2010-11-15 22:49:28 +01:00
< ? php
2014-05-27 20:18:06 +02:00
* This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package .
2010-11-15 22:49:28 +01:00
2014-05-27 20:18:06 +02:00
* @ copyright ( c ) phpBB Limited < https :// www . phpbb . com >
* @ license GNU General Public License , version 2 ( GPL - 2.0 )
* For full copyright and license information , please see
* the docs / CREDITS . txt file .
2012-05-10 11:43:25 +02:00
2010-11-15 22:49:28 +01:00
2014-05-27 20:18:06 +02:00
* This script will check your database for potentially dangerous flash BBCode tags
2010-11-15 22:49:28 +01:00
// Security message:
// This script is potentially dangerous.
// Remove or comment the next line (die(".... ) to enable this script.
// Do NOT FORGET to either remove this script or disable it after you have used it.
die ( " Please read the first lines of this script for instructions on how to enable it \n " );
define ( 'IN_PHPBB' , true );
$phpbb_root_path = ( defined ( 'PHPBB_ROOT_PATH' )) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : './' ;
$phpEx = substr ( strrchr ( __FILE__ , '.' ), 1 );
include ( $phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx );
if ( php_sapi_name () != 'cli' )
header ( 'Content-Type: text/plain' );
check_table_flash_bbcodes ( POSTS_TABLE , 'post_id' , 'post_text' , 'bbcode_uid' , 'bbcode_bitfield' );
check_table_flash_bbcodes ( PRIVMSGS_TABLE , 'msg_id' , 'message_text' , 'bbcode_uid' , 'bbcode_bitfield' );
check_table_flash_bbcodes ( USERS_TABLE , 'user_id' , 'user_sig' , 'user_sig_bbcode_uid' , 'user_sig_bbcode_bitfield' );
check_table_flash_bbcodes ( FORUMS_TABLE , 'forum_id' , 'forum_desc' , 'forum_desc_uid' , 'forum_desc_bitfield' );
check_table_flash_bbcodes ( FORUMS_TABLE , 'forum_id' , 'forum_rules' , 'forum_rules_uid' , 'forum_rules_bitfield' );
check_table_flash_bbcodes ( GROUPS_TABLE , 'group_id' , 'group_desc' , 'group_desc_uid' , 'group_desc_bitfield' );
echo " If potentially dangerous flash bbcodes were found, please reparse the posts using the Support Toolkit (http://www.phpbb.com/support/stk/) and/or file a ticket in the Incident Tracker (http://www.phpbb.com/incidents/). \n " ;
function check_table_flash_bbcodes ( $table_name , $id_field , $content_field , $uid_field , $bitfield_field )
echo " Checking $content_field on $table_name\n " ;
$ids = get_table_flash_bbcode_pkids ( $table_name , $id_field , $content_field , $uid_field , $bitfield_field );
$size = sizeof ( $ids );
if ( $size )
echo " Found $size potentially dangerous flash bbcodes. \n " ;
echo " $id_field : " . implode ( ', ' , $ids ) . " \n " ;
echo " No potentially dangerous flash bbcodes found. \n " ;
echo " \n " ;
function get_table_flash_bbcode_pkids ( $table_name , $id_field , $content_field , $uid_field , $bitfield_field )
global $db ;
$ids = array ();
$sql = " SELECT $id_field , $content_field , $uid_field , $bitfield_field
FROM $table_name
WHERE $content_field LIKE '%[/flash:%'
AND $bitfield_field <> '' " ;
$result = $db -> sql_query ( $sql );
while ( $row = $db -> sql_fetchrow ( $result ))
$uid = $row [ $uid_field ];
// thanks support toolkit
$content = html_entity_decode_utf8 ( $row [ $content_field ]);
set_var ( $content , $content , 'string' , true );
$content = utf8_normalize_nfc ( $content );
$bitfield_data = $row [ $bitfield_field ];
if ( ! is_valid_flash_bbcode ( $content , $uid ) && has_flash_enabled ( $bitfield_data ))
$ids [] = ( int ) $row [ $id_field ];
$db -> sql_freeresult ( $result );
return $ids ;
function get_flash_regex ( $uid )
return " # \ [flash=([0-9]+),([0-9]+): $uid\ ](.*?) \ [/flash: $uid\ ]# " ;
// extract all valid flash bbcodes
// check if the bbcode content is a valid URL for each match
function is_valid_flash_bbcode ( $cleaned_content , $uid )
$regex = get_flash_regex ( $uid );
$url_regex = get_preg_expression ( 'url' );
$www_url_regex = get_preg_expression ( 'www_url' );
if ( preg_match_all ( $regex , $cleaned_content , $matches ))
foreach ( $matches [ 3 ] as $flash_url )
if ( ! preg_match ( " #^( $url_regex | $www_url_regex ) $ #i " , $flash_url ))
return false ;
return true ;
// check if a bitfield includes flash
// 11 = flash bit
function has_flash_enabled ( $bitfield_data )
$bitfield = new bitfield ( $bitfield_data );
return $bitfield -> get ( 11 );
// taken from support toolkit
function html_entity_decode_utf8 ( $string )
static $trans_tbl ;
// replace numeric entities
$string = preg_replace ( '~&#x([0-9a-f]+);~ei' , 'code2utf8(hexdec("\\1"))' , $string );
$string = preg_replace ( '~&#([0-9]+);~e' , 'code2utf8(\\1)' , $string );
// replace literal entities
if ( ! isset ( $trans_tbl ))
$trans_tbl = array ();
foreach ( get_html_translation_table ( HTML_ENTITIES ) as $val => $key )
$trans_tbl [ $key ] = utf8_encode ( $val );
return strtr ( $string , $trans_tbl );
// taken from support toolkit
// Returns the utf string corresponding to the unicode value (from php.net, courtesy - romans@void.lv)
function code2utf8 ( $num )
if ( $num < 128 ) return chr ( $num );
if ( $num < 2048 ) return chr (( $num >> 6 ) + 192 ) . chr (( $num & 63 ) + 128 );
if ( $num < 65536 ) return chr (( $num >> 12 ) + 224 ) . chr ((( $num >> 6 ) & 63 ) + 128 ) . chr (( $num & 63 ) + 128 );
if ( $num < 2097152 ) return chr (( $num >> 18 ) + 240 ) . chr ((( $num >> 12 ) & 63 ) + 128 ) . chr ((( $num >> 6 ) & 63 ) + 128 ) . chr (( $num & 63 ) + 128 );
return '' ;