2014-02-10 12:19:08 +01:00
< ? php
2014-05-27 20:18:06 +02:00
* This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package .
* @ copyright ( c ) phpBB Limited < https :// www . phpbb . com >
* @ license GNU General Public License , version 2 ( GPL - 2.0 )
* For full copyright and license information , please see
* the docs / CREDITS . txt file .
2014-02-10 12:19:08 +01:00
require_once dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/../../phpBB/includes/functions.php' ;
require_once dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/../../phpBB/includes/functions_content.php' ;
require_once dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/../../phpBB/includes/functions_posting.php' ;
require_once dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/../../phpBB/includes/utf/utf_tools.php' ;
* @ group functional
class phpbb_functional_download_test extends phpbb_functional_test_case
protected $data = array ();
public function test_setup_forums ()
$this -> login ();
$this -> admin_login ();
$crawler = self :: request ( 'GET' , " adm/index.php?i=acp_forums&mode=manage&sid= { $this -> sid } " );
$form = $crawler -> selectButton ( 'addforum' ) -> form ( array (
'forum_name' => 'Download #1' ,
$crawler = self :: submit ( $form );
$form = $crawler -> selectButton ( 'update' ) -> form ( array (
'forum_perm_from' => 2 ,
$crawler = self :: submit ( $form );
public function test_create_post ()
$this -> login ();
$this -> load_ids ( array (
'forums' => array (
'Download #1' ,
// Test creating topic
$post = $this -> create_topic ( $this -> data [ 'forums' ][ 'Download #1' ], 'Download Topic #1' , 'This is a test topic posted by the testing framework.' , array ( 'upload_files' => 1 ));
$crawler = self :: request ( 'GET' , " viewtopic.php?t= { $post [ 'topic_id' ] } &sid= { $this -> sid } " );
$this -> assertContains ( 'Download Topic #1' , $crawler -> filter ( 'html' ) -> text ());
$this -> data [ 'topics' ][ 'Download Topic #1' ] = ( int ) $post [ 'topic_id' ];
$this -> data [ 'posts' ][ 'Download Topic #1' ] = ( int ) $this -> get_parameter_from_link ( $crawler -> filter ( '.post' ) -> selectLink ( $this -> lang ( 'POST' , '' , '' )) -> link () -> getUri (), 'p' );
// Test creating a reply
$post2 = $this -> create_post ( $this -> data [ 'forums' ][ 'Download #1' ], $post [ 'topic_id' ], 'Re: Download Topic #1-#2' , 'This is a test post posted by the testing framework.' , array ( 'upload_files' => 1 ));
$crawler = self :: request ( 'GET' , " viewtopic.php?t= { $post2 [ 'topic_id' ] } &sid= { $this -> sid } " );
$this -> assertContains ( 'Re: Download Topic #1-#2' , $crawler -> filter ( 'html' ) -> text ());
2014-04-12 14:36:05 +02:00
$this -> data [ 'posts' ][ 'Re: Download Topic #1-#2' ] = ( int ) $post2 [ 'post_id' ];
2014-02-10 12:19:08 +01:00
public function test_download_accessible ()
$this -> load_ids ( array (
'forums' => array (
'Download #1' ,
'topics' => array (
'Download Topic #1' ,
'posts' => array (
'Download Topic #1' ,
'Re: Download Topic #1-#2' ,
'attachments' => true ,
// Download attachment as guest
$crawler = self :: request ( 'GET' , " download/file.php?id= { $this -> data [ 'attachments' ][ $this -> data [ 'posts' ][ 'Re: Download Topic #1-#2' ]] } " , array (), false );
self :: assert_response_status_code ( 200 );
$content = self :: $client -> getResponse () -> getContent ();
$finfo = new finfo ( FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE );
self :: assertEquals ( 'image/jpeg' , $finfo -> buffer ( $content ));
public function test_softdelete_post ()
$this -> login ();
$this -> load_ids ( array (
'forums' => array (
'Download #1' ,
'topics' => array (
'Download Topic #1' ,
'posts' => array (
'Download Topic #1' ,
'Re: Download Topic #1-#2' ,
$this -> add_lang ( 'posting' );
$crawler = self :: request ( 'GET' , " posting.php?mode=delete&f= { $this -> data [ 'forums' ][ 'Download #1' ] } &p= { $this -> data [ 'posts' ][ 'Re: Download Topic #1-#2' ] } &sid= { $this -> sid } " );
$this -> assertContainsLang ( 'DELETE_PERMANENTLY' , $crawler -> text ());
$form = $crawler -> selectButton ( 'Yes' ) -> form ();
$crawler = self :: submit ( $form );
$this -> assertContainsLang ( 'POST_DELETED' , $crawler -> text ());
$crawler = self :: request ( 'GET' , " viewtopic.php?t= { $this -> data [ 'topics' ][ 'Download Topic #1' ] } &sid= { $this -> sid } " );
$this -> assertContains ( $this -> lang ( 'POST_DISPLAY' , '' , '' ), $crawler -> text ());
public function test_download_softdeleted_post ()
$this -> load_ids ( array (
'forums' => array (
'Download #1' ,
'topics' => array (
'Download Topic #1' ,
'posts' => array (
'Download Topic #1' ,
'Re: Download Topic #1-#2' ,
'attachments' => true ,
$this -> add_lang ( 'viewtopic' );
// No download attachment as guest
$crawler = self :: request ( 'GET' , " download/file.php?id= { $this -> data [ 'attachments' ][ $this -> data [ 'posts' ][ 'Re: Download Topic #1-#2' ]] } " , array (), false );
self :: assert_response_html ( 404 );
$this -> assertContainsLang ( 'ERROR_NO_ATTACHMENT' , $crawler -> filter ( '#message' ) -> text ());
// Login as admin and try again, should work now.
$this -> login ();
// Download attachment as admin
$crawler = self :: request ( 'GET' , " download/file.php?id= { $this -> data [ 'attachments' ][ $this -> data [ 'posts' ][ 'Re: Download Topic #1-#2' ]] } " , array (), false );
self :: assert_response_status_code ( 200 );
$content = self :: $client -> getResponse () -> getContent ();
$finfo = new finfo ( FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE );
self :: assertEquals ( 'image/jpeg' , $finfo -> buffer ( $content ));
public function test_softdelete_topic ()
$this -> login ();
$this -> load_ids ( array (
'forums' => array (
'Download #1' ,
'topics' => array (
'Download Topic #1' ,
'posts' => array (
'Download Topic #1' ,
'Re: Download Topic #1-#2' ,
$this -> add_lang ( 'posting' );
2014-06-14 15:36:36 -07:00
$crawler = $this -> get_quickmod_page ( $this -> data [ 'topics' ][ 'Download Topic #1' ], 'DELETE_TOPIC' );
2014-02-10 12:19:08 +01:00
$this -> assertContainsLang ( 'DELETE_PERMANENTLY' , $crawler -> text ());
$this -> add_lang ( 'mcp' );
$form = $crawler -> selectButton ( 'Yes' ) -> form ();
$crawler = self :: submit ( $form );
$this -> assertContainsLang ( 'TOPIC_DELETED_SUCCESS' , $crawler -> text ());
$crawler = self :: request ( 'GET' , " viewtopic.php?t= { $this -> data [ 'topics' ][ 'Download Topic #1' ] } &sid= { $this -> sid } " );
$this -> assertContains ( 'Download Topic #1' , $crawler -> filter ( 'h2' ) -> text ());
public function test_download_softdeleted_topic ()
$this -> load_ids ( array (
'forums' => array (
'Download #1' ,
'topics' => array (
'Download Topic #1' ,
'posts' => array (
'Download Topic #1' ,
'Re: Download Topic #1-#2' ,
'attachments' => true ,
$this -> add_lang ( 'viewtopic' );
// No download attachment as guest
$crawler = self :: request ( 'GET' , " download/file.php?id= { $this -> data [ 'attachments' ][ $this -> data [ 'posts' ][ 'Re: Download Topic #1-#2' ]] } " , array (), false );
self :: assert_response_html ( 404 );
$this -> assertContainsLang ( 'ERROR_NO_ATTACHMENT' , $crawler -> filter ( '#message' ) -> text ());
// Login as admin and try again, should work now.
$this -> login ();
// Download attachment as admin
$crawler = self :: request ( 'GET' , " download/file.php?id= { $this -> data [ 'attachments' ][ $this -> data [ 'posts' ][ 'Re: Download Topic #1-#2' ]] } " , array (), false );
self :: assert_response_status_code ( 200 );
$content = self :: $client -> getResponse () -> getContent ();
$finfo = new finfo ( FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE );
self :: assertEquals ( 'image/jpeg' , $finfo -> buffer ( $content ));
public function load_ids ( $data )
$this -> db = $this -> get_db ();
if ( ! empty ( $data [ 'forums' ]))
$sql = ' SELECT *
FROM phpbb_forums
WHERE ' . $this->db->sql_in_set(' forum_name ', $data[' forums ' ]);
$result = $this -> db -> sql_query ( $sql );
while ( $row = $this -> db -> sql_fetchrow ( $result ))
if ( in_array ( $row [ 'forum_name' ], $data [ 'forums' ]))
$this -> data [ 'forums' ][ $row [ 'forum_name' ]] = ( int ) $row [ 'forum_id' ];
$this -> db -> sql_freeresult ( $result );
if ( ! empty ( $data [ 'topics' ]))
$sql = ' SELECT *
FROM phpbb_topics
WHERE ' . $this->db->sql_in_set(' topic_title ', $data[' topics ' ]);
$result = $this -> db -> sql_query ( $sql );
while ( $row = $this -> db -> sql_fetchrow ( $result ))
if ( in_array ( $row [ 'topic_title' ], $data [ 'topics' ]))
$this -> data [ 'topics' ][ $row [ 'topic_title' ]] = ( int ) $row [ 'topic_id' ];
$this -> db -> sql_freeresult ( $result );
$post_ids = array ();
if ( ! empty ( $data [ 'posts' ]))
$sql = ' SELECT *
FROM phpbb_posts
WHERE ' . $this->db->sql_in_set(' post_subject ', $data[' posts ' ]);
$result = $this -> db -> sql_query ( $sql );
while ( $row = $this -> db -> sql_fetchrow ( $result ))
if ( in_array ( $row [ 'post_subject' ], $data [ 'posts' ]))
$this -> data [ 'posts' ][ $row [ 'post_subject' ]] = ( int ) $row [ 'post_id' ];
$post_ids [] = ( int ) $row [ 'post_id' ];
$this -> db -> sql_freeresult ( $result );
if ( isset ( $data [ 'attachments' ]))
$sql = ' SELECT *
FROM phpbb_attachments
WHERE in_message = 0 AND ' . $this->db->sql_in_set(' post_msg_id ' , $post_ids );
$result = $this -> db -> sql_query ( $sql );
while ( $row = $this -> db -> sql_fetchrow ( $result ))
$this -> data [ 'attachments' ][( int ) $row [ 'post_msg_id' ]] = ( int ) $row [ 'attach_id' ];
$this -> db -> sql_freeresult ( $result );