation;
var mathValueHeight = 0;
if (typeof eval(mathFctName) == "function") {
var parameter = {data:data,datasetNr: i};
mathValueHeight = window[mathFctName](parameter);
for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) {
if (1*data.datasets[i].data[j]+mathValueHeight > upperValue) { upperValue = 1*data.datasets[i].data[j]+mathValueHeight };
if (1*data.datasets[i].data[j]-mathValueHeight < lowerValue) { lowerValue = 1*data.datasets[i].data[j]-mathValueHeight };
if (Math.abs(upperValue - lowerValue)<0.00000001) {
upperValue = Max([upperValue*2,1]);
lowerValue = 0;
if (!isNaN(config.graphMin)) lowerValue = config.graphMin;
if (!isNaN(config.graphMax)) upperValue = config.graphMax;
labelHeight = config.scaleFontSize;
scaleHeight = msr.availableHeight;
var maxSteps = Math.floor((scaleHeight / (labelHeight * 0.66)));
var minSteps = Math.floor((scaleHeight / labelHeight * 0.5));
return {
maxValue: upperValue,
minValue: lowerValue,
maxSteps: maxSteps,
minSteps: minSteps
} ;
} ;
var HorizontalBar = function (data, config, ctx) {
var maxSize, scaleHop, calculatedScale, labelHeight, scaleHeight, valueBounds, labelTemplateString, valueHop, widestXLabel, xAxisLength, yAxisPosX, xAxisPosY, barWidth, rotateLabels = 0, msr;
if(typeof ctx.ChartNewId == "undefined"){
var cvdate = new Date();
var cvmillsec = cvdate.getTime();
if (!dynamicFunction(data,config,ctx,"HorizontalBar"))return;
var annotateCnt = 0;
jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId] = new Array();
valueBounds = getValueBounds();
//Check and set the scale
labelTemplateString = (config.scaleShowLabels) ? config.scaleLabel : "";
if (!config.scaleOverride) {
calculatedScale = calculateScale(config, valueBounds.maxSteps, valueBounds.minSteps, valueBounds.maxValue, valueBounds.minValue, labelTemplateString);
msr = setMeasures(data, config, ctx, height, width, calculatedScale.labels, true, true, true, true,true);
else {
calculatedScale = {
steps: config.scaleSteps,
stepValue: config.scaleStepWidth,
graphMin: config.scaleStartValue,
graphMax: config.scaleStartValue+config.scaleSteps*config.scaleStepWidth,
labels: []
populateLabels(config, labelTemplateString, calculatedScale.labels, calculatedScale.steps, config.scaleStartValue, calculatedScale.graphMax, config.scaleStepWidth);
msr = setMeasures(data, config, ctx, height, width, calculatedScale.labels, true, true, true, true,true);
msr.availableHeight = msr.availableHeight - config.scaleTickSizeBottom - config.scaleTickSizeTop;
msr.availableWidth = msr.availableWidth - config.scaleTickSizeLeft - config.scaleTickSizeRight;
scaleHop = Math.floor(msr.availableHeight / data.labels.length);
valueHop = Math.floor(msr.availableWidth / (calculatedScale.steps));
if(valueHop ==0)valueHop = (msr.availableWidth / (data.labels.length - 1));
msr.clrwidth=msr.clrwidth - (msr.availableWidth - (calculatedScale.steps * valueHop));
msr.availableWidth = (calculatedScale.steps) * valueHop;
msr.availableHeight = (data.labels.length) * scaleHop;
yAxisPosX = msr.leftNotUsableSize + config.scaleTickSizeLeft;
xAxisPosY = msr.topNotUsableSize + msr.availableHeight + config.scaleTickSizeTop;
barWidth = (scaleHop - config.scaleGridLineWidth * 2 - (config.barValueSpacing * 2) - (config.barDatasetSpacing * data.datasets.length - 1) - ((config.barStrokeWidth / 2) * data.datasets.length - 1)) / data.datasets.length;
var zeroY = 0;
if (valueBounds.minValue < 0) {
var zeroY = calculateOffset(config, 0, calculatedScale, valueHop);
animationLoop(config, drawScale, drawBars, ctx, msr.clrx, msr.clry, msr.clrwidth, msr.clrheight, yAxisPosX + msr.availableWidth / 2, xAxisPosY - msr.availableHeight / 2, yAxisPosX, xAxisPosY, data);
function drawBars(animPc) {
var cumvalue = new Array();
var totvalue = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) { cumvalue[j] = 0; totvalue[j] = 0; } }
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) if (!(typeof(data.datasets[i].data[j])=='undefined'))totvalue[j] += 1*data.datasets[i].data[j]; }
ctx.lineWidth = config.barStrokeWidth;
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) {
// ctx.fillStyle = data.datasets[i].fillColor;
// ctx.strokeStyle = data.datasets[i].strokeColor;
if (animPc >= 1) {
if (typeof (data.datasets[i].title) == "string") lgtxt = data.datasets[i].title.trim();
else lgtxt = "";
for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) {
if (typeof data.datasets[i].fillColor == "function")ctx.fillStyle = data.datasets[i].fillColor("FILLCOLOR",data,config,i,j,animPc,1*data.datasets[i].data[j]);
else if(typeof(data.datasets[i].fillColor)=="string"){ctx.fillStyle = data.datasets[i].fillColor;}
else if(typeof(data.datasets[i].fillColor)=="object"){if(typeof(data.datasets[i].fillColor[0])=="string"){ctx.fillStyle = data.datasets[i].fillColor[Min([data.datasets[i].fillColor.length-1,j])];} }
if (typeof data.datasets[i].strokeColor == "function")ctx.strokeStyle = data.datasets[i].strokeColor("STROKECOLOR",data,config,i,j,animPc,1*data.datasets[i].data[j]);
else if(typeof(data.datasets[i].strokeColor)=="string"){ctx.strokeStyle = data.datasets[i].strokeColor;}
else if(typeof(data.datasets[i].strokeColor)=="object"){if(typeof(data.datasets[i].strokeColor[0])=="string"){ctx.strokeStyle = data.datasets[i].strokeColor[Min([data.datasets[i].strokeColor.length-1,j])];} }
if (!(typeof(data.datasets[i].data[j])=='undefined')) {
var barOffset = xAxisPosY + config.barValueSpacing - scaleHop * (j + 1) + barWidth * i + config.barDatasetSpacing * i + config.barStrokeWidth * i;
var barHeight = animPc * calculateOffset(config, 1*data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, valueHop) + (config.barStrokeWidth / 2);
roundRect( ctx, barOffset, yAxisPosX, barWidth, barHeight, config.barShowStroke, config.barBorderRadius,zeroY );
cumvalue[j] += 1*data.datasets[i].data[j];
if (animPc >= 1) {
if (typeof (data.labels[j]) == "string") lgtxt2 = data.labels[j].trim();
else lgtxt2 = "";
t1 = yAxisPosX + zeroY;
t2 = yAxisPosX + calculateOffset(config, 1*data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, valueHop) + (config.barStrokeWidth / 2)
if (t1 > t2) { t3 = t1; t1 = t2; t2 = t3 }
jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][annotateCnt++] = ["RECT", t1, barOffset + barWidth, t2, barOffset, lgtxt, lgtxt2, 1*data.datasets[i].data[j], cumvalue[j], totvalue[j], i, j];
if(animPc >=1 && config.inGraphDataShow) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) { cumvalue[j] = 0; } }
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) {
if (typeof (data.datasets[i].title) == "string") lgtxt = data.datasets[i].title.trim();
else lgtxt = "";
for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) {
if (!(typeof(data.datasets[i].data[j])=='undefined')) {
if (typeof (data.labels[j]) == "string") lgtxt2 = data.labels[j].trim();
ctx.textAlign = config.inGraphDataAlign;
ctx.textBaseline = config.inGraphDataVAlign;
ctx.font = config.inGraphDataFontStyle + ' ' + config.inGraphDataFontSize + 'px ' + config.inGraphDataFontFamily;
ctx.fillStyle = config.inGraphDataFontColor;
var barOffset = xAxisPosY + config.barValueSpacing - scaleHop * (j + 1) + barWidth * i + config.barDatasetSpacing * i + config.barStrokeWidth * i;
t1 = yAxisPosX + zeroY;
t2 = yAxisPosX + calculateOffset(config, 1*data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, valueHop) + (config.barStrokeWidth / 2)
if (t1 > t2) { t3 = t1; t1 = t2; t2 = t3 }
var yPos =0, xPos=0;
if(config.inGraphDataYPosition==1) { yPos=barOffset-config.inGraphDataPaddingY+barWidth; }
else if(config.inGraphDataYPosition==2) { yPos=barOffset+barWidth/2-config.inGraphDataPaddingY ;}
else if(config.inGraphDataYPosition==3) { yPos=barOffset-config.inGraphDataPaddingY;}
if(config.inGraphDataXPosition==1) { xPos=yAxisPosX + zeroY +config.inGraphDataPaddingX; }
else if(config.inGraphDataXPosition==2) { xPos=yAxisPosX + (calculateOffset(config, 1*data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, valueHop) + (config.barStrokeWidth / 2))/2 + config.inGraphDataPaddingX; }
else if(config.inGraphDataXPosition==3) { xPos=yAxisPosX + calculateOffset(config, 1*data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, valueHop) + (config.barStrokeWidth / 2) + config.inGraphDataPaddingX; }
cumvalue[j] += 1*data.datasets[i].data[j];
var dispString = tmplbis(config.inGraphDataTmpl, { config:config, v1 : fmtChartJS(config,lgtxt,config.fmtV1), v2 : fmtChartJS(config,lgtxt2,config.fmtV2), v3 : fmtChartJS(config,1*data.datasets[i].data[j],config.fmtV3), v4 : fmtChartJS(config,cumvalue[j],config.fmtV4), v5 : fmtChartJS(config,totvalue[j],config.fmtV5), v6 : roundToWithThousands(config,fmtChartJS(config,100 * data.datasets[i].data[j] / totvalue[j],config.fmtV6),config.roundPct),v7 : fmtChartJS(config,t1,config.fmtV7),v8 : fmtChartJS(config,barOffset + barWidth,config.fmtV8),v9 : fmtChartJS(config,t2,config.fmtV9),v10 : fmtChartJS(config,barOffset,config.fmtV10),v11 : fmtChartJS(config,i,config.fmtV11), v12 : fmtChartJS(config,j,config.fmtV12),data:data});
ctx.rotate(config.inGraphDataRotate * (Math.PI / 180));
} ;
function roundRect(ctx, x, y, w, h, stroke, radius,zeroY ) {
ctx.moveTo(y +zeroY, x + radius );
ctx.lineTo(y +zeroY, x + w - radius );
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(y + zeroY, x + w, y + zeroY, x + w);
ctx.lineTo(y + h - radius, x + w );
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(y + h, x + w, y + h, x + w - radius);
ctx.lineTo(y + h , x + radius);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(y + h, x , y + h - radius , x );
ctx.lineTo(y+zeroY, x );
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(y+zeroY, x , y+zeroY, x+radius);
} ;
function drawScale() {
//X axis line
ctx.lineWidth = config.scaleLineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = config.scaleLineColor;
ctx.moveTo(yAxisPosX - config.scaleTickSizeLeft, xAxisPosY);
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX + msr.availableWidth + config.scaleTickSizeRight, xAxisPosY);
for (var i = ((config.showYAxisMin) ? -1 : 0) ; i < calculatedScale.steps; i++) {
if (i >= 0) {
ctx.moveTo(yAxisPosX + i * valueHop, xAxisPosY + config.scaleTickSizeBottom);
ctx.lineWidth = config.scaleGridLineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = config.scaleGridLineColor;
//Check i isnt 0, so we dont go over the Y axis twice.
if (config.scaleShowGridLines && i>0 && i % config.scaleXGridLinesStep==0 ) {
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX + i * valueHop, xAxisPosY - msr.availableHeight - config.scaleTickSizeTop);
else {
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX + i * valueHop, xAxisPosY);
//Y axis
ctx.lineWidth = config.scaleLineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = config.scaleLineColor;
ctx.moveTo(yAxisPosX, xAxisPosY + config.scaleTickSizeBottom);
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX, xAxisPosY - msr.availableHeight - config.scaleTickSizeTop);
for (var j = 0; j < data.labels.length; j++) {
ctx.moveTo(yAxisPosX - config.scaleTickSizeLeft, xAxisPosY - ((j + 1) * scaleHop));
ctx.lineWidth = config.scaleGridLineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = config.scaleGridLineColor;
if (config.scaleShowGridLines && j % config.scaleYGridLinesStep==0 ) {
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX + msr.availableWidth + config.scaleTickSizeRight, xAxisPosY - ((j + 1) * scaleHop));
else {
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX, xAxisPosY - ((j + 1) * scaleHop));
} ;
function drawLabels() {
ctx.font = config.scaleFontStyle + " " + config.scaleFontSize + "px " + config.scaleFontFamily;
//X axis line
if(config.xAxisTop || config.xAxisBottom) {
ctx.textBaseline = "top";
if (msr.rotateLabels > 90) {
ctx.textAlign = "left";
else if (msr.rotateLabels > 0) {
ctx.textAlign = "right";
else {
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.fillStyle = config.scaleFontColor;
for (var i = ((config.showYAxisMin) ? -1 : 0) ; i < calculatedScale.steps; i++) {
if (msr.rotateLabels > 0) {
ctx.translate(yAxisPosX + (i + 1) * valueHop - msr.highestXLabel/2, msr.xLabelPos);
ctx.rotate(-(msr.rotateLabels * (Math.PI / 180)));
ctx.fillTextMultiLine(calculatedScale.labels[i + 1], 0, 0,ctx.textBaseline,config.scaleFontSize);
else {
ctx.fillTextMultiLine(calculatedScale.labels[i + 1], yAxisPosX + (i + 1) * valueHop, msr.xLabelPos,ctx.textBaseline,config.scaleFontSize);
//Y axis
ctx.textAlign = "right";
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
for (var j = 0; j < data.labels.length; j++) {
if (config.scaleShowLabels) {
if (config.yAxisLeft) {
ctx.textAlign = "right";
ctx.fillTextMultiLine(fmtChartJS(config,data.labels[j],config.fmtXLabel), yAxisPosX - (config.scaleTickSizeLeft + config.yAxisSpaceRight), xAxisPosY - (j * scaleHop) - scaleHop / 2,ctx.textBaseline,config.scaleFontSize);
if (config.yAxisRight) {
ctx.textAlign = "left";
ctx.fillTextMultiLine(fmtChartJS(config,data.labels[j],config.fmtXLabel), yAxisPosX + msr.availableWidth + (config.scaleTickSizeRight + config.yAxisSpaceRight), xAxisPosY - (j * scaleHop) - scaleHop / 2,ctx.textBaseline,config.scaleFontSize);
} ;
function getValueBounds() {
var upperValue = Number.MIN_VALUE;
var lowerValue = Number.MAX_VALUE;
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) {
if (1*data.datasets[i].data[j] > upperValue) { upperValue = 1*data.datasets[i].data[j] };
if (1*data.datasets[i].data[j] < lowerValue) { lowerValue = 1*data.datasets[i].data[j] };
if (Math.abs(upperValue - lowerValue)<0.00000001) {
upperValue = Max([upperValue*2,1]);
lowerValue = 0;
if (!isNaN(config.graphMin)) lowerValue = config.graphMin;
if (!isNaN(config.graphMax)) upperValue = config.graphMax;
var maxSteps = Math.floor((scaleHeight / (labelHeight * 0.66)));
var minSteps = Math.floor((scaleHeight / labelHeight * 0.5));
return {
maxValue: upperValue,
minValue: lowerValue,
maxSteps: maxSteps,
minSteps: minSteps
} ;
} ;
function calculateOffset(config, val, calculatedScale, scaleHop) {
if (!config.logarithmic) { // no logarithmic scale
var outerValue = calculatedScale.steps * calculatedScale.stepValue;
var adjustedValue = val - calculatedScale.graphMin;
var scalingFactor = CapValue(adjustedValue / outerValue, 1, 0);
return (scaleHop * calculatedScale.steps) * scalingFactor;
} else { // logarithmic scale
return CapValue(log10(val) * scaleHop - calculateOrderOfMagnitude(calculatedScale.graphMin) * scaleHop, undefined, 0);
} ;
function animationLoop(config, drawScale, drawData, ctx, clrx, clry, clrwidth, clrheight, midPosX, midPosY, borderX, borderY, data) {
var cntiter=0;
var animationCount=1;
var multAnim=1;
if(config.animationStartValue <0 || config.animationStartValue>1)config.animation.StartValue=0;
if(config.animationStopValue <0 || config.animationStopValue>1)config.animation.StopValue=1;
if (isIE() < 9 && isIE() != false) config.animation = false;
var animFrameAmount = (config.animation) ? 1 / CapValue(config.animationSteps, Number.MAX_VALUE, 1) : 1,
easingFunction = animationOptions[config.animationEasing],
percentAnimComplete = (config.animation) ? 0 : 1;
if(config.animation && config.animationStartValue>0 && config.animationStartValue <=1)
while(percentAnimComplete < config.animationStartValue){cntiter++;percentAnimComplete+=animFrameAmount;}
var beginAnim=cntiter;
var beginAnimPct=percentAnimComplete;
if (typeof drawScale !== "function") drawScale = function () { };
else animLoop();
function animateFrame() {
var easeAdjustedAnimationPercent = (config.animation) ? CapValue(easingFunction(percentAnimComplete), null, 0) : 1;
if(1*cntiter>=1*CapValue(config.animationSteps, Number.MAX_VALUE, 1) || config.animation==false)easeAdjustedAnimationPercent=1;
else if(easeAdjustedAnimationPercent>=1)easeAdjustedAnimationPercent=0.9999;
if (!(isIE() < 9 && isIE() != false) && config.clearRect) ctx.clearRect(clrx, clry, clrwidth, clrheight);
dispCrossText(ctx, config, midPosX, midPosY, borderX, borderY, false, data, easeAdjustedAnimationPercent,cntiter);
if (config.scaleOverlay) {
} else {
dispCrossText(ctx, config, midPosX, midPosY, borderX, borderY, true, data, easeAdjustedAnimationPercent,cntiter);
function animLoop() {
//We need to check if the animation is incomplete (less than 1), or complete (1).
percentAnimComplete += multAnim*animFrameAmount;
if(cntiter==config.animationSteps || config.animation==false )percentAnimComplete=1;
else if(percentAnimComplete>=1)percentAnimComplete=0.999;
//Stop the loop continuing forever
if(multAnim==-1 && cntiter<=beginAnim)
if (typeof config.onAnimationComplete == "function") config.onAnimationComplete(ctx,config,data,0,animationCount+1);
else if (percentAnimComplete < config.animationStopValue) {
else {
if (typeof config.onAnimationComplete == "function") config.onAnimationComplete(ctx,config,data,1,animationCount+1);
// stop animation ?
if(animationCount<config.animationCount || config.animationCount==0)
if(config.animationBackward && multAnim==1){
percentAnimComplete -= animFrameAmount;
else {
percentAnimComplete = beginAnimPct-animFrameAmount;
} ;
} ;
//Declare global functions to be called within this namespace here.
// shim layer with setTimeout fallback
var requestAnimFrame = (function () {
return window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
function (callback) {
window.setTimeout(callback, 1000/60 );
function calculateScale(config, maxSteps, minSteps, maxValue, minValue, labelTemplateString) {
var graphMin, graphMax, graphRange, stepValue, numberOfSteps, valueRange, rangeOrderOfMagnitude, decimalNum;
if (!config.logarithmic) { // no logarithmic scale
valueRange = maxValue - minValue;
rangeOrderOfMagnitude = calculateOrderOfMagnitude(valueRange);
graphMin = Math.floor(minValue / (1 * Math.pow(10, rangeOrderOfMagnitude))) * Math.pow(10, rangeOrderOfMagnitude);
graphMax = Math.ceil(maxValue / (1 * Math.pow(10, rangeOrderOfMagnitude))) * Math.pow(10, rangeOrderOfMagnitude);
else { // logarithmic scale
graphMin = Math.pow(10, calculateOrderOfMagnitude(minValue));
graphMax = Math.pow(10, calculateOrderOfMagnitude(maxValue) + 1);
rangeOrderOfMagnitude = calculateOrderOfMagnitude(graphMax) - calculateOrderOfMagnitude(graphMin);
graphRange = graphMax - graphMin;
stepValue = Math.pow(10, rangeOrderOfMagnitude);
numberOfSteps = Math.round(graphRange / stepValue);
if (!config.logarithmic) { // no logarithmic scale
//Compare number of steps to the max and min for that size graph, and add in half steps if need be.
while (numberOfSteps < minSteps || numberOfSteps > maxSteps) {
if (numberOfSteps < minSteps) {
stepValue /= 2;
numberOfSteps = Math.round(graphRange / stepValue);
else {
stepValue *= 2;
numberOfSteps = Math.round(graphRange / stepValue);
} else { // logarithmic scale
numberOfSteps = rangeOrderOfMagnitude; // so scale is 10,100,1000,...
var labels = [];
populateLabels(config, labelTemplateString, labels, numberOfSteps, graphMin, graphMax, stepValue);
return {
steps: numberOfSteps,
stepValue: stepValue,
graphMin: graphMin,
labels: labels,
maxValue: maxValue
} ;
function calculateOrderOfMagnitude(val) {
return Math.floor(Math.log(val) / Math.LN10);
} ;
//Populate an array of all the labels by interpolating the string.
function populateLabels(config, labelTemplateString, labels, numberOfSteps, graphMin, graphMax, stepValue) {
if (labelTemplateString) {
//Fix floating point errors by setting to fixed the on the same decimal as the stepValue.
if (!config.logarithmic) { // no logarithmic scale
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfSteps + 1; i++) {
labels.push(tmpl(labelTemplateString, { value: fmtChartJS(config,1*((graphMin + (stepValue * i)).toFixed(getDecimalPlaces(stepValue))),config.fmtYLabel) }));
} else { // logarithmic scale 10,100,1000,...
var value = graphMin;
while (value < graphMax) {
labels.push(tmpl(labelTemplateString, { value: fmtChartJS(config,1*value.toFixed(getDecimalPlaces(stepValue)),config.fmtYLabel) }));
value *= 10;
} ;
//Max value from array
function Max(array) {
return Math.max.apply(Math, array);
//Min value from array
function Min(array) {
return Math.min.apply(Math, array);
//Default if undefined
function Default(userDeclared, valueIfFalse) {
if (!userDeclared) {
return valueIfFalse;
} else {
return userDeclared;
//Apply cap a value at a high or low number
function CapValue(valueToCap, maxValue, minValue) {
if (isNumber(maxValue)) {
if (valueToCap > maxValue) {
return maxValue;
if (isNumber(minValue)) {
if (valueToCap < minValue) {
return minValue;
return valueToCap;
function getDecimalPlaces(num) {
var numberOfDecimalPlaces;
if (num % 1 != 0) {
return num.toString().split(".")[1].length
else {
return 0;
function mergeChartConfig(defaults, userDefined) {
var returnObj = {};
for (var attrname in defaults) { returnObj[attrname] = defaults[attrname]; }
for (var attrname in userDefined) { returnObj[attrname] = userDefined[attrname]; }
return returnObj;
//Javascript micro templating by John Resig - source at http://ejohn.org/blog/javascript-micro-templating/
var cache = {};
function tmpl(str, data) {
// Figure out if we're getting a template, or if we need to
// load the template - and be sure to cache the result.
var fn = !/\W/.test(str) ?
cache[str] = cache[str] ||
tmpl(document.getElementById(str).innerHTML) :
// Generate a reusable function that will serve as a template
// generator (and which will be cached).
new Function("obj",
"var p=[],print=function(){p.push.apply(p,arguments);};" +
// Introduce the data as local variables using with(){}
"with(obj){p.push('" +
// Convert the template into pure JavaScript
.replace(/[\r\t\n]/g, " ")
.replace(/((^|%>)[^\t]*)'/g, "$1\r")
.replace(/\t=(.*?)%>/g, "',$1,'")
+ "');}return p.join('');");
// Provide some basic currying to the user
return data ? fn(data) : fn;
function dispCrossText(ctx, config, posX, posY, borderX, borderY, overlay, data, animPC,cntiter) {
var i, disptxt, txtposx, txtposy, txtAlign, txtBaseline;
for (i = 0; i < config.crossText.length; i++) {
if (config.crossText[i] != "" && config.crossTextOverlay[Min([i, config.crossTextOverlay.length - 1])] == overlay && ((cntiter==1 && config.crossTextIter[Min([i, config.crossTextIter.length - 1])]=="first") || config.crossTextIter[Min([i, config.crossTextIter.length - 1])]==cntiter || config.crossTextIter[Min([i, config.crossTextIter.length - 1])]=="all" || (animPC==1 && config.crossTextIter[Min([i, config.crossTextIter.length - 1])]=="last")) ) {
ctx.font = config.crossTextFontStyle[Min([i, config.crossTextFontStyle.length - 1])] + " " + config.crossTextFontSize[Min([i, config.crossTextFontSize.length - 1])] + "px " + config.crossTextFontFamily[Min([i, config.crossTextFontFamily.length - 1])];
ctx.fillStyle = config.crossTextFontColor[Min([i, config.crossTextFontColor.length - 1])];
textAlign = config.crossTextAlign[Min([i, config.crossTextAlign.length - 1])];
textBaseline = config.crossTextBaseline[Min([i, config.crossTextBaseline.length - 1])];
txtposx = 1 * config.crossTextPosX[Min([i, config.crossTextPosX.length - 1])];
txtposy = 1 * config.crossTextPosY[Min([i, config.crossTextPosY.length - 1])];
switch (1 * config.crossTextRelativePosX[Min([i, config.crossTextRelativePosX.length - 1])]) {
case 0:
if (textAlign == "default") textAlign = "left";
case 1:
txtposx += borderX;
if (textAlign == "default") textAlign = "right";
case 2:
txtposx += posX;
if (textAlign == "default") textAlign = "center";
case -2:
txtposx += context.canvas.width / 2;
if (textAlign == "default") textAlign = "center";
case 3:
txtposx += txtposx + 2 * posX - borderX;
if (textAlign == "default") textAlign = "left";
case 4:
// posX=width;
txtposx += context.canvas.width;
if (textAlign == "default") textAlign = "right";
txtposx += posX;
if (textAlign == "default") textAlign = "center";
switch (1 * config.crossTextRelativePosY[Min([i, config.crossTextRelativePosY.length - 1])]) {
case 0:
if (textBaseline == "default") textBaseline = "top";
case 3:
txtposy += borderY;
if (textBaseline == "default") textBaseline = "top";
case 2:
txtposy += posY;
if (textBaseline == "default") textBaseline = "middle";
case -2:
txtposy += context.canvas.height / 2;
if (textBaseline == "default") textBaseline = "middle";
case 1:
txtposy += txtposy + 2 * posY - borderY;
if (textBaseline == "default") textBaseline = "bottom";
case 4:
txtposy += context.canvas.height;
if (textBaseline == "default") textBaseline = "bottom";
txtposy += posY;
if (textBaseline == "default") textBaseline = "middle";
ctx.textAlign = textAlign;
ctx.textBaseline = textBaseline;
ctx.translate(1 * txtposx, 1 * txtposy);
ctx.rotate(config.crossTextAngle[Min([i, config.crossTextAngle.length - 1])]);
if (config.crossText[i].substring(0, 1) == "%") {
if (typeof config.crossTextFunction == "function") disptxt = config.crossTextFunction(i, config.crossText[i], ctx, config, posX, posY, borderX, borderY, overlay, data, animPC);
else disptxt = config.crossText[i];
ctx.fillTextMultiLine(disptxt,0,0,ctx.textBaseline,config.crossTextFontSize[Min([i, config.crossTextFontSize.length - 1])]);
function setMeasures(data, config, ctx, height, width, ylabels, reverseLegend, reverseAxis, drawAxis, drawLegendOnData,legendBox) {
if(config.canvasBackgroundColor != "none") ctx.canvas.style.background =config.canvasBackgroundColor;
var borderWidth = 0;
var yAxisLabelWidth = 0;
var yAxisLabelPos = 0;
var graphTitleHeight = 0;
var graphTitlePosY = 0;
var graphSubTitleHeight = 0;
var graphSubTitlePosY = 0;
var footNoteHeight = 0;
var footNotePosY = 0;
var yAxisUnitHeight = 0;
var yAxisUnitPosY = 0;
var widestLegend = 0;
var nbeltLegend = 0;
var nbLegendLines = 0;
var nbLegendCols = 0;
var spaceLegendHeight = 0;
var xFirstLegendTextPos = 0;
var yFirstLegendTextPos = 0;
var xLegendBorderPos = 0;
var yLegendBorderPos = 0;
var yAxisLabelWidth = 0;
var yAxisLabelPos = 0;
var xAxisLabelHeight = 0;
var xLabelHeight = 0;
var widestXLabel = 1;
var highestXLabel = 1;
var widestYLabel = 0;
var highestYLabel = 1;
var leftNotUsableSize = 0;
var rightNotUsableSize = 0;
var rotateLabels = 0;
var xLabelPos = 0;
// Borders
if (config.canvasBorders) borderWidth = config.canvasBordersWidth;
// compute widest X label
if (drawAxis) {
ctx.font = config.scaleFontStyle + " " + config.scaleFontSize + "px " + config.scaleFontFamily;
for (var i = 0; i < data.labels.length; i++) {
var textMsr = ctx.measureTextMultiLine(fmtChartJS(config,data.labels[i],config.fmtXLabel),config.scaleFontSize);
//If the text length is longer - make that equal to longest text!
widestXLabel = (textMsr.textWidth > widestXLabel) ? textMsr.textWidth : widestXLabel;
highestXLabel= (textMsr.textHeight > highestXLabel) ? textMsr.textHeight : highestXLabel;
// compute Y Label Width
if (drawAxis) {
widestYLabel = 1;
if (ylabels != null) {
ctx.font = config.scaleFontStyle + " " + config.scaleFontSize + "px " + config.scaleFontFamily;
for (var i = ylabels.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (typeof (ylabels[i]) == "string") {
if (ylabels[i].trim() != "") {
var textMsr = ctx.measureTextMultiLine(fmtChartJS(config,ylabels[i],config.fmtYLabel),config.scaleFontSize);
//If the text length is longer - make that equal to longest text!
widestYLabel = (textMsr.textWidth > widestYLabel) ? textMsr.textWidth : widestYLabel;
highestYLabel= (textMsr.textHeight > highestYLabel) ? textMsr.textHeight : highestYLabel;
// yAxisLabel
leftNotUsableSize = borderWidth + config.spaceLeft
rightNotUsableSize = borderWidth + config.spaceRight;
if (drawAxis) {
if (typeof (config.yAxisLabel) != "undefined") {
if (config.yAxisLabel.trim() != "") {
yAxisLabelWidth = (config.yAxisFontSize + config.yAxisLabelSpaceLeft + config.yAxisLabelSpaceRight);
yAxisLabelPosLeft = borderWidth + config.spaceLeft + config.yAxisLabelSpaceLeft + config.yAxisFontSize;
yAxisLabelPosRight = width - borderWidth - config.spaceRight - config.yAxisLabelSpaceLeft - config.yAxisFontSize;
if (config.yAxisLeft) {
if (reverseAxis == false) leftNotUsableSize = borderWidth + config.spaceLeft + yAxisLabelWidth + widestYLabel + config.yAxisSpaceLeft + config.yAxisSpaceRight;
else leftNotUsableSize = borderWidth + config.spaceLeft + yAxisLabelWidth + widestXLabel + config.yAxisSpaceLeft + config.yAxisSpaceRight;
if (config.yAxisRight) {
if (reverseAxis == false) rightNotUsableSize = borderWidth + config.spaceRight + yAxisLabelWidth + widestYLabel + config.yAxisSpaceLeft + config.yAxisSpaceRight;
else rightNotUsableSize = borderWidth + config.spaceRight + yAxisLabelWidth + widestXLabel + config.yAxisSpaceLeft + config.yAxisSpaceRight;
availableWidth = width - leftNotUsableSize - rightNotUsableSize;
// Title
if (config.graphTitle.trim() != "") {
graphTitleHeight = (config.graphTitleFontSize + config.graphTitleSpaceBefore + config.graphTitleSpaceAfter);
graphTitlePosY = borderWidth + config.spaceTop + graphTitleHeight - config.graphTitleSpaceAfter;
// subTitle
if (config.graphSubTitle.trim() != "") {
graphSubTitleHeight = (config.graphSubTitleFontSize + config.graphSubTitleSpaceBefore + config.graphSubTitleSpaceAfter);
graphSubTitlePosY = borderWidth + config.spaceTop + graphTitleHeight + graphSubTitleHeight - config.graphSubTitleSpaceAfter;
// yAxisUnit
if (drawAxis) {
if (typeof (config.yAxisUnit) != "undefined") {
if (config.yAxisUnit.trim() != "") {
yAxisUnitHeight = (config.yAxisUnitFontSize + config.yAxisUnitSpaceBefore + config.yAxisUnitSpaceAfter);
yAxisUnitPosY = borderWidth + config.spaceTop + graphTitleHeight + graphSubTitleHeight + yAxisUnitHeight - config.yAxisUnitSpaceAfter;
topNotUsableSize = borderWidth + config.spaceTop + graphTitleHeight + graphSubTitleHeight + yAxisUnitHeight + config.graphSpaceBefore;
// footNote
if (typeof (config.footNote) != "undefined") {
if (config.footNote.trim() != "") {
footNoteHeight = (config.footNoteFontSize + config.footNoteSpaceBefore + config.footNoteSpaceAfter);
footNotePosY = height - config.spaceBottom - borderWidth - config.footNoteSpaceAfter;
// compute space for Legend
if (typeof (config.legend) != "undefined") {
if (config.legend == true) {
ctx.font = config.legendFontStyle + " " + config.legendFontSize + "px " + config.legendFontFamily;
if (drawLegendOnData) {
for (var i = data.datasets.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (typeof (data.datasets[i].title) == "string") {
if (data.datasets[i].title.trim() != "") {
var textLength = ctx.measureText(fmtChartJS(config,data.datasets[i].title,config.fmtLegend)).width;
//If the text length is longer - make that equal to longest text!
widestLegend = (textLength > widestLegend) ? textLength : widestLegend;
} else {
for (var i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (typeof (data[i].title) == "string") {
if (data[i].title.trim() != "") {
var textLength = ctx.measureText(fmtChartJS(config,data[i].title,config.fmtLegend)).width;
//If the text length is longer - make that equal to longest text!
widestLegend = (textLength > widestLegend) ? textLength : widestLegend;
if (nbeltLegend > 1) {
widestLegend += config.legendBlockSize + config.legendSpaceBetweenBoxAndText;
availableLegendWidth = width - config.spaceLeft - config.spaceRight - 2 * (borderWidth) - config.legendSpaceLeftText - config.legendSpaceRightText;
if (config.legendBorders == true) availableLegendWidth -= 2 * (config.legendBordersWidth) - config.legendBordersSpaceLeft - config.legendBordersSpaceRight;
maxLegendOnLine = Math.floor((availableLegendWidth + config.legendSpaceBetweenTextHorizontal )/ (widestLegend + config.legendSpaceBetweenTextHorizontal ));
nbLegendLines = Math.ceil(nbeltLegend / maxLegendOnLine);
nbLegendCols = Math.ceil(nbeltLegend / nbLegendLines);
spaceLegendHeight = nbLegendLines * (config.legendFontSize + config.legendSpaceBetweenTextVertical) - config.legendSpaceBetweenTextVertical + config.legendSpaceBeforeText + config.legendSpaceAfterText;
yFirstLegendTextPos = height - borderWidth - config.spaceBottom - footNoteHeight - spaceLegendHeight + config.legendSpaceBeforeText + config.legendFontSize;
xFirstLegendTextPos = config.spaceLeft + (width - config.spaceLeft - config.spaceRight - nbLegendCols * (widestLegend + config.legendSpaceBetweenTextHorizontal) + config.legendSpaceBetweenTextHorizontal ) / 2 ;
if (config.legendBorders == true) {
spaceLegendHeight += 2 * config.legendBordersWidth + config.legendBordersSpaceBefore + config.legendBordersSpaceAfter;
yFirstLegendTextPos -= (config.legendBordersWidth + config.legendBordersSpaceAfter);
yLegendBorderPos = Math.floor(height - borderWidth - config.spaceBottom - footNoteHeight - spaceLegendHeight + (config.legendBordersWidth / 2) + config.legendBordersSpaceBefore);
xLegendBorderPos = Math.floor(xFirstLegendTextPos - config.legendSpaceLeftText - (config.legendBordersWidth / 2));
legendBorderHeight = Math.ceil(spaceLegendHeight - config.legendBordersWidth) - config.legendBordersSpaceBefore - config.legendBordersSpaceAfter;
legendBorderWidth = Math.ceil(nbLegendCols * (widestLegend + config.legendSpaceBetweenTextHorizontal)) - config.legendSpaceBetweenTextHorizontal + config.legendBordersWidth + config.legendSpaceRightText + config.legendSpaceLeftText;
// xAxisLabel
if (drawAxis) {
if (typeof (config.xAxisLabel) != "undefined") {
if (config.xAxisLabel.trim() != "") {
xAxisLabelHeight = (config.xAxisFontSize + config.xAxisLabelSpaceBefore + config.xAxisLabelSpaceAfter);
xAxisLabelPos = height - borderWidth - config.spaceBottom - footNoteHeight - spaceLegendHeight - config.xAxisLabelSpaceAfter;
xLabelWidth = 0;
if (drawAxis && (config.xAxisBottom || config.xAxisTop)) {
if (reverseAxis == false) { var widestLabel = widestXLabel; var highestLabel=highestXLabel;nblab = data.labels.length; }
else { var widestLabel = widestYLabel; var highestLabel=highestYLabel; nblab = ylabels.length; }
if (config.rotateLabels == "smart") {
rotateLabels = 0;
if ((availableWidth + config.xAxisSpaceBetweenLabels) / nblab < (widestLabel + config.xAxisSpaceBetweenLabels)) {
rotateLabels = 45;
if (availableWidth / nblab < Math.abs(Math.cos(rotateLabels * Math.PI / 180) * widestLabel)) {
rotateLabels = 90;
} else {
rotateLabels = config.rotateLabels
if (rotateLabels < 0) rotateLabels = 0;
if (rotateLabels > 180) rotateLabels = 180;
if (rotateLabels > 90) rotateLabels += 180;
xLabelHeight = Math.abs(Math.sin(rotateLabels * Math.PI / 180) * widestLabel) + Math.abs(Math.sin((rotateLabels + 90) * Math.PI / 180) * highestLabel) + config.xAxisSpaceBefore + config.xAxisSpaceAfter;
xLabelPos = height - borderWidth - config.spaceBottom - footNoteHeight - spaceLegendHeight - xAxisLabelHeight - (xLabelHeight - config.xAxisSpaceBefore)-config.graphSpaceAfter;
xLabelWidth = Math.abs(Math.cos(rotateLabels * Math.PI / 180) * widestLabel) + Math.abs(Math.cos((rotateLabels + 90) * Math.PI / 180) * highestLabel);
leftNotUsableSize = Max([leftNotUsableSize, borderWidth + config.spaceLeft + xLabelWidth / 2]);
rightNotUsableSize = Max([rightNotUsableSize, borderWidth + config.spaceRight + xLabelWidth / 2]);
availableWidth = width - leftNotUsableSize - rightNotUsableSize;
bottomNotUsableHeightWithoutXLabels = borderWidth + config.spaceBottom + footNoteHeight + spaceLegendHeight + xAxisLabelHeight;
bottomNotUsableHeightWithXLabels = bottomNotUsableHeightWithoutXLabels + xLabelHeight+config.graphSpaceAfter;
availableHeight = height - topNotUsableSize - bottomNotUsableHeightWithXLabels;
bottomNotUsableHeightWithoutXLabels = borderWidth + config.spaceBottom + footNoteHeight + spaceLegendHeight + xAxisLabelHeight;
bottomNotUsableHeightWithXLabels = bottomNotUsableHeightWithoutXLabels +config.graphSpaceAfter;
availableHeight = height - topNotUsableSize - bottomNotUsableHeightWithXLabels;
// ----------------------- DRAW EXTERNAL ELEMENTS -------------------------------------------------
if(widestYLabel != 1){
// Draw Borders
if (borderWidth > 0) {
ctx.lineWidth = 2 * borderWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = config.canvasBordersColor;
ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
ctx.lineTo(0, height);
ctx.lineTo(width, height);
ctx.lineTo(width, 0);
ctx.lineTo(0, 0);
// Draw Graph Title
if (graphTitleHeight > 0) {
ctx.font = config.graphTitleFontStyle + " " + config.graphTitleFontSize + "px " + config.graphTitleFontFamily;
ctx.fillStyle = config.graphTitleFontColor;
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.textBaseline = "bottom";
ctx.translate(config.spaceLeft + (width - config.spaceLeft - config.spaceRight) / 2, graphTitlePosY);
ctx.fillText(config.graphTitle, 0, 0);
// Draw Graph Sub-Title
if (graphSubTitleHeight > 0) {
ctx.font = config.graphSubTitleFontStyle + " " + config.graphSubTitleFontSize + "px " + config.graphSubTitleFontFamily;
ctx.fillStyle = config.graphSubTitleFontColor;
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.textBaseline = "bottom";
ctx.translate(config.spaceLeft + (width - config.spaceLeft - config.spaceRight) / 2, graphSubTitlePosY);
ctx.fillText(config.graphSubTitle, 0, 0);
// Draw Y Axis Unit
if (yAxisUnitHeight > 0) {
if (config.yAxisLeft) {
ctx.font = config.yAxisUnitFontStyle + " " + config.yAxisUnitFontSize + "px " + config.yAxisUnitFontFamily;
ctx.fillStyle = config.yAxisUnitFontColor;
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.textBaseline = "bottom";
ctx.translate(leftNotUsableSize, yAxisUnitPosY);
ctx.fillText(config.yAxisUnit, 0, 0);
if (config.yAxisRight) {
ctx.font = config.yAxisUnitFontStyle + " " + config.yAxisUnitFontSize + "px " + config.yAxisUnitFontFamily;
ctx.fillStyle = config.yAxisUnitFontColor;
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.textBaseline = "bottom";
ctx.translate(width - rightNotUsableSize, yAxisUnitPosY);
ctx.fillText(config.yAxisUnit, 0, 0);
// Draw Y Axis Label
if (yAxisLabelWidth > 0) {
if (config.yAxisLeft) {
ctx.font = config.yAxisFontStyle + " " + config.yAxisFontSize + "px " + config.yAxisFontFamily;
ctx.fillStyle = config.yAxisFontColor;
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.textBaseline = "bottom";
ctx.translate(yAxisLabelPosLeft, topNotUsableSize + (availableHeight / 2));
ctx.rotate(-(90 * (Math.PI / 180)));
ctx.fillText(config.yAxisLabel, 0, 0);
if (config.yAxisRight) {
ctx.font = config.yAxisFontStyle + " " + config.yAxisFontSize + "px " + config.yAxisFontFamily;
ctx.fillStyle = config.yAxisFontColor;
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.textBaseline = "bottom";
ctx.translate(yAxisLabelPosRight, topNotUsableSize + (availableHeight / 2));
ctx.rotate(+(90 * (Math.PI / 180)));
ctx.fillText(config.yAxisLabel, 0, 0);
// Draw X Axis Label
if (xAxisLabelHeight > 0) {
if (config.xAxisBottom) {
ctx.font = config.xAxisFontStyle + " " + config.xAxisFontSize + "px " + config.xAxisFontFamily;
ctx.fillStyle = config.xAxisFontColor;
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.textBaseline = "bottom";
ctx.translate(leftNotUsableSize + (availableWidth / 2), xAxisLabelPos);
ctx.fillText(config.xAxisLabel, 0, 0);
// Draw Legend
if (nbeltLegend > 1) {
if (config.legendBorders == true) {
ctx.lineWidth = config.legendBordersWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = config.legendBordersColors;
ctx.moveTo(xLegendBorderPos, yLegendBorderPos);
ctx.lineTo(xLegendBorderPos, yLegendBorderPos + legendBorderHeight);
ctx.lineTo(xLegendBorderPos + legendBorderWidth, yLegendBorderPos + legendBorderHeight);
ctx.lineTo(xLegendBorderPos + legendBorderWidth, yLegendBorderPos);
ctx.lineTo(xLegendBorderPos, yLegendBorderPos);
ctx.lineTo(xLegendBorderPos + legendBorderWidth, yLegendBorderPos);
ctx.lineTo(xLegendBorderPos, yLegendBorderPos);
ctx.lineTo(xLegendBorderPos, yLegendBorderPos + legendBorderHeight);
nbcols = nbLegendCols - 1;
ypos = yFirstLegendTextPos - (config.legendFontSize + config.legendSpaceBetweenTextVertical);
xpos = 0;
if (drawLegendOnData) fromi = data.datasets.length;
else fromi = data.length;
for (var i = fromi - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
orderi = i;
if (reverseLegend) {
if (drawLegendOnData) orderi = data.datasets.length - i - 1;
else orderi = data.length - i - 1;
if (drawLegendOnData) tpof = typeof (data.datasets[orderi].title);
else tpof = typeof (data[orderi].title)
if (tpof == "string") {
if (drawLegendOnData) lgtxt = fmtChartJS(config,data.datasets[orderi].title,config.fmtLegend).trim();
else lgtxt = fmtChartJS(config,data[orderi].title,config.fmtLegend).trim();
if (lgtxt != "") {
if (nbcols == nbLegendCols) {
nbcols = 0;
xpos = xFirstLegendTextPos;
ypos += config.legendFontSize + config.legendSpaceBetweenTextVertical;
else {
xpos += widestLegend + config.legendSpaceBetweenTextHorizontal;
if (drawLegendOnData) {
if (typeof data.datasets[orderi].strokeColor == "function")ctx.strokeStyle = data.datasets[orderi].strokeColor("STROKECOLOR",data,config,orderi,-1,1,-1);
else if(typeof data.datasets[orderi].strokeColor=="string")ctx.strokeStyle = data.datasets[orderi].strokeColor;
else ctx.strokeStyle=config.defaultStrokeColor;
else {
if (typeof data[orderi].color == "function")ctx.fillStyle = data[orderi].color("COLOR",data,config,orderi,-1,1,data[orderi].value);
else if(typeof data[orderi].color == "string")ctx.strokeStyle = data[orderi].color;
else ctx.strokeStyle=config.defaultStrokeColor;
if (legendBox) {
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
ctx.moveTo(xpos , ypos);
ctx.lineTo(xpos + config.legendBlockSize, ypos);
ctx.lineTo(xpos + config.legendBlockSize, ypos - config.legendFontSize );
ctx.lineTo(xpos , ypos - config.legendFontSize );
ctx.lineTo(xpos , ypos);
if (drawLegendOnData) {
if (typeof data.datasets[i].fillColor == "function")ctx.fillStyle = data.datasets[i].fillColor("FILLCOLOR",data,config,i,-1,1,-1);
else if(typeof data.datasets[orderi].fillColor=="string")ctx.fillStyle = data.datasets[orderi].fillColor;
else ctx.fillStyle=config.defaultFillColor;}
else {if(typeof data[orderi].color == "string")ctx.fillStyle = data[orderi].color;else ctx.fillStyle=config.defaultFillColor;}
else {
ctx.lineWidth = config.legendColorIndicatorStrokeWidth ?
config.legendColorIndicatorStrokeWidth : config.datasetStrokeWidth;
if (config.legendColorIndicatorStrokeWidth && config.legendColorIndicatorStrokeWidth > config.legendFontSize) {
ctx.lineWidth = config.legendFontSize;
ctx.moveTo(xpos + 2, ypos - (config.legendFontSize / 2));
ctx.lineTo(xpos + 2 + config.legendBlockSize, ypos - (config.legendFontSize / 2));
ctx.font = config.legendFontStyle + " " + config.legendFontSize + "px " + config.legendFontFamily;
ctx.fillStyle = config.legendFontColor;
ctx.textAlign = "left";
ctx.textBaseline = "bottom";
ctx.translate(xpos + config.legendBlockSize + config.legendSpaceBetweenBoxAndText, ypos);
ctx.fillText(lgtxt, 0, 0);
// Draw FootNote
if (config.footNote.trim() != "") {
ctx.font = config.footNoteFontStyle + " " + config.footNoteFontSize + "px " + config.footNoteFontFamily;
ctx.fillStyle = config.footNoteFontColor;
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.textBaseline = "bottom";
ctx.translate(leftNotUsableSize + (availableWidth / 2), footNotePosY);
ctx.fillText(config.footNote, 0, 0);
clrx = leftNotUsableSize;
clrwidth = availableWidth;
clry = topNotUsableSize;
clrheight = availableHeight;
return {
leftNotUsableSize: leftNotUsableSize,
rightNotUsableSize: rightNotUsableSize,
availableWidth: availableWidth,
topNotUsableSize: topNotUsableSize,
bottomNotUsableHeightWithoutXLabels: bottomNotUsableHeightWithoutXLabels,
bottomNotUsableHeightWithXLabels: bottomNotUsableHeightWithXLabels,
availableHeight: availableHeight,
widestXLabel: widestXLabel,
highestXLabel: highestXLabel,
widestYLabel: widestYLabel,
highestYLabel: highestYLabel,
rotateLabels: rotateLabels,
xLabelPos: xLabelPos,
clrx: clrx,
clry: clry,
clrwidth: clrwidth,
clrheight: clrheight
} ;
// Function for additionalLine (BarLine|Line)
function drawLinesDataset(animPc,data,config,ctx,vars) {
var xAxisPosY = vars.xAxisPosY;
var yAxisPosX = vars.yAxisPosX;
var valueHop = vars.valueHop;
var scaleHop = vars.scaleHop;
var zeroY = vars.zeroY;
var calculatedScale = vars.calculatedScale;
var annotateCnt = vars.annotateCnt;
var totvalue = new Array();
var maxvalue = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) {
totvalue[j] = 0;
maxvalue[j] = -999999999;
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) {
totvalue[j] += data.datasets[i].data[j];
maxvalue[j] = Max([maxvalue[j], data.datasets[i].data[j]]);
for (var i = 0; i < data.datasets.length; i++) {
var prevpt=-1;
var frstpt=-1;
if (animPc >= 1) {
if (typeof (data.datasets[i].title) == "string") lgtxt = data.datasets[i].title.trim();
else lgtxt = "";
if (typeof data.datasets[i].strokeColor == "function") {
ctx.strokeStyle = data.datasets[i].strokeColor("STROKECOLOR",data,config,i,-1,animPc,-1);
else if(typeof data.datasets[i].strokeColor=="string") {
ctx.strokeStyle = data.datasets[i].strokeColor;
else ctx.strokeStyle=config.defaultStrokeColor;
ctx.lineWidth = config.datasetStrokeWidth;
for (var j = 0; j < data.datasets[i].data.length; j++) {
if (!(typeof(data.datasets[i].data[j])=='undefined')) {
if (prevpt==-1){
ctx.moveTo(xPos(j), yPos(i, j));
} else {
if (config.bezierCurve) {
ctx.bezierCurveTo(xPos(j-(j-prevpt)/2), yPos(i, prevpt), xPos(j-(j-prevpt)/2), yPos(i, j), xPos(j), yPos(i, j));
else {
ctx.lineTo(xPos(j), yPos(i, j));
if (animPc >= 1) {
if (i == 0) divprev = data.datasets[i].data[j];
else divprev = data.datasets[i].data[j] - data.datasets[i - 1].data[j];
if (i == data.datasets.length - 1) divnext = data.datasets[i].data[j];
else divnext = data.datasets[i].data[j] - data.datasets[i + 1].data[j];
if (typeof (data.labels[j]) == "string") lgtxt2 = data.labels[j].trim();
else lgtxt2 = "";
jsGraphAnnotate[ctx.ChartNewId][annotateCnt++] = ["POINT", xPos(j), yPos(i, j), lgtxt, lgtxt2, 1*data.datasets[i].data[j], divprev, divnext, maxvalue[j], totvalue[j], i, j];
if (config.inGraphDataShow) {
ctx.textAlign = config.inGraphDataAlign;
ctx.textBaseline = config.inGraphDataVAlign;
ctx.font = config.inGraphDataFontStyle + ' ' + config.inGraphDataFontSize + 'px ' + config.inGraphDataFontFamily;
ctx.fillStyle = config.inGraphDataFontColor;
var dotX = yAxisPosX + (valueHop *k),
dotY = xAxisPosY - animPc*(calculateOffset(config, data.datasets[i].data[j],calculatedScale,scaleHop)),
paddingTextX = config.inGraphDataPaddingX,
paddingTextY = config.inGraphDataPaddingY;
var dispString = tmplbis(config.inGraphDataTmpl, { config:config, v1 : fmtChartJS(config,lgtxt,config.fmtV1), v2 : fmtChartJS(config,lgtxt2,config.fmtV2), v3 : fmtChartJS(config,1*data.datasets[i].data[j],config.fmtV3), v4 : fmtChartJS(config,divprev,config.fmtV4), v5 : fmtChartJS(config,divnext,config.fmtV5), v6 : fmtChartJS(config,maxvalue[j],config.fmtV6), v7 : fmtChartJS(config,totvalue[j],config.fmtV7), v8 : roundToWithThousands(config,fmtChartJS(config,100 * data.datasets[i].data[j] / totvalue[j],config.fmtV8),config.roundPct),v9 : fmtChartJS(config,yAxisPosX+ (valueHop *k),config.fmtV9),v10 : fmtChartJS(config,xAxisPosY - (calculateOffset(config, data.datasets[i].data[j], calculatedScale, scaleHop)),config.fmtV10),v11 : fmtChartJS(config,i,config.fmtV11), v12 : fmtChartJS(config,j,config.fmtV12),data:data});
ctx.translate(xPos(j) + paddingTextX, yPos(i,j) - paddingTextY);
ctx.rotate(config.inGraphDataRotate * (Math.PI / 180));
if (config.datasetFill) {
ctx.lineTo(yAxisPosX + (valueHop * (data.datasets[i].data.length - 1)), xAxisPosY - zeroY);
ctx.lineTo(xPos(frstpt), xAxisPosY - zeroY);
ctx.lineTo(xPos(frstpt), yPos(i, frstpt));
if (typeof data.datasets[i].fillColor == "function")ctx.fillStyle = data.datasets[i].fillColor("FILLCOLOR",data,config,i,-1,animPc,-1);
else if(typeof data.datasets[i].fillColor=="string")ctx.fillStyle = data.datasets[i].fillColor;
else ctx.fillStyle=config.defaultFillColor;
else {
if (config.pointDot) {
if (typeof data.datasets[i].pointColor == "function")ctx.fillStyle = data.datasets[i].pointColor("POINTCOLOR",data,config,i,-1,animPc,-1);
else ctx.fillStyle = data.datasets[i].pointColor;
if (typeof data.datasets[i].pointStrokeColor == "function")ctx.strokeStyle = data.datasets[i].pointStrokeColor("POINTSTROKECOLOR",data,config,i,-1,animPc,-1);
else ctx.strokeStyle = data.datasets[i].pointStrokeColor;
ctx.lineWidth = config.pointDotStrokeWidth;
for (var k = 0; k < data.datasets[i].data.length; k++) {
if (!(typeof(data.datasets[i].data[k])=='undefined')) {
ctx.arc(xPos(k), yPos(i,k), config.pointDotRadius, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
function yPos(dataSet, iteration) {
return xAxisPosY - zeroY - animPc * (calculateOffset(config, data.datasets[dataSet].data[iteration], calculatedScale, scaleHop)-zeroY);
function xPos(iteration) {
return yAxisPosX + (valueHop * iteration);
function log10(val) {
return Math.log(val) / Math.LN10;
} ;
function setRect(ctx,config)
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
} else {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
ctx.fillStyle = config.savePngBackgroundColor;
ctx.strokeStyle = config.savePngBackgroundColor;
} ;
function defMouse(ctx,data,config,tpgraph) {
if (config.annotateDisplay == true) {
if (cursorDivCreated == false) oCursor = new makeCursorObj('divCursor');
if (isIE() < 9 && isIE() != false) ctx.canvas.attachEvent("on" + config.annotateFunction.split(' ')[0], function (event) {
if ((config.annotateFunction.split(' ')[1]=="left" && event.which==1) ||
(config.annotateFunction.split(' ')[1]=="middle" && event.which==2) ||
(config.annotateFunction.split(' ')[1]=="right" && event.which==3) ||
(typeof(config.annotateFunction.split(' ')[1])!="string")) doMouseMove(ctx, config, event,data)
else ctx.canvas.addEventListener(config.annotateFunction.split(' ')[0], function (event) {
if ((config.annotateFunction.split(' ')[1]=="left" && event.which==1) ||
(config.annotateFunction.split(' ')[1]=="middle" && event.which==2) ||
(config.annotateFunction.split(' ')[1]=="right" && event.which==3) ||
(typeof(config.annotateFunction.split(' ')[1])!="string")) doMouseMove(ctx, config, event,data)
}, false);
if (isIE() < 9 && isIE() != false) ctx.canvas.attachEvent("on"+ config.savePngFunction.split(' ')[0], function(event) {
if ((config.savePngFunction.split(' ')[1]=="left" && event.which==1) ||
(config.savePngFunction.split(' ')[1]=="middle" && event.which==2) ||
(config.savePngFunction.split(' ')[1]=="right" && event.which==3) ||
(typeof(config.savePngFunction.split(' ')[1])!="string")) saveCanvas(ctx,data,config,tpgraph);
else ctx.canvas.addEventListener(config.savePngFunction.split(' ')[0], function (event) {
if ((config.savePngFunction.split(' ')[1]=="left" && event.which==1) ||
(config.savePngFunction.split(' ')[1]=="middle" && event.which==2) ||
(config.savePngFunction.split(' ')[1]=="right" && event.which==3) ||
(typeof(config.savePngFunction.split(' ')[1])!="string")) saveCanvas(ctx,data,config,tpgraph);