'NO_KEYWORDS'=>'You must specify at least one word to search for. Each word must consist of at least %d characters and must not contain more than %d characters excluding wildcards.',
'TOO_FEW_AUTHOR_CHARS'=>'You must specify at least %d characters of the authors name.',
'SEARCH_ALL_TERMS'=>'Search for all terms or use query as entered',
'SEARCH_ANY_TERMS'=>'Search for any terms',
'SEARCH_AUTHOR'=>'Search for Author',
'SEARCH_AUTHOR_EXPLAIN'=>'Use * as a wildcard for partial matches',
'SEARCH_FORUMS'=>'Search in forums',
'SEARCH_FORUMS_EXPLAIN'=>'Select the forum or forums you wish to search in. For speed all subforums can be searched by selecting the parent and setting enable search subforums below.',
'SEARCH_IN_RESULTS'=>'Search these results',
'SEARCH_KEYWORDS'=>'Search for Keywords',
'SEARCH_KEYWORDS_EXPLAIN'=>'Use <b>+</b> for words which must be found, <b>-</b> for words which must not be found and <b>|</b> for words which may or may not be found. Use * as a wildcard for partial matches',
'SEARCH_MSG_ONLY'=>'Message text only',
'SEARCH_OPTIONS'=>'Search Options',
'SEARCH_QUERY'=>'Search Query',
'SEARCH_SUBFORUMS'=>'Search subforums',
'SEARCH_TITLE_MSG'=>'Topic titles and message text',