2014-08-28 22:08:03 +03:00
* This file is part of the Monolog package.
* (c) Jordi Boggiano <j.boggiano@seld.be>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Monolog\Handler;
use Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter;
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\TestCase;
* Unit tests for the FleepHookHandler
* @author Ando Roots <ando@sqroot.eu>
* @coversDefaultClass \Monolog\Handler\FleepHookHandler
class FleepHookHandlerTest extends TestCase
* Default token to use in tests
const TOKEN = '123abc';
* @var FleepHookHandler
private $handler;
* @var Logger
private $logger;
public function setUp()
if (!extension_loaded('curl')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('This test requires curl extension to run');
// Create instances of the handler and logger for convenience
$this->handler = new FleepHookHandler(self::TOKEN);
$this->logger = new Logger('test');
* @covers ::__construct
public function testConstructorSetsExpectedDefaults()
2014-08-28 22:58:52 +03:00
// Test that the $token is saved when calling the constructor
$token = self::TOKEN;
$handler = $this->mockHandler(array('execCurl'));
function ($curlOpts) use ($token) {
return substr($curlOpts[CURLOPT_URL], -strlen($token)) === $token;
// Test that default values are assigned to $level and $bubble
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$this->assertEquals(Logger::DEBUG, $this->handler->getLevel());
$this->assertEquals(true, $this->handler->getBubble());
* @covers ::write
public function testWriteSendsFormattedMessageToFleep()
$handler = $this->mockHandler(array('send'));
$message = 'theCakeIsALie';
function ($message) {
return strstr($message, 'theCakeIsALie') && strstr($message, 'channel.ALERT');
$this->sendLog($handler, $message);
* @covers ::getDefaultFormatter
public function testHandlerUsesLineFormatterWhichIgnoresEmptyArrays()
$record = array(
'message' => 'msg',
'context' => array(),
'level' => Logger::DEBUG,
'level_name' => Logger::getLevelName(Logger::DEBUG),
'channel' => 'channel',
'datetime' => new \DateTime(),
'extra' => array(),
$expectedFormatter = new LineFormatter(null, null, true, true);
$expected = $expectedFormatter->format($record);
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$handlerFormatter = $this->handler->getFormatter();
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$actual = $handlerFormatter->format($record);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $actual, 'Empty context and extra arrays should not be rendered');
* Tests that the URL to which the message is posted is of correct format
* Example: https://fleep.io/hook/mTZG6s-XRfKdNTJtpVyVaV
* @covers ::__construct
public function testFleepEndpointUrlIsConstructedCorrectly()
$handler = $this->mockHandler(array('execCurl'));
$token = self::TOKEN;
// Set up expectation to execCurl: receive curlOpts array where URL is correct
function (array $curlOpts) use ($token) {
return $curlOpts[CURLOPT_URL] === FleepHookHandler::HOOK_ENDPOINT . $token;
* Tests that the log message is added to the POST content, under the 'message' key
* @covers ::send
public function testSendAddsMessageToCurlOpts()
$handler = $this->mockHandler(array('execCurl'));
function ($curlOpts) {
parse_str($curlOpts[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS], $body);
return isset($body['message']) && strstr($body['message'], 'msg');
$this->sendLog($handler, 'msg');
* @covers ::addCurlOptions
public function testAddCurlOptionsLeavesUnspecifiedOptionsIntact()
$this->handler->addCurlOptions(array(CURLOPT_PROXY => 'http://localhost:3128'));
$this->assertArrayHasKey(CURLOPT_POST, $this->handler->getCurlOptions(), 'addCurlOpts deleted a key!');
public function testAddCurlOptionsAddsANewCurlOption()
$proxy = 'http://localhost:3128';
$this->handler->addCurlOptions(array(CURLOPT_PROXY => $proxy));
$options = $this->handler->getCurlOptions();
$this->assertEquals($options[CURLOPT_PROXY], $proxy);
* Helper method for simulating a long sending event from the logger
* @param FleepHookHandler $handler
* @param string $message
private function sendLog(FleepHookHandler $handler, $message = 'test')
$logger = new Logger('channel');
* Helper method for constructing a new mock of FleepHookHandler
* @param array $methods
* @return \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
private function mockHandler(array $methods)
return $this->getMock('Monolog\Handler\FleepHookHandler', $methods, array(self::TOKEN));