2001-05-29 14:25:09 +00:00
< ? php
* search . php
* -------------------
* begin : Saturday , Feb 13 , 2001
* copyright : ( C ) 2001 The phpBB Group
* email : support @ phpbb . com
* $Id $
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
// Massive overhaul for phpBB2,
// originally based on search code
// I knocked together for my own website
// PSO : 2001
2001-07-13 16:14:37 +00:00
$phpbb_root_path = " ./ " ;
include ( $phpbb_root_path . 'extension.inc' );
include ( $phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx );
2001-05-29 14:25:09 +00:00
$pagetype = " search " ;
$page_title = " Search Forums " ;
// Page specific functions
function gensearch_sql ( $searchstring , $override_all = 0 )
$searchchars = array ( " '[ \ s]+' " , " ' \ /' " , " ';' " , " '@' " , " '&' " , " '#' " , " '_' " , " '|' " , " '<27> ' " , " ' \ *' " );
$replacechars = array ( " " , " " , " " , " " , " " , " " , " " , " " , " " , " " , " % " );
$searchstring = stripslashes ( trim ( preg_replace ( $searchchars , $replacechars , preg_quote ( strip_tags ( $searchstring )))));
// Here could go a file containing words to ignore,
// eg. common words such as the, a, to, etc. or
// specific words which should not be search on
// This is what I actually use on the Typhoon site. The
// complicated thing here is that on my site I maintain
// a cleaned out version of all stories with these words removed
// What could be done here is that all non-phrased search
// words are matched against words to exclude, removing
// the possibility of missed matches on certain phrases.
$words = split ( " " , strtolower ( $searchstring ));
$phrase = false ;
$j = 0 ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $words ); $i ++ )
// First see if we've got a single
// word enclosed in quotes. If so remove
// quotes and store word
// Next see if we've got an opening quote
// if we do then we assume a phrase is being
// entered so store first word (if any)
// and set $phrase to true
// Next check if we've got a closing quote
// if so end phrase input
// Finally store any other word (checking
// to see if phrase is true (if so store word
// in the same array position as previous
// word matches)
if ( preg_match ( " /^([ \ + \ -]*) \" (.*?) \" / " , $words [ $i ], $word ))
$is_phrase [ $j ] = true ;
$searchwords [ $j ] = $word [ 2 ];
if ( $word [ 1 ] == " + " || $word [ 1 ] == " - " )
$searchwords [ $j ] = $word [ 1 ] . $searchwords [ $j ];
$j ++ ;
elseif ( preg_match ( " /^(.*?) \" $ / " , $words [ $i ], $word ))
$phrase = false ;
$searchwords [ $j ] .= " " . $word [ 1 ];
$j ++ ;
elseif ( preg_match ( " /^([ \ + \ -]*) \" (.*?) $ / " , $words [ $i ], $word ) && ! $override_all )
$phrase = true ;
$is_phrase [ $j ] = true ;
$searchwords [ $j ] = trim ( $word [ 2 ]);
if ( $word [ 1 ] == " + " || $word [ 1 ] == " - " )
$searchwords [ $j ] = $word [ 1 ] . $searchwords [ $j ];
if ( $phrase )
$searchwords [ $j ] .= " " . $words [ $i ];
$searchwords [ $j ] = $words [ $i ];
$j ++ ;
if ( ! $override_all )
$i = 0 ;
$searchtype = " OR " ;
$bin_and = $bin_not = $bin_or = false ;
while ( $i < count ( $searchwords ))
if ( $searchwords [ $i ] == " and " || $searchwords [ $i ] == " + " )
$searchtype = " AND " ;
$bin_and = true ;
$i ++ ;
elseif ( ereg ( " \ + " , $searchwords [ $i ]))
$searchwords [ $i ] = ereg_replace ( " ( \ +) " , " " , $searchwords [ $i ]);
$searchtype = " AND " ;
$bin_and = true ;
elseif ( $searchwords [ $i ] == " not " || $searchwords [ $i ] == " - " )
$searchtype = " NOT " ;
$bin_not = true ;
$i ++ ;
elseif ( ereg ( " \ - " , $searchwords [ $i ]))
$searchwords [ $i ] = ereg_replace ( " ( \ -) " , " " , $searchwords [ $i ]);
$searchtype = " NOT " ;
$bin_not = true ;
$searchtype = " OR " ;
$bin_or = true ;
$searchwords [ $i ] = ereg_replace ( " ( \ +| \ -) " , " " , $searchwords [ $i ]);
$searchforwords [] = trim ( $searchwords [ $i ]);
if ( trim ( $searchwords [ $i ]) )
$searchlist_isphrase [ $searchtype ][] = $is_phrase [ $i ];
$searchlistandtype [ $searchtype ][] = trim ( $searchwords [ $i ]);
$i ++ ;
if ( $bin_or )
$binsearchtype [] = " OR " ;
if ( $bin_and )
$binsearchtype [] = " AND " ;
if ( $bin_not )
$binsearchtype [] = " NOT " ;
// Search for words (OR AND and NOT arrays)
$searchstring = " " ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $binsearchtype ); $i ++ )
if ( $binsearchtype [ $i ] == " AND " && count ( $searchlistandtype [ " AND " ]))
if ( $i > 0 )
$searchstring .= " ) AND ( " ;
for ( $j = 0 ; $j < count ( $searchlistandtype [ " AND " ]); $j ++ )
if ( $j != 0 )
$searchstring .= " AND " ;
$findword = addslashes ( $searchlistandtype [ " AND " ][ $j ]);
$is_phrase_word = $searchlist_isphrase [ " AND " ][ $j ];
if ( $is_phrase_word )
$searchstring .= " ( pt.post_text LIKE '% $findword %' OR pt.post_text LIKE ' $findword %' OR pt.post_text LIKE '% $findword ' OR pt.post_text LIKE ' $findword ' ) " ;
$searchstring .= " pt.post_text LIKE '% $findword %' " ;
elseif ( $binsearchtype [ $i ] == " OR " && count ( $searchlistandtype [ " OR " ]))
if ( $i > 0 )
$searchstring .= " ) AND ( " ;
for ( $j = 0 ; $j < count ( $searchlistandtype [ " OR " ]); $j ++ )
if ( $j != 0 )
$searchstring .= " OR " ;
$findword = addslashes ( $searchlistandtype [ " OR " ][ $j ]);
$is_phrase_word = $searchlist_isphrase [ " OR " ][ $j ];
if ( $is_phrase_word )
$searchstring .= " ( pt.post_text LIKE '% $findword %' OR pt.post_text LIKE ' $findword %' OR pt.post_text LIKE '% $findword ' OR pt.post_text LIKE ' $findword ' ) " ;
$searchstring .= " pt.post_text LIKE '% $findword %' " ;
elseif ( $binsearchtype [ $i ] == " NOT " && count ( $searchlistandtype [ " NOT " ]))
if ( $i > 0 )
$searchstring .= " ) AND ( " ;
for ( $j = 0 ; $j < count ( $searchlistandtype [ " NOT " ]); $j ++ )
if ( $j != 0 )
$searchstring .= " AND " ;
$findword = addslashes ( $searchlistandtype [ " NOT " ][ $j ]);
$is_phrase_word = $searchlist_isphrase [ " NOT " ][ $j ];
if ( $is_phrase_word )
$searchstring .= " ( pt.post_text NOT LIKE '% $findword %' AND pt.post_text NOT LIKE ' $findword %' AND pt.post_text NOT LIKE '% $findword ' AND pt.post_text NOT LIKE ' $findword ' ) " ;
$searchstring .= " pt.post_text NOT LIKE '% $findword %' " ;
$searchstring = " " ;
$i = 0 ;
while ( $i < count ( $searchwords ))
$searchwords [ $i ] = eregi_replace ( " ( \ +)|( \ -)|(^and $ )|(^or $ )|(^not $ )|( \" )|( ) " , " " , $searchwords [ $i ]);
if ( $i > 0 && $i < count ( $searchwords ) && $searchwords [ $i ] != " " )
$searchstring .= " AND " ;
if ( $searchwords [ $i ] != " " )
$searchstring .= " ( pt.post_text LIKE '% " . $searchwords [ $i ] . " %' ) " ;
$searchforwords [] = trim ( $searchwords [ $i ]);
$i ++ ;
2001-05-31 11:47:43 +00:00
$searchstring = " ( $searchstring ) " ;
2001-05-29 14:25:09 +00:00
$searchdata [ 0 ] = $searchstring ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $searchforwords ); $i ++ )
$searchdata [ $i + 1 ] = $searchforwords [ $i ];
return $searchdata ;
// End of functions defns
// Start of page proper
// Start session management
$userdata = session_pagestart ( $user_ip , PAGE_SEARCH , $session_length );
init_userprefs ( $userdata );
// End session management
$start = ( isset ( $HTTP_GET_VARS [ 'start' ])) ? $HTTP_GET_VARS [ 'start' ] : 0 ;
2001-05-31 11:47:43 +00:00
$querystring = ( isset ( $HTTP_POST_VARS [ 'querystring' ])) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS [ 'querystring' ] : ( ( ! empty ( $HTTP_GET_VARS [ 'q' ])) ? stripslashes ( $HTTP_GET_VARS [ 'q' ]) : " " );
$authorstring = ( isset ( $HTTP_POST_VARS [ 'authorstring' ])) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS [ 'authorstring' ] : ( ( ! empty ( $HTTP_GET_VARS [ 'a' ])) ? stripslashes ( $HTTP_GET_VARS [ 'a' ]) : " " );
2001-05-29 14:25:09 +00:00
$return_chars = ( $HTTP_POST_VARS [ 'charsreqd' ] != " all " ) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS [ 'charsreqd' ] : - 1 ;
2001-05-31 11:47:43 +00:00
$return_chars = ( isset ( $HTTP_GET_VARS [ 'c' ])) ? ( ( $HTTP_GET_VARS [ 'c' ] != " all " ) ? $HTTP_GET_VARS [ 'c' ] : - 1 ) : $return_chars ;
2001-05-29 14:25:09 +00:00
$searchall = ( $HTTP_POST_VARS [ 'addterms' ] == " all " ) ? 1 : ( ( $HTTP_GET_VARS [ 'm' ] == " all " ) ? 1 : 0 );
$searchforum = ( isset ( $HTTP_POST_VARS [ 'searchforum' ])) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS [ 'searchforum' ] : $HTTP_GET_VARS [ 'f' ] ;
$sortby = ( isset ( $HTTP_POST_VARS [ 'sortby' ])) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS [ 'sortby' ] : $HTTP_GET_VARS [ 'b' ];
$sortby_dir = ( isset ( $HTTP_POST_VARS [ 'sortdir' ])) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS [ 'sortdir' ] : $HTTP_GET_VARS [ 'd' ];
// Define some globally used data
$sortby_types = array ( " Post Time " , " Post Subject " , " Topic Title " , " Author Name " , " Forum " );
$sortby_sql = array ( " p.post_time " , " pt.post_subject " , " t.topic_title " , " u.username " , " f.forum_id " );
if (( isset ( $HTTP_POST_VARS [ 'dosearch' ]) || isset ( $HTTP_GET_VARS [ 'dosearch' ])) && ( ! empty ( $querystring ) || ! empty ( $authorstring )))
2001-06-02 16:49:22 +00:00
// Limit to search to accessible
// forums
2001-06-17 23:53:04 +00:00
$is_auth_ary = auth ( AUTH_READ , AUTH_LIST_ALL , $userdata );
2001-06-02 16:49:22 +00:00
2001-05-29 14:25:09 +00:00
// Start building appropriate SQL query
$sql = " SELECT pt.post_text, pt.post_subject, p.forum_id, p.post_id, p.topic_id, p.post_time, f.forum_name, t.topic_title, t.topic_replies, t.topic_views, u.username, u.user_id
FROM " .FORUMS_TABLE. " f , " .TOPICS_TABLE. " t , " .USERS_TABLE. " u , " .POSTS_TEXT_TABLE. " pt , " .POSTS_TABLE. " p " ;
// If user is logged in then we'll
// check to see which (if any) private
// forums they are allowed to view and
// include them in the search.
// If not logged in we explicitly prevent
// searching of private forums
2001-05-31 11:47:43 +00:00
if ( $querystring != " " || $authorstring != " " )
2001-05-29 14:25:09 +00:00
$search_sql = " " ;
2001-05-31 11:47:43 +00:00
if ( $querystring != " " )
$searchdata = gensearch_sql ( stripslashes ( $querystring ), $searchall );
$search_sql = $searchdata [ 0 ];
if ( $authorstring != " " )
$search_sql = preg_replace ( " / \ ( \ )/ " , " " , $search_sql );
$authorstring = stripslashes ( $authorstring );
$search_sql .= ( $searchstring == " " ) ? " u.username LIKE '% $authorstring %' " : " AND (u.username LIKE '% $authorstring %') " ;
2001-05-29 14:25:09 +00:00
2001-05-30 12:33:03 +00:00
if ( ! ereg ( " \ ([ ]* \ ) " , $search_sql ))
2001-05-29 14:25:09 +00:00
2001-05-31 11:47:43 +00:00
$sql .= " WHERE $search_sql
2001-05-29 14:25:09 +00:00
AND ( pt . post_id = p . post_id )
AND ( f . forum_id = p . forum_id )
AND ( p . topic_id = t . topic_id )
AND ( p . poster_id = u . user_id ) " ;
if ( $searchforum != " all " )
2001-05-31 11:47:43 +00:00
2001-06-17 23:53:04 +00:00
$sql .= ( $is_auth_ary [ $searchforum ][ 'auth_read' ]) ? " AND (f.forum_id = ' $searchforum ') " : " " ;
2001-06-02 16:49:22 +00:00
while ( list ( $key , $value ) = each ( $is_auth_ary ))
2001-06-18 00:33:24 +00:00
if ( ! $value [ 'auth_read' ])
2001-06-02 16:49:22 +00:00
$sql .= " AND (f.forum_id <> $key ) " ;
2001-05-31 11:47:43 +00:00
2001-05-29 14:25:09 +00:00
$sql .= " ORDER BY " . $sortby_sql [ $sortby ] . " $sortby_dir " ;
$result = $db -> sql_query ( $sql );
if ( ! $result )
error_die ( QUERY_ERROR , " Couldn't obtain search results " , __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
$searchset = $db -> sql_fetchrowset ( $result );
if ( count ( $searchset ))
2001-05-30 12:33:03 +00:00
// Output header
2001-07-13 16:14:37 +00:00
include ( $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/page_header.' . $phpEx );
2001-05-30 12:33:03 +00:00
$template -> set_filenames ( array (
" body " => " search_results_body.tpl " ,
" jumpbox " => " jumpbox.tpl " )
$jumpbox = make_jumpbox ();
$template -> assign_vars ( array (
" JUMPBOX_LIST " => $jumpbox ,
$template -> assign_var_from_handle ( " JUMPBOX " , " jumpbox " );
$template -> assign_vars ( array (
" SEARCH_MATCHES " => count ( $searchset ),
" L_TOPIC " => $lang [ 'Topic' ])
2001-05-29 14:25:09 +00:00
for ( $j = 1 ; $j < count ( $searchdata ); $j ++ )
$search_string [] = " '( " . preg_quote ( $searchdata [ $j ], " ' " ) . " )'i " ;
$replace_string [] = " <font color= \" #CC0000 \" ><b> \\ 1</b></font> " ;
for ( $i = $start ; $i < min ( $start + $board_config [ 'posts_per_page' ], count ( $searchset )); $i ++ )
$forum_url = append_sid ( " viewforum. $phpEx ? " . POST_FORUM_URL . " = " . $searchset [ $i ][ 'forum_id' ]);
$topic_url = append_sid ( " viewtopic. $phpEx ? " . POST_TOPIC_URL . " = " . $searchset [ $i ][ 'topic_id' ]);
$poster_url = append_sid ( " profile. $phpEx ?mode=viewprofile& " . POST_USERS_URL . " = " . $searchset [ $i ][ 'user_id' ]);
2001-05-29 18:17:14 +00:00
$post_url = append_sid ( " viewtopic. $phpEx ? " . POST_POST_URL . " = " . $searchset [ $i ][ 'post_id' ] . " # " . $searchset [ $i ][ 'post_id' ]);
2001-05-29 14:25:09 +00:00
$post_date = create_date ( $board_config [ 'default_dateformat' ], $searchset [ $i ][ 'post_time' ], $board_config [ 'default_timezone' ]);
$message = stripslashes ( $searchset [ $i ][ 'post_text' ]);
if ( $return_chars != 0 )
if ( $return_chars != - 1 )
$message = ( strlen ( $message ) > $return_chars ) ? substr ( $message , 0 , $return_chars ) . " ... " : $message ;
$message = strip_tags ( $message );
// Remove BBCode
$message = preg_replace ( " / \ [.* \ ]/ " , " " , $message );
$message = str_replace ( " \n " , " <br /> " , $message );
2001-05-31 11:47:43 +00:00
if ( count ( $searchdata ) > 1 )
$message = preg_replace ( $search_string , $replace_string , $message );
2001-05-29 14:25:09 +00:00
$message = " " ;
$template -> assign_block_vars ( " searchresults " , array (
" TOPIC_TITLE " => stripslashes ( $searchset [ $i ][ 'topic_title' ]),
" FORUM_NAME " => stripslashes ( $searchset [ $i ][ 'forum_name' ]),
" POST_SUBJECT " => stripslashes ( $searchset [ $i ][ 'post_subject' ]),
" POST_DATE " => $post_date ,
" POSTER_NAME " => stripslashes ( $searchset [ $i ][ 'username' ]),
" TOPIC_REPLIES " => $searchset [ $i ][ 'topic_replies' ],
" TOPIC_VIEWS " => $searchset [ $i ][ 'topic_views' ],
" MESSAGE " => $message ,
" U_POST " => $post_url ,
" U_TOPIC " => $topic_url ,
" U_FORUM " => $forum_url ,
" U_USER_PROFILE " => $poster_url
$base_url = " search.php?q= " . urlencode ( $querystring ) . " &a= " . urlencode ( $authorstring ) . " &c= $return_chars &m= $searchall &f= $searchforum &b= " . urlencode ( $sortby ) . " &dosearch=1 " ;
$template -> assign_vars ( array (
" PAGINATION " => generate_pagination ( $base_url , count ( $searchset ), $board_config [ 'posts_per_page' ], $start ),
" ON_PAGE " => ( floor ( $start / $board_config [ 'posts_per_page' ]) + 1 ),
" TOTAL_PAGES " => ceil (( count ( $searchset )) / $board_config [ 'posts_per_page' ]),
" L_OF " => $lang [ 'of' ],
" L_PAGE " => $lang [ 'Page' ],
" L_GOTO_PAGE " => $lang [ 'Goto_page' ])
$template -> pparse ( " body " );
2001-07-13 16:14:37 +00:00
include ( $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/page_tail.' . $phpEx );
2001-05-29 14:25:09 +00:00
// This will be replaced by
// an auth function return of
// all accessible forums ... I think
$sql = " SELECT forum_name, forum_id
2001-06-18 00:33:24 +00:00
2001-05-29 14:25:09 +00:00
ORDER BY cat_id , forum_order " ;
$result = $db -> sql_query ( $sql );
if ( ! $result )
error_die ( QUERY_ERROR , " Couldn't obtain forum_name/forum_id " , __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
2001-06-17 23:53:04 +00:00
$is_auth_ary = auth ( AUTH_READ , AUTH_LIST_ALL , $userdata );
2001-06-02 16:49:22 +00:00
2001-05-29 14:25:09 +00:00
$s_forums = " <option value= \" all \" > " . $lang [ 'All' ] . " </option> " ;
2001-06-17 23:53:04 +00:00
2001-05-29 14:25:09 +00:00
while ( $row = $db -> sql_fetchrow ( $result ))
2001-06-17 23:53:04 +00:00
if ( $is_auth_ary [ $row [ 'forum_id' ]][ 'auth_read' ])
2001-06-02 16:49:22 +00:00
$s_forums .= " <option value= \" " . $row [ 'forum_id' ] . " \" > " . $row [ 'forum_name' ] . " </option> " ;
2001-05-29 14:25:09 +00:00
$s_characters = " <option value= \" all \" > " . $lang [ 'All' ] . " </option> " ;
$s_characters .= " <option value= \" 0 \" >0</option> " ;
$s_characters .= " <option value= \" 25 \" >25</option> " ;
$s_characters .= " <option value= \" 50 \" >50</option> " ;
for ( $i = 100 ; $i < 1100 ; $i += 100 )
$s_characters .= " <option value= \" $i\ " " . ( ( $i == 100) ? " selected > " : " > " ). " $i </ option > " ;
$s_sortby = " " ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $sortby_types ); $i ++ )
$s_sortby .= " <option value= \" $i\ " > " . $sortby_types[$i] . " </ option > " ;
2001-07-13 16:14:37 +00:00
include ( $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/page_header.' . $phpEx );
2001-05-29 14:25:09 +00:00
$template -> set_filenames ( array (
" body " => " search_body.tpl " ,
" jumpbox " => " jumpbox.tpl " )
$jumpbox = make_jumpbox ();
$template -> assign_vars ( array (
" JUMPBOX_LIST " => $jumpbox ,
$template -> assign_var_from_handle ( " JUMPBOX " , " jumpbox " );
$s_hidden_fields = " <input type= \" hidden \" name= \" dosearch \" value= \" 1 \" > " ;
$template -> assign_vars ( array (
" L_SEARCH_ANY_TERMS " => $lang [ 'Search_for_any' ],
" L_SEARCH_ALL_TERMS " => $lang [ 'Search_for_all' ],
" L_SEARCH_AUTHOR " => $lang [ 'Search_author' ],
" L_LIMIT_CHARACTERS " => $lang [ 'Limit_chars' ],
" L_SORT_BY " => $lang [ 'Sort_by' ],
" L_SORT_ASCENDING " => $lang [ 'Sort_Ascending' ],
" L_SORT_DECENDING " => $lang [ 'Sort_Decending' ],
" S_SEARCH_ACTION " => append_sid ( " search. $phpEx " ),
" S_CHARACTER_OPTIONS " => $s_characters ,
" S_FORUM_OPTIONS " => $s_forums ,
" S_SORT_OPTIONS " => $s_sortby ,
" S_HIDDEN_FIELDS " => $s_hidden_fields )
$template -> pparse ( " body " );
2001-07-13 16:14:37 +00:00
include ( $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/page_tail.' . $phpEx );
2001-05-29 14:25:09 +00:00